Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 19 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 17 1 (Reuters Agency wir-.-s. Hy submarine telc^rapn.) BETTER NOT OFFEND GERMANY ON WHOM SHE IS DEPENDENT.
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  • 57 1 London, April irt, 8 a.m. The Italian Press has been mollified by the Kaiser's condolences. The Tageblatt, commenting on the outcry caused by the Kaiser's telegram, warns Italy of her dependence upon Germany's support and says that the Germans are determined
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  • 40 1 GREAT PREPARATIONS BEING MADE AT MADRID. I London, April 18, 8 a.m. Great preparations are being mule at Madrid for the marriage of King Alfonso and Princess Ena. Tho festivities will include a martial review and bullfights.
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  • 37 1 TOOK VALUABLE JEWELS FOR PRINCESS ENA. London, April 18, 8 a.m. King Alfonso Ras arrived at Cowes. He took with him some most valuable present* for Princess Ena, including a set of splendid jewels.
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  • 32 1 London, April iS, 8 a.m. The Norddeatsche Ziituug >tate~ that Herr von Wedel has been transferred trom Cairo nd appointed second Secretary of the German Embassy at Rome.
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  • 32 1 London, April 1 8, S a.m. Their Majesties King Fdward and Queen Alexandra and Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales have left Corfu for Athens.
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  • 190 1 Rather an interesting sample of the way iv which the Mahometan refui to touch dogs was to have been seen yesterd iv, sava the Sitint Observer of the 7th in^t. A little fox terrier, the property of one of the Royal Princes, had been sent to
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  • 81 1 Dr. David I. Barrows, Superintendent of Public Instruction m the Philippine Islands, ha^ written a school text book the character and scope of which he describes m the preface to his work m the following words: "For the writer as well as for the pupil for whom
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  • 83 1 Captain Giffy, of the American ship Arthur S>nvall, reports to the naval authorities at C.ivite, P. 1., that vessel has put into Anj i Point, Java, her r.trgo of coal having caught fire. The Swafi left Philadelphia on December 12 with a cargo of coal
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  • 51 1 The following gentleman deserves will (or ill) of his country Near Amsterdam there lives a Kaffir who is the happy husband of i wives, says the HighveU Herald, Some little time ai^'> five of these gave birth to as many children within the s;mi-c of twelve
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  • 110 1 Mr. OUphant I>evitt, of the wellknow London firm of rubber-brokers, Messrs Leu is and Piett, lias arrived from Ceylon and is staying at the Raffles Hotel. He has been Making a tour of the Ceylon rubber estate! ami proceeds from here on a similar err.md to the F. M. S.
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  • 17 1 (Router's Agency wires. By submau »o tel- grapi.) REFUSE LOCO-OPERATE IN PURSUIT OF BAMBAATA.
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  • 47 1 London, April 18, 7.45 turn. Tiie Zululand chiefs Siganaiuii and Ndubi, m the vicinity ot \\\v NkhandU forest, have refused to cooperate with the Natal force* against Uambaata. Reinforcements arc being despatched and the Militia arc rcmobilizing. The situation is disquieting
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  • 61 1 OFFICIAL STATEMENT. London, April 18, 7.45 a.m. According to an official statement, the amount of the Russian loan will be and it will bear interest at 5 0,0. The price will be 89. Twenty millions will be issued m Russia, forty -eight m France and thirteen m
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  • 58 1 WILL MAKE RUSSIAN AUTOCRACY 100 INDEPENDENT. London, April 18, 8 a.m. Die Russian Liberals have started a movement m opposition to the issue of the loan before the Duma meets, on the ground that it will make '.he autocracy independent of the Duma and will be likely
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  • 36 1 DISTRIBUTED IN VARIOUS HARBOURS OWING TO MUTINY. London, April 18, 8 am. Owing 10 the mutiny on the ships Dt the Portuguese squadron, they have been distributed m various barboun along the coast
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  • 335 1 IMPORTANT STEP IN THI PREVENTION OK DISEASE Sir Win. Broadbent gave strong hint to Mr, John Burn* at meeting, m I lanover->quare, ol the National Aasociation for the Prevention of Consumption. The Earl of Derby, who presided, brought i" fore the meeting an important order on the
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  • 214 1 Invisible md nympatbetic inks are beaten entirely by a new development m preparations ofthil nature reported by i rmch trade journal, /'.»/><•- Irrir, ;i-> tranthlMil m Tkt I'nblishers Circular (London). Says the journal; 1 lii- is nothing less than a disappearing pa!»er intended for temporary ii^e, which is
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 216 1 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE' I1 ,M TOP PLACE *c HIGHESI I OF scotcl) UlDisicics 12 YEARS OLD E ;;;i|) I<> H. M. THK KtN«. \M) To H.H.R. THE PRINCE OF WALES. THE QUEEN OF rABLE WATERS IS: Apollinaris i wider Royal warrants of appointment to H.M. THE KING ThT" Stationer's Hall,"
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    • 570 1 Sastern Client a I 3Cotel, PENANG. o:r,-a_g- hotel, penang hills. Sattkies Bpothefs, Vrofnieton. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. The Best Hotel that has ever existed m the Island. Is Electrically Fitted throughout. Has splendid accommodation for Travellers. EXCELLENT TABLE Cuisine under European Supervision WHEN VISITING PENANG, DO NOT FORGET TO VISI'I THIS
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    • 15 1 TANSAN, "Pure, Crisp, Invigorating.' A NATURAL MINERAL WATER OF THE HIGH ESI CLASS. Sold Everywhere
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  • 23 2 On the 18th inst. at 3 am. at her residence Woodside No. 257, Seranggong Road, Maria Catherine Evans, m her 78th year.
