Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 2 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 16 1 i (Reuters Afiency wires. B| syflfisuine tclc^raphj PREMIER OPPOSES" GOVERNMENT TRADED niSIHTKs BILL.
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  • 95 1 LONDON, March |i, 9 a.m. Mr. Hudson m moving the second read.ng o f the Labourites 1 Trade* i Disputes Bill demanded the entire I immunity of Union funds. The Premier lupportad the morion, declaring that the measure was the same as
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  • 162 1 LORD ELGIN BLAMES GOVERNOR FOR HOT SUPPLYING INFORMATION EARLIER. London. March 31, 6.55 a.m. Lord Elgin read m the House of Lords a despatch from the Governor ol Natal, to which he said that he bad replied stating that, m the light of the information furnished, he recognised that the
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  • 118 1 impossible to form a new natal ministry. London, March 9 am. The number of natives put on trial m Natal was twelve. The trial wai by court-martial and lasted eight days. The people of Natal are convinced that nobody will replace the present Ministry, and regard the
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  • 36 1 SURPRISE IN THE COL'RRIERES MINK. London, March 31,9 a.m. Fourteen of the imprisoned miners at Courrieres have been rescued alive and well. They had kept alive on scrap- of food and oats.
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  • 39 1 AMERICAN MINERS CEASE WORK I "ROM TO-DAY. London, March ji, 6.55 a.m. A simultaneous strike of the American bituminous and anthracite coalminers has been orden for the rod April. Four hundred thousand men will be affected.
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  • 14 1 Husband Had Headaches and Lumbago, Wife Suffered with Rheumatism.
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  • 531 1 Proved The Remedy For Both. Mr. Henry Oliver De Jong is a guard on the Ceylon Government Railway, and resides at 45 San Sabastian Hill, Colombo. "Some years ago I began to suffer from severe pains m the head." -.w\ he when relating his experience. "It
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  • 24 1 London, March ji, <>.^>, a.m The following is the result of the Grand National: 1 Ascetics Silver. 2. Rrtl Lad. 3. Auul May
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  • 19 1 London, March ji, 9 a.m. The New York Housed Representatives has unanimously ]u-m-<1 the Insurance Bill.
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  • 475 1 THE FILI l IV 1 LEAN LIN ESS OF THE HINDOO. The irrepressible Fitclieti has been ;it it again. [ndi i," he tells the inteliigeni Australian public "is prominently* the l.'.ii'l of odd thing thmj > which coiitr.idict the Hji bits "t civili < >\ men everywhere else;
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 377 1 BUCHANAN'S BLACK A WHITE n !i TOP PIACE ft the rtjtw^sr (L.vbs of scotch Ulhiskic: (12 YEARS OLD H. M. Tun Kirn. and to H.H.R. THE PRINCE OF WALE! John Little Co. Ltd. ANNUAL GASH eLEftRANeE I Monday April 2nd AND FOLLOWING DAYS. BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. i SARAWAK GOVERNMENT.
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    • 433 1 _^Ug^ SCOTT!S I /f- &ymx% or pure cod liver on. r jmU With Hypophosphites of Lime &Scda. rk Jin PALATABLJE_AS MILK. l\ 1 •ni l &?sSe8 r ?sr i t i r iS2. D VEtt OIL tbmt c n ****> Scott^ l ■l" "ill AB A RJBMEDY FOR CONSUM I'TION.
