Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 6 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 129 1 (Rruter's Agency wires. l>y submarine telcgrapii.) LIEUTENANT SMEARED WITH OIL AND JAM. A WOMAN IN THE CASE. London, April 5, 9 a.m. The ragging enquiry has been opened. Lieutenant Kennedy stated that Lieutenants D. Hamilton, C. Hamilton, Harford and Jollifte court-mar-tialled him tor being m a filthy
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  • 64 1 SPREAD OF PLAGUE AN EXCUSE FOR DESPATCH OP' COSSACKS London, April 5, 9 a. in The Russian legation at Theran reports that m view of the disorders at Seistan and the possibility of the spread of the plague, Persia has despatched cavalry to Bnjand, Turbet, and Turisme.
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  • 30 1 ALL DISTRICTS AT ST. PETERSBURG WON. LoNDOn, April 5, 9 a.m. The indications are that the Constitutional Democrats have gained all the districts m the St. Petersburg elections.
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  • 29 1 London, April 5, 9 a. m. Sir Arthur Nicholson has been decorated with the- Lross of St. Michael and St. George tor his services at Algeciras.
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  • 23 1 London, April 5, 9 a.m. The Turkish Commissioners n that Fatah belongs to A* tba i therefore, Turkish territory.
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  • 257 1 A well-known linn m Carolina has evolved a giant monkey-nut. It is admittedly tne largest nut ot its class ever seen. It is two-and-a-half inches m length and three inches m. circmference, and is thus about three times the size of the ordinary monkey-nut of coinmcrce. The
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  • 197 1 The great complexity of life m modern civilisation is a sign of progress, according to Spencer, but I do not agree with him, says Prof. Elic Mctch nikoff, of the Pasteur Institute. Spencer speaks of the variety and preparation ot food. It is certain that
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  • 47 1 Mr. K. A. Swatson, a Cornifthmaa who lias lived m New Zealand lotmany years, died of cholera m Buiij;kok on the 28th March. Deceased wu m the employ et Messrm. Howarth Erskine, Ltd., as an outside toicin.ni, and had only been m Bangkok lour 01 live months.
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  • 85 1 (Renter s Agency wires. I y ;n telegraph 1 NATAL RKBEL CHIEF FIRES ON POLICE FWO FARMS PILLACEO AND ARMS SECURED London, April 5, S. 15 a. m. The Natal rebel chief, Bamba.itn. and Ins followers are rutting the t«legraph win-. 1 hey tired on a party
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  • 104 1 STRONG FEELING THAT MORE MR, ITT HAVE BEEN SAVED. London, April 5, <> a. 1 Another miner has been recovered alive from the Courrieres mine, lie lived on coffee and brandy which lie found m the tlasks of the dead. His rescue has strengthened the popular belief
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  • 21 1 London, April 5, &.15 a.m. The King has ord.uneu mat Piincess Ena shall be stylrui Her Royal Highness."
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  • 671 1 The question ot the elevation at which Para rubber can be successfully grown is of great importance. When Air. Edward iiamlin returned to Colombo recently from .1 visit to Southern India he gave the Times <// Crv/<>n his view- on tin- question, md what he •-ays
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 682 1 BUGHAMAN'S BLACK Sl WHITE" 11 TOP PLACE ta to« HIGHEST LASS O] Scotch Whiskies 12 YEARS OLD H M Thk Ki\(, ,\\d TO H.H.R. THE PRINCE OF WALES. JOHNLITTLE&Co. VMvM CLEABANCE SilL Bar^aips 117 all Dcpartipcpts Every Item a Distinct j BARGAIN.! ROYAL HOTEL No. 4, MERCHANT STREET, RANGOON. SaXtOH
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    • 124 1 \Sastern <$: Oiiental Jfofe/l I PENANG. lOI^J^O- HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. Sankies Bnotheps, Vroprieton. X I THE 1 I INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, f I he Besl Hotel that has ever existed m the Island. I It Kkctrclly Fitted throughout. Has splendid accommodation for I EXCELLENT TABLE I Cuisine under European Supervision 1
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    • 14 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, invigorating' A NATURAL MINERAL WATER OF THE HIGHEST CLASS. Sold Everywhere
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  • 1373 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY, 6TH APRIL THE DOWNFALL Of SOUTH AFRICA. Without entering upon the question of partisan politics, even a Liberal must admit that the situation m South Africa has undergone a serious change for the worse m the past few months. The great difference
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  • 118 2 The way m which the people of Singapore have taken hold of the work of relief for the famine sufferers is thoroughly characteristic of the place. We have probably the last of all the large funds which have been started for the purpose, but, once started, the
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  • 315 2 ("E. D M." Special.) A curious case m the Court of Requests m Kuching was heard by the Magistrate the other day. The plaintiff claimed S2 as balance due for a stone bracelet sold to defendant, valued at 111. of which 89 had been paid. The defendant
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  • 105 2 According to a pre^s report lVom In dianapolis the United States Steel Corporation is to build on the Indiana shore of Like Michigan, between Ham mond and Tolletson, the largest steel plant m the world, the cost of which is to be S3 0,000, 000, and
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  • 86 2 Members of the Swimming Club and their guests are reminded that launches will leave Johnstons Pier for the Club Bungalow on Sunday the Sth inst. at 8, 9, 10, a.m. 2. 1 5 and 3. 30 p ni. returning at 9.30 ii, 12.15, 3 aud 5 p. m.
