Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 13 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 16 1 ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY ISSUES MANIFESTO AGAINST IT. 'Router's Agency wires. Hy submarine telegraph.)
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  • 63 1 EMERGENCY GRAVE AND FARREACHING." London, April 12,8.55 a.m. The Most Rev. Randall Thomas Davidson, D. D., Archbishop of Canterbury, has issued what is practically a manifesto against the Education Bill just introduced m the House of Commons by Mr. Birrell, the President of the Board of Education. The manifesto declared
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  • 54 1 LOWER HOUSE DEMOCRATIC BUT UPPER HOUSE CONSERVATIVE. London. April 12, 8.55 a.m. It now appears certain that the Constitutional Democrats will have an immense majority m the Lower I louse of the Duma. They are already drafting Bills of a pronounced Liberal type. The Upper House, however,
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  • 302 1 DRAMATIC RECOVERY OF A LOST CHILI). A mystery of over nine years' stand ing has just been solved m a dramatic manner m the little County Down town of Bailynahinch. It is stated that Susan Kerr, girl about thirteen or fourteen years of age, who was
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  • 273 1 A very daring capture ol a Malayan bear (ursus Syniondsi) was eftccted by Mr. Clarence Goldhaftn, Inspector of \'eliicles, while visiting Mr. Wilson's Estate at Selir.sing last Sunday, >;\y the Pmik Pioneer, The bear had broken through the wire netting of a fowl run, and Mr.
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  • 84 1 All examination has been begun m St. Petersburg of proposal put forward by an American syndicate tor j railway communication between Kan->k (Siberia) and Alaska. The proposal includes the building of a tunnel and mnratli the Behring Straits. Syodi cate will, if its proposal is accepted, build
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  • 114 1 London, April 12, a. 20 a.m. The country for miles around Mt esuvius proems picture of horrible grey desolation. Not a vestige of fnxo i remains. All the towns and villages are buried more or less deeply under the volcano's Mhet, m some
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  • 48 1 ASTONISHED AT DOMINION'S MARVELLOUS PROGRESS. London, April 12, 8.55 a.m. Prince Arthur of Conuaught has arrived at Winnipeg. He Mated that lie had received a splendid reception throughout Western Canada and was astonished at the marvellous progress that portion of the Dominion hud made.
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  • 190 1 EXTRAORDINARY SCENES IN LONDON Owing to an extraordinarily high tide, on the i Mli March, the Thames overflowed, and some remarkable scenes were witnessed along its London chores. ["he Victoria Embankment was a running stream of water, and m Mime pan-- the river was nearly ft.
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  • 147 1 A remarkable story of degeneracy and perverted gifts is now being unfolded before the Paris Criminal Court. The Baron de Chabrepy is the principal accused, and another is M. amv. The baron is real nohlemaii, and he belongs to distinguished family. He is an old St. yrieii.and
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  • 125 1 Two French exports, MM. Brenier and Clayerie, writing m the "Bulletin Econotniqiae de lindo-Ctiine," estimate the total production ofrubbei throughout the world at 57,000 tons. this total more than half, to be accurate 5^ per cent., comes from Aniciic a and Al rii.i. Hie French possess
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  • 132 1 From Colmai there i> reported m incident which possesses greai interest I'm stu<i< nts ol criminal heredity. i)o\ ot live years named GustafHoehm beguiled a riii or four to the- tunk> oi the l.auch, where. In- pushed her into the water, and had not a pe..i-,. t i:t
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 391 1 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE HoMs TOP PLACE m HIGHEST CLASS Of scotch Whiskies I 12 YEARS OLD ied n> h. \r Tm Kirn, \m> ro H.H.R. THE PRINCE OF WALES. JnUM I ITTI P O A** 1 Sa *tern dental Sfotel, £W^ ™T^ r^^p^^ ■^■■^i^. .^ar continuance of H I II
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    • 15 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, Invigorating.' 1 A NATURAL MINERAL WATER OF THE HIGHEST CLASS. Sold Everywhere
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  • 743 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY, 13TH APRIL. THE QUESTION OF RACE. The special correspondent m India of the London Times gives a dark picture of the results of the peculiar temperament of General Kitchener upon the feeling towards England of the Indian officers and others over whom
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  • 268 2 To cut or not to cut; that is the question. Whether 'tis better to have an empty void hanging from the crown of the cerebellum to the bosom of the trousers or to retain a caudal appendage which advantageth no man save only the hairdresser, the dhobi or
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  • 34 2 There will be no issue of the Eastern. DttUf Mail to-morrow, Saturday, that our staff may enjoy a holiday to-day, Good Friday but on Monday and Tuesday the paper will appear as usual.