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    • 15 1 Tansan, Pure, Crisp, Invigorating. A NATURAL MINERAL WATER OF HIE I4IGHES I CLASS. Sold Everywhere
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  • 111 2 To-day, April 2i>d. High Water. 2-45 a.m., 4-29 P m Moon, First Quarter. 10-58 a.m. German Homeward Mail Closes, 10. S. V- A. Gun Drill, 5-3° S. V. I. Squad Drill, s"3<> P m To-morrow, April ?rd. Highwater. 3-3° a.m., 6.6 p.m. S. V. C. Dearer Coy. J-ecture,
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  • 371 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY, 2ND APRIL. NEW PRIZE COMPETITION. The original plan of the makeup of the E. D. M. provided for a M special article of more or less literary merit m the column following the leaders. We have not always been able to secure
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  • 214 2 Fhe "Young China" patriotic movement appears to have struck Singapore m earnest at last. A plan has been adopted by the leading Chinese of Singapore to commence on a large scale the instruction of the Chinese boys of the city m the Mandarin dialect. The plan appears
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  • 171 2 Most of us who have been home after a period of residence m Singapore can remember many occasions on which we were asked how we liked India," while some of us have more than once been questioned about life m China, the questions giving evidence that the average
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  • 116 2 Our present telegraphic service is to be continued for some time longer, despite the desire of some of the other Straits papers to have it reduced. It should also be noted that we have been able, for some time past, to give to the reading public of
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  • 161 2 It is satisfactory to hear that the Sanitation Commission will soon begin work m Singapore m right good earnest and that Professor Simp-on of King's College, London, and the Hon. F. A. Cooper, C. If. G., the Ceylon Director of Public Works, have been appointed members of the
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  • 111 2 Mr. L Haimovich, who arrived some weeks ago from Paris representing Leonard Rone nth 1 1, has sustained a fracture of a rib and other injuries and is -pending his time during recuperation m preparing a comprehensive work on the pearl oyster and the methods employed
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  • 94 2 Messrs. Muttenbaeh Bros. Co, have now got their ice factory m full swing at Kuala Lumpor. The retail price has been fixed at 1 cent per pound, This concern trades under the title of The Selangor Ice and Industrial Co." of which Messrs. Zacharias Co. are the
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  • 61 2 It is said that the wealthy Arab who purchased the land at the junction of Serangong and Payah Lebar Roads at last Tuesday's auction, at about Sjfcents per square foot —the highest price ever paid for land m that locality —proposes to build a hotel there. There
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  • 204 2 Thk Straits Times is taking time by the forelock and has already begun the preparation of the Annual to be published next December. Mr. E. G. Broadrick, the Municipal President, returned on Saturday by the s.s. Devcinha after a brief holiday m Europe. Mr. W. Fox, Supt. of the Penang
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  • 525 2 JOURNALISTIC ECHOES FRnu FAR AND NEAR. M Foreigners In Danger It is evident enough tl,, a tlw airita dool is incrca.mg and t at ,n China beyond the protection JF£ guns of Ships of war are m a very d gerous situation. Mn^ Manila The Cheap Professions
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  • 23 2 Tlie Kditor mvitrmteiest la I l> M written on <>nc *ide ol should exceed «oowordl ble for ttMopiniom ol
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  • 126 2 Dear Mr. Editor I would like to -ay I fe« the Brit is. i seaman Land Shark" all 01 have bean al tea fa m I kinds ol weather, andil w thewor>e the winds bio* became our crew, nil danger, unclothed, unfed but v last button of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 470 2 T?HE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS IS: Apollinaris Supplied under Royal warrants of appointment to H M. THE KING International gispensarg, 8 BATTERY ~ROJLID. FACING RAFFLES SQIARE. The Dispensary is m charge of an efficient European Dispenser, who will personally and promptly attend to all prescriptions. Drugs of all kinds, Medical
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    • 655 2 NEW SEASON'S FRUIT. 0 Australian Apples. ex P. O. "Devanha" JUST ARRIVED. I I THOMPSON THOMAS (30. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. I Chops THE GRILL ROOMS Mineral 5, BEACH ROAD Waters Steaks Corner of Seah Street Open from 6 a.m. to i am. Fresh Oysters every Han? Eggs Monday Night. UNDER
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    • 333 1 All Ol v. M rkel slightly easier for Cape. *i _cs recenilv offered and sold fair (1 bright at sj*. to 275. dull v at IN to r^s. r.d. 20 I ne offered 5 sold trood bripht Navomr m 7;^ (111 l Ills. Market quiet, So bags
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    • 420 1 OBNOXIOUS IMMIGRATION CLAUSE REPEALED. Important evidence that Australia is departing from the insular policy which it has been pursuing is rortneo .1 ig. A co MMM»icat*On 1' I been rco-ivt d by the Anenta-GenenU from Mr Dcakin, the Federal Premier, nnnouncinu the repe-1 of the obooxioua cl »*e
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    • 189 1 ■fter all merely a sufferer tr ?e stion, who made -top. thai freeze f him v incidei lvr The Da. b ren ns Dr. Janres Cantlie, it ot Ire t book on physical efficiency ai d learning that singil is at preventive of most things from indigestion
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    • 251 1 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued. paid up. Value, up. Company. Quotations. •900,000 luu.uuo 10 6 galgownie Rubber E*tate Lid. ...JmilMfcw i 0 U. 12-. B Caves Rubber Coy. Ltd. 1 75*el"rs II T/6 £70,000 59,4/ 1 Bk.t Kajah Rubber Coy. Ltd. £t iOo 5 /V&O iii'.uou UV6OO
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    • 152 1 Tin S Sj.j: Gambier ~.zz do Cube No. i i do do N«>. 2 ic.oo Pepper. Hk>ck (ordinary S"porc).. 19.75 do White, Fair L. \Y. •"> p.c. t&taj Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) jj. the lb. s^. Cloves (Amboina) 33. Liberian Cofiee H so. tapioca, small pearl (Fair) 7.00
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    • 25 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2 4 $60 for £7. Ihe Netherlands Trading Society quoted..,, Saturday the 4/msl>ank rate at. 4 16. The Mercantile Bankfquoted 2/4^.