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  • 55 2 Charles Lloyd, A. 8., of the S.S. Ikhal made a complaint against his captain and chief officer for assaulting him. The preliminary hearing of the case came on yesterday before Captain Kadclifie m the Marine Court, who sent the ca-e to the Police Court. The charges
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  • 195 2 The largest insect m the world is the elephant beetle of Venezuela, a fullgrown one weighing nearly half a pound. The German mail steamer Sachs? h left renang at 10 a. m. yesterday and is due here at 4 p. m. to-day. Captain Young, the "new Colouial Secretary, will probably
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    • 6 2 Fes? —J I
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    • 21 2 ocmn aione lees more Shake can performances than do bi.thth English-speaking nations /v)' V man Organ,) New York
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    • 29 2 If the young men, as i, tv becoming la keen on golf aa Z ones, we shall he&r not only of m^J widows," but of golf-spii.ster, PktoritU.
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    • 27 2 It teems impossible not to n m the persisted md steady dc'clinT the English death-cat* tJoof national awakening to th, i mp of hygiene Lemat
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    • 30 2 Many .-unique works ofarttretob carefully removed from the old W Office to the new building Sn V w one may against the W always shown revcrem i
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    • 27 2 Colombo does not stt architecturally noteworthy Onewou rather fancy that, like fopsy it gn.wed." It hi. grown piecemeal without any guidance or attempsymmetry. Tttmt of(
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    • 33 2 It IS gradually t>- „c cognized everywhere thai degrades man's moral nature and that vegetarianism tends to curb th, propensities of man and i moral and spiritual Orgtm,
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    • 37 2 Liberals have travelk I Lancashire phrase, \i dignity." The m is* i f cannot fail to realise how the, been "gulled" on the question by the agents of official I lism. limmchukr Cm
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    • 38 2 it everyone were to follow ciple that one had no business I one's friends, it would end m be deplorably dull Imagine the ponderosity of a conversation one felt bound to praise <■• M was mentioned. -Conthill
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    • 32 2 Let the powers-th with vliat cue they p font industries, tnerce of thd nation. ro-duy the Philippines the same positi 1. [s it expect that we be ao protection —I'uia
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    • 49 2 Performances by i tea ty artistes are now be best restaurant- W« th it one fashionable menu will include a human bullet shot aci dining-room between the fish, a couple of eccent i< comedians (with d and a dare-devil <li\e mi the roof with the Evening New
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  • 101 2 Thi* evening the final tie singles is to t>e played, and game to be between F. SaUmann 11. A. Mason (plus 5), and is ed forward t > with much into On Puesday next ought to be witnessed bd F. SaUmann and 1. I runner-up for
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  • 86 2 PLEASANT ENTERTAINMEM GIVEN LAST NIGHT There were m.mv men who responded to the Mi. S. Wooley, Hon Pulo Brani Club to umvtrmMiom jiven the member-. Dancing w is vigour until late. Everyth was .lone by the IW theirguestsc unfoitable, an Gooaall was indefatig ib m tm-
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  • 85 2 Yesterday afternoon an 6 met a team from the 95 1 Infantry, composed "in-: on thcS. R. < ground :> first half the game was eacli tide coring a goal, interval the Indians courage md agility and goal .1 few minute- before I afterward-., a neat pass was netted
