Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 21 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 433 1 EN ROUTE TO MANILA The United States cruisers Chattanooga and ll Galveston arrived at Colombo on the nthinst. from New York on their way to Manila, says the Times of Ceylon. The former vessel is m charge of Captain Sharpr, who played an important part as commander
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  • 176 1 The following letter has been received by a Colombo firm from a well-known house m Sydney regarding the question of the Conference freights: "There is a very unsettled feeling existing here just now regarding this matter and it is much discussed. We hear from a very reliable
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  • 176 1 PLAINTIFF FAILED TO APPEAR. Che case m which Mr. Bennct Francis Abeyasefcara of "East Lynne," Kalutara, sued Messrs. 11. VanCuylenburg, J. Scott Coates and E. H.Joseph of the 11 Ceylon Independent for the recovery of Rs. 20,000 as damages for publishing defamatory matter regarding the plaintiff was
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  • 74 1 A former Netherlands Minister to Sinm, Chevalier Keun Van rloogerwoerd, lias died at the village of Chain pagne, near Paris. During the FnuiCOSiamese trouble m 1893, he took charge of the French interests m Siam. Pne deceased Chevalier was a linguist oi note and a diplomat of
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  • 509 1 Those who regard the good name o( Ceylon and Malaya as a valuable asset must pick a bone with our ex-Governor unless he proceeds more cautiously than he appears to be doing, says tl.e limrs of Ceylon. The present Governors of both
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  • 205 1 The hoaxing of editors will alw.t\be a popular sport, and when one considers the conditions under which daily Mwspapers are produced it is perhaps wonderful that only a small proportion of the numerous traps set by tne mischievous are success ful. Now and then, •however, the wicked
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  • 216 1 Mr. (V L. Bates, t>ie well-known collector, recently obtained m South Cameroon a gigantic frog, measuring ioin. from snout to vent, which was described by Mr. Boutenajer m the March number of the "Annals and Magazine of Natural History" under the name of Rana goliath." Phis
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 360 1 BUCHANAN'S BLACK A WHITE' lloW, TOP PLACE i HIOHESI CLASS < 'I scotch uihiskics I 12 YEARS OLD I up It) H. M. The KWG AM) H.H.R. THE PRINCE OF WALES. KAT s 1^ Mm H THOMPSON, Dental Surgeon, 16, Stamford Road, /V/s/ Floor) Whiteaway Laidlaw's Buddings. Hours from 9
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    • 371 1 P Special Holiday to CEYLON, Sir Newera Eliya 00 6,200 feet r^^ is the most accessible I hill station from the %J ■Straits Settlements. Beautiful Scenery, Magnificent climate, Good Hotels. Mountain home for Europeans. A health station for invalids. A place of education for children. rVn attractive lv ltday resort
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    • 14 1 TANSAN, "Pure, Crisp, Invigorating. A NATURAL MINERAL WATER OF THE HIGHEST CLASS. Sold Everywhere-
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  • 576 2 Our correspondent, Race," whose communication appeared yesterday morning, has a naive way of looking at mixed marriages which is amusing to say the least. He argues on the assumption that such marriages are contracted for the purpose of
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  • 44 2 One ol tin- entries m our prize competition was unavoidably crowded out yesterday morning. The, short article entitled "Ghost Stories," which appeared m the supplement, is too far below the minimum length to receive consideration m the making of the award.
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  • 211 2 KUANTAN TIN MINING CO. ALL WISH TO SECOND THIRTY PER CENT. DIVIDEND. At tue General Meeting of the above Company, convened yesterday, there were present; Messrs. E. F. it. Ed: n. m the chair H. Abnuns, Capr. F M Darkc, F. J. McTaggut, D. W. R. ,j and A. W.
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  • 108 2 A Seoul telegram states that the Resident-General has issued regulations for the suppression of breaches of the peace by unruly Japanese m Corea. According to the Mine message, Mr. Maruyama, Japanese Adviser to the Corean Police, has asked the ResidentGeneral to take measures against the Rev.
