Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 16 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 15 1 'Router's Agency wires. Hy submarine telegraph.) HER SPECIAL INTERESTS IN MOROCCO FULLY RECOGNISED
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  • 93 1 London, April 13, 9.40 a. in M. Bourgeois made a statement m the French Chamber of Deputies m which he commended the satisfactory character of the settlement reoche«l at the Morocco Conference at Aigcciras, This settlement he btlieved could only have been secured by fair
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  • 80 1 FRENCH GOVERNMENT REFUSES TO LISTEN TO INSUBORDINATE EMPLOYEES. London, April 14, X.45 a.m. In the French Chamber of Deputies Minister Barthon refused to recognise the Post-men's Union or to increase their wages. He said: "It is impossible t<> have the public services at the mercy of insubordinate
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  • 67 1 ALLIANCE WITH RUSSIA AND L ENTENTE WITH GREAT BRITAIN NOT TO BE MODIFIED. London, April 14, 8.45 a.m. Replying to a Nationalist attack on the entente with Great Britain, M. Bourgeois said m the French Senate that France could not think of modifying the alliance with Russia
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  • 51 1 MANY BRITISH AND AMERI CAN COMPETITORS. London, April 14, 8.45 a.m. Their Majesties King Edward and Queen Alexandra will attend the opening of the Olympic Games at Athens on the 22\\<\ inst There are 680 competitors, of whom fifty are British, forty two Americans, and 1 ie
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  • 51 1 BUT GENERAL IMPROVEMENT IN SITUATION AT VESUVIUS. London, April 13, 9.40 a.m. There is a general improvement m the situation ;tt Mt. Vesuvius and it is believed that the eruption has spent its force. The rain of ashes continues, however, though it is greatly reduced m
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  • 43 1 LONG LETTER PUBLISHED HY THE "TIMES." London, April 14, 8.45 -a. m. The "rimes publishes prominently a long letter from a soldier, hotly defending General Kitchener and traversing exhaustively the charges made m the letter written by the Times correspondent.
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  • 45 1 PRESIDENT ny VENEZUELA HELPS I'llK CAUSE OK HARMONY. London, April 14, 5.45 a.m. l resident Castro has temporarily resigned. He states that he will permanently resign if that will conduce to harmony m the country. V ice-President Gomez has assumed the Presidency.
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  • 43 1 RED CROSS WORKERS A( FIVE IN EARTHQUAKE REGION. London, April 14, 8.J5 am Red Cross workers are active m the earthquake region m Italy, and soldiers, Bremen and labourers are as busy as possible removing the sand and ashes. 1
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  • 39 1 RUSSIAN OFFICIALS DISPLEASED AT RESULT OF ELECTIONS. London, April 14. *M 5 am In view of (be victory of the Liberal parties at the recent elections, the reactionary Ministers Durnove and I Akimoffare about to resign.
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  • 40 1 ANOTHER INbTA! KENT PAID. London, April 13, 940 a.». The Lord Mayor baa handed an instalment of/; 2000 to the acting Japanese Ambassador M London fc*T the Japanese famine sunefcrs. K'euter's Ajremy wires. My submarine telegraph*)
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  • 98 1 London, April 14, 1.55 p.m. A sensation has been caused at Vienna by the publication of telep m from tbc Kaiserto Count A. Golucnowski von Goluchowo, Austrian Minister o! Foreign Affaire, thanking him far Austria's unwavering rapport of Germany at the Morocco Conference just concluded
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  • 42 1 GERMAN ATTACHE VISITS Lom>(>\, April 14, 8.45 a ni Baron Oflenheim, German Attaclie at C airo, has gone on what is described as scientific mission to Syria. It is believed that his trip is connected with the Akaba difficulty.
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  • 41 1 WILL RESTORE DOMESTIC PEACE London, April 14, 8.45 a.m. Ihe announcement of the names of the new Hungarian Cabinet Ministers has bten well received throughout the country. It is believed thai they will be restorers of domestic peace.