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  • 10 2 Thi |apanese Cinen bit.oninauloftlK-(h;^ 11 resulted it) giving question SJo7.s''
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 622 2 I 1 SLEDGE 8 sterilized :m:i:il,:k:| SAFEST, PUREST, BEST, II iie Perak and Penang Government Hospitals use! 5000 tins every Month. I SOLI- AGENTS: I J.Travers &Soi>s Ltd.l A 7, D'ALMEIDA STREET. U n Intending Boarders and Lodgers at the above Hotel are requested X kindly to make their applications
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    • 305 2 Egyptian Cigarettes BEY, KING. MIKADO, REGINA, IMPERATOR. Samples on jlpplication. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. TO-NICHT TO-NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT. THK PARIS CINEMATOGRAPH Just returned from a Successful Tour m Java. LOCATION BEACH STREET ALL NEW FILMS Two Shows Nightly 7.70 p.m. and 9. t0 p.m Complete Change PROGRAMME
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    • 266 2 THE EASTERN DAILY MAIL. Established, Shpt. 4TH, i9os. Published at 58 Hill Street, Singapore. SUBSCRIPTION. Daily: Local $3.50 per quarter Outstations $4.80 Telephone No. 972. All contributions must be addressed to The Editor," written on one side of the paper only, accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily
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    • 159 1 The cadets of the Federated Malay States Civil Service, seem to be quite dissatisfied with the recent amalgamation with the Straits Civil Service judging from the voluminous memorial prepared to be forwarded to Lord Elgin, the Secretary of State for the Colonies. The appendices alone extend
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    • 121 1 A curious incident, not without its amusing side, occurred on Friday evening last »n Green Lane, Penang. A number of bullock cart- were being driven along the Lane, laden with strew, when, through some unknown cause, the straw m the front cart caught fire. The
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    • 98 1 The following incident shews the value oi the finger-print system, says the Malay Mail:— On Saturday, Inspector Jackson, who has b:en transferred to Kuala Lumpur from Bentong. arrested some forty vagrants m Petaling Street The impressions of their fingers were taken and forwarded to the Registrar of
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    • 96 1 On Saturday last the Penang Swim ming Club gave their second Water Carnival. It was a great success. The following were the events and prizewinners 100 yard- Handicap, J. Er>kine. Neat Diving, E. F. Skertchlv. Water Polo, Whites Goal, A. Anthony /tacks, E. Reimani) and Fraser; half-back,
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    • 2 1
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    • 562 1 THUS PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT CHARACTERIZES THE SOLDIER'S UNIFORM. President Roosevelt jumps all over' Lieutenant Taylor, who recently interfered with an enlisted man of his command while attending a theatre. In a letter to Secretary Taft, President Roosevelt declares that the uniform of the enlisted man of the
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    • 187 1 In the receitt abduction case m Rangoon it is reported that Mr. Eardlv Norton, The Lion <>t the Madras Bar" as he is termed, so renowned for his forensic eloquence, received professional fees amounting to Rs. 34,000, and Mr Garth, another lawyer, Rs. ■51,000. The prosecution
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    • 417 1 Capital Capital Issue; Paid rMP Issued. paid up. Value, up. U AV Q GOLO. £135,000 140,000 10 10 Borsawah ('told M. G> LM. $40,000 10 10 Do. Do. Deferred < ier $600,000 600.C0J 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M o Ltd i,,~ *200,000 onnnm 10 10 Kadana
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    • 28 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday the 4,ms hank ratf at. 247 i' The Mercantile Bank quoted,:: 4 16.