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  • 648 2 THEFT AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE. Babney, Bramsah and Kassim were }'esterday charged before Mr. Scott with dishonestly retaining stolen property. The fust named is a boy employed at Government House. The second man is a peon to Mr. Justice Thornton, and the third accused has no occupation, he having
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  • 30 2 Thk concert at the Presbyterian Church to-night promises to be of a very high grade and the proceeds go to a most worthy object. There should be a large attendance.
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  • 340 2 PACTS AM) I- vr n am,,,, aggg* arelu.|,l, mtl vtilu( rtamship line, >SK' IVii: Ito be killed. Th'rt Like the Sioux S fie" <1.-atl, halt, Mr m Lablnit'hs. n ann. In a State of misery ihc state o! m m ness to which we- h will finally
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  • 91 2 Till I<l Will 1). SCI i thews' Sepoy 1. tcr D»J a- follows: B i. m. Il.»l\ I 8.15 p. m. vensong and S< 1 v A -pecial m Pott state- thai I i arrive at an understand United States, t«> he isolated position. The t, Uk > rived yesterday
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 605 2 I New Season's Fruit Messina Granges JUST ARRIVED ex. V. I). L. BACS S E N THOMPSON THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRAL/AN STORES. SINGAPORE |CIX $ea View RotelJ ZEC J± T O IST G- L Intending Boarder^ and Lodger> at the above Hotel are requested M kindly to make their applications
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    • 417 2 International Stsimtwg, S .A. 18-A-TTEIR/Y" IRO-A-ID. FACING RAFFLES SQUARE. The Dispensary is m charge of an efficient European Dispenser, who will personally and promptly attend to all prescriptions. Drugs of all kinds, Medical Stores and a large Assortment of Patent Medicines m Stock Telephone No. 315 The "Stationer's Hall," 6,
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    • 231 2 For Sale. Coloured Pearls Apply to SCHG WtiATT, /j. Mokmmtd SmMbm Road. THE EASTERN DAILY MAIL Established, Sept. -ith. tjos. Published at 58-2, Hill Street, Singapore. SUBSCRIPTION. Dail^i Local $3.50 per quartei Outstations $4.60 Telephone No. 972. All contributions must be addressed to "Tne Editor." written on one side of
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    • 199 2 WHAT OUR READERS THINK Tlic Kdiu-i iaviu interest t.. E /> fJile written on one M«fa "i the ,•<• shoulil ex. t-i-.l 4 v\ We f»i tlu- PRACTISE RATHER THAN PREACH lo the Editor, [1m 0 DEAR Slk, 1 rejoice uiwl a:n glad at t.ie resoluti 11 whi( youi dent,
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    • 846 1 rE. 0. M. Competition. e the advent of electric trams in re, we have had to eooteni ourwith the only cheap means of i in existence the "ricksha." trims arc running through >cip.il thoroughfare* in tull ig in »ce un tin 1 in them n i
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    • 53 1 When r goes fall out, it m That honest p- 'pie Their dues, t>ut m tl es< r davit seems that they do For L iwson holds hi> million-, yet, The others -tick to their-. And v? p«)<»: honest people, Lord. We gin't m -i^ht nowhere- New Y,,ik
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    • 117 1 Phi Chinese Hokkien Church, Tanjong Pagar Koad, is to benefit by the proceeds from the Organ Recital and Sacred Concert on Good Friday evening at the Presbyterian Church. Ticket- and Programmes can be had at i 9r I, Little's and Messrs. R tbinstxi «N: Mr. Lemon, on behalf" of his
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    • 545 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid j Issued. paid up. Value, up COMPANY. GOLD. 5135,000 140,000 10 10 Bersawah Cold M. Co Ltd. $13.00 se'.le $40,000 10 10 Do. Do. (Deferred) > 8.25 $600,000 G<X>.C0J 10 10 Hi-usei Hydraulic Tin If. Co. Ltd. U.50 $-200,000 onnnno 10 10 -Cadana
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      • 28 1 Government Rate 2/ 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday the 4ms bank rate r at. c 4 7 r. The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16.