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  • 719 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 19 TH APRIL MIXED MARRIAGES. According to a writer m the Daily Mail, a strong feeling is growing among Anglo-Indiansand others having intimate acquaintance with our Indian Empire that the time has now arrived when the law should step m and absolutely
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  • 253 2 A special to the Chicago Tribune from New York, written over six weeks ago, says that "Prophet" Spanglar, whose predictions are taken seriously by the Ghetto residents, warns the world of many dire calamities m 1906 including Dissolution of Russia. Overthrow of Turkey. Assassination of the Czar. Prevention
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  • 398 2 (Before Mr. Justice Fisher.) Claim for Si, 000 Damages for Building Encroachmknt. Sheik Omar Basahal sued Ifohammed Kassim m the Supreme Court yesterday for damages for erecting a building causing an encroachment on his property, Mr. Lermit was called as a witness and said that the pillars,
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  • 147 2 PREMATURE HOARDING OF VESSELS. Ships' officers are greatly handicapped at times through the hindr .nee occasioned by the numerous sampan coolies clinging to the sides of the steamer- before they are safely anchored. Two sampan coolies were ordered to pay a fine of fi each m the
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  • 204 2 iHt. Rev. H. C Izard has gone to Malacca on duty and trill return on Monday. He requests that any urgent messages should be sent to the Rev. J. A. Smith. A water-main evidently burst yesterday m Battery Road, as water was issuing m great quantities through the roadway m
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  • 116 2 A Sikh, who ia employed is a watchman m a local godown. sued a Chinese krani m the Supreme Court yesterday for non-payment of money lent. Asked by his Lordship, Mr. Justice Fisher, how it was that he c imc to lend the money to such a poor
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    • 7 2 Parf, Berlin r ">t.»mcr
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    • 23 2 v m one .it „ur strong to-. 10 r,,,, 1( JJ I**"*-.1 to like work. It ii < re Review
      Dress Review  -  23 words
    • 23 2 ■March is the .0 gran widowhood, the m 'A P-ry -par.:,,,, cial standing and wives of ZL to fashion. -/W,/v ail>w
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    • 29 2 society, alter all, isthemo i profewonawomai cannon? U u it absorbs (he nights as weilasE? •Mows of no repose say? Sat rally snitched i UiU Field.
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    • 46 2 John Bums mi n the Liberal t v ..more of a symbol of 5 than a sign ot what is ul indicative than I The English dikes^ and the ocean is flon an ocean of v,,tc I, hin^ men. -™>ur Colher's Weekly ggjhj
      Colher's Weekly  -  46 words
    • 27 2 somewhat contem^ of us would welcome t It would i>c a softe lhe« y oun g tinin« al the youth who can The Lady
      The Lady  -  27 words
    • 24 2 II wishing, the a.. wind U far les* refined I act the un..,p|,;.t iCilU lt t the Oluahinc Denon Lady's Realm
      Lady's Pictorial  -  24 words
    • 20 2 hour, which was lat< only a uhccl.n 0, justified the yesterday. It turns out I my wheel.- London
      London Evening News  -  20 words
    • 25 2  - A Modern Fashion." Dr. W. K. Sibley E* eating and lashion ol modern so, moncst cause of nosl trivial ailment- comim middle life.- Strand Magazine.
