Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 7 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 147 1 (Neuter's Agency wires. Hy submarine telegraph.) i CARRIED FROM THE REICHSTAG IN AN UNCONSCIOUS CONDITION. SUFFE ,0M OVERWORK IN CONNEU NUN WITH MOROCCO CONFERENCE. London, April 6, 7.40 a.m. Prince von Buelow, the Imperial German Chancellor, delivered a long speech m the Reichstag on the subject of
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  • 44 1 INHABITANTS OF VILLAGES NEAR lIT. VESUVIUS ARE FLEEING. London, April 6, 8.50 a.m. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius is alarming the inhabitants of the nearest villages and they are tleeing to places of safety. The city of Naples is >tre\vn with cinders.
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  • 25 1 London, April 6, 8.50 a.m. The death of the Rt. Rev. Lord Alwyne Compton. D. I)., Bishop of Ely, is announced.
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  • 22 1 London. April 6, 8.50 a.m. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught and party have arrived at Marseilles.
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  • 33 1 London, April 6, 5.50 a.m. Mr. Bennet Burleigh, a well-known war correspondent on the staff of the Daily Telegraphy is suffering from double pneumonia. His condition is regarded as critical.
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  • 456 1 A NOVELTY THAT IS NOT "CATCHING ON." Inspiteof all that has been written and said about the imminent predominance of change-speed gears, there can be no question that bicycles fitted with these contrivances form a very small proportion of the machines encountered <>n the road. To compare
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  • 185 1 The higher your roof the more you can get under it provided you know how to utilise ierial --pace. That the American-- pOMQM that MDSMary knowledge their skyscrapers ha\r proved to the world. An indication of whit the? manage to get under their roofs ia forthcoming m the
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  • 90 1 tR< utcr'^ Acencv ■ir— iiv Miimiit'iip FIELD FOR* E COMPELLED TO RETIRE ON THE TOWN. PART OF THE FORCE CUT OFF. London, April 6, 7.40 a.'m. The Natal tid.l force m pursuit of Batnbaata has boon compelled to mire on Greytown after running fight winch was kept
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  • 59 1 COLONEL CUTHBERT ACCEPTS ALL RESPONSIBILJ TV. London, Apri 1 6, 8 50 a.m. At the ragging enquiry Surg. onMajor Winston testified that Lieut. Kennedy was m a dirty condition and suffering from the itch. Three orderlies and two army doctors testified to his cleanliness. Colonel Cuthbcrt accepted
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  • 36 1 London, April f>, 8.50 a.m. The Prince and Princess of Wales and party have sailed for Corfu. The Khedive, Lord and Lady Cromcr and Major-General and Lady Wingate bade them farewell at Cairo.
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  • 26 1 London, April 6, 8 50 a.m. Their Majesties Kin:; Ed«vard and Queen Alexandra are stormbound at Marseilles, Their departure has had to be postponed.
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  • 417 1 RUSSIAN CONDUCTOR'S APPRECIATION 1 OF LONDON. The famous Russian conductor, If. Wassily Safonoft, on leaving London t fulfil engagements m Berlin, was asked by a Daily Ckivtudt representative for his impressions and said "London is a charming city. There is plenty of bustle m the street!, but
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 313 1 TAIMSAN, Pure, Cr.sp, Invigorating" A NATURAL MINERAL r of i hi: highest i LASS. Sold Everywhere y^U^A^A^ 1 l^_d^__MM^__t___t__^ JOHNLITTLE&Co. Continuance of H l l fl cash eiearance VftljU, FURTHER REDUCTIONS Ladies* and Gents* Outfitting, CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, HARNESS, ETC. Slemnants and Oddments Half Original Marked Sale Prices. An opportunity
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    • 125 1 \Bastern Ciiental JCotel, I PENANG. CRAG HIOTEL, PEIMANG HILLS. Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors. I THE 1 I INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 1 f The Best Hotel that has ever existed m the Island. I Is Electrically Fitted throughout. Has splendid accommodation for 1 Travellers. 5 EXCELLENT TABLE I Cuisine under European Supervision 1
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    • 30 1 BUCHANAN'S BLACK A WHITE" Holds TOP PLACE l« thc HIGHEST CLASS OF Scotch Whiskies (12 YEARS OLD Supplied to H. M. The Kin«. AND TO H.H.R. THE PRINCE OF WALES.