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      • 114 1 UM LW,,,-BanM m, s 4 7/16 Demand ..2/43/16 Private 3 m/s. 2/4 5 I do. ft., a/4 13/16 ,>»MH\ -Bank -i I 2.40 Private 5 a/1 2.45 do m 1 2.47 On Franc- Bank d/d t. Private 3 m/s 3.00 do. 6 m/s.. 3.02 Pnva«3=d/s tin shanghai— Bank
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    • 125 1 > S 5 7 5 Garni,, 7.30 do Lv! c V "oo do do N r ie co Pepper, Bick .'vd.uury c,' H r 19.50 do White, Fair L. \».c... 28.12J I'-I Mace <Banda> Cloves (Amboma) 33Liberian Coffee 20. Tapioc. -mall pearl (Fair) 7.00 do do (Hake do) 7.15
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      • 46 2 MEN-OF-WAR. Hcliopolis, Brit trail's., 2967, Kelly, Apl 1 Vladivostock, for Odessa 1. Lucifer, Dut Col str., 135 Lovius, Mar 22 Rhio, for Rhio. Meran, Fed. yet. 100, Alii, from Kuantan des. Uncertain. Sea Mew, Col yet.. 500 Murphy, Apl 3 Malacca, des. uncertain.
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      • 502 2 Alting, Dut 704 Danck, Apl. 9, Sourabaya, Dacndels, for Bav.ean 14. A. Exelmans, Fr 31 13 Gens, Apl. 7, Antwerp, MoineComte, d<:>. Uncertain. Banka, Brit. str. 1:; t<uis. Opt. Rushton, 30th Mar. From Natuna Island. 29th Mar. Copra. Too Hoc Lye. For Natuna Island, U.—Rd:-. Bantam, Dut 2114
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 91 2 John Little Co., Ltd SPECIAL Iffil RESm/ E OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY GOLD M E OAt. /*?3^^ l^V REGISTERED >^° -ts^ o^9 EDINBURGH. <tH| LONDON 1*73. LOftOOM 4 MO EXPOfiT AGENTS. fPAMX 'BAU£r& Co 59 Ma** O*f JOHN LITTLE 8c GO. L.D., 3INGAP O q c Per case off 12
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 456 2 LATEST ARRIVALS. Mnrex, Brit 2328 Deacon, Apl. 10, P. Sam'ooe, S_yme& Co., for Bombay. G. C. Mrer, Dut 443 Yos, Apl. 11, Palembang, Hock Seng, for Muntok 13. Sri Muar, Brit 123 Hudson, Apl. 12, Malacca, Soon Keck, for Muar 13. Malacca, Brit 405 Mugford. Apl. la, P. Swettenham, Straits
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    • 20 3 (Kcuttrs A4ITJ wires, By submarine talcgrssfew) \V\i: ING CKOWDs MARCH IN BFLIGIOUS PROCESSIONS ALL N DAY
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    • 66 3 London, April 12, p.m. the King and Queen welcomed deliriously at Naples. The inhabitants of that city ue'ic m 1 of panic, wailing crowds marching m religious processions 1 the streets all day. The use of masks, goggles .md du-t-M rai and makes
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    • 78 3 ■<x \I. LEGISLATION BEING VIGILANTLY WATCHED BY nil: OLONIAL OFFICE. London, April 12, 3 p. m. In the House of Commons, Mr. Jurchill made a detailed statement tgarding the Education Ordinance v* before the Ceylon Legislature and dded that further legislation mi being ted Mr. Churchill stated
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    • 58 3 EDI/CATION BILL WILL HE L'NHESI IATIXGLY OPPOSED. I, April 1 2, 3 p.m. Bishops held at il was resolved to un«e the Education Biil. Mr. Walter Runciman, Pariitneatary v 01 the Local Government -lie, said 1 witerbury of Lords on the E Bill a- he did m
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    • 33 3 MODIFIED BILL INTRODUCED IN niK AMERICAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES London, Api I 1 2.3 p.m. itatea that jced m the House vel) revising is n Act with a view American differences
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    • 23 3 ROBERTS MADE A OUNTY D JUDGE. 3 p.m. Mr the Ho Comm «en appointed a CounetU create- a vacancy
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    • 21 3 v April 12, 3 p.m. Mr. Bailey, the great was formerly connected inderthefirn name of ley, is announced.