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    • 139 1 <>n London Bank 4 m,s ..1/4 Demand 4 Private 3 m/s.. 1/49 do. 6 m/«.. 3/4 n/16 U &m««y Bank d,<l 2.40 hrhrate 3 m/s 2.44 j 6 m/s 2.40-i 0N Fraiur Hank d/d 2.94} Private 3 m/s 2.994 da 6 m/s 3.0 r 4 <J;/ 7*fri Bank
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      • 24 2 MEN-OF-WAR. Lucifer, Dut Col. str., 125 Lovious, Mar. 22 Rhio, Rhio. Me ran, Fed. yet. 100, Alii, from Kucntan des. Uncertain.
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      • 176 2 Esmeralda, Brit. 171, Dec 11 P. Swettenham, Laid up. Fultala, Brit. 2702, Stunt, Mar. 7 Calcutta, Boustead, Uncertain. Giang Ann. Dut, 576, Moss, Mar. 23 Began, Heap Eng Moh, Java. Haliotis, but. 1046, Van Rijn, Mar. 19 Palembang, Syme Co., Uncertain. Oro, Brit 2146, Bain, Mar. 21 Hongkong,
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      • 297 2 Banka, Brit. 12;' toib. Capt. Rushton. 30th Mar. From Natuna Island, 29th Mar. Copra. Teo Hoe Lye. For Natuna Island, U Rds. Bentong, Brit. str. 240 tons, Capt. Quine, 31st Mar. From Fort Swettenham, 29th Mar. G.c, and 8S d. p. Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd. For Port Swettenhani,
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      • 117 2 Per P. and O. Delhi, due Apl. 14.— Mr. A. E Webster, Mr. H O. Mas-, Mr and Mrs. T. W. Proctor, Mr. J. G. Grant, Mr. and Mr?. Trcnpove, Mr. J. Thornborr. )\v. Mr. F. W Webb. Mr J. Mitchell To Penang Mr. Bat^on. Per
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      • 81 2 Per Deli: Mr. Schwartiny, Mr. Fregge, Mr. and Mr-. It edge and children, Baron Marmol, M. Graning. 1 Olrick-, Miss; Golt. Mrs. Florio, Mr. Frdle. Mr. Grignoli. Mr. Bergfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Pierson and 54 deck. Haiphottg, French ttr. 874 tons a Captain Troll* from Saigon, via Poulo
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      • 20 2 Sui Sang Penang and-Cal-cutta Ca'pTictttta Hongkong Dagmar Moulmein Batavia BiUiton I>r Keren- Soun bava Amherst Pontianak Vanadis Christmaa I^.
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 81 2 John Little Co., Ltd, SPECIAL "Up HESE'^E OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY GOLD MEDAL dHH EDINBURGH, fll LONDON i«7^. lomoom wo Expo** Ase»rs, F*A4O-TBajii*A Co 59 A/*** Jlf¥£ L g JOHN LITTLE CO. L.D.. SINGAPORE Per case of 12 Bottles 10.50 Botol Hitam, Per case of 12 Bottles 9.75 I PIANO
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      • 80 2 John Little Co., Ltd. SPECIAL ijj^i I^ESE^E OLD VATTED GLENUVET WHISKY EDINBURGH. /c?w w >rw frpo*t A.se»rs, F*a&lßaju*& Ca 59 to** *J?\ UOMfM LITTLE 8c CO. LD.. SINGAPORE Per case of 12 Bottles 10.50 Botol Hitam, Per case of 12 Bottles -9.75 I PIANO for $757 i and iS paymeit-
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 270 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Port, Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Men of-War, &c. Donegal, Brit, cruiser, Englaud, due soon. Duke of Edinburgh, Brit, cruiser, England soon. Natal. Brit, cruiser, due England, due soon. Mails from Europi: Apl. f\ N. D. L Sachsen. Apl. 7, B. I. Thongwa. Apl. 17 P.