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  • 1224 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY, 7TH APRIL. OFFICIAL RED TAPE. 1 ho last copy of St. James's Budget at hand contains an article on red tape m India which is well worthy reproduction. The difficulties and embarrassments atteiiding the transaction of business with any of the Government
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  • 113 2 The following headlines are taken from a single page of a London paper dated ist March: Church Riots Highland Crofters' Land Raid Paris Hooligans at Large Lynch Law Riots m Ohio; China Mission Attack and Native Chiefs to be Arrested. This is, perhaps, an unusual display
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  • 694 2 CELEBRATION BY THE SHERWOOD FORESTERS. Athletic Sports. The anniversary of the storming of Badajos was celebrated yesterday by the first battalion of Sherwood Forestsji with becoming ceremony. The celebration is of special significance for the local battalion stationed m Singapore, inasmuch as it played a conspicuous
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  • 20 2 During Major-General Inigo-Jones absence on his trip to Japan, Lieute-nant-Colonel Watts will be m command here, with eftect from to-morrow.
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  • 134 2 An eccentric visitor to AruncJel caused i much excitement by his strange behaviour m the park of the Duke of i Norfolk. Riding m on horseback, he drtfr out a revolver and commenced tiring m the air, at the same time miking his horse i
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  • 130 2 Mr. J. Murray, employed at the Kallang Tunnel, reports that this boy, cook and tukang ayer have decam ped. Money and other property to the total value of $900 are missing. By a carriage accident m Orchard Road yesterday morning a syce was severely injured, as was also the pony,
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    • 23 2 Ihe custom of publishin. *m growing general, What am ls is nowadays as public a matter a woman wears Saturday ft
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    • 32 2 inepuipit, the platform the p and the purse form the only m r through which public 0,,,;,,^ m m really influence*! m ourcountrv !H f present conditions Emtin AY r
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    • 34 2 Cheap, popuhr, puhl.dv (nv^d r n transit is the best wa, to A\J X^ ghettos of poverty the *1,, m« and the Alsatias of vice loh. M. P., quoted mlrnkfimduj NewY<
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    • 29 2 the whole grander of England repose on her > day when the country decides to ken it will see the end qS Britain s prosperity -Utn**^ Beige, Brussels.
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    • 38 2 The wave of discontent and reform extends ovc, lime par t of the 2 lized world, and is beatin R m n9i narchym Russia and Cermanv w anstocracy m England. <jazme t New York.
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    • 39 2 We have been governed to by dangerous and fanatical rm this is the first time m our history that we have been asked to destinies of the Empire to a Cabinet n< Amateurs. Bltekmotntt M m
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    • 39 2 If justification were needed opposition of Labour jberalisa and for its independence m it is found m the replies of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor cv chequer to the deputation ionists on old-age pensions. Leader.
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    • 46 2 It is now a question whether we ire free to conclude treaties an I ships without the consent or if we are condemn- accept a protection which much resembles slavery, and renounce our position as a great Power m the world. Echo de Pan<
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    • 47 2 That male manners have declined m open to little doubt. Ash n j Men. she will toll you, m tf what they were, and the only gentlemen left m the land are old modern young mv nothing of fl-mrrer, and the of flirt*. Lady* R?<ilm.
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    • 49 2 No one will be a martyr duce the grand manner ii I world. Yet one occasionally m fancy into the older w century or more, wherein hum* had time and inclination for more than the Krap| which is all we deal <->i;* Week's Survey.