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  • 496 1 Threefold J /<"/ From Burma I hat DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS Malic SicHly Children Strong. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilta for Tale People are just as good for children as for adults. They have cured thousands of children suffering from St. Yitus' Dance, Rickets, the skin
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 164 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, InviaoratinQ. A NATURAL MINERAL ;ATER OF II IK l IICIIES LASS Sold Everywhere JOHNLITTLE&Co. LIMITED Continuance of HI! B cash Clearance ||a||Ui FURTHER REDUCTIONS Ladies* and Gents* Outfitting, CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, HARNESS, ETC. Slemnants and Oddments 1 TO BE CLEARED AT Half Original Marked Sale Prices. An
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    • 360 1 |s!f7^/^r// Otiental Sfotel, I PENANG. j PENANG HILLS. Sankics Brothers, Proprietor*) THE < INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, :p:E:r>r.A.:isrc3-. The Best Hotel that has ever existed m the Island. Is Electrically Fitted throughout. Has splendid accommodation for Travellers. EXCELLENT TABLE Cuisine under European Supervision WHEN VISITING PENANG, DO NOT FORGET TO VlSl'l THIS
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    • 27 1 BUCHANAN'S 3UGK& WHITE Hold TOP PLACE HIGHEST CLASS OV Scotch Ulhiskics (12 YEARS OLD Supplikd to H. M. Tmk Kin*. AND R) H.H.R. THE PRINCE OF WALES
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  • 394 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 16TH APRIL. COTTON IN THE F. M. S. Mr. H. N. Ridley, Superintendent of the local Government Botanical Gardens, recently wrote a letter to one of our local contemporaries m which he pointed out the futility of attempting to produce cotton from
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  • 661 2 We have received No. I, Vol. I, of "The Hindu Spiritual Magazine," a monthly edited by Mr. Shishir Kumar Ghose and published at Calcutta. The objects of the magazine are thus set forth by its editor: The object of the Hindu Spiritual Magazine" is to disseminate spiritual
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  • 830 2 SUPERIOR SPORT SUPPLIED BY SAPIENT SINGAPOREANS. The only thing lacking to make the amateur dramatic and variety entertainment held at the Town Hall on Satur day night a complete and rousing success was better patronage by the amusement-loving public. The Hall was about three-quarters full, but those
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  • 58 2 Yesterday the Catholic, Protestant and Armenian churches were tilled to overflowing at the morning services. There were many communicants m the Catholic churches throughout the city. Owing to the indisposition of Bishop Barillon, the Kaster Masseshad to be somewhat curtailed. At St. Andrew's Cathedral there were large
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  • 563 2 FACTS AM, FANCIES Puru F AR AND NeT^ Would Abolish Usur. Ptty it is thai the i Mi dcv.se some method 1^ H?* <***< uaurous rates of interest \VmJ^^ ted I ,mt wholly rxti nguisfc SOS* I digraph. < w T h Navy E «»"i»ta.. We shall
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  • 112 2 Mr. W. J Bryan, the American l 1 mocratic leader, Who was in 3 the other day, has recently had i resign his position a- I h lit m Trustees of the Illinois College UB* curious circumstances. He the Chairmanship on the understai that the College, of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 634 2 International giapewarg, S -A. BATTERY IRO J±JD. KACING RAFFLES SQUARE. The Dispensary is m charge of an efficient European Dispenser, who will personally and promptly attend to all prescriptions. Drugs of all kinds, Medical Stores and a large Assortment of Patent Medicines m Stock! Telephone No. 31 5 I JOk