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    • 53 3 r London, April 1, 8.45 a.m. n insurances from the Invent and m response to from the Governor, the Natal x withdrawn its resignation, ecution of the natives, which d by onler of the Imperial urs on Monday. Cl V v 5 admits that Natal
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    • 40 3 INDIGNATION MEETINGS AT niRBAN \M> PIETERMARITZBURG. i, March 31, L3ODJB. meetings held at Durban 11 itsburg were thronged, s u( re parsed < xpresa on of the i>cople not mI meddling m t'le of the Colony.
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    • 23 3 rWORK >F THE MOROCCO CONFERENCE is OVER. London, April 1, g-45 a.m. has been n died on the Morocco l Algeciras.
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    • 15 3 March ji, 1.30 p.m. comment on the double Imperial Government to Natal
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    • 70 3 L'ILTY (>F PROFESS N.M MISO >NDU< I "a cause cefhe pre the now ra-c. m which Burmans I 1 and dei be iemembered. the B Ity" and N a one of ution has laid es m a barrisg there, of .it is idant induced the hold have
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    • 52 3 1 lent of the Si s have ?ainsl :V- marMuch encountered it required 13 prohil ut at lengt ers followed m bei n m -iature of t!ie k by the m.ma^' I y which pileptics, idiot>. v■! makes it a or to abet BUM h endorsed
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    • 53 3 the racing mare M to a patron of States, and Melbourne by Ratturt ars old, by Mai I v is bred by Mr 1 beautifully performance so far December last Purse, 6 furlong-, car- eld of 16 starters, good hornall and light lor purposes, but like may
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    • 30 3 1 writes: M.S. will be the "milch cow" 5? *hi<* Will be "drawn off" the Id to,,ay Sir John Jack- the Singapore Harbour meek "calves" must nee.
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    • 134 3 S. Lewfchas been appointed I Mot Hoard to fill the d by the resignation of W P. Wad.lell. sale of F. M.S. Rubber GPrj f"nI1-v f aid m 1 -1"1 POT, the price realised w«fl si ire J\ lully has left tor a brief ban, leaving Mr. A. F. ft*
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    • 312 3 EUROPEAN ACCUSED OF AT--1 EMPTING TO PASS FORGED CHEQUE. An American giving the name of R bpeare was taken into custody on Saturday morning on a charge of attempting to defraud the Mercantile Bank ot the turn of 525 by means of a forged cheque. Nothing is known
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    • 189 3 ACCUSED DISCHARGED. Renders of the D. M will remember that on the 2nd ultimo a Chinese woman named Wang Ah Qui was charged with cheating one Choa Hoon Chi m rospect f Bar.k draft tor v :c. Bri- tly the Facts of the case is they came
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    • 102 3 Ihe police are exhibiting great vigilance ot late m watching persons rr.akItetches <>r taking plans of our local military works. On Saturday last i man giving the name of Price de-cribing himself as an Englishman, of no occupation, wa> arrested for taking a photograph within 3.000 yardsjof a
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    • 78 3 With a laudable determination t° kce;> abreast of the times, the P. and O Company is gradually adding to her One of its new boats is ihe s.s. ht'nuiha, which arrived on Saturday morning on her eastward voyage. She is a splendid vessel and is
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    • 54 3 A meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce was held on Saturday afternoon to consider the question of the nomination of a representative to a t on the Council m place of Hon. \V P. Waddell, who has resigned. Mr. Shelford, the President, was selected to
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    • 223 3 SAILING SHIPS REMARKABLE PERFORMANCE. Probably the most remarkable record ever established by a sailing ship, dependent entirely upon masts and canvas, is that held bj the five-masted -hip Ptvussr//, which recently arrived m the English Channel from the West Coast of South America. This mammoth
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    • 243 3 Thi Government plantation at Kuala Kangsar lias been taken up on lease by Mr. G. F. Bird for a period of ten years. Advices from Teheran state that, m place of the flag which Sheikhs on the Persian Gulf who enjo}' British pro- tection usually fly, the Sheikh of Koweit
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    • 235 3 A branch agency for the sale of the Singer sewing machine is to be established at Ipoh. The annual clearance sale of Messrs. John Little Co. begins to-day and will continue for two weeks. >• An American has been authorized to file with the Colonial Secretary his invention of an
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    • 537 3 DISTINGUISHED AND HIGHLY ESTEEMED MEMBER OF THE CHINESE COMMUNITY. "The actions of the just smell sweet and blossom m thedust," says the immortal bard. There passe<fa\vay on Saturday morning m his old age, even as a shock of corn cometh m its season, Mr. Foo
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    • 159 3 No play on Friday owing to rain MONDAY'S PLAY. A Class Single. C. A. Leggatt v. Mason H. A. C Class Single.. H. Elphick v. Wm. McDonald. D Class Singlf. FINAL TIE. R. W. Chafer F. W. Lyall. B Class Double. A. C. and M. H.
