Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 5 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1 1 PI
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  • 157 1 GOVERNMENT ALL RIGHT EVERYBODY ELSE ALL WRONG. London, April 4, 8.45 a.m. The twelve natives were shot yesterday m Natal. They spent the night prior to their execution m the singing i of hymns. On motion 'of Mr. Mac Donald, a Labourite, calling attention to the danger of native subjects
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  • 66 1 CHIEF BURNS A KRAAL AND KIDNAPS BRITISH APPOINTEE London, April, 4, 8.45 a. m. BambaaU, troublesome chief of the Greytown District of Natal, who mi recently deposed by the authorities and had fled to the mountains with his adherents, has now raided the district, burned a kraal
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  • 58 1 PRESENTATION BY KAISER TO COL'RRIERES RESCUERS. London, April 4, 8.45 a.m. The K.ii^er, m bestowing medals upon the Westphalian miners who went to the re-cue of the imprisoned miner-; at Courrieres, said that they obeyed the teachings of the Saviour inasmuch as they shewed to their neighbour
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  • 36 1 POLICE COURT i)F ENQUIRY. L >m>on, April 4, 5.45 a.m. Mr. rlaldane states that a court of enquiry into the ragging m the Guards will sit this week. Its sessions will be public.
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  • 221 1 CURIOUS DISCOVERY IN AN AMERICAN TOWN. City Engineer R. C. Tumeltv, of Stockton, Cat., h is discovered a most remarkable tiling while marking surveys for street work. After some study, he has positively determined that tiie adobe soil is slowly moving toward the west, and that the
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  • 145 1 Speaking to a representative of the Times of Ceylon. Mr. C. I). Rotrh, who is leaving Ceylon for Europe, thought that under favourable circumstances rubber grew fairly well at high elevations m Ceylon. ulf the rubber is planted on the side of a hill facing the
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  • 81 1 London, April 4, 8.45 a.m. The City Liberals gave a banquet to Sii Wc>t Ridgeway, Protestor Schuster and Mr. Howies. Lord Tweedmouth, the Chairman of the evening, said that he hoped that J Sir W<-< Ki ■leeway ;m«i his colleagues would lay the foundation for a
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  • 38 1 GOVERNMENT DID NOT INTERFERE AND A LARGE VOTE WAS POLLED. London, April 4, &05 a.m. Upwards of -ixty per cent of the electors voted at St." Petersburg yesterday. The authorities refrained from all interference.
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  • 54 1 MALIAX DELEGATE SENT TO n.7 London, April 1, 5.05 a.m. The Italian d< leg lie at the Morocco Conference at Algeciraa has been deputed by the Conference to go to Xc/ ami explain to the Sultan the decisions which the Conference ban reached and obtain his
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  • 34 1 WAGES OF AMERICAN STRIKERS INCREASED. London. April 4, X.05 a.m. The employers of a hundred thousand bituminous coal miners m America have increased die wages of their men, thus relieving the situation.
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  • 20 1 London, April 4, 8 45 a.m. P. M. King Edward and Queen Alexandra have met at Marseilles.
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  • 231 1 NEARLY THREE DAYS r< DO TWENTY-THREE MILKS. Ceylon -iitt'nt special, dated Gantok, March 15, states that an ex ploration pirty from Thibet, consisting of Fitzgerald of Lord Kitchener's staff, Mr. Fraser of the" Tim's," and Jemadar Say ad Mir. the celebrated native traveller, the previous week endeavoured
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  • 176 1 REACTIONARY PARTY Ton INFLUENTIAL WITH THE CZAR^ (Special cablegram to tlie Manila CMfaHMMJ London, March 20 —The Russia capital la m wild excitement now over the statement that Count Sergius de Witte, the virtual dictator <>f UM empire, is about to resign on account of the influence of^he
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 150 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, Invigorating, x NATURAL MINERAL WATER OF WE HIGHEST CLASS. Sold Everywhere JOHNLITTLE&Co. Xjl^CZ 1 j_ < ±uID. wAon HLSAB&NCE SI. Bargains ii> all Departments Every Item a Distinct BARGAIN. ROYAL HOTEL I No. 4, MERCHANT STREET, RANGOON. Sa\tOll Si StCU?art t Proprietors. The Most Recherche Hotel and
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    • 509 1 NOTICE. Seramban Races ANNUAL MEETING, SERAMBAN CYMKHANA CLUB Saturday April 14th and Easter Monday. Entries close March 31st. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF Gramaphone Records JUST ~Et IE OEI"V IE ID ESPECIALLY Selected by Our SSuying Staff m cCondon. Our Price $1,30 still continues. No. 1832 Nobody's Look m but de No.
