Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 12 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 79 1 (Reuters Agency wires. By submarine telegraph.) EIGHTY TO NINETY MILLION POUNDS STERLING. FRANCE WILL TAKE OVER HALF. London, April 11, 7.35 a.m. Arrangements for the new Russian loan are approaching completion. It is believed that the amount will be from eighty to ninety million pounds sterling, j
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  • 41 1 LEASE NOT YET SANCTIONED. London, April 11, 8.55 a.m. Mr. Churchill stated m thc House of Commons that the leasing of the Ceylon pearl fisheries had not yet been sanctioned. The Earl of Elgin was > considering the matter.
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  • 40 1 ABYSSINIA WISHES TO JOIN POSTAL UNION. London. April 11, 8.55 a.m. The Postal Congress has opened at Rome. An official of the Italian Foreign Ministery represented Abyssinia and announced King Menelik's desire to join the Postal Union.
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  • 43 1 FOUR LASCARS SICK AND TWO DIED ON A BOMBAY STEAMER. London, April 11, 8.55 s. m. Four lascars employed on the steamer Burrs/icia, which has arrived m Philadephia from Bombay, are suffering from plague. Two others were buried at sea.
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  • 21 1 London, April 11, 7.35 a.m. Bambaata ha> reached a dense forest where pursuit would be almost hopeless.
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  • 273 1 The decay of national vitality is made the text of a scathing attack m the British Medical Journal" on the growth of luxury and greed m modern society. The history of recent wars has Bhown that m non-mensurable and imponderable qualities, such a.s brute courage and
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  • 156 1 The largest flower m the world has been supposed to be that of Rafflesia Arnoldi, which forms <he entire plant, and grows to a diameter of three feet as a flat, circular parasite on trees m lava and Sumatra; but a still larger, single specimens weighing as
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  • 90 1 On March 13:1 jury awarded a girl who was injured while looping the loop at Sunderland, m Durham, /'250 damages. Mr. Justice Darling, by whom the case was tried, held that thc agreement signed by thc plaintiff relieving the proprietress of the theatre where 1 the accident
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  • 156 1 Agency wires. Hy submarine telegraph.) LAVA-COX LRED MARKET ROOF FALLS ON THRONG. SYMPATHY FROM FRANCE ANE ENCLAND. London, April it, 8.55 a.m. The roof of the Monte Oliveto Mat ket at Naples has collapsed. Seven dead and seventy injured have thus far been extricated from thc
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  • 64 1 THREE OFFICERS REPRIMANDED AND ONE DISMISSED London, April 11,8.55 a.m. The court martial held to consider the stranding of 11. M. S. Donegal m the Gulf of Suez has concluded its sitting. Captain Grogan and Sub-Lieutenant Best have been severely reprimanded. Lieutenant Jones has been dismissed from the
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  • 29 1 TWENTY EUROPEANS REPORTED KILLED. London, April 11, 8.55 a.m. Serious disturbances arc reported to have occurred m Meshhed. It is stated that twenty Europeans have been
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  • 21 1 London, April 11, 7.35 a.m. The House of Commons has read the XVorkmen's Compensation Bill for the second time.
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  • 320 1 1 On of the strangest cargoes ever put into the hold of an ocean-going vessel recently arrived m London, lt consist- ed of a number of large bags ol dried i flies, and was delivered to Messrs. Newth, Guy mer, and Co, corn mcr- chants, of
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  • 143 1 Anglo-Indian" writes to the Pioneer "While we were coming OUt to India on the transport Assave, at night time, m thc canal, we passed a ship which was carrying back to their country Russian prisoners who had been captured hy the Japanese during the war.