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    • 352 2 New Season's Fruit Messina ©raises JUST ARRIVED toe. N. D. L. -SACHSEN THOMPSON THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRAL/AN STORES. SINGAPORE THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS IS: Apollinaris Supplied under Royal warrants of appointment to H.M. THE KING The "Stationer's Hall," 6, RAFFLES PLfleE, SINGAPORE. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE EAST, FOR
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    • 171 2 THE EASTERN DAILY MAIL. Established, Sept. 4TH. iyo>. Published at 58-i, Hill Street, Singapore. SUBSCRIPTION. Daily: Local $3.50 per quarter Outstations $4.50 Telephone No. 972. All contributions must be addressed to "The EditT," written on one side of the paper only, accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 77 2 DOMING EVENTS. To-day, April iotb. Hifili Water. 2-40 a.m 4--M P m Moon, first (Quarter. U H a.m. Kaster Monday. Bank Holiday. German Homeward Mail C Sersflsbsn Races. Second u Cricket, S. R. C v. S. C I To-morrow April «7tb HighWatar. IM am a-ja#aa Wednesday, April IStb. Hiun Water,
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    • 226 1 m WILD CANARD. n i spondent of the m egraphs as follows I th ultimo. 9 ■:■//<• publisher S tv of a curious jH Burma arising m H I Royal visit. The |H tttani circulated by I t not e\ <-n it- ur.«--> w u>
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    • 291 1 REMARKABLY FAVOURABI E REPORTS. The statements made at the meetings of the Rani and Shaliacary Rubber Companies meeting indicate that the prospects lor rubber planters m that country arc remarkably bright Not only is rubber said to be a year m advance of that m the low-country
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    • 138 1 Hie r isserts that the matter nation was what the KM teams from coming down here for the cricket and The owners of th< Sappho atter havtn greed to oonv< y the visitors at n their Tne request for the use of the M U der
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    • 104 1 Th- crest sympathy will be felt for the relative- of Ml*. E. C. Hunter, who passed away on Friday m the I ftpital at the early age of The cause of his death ti ibuted !■> dy- >ugl r rt the Falls at Penang. •iv. whilst
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    • 425 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid j Issued. paid up. Value, up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. %S8 "H 8 8 old '^n^- h •••!«s— B5SS IS lo Ka an^ 0,dMc s 0 u d i. refl TIN. ciSSS JSSS A Tin Mining Co. Ltd. $15.00 £llo'0U0 100.866; 1 Queensland Raub
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      • 27 1 Government Rate 2/ 4 $60 for £7. Ihe Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday the 4 m* hank r.te at. 1/4 7/16 The Mercantile Bank quoted 247 16.
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      • 135 1 On London Bank 4ms ..1/47/14 Demand 2451 Private 3 m,- 1/45/8 do. ')|m > 24 1 3 1 (m fwrrn.anv -Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3m- 2.4; do 6 m j.47 >u FrniU' Bank a.95 Private m/s j.< do. tn > 5.02 Bank I' T. 17 Private 30 d
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    • 167 1 J} U **5-75 Gambier 7.30 do Cube No. 1 |t u. oo ilo do No. 2 m 10.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 19.5 c* do White, Fair L. \V. B p.c. 28.1 2" Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) im do (80 to the lb.) 59. Mace (Banda) n
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      • 46 2 MEN-OF-WAR. Hckopohs, Brit trans., 2967, Kelly, Apl 1. Vladivostock, for Odessa 1. Lucifer. Dut Col. str., 125 Lovius, Mar 22 Rhio, for Rhio. Meran, Fed. yet. 100, Alii, from Kuantan des. Uncertain. Sea Mew, Col yet., 500 Murphy, Apl 3 Malacca, des. Uncertain.
