Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 29 December 1905

Total Pages: 7
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 45 1 ORGANISED BY GOV visORGENERAL OF MOSCOW. DIRECTED BY THE POLICE. Reuters Agency By submarine Telegraph London, Dec. 27, 5.15 p.m. The Governor-General of IVIoscow has organised a Royalist Militia composed mainly of Hooligans who have been operating under the direction of the police.
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  • 34 1 The St. Petersburg Workmen's Council has decided to adopt the most vigorous measures against the nonstriking railways and factories. There were slight encounters between the troops and St. Petersburg demonstrators yesterday.
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  • 45 1 The new electoral law for the National Douma has been promulgated. It maintains the principle of indirect elections. The proclamation points out that most Western countries do not possess universal suffrage. Nevertheless, very extended suffrage, especially in the cities, has been granted.
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  • 47 1 HIS MAJESTY WRITES TO GENERAL BOOTH. Reuters Agenoy By submarine Telegraph London, Dec. 27, 5.15 p.m. His Majesty King Edward has written to General Booth expressing satisfaction at the donation (of ,£100,000) of Mr. Herring for the carrying out of a home colonization scheme.
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  • 64 1 NEW DIFFICULTY IN CONNECTION WITH CONFERENCE ON MOROCCO. ftWtor't Ajency By wkMUin T.l.gnp* London, Dec. 28, 10.45 a m The Sultan of Morocco has refused to take part m a conference at Madrid. He will agree only upon Algeciras or Tangier as the meeting place. The German policy
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  • 377 1 NOT THE CHINESE ALONE WHO ARE MALTREATED. The callous stupidity on the part of immigration officers which has led to the Chinese boycott is not displayed exclusively at the expense of Mongolians. When the steamer Hanibunj reached New York, on August 28, the hawk-eyed inspectors discovered on
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  • 96 1 A Resolution FOR BarsjcUPTTA Passid. The first meeting of creditors was held "under the failure of Shiagcr Bros., merchants, described as of 4, Lloyd'sAvenue, London. According to Mr. Cecil Shrager, of the London house, the firm carried on business at Calcutta, Colombo, Singapore, etc., and the turnover
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  • 752 1 AN AMERICAN VIEW OE A 5REAT ENGLISH JOURNALIST. The Manila Ameriean gives the following character sketch of Sir Alfred Harmsworth, proprietor of the London Daily Mail, who was recently created Viscount Than Sir Alfred Harmsworth there is not a more detested man in the newspaper profession. While his ability
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  • 185 1 The station master at Taiping has every reason to congratulate himself upon his promptitude whereby a conside rable loss was averted. Two Sia' f*^ csc ladies, accompanied b\ the A. I>. C. to II. M. the King ol Siam, arrived there by the mad train from lYnang on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 483 1 V felG TOggl \i.i\is roa Singapore. JOHN LITTLE A CO. timber v^ T ■Br Baaaal Baaaal BaSSl A few dollars Spent on Jodelite Often •m^jJ^LL^l'Rr.il.RVK IT EFFECTUALLY PRESERVE IT a kum attack otoRyMar^L »-A- \f* .E \I7±iOTXS-A-^^.DS- FROM ATTACK OF DRY ROT -I I IMPORTEHS: BORNEO Company, 'limited. 1 i
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    • 58 1 i I dreamt that I tossed on a fever'd bed, (With the curtains gathered and drawn) With a hacking cough and a burning head Vainly waiting the tardy dawn, When close to my bedside an Angel came, With a phial of liquid pure, And I read on the- label a
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    • 31 1 I > v BUCHANAN, BLACK A\ Holds TOP PLACt HICHEST CLASS of Scotch Whiskies (12-ycars old) Supplied to H. M. THE KING. and to H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES .fc-\
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 385 2 CORRECTED LIST. I w"KIM Co. Singapore. Boo^siu'ers, Stationers, Printers, and Book-Binders. I cataioaue of Books wttto prices* t. _g_ FIRST LIST. p I 1 Medical. f cls aK W ys Anatomv, Descriptive and bu.g.cal -'5 L Warm Countries by Dr. B. Scheube 00 I niain's Dictionary ol Medicine »5 Halliburton's
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    • 436 2 Engineering. (Cemammst) Breakdowns at Sea and I low to repair them by i.i. 4 3 Reed's Shipowners' and Shipmasters* Handbook. Molesworth's Pocket Book of Engineering formulae, n Earthwork Tables by Broadbent and Campin,. J J* Dictionary of Terms by Hunt, 3 -3 Stevens on Stowage, J Practcal Rules on Drawing