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  • 26 1 Citizen XVhat |K>ssible c\im»e did you fellows have for acquitting that murderer Juryman: Insanity." Citizen j Gee The whole twelve of you 'Cleveland Leader
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 198 1 TAIMSAIM, Pure, Crisp, Invigorating. 1 A NATURAL MINERAL U \TKK OF THE HIGHEST LASS Sold Everywhere JOHNLITTLE&Co.j X _w Continuance of HIIB 1 \II I L I jeash eiearanceyftliyJ FURTHER REDUCTIONS m j m 9 1 Ladies' and Gents* ©utfitting. j J JCUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, HARNESS, ETC.] \jlemnants and Oddments]
      198 words
    • 204 1 NOTICE Seramban" Races annual meeting. SERAMBAN CYMKHANA CLUB Saturdmy April ,y and £«wfcr ifo-rfiy. Entries -MB Royal Semi Porcelain I S'etfeeio dinner ZCare, CANNOT BE EXCELLED FOR EXCELLENCE OF FINISH I **V^ J ROYAL m J^§!r y vM 1 SEMI- V ENGLISH PORCF LAI M^SSij^ m m m mmm m
      204 words
    • 85 1 I*""" £Jr' £,H PETIiIILL ra, I Proprietors. f the iktern^al hotel i lhe Best Hotel that has ever existed m the Island. I Travellers. excellent table i Luisine under European Supervision "TJSESS^TSSSST ——-r j RILEY HAMRMYES CO, 1 H SINGAPORE AND IPOH. P 1 ESTIMATES, PUNS SPECIFICATIONS 1 W SUBMITTED
      85 words
    • 29 1 BUCHANAN'S BL£CK WHITE Holds XOP PLACE i" the HIGHEST CLASS OF Scotch Whiskies (12 YEARS OLD Supplied to H. M. Thk Kino AND TO H.H.R. THE PRINCE OF WALES.
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  • 466 2 A Japanese fleet has been enjoying g a a time at Manila. At a dinner given to the Japanese officers at the Army and Navy Club on the night of the 2nd inst., the son of Admiral Uriu, the great Japanese hero who sank the Vwriag and
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  • 534 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. THURSDAY, 12TH APRIL. A LESSON FOR AMERICA. PR'CE SVEms *mSS^S*tSSStZ Tanjong Pagar docks and draws therefrom a lesson for America m h% u rule over the Philippine* "c Cltyinrtiercud dubs Singapore not only the "Liverpool of the Kast and the Key of Asia but new Gibraltar
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  • 27 2 Through a typographical error, the salaries pertaining to sundry public offices mentioned m these columns yesterday were given as Si 500 instead of £1500.
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  • 98 2 For allowing a raft of 20 logs of timber to run adrift m the harbour, a Chinaman was yesterday ordered by Comdr. Radclifte to pay a fine of $15 and costs. Thk Maxim Co. of the S. V. A. scored 425 points m the Bromhead Matthews Shield competition. The score
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  • 267 2 EDITOR OF THK DURBAN PRINCE" REFERS TO HIS FRIENDS IN THE STRAITS. In regard to my writings on the Chi- nese labour question, I have had a complimentary message, which I appreciate very much, from Mr. Donald, the editor of the Daily Chronicle, who siys he is
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  • 233 2 The following properties and a life interest were sold by auction at Powell and Co's sale room on Tuesday afternoon No. 84 Telok Ayer Street and No. 13 Stanley Street, Singapore. 3310 square feet, Statutory Grant No. 20, quit rent $8. X M.K. Kalunkappi Chitty, 513,900. Monthly
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  • 156 2 FILIBUSTERING EXPEDITION BEING ORGANISED IN LONDON (Special Cablegram to the Manila dMrfl London. April 2. -It his been discovered that a filibustering expedition to X'enezuela his been orginized here. Its purpose is to take possession of the country, and with tlu ni 1 of certain disaffected elements
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  • 96 2 AMERICAN SUPREME COURT JUSTICE RETIRES FROM THE BENCH. (Special Cablegram to the "American Manila."* San Francisco, March 30. -AssociateJustice John Marsh iii Harlan of the United States Supreme Court has signified his desire to retire from the bencji and devote the remainder of his life to preaching
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  • 84 2 A big lire at Sampeng, m the suburbs of Bangkok, destroyed property valued at two million ticals. It is believed that several lives were lost, but no bodies had been discovered up to last mail advices. Fhe tire occurred m a crowded slum district inhabited largely by
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  • 46 2 Governor Curry, of the Philippine island of Samar, announced by Reuter some time ago as missing, upon hip return to civilization wired to Manila for re-inforcements, saying; "I will make all necessary prep irations to wage a war of extermination, which ithe only alternative."
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  • 43 2 Mr. and Mrs. Gad have booked passages by the next P. nnd O. mail homewards, to leave to-day, on a six months' holiday During the absence of Mr. Gad, Mr J. C. Hern.ansen, of tinEast Asiatic Company, will act gg Consul for Denmark.