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    • 71 2 The real cause of vagrai final analjrsis, not the go prisor.s, or the lii, r ht Work ir wards, or the short lente > < inpoMd by magistrates. These thi the evil. Its origin is thoughtlett, indiscriminate charity; the ran given m answer to nn\ plausible tale So-called
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    • 56 2 Once again m London MIHW«« the domesticated daug I Lean- neglected m I ing very much d While she watches the disil diaperon who brought her Dancing wildly with < beau! And, th<>' wishing ihe •>•' She politely bow- her hi When she canl parwiade hei
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  • 27 2 Die Kduor invite* merest to C 0 V written on one sule ot tha •houlJ e*cee 1 I ble for th« opinion* ol
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  • 179 2 SIR. -Will yon kindly all ■>*■ space m your columns "c.tyfatiiers'anincxix-^ e j hack ponie> aa.l carriages BU) from our burning *un w.ien t k-. Hackney Stands. 1 The mercloss way of I the trees m town, leaving m impr«ion of a desert. .>"■'* great hardship
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 551 2 SLEDGE 8 I STERILIZED IMIIILjIKII 1 SAFEST, PUREST, BEST, I B The Perak and Penaog Government Hospitals use! V 5000 tins every Month. J I SOLE AGENTS: I J.Travcrs &Sops Ltd.| I 7, DALMEIDA STREET. is: j±t o isr aIntending Boarders and Ledgers at the above Hotel are requested kindly
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    • 295 2 New Season's Fruit Messipa Grapges JUST ARRIVED ex. N. D. L. "SACHSEN" THOMPSON THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRAL/AN STORES. SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Application will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, up to the 12th April, 1906 for the post of Chinese Interpreter and Clerk, Gambling Suppression Department, Police, Singapore.
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    • 198 2 NOTICEA FTER this date I decline to be res- ponsible for any debts which may be incurred by my wife. A. B. VINDARGON. April 6th, 1906. THE EASTERN DAILY MAIL. Established, Sept. 4TR i9os. Published at 5&-2, Hill Street, Singapore. SUBSCRIPTION. Daily: LOCAL $3. 50 per quarter Outstations $4.60 Telephone
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    • 958 1 SOME ILLUSTRATIONS OF ITS EFFECTS. We reproduced a lew days ago a part of one 01 a series of articles contributed to the Manila Inicnain by the Rev. M Johnston Oil various phase- <>t ..nbling question, and below quote from a later article on the "Evil-
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    • 143 1 The circle-- habits of parent- n^ a factor responsible for the declining birth-rate of Engl md are severely criticised by Dr. 1. F. Butler-Hogan. Medical Officer off Tottenham, m his annual report. Comparing the England of to-day with the England of 50 years ago, Dr. !f g
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    • 304 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued. paid up. iValue. up. Company. Quotations. GOLD. •135,000 140,000 10 10 BersawaM,ol t lMCoLtd. *13 60 seller* SSBSS -.000 10 -,^ol^.^^.^ gj TIN. f&OOO /?i '0 K-«an Tin M, ni n R Co. Uu $15.00 X SJgj; \i\ 1 !i£3 Ltd E
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    • 28 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday the 4 ms bank rate at. 24 7/16. The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/16.
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    • 141 1 On London Bank 4 m/s 2, 4 7 1 Demand 2,4 3 k, Private 3 m's. 2/4 5 3 '10. 6m- 24 i' On ficnt.i.iv -t^tnk d/d 240 Private j m 2.4; dv. 1 s 2.47 On France -Bank d,d 2.95 Private 3 m/s 3.00 do. 6 m/s
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    • 172 1 Tfo. ..$84.50 do Cube No. I v „.o o do do No. 2 ft 10 00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 19.50 do White, Fair L. \V. 5 p.c. 28. 1 2 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 33 do (80 to the lb.) M 59 Mace (Banda) „145. Cloves
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    • 49 2 VESSELS IN PORT. j MEN-OF-WAR. Heliopohs, Brit trans., 2967, Kelly, Apl i. Vladivostock, for Odessa 1. Laciftr, Dut Col. str., 125 Lovius, Mar »i Rhio, for Rhio. Meran, Fed. yet. 100, Alii, from Kuantan des. Uncertain. Sea Mew, Col yet., 500 Murphy, Apl 3 Malacca, des. Uncertain.
