Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 23 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1148 1 FORECAS'I FOR 1900 10 191a. Babu Kadba Ballaa Hassak, 8J... Pleader Judges Court, Deccan, writes thus to the Astrological Migamm under date 15th Feb. 1906 The year i<;o6 having commenced with the sinking of Ve;m«, m Sagittarius, it will tell much upon the persons m tiie X.». il
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  • 235 1 RESIDEN is OF HARBIN THROWN INFO PRISON. A vi idivostock mesa ige n cetaed f>y the l"ku> Asaki asserts that several outrages against Japanese ai Harbin th been perpetrated by the Russians, ll is stated that m addition to the notification previously referred t in these columns, prohibiting
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 335 1 Che Paper for the People the Best Advertising tedium m the Straits. If ATT It J] >^ I Ltd. *^5T* oramophone M- Records. H THOMPSON, Dental Surgeon, 16 Stamford Rocd, First Vloor) Whiteaway Laidlaw's Building**. Hours from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2 i.m. to 5 p.m. Hroyal hotel No.
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    • 334 1 P Special Holiday to CEYLON, t^r Newera Eliya 6,200 feet is the most accessible II hill station from the \J M Straits Settlements. Beautiful Scenery, Magnificent climate, Good Hotels. Mountain home for Europeans. A health station for invalids. place of education for children. An attractive holiday n >rt for Visitors.
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    • 466 1 ai c Guarantee the largest Circulation m Singapore. IF \m ARK A WOMAN Wbat Mrs. Miller Cf Malacca Says Concerning DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS Will Interest You n help wh;< ii Dr. Williams, hnk Pill- give to women at trying' times, w I- 1 thej 'itw r because th< \vom<
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  • 854 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 23RD APRIL A GERMAN WHARE. The Putting GaeetU is fearful that the Germans or other Europeans will obtain a foothold on the Singapore water front. A leaderette m a recent issue of that paper is as follows It has been persistently rumoured
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  • 714 2 Penang still bemoans the failure of the Legislative Council t<» pass the Bill for the Registration <>f Partnerships, or rather a modified Bill with registration m view. As a substitute for the measure proposed by our Attorney-General some months ago, the Pinang GazetU suggests the adoption of
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  • 455 2 An Ordinance fov the negu ition ol the importation, sale and u» line and other dangerous drugs II shortly be introduced m the Leg Phi Mansion House Famine Fund now amount- to over ,£7,000, which supplements previously lected and remitted to Japan. Phe output of the the'lronoh Mine-, Limited, for
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  • 6 2 Uir i
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  • 157 2 Ti,eh«li,,, r nih stand notexi A. mor, univer^l country m ihteßindiipensa perfonu the burial fccedpe. of then, hUMOU early inatnaui U Practice of ad Ol those tO W den wile for any obediuuc n-aw; l, i;: jealousy, q itever kind WOOUU I uaStniti < wife for barren
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  • 75 2 i 5 Sin y observa jrith 1 driven boi ant; wa, at an I to life and tin averaj siden scorn to ail an i lundry, v v in^ the speed limit It to be Been bj i la liei especially down Gaylanj over :> s
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  • 170 2 The I ir y him is i I c. It is now time for I en ti. petitio c Governin Ordinam appointing Ma i .1^ R resistor all legal m I Ml m t C nese lav bigamy, t bxi Amu the Chii were m exist ould
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 413 2 FRESH FRHIT ORANGES 50 cts. a dozen APPLES 50 cts. a dozen DTie 3tustralian Stores. THOMPSON THOMAS k CO. KATOISTG Intending Boarders and Lodgers at the above Hotel arc requested J K ndI > l mak Jheir applicai a f.u- Rooms as early as possible The -j Managemeni be gl
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    • 455 2 THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS IS: Apollinaris Supplied under Royal warrants of appointment to H.M. THE KING The "Stationer's Hall," 6, RAFFLES PLAGE, SINGAPORE. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE EAST, FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF STATIONERY AND BINDING REQUISITES. PRINTING, This department is replete with up-to-date types and machinery and is
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    • 14 2 Tuition. Tuition given m Languages, Mathematics and Science by English certincated tor-chcr Good references.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 68 2 cOMING EYBNTS, To-day. April 2inl.. II Water, lo 1 1 a. in 10St. George't Day. M. M. outward mail d«ie. If, M. homeward nui >ii^ To-morrow, April J+rJ Hi^ i W.u i. 11-14 mi, 1 WJC. i,\ S« ial D Wednesday. April 2,1 b Hi* 1 Water. 1 1- *t
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  • 31 3 Beater Ageecw wins. Qj MbauriM telegraph.) one-fourth of the city 'may be saved. THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND HOMELESS, HUNCRY AND THIRSTY. RES< »X rs DESTR< »Vi:n riDAL WAVE.
