Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 25 April 1906

Total Pages: 4
5 8 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 502 5 THOUSAND-YEAR-OLD PRODUCT DUG UP IN A SWAMP Hie current annual report (the 31st) of the Ontario Agricultural College contains some account of Irish bog butter, a sample of which was sent to the college laboratory. It is stated to have been found m the county Kildare, Ireland,
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  • 191 5 THE BATU TIGA (SELANGOR) RUBBER COMPANY, LTD. By the contract for sale of the BatU 1 iga (Selangor) Rubber Company (Limited,) the vendor company agree to guarantee an average dividend al the rate of per cent, per annum for 4 years, depositing the necessary amount with bankers. Any amount provided
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  • 212 5 A IBOSt singular story has Irhm Miit t) u> by a Canadian officer, who says he heard it m Japan. 1 1< writes 1 lie story goes thai Maj-Gencral Sir I lo tor Mardonald was approached by the Japanese authorities, some years igo, to join
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  • 48 5 A i UIUOUB >crat-pin worn l>\ Liverpool man w petrified human eye, set m a gold t.ame. The present owner of this singular ornament round I it m Peru while he was on an explOTi >ng tour m the land of the local with j arty of scientists.
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  • 99 5 I RUMl'll I >X MODERN ENGINEERING a 1 SAN FRANCIS* <>• TOTAL LOSSeS SIXTY MILLIONS STERLING. I ONDON, April 14, S.jo a.m. Ihe pra 1•- restoration <>t the < ty of San Francisco has already begum. Thus far about five hundred bodies have been recovered, Phe extent
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  • 71 5 GENERAL STRIKE II DEMANDS ARE REFUSED LoKDON, April j.j, B.ao a m. Ninety-seven pei cent 01 the im.ooo Lancashire cotton spinners and 1 room workers involved m the dispute with their employers have voted m favour of a strike if their demands arc refused. It is believed
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  • 62 5 NATAL WANTS ANN KIND <>X rROOPS P. I' I ENGLISH. I mm.n, A' I 24, 8-• a.m. Natal is ice thousand mounted native iin. Ihe Premier, m .1 speech to hia constituent-, rejected totally the idea of requisitioning Imperial assistance, which would entitle the Imperial Government to
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  • 55 5 NEITHER COUN 1 RY FULL MEMBER OF POSTAL UNION. London, A|>i il 14,8.20 a.m. Abyssinia has been granted deliberative status .n tlic I'ost.il Cong with a view t<> her impending entry into the Postal Union, while China, winch is not ;>t preseni entering the Union, his been
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  • 345 5 A couple ol nit n, strangers, sat down together to lunch m a restaurant m a Midland city. One noticed thai the other was r< iding .1 < lolonial |> i The two ,u'>t into conversation, and the first, pointing to the newspaper, ascertained that the other was
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  • 170 5 A correspondent, "Shanghai," writes to tin- ft Express respecting John Chinaman on tin Kami. "Sometime ago you reviewed Mr. Putnam VVeale's book on the "Re shaping <•! the I v East, but youi reviewer appears to h.i\< overlooked an opinion <>v the Rand-coolie question, given l>v Mr.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 329 5 Che Paper for the People. Cbe Best Advertising medium m toe Straits. John Little Co. Ltd. I Uteri c^7T~ Some Reasons Why .fr SOLE J (f--agents 'Rnrkp'^ Per Case of LJUI IVC J 4 doz. Quarts Guinness' $16.75. c^ fr oil Per Case of W3 Ul 8 Doz: Pints ENJOYS
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    • 322 5 THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS IS: Apollinaris Supplied under Royal warrants of appointment to H M THE KING The "Stationer's Hall," to, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE EAST. FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF STATIONERY AND BINDING REQUISITES. PRINTING, fhia department is replete with up-to-date types and machinery and
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    • 412 5 P Special Holiday to CEYLON, fir Newera Eliya 00 6,200 feet Ois the most accessible hill station from the Straits Settlements. Beautiful Scenery, Magnificent climate, Good Hotels. A Mountain home for Europeans. A health station for invalids. A place of education for children. An attractive holiday resort for Visitor^. CHEAP
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    • 10 5 Ule Guarantee the Caraest Circulation of anp Paper m Singapore.
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  • 357 6 The Eestern Daily Wall. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 25TH APRIL. THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEER. The Singapore correspondent of the Soatk China Post gives the following fair and sensible account of our Municipal muddle The resignation of Mr. Peirce, the Municipal Engineer, has caused quite a deal of excitement here. Briefly, Mr.