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    • 455 2 Colonial Edition. Brown Humanity by Hugh Clifford. Sally and the Tales A Free Lance of To-day Barabbas by Marie Corelli Wormwood by Marie Corelli The Soul of Lilith by Marie Co-clli The Master Christian by Marie Corelli Free Opinion by Marie Corelli Thclma by Marie Corelli Ardath Temporal Power by
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  • 334 3 The Eastern Daily Mail. FRIDAY, 29TH DECEMBER. BRITISH SUPINENESS IN THE TROPICS. PRICE 5 CENTS. In an indictment of the British colonia s >' steinm in the University Review, 6ui(li'ig principle m the British system tne Continental system, on the other hand, is that where commerce may A\txxf inthefutuie *"*j«*9
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  • 264 3 THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXAMINATION. With regard to a letter published m these columns yesterday apent the recent examinations held by the Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. J. E. Tyler's criticism of the educational status of young Singapore, we think that gentleman is due a certain amount of protection from
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  • 403 3 Bubonic plague has again broken out in Siam, this time not at Bangkok but at a place called Bang Pong. A dance in connection which the Tanjong Pager Recreation Club takeplace in the Boustead Institute to-night. Tin Russian cruisers Gromoboi" Bogatyr and Rossia" are expected to leave here on Wednesday
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  • 486 3 RESULTS OF YESTERDAY'S EVENTS. Sensational Win by Highlander. The Kuala Lumpur racing season was successfully inaugurated yesterday afternoon, wlien some excellent racing was witnessed The following were the results as wired by our Special Correspondent last night Racf. i. Thi President's Cup. Mr. Bailey's Spelter. Mr. Howdcn's
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  • 323 3 Described by a British Consul as WORSI THAN a Frerch Frk.IU." The Courier fHaiphoug of the and inst. -ays: A chance meeting with If. Canisle, the English Consul, has given us the opportunity of a pleasing and interesting conversation. We profited by it to put to him some
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  • 70 3 I he Spanish mail steamer Isla de Panay, due to leave Manila for Singapore Tuesday last, is bringing an Indian named Hosonally Kirkaloy, who has been deported on account of having a disease of the eyes called trachoma. The football team of the ist Battalion Sherwood Foresters is doing excellently
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    • 20 3 I lie Ctar has signed the npi,.« I but not with hi. M,hj,,- CSC>' I
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    • 7 3 brutality. g. Us Anyln
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    • 31 3 No wonder the Hungarians din« tenaciously to their langu know that it would bo impossible^ any one ever to invent another i, like it. Tkt Chicago News lst
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    • 27 3 The Malay^ by nature wariik* has been an efficient milita past; but we think it is cxtrSv likely that he wiU ever^^X*
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    • 24 3 I-'1"**" rtatutf one can wander for hours witjxMiK«j ng( rT% Now, however, the Lond ■bout to begin to do something roTS Dughhtd, Stockholm.
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    • 32 3 Question of Ancestors war he M,k. tc the illustrious a t w foterestingtoknow howfarthe ancestors would have been held to blam, the war had gone the other way n.4 Chicago Newt. 'I
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    • 39 3 Then there is a wernmem's ore posterou^ Singapore I larbom Scheme-. conceived m a spasm grandeur* which might make a bubbl. reputation for the man who carries tthrough but would more likely rui Colony. Pimamg <,n
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    • 41 3 The Administration is i -.j, the assertion that the pr< tion should not bear the cost of the* Panama-Canal construction That seem- reasonable, as the :icr. ation's chances of sharing rv fit- are not particularv bright 7V»# ashtnyton
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    • 46 3 The Chinese are v the revolutionary spirit, but m waking up to dw fact that the c order must be chai gt ment of anything that reminds them of the position their natioi hold take-, as of old, mof antiforeign riots, /I'ught,h I.