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    • 130 1 SaBtern Oiiental Sfote/, PENANG. C3T^J^.C3r HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. I Sankies Brothers, Proprietors. I INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, TPEisrj^isrc3-. j I lie Be- 1 Hotel that lias ever existed m the Island. f Is Elertricnllv Futed throughout. Has splendid accommodation for I EXCELLENT TABLE j Cuisine under European Supervision I WHEN VISITING PENANG,
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    • 52 1 With a view to encouraging the culti vation of State lands overgrown with lalang, the Perak Government is yw pared to alienate such lands, when over 10 acres m area, on the following terms: Premium, nil, Quit-rent $1 per 100 acres or part thereof for seven years, and thereafter $1
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    • 92 1 BUCHANAN'S BLACK A WHITE Hokh TOP PLACE h Ike HIGHEST (lass Of Scotch Whiskies (12 YEARS OLD Si iki) 10 11. M. Tm: King AM) To H.H.R. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Lcwu H. Winney, formerly cashier for Messrs. E. C. McCulkMlfh and Co. and who was found short m his
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  • 582 2 Eastern Daily Mail PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 5th APRIL. AN INVENTOR'S TRIALS. Mr. H. F. O. Larsen, of Niven Road, is not only an inventor of some ability but he has married the widow df another inventor who had a valuable process for making gutta percha. In connection with this
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  • 426 2 A friend of Mr. Peirce, the Municipal Engineer, calls us to task for our position regarding the salary appertaining to that office, his argument being as follows Mr. Peirce is the most hard-worked official employed by the Municipality. He has acquired technical knowledge which cost him a great
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  • 161 2 WHAT ABOUT THE BAND The Secretary of the Town and Volunteer Band informs us that subscriptions iov its support have not come m as readily as was hoped and that if there is not an increase along that line the Band will be discontinued within a few months. In response
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  • 154 2 Captain Castle, of the Sherwood Foresters, was officially reported on the sick-list a-- from ist April. LIEUT Pask, R. G. A., has been granted leave until next June with authority to travel through fapan. LtEUT. Col. Wright, R. G. A. has returned from Taiping, whither he had gone
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  • 56 2 Tiik Revd. W. D. Ashdown, of the Gospel Hall of Kuala Lumpur, has succeeded the Revd. Thomas Baird m the pastorate of the v Bethesda chapel m Brass Basah Road. The Revd. Mr. Ashdown has laboured m Selangor for a number of years m the Ministry, and is said to
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    • 20 2 Ine r inpino- have i proof of their willing m the actual government and cidal Li Opinion I
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    • 31 2 Brown Man Wants a Ch ance. wny then appoint N -I, howsoever cespectabl* be, to vacancies which the m fulfilment of solemn and promises, should reserve fortf other things being tuipino.
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    • 35 2 Ine news ol the <1 two islands of I the southern Pacific will by Japan. If the isle, of the TV keep dropping out, th- pansion policy will come Manila American.
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    • 29 2 Une oi the preIrakis the cheapening freights on the railway. the dollar at is. 4 d. tue that action should soon by the General M md Resident-General.
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    • 38 2 I lie one iavourabli repatriation ol ti,< stimulate the (low ol m n ng the Strait-, from which at threatened to be seriously It is indeed an ill wind that i, body an v good
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    • 31 2 Scarcity ol drinkable w t! keenly tell by Bangkok resident-, just should this ■corching continue mucli 1«. to sore strait- to obt tin water for c purpose-. >/</..
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    • 34 2 At present the interes producers, the to the turthe^t confil < are every where sacrifice comfort of tin who own a vote. The has been nearly ruin* I tea industry lie< c; fimrs.
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    • 39 2 We keep too 1■ how. Chose Eun >pc have colonized m I their civil servants to Itbo 11 than five or i America m itoefl to hurry would wear out ite send them hi the climate.
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    • 34 2 I here is fai I home at the pre-ent with Coloni.il art check is placed up towards setting m m I ment toward- d limista predict til the British Ei Mail.