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    • 14 2 V Man dency against n,, J, be checked c,rl m Cablenews
      Cable news  -  14 words
    • 11 2 pome div,,,,,., -r'..';;; ■oerau. cou„,- Public Opinion New York
      Public Opinion  -  11 words
    • 29 2 i ne vanitv of bo'h thores.es sensitiveness to criticism Van They readily fallow la, ofjtm.butth -on u,, th-v treonfmnted w th t ic p Books of To-day
      Books of Today  -  29 words
    • 37 2 England' s Bane. somebody has said thai the 1 were being left beh j n peoples because the wh n r an hour too late. I s inclined to make il t of one! Lady Paget ln
      Lady Paget  -  37 words
    • 35 2 ll I. Ulll} since that the people of thes known the chss o fp t.c.ans. But, m spit, acqu untance, many p getting tired of th. I. and ambitious men Pueblo Manila
      Punch  -  35 words
    • 37 2 One or two masti recently found it ne requests for more c discipline m the hun: are often guilty or r and wheat mow anythmgeUe. Iti t iquires daughtei •top dressing" it had. Madame
      Madame  -  37 words
    • 46 2 The slanderers in th ir unthinking allies in the electorate have brought thousands of help have indirectly set S on the road to ruin just as the was beginning to feel its .v.r. between two and thi p irallelled depres- Argus town.
      Argus  -  46 words
    • 62 2 Elegantes Who Chew." I mentioned some litl iking was once favour with the smart lad A still more startling developm that our elegantes ha "chewing," a doctor i I that this habit has a on the complexion. 1 carried in the glove handkerchief about jin. square ike a little whta
      Paris correspondent of Vanity Fair  -  62 words
  • 10 2 1 ••-1 to k n 'i
    10 words
  • 326 2 To tie El.t )r. Tk- h. Dear sir. Would w t .roug.. t. c medium of y ur va to bring o t c notu above A sociation ia „<-i-<-*ral but pecially to t ose w o we enotpra meeting :.eiJ on t ie i
    326 words
  • 210 2 Sir, The letter of Inten led Ket« appearing \w your issu^ ol tnis taer interestingly. I can improve ourse.v >s by cutting and w.iy by keeping same wt der tie bonds of slaver v As ne is only a.i inten l< inform nim tttat by cuttin
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 635 2 MmW International Sispinisanj, 8 -A. BATTEBY IR/O-AJD. FACING RAFFLES SQUARE. The Dispensary is m charge of an efficient European Dispenser, who will personally and promptly attend to all prescriptions. Drugs of all kinds, Medical Stores and a large Assortment lof Patent Medicines m Stock I Telephone No. 315 JBMBi ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■^■■■■MHi
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 100 2 COMING EVENTS To-day, April 12tb. High Water. 0-37 p.m. Volunteers go into Camp. r. <). homeward mail closes. 3. Bila Syndicate meets. Co.lyer Quay. T. April ,nb SSJ?^' d ur"^1;2, P'mft« F J ,da P^ c Holiday. Tamil New lear s Day. Saturday, April 14thHigh Water. !-;> a.m Mi pm
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      11 words
    • 564 1 REPORT FOR 1905. fhe twentieth Annual Report of the 1 imber of Commerce nnd c has just been issued by the presentation to the >f the Chamber. It takes the bound l>.»ok oi 131 pa. with information, interest ,t to tin- community m on the part
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    • 194 1 A SILLY MALAYAN BELIEF. A correspondent writes to the Malay Mail: It seems almost incredible, but it is a fact, that some Malays believe that if they go to hospital and fail to recover quickly they will be poisoned. Two c.i^es have come under the writer's. notice recently which
      194 words
    • 74 1 The domine had said grace, when the tour -year-old daughter of the hostess^ who sat ippos te the minister, looked up and said That s not the kind of grace my papa -ays." N iweetly tsked the minister; "and what kind of grace does your papa hy, said
      74 words
    • 56 1 A bashful young couple, who were evidently very much in love, entered a crowded street car in Boston the other day. Do you suppose we can squeeze in here he asked, looking doubtfully at her blushing face. Don't you think, dear, we had better wait until we get home?"
      Life  -  56 words
    • 88 1 THE Holy Week services in the Cathedral ofthe Good Shepherd will be as follows -The office of Tenebrae on to-dav and to-morrow will be at 7 p.m. On Holy Thursday, to-day, at 7 a.m., Bishop Barillon will pontificate at the High-Mass. O n Goo«l Friday tomorrow, the service will he
      88 words
    • 303 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued. paid up. Value, up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. •135,000 140,000 10 10 BersawahGoldMCoLtd. 913.00 sellers ♦*u.um> 1U Do. Do (Deferredi £ft as sags gasvui^ r TIN. JJmSS fl uantan Tin Mining <*' Ltd 15 £*****0 100.800 Queensland RaubGold M. Co. Ltd. nom. 5
      303 words
      • 149 1 On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7 16 Demand 2/4 3/16 Private 3 m/s. 2/4 5 I do. ..m s. a/4 1316 t)n <;.-r,-.'iu\ Bank <\ <\ 240 Private 3 m, s 2.45 do 6 m/i 2.47 Om Fra net Bank d,d 2.95 Private 3 my 3.00 do.