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    • 33 2 Small wonder .1 our An been all that o>u t» ycais. It has just beet that for some time past ma have been shaving then mp, contrary to regulation. Punch
      Punch  -  33 words
    • 47 2 While we have improved th< g<rl, and through bei I prevailing m society, tl much to do with out i xj g present he n< get him to come "lit at all out, he makes a towing the smallest attention very nicest girls. World
      The World  -  47 words
    • 33 2  -  W. D. Howells We owe much to all the i English dramat sts, but I Keins likely to make \li his debtor, especially his only rival m fantasy. I more.
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    • 57 2 Shy men often find it difficu I I cover any subj< I i with which to open d I even with so near a rel t aunt. They need m irei fe i them brace themselves up a a few of the facts ol I wedding and
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    • 64 2 I lie announceroenl ol the B Government's intention- with i s Chinese I ibour has a astrous eff« I upon the Afi i indu-try, m winch English and investors arc ii teresU d to equal extent. Thus patriots, without havii g i on the subject, will
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    • 27 2 I lie Kditor invrr interest to A l> 1/ i^lcs M written on one -i.itshould escee.l t. a I I ble lor ttisopiiii.iii.
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  • 230 2 The Editor, tskrm Daily .1/ SOY—I read with great ial on Straits Chine C ;rcmo Mr. K. C. Tuan. I do n>t anything of his goaew tal tn cription, but I s lould lik,- to learned Mr. Tuan t tal I deep refl et ion wl i Miperft
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 545 2 international gisjjenaarg, 8 JL BATTERY -ROJ^D. FACING RAFFLES SQUARE. The Dispensary is m charge of an efficient European Dispenser, who will personally and promptly attend to all prescriptions. Drugs of all kinds, Medical Stores and a large Assortment of Patent Medicines m Stock Telephone No. 31 5 KATOKG Intending Boarders
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    • 382 2 FRESHFRUIT I ORANGES 50 cts. a dozen APPLES 50 cts. a dozen SHe Australian Stores. THEY'RE PRIME. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. I««BM»«BMBflSHB«V««BSSB»«iBSB»«MBSI« Cbc 6aumont I Cbronopbone j I SINGING AND TALKING I II PICTURES. I NEVER YET SHOWN IN THE S, S. OR F. M, S. I I TO-NIGHT 19th APRIL.
      382 words
    • 126 2 For Sale. Black Red Pearls Apply to Seng Whatt, /j. Mvhamcd Sultan Road. NOTICE Is hereby given that the partnership business bitberto existing between Vana Ena Mooroogayah Pillay and Ahna Kavena Aroomoogum Pillay under the "styles or tirms of "Ahiia Kavena Avena and Vana Ena Moona and Ahna Kavona Vana
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  • 18 3 ■eater's C1 wires. By subm:i'ine telecraph.) mi SHILI INGS A DAY TO FIGHT RECALCITRANT ZULUS.
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  • 50 3 r London, April iS, 1.50 p.m. flic Natal Governmenl are ■dvcrtisoiunteers to form a special ictivc service m Zululand. j red i> five shillings p r rive natives who arc suspected ralvod m rebellious practices have been arrested M Greytown and maritxborg for trial by
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  • 54 3 OCCUPATION OF IABAH EXPLAINI U BY THE "TIMES." fLoSDON, April 1 8, 1-4 3 DJB. Tibet the Turkish < c i ..h.ili to unfounded re(jli .Egyptian d« signs on ol Palestine, and ret< ra effort to negotiate perX d \< fideno that will not lend himself to
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  • 41 3 RE< EPTION ACCORDI ED niF.IR MAJESTIF.S. London, April iS, 1 .45 p.m. Kiiii: Edward and dra urived at Athens through cheering crowds to where a procession v ith 1 hv.inrr< paraded before the the parade from a
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  • 23 3 KERS XII LED AND NDED ON PRINCE WALES A| ril 18, 1.45 p.m. battle luring her m. killed and four
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  • 17 3 ROOSEVELT AND DOWAGER R] FELH ITATE EACH HER I m. greet on ietion of the
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  • 22 3 TRIPLE ALLIANCE EN DANGERS' rELEGRAM OF KAISER. 15 p.m. V.ecram to Count Go- opinion is that it f the
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  • 10 3 1 .;o p m. Thc^ battleI ban- Liverpool
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  • 38 3 will be v at the I on Friday Watch Supply Mi nn ire of theagn 1 lommiss lpplied as Hrdinance ment always greement ssly provided nt. can the ers without -uffii the ]>' service by •■■S^pr MV^BBMBHBMBSMIBBS*
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  • 55 3 me of hockey w is yesterday theS.< < and the 1 Russels Infant- h If, although 1 d hard, neither was h It-time, a goal J :.i 1) side, ending the "ne all. Ms played well, the S. C. C. al occasions, hut met I defence m the backs,
