Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 27 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 103 1 (Reuters Agency wires. By submarine NECESSARY TO DEPLETE RESERVES OF ENGLISH COMPANIES. Official Statements Show Heavy Liabilities. London, April 2<>, 1.55 p.m. 1 lie Royal Insurance Company elates that its possible liabilities on account of the San Francisce disaster are X ,1,350,000 sterling. Inc London and Lancashire Fire
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  • 303 1 CURIOUS EXPERIMENT IN MESMERISM. Dr. John Duncan Quackenbos, says the M Progressive Thinker, 1 a member o( the London Society for Psychical Research, Fellow of the New York Academy of M< dicine. and a member of the Ametican Association for the advancement of science, announced his latest
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  • 294 1 Phri i enterprising Americans are running a bullock-power tram line m the island of Luzon, between the town-. of Daet and Mercedes. The rolling stocks, rails, etc., were purchased from the old Manila street railway, which has lately been replaced by an electric line. The line is
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  • 102 1 The Yorodzu states thai th<- Mikasa might have been raised much rarlier, if ordinary methods had been it-sorted to. The authorities, however, are anxious to preserve her fighting [»wer as much as possible, and hence the prolongation of the work. Hut all the preparations for the
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  • 43 1 According t<> the Perak Ptonetr, the rubber boom is waxing strongei tlian ever. In Batang Padang applications for laud aggregate I^,ooo acres m extent. In the District of tarul applications ha\« been registered foi about 5.000 acres (Renter*! A^eacj mism, Ky submarm.' telegraph.)
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  • 208 1 WINNERS IN Fl N( ING W > SWIMMING Al ATHENS GERMANS DEFEATED BY NINE HITS ACAINST TWO. London, April *6, ft.so a.m. Ihe Englishmen have heat the Germans m the Olympic Gam< Athena m fencing by nine hits against two. Mr. 11. Paylor, an Englishman, w*n the mile
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  • 17 1 London, April 2(\ 8.50 a.m. Phe Transvaal's assistance is keenly ippreciated m N. 1 it.
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  • 452 1 The Siam Observe* thus rubs it m to the riming Gatette: It might be wished that Straits pan i s would be a little less Pharisaical when talking about reforms m the Sianx c Malay States. fhe propositions on which they continually ring the rhangi s might
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  • 151 1 An observani person from Australia tells the Sydney Daily Telegraph the following touching tale of Num. which he visited recently. "It doe- not stiikr one as being at all a desirable place to live m. The climate is such thai you cm hatch duck eggs
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  • 58 1 The )"">(/. /t undcrstaiidsjthal imkonatious with America concerning .1 reciprocal tariff are likel) to come t»» a «UCCe«sful is-ne at an tarl\ date When tl»t- treat) is ugned, American Hour will be imported to Japan tier oi duty, while Japanese habutayc and mIU exported to America will U-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 284 1 Ok Paper for the People. Che Best rtduertisina IPCiiium m the Straits. John Little Co. Ltd. 50//;e Reasons Why .w--agents Rurke'^ I Per Case of 1 fUI *^V. %3 4 doz. Quarts Guinness* t Per Case of IVr LI 1 8 Doz; Pints ENJOYS ITS WORLD- 8 235 WIDE REPUTATION.
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    • 594 1 THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS IS: Apollinaris Supplied under Royal warrant* of appointment to II 1/ THE KING The "Stationer's Hall," 6, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. I UK CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE EAST, FOR EVERY DESCRIPTI(>\ OF STATK ).\KKV AND BINDINT, REQUISITES. PRINTING. I hi- department is replete with up-to-date types
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    • 366 1 P Special Holiday to CEYLON, t/fr Newera Eliya %JU 6,200 Feet is the most accessible I I hill station from the \J BStraits Settlements. Beautiful Scenery, Magnificent climate, Good Hotels. Mountain home for Europeans. A health station for invalids A place of education for children. An attractive holiday resort for
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    • 9 1 Uk Guarantee the largest Circulation of anp paper Singapore.
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY, 2th APRIL.