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    • 536 2 Banka, Brit. str. 127 tons. Capt. Rushton, 30th Mar. From Natuna Island, 29th Mar. Copra. Teo Hoe Lye. For Natuna Island, U. -Rds. Bra- wer, Out. str. 342 tons, Capt. Gregor,l3oth Mar. From Paneh, Mar. G.c, and 131 d. p. Daendels Co. For Paneh. 7th Apl— Rds. Br.'ed,
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    • 213 2 Name, Port, Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Mfn of- War, &c. Donegal, Brit, cruiser, Enerlaud, dnr soon. Duke of Edinburgh, Brit, cruiser, England soon. Natal. Brit, cruiser, due England, due soon. Mails from Erßor-F Apl. 6, N. D. L. Snchsen. Apl. 17 P. &O. Delhi India. Mails
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    • 83 2 To-Day. For I'er At Penang *cc Bantam 7 a m Pontianak Valentyr; Bam Labu q &>. Darvd 10 a m Penang ColomU^ Silesia Ham Bangkok Tanglin 1 p m P. Swe 'ham *i l'enam; I 'm Sent. 2p m Hongkong Honß Wan I 2pm Tenant Calcutta Lai Sari:
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    • 81 2 YEBTI Ul>.\N Baud for Batavia.i* Ban Uiii Guan T. Alison. Calypso Penang A Deli. Futtala Fiji. Sikh Hongkong and Japan. Resident Schicft Rhio. Moyune Shanghai and Tsintau. Betsy M Bagan. Sri Muar MuaicV Malacca. Dortmund Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Heim for Bangkok. Hye Lcong Teluk Anson. Deli Bangkok. Waihora
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    • 126 2 CkarotL Bi It 1600 B e 11, Apl. 5, Frem?ntle, Mansfield, for Fremantle 1 1. "**Pin Seng, Brit 378 Davidson, Apl. 5, Penang, Kirn Lum Hin, for Penang 7. Natuna, Ger 458 Stolberg, Apl. 5, Deli, Behn Meyer, fo r Deli 7. Valentyn, Dut 248 de Vries, Apl.
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 110 2 John Little Co., Ltd. SPECIAL \ffi3 I^ESE^E OLD VATTED GLENUVET WHISKY GOLD M EDAL TCOCr* gOj-O M E O*L %^^P" tUINDURUH. %^;4g? LONDON 1873. CALCUTTA ig«4 Lonoomand £xpo/tr Agents. f/rA#/r&A/iEr6 Co 59 A/a*x Lame £C. JOHN LITTLE Sc CO. l_D., SINGAPORE. Per case of 12 Bottles >t0.50. Botol Hitam, Per
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    • 71 3 Reoter Agency wires. Hy submarine telegi aph. EXPEDITION AGAINST REBEL CHIEF STARTS TO-DAY. INFANTRY WILL BE SENT OUT. London, April 6, 2.35 p.m. forcements have reached Grcy- column s arts out m search tIK rebel chief on Saturday, commanded by Colonel Leach. Inf.inti v will be principally employed
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    • 86 3 I oKD SELBORNE DECLARES THAT NATIVE QUESTION LIS IMPERIAL. London, April 6, 2.35 p.m. SelboriM hrn opened the new railway from Klerktdorp to Fourteen Stream-. In a speech delivered on that occasion be referred to the resignation of the Natal Ministry and emphatically declared that the people
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    • 35 3 FORTY-TWO PEOPLE KILLED \Nl> SEVENTY-ONE INJURED. London, April '6, 1.55 p.m. new hotd m the Black Forest ;has collapsed during I hotwewarming. Forty-two dead bodies and seventyone injured per^vs have been removed
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    • 28 3 LoffDOH, April 6, .2.35 p.m. Their Majesties King Edward and Queen Alex indra hive given two hundred pound- to the widows and orphans itCourrien
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    • 26 3 London, April 6, 1.55 pm. In an interview General Booth has stated that he v ill start OH a visit to m tetober.