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    • 139 1 On London Bank 4m, s j4 7 1 d■. S m/s. i On G-rn.any -Bank d,d 243 Private 3ms 2.4Z do. 6 m „4; On France- Bank d,d a.95 Private 3 m/s 3.00 do. 6 m/s 3.0.' O;. /ittVr Bank TT. i;;j Private 30 d/s 177; On Ho^gko^g
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    • 110 1 Tin Gambie; do Cube No. i do do No. 2 Pepper, Black(ordinj do White, Fair L. \V. ."> p Nutmegs (i ro to the Ib.) do (So to the lb. Mace (Bnnda) Cloves (Amboiua) Liberiao Coffee Tapioca, -mail pearl (Fain do ftlake d -.edlurn pearl (dv Pearl Sago, -ma!!
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    • 44 2 L VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. Hfhoidit, Bril tran-., .-.,.7. Kelly, vladivostock, for < kfcaaa 1. r, l>ut Col. str., 125 Lovius, Rhio, for Khio. )!,-> 1 Fed. yet. 100. Alii, from des I Hrertain Mew, Col vet., 500 Murphy. Apl \i ilacca, des. uncertain.
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    • 459 2 Dut > ft? Lee, A;>l. i Batavia, for l.atavia 6. Brit >tr. 117 t,.n>. Capt -:i. joth Mar. From Xatuna IsMar. Copra. Teo Hot* Lye. .a Island, U, Rd-. Bern llm (.nan, Brit 24$ Hunter IpL fdttk Anson. Wee Bin, tor Feluk Anson <>. wwer t Dut str.
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    • 221 2 \am,\ i'nrf, Pntbabl, date of arrival, and Agents. Mi n of-War, \i Donegal, Brit, cruiser, Englaud. due M»on. Duke ot Edinburgh, Brit, cruiser. England loon. Natal. Brit, cruiser, due Kn^land, due booh. Mails krom EuKOPI Apl N. D. L Sachsen. Apl. .7 P. O. Delhi India. Mails kor
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    • 8 2 Keuter'l Age«cy wires. Hy submarine telegraph.)
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 97 2 John Little Co., Ltd. SPECIAL C|pi I^ESE^E OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY GOLD MEQ/L xC^^v^^Jj^k REGISTERED A°>° HtPAL v^P EDINBURGH. j CALCUTTA ISS4 IOHOOMdMQ EXPO** 46£MTS. F*A«*BdUE*4 C* 59 Ma** t** £C wIOMfM LITTLE CO. LD., SINGAPORE. Per case of 12 Bottles 10.50. Botol Hitam, Per case of I*2 Bottles *9.75
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 149 2 MAILS CLOSE. To-Dai For Per At K. Pahant; Batavier noon Bangkok Deli 2pm Bangkok Breid 2pm Malac Ban Hin Gvaa 3 p m Penang Deli Cahpso 3 P m Malacca .\l Hye LeonK jpm Hatavia &c Gang \nn 4pm Pontianak Ban Fo Soon 3pm Batavia fc Giang Ann 4 p
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    • 74 3 ENGINEERS FLEE BEFORE WOMEN. WIDOWS OV DISEASED MINERS ARE INFURIATED. LIVE HORSE DISCOVERED IN THE MINE. London, April 5, 1 p.m. The Public Prosecutor has instituted edings against the engineers m the salvage operations m the Courrien mines. horse, "till alive, was found m < ofthegalk es yesterday evening, nnd
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    • 22 3 :>o\, April 5, i p.ni mi Vesuvius is m violent eruption A fresh crater has been form* d.
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    • 43 3 DESIRE TO lAKI PART IN FAMINE FUND London, April >. i p.m. it will be made through at N \v at home and m f<M aid the lapanc-e Famine eraent originated at a n g f I it Port imouth.