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  • 130 3 n April 21, 8.10 a.m. t a daj horror 1 ;.< fi e which ir distinct ion* was threattwenty gees w were hudd ■k. All d with I If- s who assert that nun- c fianu s, ci 11 the I 1
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  • 125 3 1 a MKI'AV Hrn M mn, Mr. J. S M R A. I. Mr. A. Wigley, Mr. resoluMi Derrick and I hi Solomon, was reduced ed into 2: i rli. thel Vi been up. a d up capital '>> !>.< pi shai < which by
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  • 122 3 IIK Sir John Amm rson, X M.G.. p ssag< <>n his return th< P. and O. steamer from London, May 11. annual report of the Government surgi on for the year 1905 iub «"shcdasa suppk unt to the last mment Gaiette. ■;■":<■ hinesi I 1 imberof has been exempted from
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  • 19 3 R'utcr's K ency w.rc-s. Hy submarine telegraph.) DETACHMENT OF DRAGOONS ATTACKED BY SIX HiOUSAND STRIKERS
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  • 133 3 I "M*»n. April 22, 7.35 a.m. A pitched battle between six thousand striken and a detachment of dragoons has taken place between Denain and 1 lavelny. rhe dragoons were compelled to release their prisoners. Two captains and ten troopers C re wounded.
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  • 34 3 PREPARATIONS 1< I CURB LJRKISH AMBI [lONS. Londox, April »i, 1.35 p.m. The British garrison m Egypt is to be increased, presumably owing to I urkish projects m the Sinai Peninsula.
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  • 59 3 THREE KILLED AND rWENTYrWO INJURED ON SHIP. LoiCDi April 7\ 1. p.m. Phree men have been killed and twenty-two injured by a gunnery aca French gunnery instruction Toulon. SULTAN NOT ILL RUM 4 »ir < OFFICIALLY DENIED. London, April ti, 1.35 p.m. furkish Embassy at London itely
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  • 463 3 FUNERAL XI IKS IN ACO tRDANCE WITH HIM) O CUS] 'M. Mr. N -i :-y many year- has been one oi the le Lumpur, died i>. m the i ;th i 1 ear er pears n 1 -v c railway r I eNanu >ya v
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  • 84 3 1 fed that an unsccii power is reaching out to draw me m," said Mr. T. Lewtz, a Mormon, while preacliing at (arson, lowa. U. S., wlien a Hash of lightning came through the roof of the church and killed him. As a meeting of the General Committee of the
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  • 671 3 Will-Know n Samseng. A well-known Samseng, a Chinaman minus his queue, was charged before Mr. Scott for causing hurt to another Chinaman. It appeared that the prosecutor was on his way home m Rochore Road when accused and two others attacked him He called for the police. l)<--fc"id;uit
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  • 129 3 All ILK lIC SPORTS. The Patahal Munir Club, a Malay institution, founded and organised by a band of prominent sporting Malay gentlemen m Singapore, held their yearly sports yesterday afternoon on the gra -l>»pc i.i Gaylang near the 2nd mile stone, m c mnectioa with their reecnt
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  • 55 3 Yet another fatal train accident occurred on Saturday evening m Gaylang. The victim is a Chinese who was struck by a passing oar m the course of a foolhardy attempt to cross the line. He is said to have received shocking injuries, to which lie succcumbed shortly
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  • 46 3 I Yesterday morning, acting under instructions received, P. S. Mohammed No. 7 made a visit to No. 18 Canal Road m which he discovered one thousand taels of opium secreted. The value of the seizure i-> estimated by the police at S 3,000.
