Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 3 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 17 1 (Reuter s Agency wires. By submarine telegraph.) MOROCCO POLICING DIVIDED BETWEEN FRENCH AND SPANISH.
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  • 128 1 London, April 2, 9.20 a.m. The Morocco Conference has decided that the Spaniards shall police Tctuan and Larache the French, Mogador, Saffi, Mazagan and Rabat. Casablanca will be policed by a mixed FrancoSpanish force. The fact that a settlement has been reached has been received
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  • 54 1 COLONIAL OFFICE STOPPED PUNITIVE EXPEDITION. London, April 2, 9.20 a.m. It now transpires that the Colonial Office by telegraphic orders stopped the expedition against the Munshis m Benue, Nigeria, pending more complete information regarding its necessity. The expedition was eventually permitted to proceed, but the Sokoto outbreak m
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  • 58 1 RESCUED MINERS HAD NOT SLEPT FOR THREE WEEKS. London, April 2, 9.20 a.m. Ihe miners who have just been itdied from the Courrieres mine subsisted on decomposing horseflesh, m addition to the oats and -craps of food mentioned m a previous despatch. They had not slept for
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  • 53 1 MINISTERS VOTE IN FAVOUR OF LABOURITE TRADES DISPUTES BILL. London, April 2, 9.20 a.m. Messrs. HaJdant, Asquith, Mor-l'-v, Sir Edward Grey and Sir Henry Fowler wen absent when division was taken on Mr. Hudson's Trades Disputes Bill, but the rest of the members ot the Cabinet voted
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  • 52 1 PERSIAN FANATICS DEMOLISH A HOSPITAL AT SKIS lAN. Low ok, April r. 9.20 a.m. A terrain from Teheran, published nt St. Petersturg, states that a croud ot excited Persian fanatics have demolished the ptaiuu Hospital at Seistan. The British Consul and the Doctor m charge were beaten
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  • 48 1 DECISION IN CASE OF WRECKED FRENCH CRUISER. London, April j, 9.20 a.m. The court-martial which has bee" hearing the case againsi the captain o< the French cruiser Sttffy, which was wrecked oa the coast of lodo-Chine <»n the 7th Eeb. 1005, has acquitted him.
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  • 37 1 LARGE MAJORITY FOR IM\ERAL CANDIDATE London, April 9.20 a.m. In the bye-election at Leicester, the Liberal candidate. Mr. Thomnsson, received 10,766 votes as opposed to 7.208 for the Unionist, Sir John F. L kolleston.
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  • 32 1 DISPUTED TERRITORY QUESTION SETTLED. London, April o.^o a.m. The Telegraph's correspondent at Cairo wires that the withdrawal of the lurks from t lie disputed territory m Akabah has begun.
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  • 37 1 ONE OFFICER AND TEN TROOPERS KILLED IN AKKRA London. April 2, B.^o a.m. The Hottentot! have cut up a (ierman convoy m Southwest Africa, killing one officer and ten tPOOpcW, and wounding tour.
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  • 37 1 London, April 2, 8.30 a.m. The revenue for the year ending 31^1 March was an iiiti < of ,£607,1 72 over the figures for the preceding year. 1 Ix.- turplaa /.*4, 8 7 9.^90.
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  • 20 1 Loni>u\, April 2, 9. -'o turn. The resignation of the Governor i>f Finland has not been accepted.