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  • 146 6 Mr. C K. Tuan bas evidently touched upon a subject which has been deeply pondered by the rising generation of the Straits Chinese, am! the major portion of th»voluminous correspondence which we haw received upon the subject has given evidence that the young Babas are thoroughly awake and
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  • 1151 6 INDUSTRIAL LIFE IN ENGLAND GERMANY, AND AMERICA. No work of such outstanding interest and importance has appeared for many years as the two volumes just published by Dr. Arthur ShftdweU somewhat inadequately entitled "Industrial Efficiency." Dr. Shadwell has had the rare good fortune to visit and
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  • 111 6 The last mail from Home brings news of the death m London, on 29th ult., of Mr. Ernest Shropshire, advocate and solictor, who left Penang for Home on the 21st February last. The late Mr. Shropshire was formerly an articled clerk to Messrs. Hogan and
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  • 65 6 The match arranged between the S. C. C. and the Garrison for Friday, has been postponed until Monday. Another Russian transport arrived yesterday. The Korea has on board 12 officers and 2,145 soldiers bound from Vladivostock to Odessa. The quarantine regulations are being rigidly enforced. Many prosecutions for their violation
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  • 522 6 NEW AMERICAN CONSULAR SERVICE BILL. The Hongkong Tiltgrapk is informed by Mr. Wilbur T. Gracey, acting American Consul-General at that place, that he is m receipt of news by private telegram to the effect that the Bill providing for the re-organization of the American Consular
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  • 294 6 [From Native !'a; RUSSIANS IN AMUR DISTRK It is rep 'iied that ihe Ru troops arc still stationed m the Amur District and tint since the conclusion of the war there have been no signs of their withdrawal. Fbese troop- are most lawless m their behaviour and are
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  • 90 6 "What is Brass?' 1 "Whiskera on the face of the earth." What is a miracle? Please, sir, it is a thing that happens m America." A Conservative is a man who looks down on Liberals a Liberal is a man who spends the people's money freely." "What
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  • 52 6 Excepting m the rubber companies I shares, there has been a general slight slump m the share market during tin present week. Tin Town ami Volunteer Hand will play at the Esplanade this evening from 5 to 6 and at the same hour to-moi row at the High Service Reservoir,
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    • 28 6 we can always accomm with a little loan onth I entails such i w I fewjthousand dollars f 0 1 needs that we effort. Malay Mail.
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    • 26 6 Ihe p die lease ol this Pearl i been very high-h i It has been from 8 riedouton the p right HindouOrgan I
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    • 21 6 Lrossm. several genei r m andvigo and ,1 o| country which Wi m the Km Manila.
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    • 37 6 Ihe State m ist c >m< of the small miner ncr [Tie State M which we turn must Boon be establisl price of tin is high an I i eager to labour.
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    • 38 6 We a- wild 1 1 r portion ofi the formation m 1 cultural banks. :m .l tp ►sition .»f the p oi' the public whom the risr of the dollar w mill. -Perak v
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    • 38 6 we an warn water we must 1. much it m ly please tru see us 1 ng m th.- r that this storm 1 ent and »upj 'tn the M I we paj sky. Sfaffl
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    • 42 6 I Our readers ested to know that n I now levied m factu rubber il 1 th- ler or an by the XI step, the rul I m Malaya and doubtless hea date as to the bet:- m S
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    • 4 6
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    • 270 6 H Sir, What 1 rea m den on ix-tu a- i 1] term not quit im: i ■re wrongful i 8 i DM wry nuic.i. I. for one, ju m Singapore a> well iiK.it' d peopl not want a-. pel I well. lii :u mtnts I >!
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    • 122 6 Hrn Kilii i. SIX. 1 Marriage Ceresaonj among I Chinese it aver) important on which cm be heard di« u» Chinese everywhere, m < lubs, K« i at dinnei tabl< >. etc Mr. nlg g#*»in— ihould, I ihink, adopted bj the educated .me* 1 am surprised to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 502 6 Fresh Fruits vJTJST .j^ttttTVttJD Pears 0 A. A Thompson Thomas Co. I Jtustralian Stores. fChe Sea View RotelJ X ATOIsTGIntending Boarders and 1 at the above Hotel are requested I kindly to make their application- for Rooms as carlv as possible The O -j Management will be gi id to
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    • 410 6 ORIENTAL HOTEL 596 E-D NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, This Hotel Jttst Opened. Draft Ale and Stout, and all Wines and Liquors of the best quality, at moderate prices. R. 808, I Proprietor. H THOMPSON, Dental Surgeon, 1 6, Stamford Road, (First Floor) Whiteaway LaMUaw's Btdldim/s, Hours from 9 a.m.to 1 p.m.