    • 1437 2 1 he recent conduct of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners has led the Hongkong Tdegrapk to wonder whether, after all, that city really wants a Municipal Council, tor which it> paper.-, have been making numerous frantic appeals. I he TeUgrupk says Many people m Hongkong rre quite convinced that
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  • 1355 2 An interesting correspondence on the above subject is going on m the columns of th< Daily M 1 Our reader- will doubtless b<surprised to learn that, if this correspondence may be taken as a criterion, opinion at home seems to be very equally divided on the subject whether
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  • 98 2 Hongkong has declared Singapon an infected port. I'm new Tank Road Rail* Station ha^ been completed and will be opened for traffic <>n Tuesday next Mr. I). G. Campbell, British Resident of Negri Serabilan, arrived l«\ the F. If. S. Yacht Meran yesterday. H\ the good offices of the courteous
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 488 2 Fussells Silver I JW^^S^fl butterfly FULL CREAM MILK, Evaporated Unsiueetened. !b Ti»s. Ib. Tins. Cts. Cts. Per tin 0 20 j Per tin 0 10 dozen 2 35 dozen 1 20 case 4 dozen 9 30 case 8 dozen 9 40 km exkra tin given free with every dozen. THOMPSON
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    • 222 2 ORIENTAL HOTEL 596 E-D NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, TKis Hotel Jtast Opened. Draft Ale and Stout, and all Wines and Liquors of the best quality, at moderate prices. Proprietor. H THOMPSON, Dental Surgeon. 16, Stamford Road. First Floor Whiteaway Laidlaw's Buildings, Hours from 9 a.m.to 1 p.m. 2 i.m. to 5
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    • 65 1 L VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. Ifotmifom, H. M. tug-boat, Capt. Mellar, t gth Apl. From Colombo, 4th Apt -U. -Rds Sm ffatft, Light-house tender, 48 tons registered, 30 crew. 100 h.p. Nacodah, 1 2th Dec. from Malacca, nth Dec. Colonial Government. -Rds. Sm Mac, Govt. str. 500 displacement,
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    • 639 1 Augsburg, Ger. str. *»76$ tons, Capt Paulsen, 2t-t Apl From Sydney, 2nd Apl. Gx Behn Mover Co. For. Hamburg, I*. —Rds. tmhntf. Brit str. 135 ion*, Capt Scott, 2;th Apl. From Pontianak, 13rd Apl. G.c, and 34 d.p. Wee Bin and Co For Pontianak, U. Rds. Arratoon Af>car,
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    • 522 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid r™n>»w Issued. paid up. Value, up. COMPAM. Quotations. GOLD. $135,000 140,000 10 10 Bersawah Gold 11. Co LM. $12.50 sellers $40,000 10 10 Do. Do. Deferred 1 *.25 $600,000 C/'O.COj 10! 10 I'ruseh Hyr'raulic Tin M. (o. Ltd. H. 50 $200,000 onnnnn 10
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    • 30 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday *he 4 ma bank rate at. 24 7 The Mercantile Bank quoted 24 7 < 16-
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    • 147 1 Gambier 7-° do Cube No. i 10.62^ do do No. 2 10.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 20.62$ do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c.,, 28.37 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) 33. do (So to the lb.) 59. Mace (Banda) '45--1 Cloves (Araboina) 33Liberian Coffee 20. Tapioca, small pearl (Fair)
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    • 136 1 On Lomaom—Bvak a m/s 2/4 7/16 do. 6 m/s. 2/4 13/16 (Jto ati\- Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3 m/s 2.45 do. 6 m/s 2.47 Ow Framr Bank d/d 1.95 Private 3 m/s 3.00 do. 6 m/s 3.02 On India Bank T. T. 175! Private 30 d/s 1 774
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 205 1 MAILS TO ARRIVE. From Europe By the P. ft O. s Dongola, due rBth April. From China— By the P. Ac O. Arcadia, due to-day. Ai C AD A kIPCC ULtAnANoto. Thursday, April /im Mara lor Colombo and Bombay. Vmkmfyn Pootianak Pmktmm Bangkok. farfmOm Tringginu. Haimbmm Saigon. Oceana Copenhagen. Arcadia
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    • 695 2 Nmmt /'or/, Probable daft' oj arrival, and Ag€MtS. Mi op-War, ».vt Andionv.da, (Brit, em.;, Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit cru-X Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit cm.t, England Soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit cru.) England soon. Natal, (lirit. mi.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit. g'bt.). Plymouth, soon. Sli AMIR>.; Acilia. Hamburg, May
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    • 82 2 Wh-irves at which different Ships are berthed. East Wharf: S. Van Langkat Victoria Graving Dock. De Eeerens. Albert Craving Dock. -Nil Section No. 1 Baron Androssan, Van den Bosch Crown of Castile, Maria Rickmers. 2 Teesta, I'hode Fagelund. 3 NilM 4 Sanctoria. M 5 Minilya. 6
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    • 266 2 Cowl*, Brit J»i<s tons, apt. Me Dowell, 25th Apl. From P. Samboe. icth Apl. Oil Syme ACo For Europe, 26th Rds. El<i>. Brit Str tons, Capt Baker. _\;th Apl. From New Castle, 4th Apl. Coal Syme Co. L".- Rds. Hong B** Bril str. v oc6 tons. Capt. Hams
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    • 140 2 n ow jli Co. -'B— At "Bale-aye, teak household l'urahure i-so p. m. n 28— At No. 49 Spottiswoode Park Road teak household furniture, 2. p.m. May I— At Sale-room, iiouse No. 113 Bukit Timah Road. 2.30 p.m .1 1 At Sale-room, Chinese house No 81 Oulram Road.