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  • 545 1 THE MEXICAN "YELLOW TREE." For the past year or two reports Ijavc come f,o:n Mcxio, ,f a trod ,tr! V d.scovered to be rub ber prod i-ccr able upland region. Some small SSfc V 1 guni saicl to h«ve obtamed from thil tree were sent !,o,n r, H
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  • 345 1 HIS SPEECH OPENED EYES OF CHINESE TO THE IW< R Spokane (Wash.), February 10. 14 1 have letters and Hongkong papers which show thai the Chinese boycott was practically settled until W'illi m J Bryan mad* Bpeech before < hinrse merchants at a dinner given hv then m
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 146 1 TANSAN, Pure, Ci.sp, Invigorating, A nal URAL MINERAL WATER (> l rHE HIGHEST I 1 /VSS. Sold Everywhere JOHWLITTLE&Co^ EiEiiil SUE.! Bargains iij all Dcpartn^epts I Every Item a Distinct j ROYAL HOTEL No. 4, MERCHANT STREET, RANGOON. Sa\tOl! StCWart, Proprietor. The Afcst Recherche' Hotel and second to Entirely undt
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    • 162 1 NOTICE. Seramban Races ANNUAL MEETING. SERAMBAN CYMKHANA CLUB Saturday April 14th and Easier Monday. Entries close March 31st. Laciic-' very prt-y f^BO^^S^l^BXS^e^^^'^^^'^^: *W?xBBE <!<■■ run .1 col- BWB!ff^WlWWlJh^llßßMftiT*fe "7 T nii '"^^^R Collan ;r--and wbiu: very ■fMHff?f?|ffiff^r IMWW 4^°' *5-s°' >m.r.' and -t vli h ■^SBbBWB^ImmbWbIIWhBM*^ 2 v .,^Jt«B^d3l^^ each
      162 words
    • 150 1 aJ& i SCOTT'S 4 t^V^ w OJ PUSS COD LIVER OH. jK WithHypophosphites of Lime Soda. ra^ X f/// PALATABLE AS MILK. W I AS A MMEi.v F R COVSCTMPTION. BROHrWTTf VV /B I i^^-"- f C .i tO ULOWAmi imB J IA obw^at. nE ßl rn7 sM^ scorr4BowN: 1
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  • 39 2 LOCAL. (In Advanoa. OUTSTATIONS. 'In Advance. I month 1.50 3 months 4-50 6 8.00 I year 15.00 Single copy O.OS Cts. Month 1.25 3 months 3«50 6 6.00 I year 12.00
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  • 406 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. TUESDAY, 3RD APRIL OUR FAMINE FUND. As there has been started a semi-official famine fund m Singapore, we have decided to close our fund and submit the following report We have paid to the Japanese Consul the sum ot $105.40, being the total
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  • 247 2 We are reliably informed that the Municipal Commissioners have resigned m a body as a protest against the refusal of Government to coincide m their request for the increase of the salary of the Municipal Engineer by the amount desired. We regret that we are not m sympathy
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  • 191 2 Since the conclusion of the Russo-Japanese War there have been numerous indications of a domineering spirit on the part of the Japanese towards their fellow Mongolians of Korea and China, complaints of which are increasing m number and importance. These complaints are of such a conclusive character,
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  • 158 2 An advertiser writes asking us to withdraw his advertisement at once as he is M inundated with replies. The circulation of the ftufera Daily M'>H we believe to be several hundred m excess of that of any other daily paper published m Singapore, despite the fact that one
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  • 230 2 The lot of the British Indian is by no means enviable. Ile is being hemmed m on all sides by restrictions of the most galling nature. If he is a domiciled resident of the Transvaal and wishes to enter his country, he is met with
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  • 140 2 Sixteen lots of Crown land are to i be sold at auction m the Land Office on Tuesday, the ioth inst, at i i a.m. Private information has reached Penang to the effect that Mr. W. Dunman was given an option on Bertam Estate for $650,000. The Estate has just
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    • 34 2 me tfntisii hmpire may i mpr practicality, its sense ot duty andi discip'ine upon the East, but itcan never imbue it with its way of loolcinJ at life.— The Hindu Organ.
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    • 31 2 Originally the highest and most rejected class m loci. y )Ur pri have now degenerated into drones that cannot advance the slightest justifi! cation lor their existence. O6a Lahore.