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    • 51 3 Shanghai i- the international metr poli- of China, and the C hinea be made digniti«-. Concerning the point at tai and his colleagues arc well aware that m no plao a is justice > fairly and impart tered as W \< by the I rernational magistrates at
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    • 59 3 During the first half of the ci century we shall witness I the naval preponderant Britain. In the Pacific -he will to hand over NeptUtV her Japanese ally, and the LJnitt will police the Atlantic. Italy, the former Queen of the Mediterranea will resume command ofhersi will
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    • 61 3 The derelict i- t! it ofaHi the dangers that threat* It is proposed by the Admiralty to m Ice Cape Race a ba-c for theVjperatio a specially equipped gu I I i'unt down derelict-, and the l'nit< will probably establish a similar bast at Nantucket From th«
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    • 61 3 It i- impossible not t<> be strut the contrast between the admirable observance of discipline among the Russian troop- at the front, which enabled their lender- to again and again withdraw their forces ins m the face of almost superhuman difficulties, and the mutinous s\ developing m numerous
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    • 172 3 DBAS StR, -Your rejxjrter wlv> fun the information re the Ei.ropt "sweated*' at the Tramway asst ->■ the same one teat to report ''''aSSSaaaK Boycott show an<l who left befo»J mei ced. I can hardly believe thuM acquainted with the facts or your Mr n to say
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    • 106 3 Dear Sir, f beg to agree with tin. sop of your correspondent Renatus thai above Act does not apply to this Colony. The test as to an English Act of Parliament before 1826 being applicable here is whether the law sought to be applied is local in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 968 3 the sTRArag: MINING CANDLES- X^ The Hardest, Most Brilliant and Cheapest. r IMPORTERS Borneo Company Limited. 3^WE,POIRIT THE WAY >-*■■ SUPREME "ALUES IN 1 Y'IV[AO and w NEW YEAR fiOODC THOMPSON THOMAS A COTHE AiSTRAU.IX STORES. Tl I r Serravallo's Tonic, m P HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY Hf fef UJ E£
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 32 3 COMING EVENTS. To-day 2of^h n^romhar h-h wIL o-",,-- xS&&dS P Kechau Gold Mining Co. Meeting 3.30 p. o-morrOvv, ?otb December. High w a tr iv a 040 P °utward "Mail due A*yll*hl
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 14 1 The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. I.^ >^X, :AI ORK 1-inUAV. DKCEMHER 2»m, 1905.
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    • 411 1 I aid I n«— H m up to Company Buyers tellers TransacX I 1 B I l Bersawah G M. Co., Ltd I£oo 9. m*) m I 10 I Deferred) >oo W.OOO 10 Ltd 1 00 10 10 ,p ret nor n T l 4, 1 KLthau
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      • 140 1 VYestlrday's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 1 Demand 2/2 g Private 6 m/s. 2/3 7/16 do. 3 m/s 2/3 Oh Germany Bank d/d 2.26 Private 3 m/s 2.30 do. 6 m/s 2.314* On France— Bank d d 2.78^ Private 3 m/s 2.8 3 do. 6 m/s 2.8^4
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      • 135 1 Tin S 85. 124 Gambier 7.95 do Cube No. 1 11.37 do do No. 2 11. Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 23.50 do White, Fair L. \V. 5 p.c. 33.50 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 33. do (3o to the lb.) 59. Mace (Banda) '45Cloves (Amboina) 33. Liberian Coffee
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 437 1 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 Silver Reserve 8,500,000 18 aw J «> Reserve Liability ol Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. If. A. VV. Slade, Es-]— Chairman." A. Hau|>t, Ksq— Deputy-Chairman. Hon. C. VV. Dickson. I A. J. Raymond, Esq. E. Goetz,
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 180 1 From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Jlotiee. jB Trains Service for Week Days and Sundays Kxtra ThUm oa SM Sundays only Tr O.«. Tr.ln. 1 S.NGAPORE ft Vi, SA 55 aJS S r:.^ S S S 9 %ANDS J -29 2.55 4.08 5.34 6.22 122 iM i S c