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  • 175 3 der to cope w itli their increased Robinson Piano Co.* have ii <• services of Messrs, !11^ l v t and Proctor, who have mr 'vcd in Singapore foreshadowed m these P* recently, Inspector Howard «transfeired from Malacca and .U P his duties bere yesterday. J well known locally, and
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  • 673 3 FALSE IMPERSONATION. Markib, the man who was charged on I uesd iy with impersonating a pubhe servant. „nd about whom it was directed that enquiries should be made Wtt brought up on remand yeste-day' Enquiries elicited the fact that he did belong to the Johore Police Force but
    Chronicle  -  673 words
  • 1190 3  -  C. W. SALEEBY, M.D. BY For thirty-three years my distinguished friend, Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson, has maintained contra mundum the proposition that leprosy is due to the consumption of imperfectly-cooked and badly-cured fish. A great pioneer m many fields of pathology and medicine, Mr Hutchinson has often
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  • 363 3 MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS YESTERDAY. m Al the tenth ordinary general meeting of the above Company, yesterday m Greshani Hoiwe, there were present Messrs. G. A. Derrick, C. E. F. Sanderson and A. S. Leriche, (Directors) and Mr. H. R. Llewellyn retary.) The shareholders present were
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  • 1181 3 AFTER A VISIT TO THE "OLD COUNTRY." (Contribuh d by a Member of the Irish Gentry.) The Irish question is always with us and must soon have a~ definite answer. An evcrstrengthening movement is afoot for its settlement new forces are being marshalled whose value can
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  • 1308 3  -  Charles E. Hands. By New York again This is Life There used to be a very funny fellow m a knockabout troupe m the London music-halls whose role it was to be knocked about by the other members of the company, They used to throw buckets at
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  • 91 3 Mr AbraOM w is m attend nee m the Supreme Court to prosecute Mr. 11. I). Hi— ett for the non-fulfilment of the order <>f the lief Justice to p*y Mr. Abrams his bill by instalments of"$ioo p% r month Mr. Bkss tt ,]j i n f
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  • 110 3 The Nim Yong," which arrived from Hongkong ri<i Hoihow, was placed m qinraiitiiv yesterday and the (Mmengen she had on board landed at St. Johns' Island owing to a rase of smalt-pox having occurred during the passage down. Thi reference which appeared m this paper yesterday concerning the dismissal of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 ROBINSON^] and Go. FIXED EXCHANGE j REDUCED PRICE Rakial) Bicpcies 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes! COMPLETE j With Silver Plated Lamp, Bell and all J The "Raleigh" machines Represent j THE BEST ROBINSON Co. «u«n» A "ADVERTISING IS THE SECRET OF SUCCESS." ||S FOX EVERY DESCRIPTION of PRINTING,
      119 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 340 4 SMOKE jsS^ 1 1 inoulmcin Cigars. Owing to lixity of exchange and a g'eru denand for this brnnd ofCigns au(\ having received large oonsignmaiti of same from Moulmetn, we have de- cided to reduce the price from date, j Can be bought at Si. 50, 1.30, 1.10 and 80 cents
      340 words
    • 685 4 BANKS. Honjkon? Shanghul Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL *10,000,0u0 RESERVE FL'ND:Strrlin^ Reserve $10,000,000 I aiqcoo.v^ SQvcrßewrve 1)500,000 193 00 Reaervi Liabil.ty of Proprietor! $10,000,000 Court of Dir<3Ctors. A Uaiipt. K<(|— Chairman. Hon. C. W. DickSOO— i>t'putv-Chairman. E. rt.K-tz, Ksq. H. E. Tomkins Ksq. C. R. Lcazmaan, D. M Nissim, Ksq. C».
      685 words
    • 563 4 MALAY RECORDS. 1 Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong n Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman Mak Dabu M Noori Bangau Loiikin Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dvi Tengah malam 1,, Permata Gambos M Sha'er Inche Mina Che'long Bana Serampang Sri Perak Pulau Berembon m Kronchong N Timbang
      563 words
    • 335 4 LA^^S'Z/ yj rTHAT IS FRASER HEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointecl General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium
      335 words
    • 500 4 "E. D. ADLETS. FO PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fohtnight. Month 25' words <>r under 50 < ts. 1. 50 2. c» 3. 00 5° m 75 ts. 2. 00
      500 words
    • 436 4 R SALE, WANTED, ETC, TO BE LET. M To be Let. No. 7 Battery |< Ol() on 2nd F10,,, MlXv %SS^ k Co 1 To be Let A Compound House No woode Park. XwESb?^*** oed rooms, Stables I AppiytoC,i:iiiK, KA:U v TO BE LET, From the Ist Ai,,,| house No.