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    • 31 2 No great country m the m .rid ha ever made, or can ever make, am or permanent progress without a healthy and vigorous developm. its vernacular literature. Khalsa vocaU\ Amritsar.
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    • 29 2 m ne> relation. w,th 1, powers Japan ha. alu fectly correct, but m Kon to have acted with consistent duplicity and recently with considerable bnitality. -Pimang Gazette.
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    • 38 2 Probably it is for gods and for frail human beings like v problem, how far an editor i*. j u m adjusting his convictions and ions to the atmosphcu. of a journalistic property.- United India, M
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    • 42 2 Actual fraud may not be intended but.it a man without work oi means of subsistence live> m a house as if he were Nabo not to be difficult to convict him taming goods on false pretcn Titmt <>/ Malaya.
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    • 50 2 l- it too ~iuch to hope tli Government would be it tin scrutinize more I idy and m ously the working of a di which, with all its pretensions we will add, m spite of its ob\ fulness can scarcely be i to the administration Ceylon dard.
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    • 54 2 v c should like to ask what the Ctj lonese Unofficial Member- intend do. Will they continue to lit cil hugging an empty honour W to see where the hoooui Derision from officials, conteifl the Colonial Office and the md being helpless to defend then hare been
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    • 61 2 The anofficials are not I i self-immolation. The\ cline to commit lum hah. They or "save us from our friends," ins they know then the i "outs" will jump into their while crying tears of the over their patriotic fate. At preset) their friends are pipn;^
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    • 70 2 Fhanks to the flourishing the F. 11. 6 finances and I surplus anticipated this year. I on the cards mat the entw be taken up b\ the F. M S mutually favourable. Fhe 1 1 terest which such an investment yield will exceed the a\ securities
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  • 122 2 Before Commander Rad yesterday, throe European m charged with remaining wtl Colony without a propei One of them, who acted as s] for the rest, said they asked to off here at they wished to gi way. They had signed months, although they !m<! 1 --hip lor two
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  • 110 2 The fourth meeting ol Missionary Society of the M Episcopal Church was heW at Francisco m Febru iry, m the church. There were pre* from San Jose, Sai ram to, San Francisco and Portland, Chau lion Fan, the pasta church, announced that a Chinese merchant, Li Sing,
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  • 19 2 Madame- Basset's concert wil place m the Old rown Hal onM(j next. Full particuUra •rill *ppc« day 01 t\v«>.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 442 2 NEW SEASON'S FRUIT. I Australian Apples. I ex P. O. "Devanha" I JUST ARRIVED. I THOMPSON THOMAS CO. I THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. International JEHspcnsan}, FACING RAFFLES SQUARE. The Dispensary is m charge of an efficient European Dispenser, who will personally and promptly attend to all prescriptions. Drugs of all kinds,
      442 words
    • 397 2 THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS IS Apollinaris Suppliedflundcr Royal warrants of appointment to H.M. THE KING 1 I Chops THE GRILL ROOMS Mineral 5, beach road Waters Steaks Corner of Seah Street Open from 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. T*»« Fresh Oysters every Han? Eggs Monday Night. UNDER EUROPEAN SUPERVISION
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    • 209 2 WANTED; Two gentlemen as paying guests m a private family. Terms moderate. Apply, R. T. P., C/o E.D.M. WILLIS Turf Accountant and Commission Agent. Address -SPENCES HOTEL, Calcutta. OFFICE :To~LET\ lN| 0 3» Finlayson Green from xst May. Apply to A. T. ISMAILJEE, No. 189. Cecil Street. BEMEMBER LAST NIGHT
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 59 2 To-day, April ird. HiKhwater. ys* a.m.. <•"!'»' IIU S. V.C. Bearer <>y. Lecture, S. V. A. (lun-laying J-JO I 1 To-m©rro\v, April +tb HlCh Water. 5*3 C \V. A. Parsonage. 4 P 3 V. A. MaximO.i'.ip n\ Vn Good Teaylart Meetim. Thursday, April >tb High Water. *-j6 > I B,
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  • Unknown
    • 27 1 VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. Liu -ifer. Dut Col. str.. 193 Loytowa, Mai xi Rhio, Rhio. Mn**i c(1 >' ct> lOOt l i trom Kucntan des. Uncertain.