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    • 67 2 The preterc;. t'->r the <J flferent kinds ing w as varied as Urn not like the 1 am; others find the lava i independent; bat al Malay "is genth named will d felling admirably, but he himselt m a p obey order- and Fne Chinaman i
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  • 20 2 The hdit"! i mmnm to L i> written "ii t 1 '.> c t.>i t ie •■pinion-
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  • 120 2 [*he Editor, Ernst > n D;-:ar Sir. It wh.it voice t w P Opium and Spirit terence to the tranter luminary obj<.\ ;<. I to I NeJerland Hotel at the last could under>tan I an now license or t c ien m propinquity to Spirit F Hotel
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  • 125 2 In the SuprenM there have ju-t bje;. old charters, one gran' and the other by G former was granted foi 1 mem irt of .1 1 Prince of Wah Island, 1 »jrd March 1807, The leconddocu of Incorporation, dated 27*1 ,8,6, by nrhich, on I the Ea>t
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 492 2 NEW SEASON'S FRUIT. Australian Apples. ex P. O."Devanha" JUST ARRIVED. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. International ipispcnsanj, 8 -A. BATTERY IRO-AJD. FACING RAFFLES SQUARE. The Dispensary is m charge of an efficient European Dispenser, who will personally and promptly attend to all prescriptions. Drugs of all kinds, Medical Stores
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    • 407 2 NOTICE. THERE WILL BE A Fancy Dress Ball AT THE SUNGEI UJONG CLUB, ON EASTER MONDAY. TICKETS 5. For tickets which will be issued only to members of the SUNGEI UJONG CLUB, OR THEIR FRIENDS, application should be made to the Honorary Secretary, Sungei Ujong Club. SEND A MONEY OROER
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    • 151 2 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS We beg to draw the attention of the public to the effect that from Ist April, our rate for subscription to the "E.D. M. is reduced to the scale now appearing m our issue. Bills due before the above date are chargeable at the old rate. COMING
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    • 407 1 Mg i) m Prise P— i pctilloa Station what a host <>t' three wor.ls ie.lo mos t of us here, under the gla- stem Sky. To some that last farewell, on busy platforms, when puffed steadily away, i .1 breaking heart ping a human
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    • 78 1 Indian Sociofogtsi which is published m London Makes this quotation I The Si'dti/is/ Annan! for i contains an article on British I by Mr. Hyndman m which he loquently says Phere is nothing more horrible or more infamous on the planet to-day than the British Government of
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    • 89 1 PROSPE< T OF A (LASH WITH THE CHINESE. Spenml Cabiegrmm A> tlw Manila mericam.) San Francisco, March 16. Tl. n la-h m N Manchuria if the Japanese encroach■tiuue. A sharp not■m Peking to fokio calling be notations of the China)^\w v regarding Manchuria and f•■ g the Japaresi
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    • 114 1 Cause A B ii diamond I m his offered R would give information lead »ther Hur<n information, which iverj he claimed the reward the P claimed half ol I •und th i only du< r the cd th: neckla< ad th« rt them m thi- view. The j
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    • 257 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued. paid up. Value, up. Company. Quotations. i > GOLD. %8S 14 000 IS JS *«> «<>!<. M. Co Ltd. JU— ua Do. (1 ref) nom. TIN. £110 000 100.806 4 Queensland Raub Gold M. Co. Ltd. nom. £***** r, L I)o Do
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    • 152 1 Tin .v 83.7; Gambier 7 Cube No. 1 11.50 do No. 10.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary S*pore) H 1 -do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 1 Nutmegs (no to the lb.) d<- lo to the lb.) 5,. Mace (Banda) 14;. Cloves (Amboina) .1 33L fee 2c lall (Fair) 7.0
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    • 27 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted yesterday U.c 4/ ms Utl r.te at. a/47/16 The Mercantile Bank quoted 1/4!.
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    • 153 1 On L .hm— Bank 4 m/s 2/47.16 Demand 43 i« Private 3 m/s.. 2/4 9/ ,6 do. 6 m s.. 2/4 13/, 6 LM b*m««) Bank d/d t.40 I'rivate 3 m/s fio. 6 n/l 4: j On trance- Bank d,d j. 94 J Private 3 m/s 3.0^ do.
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      • 46 2 MEN-OF-WAR. Heliopolis, Brit trans., 2967, Kelly, Apl 1. Vladivostock, for Odessa 1. Lactfer. Dut Col. str., 125 Lovius, Mar 22 Rhio, for Rhio. Meran, Fed. yet. 100, Alii, from Kuantan des. Uncertain. Sea Mew, Col yet., 500 Murphy, Apl 3 Malacca, des. Uncertain.