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  • 97 2 Parents of children who intend attending the second Children's Concert In the Town Hall on Friday next are requested to note that it commences at 5-30 p. m. sharp. Tut: German steamer M. Strut*, which left Hongkong on the 6th inst. for Chckiang, during a fog, stranded on Ocksen Island
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  • 266 2 MIJI SUGGESTS JOIN r ACTION BY ENGLAND, AMERICA AND JAPAN. In the view of the Jiji, the most urgent diplomatic task before the picsent Ministry is the opening of Manchuria to the commerce of all nations. Japan has withdrawn her troops with the greatest despatch possible,
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  • 87 2 The Japanese Naval Department ln^ given notice that fifteen of the merchant vessels captured during the late war are to be sold by tender". Applications must be sent to the Department by the i rth inst. The following arc the steamships which are to be
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  • 72 2 On the S. R. C. portion of the El planade yesterday evening, that Club played the second eleven of the 05th Co. Russels Infantry ;tt hockey, •ides played well and notched a apiece before half time No other were acided to the score during the rest of the game
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  • 76 2 Ln»t evening the S. C. C. plaj team of the telegraph Compai Rugby. During the first half neither side was able to score, de-spite several attempt^, but during the latter half of tlie game the Telegraph men played up to advantage and scored three g m quick succe-^ion
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  • 450 2 The total number ol cases of cholera m Province Wclle-lev up to latest advices was sixty, with 46 deatl I'm Jdson, one of the, I S.S. Co's steamers, the favourite line with Jeddali pilgrim-, arrived yesterday m port, with a large number of Hadjis <u\ board, but owing to a
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    • 6 2 ss^Kssra-s Bangkok Times
      Bangkok Times  -  6 words
    • 14 2 Mr. Haldanc doe* not be. compelled to serve voISS2Sn 5 Globe
      Globe  -  14 words
    • 19 2 With«ii auedi .H"*^*!! maintain t like the idea of a < add one appointed. Uail> Straits Echo
      Straits Echo  -  19 words
    • 18 2 ni- possible, is well a M Russia and Ei ated between Franci Revue des hjkj
      Revuedes  -  18 words
    • 23 2 thereto pleasing tendency simplicity m all th pertnessandkno« tndindcnS dence of manner whi< while smce are no! Wold
      The World  -  23 words
    • 26 2 War Office v tially fraud nnd^rneofthenMl. cheat that detested institui whenever the rathrr c u Q T iX^V nt -Coion; Pollock m Motdhfy M
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    • 38 2 IfyouulMascholara and make him do the work maid tor the p labourer, coupled with the tre a dog, you then gel tl duct ol civilisation, tl g a!! h^"^ P ri^ ram, mi The Tautr.