      27 words
    • 269 1 B**ka< Brit str. 127' tons. Capt. Rushton, Mar. From Natuna Island, 29th Mar. copra, feo Hoe Lye, For Natuna Island. V Rds, Bentomg, [Brit str. 240 tons, Capt Oaitic li»t Mar. From Port Suctlenj£ m ',:,th Mar. and U dp. Steamship Ooy. Ltd. ror Swettenhasß, 3rd ApL Rda.
      269 words
    • 126 1 1968 Belson, gkong, Pat Simons. 152 Panholt. B^g tk Co, I ir c >k 4. Mai $1 Bombay. I Hat A lie Mar ji SaraSarawak. Hopkins Mar Phee > r*atani 4. 2317 Visser Mar A ns'dara 5. v. Mar ji Saman ji Rhio. Sinj Co. for Sing llph,
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 97 1 John Little Co., Ltd. SPECIAL I^ESE^E OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY COLO MEDAL A^e^'-*^^^ REGISTERED M tOAL C^p EDINBURGH. CALCUTTA ISS4 IOMQOM AMD £XPO*T AGENTS. f/fAAT* Ba/I£K4 Co> 59 Ma** Lj,M£. UOMM LITTLE CO. LD., SINGAPORE Per case of 12 Bottles 10.50. Botol Hitam, Per case of 12 Bottles "9.75 j
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 438 1 VESSELS EXPECTED. 99mm t /'on, Pmbablr date of arrival, and Agents. Men of -War, &<. Donegal, Brit, cruiser, Englaud, due soon. Duke of Edinburgh, Brit, cruiser, England soon. Natal. Brit, cruiser, due England, due soon. Mails from Europf. ApL 6, N. O. L. Sachsen. Apl. 7. B. 1. Thongwa. Apl.
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    • 793 2 (By Tlwo. R. Hubback. London Rowland Ward. 10s. 6d. tiett.) Though you may not be as keen a devotee of big game sport as proved so fatal to the late Captain Syers, if you know anything of the jungle, and the Malay, you will
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    • 292 2 Lieut. B. L. Wymer, R. N., has been appointed to the gunboat Thistle, which is going out to the China Station. This officer joined the service m January, 1899, and got his lieutenancy m December, 1904. He was recently employed m command of a torpedo-boat. The Thistle
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    • 166 2 1. Lancet. Gekke, Siai, Fishplate, Aladdin, Dreamland. The Joker, Last Ringgit, Venture, Florodora. Fye. II. Meteor, Victoria. Willares, Sunray. Excise, Dawn. 111. Dorothy Dear, Lady Jane, Satisfaction, Flora, Amerosa. I V. -Bargee, Blackbird, Manfred, Kingfisher, Marie, Starlight. Barchester, Boree, Deduction, The Shrew. VI. Bruntwood, Willares, Mandolin,
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    • 3 2
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    • 541 2 M s 3-37i uambier ># o do Cube No. i i i.oo do do No. 2 0 .00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 19.50 do White, Fair L. \V. op.c. M 26.12] Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 33. do (80 to the lb.) n 59 Mace (Banda) 45 Cloves
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    • 23 2 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7 The Nether;. > 1 quoted yesterca^ the 4/ma btok r::e at. 24The Mercantile Bank quoted
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    • 108 2 On London— Bank 4 m Demand Private jn/i do. 6 m >.. CM Gertha>;\ Bank d Private 5 n da On Frame Hank d,d Private 3 n do. 6 ny» 1 Ow (tMk* Flint T. T. Private 30 d,O;/ Hongknng- Bank 1.• Private 30 O« Shanghai -Bank d,d
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    • 50 3 [NIE D SU( i ESSES FOR <*%£ CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRATS c.YTY-SIX CANDIDATES ARRESTED AT ODESSA. April 1.05 pm. towns m Russia where <. not reduo t-> 1 tutionai Democrats j can ici! the Imivnsoi fsarkoyt .me! Oranienbaum. orkmen's election- al ced tor yesterday but ty-six candidates were g their
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    • 21 3 April, i, 1 p. m. 1 \Y. Secretary, io sonal correspondent, 1 wa> consifor financially assisting B
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    • 23 3 j WOILD IMITATE NATAL. April i meson, »pt ■kil Col said that i tin ithizi 0)0115 would arlv under ->milar
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    • 22 3 :i:i> m NEW April 2, i pm. N t w igriraS State, I i Great 1 I it Gov- ban-