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    • 92 2 According to a London telegram ot April 3, to the Osaka Maiiuclii, the Chinese Commissioners who are now m Lngland were entertained at London by the Lord Mayor on the previous day. Unfortunately," the Chief Commissioner, Duke Tsai Tsze, baa been prostrated by the
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    • 74 2 While we arc regaled with the story ol famine m Japan, reports from Alaska bring news of devastation and death among the unfortunate natives. A Seattle dispatch says: "Native- »taryiug t<> death m the Kuskowin district <>t Alaska. Dying by the BCOTe a- a result of .1
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    • 73 2 The Selangor Turf Club propose lo hold races ai Ku ila Lumpur, on the 19th, 2 1 si and :jiicl June next, with eight events on tlie first day and seven each on the remaining days Thi Straits Trading Company has contributed *2,cc Ir A. Huttendach Siooo, to the Birch
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 3 fWILL BE MADI ONE OF M OSI BEAUTIFUL CITII IN IMI WORLD. Lond< >\. April ?<>, j p :i. ration <>i San Francis liv telephotv I sei •es art alre id) rens has t of havinj the I out m Midi a manner i one of
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    • 37 3 IIP! I rY TO rRIPLE v I AND IN riMA WITH I ND. 1.. \> n, April i irlini, the Italian I policy of yto the 1 tradition; I intimacy w itli iiu! sincere fi i
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    • 26 3 i I NCED BY RALF< >U< AS CLASS LEGISLA I l< >N. 1...\ I'm Bill has been House i, amid general II station.
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    • 18 3 A; G( I RNMEN I GIVES WARNING ;>. m. tent h.is < all ableges ol
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    • 5 3 2 p.m.
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    • 15 3 i IKM IN I 20. Euroted to rs is m£ ipean ismess
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    • 13 3 s, Apri 17. eying inhurt, the to Urn
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    • 16 3 Api 17. d 1 *itrol department ir, Chin;. I no** rtmeni was only
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    • 14 3 i, Ap 17. Lte 1 Russia after the opening
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    • 69 3 Lup at 2 nd p.m., at tin La! the 1 of the v'oluutecr.) joo, 1,000 and -ion Su the cc, ail Volunteer units ements ami mci 0 1 Cup, will be shot for on instant at Ip. at joo, >|>« v t
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    • 85 3 d Whampoa Dock lunche I built kon^oi China. Sh< is i for the („m-- el ol over ;,000 >h ""l*n, a sister ship to the *****"•ulllf| buih at home V ni !t dently iwume, ;v l< an hour on ;V morning at the junction of 1 a and Tliomson Road
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    • 2214 3 Ix W LIN Liiii SWKI (MKCASED) txpmrt S. R. M. Scferamam Cmwty. •Ar. Cleaver appeared for the Chetty anu Mr. Linmcrson lor the Official Assignee. •ii. Uleaver explained that Ins motion Mras that the sum ol $4,750 now id the hands ol his client be released
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    • 1013 3 Tin Odiyappa Chetty Case. The preliminary hearing of the charge against Odiyappa Chettv for giving talse evidence m a judicial proceeding was continued yesterday before Mr Colman. 1 his case had its origin m a money transaction between the Chettv and a Japanese woman named Sunau who keeps
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    • 54 3 THE coming croquet tournament of the L. L. T. C. is to include three events a mixed doubles championship open, singles handicap and mixed doubles handicap. For the first named event members may nominate strangers who will be compelled to pay an entrance fee of S3. The entries will dose
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    • 923 3 |E I). M. Competition.] H is possible that but a limited numt ber of the European inhabitants of this island ot Singapore sufficiently realize the beauties of the luxuriant vegetation picturesque scenery, and charming views that exist m the surrounding hills I know I did
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    • 77 3 The marine Court had an exceptionally busy day yesterday. All bin Matman, aeramg >t the launch Success, was fined Sio and costs for rash navi gation, his vessel having narrowly escaped a collision with the Government launch Albuquerque. Messrs. Gaggino cV Co. were fined t>s and costs