      38 words
    • 63 2 we hear thai exception w by i the visitors ban Races to the i tl on Good Friday. U is dictate to the executive how, when they should carry on the connected with their Mi think it i> a pity that have held the lotterie morning and
      Malay Mail  -  63 words
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    • 185 2 The Editor. Si on "Stra m Marriai mitten by Mr. C. K. Tuan a Mr. Yapp's crit appears m I think Mr. T ments appear Chinese. To do should be educated an i fr« m than the) mention m hit art tious custom preva ladie>. mh alwayi
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  • 260 2 To the Editor, Sir, -1 thank Mr. i i favor mii* me to m) ')ut at the same time 1 say tii.it he question at i-sue. I did not isfc Mi. I\u. I ceremonies, bui t.> infom marriage entertained With regard t• t mMM rtflpendi u;>
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 611 2 THE QUEEN or tabu: w a ikrs is Apollinaris Supplied under Royal warrants oj appointment to H M. THE KING The "Stationer's Hall," fc, RAFFLES PLAGE, SINGAPORE. I*HE CHEAPESI HOUSE IN THE EAST, FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION >F >T.\ 1 lo.XKKV AM) BINDING REQUISITES. PRINTING. This department i« replete with up-to-date
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    • 455 2 FRESH FRHIT ORANGES 50 cts. a dozen APPLES 50 cts. a dozen -A_T DJie Australian Stores. THEY'RE PRIME. THOMPSON THOMAS k CO. ORIENTAL HOTEL XKis Hotel Jxist Opened, j Draft Ale and Stout, and all Wines and Liquors of the best quality, at moderate prices. R. 808, Proprietor. NOTICE List
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    • 95 2 On parie Francals Man Sprtcht DwUch EMMERSON'S HOTEL fAND TIFFIN ROOM. 96. ROBINSON ROAD 96 Open daily from 6 a.m. until 1 1 p.m. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. The very bc< Wine* and Liquor> supplied. Best German and Pilsner Beers. J. SCHECHTER, On pah. Urn Si pan. Italiano Chemist and
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  • 164 3 RruterV 'ninv who. I'.y submarine PECUNIARY LOSS HUNDRED MILLION GOLD DOLLARS. SAN FRANCISCO STILL BURNINC FURIOUSLY AND OTHER TOWNS WRECKED. oN E HUNDRED rHOUSAND |>KOPLE il< IE! ESS. London, April 20, s-25 a.m. n, commanding the at S.in Francisco, Wednesday evening th 11 were ab< t a
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  • 20 3 BARON von HOLSTEIN SUFFERS FOR GERMANY'S FAILURE Al ALGE( IRAS. i a.m. I uncillor .mer years X
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  • 16 3 M.I» BY KIN AT LISI N m. K. 1 at J lv knee.
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  • 5 3 m. spong
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  • 12 3 .\i p.m. eight 1 ssed quietly with bances.
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  • 141 3 (Renters A K cncy wires. By submarine telegraph.) C CONFLAGRATIONS CANNOT BE CONTROLLED. SENAT£ VOTESHALF MILLION DOLLARS FOR SUFFERERS. HOMELESS NOW ESTIMATED AT TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND. London, April to, 2.25 p.m. General Punston reports that San Francisco < practically destroyed I he rciiiflagrations are beyond control I
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  • 112 3 PROPERTY WRECKED AND SOLDIERS AND OFFICIAI S INJURED BY STRIKERS. London, April so, 8.55 a.m. fhe Strikers wrecked a mine manager's house at Lens. They were repulsed by a bayonet charge after showering a hail of stones upon the officials. lit ironworks at Denain are txThe troops
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  • 103 3 LARGE FORCE WILL TAKE FIELD AGAINST NATAL REBEI L''\ on, April 20,3.05 p.m. Ihe Natal Government has resolved to form several powerful column- of irregulars to avoid die offensive until an adequate forc< ready. The rebels ar< to emerge from Oh I stnesses, Iheiei-, there--1 r, but
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  • 25 3 London, p m. Prof. Curie, the dis er of radium, n th< street and was fatally crushed by a heavy v ig<
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  • 22 3 Lu.mm April 2c, 3-05 p. m. Fhe Kai-er has contributed '/,oo to the Vesuviu- Relief" Fund -tarted m Germany.
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  • 94 3 Day. esuhs of the ng on Easter MonCup Handicap. -land 1. 1 Handicap.--lr W ell's Dawn Mr. E. Mr. L. R. Yzcl--1 1 Handicap, k. Amon -a Mr. (>. Cum- IVksi.- Sunlight h 1. Messrs. Yap Brothers LynchV The Shrew vr And Clover's Deduction 3 Thi Small Scurry.