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  • 43 7 "South China Post sen ice.) Shanghai, April 16. An Imperial oecree has been issued at Peking dismissing the Governor of Kiangs. province for permitting the Nanohang murders of missionaries n Ac capital of the province, where he habW rc^' and SCndi
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  • 43 7 f" South China Post" service.) Washington, April 16. Ihe resignation of President Castro is considered as only a temporary expedient to facilitate the settlement of trouble with foreign powers. The Government at Washington is closely watching the President's theatrical operations.
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  • 42 7 South China Post service.) London, April 15. In an articie dwelling on the critical situation m Russia to-day, the "Times" urges tlic necessity of instituting reforms. It further advises the Czar to fulfil the promises made to the people.
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  • 47 7 Lonix N, April. 24, \2-$o p.m. y rains an having g the fires, on the re ten ibly increasing i j which already prevails a^ p out m the at the area dese ol >>ne and miles by three and one
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  • 23 7 N Gt'LF INCLUDED IN HA! I RU A LINK SERVI m. g Amerif Line antly inaugurate n Europe and
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  • 24 7 MANY LIVI 5T IN BAY > \V. m. ncnt training :ed and foundray during u r ale. wliom ere s cd.
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  • 11 7 001 I" >\VN IN m. which district, nich
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  • 16 7 IP AND NURSES 51 FFERERS RE p.m. ety is getner the as through the
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  • 25 7 1 BY PRESIDEN I April 2;. 1 2-30 p.m. resent on a entertained I) m their honour by the French Republic.
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  • 17 7 IN nil- POSTAL NGRESS m, April 24, 1 j-',: p.m. accorded a vote
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  • 23 7 l( K> N« .\v rHREATENED. April 24, 1 2.30 p.m. out-break of fire m San I xtend to the
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  • 19 7 April 24, 1 2-30 p.m. four hundred thousand Great Britain, the enses incurred for the epedition.
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  • 51 7 CHINA PROTESTS. legraph service.) Shanghai, April i'>. 1 1 < Kwemment have dc- telegrams to their >n London and Washington 1 to protest against the r Great Britain and America 1 1 as >1>t .'M should be Cl ese police with the affording adequate protection to
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  • 27 7 M R BRYAN FOR PRESIDENT. 1 fcouth China p ,si service) y Lomdoii, April 12. Bryan has decided to stand for The New York upporting his Candida-
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  • 21 7 Manila An.cru an" Mrvic*.) Sam \'u.- n(. ls April 7. abanl^w flt Saghalien has been the Russian government
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  • 41 7 ("South China Post service London, April 15. The journalists of New York have entertained Maxime Gorky, the Ru>sian revolutionary and novelist. He states that his mission to America is to obtain funds for overthrowing the government m Russia
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  • 46 7 "South Ciina Post" service London, April 15. The "Times" criticism of Lord Kitchener's reform^ m the military administration of India is ridiculed m military circles. M. Labori, who had the fullest confidence m Lord Kitchener, considers him to be the foremost of living soldiers.
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  • 44 7 Hongkong Telegraph ser\ ice.' Shanghai, April 12. .Marquis Oyama, who held the post 1 G nveroor of Formosa, to which he was appointed at the conclusion of the late war, has retired. iscount Kodama Sakuma has been appointed to the vacancy.
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  • 137 7 "Mania American" service.) N w V. rk, April 10. Financial circles are greatly excited over the coup just engineered by George Gould m completing a deal with the Nurd Deutscher Lloyd people to enter the Pacific carrying trade. So quietly were the negotiations carried on that neither
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  • 50 7 Manila Cablenews service.! New York, April 10 Suit ha- been commenced against former President McCurdy and his son, Robert H. McCurdy, of the Mutual Life Insurance Co., for over a million dollars. The Court is asked to direct an accounting covering the period of their operations.
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  • 117 7 I Manila American" service.) San Francisco, April 7. A reign of terror has been inaugurated at St. Petersburg and every official of the Government is filled with fear for his life. Threats are daily received by the members of the Cabinet and the very air
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  • 176 7 Y< -terday afternoon the S. R. C. played the bandsmen of the Sherwood FoPCSten at hockey on the Club ground. During the first half of the 1 game the ball was m the vicinity of the military goal and ten minutes after play commenced a goal was scored to
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  • 42 7 K< utor*- Agency wires. By submarine v graph.) 1 "South China Post" service.) Loni>on, April 15. Count dc Witte declares that the new loan will be applied to the discharge of existing obligations, and not to any new enterprises.