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    • 129 3 The Hon. Treasurer wishes to acknowledge the receipt ot the following annual subscriptions to this society H. E. Sir John Anderson $30 N. Trotter, Esq. 100 J. C. Nicholson, Esq. 25 Messrs. Robinson and Co. 25 Katz Bros. 25 Guthrie and Co. 25 MacAlistcr and
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    • 154 3 rti^re was a large gathering assembled at the residence of Mr. A. W. Bean, Bukit Timah Road, on Saturday, the (X'casion beuig to >ay "au tevoir" to Rev. Mr. Baird, the Pastor of Bethesda Chapel. It is estimated that there were fully 200 p "TSOns present, among
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    • 142 3 It is doubtful, says the United States Consul at Amoy, if there is another people on earth as good judges of value as the Chinese. Their average possession of worldly goods is so small that what they do have they know all about. The margin between
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    • 114 3 A remarkable man is Edward Saundcrs of Colorado Street, Philadelphia. Always a man of average height he began to grow rapidly about a year ago, when 50 years of age, and as the result has been an addition to his stature of about six inches during that
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    • 564 3 A ffinL FUCE WHER E OUR MILLIONS CAN BE DUMPEU X writes to the Phum* Gazette quoting the Colonial Secretary as having said m the Legislative Council that Government would have to do something for Fenang as well as for SingaP °!l e i an that the expenditure
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    • 145 3 A new scale of charges for insurance on letters and parcels mailed m the Straits is published as an executive order. The Norwegian s.s. Profit," Capt. Olsen, from Pangl^ok, arrived m port yesterday and proceeded to the quarantine station. The German s.s. Pitsanlok," Capt. Goercken, from Hoihow, also went into
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    • 538 3 HOW WE APPEARED TO RECENT VISITOR. The Ltkk Observer prints some private letters descriptive of his voyage, from Mr. Peter Why te, who came out towards the elo^e of last year as an engineer expert witness m the Tanjoog Pagar arbitration. His List letter gives the
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 205 3 ROBINSON and 00, FIXED EXcHANGE REDUeEO PRICE Rakial) Bicpcics 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE WUh SUver Plated Lam)>. Bell and all I AccesBortes The "Raleigh" machines Represent j THE BEST j ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS I Cl)c Gaumont I I 1 Cbronophonc J SINGING AND TALKING I
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 317 4 Best WouliiKiii Cigars. Owing to fixity of exchange and a great demand for this brand of Cigars and hawing received large consignments of same from MoulniHn, we have decided to reduce the price from date. Can be bought at $1.50, 1.30, 1.10 and 80 cents per packet of 100 for
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      • 695 4 BANKS^ HonQkong I Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RKSERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 m^.^ Silver Reserve 9500,000 f 1 y 3 w .°00 Reserve Liabil.ty of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq— Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. K. (Voetz, Ksq. I F. Salinger, Ksq. C.
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      • 453 4 MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Jalak Lanting T. Kepala Burong r Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban N Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman Mak Dabu Noori J Bangau Loiikin "I Asam Paya Bunga Tanjong Kuala dua Tengah malam i Permata Gambos Sha'er Inche Mina Che'long Bana Serampang Sri Perak Pulau Berembon Kronchong r I M
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      • 113 4 THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co AND Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North- Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA PE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operat/ng the LARGEST and FASTEST Steamers on the PACIFIC.) from HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. "The Greyhounds of the Pacific." Hong-kong
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      • 343 4 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current rates of premium Guthrie Co,,
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      • 457 4 "E, P. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED, ETX PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts.
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      • 505 4 TO BE LET. To be Lot No. 7f Battery RoaiLTi on 2nd Floor. 11lr <* roo ms Apply to GUTHRie ft r. i u -i Ltd. To be Let. No. 6, Cecil Street Apply to GUTHRIE 4 Co, Ul To be Let A Compound House No jvoode Park. Immed.a* t
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