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      • 413 2 Baud, Dut. 1689 l- c e. Apl. 2 Batavia, Daendels for Batavia 6. Banka, Brit. str. 127 tons. CapL Rushton, 30th Mar. From Natuna Island, 29th Mar. Copra. Teo Hoe Lye. For Natuna Island, U. Rds. Brouivtr, Dut. str. 342 tons, Capt. Grcgor, 30th Mar. From Paneh, 29th
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      • 245 2 (*lenog/e. Brit 2joa Larkins, Apl. 3. Amov Scang Tiak Bee, for Penang 5. Siberia. Ger 3585 Kicr, Apl. 5. Bang kok, Behn Meyer, for Rangoon. I'erona, Gcr 3036 Dobronttz, Apl. 3, Hongkong, Behn Meyer, for NewYork 6. Chn;c Tai, Ger 1115 Moellermann, Apl. 3, Swatow, Belm Meyer, for
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      • 230 2 Name, Port, Probable date 0/ arrival, and Agents. Men of- War, &c. Donegal, Brit, cruiser, Englaud, due soon. Duke of Edinburgh, Brit, cruiser, England soon. Natal, Brit, cruiser, due England, due soon. Mails from Europe Apl. 6, N. D. L. Sachsen. Apl. 17 P. &O. Delhi 6: India.
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      • 50 2 YESTERDAY Akcv tor Hongkong, Yokohama and Kobe. Vidar Kelantan. Flcvo Kel Tit an. Korat l.rigkok. Chakrmbhongs Bangkok. Ruby Palembang. Tambm Odessa." R. SehierV Rhio. Peleu> Liveipool. Gregory Apaur Penang Calcutta. Kistna Port S.vettenhain and Penang. Sn Wongsec Muar and Malacca. Eder.d.ile Samarang. Selangor leluk Anson. rO-OAY a Isabella Singkep.
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 101 2 John Little Co., Ltd. BPICI/\L I^ESE^E OLD VATTED GLENUVET WHISKY jf*^Jog^ REGTSTERED (SB EDIHBURCH. (£|l) LOxbDa nil taoQOM4Va£jf*O*t*S£MTs, ffiAtfflUuErA Co 59 Ma*x i Jf c C UOMN LITTLE CO. l_D.. S I r\J Q A o R E Per oase of 12 Bottles 10.50 Botol Hitam, Per oase of 12
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 120 2 MAILS CLOSE. For Her At Sat>an_: fcl I^ali Sam Rhio and Singkep Isabella loan Hongkong Shanghai Sikh 10 ara Penang Charterhouse ipm K. Pal.ang &c Aing Hing 2pm Malacra Lingft Khenp Seng 2pm Europe via Boml>ay Hharata 3pm Malacca &c Penang 3 p m Malacca &c Kiau Ann 3 p
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    • 72 3 FRENCH DEPUTIES CHARGE COMPANY WITH NEGLIGENCE Rights Illay Be Forfeited London, April 4, 1 10. p.m. j lie French Chamber of Deputies haa j c j >a i 11 i res disaster. Sever il of the Deputies vehemently ccused the Company of negligence and of responsibility for
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    • 40 3 PROGRAMME SUBMITTED TO IHK POWERS BY RUSSIA London, April 4, 2. 10 p.m. Russia has submitted to the row* rs gramme for a second Peao held it the Hague, The( onference is to open on July Ist
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    • 321 3 FREE VERNACULAR SCHOOI S rO BE ESTABLISHED IN SINGAPORE. lit Schoolman jot is abroad and I him, armed with hi- FYito 1 Micr m full mi- i upholding and e.\u ties of his country," said g am, m 1 1 i remarkable H m Conn nons
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    • 93 3 LOCAL STEAMER LIABLE TO /IKK. X Jennings, on behalt of the 5j Farm yesterday, <" a writ <>\ seizure against the Wl-known local steamer Dili on the fl thru opium valued at .<; 20 had scovered secreted on board that Mr. Jennings (juoted the local which was
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    • 73 3 n )c following properties were sold > Return at Powell and Co's Sale room ue*day afternoon -1 7-;-i to :iJ I2 Neil Road, Singnrnent' °F ther wl building allotn adjacent thereto, total area M M*9 square feet, freehold. N. M. R. •nasamyChctty,%6oo. Monthly K«nH liCUltUral lan(l off
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    • 654 3 FOUND UNCLOTHED Choofiow was at 7.30 p.m on th* 3rd instant found m 1 complete state of nudity on the premises of Mr FT Wreford, residing at River Valley Road' A charge of housebreaking by night •s pending against him, but as there are doubts as to his
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    • 317 3 A Bengalee was placed under arrest night on a charge of attempting to circulate base coin. Plague is on the increase m Hongkong. Five cases were reported on the 28th March. A Memorial Service for the late Mr. Foo Feng Quee will be held m Prinsep street Church on Sunday