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    • 7 3 i, .v. m. have
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    • 6 3 a.m. I new
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    • 14 3 ITY. in- I teas, trill be cnt m British the outbreak
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    • 25 3 March 27. n connection are that g strate I at the pay an indemnity murder <»l the CUlpritS, mniti don 01 the
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    • 37 3 lokio, M;.n I) dent of the "Asahi" wires sci led to refund ng) t ustoms dues he occupa- and mining d Amur provinces, <■ maae mutual ■'<■ concluded an d on a necret believed to exist
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    • 26 3 RU SSO-CHINESE CONFERENCE. .SHANGHAI, March 26. inference between Russian officials is being held at thai the negotiations urgent questions ■1. with the pro 1 I freaty.
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    • 15 3 U -him.h.n, March 24. House of Kcprescntad the Government's rortifjF the principal
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    • 19 3 EMPER OR OF AUSTRIA ILL. London, March 26. ■;->;, it i> stated that the l r ot Austria is Beriooslj
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    • 28 3 New Vukk, March 24. J "Christian Herald" 1"" c Fund 50 000 f a l )ancsc '.K--ev<lt has thanked the lllt plen.lid result of his
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    • 715 3 ABRAMS Vs. BASSETT. Lordship, Sir Lionel Cox, was engaged during the whole of yesterday afternoon m bearing the case of Ahi a ins vs. Bassett. The claim was one lot .-Si 10, judgment for which amount had already been obtained. Mr. Bassett when placed m the box,
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    • 356 3 According to a cable from N~nchang to the '•North China Daily News," the recent massacre of missionaries was t" lon March 1. In Mandarin circle^ m Shanghai it is stated that of tlu; large number of suspects arrested on the charge of connection with recent murders of
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    • 495 3 MR. BASSFTT FINED. Mr. H.D. Bassett was yesterday morn»>g charged before Mr. Bryant with_ causing hurt to Mr. Sid. Banbard, a jockey. The testimony of the complainant was that on the 27th February at 7 a.m. he was on the Race Course. After exercising his horse he got
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    • 250 3 An event though it may not be considered as a public fete, but still of interest to the fashionable world of Seremban— is the occasion of the "Copper Wedding o( Mr. and Mrs. Holmberg. Mr. Holmberg is the chief Clerk to the Secretary to the Resident. Negri
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    • 103 3 Mr. Lim Yin Wah, Registration Clerk m the Harbour Master's office at Penang, died on the 28th March under circumstances which all point to a determined case of suicide. The deceased was about 24 years old and had had a little over seven years' service m the
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    • 162 3 The following question will be asked by Mr. C. Me Arthur at the next Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Board, to be held on the 6th April, 1906. Are the plans of the proposed new Infectious Diseases Hospital, the preparation of which was promised to the Colonial
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    • 667 3 BIG HOTEL FOR TAN |ONG KATONG. A meeting of the Licensing justices, was held yesterday afternoon m the Senior Magistrate's Court. There were present Messrs. A. T Brvant (President) W.H. Shelford, A.W. Bailey and Captain Boldero. The fir>t application -considered was that of Mr. A.J. Da Souza,
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    • 71 3 The following officers were elected at the last business meeting of the Epworth League of the Methodist Church President: Mr. R. H. B. Heap. Vice Presidents: Spiritual Department, Mrs. A. J. Amery. World Evangelism MissM. Olson. Mercy and Help Mr. H. Rickard. Literary Social Mr. E. V.