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  • 91 3 His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has appointed Mr. H. Muir, Assistant Government Marine Surveyor, Singapore, to be Acting Government Marine Surveyor, I'enang. His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has been pleased provisionally to recognise Mr. Henry Wnugh as American Consular Agent at Penang mar Mr. Otto Schule,
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  • 533 3 S. R. C. 2nd XI v. Band and Drums. On Saturday afterncx)n a second eleven of the S. R. C. played the Band and Drums at cricket on the former's ground. Play commenced at 2 o'clock the Military men taking the field. The S. R. C. found it hard
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  • 200 3 I here was a good muster ot members of the S. V. A. and S. V. I. at the Bak-tier Kitle Range as early as 7 o'clock yesterday morning. The fir->t shoot, when out of thirteen entries the following are the highest scores, was for the
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  • 110 3 A. football match was played on the Ballestier Recreation Club Ground between that team and the Bandsmen of the Ist Notts and Derbys on Saturday evening resulting m a win for the Der- j bys by 3 goals to 1 The teams playing were as follows. Derbyslures. -Capt. Rice,
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  • 58 3 It is notified that Mr. G.S.D. Hamcl, Vice-Consul for the Netherlands, has been attached to the staff of the Con-sulate-General for the Netherlands, Singapore. Tut Office of Clerk, Class IV, Post Office, Penang, is declared to hv vacated on account of the absence of the holder, A. S. Barookh, without
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  • 273 3 On Saturday ni-lu the Lusitani m Club m Waterloo Street presented quite a gala appearance, the hall beii thronged with friend- of both sex< 3 invited for the occasion, who vofc d the entertainment an unqualified success throughout There was both local and instrumental music and
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  • 180 3 Registered on March 7 1 H. with capital of j~. 20,000, m £1 shares, ti> acquire ami deal m land or other immovable property m the Malay peninsula, or elsewhere, to adopt an agreement with P. W. Parkinson, to carry on any investment, financial and agency
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  • 553 3 LARGE ATTENDANCE AT THE V.M.C.A. ON SATURDAY NIGHT. Be lore a large assembly m the main upper hall of the local Y. M C A building on Saturday night, Mr. C B Buckley gave a very interesting lecture on "Mass and its Might", but it must not
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  • 713 3 I E.I I M Competition.) The subordinate members ol the Government service have decided to form an' association styled M The Subordinate Civil Service Association." The subordinate officers m question belonging to the clerical branch are composed ol men of different nal ities, who feel that
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  • 125 3 I' Gulkk states that tbr bicycle cannot b< h< aten as therapeutic agent where no organic disease is present It n most useful m those m which it is desirable to quicken the general organic functions of circulation, of respiration, of the whole digestive tract, together with
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  • 97 3 A FINE OF K5O. The case, m which Mr. Otlo Kattpa Manager of the Bristol Hotel at Colombo, charged lames Perera, the hotel electrician, with assault was concluded before the Polio Magistrate of Colombo on the 6th inst. Mi. Constant! ne characterised the accused's story, that
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  • 174 3 Up to a late hour mM night, it was noticed that the bend m the tramline at the head of Brest Basah Road was still sJMn </n<> ante, and panscngen had to be transferred U> another car which was awaiting them on the other side «>f the llirvr The United
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 n*K* ■'■■> v 1 FIXED EXCHANGE fREDUeED PRicE Raleiab Bicpcks 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Silver Plated Lamp, Bill and all Accessories The "Raleigh" machines Represent THF RFQT rid dlo I ROBINSON CO. OLEAOEHTS I 1 1 Bastern Ot iental 3Cotel, I L PENANG. PEWAWG HILLS.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 309 4 SMOKE Best ißoulmein Cigars. Owing to lixity of exchange and a great dem.mi for this brand ofCtgan and having received large consignments of same from Moulroein, we have de- cided to reduce the price from date. Can be bought at Si. 5a 1.30, 1.10 and 80 cents per packet Of
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    • 695 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-LT CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 •iqsnniVwi SUm Rewrvc 9600,000 j Iy& Uu O oo Kr^Tv.: Liability o» F'ropnetors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt. Ks<j (.liairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson I>«-puty-Chairman. K. Cioetz, Ksq. H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C. R. Lenzmann, D.