      436 words

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      • 39 1 MEN-OF-WAR. H. M. tug-boat, Capt. Vpl. From Colombo, 4th Rds b t-house tender, 48 tons <w. 100 h.p. Nacodah, .Malacca. 1 ith Dec. tnent Rds. itr. 500 displacement, Commander Murphy. Malacca. 2nd Apl. Colouit r. Rds.
        39 words
      • 361 1 &4 tons, Capt. From Calcutta, 7th Apl. d.p. Boustead Co. For W. i. tons, Capt. >tn Calcutta, md d.p Boustead Ik Co. \v. tens, Capt Kpl F ona DandjermasG.c, md 18 dVp Ban L indjermassin, I. Kds. sti t 575 tons, (apt A From Newcastle, hfcAHster <.v Ca
        361 words
    • 274 1 Capital Capital '< Issue Paid lssued PaiJ up. Value, up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. $135,000 140,000 10 10 Bersawah Gold MCo Ctd ft«ft M SW.OOO 10 10 Do Dn «n r j *1300 sellers *GOO,OOO G^O.COj 10 10 IVuse^Hviraul c T,, r re 8 2 5 ssss —j
      274 words
    • 175 1 liam' ie do Cube No. i .o/^ do do No. 2 M 10 00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),. 19.87$ do White. Fair L.\V. 5 p.c.,, 28.35 Nutmegs (no to the lb.) ..33. do (80 to the lb.) Mace (Banda) I 4 Cloves (Amboina) Überian Coffee %i 20 tapioca, --nail
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 246 1 MAILS TO ARRIVE. r >ni Europe By the N\ D. I., v. s P. Heimrtck due on 'roth April. From China Bv the II. If. s. >. A Bt'luc due on 23rd April CLEARANCES. Wednesday April iSph. Ian. Ranee for Sibu. vid>r Kelantan. Flevo Kelantan. Re-ident Schift" Rhio. Langkat K
        246 words
      • 158 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Nether-land- Trading Society quoted yesterday the 4 ms bank rs re at. 247 id The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16. Latest Exchange. <) \tukm -Bank 4 m 1/47/16 Demand 2/43/16 Private 3 m/s. 1/4 5/8 do. m/s j 4 15/16 I
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 34 2 6 PIANO for $75, k .uhl 18 payments of I h Ik or so do. of 1 8 $390.00 Gash. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED I I PIANOLAS Ii payment- j.oo. The Robinson Piano Co.. IM.| tOE9oßießDaßßHieC^Ditni
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 552 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Port, Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men of-War, 6cc. Andromeda, (Brit, cru.), Hongkong. soon. Diadem, (Brit, cru), Hongkong, June. Donegal, (Brit, cru.), England Soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England soon. Monmouth, (Brit, cru.), England shortly. Natal, (Brit, cru.), England, soon. Thistle, (Brit, g'bt.), Plymouth, soon.
        552 words
      • 565 2 Preussen, Hamburg, May 18; Behn Meyer Prins Ilendrik, Batavia, Apl. »8"j Daendels Prinz Heinrich, H'butv, Apl 19; Behn Meyer. Prinses Sophie, Amsterdam, May 20 D'dels. P. E. Friedrich, Hongkong, April 30 Bchn Meyer Pr. K. Luitpold, H'bmg, July 13; Behn Meyer Rbenania, Hamburg, May 25; Behn Meyer Roon. Hamburg, May
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      • 182 2 AUCTION SALE. Powell Co April 19 -At Sale-room, ml "Ponhanak" 2-30 p.m. 20 -At Sale-room, Municipal Gas Department Stores, ll a.m. 21 At No. 6 Oxley Road, -household furniture, 2 p.m. 24 At S ile-room, cocoanut plantation, upper Beddoh, 2 3o p.m. 24 At Sale-room, three freehold building allotment off
        182 words
      • 115 2 N. 0. L. PASSENCER^ folfowii ted to arrive tmer Pnmt Hex HKMTOW. Mr. and Kock, Mr. and M rs |> I Messrs U HP C.^nManer f ir G R G. R, t.-r.M,., W van der Faa and f im J. Cooke, van Do A. L Hoogenb and Mr. J. Ml
        115 words