        149 words
      • 170 1 Tin S 86.50 Gambiei n 730 do Cube No. 1 v n. 00 do do No. 2 M 10.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 19.50 do White, Fair L. \V. 5 p.c.„ 28-1 2*\ Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 33. do (80 to the lb.) „59. Mace (Banda) ••>,
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 102 2 John Little Co., Ltd. SPECIAL 4|jp VSE^E OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY GOLD MIDAI. x^V^^%^ REGISTEREO y^w^N. Sg^^p tUINBURuH. v^|Lj| LONDON 1871 rZ.'r, Lon or* 4 mo £xpo*t Aoieers. F*A*tirßAU£r*l Co 59 Ma** u*e JOHN LITTLE St CO. L.D.. BINGAPOR e Per case of 12 Bottles $10.50. Botol Hitam, Per case
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 574 2 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. Heliopolts, Brit trans., ***** Kelly, Apl 1. Vladivostock, for Odessa 1. Lucifer, Dut Col. str., 125 Lovius, Mar 22 Rhio. for Rhio. Meran, Fed. yet. 100, Alii, from Kuantan des. Uncertain. Sea Mew, Col yet., 500 Murphy. Apl 3 Malacca, des. Uncertain. MERCHANT VESSELS.
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      • 528 2 LATEST ARRIVALS. Singapore, Brit 748 Robinson, Apl. 10, Bangkok, 700 Seng Chan, tor Bangkok 13. Castor, Nor 775 Martin, Apl. 10, Hongkong, Katz Bros, for Langkat. Hydra, Nor 831 Borgnard, Apl. 10, Calrutta. Borneo Co., for Bangkok De Carpentier, Dut 766 Ponse, Apl. ii, Billiton, Daendels, for Billiton 13. Hye
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    • 131 3 IcStcr** wires. Py submarine tel'grapli.l GRAVE CHARGES AGAINST KITCHENER'S ADMINISTRATION. His Intolerance and Lack of Courtesy Nearly Produced Mutiny m the Soudan. London, April n, 1.15 p.m. The Times publishes a long letter 1 corespondent m India iticixing General Kitchener*! I c Times correspondent complains Hide towards
      131 words
    • 43 3 fIHTED STATES AND FRANCE READY FOR PEACE NFERENC I London, April it, t.05 p.m. j' V( r States hai supported p, a; g Russia to postpone f the second Hague Peace I prevent its clashing with n Congress to be held
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    • 39 3 OTHERED UNDER SHOWER OF ASHE& 1. Vpril n, 2.05 p.m. j}- e -mothered ur oi ashes and its persons is perishing. sumed its activity g and -and < a d L rre dell' cut "fT from there
      39 words
    • 276 3 Ann- m. Ml Lt-< ded at the lub, at the Thursday and there were \V D Barm Lt. Beattie, Nutt, Mr. Scott, Mr. Crane, Mi I he. I it wai the working it ►ss ta rretary. ptions from It cry re- also and he no recurwere. howev.