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    • 42 3 subscript ns already $3,242 Vmount of subscription* since Mt payment by *Co. 100 Col Pennefather 20 Messrs. Adamson Gilfillan and Co. Ltd. 2so C. Emerson, hsq, 2; Messrs, Stephens Paul Co. 1 co $3,787 G. S. MI'RRAY, Hon. Treasurer.
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    • 228 3 number of deaths for the week the ;th inst. was 203, and nerat: J7-73 per mille. U A h'naman had a fit m Battery attl, e busiest hour of the i\u\ ■ornlng. Mr C. w Danbeney and H. H. the of Sarawak arrived from lllt:r N by the Raja of
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    • 1037 3 (BANKRUPTCY CASES.) Mr. Justice Thornton was engaged dur.ng the whole of yesterday m hearing bankruptcy petitions. The first case was that of Pediachi A d.stress warrant had been issued but nothing had been seized, there being noth.ng upon which a seizure could beleved Ihe matter was
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    • 1292 3 ONE OF THE NOTED MEN WHO HAVE HELPED CHINA. The first of a new series of lectures by Dr. Gilbert Reid (m mandarin) at the International Institute was recently given at Shanghai. Besides the Chinese there were present a few foreigners, among whom were Messrs. McLeavy Brown and Archibald
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    • 1149 3 EMERALDS ON TURQUOISE SEAS. Fiji has long been to the Eastern States what Ceylon is fast becoming to Western AAustraliaa a charming holiday resort within easy steaming distance, but affording a thorough change of climate, scenery, and people. Ceylon is certainly beautiful, and the legend that it
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    • 115 3 The S. V. I. fired yesterday m the competition for the Bromhead Matthews Sheild open to the Volunteers of the Straits and F. If. S. The scores were as follows yds. yds. yds. 200 500 600 Tot. Captain Elliott 33 31 30 -94 Sgt. Galistan 30 31
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    • 445 3 To-OAY is the Tamil and Singhalese New Year. The usual celebrations will be held. Dr. Ross, of the General Hospital, is to be transferred to the Lock Hospital Penang, his place being taken by a medico from home. The Proprietors of the Japanese Cinematograph will give their exhibition next Thursday
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 185 3 ROBINSON 00. PIXEO EXcHANGE REOUeED PRICE Ralciab Bicpcks 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Silver Plated Lamp. BeU and all lecessories $70. The "Raleigh" machines Represent THE BEST ROBINSON Co. >«»'s ——'■■■■i ■iim miiiii 1 1 ■m i Clx 6aumom l^ Cbronopbone 3INGING AND TALKING VEVER YET
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 327 4 SMOKE Best I ittouimcin Cigars. Owing to lixity of exchange and a great demand for this brand of Cigars and having received large consignments of same from Moulmein, we have decided to reduce the price from date. Lan be bought at Si. 50, 1.30, 1.10 and So cents per packet
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      • 688 4 BANKS. lon^kong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL *10,00u,uM RESERVE FUND- 19 5,00.000 bilver Reserve I 9500,000 j Reserve Liability ol Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Dirootora A Haupt, Ksq— Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. E. Goetz, Ksq. F, Salinger, Esq. C. R. Lenzmann, D. M Nissim, Ksq. G. H. Medhurst,
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      • 566 4 MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman Mak Dabu Noori f Bangau Loiikin Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua Tengah malam Permata Gambos Sha'er j lnche Mina Che'long Bana Serampang Sri Perak 1 Pulau Bercmbon Kronchong I n Timbang Daek Anak
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      • 335 4 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium. Guthrie Co.,
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      • 495 4 "E. D. H." ADLETS. FOR PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. MONTH 25^words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 00 50 75 cts. 2. 00 3. 00 4
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      • 490 4 SALE, WANTED, ETC, TO BE LET. To be Let. *><>. 7, Battery Koatl 1 1 >n 2nd Floor. J lllr^ Apply to GUTHRik ft Ltd. To be Let A Compound Houte. No i.c voode Park. Im.ned.atc Iltr "f 0^ >ed rooms, Stables. >- Apply to CJUTllKik.vu.j.u,. TO BE LET, From
        490 words