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      • 398 2 A. Exehnans, Fr 3113 Gens, Apl. 7 Antwerp, MoineComte, des. Uncertain Banka, Brit. str. 127 tons. Capt Rushton, 30th Mar. From Natuna Islard, 29th Mar. Copra. Teo Hoe Lye For Natuna Island, U. Rds. Bantam, Dut 2114 Potjewijd, Apl. 5 Pcnang, Daendels, for Penang. Ban IVhatt Hin, Brit
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    • 200 2 The Amsterdam correspondent of the 1 Lo don and China Express" writes as follows: With regard to the working of the tin mines at Banca it seems that the right way to improve the condition there has not yet been found. This appears from a resolution
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 79 2 John Little Co., uj #o*™****^ SPECIAL E OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY GOLD MEOAL ''Vf\ I C Tifc^ <^!^k REGISTERED r iBIP EDINBURGH. 131 LONDON ie/3. s ilrfV I JOHN LITTLE CO. L.D., SINGAp^ Per case of 12 Bottles > 10.50. Botol Hitam, Per case of 12 Bottles -L.75 I PIANO
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 137 2 LATEST ARRIVALS. Dutch >tr. Brouwer, 324 tons, from Benkalis, Roads, for Benkali-. Dutch str. EmeHt 80 tons, trom Rhio Roads, for Rhio. Dutch str. Bat FoSoom, Capt. Odink. 222 tons from Samba>, departure uncertain. Brit str. Sri ll r i>ii<}se<\ 9a tons, from Malacca via Muar. Brit str. Stettin, isi)<>
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      • 283 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Xa.)it\ Port, Probable aate of arrtmi. and Agents. Mem op-war, &c. Donegal, Brit, cruiser, England, due soon. Duke of Edinburgh, Brit, cruiser, England soon. Natal. Brit, cruiser. due England, soon. Mails prom EUROPE Apl. 17 P. Delhi India. Mails forl.Europe oh" India. Steamers. Alberlour, Lopdon, due Ap) 2%
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    • 100 3 Koiitt-r s Agency wins. I v h icKI aph o nm I <>X STATESMANSHIP r0 KNIT NAI lONS CLOSELY TOGETHER. Important Speech by President Roosevelt. London, April 14, 7.50 a.m. win from Washington states that an Ambassador presented fifty v i. ,11- td President Roose id .1 ipeech
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    • 54 3 RMANYS REFUSAL TO [PATE IN LOAN CAUSES Si >KKN! SS. London, April 15, s. 05 a.m. an five per cent, loan ha> at Par;- The price \v;,s It is stated that France's EMI millions sterling. Germany's refusal to participate m leloan has caused a feeling ofsoreards her on
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    • 44 3 PUBLIC REGAINING NFIDENCE AND RESUMING AVOCATIONS London April 14, 7-50 a.m. A wire from Naples states that the ceased completely. Ihe sky is clear and the >un is shining Youvius is again visible. public are regaining their confitning their normal avoca-
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    • 25 3 STRIKE OF FRENCH POSTMEN [S WIDESPREAD, LoNi s, April 14. 50 a.m. is a :d -trike of fhe Government I three hundred strikers.
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    • 28 3 HERS DIE ON A MARCH. April 14, I .5 a.m. Jin .^.arching from ng to the heat, i f the a era -:b~equently died.
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    • 16 3 London, Ap: a. m. .age o! »nso and fixed for the me.
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    • 12 3 7- ?<> a.m. Ku- willingne^v. on of the -econd Pea ence.
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    • 9 3 April 14, 7-50 a.m. vails in Great
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    • 248 3 Circular despatch I Hon'ble the Seretary I Monies, has been "1 by the Officer Administering 2nd March, 1005. ''■■-> With reference to Mr. Chamrcular despatch of the 14th ember, 1900, relative tothedi^mmis&iona m the Imamong the Crown es, I have the honour to inform you that until
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    • 78 3 [MI Right llon'blethe Secretary of for the Colonies has been pleased extend, without salary, for eleven lyyj from the 30th instant, the leave W absciit t granted to Mr. H. B. N. C. r< *u-r, Postmaster-General. Straits Settlements. His Excellency the Officer Administr »»K the Government has been pleased 0
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    • 253 3 WANDERING LUNATIC. Goh Wee Chwee was on the 13th instant found rambling about the Espb lade m a dazed manner. He was j found to be a wandering lunatic. The Police took charge of him and had him sent to the hospital for observation. Rkfusal to Pay Fare.
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    • 312 3 S. C. C. R, S. R. C. On Saturd; y the S.C.C. played the S.R.C. at cricket on the former's ground, the latter fielding. The bowling of the S.R.C. men wu good but their fielding was far from satisfactory and could have been improved upon. Coelho and Zehnder were
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    • 185 3 A MOST SUCCESSFUL CONCERT. On Good Friday a very successful concert and organ recital was given m the IVe-byterian Church m aid of the Tanjong Pagar Road Mission church. Those m char v c of the arrangements and the pro no ers of the Concert are to
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    • 50 3 Examinations to test the qualifications of Clerks m the Government service will be held m Singapore, Penang and Malacca as follows (Qualifying examination for Class I May 14th. May 16th. Names of Candidates must reach the Colonial Secretary or Resident Councill or on or before the 7th May.