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    • 812 3 THE CONTEST OF THE TWEN- TIETH CENTURY. Africa presents many problems for European statesmanship to solve, or 1 attempt to solve, ranging from the chaos which exists m Morocco to the relations of black and white m South Africa. In one sense Africa is still the Dark
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    • 95 3 On the 21st July last year, Nairanan, a native of Cochin, was admitted into the Leper Asylum at Pulo Jerajak, suffering from that much dreaded disease, says the Straits Echo. He is now entirely cured of the scourge and the authorities are sending him back to his
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    • 144 3 Several distinct shocks of earthquake were felt m Hongkong on the 28th March. H. M. S. Hecla, I torpedo depot ship arrived from Hongkong yesterday. Thk members of the Hunt Club are reminded that there will be a meet at 44 Irwell Bank at 4.45 p.m. on Saturday. The starting
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    • 1566 3 PROPOSED LAW FAVOURED BY PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. The following Bill, drafted m accordance with the recommendation of the President of the United States, has been introduced m the American House of Representatives by Mr. Foster of V ermont. 59TH CONGRKSS IST SESSION H. R. ***** In the
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    • 235 3 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS TENDERED THE SECRETARY FOR CHINESE AFFAIRS. Subsci iptions previously announced: §3,766 Mr. Wong Ah Fook 50 Boey Nam Lok 50 Than Heng Wan 30 "Vi Nam Heng 20 Luk an kit 100 Fuk Heng Lung 20 Kwong Fuk Heng 15 K?.t Chiong Thai
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    • 153 3 PLAGUE is on the increase m Hongkong. Five cases were reported on the 28th March. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha s.s. Bingo Mam leaves Yokohama for Europe via ports on the 7th inst., thus resuming the regular European service. That the Japanese cinematograph is quite a superior exhibition of its kind
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 212 3 and 60. FIXED BXCHANGE REOUeED PRICE Raleiah Blcpcles 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Silver Vhitcd Lamp, Betl and all Accessories The "Raleigh" machines Represent J THE BEST j ROBINSON CO. SOLE GENTS W^^^gW^^M^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^ji^^^^^.^^ t Cbe Gaumont j I ChronopDone I SINGING AND TALKING 1 I PICTURES.
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 324 4 SMOKE Best moulmein Cigars. Owing to fixity of cxrlnnge and a great -leniamj tor this blind of Cigars and lining received lar^e consignments of same from Moulrnein, we have de- cided to reduce the price from date. < Can h'- bought at Si. 50, 1.30, Lie and i 80 Oentf
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      • 715 4 BANKS. lonjkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. J AID-UP CAI'ITAL $10,000,000 lESEKVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 i .10*™,^ Silver K-serve 9500,000 f 1 30 00 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq Chairman. Hon. C. VV. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. E, Goetz, Esq. I V. Salinger, Esq. C. R. Lenzmann,
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      • 582 4 MALAY RECORDS. J o Lagu Jalak Lanting J. Kepala Burong Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman MakDabu m Noon Bangau m Lo nkin^ I X Asam Paya n Bunga Tamong j Kuala dua v Tengah malam y M Pi-rmata Gambos Shaer Q M Inche Mina Che long Bana
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      • 342 4 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S JERATEO WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie Co.,
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      • 438 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for ell your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i Week. Fortnight. Month I 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts. 2. 00
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      • 424 4 SALE, WANTED, ETC, TO BE LET. To be Let. A? aU ry Korui T »iree room •n 2nd Floor. ooni -> Apply to GUTHRIK ft §I To be Let. No. 6, Cecil Street. Apply to Gl 111 Rikat To be Let A Compound House, No .roode Park Immediate entrj •ed
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