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    • 563 4 MALAY RECORDS. 1 Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong r Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman Mak Dabu Noori r Bangau Loiikin Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua Tengah malam Permata Gambos Sha'er Inche Mina Che'long Bana Serampang Sri Perak Pulau Berembon Kronchong 0,, Timbang Daek Anak Ayam
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    • 342 4 FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been apjxrinted General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of preGuthrie Co., Ltd. NOTICE. THE
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    • 476 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS. F PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 75 cts. 2. 00 3. 00
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    • 448 4 OR SALE, WANTEUrT No n T be L "V. 7, Battery R ()l( on 2nd Floor. llu r To be Let A C °™pound House woodc Park. Immedi.Vte CU r\- bed rooms, Stables tr >' Apply to GUTHR IKiV v.,u „i M TO BE LET, From the ist .\uril house
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      • 44 1 MEN-OF-WAR. 11. M. tug-boat. Capt. ■a Apl. From Colombo. 4th Rds ght-nouse tender, 4^ tons 1 v\. 100 li p. Nacodah, oni Malacca. tli Dec. ernment- K<i>. G str. 500 displacement, Commander Murphy. ao k *nd Apl. Colo- rnment I Rds.
        44 words
      • 185 1 •jj .fe k'ldH, l>Ut. ftti i H. 1 8 th >th Apl. t Kirn I i, I". Rds. Bi itr. i f Ji3 to N »v From 1!■ Behn Meyer 10, 2,71; tons, Cape Apl. Kr.»m Hongkong, Lp, Behn I B >mbay, I. Rd-. Brit, sir *«BaB tons,
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    • 278 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued. paid up. Value, up. Company Quotations. GOLD. ♦13,000 .40,000 ;JO JO Ber^ah Gold MCo Ud. Lg X w S IS Kada oldMC So L V d f> ref) TIN (MOdOO £2S 'V Kuantan Tin Mining Co. Ltd. ...I $15.00 fUftOCO 10 U/
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    • 29 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. Ilie Netherlands Trading Society quoted on Saturday the 4 BM hank rare ai. ***** The Mercantile Bank quoted 247 16.
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    • 141 1 (hi L'jhJun Bank 4 m,s 214 7 i" Demand 2 4 3 i<> Private? m,s. 1/45/ I d->. m 2/4 13 i<> On (jt'rii.dnv -Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3 m On ranc Bank d/d 2.95 Private 3m 3.00 '> m 3.0^ On India -Bank 1 I. 17; Private
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    • 170 1 Ii 87.12* Ciambiei 7 3 0 do Cube No. 1 1 1.00 do do No. 2 M >0.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 19.n0 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 28.1 a* Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 3s. do (80 to the lb. t 59. Mace (Kanda) 145.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 310 1 MAILS TO ARRIVE. From Europe By the Ifl M. s. s. Calcdonicu, due to-dav. From China By the M. M. s t, A. BehU due to-dav. CLEARANCES. S\r kdav, April 21-1. Nmmhtng Bangkok. Vown Saagf, Penang and Calcutta. \parwM, Samarang and New Zealand. at una, Del.. Sfavo*M, Hamburg. S m>.\>.
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    • 152 2 In the small hours ol the sth in^t. an extra waiter, who had been engaged at the Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, owing to the rush of visitors, got into the bed-room of Major and Mrs. Lacey, the Major being an American officer on one of the
      Ceylon Messenger  -  152 words
    • 109 2 A Croquet Tournament is being arranged for by the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club and ought to attract a large number of entries prior to the time of closing the list, on April the 30th. The following will be the event- Championship Mixed Doubles, Single> Handicap, and Mixed Doubles Handicap. The
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 130 2 ApriU, A«S.,,c ;r )m "Pl>er BtddoKl „.m 24 AtSal,-n,, m ifW aliotnu-. 1 Road.'-3o, )ni 24 MSttoroom, i,u,idn, j:i Rangoon R. ad plantation. 2-j M Atsai^,,., 2-30 p. m >2 4 At Sato-room other pn. parties, 2- H. L. Coghlan A Co April 23 At Sato-roooi Outram Road, 23 At
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 550 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Port, Probable date 0/ arrival, and Agents. Men of- War, &c. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England Soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Monmouth, (Brit, cru.), England shortly. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth,
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      • 562 2 P. E. Friedrich, Hongkong, April 30 Behn'-Meyer Pr. R. Luitpold, H'burg, July 13 Behn Meyer Rhenania, Hamburg, May 25 Behn Meyer Roon, Hamburg, May 4 Behn Meyer Sachsen, Hongkong, May 14; Behn Meyer Salazie, Colombo, May 7 II Maritimes Sardinia, London, June 15 P. O. Segovia, Hongkong, May 8 B.
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