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    • 58 3 -IK MORTIMER DURAND ADDRESSI AMERICAN LJDEN rS 1 < nessee March 3. Mortimer Durand, the British Ami:. In 554 d 3.000 ts' X'olunteer s, his Excellency c East had him that missionaries did an g d far ii rxceis <>\ the detractors, I to be and, kw
      58 words
    • 35 3 [From a "Chronicle Correspondent.) Mllboikm March 6. Western that the latter function has lignat here. parallel 1 ngo, Wi stralian gs have the whole •ed the nt, thro rvention R ey, to introrea-
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    • 375 3 ■> »terday i krupt< Mr. N who was I by the ca-e h.id < er in the firm of ft i pr claim, viz: judgment had n which no pay- ':<:. A Icngt ensued between s Lordship, Mr. Nai iraa no finality m ipon His Lordship rj to
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    • 690 3 WbWUi SOME NOTES AND NOTIONS. The entries for the forthcoming Race Meet.ng have already appeared"? print ad are satisfactory, after takinc all things muo consideration All he neighbouring States, as well as c St. aits, have contributed towards the support of the Club, as far as entries
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    • 148 3 SUIT TO RECOVER THIRTY-SIX PIGS. Chop Seng Lee sued Chop Lee Puat f<>r the recovery of thirty-six pigs which had been seized by the Sheriff. Messrs. Chopard and Aitkcn were couns.l engaged m the case. I.'U Chew, -worn, said, that the 36 pigs which had been seized
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    • 216 3 The recent death of Mgr. Gomez Pi- j menta, Bishop of Mai ianna, Brazil, the first Catholic negro Bishop m America, j calls attention to a very remarkable career. Silveria Gomez Pimenta was the son of slave parents. He was so excellent a schoolboy that his case
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    • 995 3 IX WITH A FALSE BOTTOM he Telegraph Superintendent a Cocos Islands had been missing i >iderable quantity of telegraph tool materials lately. On Saturdalast the telegraph relief steamer arrive* from the Cocos bringing a number o workmen whose agreement ha<l expired Hun Cheok was one of them. He
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    • 478 3 RESULTS OF LAST NIGHT'S CONTESTS. Some Hart Hitting. The lovers of the noble art who secured seats for the boxing contests held ,n the gymnasium attached Tto the barrac k r at rt Cauni "S were wen awarded for their C li mb up the hil
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    • 698 3 LANGUAGE RICH IN "PEARLS OF WISDOM.' The Japanese are essentially philosophical people, and m consequence their language is rich m proverbial philosophy, and proverbs are current coin m their interchange of thought An apt quotation (says Mary Ogder Yaughan, m the M New York Tribune") often puts an
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    • 786 3 I STRANGE MONSTROSITIES PRODUCED IN CHINA. The United States Fisheries Bureau some years ago devoted considerable attention to the propagation of goldfish which were supplied m small quantities to applicants for the stocking ol ponds and aquariums. Members of Congress m those days regarded goldfish as one of
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 201 3 ROBINSON 00, I FIXED EXcHANGE 1 REDUCED PRICE Rakiab Bicpcks 1906 MODELS J Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE I With Silver Plated Jximp, Bell and all The "Raleigh" machines Represent I THE BEST I ROBINSON CO. sole agents! I Che Gaumont j I =1 Chronophonc j SINGING AND TALKING
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 332 4 SMOKE Best Wouluuin Cigars. Owing 1 i of exchange md a brand <>i Ci^ vn i I large oonsignmenta of same from Ifoulmein, we have decided t~> reducr the price from dale. < Via be bought ai V 1.50. 1.30, 1. 10 and Bo cents per packet of 100 l«>i
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      • 690 4 BANKS. Honjkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE KL'ND:-St.-rling Reserve $10,000,000 1 rfnzm.^., Silver Reserve 9500,000/ »i«».«".«0O K.-frve Liabil.ty of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Maupt, Ksq Chairman. HOll, C. W. Uickson— Deputy-Chairman. Goetz, Ksq. I V. Salinger, Ksq. C. R. Lenzmann, K. Shellim, Ksq. G. H. MeJhur«t,
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      • 546 4 MALAY RECORDS. 1 Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman Mak Dabu f Noori j Bangau M Loiikin n A*am Paya Bunga Tanjong n Kuala dua Tengah malam Permata Gambos Sha'er J Inche Mina Che'long Bana J Serampang Sri Perak J Pulau Berembon
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      • 336 4 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S DERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie Co.,
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      • 447 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS. F PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. l Day. i Week. Fortnight. Month 25 words or undfr 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° h 75 cts. 2. 00
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      • 415 4 OR SALE, WANTED, M To be Let. No. 7, Battery Road I on 2nd Floor. Apply to GUIiRiK 1 I Ltd. To be Let No. 6, Cecil Street Apply to GUTHRIE A c O Ltd To be Let A Lo l P°-n<i House woode Park. Im mC( l la bed
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