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  • 657 3 A PUGNA< [OUS \Y< »MAN. A < hines* won an ana three Chinamen wen yesterday charged m the 2nd Court with wilful trespass and mi-M Ho Watt Neo -aid tiiat >he lived at No. 15 Dunlop Street. Ihe uoman lived with her for a time and left on
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  • 761 3 {Before Mr. Justice Law.) An Unpaid Promissory Note Kardasah sued Said Mohammed yesterday tor the non-payment of a promissory note amounting" to SI4S. In opening his case, Mr. Montagu Harris explained that the money was au\;incc<l for the purpose of enabling the deleiidant to purchase certain goods
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  • 1911 3 WIDENING OF CAVENAGH BRIDGE. The usual meeting was held yesterday afternoon. There were present: -Mr. Broadrick, President; Mr. Polglasc, Secretary; Mr! W. Macbean. Mr. R. Allen, Mr A VV Bailey and Mr. Cheng Keng I cc I lie Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting which were
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  • 22 3 A distress warrant ha^ been nailed 10 tit mast of the s. s. Karang, a local bont of about 200 toti^- burthen,
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  • 1140 3 E. D. M. Competition. To the careful observer ot the laws of health, the question often arises Why is there so much sickness m Singapore, and what i< the caibc ot our high death-rate?" i.et us sec it it be possible to solve some
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  • 68 3 The StvanUy, a British steamer, chartered by the Russian GoveimaciM .is ,i transport, anchored ontiidt our local harbour limits yesterday. Mic arrived from Vladivostock and proceeds to Odessa. Thi late Mr. i 1 as. Stuart 1 < < kn, of Cassiofcury, I hits, f. i many yean Bianagei m Bangkok
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 ROBINSON and 00. FIXED EXCHANGE [REOUeEO PRICE Ralcial) Bicpcks 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Silver Plated Lamp, Bell and all The "Raleigh" machines Represent THE BEST ROBINSON Co. soLe^rs eastern cc Ui iental Jfote/, PENHNG. PENANG HILLS. Sarkies Brrothens, r Proprietors, X
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 92 3 CHURCH NOTICES. ST ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. "dLiUn, ttnn i „n i( lioral) 7-1$ a.m. and Sermon 5-30 pm. ST "ATTHEWS. SEPOY LIWES E^V il-isam v" E CHURCH. COLEM/.K tTIiEET. KSJ if "l Sa.m. Hv. A. J Anury 9 a.m. Ev-,, Do 5 p.m. L^^:.,t, service 8 p.m. PRINEEP STREET CHURCH <l
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 335 4 SMOKE Best moulmein Cigars. Owing to fixity of exchange and great demand for this brand of Cigars and having received large consignments otsametrom Moulmcin, we have decided to reduce the price from drttfv Can be bought at Si. 5a 1.30, 1.10 and So cents per packet Of 100 for sue
      335 words
    • 683 4 BANKS. Honjkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 KKSKKVK FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000) IQ^ OOIV^ SUver Reserve 9500,000 f U5 0 .°00 Kr-Jt-rve iLiability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt. Ks«j— Chairman. Hon. C. \V. Dukson Deputy-Chairman. K. (loetz, Ksq. i H. E. Tomkins Ksq C. R. Lenzraann,
      683 words
    • 558 4 MALAY RECORDS. ■j Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Buronp Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman Mak Dabu Noori Bangau Loiikin 1 Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua Tengah malam 1,, Permata Gambos Sha'er Indie Mina Che'long Bana Serampang Sri Perak Pulau Bercmbon Kronchong Tim bang Daek Anak Ayam
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    • 347 4 THAI IS FRASER HEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie Co.,
      347 words
    • 478 4 "EJf. M." ADLETS. F PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all •'our Wants: Houses. Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. i Wekk. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° 1. 75 cts. 2. 00 3.