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    • 151 3 Tmi only well on Pulo Kra having down, a supply of water had to yarded to the island from Penang Saturday at a considerable cost. Ti 1 L lja lh of 2ii P ris °ners arrived from v*u* Anson yesterday m charge of on uTch- Klood- lhey are to Proceed
      151 words
    • 808 3 SERVANTS DECAMPED. Mr. J. H. Murray, Assistant to Mr. Pall.ser, reported on the s th instant the »«j .»f S4OO m cash, one gold watch and chain valued at 35 0 and a gold ring valued at 33 Simultaneously, with the loss of his property, his cook boy
      808 words
    • 274 3 At the meeting which was held yesterday, called to confiim and approve the resolution passed on the 19th ult. that Rule 25 of the Singapore Chami ber of Commerce be altered by the addition ol the words or absent him- self from three consecutive meetings of
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    • 533 3 (From Native Papers] An Adviser. Sun Po Xi, ex-Minister to France, has been appointed a member of the Board of Civil Appointments to advise the Throne m matters connected with the proposal to establish constitutional government. Another Alarm. Owing to a rising of the members of the Kolas
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    • 111 3 ACCUSATION AGAINST FORMER AMERICAN OFFICIAL IN SINGAPORE. A special cablegram from Washington to the Manila CaUenews states that Mr. H. H. Pierce, who as third Assistant Secretary of the State Department recently made a tour of investigation of the American consulates m the Far East, scores Goodnow,
      111 words
    • 96 3 A Pahang gentleman has recently succeeded m thc difficult task of climbing to the top of Gunong Raja. Formerly this was considered an impossible feat, says the Pinang Gazette. The height of Gunong Raja is 5,080 feet. On the 20th March at 1 p.m. the thermometer registered
      96 words
    • 61 3 Joseph Chamberlain once told this good story against himself. He was the guest of honour at a dinner m an important city. The mayor presided and when coffee was being served, the mayor leaned over and touched Mr. Chamberlain, saying, Shall we let the people enjoy themselves a little
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    • 57 3 The Captain (native) e^f the s. s. Sri IVongse, which arrived from Malacca and Muar Tuesday, reports that after leaving Singapore on the 7th inst, he was caught m a squall near Tanjong Labu, situate about a mile from Pulau Pisang lighthouse. A considerable quantity
      57 words
    • 73 3 The Dutch mail s.s. Oranje having left Sabang on Tuesday evening is due here to-day at 4 p. m. Mr. H. Oehlers.who met with a rather serious accident recently, is again about town. His injuries were not so severe as was at first reported. H. E. Sir William Taylor visited
      73 words
    • 1643 3  -  Stephen Jansz [E. D. M. Special.] Whoever it was who defined that a proverb was the "wisdom of many and the* wit of one has hit the nail squarely on the head and given a true definition of the word. There is no nation under the sun that
      1,643 words
    • 220 3 Mr. James William Lawrie, Government Si anne Surveyor, Penang, died suddenly on Sunday last at that place from a stroke of apoplexy with which he was seized the night before. The funeral took place the same evening, the Rev. F. W. Haines, Colonial Chaplain, officiating. The
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    • 73 3 The S. V. A. camp has been pitched at Keppei Harbour and an inspection of the Maxim detachment will be held this afternoon. The following arrangements have been made for launches for the Swimming Club during the he>lidays.—Friday at 10 a.m., returning at 12-15 P mSaturday at 10 a.m., returning
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 206 3 4^^^^*^ l-^-~-* > U L \mmmWmwmmmwWmwmmmowlmmw WMMWOWOeM» ROBINSON and 00-l FIXED EXCHANGE REDUCED PRICE Rakiab Bicpcles 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Silver rioted Lamp, Bell and oil Accessories The "Raleigh" machines Represent THE BEST ROBINSON CO. SOLE .GENTS j I Cbe Gaumont =1 Cbronopbone SINGING AND
        206 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 120 3 SERVICES AT THE CATHEDRAL. To-day. Holy Communion 7 a.m. Matins (Mission Chapel) o a.m. Evensong and Address 6 p.m. "The Crucifixion." Rev. J. A. SMITH. Good Friday. Matins, Litany and Ante-Communion 7 a.m. The Three Hours' Service 9 am. 12 noon. The last Seven U </rds in the light of
        120 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 321 4 F SMOKE Best l mouimein Cigars. Owing to tixitv of exchange and a great dem md for this by md of Cigars and ha \g received large coongunMnti of tame from Mouimein, we have decided to reduce the price from date. Can be bought at Si. 50, 1.30, 1.10 and
        321 words
      • 710 4 BANKS. fi Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:Sterling Reserve $10 000.000 1 $195i00>000 j Silver Reserve 9500,000 f Reserve Liabil.ty of Proprietors $10,000,000 I > Court of Dirootors. A Haupt, Esq -Chairman. Hon. C. VV. Dickson- Deputy-Chairman. p E. Goetz, Esq. I F, Salinger, Esq. L C.
        710 words
      • 542 4 W m W m m. m. mm mm mm w MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong r Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman I Mak Dabu Noori Bangau Loiikin S Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong f Kuala dua Tengah malam Permata Gambos Sha'er Q Inche Mina Che'long
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      • 337 4 FRASER NEAVES AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium. Guthrie Co., Ltd. NOTICE.
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      • 504 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTEufT PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all vour Wants: Houses. Bodowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i Wkkk. Fortnight. Month 2£words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° f. 75 cts. 2.
        504 words
      • 495 4 I TO BE LET, M Te be Let. on 2 nd Floor. h r^ ms x To be Let A Compound House woode Park. Immcdia'tc bed rooms, Stables Apply to GU-|lR| r UiLtd TO BE LET, From the i* April house No. ,o8, Rowill u' m m Seranggong R,, l(1
        495 words