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    • 74 3 There is to be a fancy dress ball at the Scremban Club this evening, it being the last day of the races. The Epworth League of the Methodist Church have issued a neat little booklet descriptive of the League and Us work. At its next meeting, on Thursday of this
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    • 501 3 There were two American transports m the harbour on Saturday, the McClellan and Kilpatrick," both from New York and bound for Manila. They were some days overdue, and on a reporter proceeding on board the McClellan to ascertain the reason of the delay, he was informed
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    • 342 3 SOME HARD WORK AND GOOD FUN. These who were on Cavenagh Bridge on Thursday evening could not but have admired the martial bearing of fifty volunteers who left the Drill Hall en route to the Camp which had been pitcne«l this year at Keppel Harbour. After being mustered
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    • 186 3 THE THERMIT PROCESS OF WELDING. The work of relaying the Colombo tramway route is being pushed forward steadily, and so far the line between the Pettah Railway Station and the Yorkstreet corner near the Registrar-Gene-ral's Office has been completed. Seen by an Independent reporter Mr. W. W. Clarry,
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    • 1822 3 IE P. M Competition. 1 The marriage ceremony of the Straitsbom Chinese resident m Singapore is very costly. In most cases where the parents of the brides and bridegrooms are well-to-do, the expenses, not includ- j ing the cost of the jewellery presented by the parents,
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    • 303 3 EXPERIMENTS PROVE A FAILURE. i The experimental cultivation of ground nuts introduced two years ago, chiefly through the instrumentality of Sir Henry Blake and the local Agricultural Society, has proved a failure, we regret to record. The nuts took to the alien soil, flourished and
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    • 32 3 His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has been pleased to appoint the Hon'ble Edward Lewis i Brockman to be his Deputy during his absence m Penang and the Federated Malay States.
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 190 3 ROBINSON and Oo.j FIXED EXCHANGE REOUCEO PRICE Rakidl) Bicpcks 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Silrcr Plated Lamp, lull and nil iccessories The "Raleigh" machines Represent THE BEST I ROBINSON Co. CIX Gaumont I CbronopbotK SINGING AND TALKING I PICTURES. 1 NEVER YET SHOWN IN THE S.
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 326 4 SMOKE Best llioulmcin Cigars. Owing to ti\ity of exchange and a great dem md for this brand of Cigars and ha ng received large consignmenti of same from Ifoulmein, we have de- j Ctded to reduce the price from date. ran he bought at Si. 50, 1.30, 1.10 and 80
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      • 694 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation PAID-UP CAPITA! $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND St.-rling Reserve $10,000,000 ai Q S oni^ Silver Reserve 9500,000 1 1J5 w .°00 K^serve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ks(j--C"tiairman. Hon. C. VV. Dickson -Deputy-Chairman. E. Goetz, Eso. H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Leiun?ann,
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      • 582 4 MALAY RECORDS. 1 Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong r Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban N Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman I Mak Dabu Noori j" J Bangau M Loiikin S N Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua Tengah malam 1,, Permata Gambos H Sha'er Inche Mina Che'long Bana Serampang Sri Perak
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      • 349 4 I FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited rOF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been apix>inted General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie Co., Ltd.
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      • 494 4 "E. D. H." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WAHTEdTetT" PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted A To Let. Situations Wanted A Vacant. Exchange A Mart. 1 Day. 1 Wkf.k. Fortnight. Month 25* words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° 75 cts 2.
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      • 524 4 To be Let. on 2nd Floor. Uc "K )m ___Applyto( l i'THKi,. lV A r To ">e Let A Compound Kousc *oode Park. InunSSate ent^ >ed rooms, Stables r '»ui Appiytoc.riiiKn.;^ iili(j TO BE LET, From the i^t Apnl house No. ,08. Rowill' Seraooong Road. K oodstsS NAGURDAS PURSHOTUIIDAS TO
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