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    • 89 3 It was currently reported about town yesterday that a lady, staving at one of our principal hotels, had died of cholera. An E. I). M. reporter interviewed the Manager of the h>icl m question as to the accuracy of the rumour, but was told that the canard
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    • 77 3 It may not be generally known but it is nevertheless true, says the Prrak I'iomrr. that landed property m Penang having a ro.id frontage traversed by tlie iron horse (tramwa3 -> i- not mud) sought attcr and has therefore declined m value. We k""^ exactly similar houses standing back to
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    • 217 3 MALAYS BURN 111 KIR OWN HOUSE AND ACCUSE A CHINAMAN. Ilk peculiar antipathy of Pahang Malays towards Chinese is illustrated by the subjoined report from the Perak Pioneer of a case recently dispostfd of by the Chief Judicial Commi sioner. Two Temerloh Malays, d. respectively, Awang^ Ngah and
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    • 73 3 Mr. C. J. N tylor, a bannster-at-law, well known m Bangkok and Hongi w as introduced to the our! yesterd iv morning by Mr, Hugh Fort, who applied for the usual permission thai Mr. Nay lor be allowed to practice at the local bar. The usual certificates
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    • 73 3 To-day, April 27th. Hi^li Water. 0-1 ;i.m. 0-52 p.m. hildien's Concert, >-.y> p.m. To-morrow, April 2dtb. Hißli Water. 0-'2T a.m. I --r> p.m S. V. A. Rifle Club Sho..t. Town Band, Ksplan ide, 5 I )m F. O. outward mail due. Sunday, April 29th. Migfa Water, 056 a.m.
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    • 402 3 AK A RULE II IKY \KK LJNEDU /VTED Ml N Caesai Lombroso published an article entitled The Psychology of the Mill 1 mi m Austl i.m |t i|kt in which tin- l< irned writci discussed the physical and mental traits «'t famous millionaires such as Astor, Vanderbilt,
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    • 111 3 I mi .1 W. 11. Jones, 95th RumclU [nfantry, IH'i by the P <>. ■>..,. Arcadia lit night foi Bombay. During the week ending April list there were 351 deaths m Singapore, which were cholei a caw I he total uml cr t ca»ea o( th.it th-< tt U p
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 95 3 ROBINSON __f^ and Co. FIXED EX6HANGE KREDUCEO PRI6E Rakiab Bicpclcs 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes POMP! CTt I With Silver Plated /.<n<i/>. Bell and all I Accemtoiiea V I %Jm The "Raleigh" machines Represent TUC DCQT ROBINSON S, Co. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. 1 The Best Hotel that has
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 300 4 i SMOKE Best Ittoulmein Cigars. Owing to im v ot exchange and a great demand for this brand of Cigars i. 1 urge consignment! of same from Moulmein, we have decided > reduce the price from date. Can Ix bought at 81.501 1.30, 1.10 ami cents per packet of 100
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      • 707 4 BANKS. 8 Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110.000.0U0 RESERVE FUND Sttrling Reserve $10,000,000 «iysOoO<in Silver Reserve 'J600.000 '^.UU.Uoo Kr serve ILiability «>t Proprietors 510,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt. Eaq Chairman. I Hon. C. W. Dickson D« puty-('hairman. f K. Cmetz, Ksq. H. E. Tomkins Eaq, S C. R.
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      • 576 4 tC t wt JC X j ,JJ lf"^< X X >t X II X M J<, ,7^-* MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gam bo Yuman Mak Dabu Noori r Ban^au Loiikin Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua Tengah malam Pei mata
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      • 307 4 THATJIS FRASER N EAVES AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been ap}X)inted General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie Co.,
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      • 478 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS. FO: PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses. Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Forthiomt. Mouth ajJWFOWh or under 50 < t>. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5O 75 CtS. 2. JO 3
        478 words
      • 365 4 R SALE, WANTED, ETC, TO BE LET. v To be Let. Nl> Batti v Road on md Floor. Apply to GUTHRII To be Let A I ompound Hou woode i'.rk. 1,,,-. bed rooms,* Stables AppIytoJSUTHRIE* TO BE LET, From \lu: isi Awil h«»e N,, ,08, Ell X Scrucgoofl Ro^j Appl
        365 words