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    • 1210 3 At the meeting held yesterday afternoon, there m lent IV. Murray s srs. VV. Macbean, A. W. Keng Lee. R Allen, C. and H.L. Coghlan. Mr. B.oadrick, and Mr J. Polgiase, were m proceeding with the regular President announced that Dr. Lim Boon Keng was leaving for
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    • 267 3 America is slowly but surely becoming the supreme Power m the Caribbean reigon, says St. Jatnes's Budget. The announcement thatGuantanamo and San Juan are to be fortified will probably convey little to the average reader, but it implies that a blow has been struck by the United
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    • 16 3 A Cantonesk secret society has been raided by the police at Bangkok and eighty-five members captured
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    • 942 3 (Beftre Mr. Justice, Thornton.) CLAIM FOR WAGES. Yeo Kong Swee sued his late employers, Tong Koon Soon, of Chop Kirn Lam, for Si Bo, the amount he claimed as being due to him for services rendered as accountant. Mr. Rene Lowell appeared for the defendant, who disputed
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    • 48 3 The case against the s.s. £»//hi> been postponed until her return from Bangkok. The Company of Malay submarine miners, which has been stationed at Pulo Brani for eighteen years, being the only unit m the army list whose rank and file was composed of Malays, has been disbanded.
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    • 1428 3 CRUELTY TO A DOG. v 2? X. m l ta nt at about 7-45 P- m. Mrs. Muhlcnbem went to the Animal Infirmary and asked Inspector Pestana vO u- B °u T^ her to see a dog which had been cruelly treated by a Chinaman m Oxley Road
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    • 475 3 WANE OF GOLD WORSHIP. "Mrs. Craigie, known to the literary world as "John Oliver Hobbes," as the principal guest of the Political and Economic Circle at a recent meeting of the National Liberal Club, gave a charming address on her "American Impression^," gained durii.g the visit to
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 201 3 ROBINSON and 00, FIXED EXeHHNGE REOUeEO PRICE Raleial) Bicycles 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Silver Plated Lamp. IUU and all Accessories $70. The "Raleigh" machines Represent THE BEST i ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS t I»" Ox Gaumom I CbronopDone J I SINGING AND TALKING I I
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 134 3 CHURCH NOTICES I'ALM SUNDAY. ST ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. Matins and Litany 7 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 7-i5 a.m. Children's Service, 4 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 5-30 p. m. ST. MATTHEW'S, SEPOY LINES Foo Chow Service 11-15 a.m. Evensong an>l Sermon 8-15 pm. M E CHUIICII. COL EM AN STREET. Sunday School
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 339 4 SMOKE Best inoultiKin Cigars. Owing to .ixitv of exchange and 1 great demand tor this brand of Cigars and ha' ing cci ived large consignments rfiMM trow Ifoulmeia, we have decided to reduce the price from date. Can be bought at *i.s<>, 1.30, 1.10 and So cents per packet of
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      • 689 4 BANKS. Hongkong 1 Shanghai Banking Corporation PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 KKSKKVE FUND Sterling Reserve $10,00^000 1 tl<J m Silver Reserve 9500,000 f 1J5 00 .°00 ReseiA'e Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Esq Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. E. Goetz, Esq. F. Salinger, Esq. C. R. Lenzrnann,
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      • 524 4 MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman M Mak Dabu M Noori Bangau Loiikin 1,, Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua Tengah malam Permata Gambos Sha'er f Inche Mina Che'long Bana Serampang Sri Perak Pulau Berembon Kronchong Timbang Daek Anak Ayam
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      • 339 4 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie Co.,
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      • 450 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS. P' PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i Week. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts. 2. 00 3.
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      • 487 4 OR SALE, WANTED, ETC, TO BE LET. To be Let No -7, Battery Road h lrc on 2nd fr loor. Cl r oort^ AppIytQGL'THKi Et C()>ltd To be Let. No. 6, Cecil htrect. Apply to GLTHRIK& Co, U(J To be Let A Compound House No s woode Park. Immediate' entry"
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