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    • 424 4 OR SALE, WANTED, ETC, No. 7, Mattery |< f(a(i i. on 2nd Floor llir PQS% iV(o r To be Let A Compound House v woode PaVk. IbJJ2S No 5> bed rooms, Stab™ *Cl A PPlytoGUTm<lK,vu lU; TO BE LET, From the i^t ..\ltil house No. ,08, Ko u"T"'" NACUROAS PURSHOTWID
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      11 words
      • 33 1 MEN-OF-WAR. :1 M. tug-boat, Capt From Colombo, 4th tender. |8 tons p Nacodah, Malaga. 1 ith Dec. K«i-. str. 500 displacement, i ommand< r Murphy, cca, -iii \pl- olo- R
        33 words
      • 328 1 itr. 1,575 ton *i -M (t From Ni istle, McAlister tt .!>-, I Hit. SU*. dci 1 lar»t, 18th Apl. g 15th Aol. G.c. Kirn I Rds. 1 1 1 rtr, i f ai3 to is, n a From 1 loos Bchn Meyer 10, A -1 tons, Capt
        328 words
    • 535 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid I Issued. paid up. Value, up. y Company. Quotations. GOLD. *135,(X>0 140,000 10 BersawaMiold M. Co Ltd. $13 00 sellers JMO.OOO 10i 10 Do. Do. Deferred $8 25 $600,000 <*>o.<Uj 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin MCo Ltd |11 ;'o $200,000 joo 000 10
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    • 29 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday the 4 ms bank rate at. :4 16. The Mercantile Bank quoted .'47 16.
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    • 139 1 On Lo)ci n Bank 4 m/s 24 i'Demand 2 4 3 1' Private 3 m > a/45/8 do. f. m 24 13 16 '>. 1,.,-) uiv Bank d,<l 2.40 Private 3 ;n 2.45 f>;; /•>.' Bank d, d 2.9* Private m 3.00 do. m/s 3.02 (>;/ /imlm -Bank
      139 words
    • 158 1 Tin 87.25 Gambier 7.15 do Cube No. 1 10. 02$ do do No. 2 n 10.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 20.00 do White. Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 28.2; Nutmegs to the lb.) do (So to the lb. 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) •>, 33Liberian Coffee 20. Tapioca,
      158 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 212 1 MAILS TO ARRIVE From Europe Bj the B I. /''•sA.'. due to-day. From China— By the M. M is. A lue on 13rd April CLEARANCES. j Friday, April 20 rn. I'iiti I»il: >jf, t"»>r Batavia. B >• Bawean and Anambas and frHin, Pduk Ansnn. "r: der Lijn. Bandjermassin Billiton ManntH&
        212 words
    • 188 2 AMERICAN MINISTER'S WIFE AND THE CHINESE EMPRESS Ihe Mainu/u's correspondent at the Chinese Capital sends a report, which requires to be received with a good many grain-- of salt, concerning m incident which Is alleged to have happened at an entertainment given by the Empress Dowager
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    • 50 2 Mr. Charles J. Gl iiig tourist, writer from S >n the 20th March a> follows: "Excellent roads here \Ye or: to-morrow to I lai Fong and Hanoi, then to Hong and Japan. On account of the heat we have postponed our visit to We are away from pariah d crows."
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 78 2 ACTION SAU^" Powell Co April 2, AtV, 2t At Sale-i M M M A- H. L. Coghlan 4 Co April U At.\ ■Hurt ■1 At 1 Ou: s I 3 At S »3 S 13 A* tion. >. p m. j PIANO for $75*1 B d< >. of iS 5
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 549 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Port, Probable date 0/ arrival, and Agents. Men of-War, &c. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong, soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England Soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Monmouth, (Brit cru.), England shortly. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon.
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      • 518 2 Prinses Sophie, Amsterdam, Mav 26 D'dels. P. E. Friedrich, Hongkong, April 30 Behn "Meyer Pr. R. Luitpold, H'burg, July. 13 Behn Meyer Rhenania, Hamburg, May 25 Behn Meyer Roon, Hamburg, May 4; Behn Meyer Sachsen, Hongkong. May 14; Behn Meyer Salazie, Colombo, May 7 M. Maritime^ Sardinia, London, June 15:
        518 words