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  • 34 7 WILL EQUIP s.o VOLUNTEERS. London, April 24, 12-30 p m 11k fransvaal Governmenl has made an offer to Natal to furnish, equip and maintain, a corps of five hundred vol-
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  • 79 7 BRITAIN RECOGNIZES CHINESE i i< >K.\ n:. April -'4, 1 2-30 p.m. i; s correspondent, wiring from tates mat the Anglo-Thi-has been signed at lor the recognition of ectoratc over Thibet. it is stipulated that hall nn' interfere with iflfa rs of Thibet unless Lgreed 10
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  • 1603 7 (Btfore Mr. Justice Fisher.) THE KUALA LUMPOR TEMPLE CASE. There was a large attendance of the Chetty community m the Supreme Court yesterday for the hearing of this case. Mr. Fort addressed the Court on the question of jurisdiction, and after quoting precedents contained m the
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  • 1341 7 JUVENILE BEGGARS. Three children, a boy and two little girls, were charged "by Inspector Sullivan yesterday with begging at the Kandarig Kerbau Police barracks. The father of the children was called. He was dressed like a Malay Hadjee but could not speak Malay. He was originally a Chinaman
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  • 302 7 A private letter from Hangchow states that there are several thousand outlaws and desperadoes at present m the prefecture of Chinhua, the members of which arc not natives of the soil but people from other provinces who have drifted into that region. These outlaws the other day
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  • 39 7 THE monthly meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association will be held at the Chinese Girls' School to-day at 5-15 p.m. Mrs. Lyons, of the Methodist Mission m the Philippines, will give an address and ladies will be welcomed.
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  • 692 7 "A MOST URGENT NEED FOR STRAITS CHINESE GIRLS. ("E. IX M." Competition.) Illiteracy is very noticeable among Straits Chinese girls. Chinese parents are adverse to sending their daughters to school. They keep their girls at home from infancy to womanhood and teach them nothing but cooking and the
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  • 56 7 To-day, April 2*tb. High Water. M-»7 a .m. li-C a.m. I*, ft < >. homeward mail due. Town Jim. l, Rsplmade. sto To-morrow, April 26th. High Water. o-l'.» p.m. V. homeward mail loses. Town land, H. S. Riscrvoii, 5 to o. Friday, April 27th. hgh Water, o-l a.m.
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  • 65 7 lm N.VK. Bingo Mii.i from Japan leaves to-daj fa Europe, and "is ih,first or thai company*! fleet to resume the European run since hostilities bel u<cii Russia .Hid Japan were declan d. Mr. I hallooer, ..i "s f >< ttiswoode Park," lias reported to ilu [h.li, v tli.it some miscreant
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 101 7 ROBINSON and 00, FIXED EXCHANGE EREOUeEO PRICE Raleial) Bicpcles 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Silver Plated Lamp. Bell <nid all Accessaries The "Raleigh" machines Represent j TUC DCOT I nd DCLO I ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS Sastern Oriental 3Cotel, PENANG. OIR^G- HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. Sarkies Brothers,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 302 8 SMOKE Best Ittoulmcin Cicjars. Owingto \itv of exchange and a w 1 for this brand oi Cigan 1 ha urgee msignments same from Moulmein, we naive de--1 duct the price from date. bought .11 Si. 50, 1.5 c. 1. 10 and ts per packet o\ 1 1. and 4 respectively.
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    • 691 8 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL #10.000.000 RESERVE FUND sterling Reserve $10,000,000 I #10 v Silver Reserve i»500.00u v $1950 Ax) Rr^erve ILiahihty oi Proprieton $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Ha'.ipt. Ksq -Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dicksoo Depaty-ChainMui, GoeU, Ksq. H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C. R. Lenzraann. D. M.
      691 words
    • 525 8 MALAY RECORDS. I Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong r NandOQg Sayang Gambos Plemban I Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman I Mak Dabu Noori f J Bangui H Loiikin 1 Asan Paya Bunga Tanjong kuala dua M Tengah malam IlVnnata Gambos n Sha'er I Inche Mina Che'long Bana Serampang Sri Perak
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    • 291 8 FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie Sl Co., Ltd.
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    • 492 8 "E. D. M." ADLETS. I PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for aH your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i Week. FoftTMQHT. Mom 25; words or under 50 eta 1.502 003. ex 5° 75 Ct» 2. (x> 3. 00 4 a
      492 words
    • 212 8 TO BE LET. Ma 7 T be L*t. 0 on ,nd 1 1 0 x To be Let A Compound 11,,,,., woode Park i m ,l bed Apply ...Gl-n IRII TO BE LET. From the v NACURDA, PURs^ TO LET. KATON^^ ■\lL\\. Fo V. L. A. LETCHMaI To Let. V.
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