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    • 198 3 In order to prevent misunderstanding, it may as well be stated that m the opinion of modern up-to-date theologians, a Lenten diet need not consist wholly of fish. They say that a Bloomsbury lodger regaled m that way protested to his landlady. v But fish is good
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    • 540 3 [From Native Papers.] JAPANESE IN MANCHURIA. Chiu Yee Shun, '1 artar General of fcngtien, telegraphs to the Government at Peking that the Japanese m Manchuria are behaving m total disregard of the laws and customs of the country. 1 hey are infringing China's sovereignty, and violating the terms
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    • 157 3 I used to think a Chinaman, When working m a mine, a man Decidedly unfitted for such labour. I held it downright knavery To lure him into slavery. My hobby was to love my yellow neighbour. And when polling had begun I made clear to everyone. That,
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    • 111 3 The Pinang Gazette announces the I death of Mr. William Norbert Woodford, one of the most prominent members of the Eurasian community Penanj,", which occurred on on Friday last Burmah Road from acute bronchitis. The late Mr. Woodford was head of the well-known Fenang family of that
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    • 53 3 The amount of tin ore exported by i the tributors on the land of The Royal j JohoreTin Mining Coy., Ltd. 'or the j months of February and March, 1906 1 was bags 426 pis 307. There ure another 182 bags ready for shipment
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 200 3 ROBINSON and 00. FIXED EXeHftNGE [REDucED PRICE Rakial) Bicpcks 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Silver Plated Lamp. Bell and nU Accessories <fc im Tf% %O m mJP. 1 The "Raleigh" machines Represent I THE BEST I ROBINSON Co. |»"ini »D«»a> m■■■ Cbe Gaumont I I=l Cbronopbone
        200 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 304 4 SMOKE Best moulmein Cigars. Owing to fixity of exchange and a freat demand for this brand of Cigars •1 »d havin j received large consignments OfsaaMirona Mouirnein, we have dec ded to reduce the price from date. Can be bought at 81.5a 1.30, 1.10 and So cents per packet Of
        304 words
      • 691 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Restrre $10,0J0,000 1 «,n K Silver R«-s,.rvc 950^000/ 105 00^0» K<-s«-rve Liability <>i Propri -t wi $10.0J3,0J3 Court of Directors. V Haupt, Ks(j— ChairaMa. I lou. C. \V. Dicksoo— Deputy*ChsirsMß, K. Tioet/, Ksq. 1 F. SaliQger, Esq. C. R.
        691 words
      • 535 4 MALAY RECORDS. 1 Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong r Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman I Mak Dabu Noori f J Bangau Loiikin Asani Paya M Bunga Tanjong r Kuala dv 1 M Tengah malam < M Ici mata Gambos M Sha'er I Inche Mini Che'long Bana
        535 words
      • 333 4 1^ FRASER NEAVE'S AERATCO WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LOtiOON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie Co., Ltd.
        333 words
      • 443 4 "E. D, M." ADLSTS. FPREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses. Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Wkek. I'oktnigmt. Month 25 words or under 50 els. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 rts. 2. 00 3. 00
        443 words
      • 523 4 OR SALE, WANTED, ETC, To be Let. No, 7, Battery R, )1( i n 00 tod Floor. llr« ms A PP«y to GUTHRIE ft To be Let No. 6, Cecil Street. Apply to GUTHRIE A c,,, 1 tl To be Let A I ompound House No r, c woode Part
        523 words