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      • 74 1 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR. Wharves at which different Ships were berthed Yesterday. East Wharf, Nil. Victoria Graving Dock, B'que Acme. Albert Graving Dock, H. N. M. S. Holland. Section No. i Islander, Zaida, Providence, Salahadji. No. 2 Van den Bosch, Carlyle. 3 Glenogle. 4 Ischia. 5 Minilya. 6 Nil. 7
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 452 2 BANKSCHARTERED BANK OF InDIa" AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorpatedby Royal Charter. Capitals Reserve Liability rQ or Proprietors J 8oo 000 {Reserve Fund ,£875,000. (Bank of England. BANKERS J National Bank of Scotland 1 Th on don City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CURRENT Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1
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      • 323 2 Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes de France. Telegraphic Address: Messagerie Singapore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates Outward. Homeward. Caledonien i Jan. 1.4. Behic i Jan Occanten 1 5 Jan. I E. Simons 1 5 Jan Salazte 29 Jan. Polynesien 29 Jan. lourane 12 Feb.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 66 2 NEXT MAILS DUE. From England.— p er B I << •>. Saturday J on onSaryti^ Mails already despatched for London LeltSing. Company. Arrived Nov 9 P&Ci De C2 Nov .3 N D L v fl Nov 16 B I De? q Nov 20 m;m Y*c l a Nov 23 b'
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      • 721 2 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-o7-WAR. Sea Belle, Col Yet 500 Ahmat, Dec. 12, Malacca, Uncertain. Sea Mew, Col 500, Maddocks. Dec. M Malacca, uncertain. Victoria, Brit Yet, 237, I laws, Dec. 10, Sydaf ney, Plymouth, Dec 28. jM Rogatyr <crus> Russ 7o.x>, Bostroem Dt^S Hongkong, Consul, Libau. des. L'ncertJasai
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      • 540 2 •Rlam^Triest.-.Mr."'^' RO nAan a l UU Alicante, from FurJ.i.1^ M^asL I Arcadia.Vobmbo e n d ,i C R l J Ambna. Hongkong L '^O. H Anten.-r, Liverrx,,,! i 3 Behn M* |^«hia,BaMjjM BeafeP'i lo Kkon iai, 1 s '*om/ neajanrr; London. Jan Bat-along, London,* a J ep *>n S,^ r
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    • 169 3 I GOVERNMENT TROOPS STILL DEFIED. Ferocity off Rebel Amazon*. London, Dec. 28, 1.30 pm. \?Merday's fighting in f Mosco\v was (1 f the most were de*ription, and ma being continued to-m\. ig forces of the rebels arc opcrag m different quarters of the town, (fciwinf up
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    • 136 3 r* December, 28, 4.45 p.m. l.a>t evening Renter's Agency handed us n wire which will reassure all those -ted m Russia that St. Peu i>buoj is not likely to share the same Cblc Fate M has befallen the ancient -..ml «4 Russia. I i i^ iiics the
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    • 111 3 -WORLD'S MEETING OF CITY FATHERS (Reuters /tgCTicy. By submarine Cable. v London, Dec. ;S, 1.30 p.m. hi-pi^i by the success of the recent to London of the members o\' the French Municipality, Sir Edwin Corn- wall, Chairman of the London County Council, has promulgated a scheme for
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    • 69 3 IS rHE LATTER STRONGER THANfcIN .870? 4 Reuters Aiency By submarine Cable j London, Hec. :?s. I.^o p.m. The London Times, m a noteworthy artide extending to three column-, mpares the mobilizing capacities of Fiance and Germany, giving their relative fighting forces at the present time.
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    • 109 3 I An elderly ChlWman, employed m a cai godown as storekeeper. wa> assaulted and robbew on the 18th in^t. whilst on liis way from Tanjong Katong to town. He was m his rikisha when he was stopped by a number of men. >ne of whom may
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    • 83 3 Hie S. F. B. under Capt. Prett turned out m force on Raffles Reclamation \r\st evening to practice for the exhibi- i tion of their skill which they are to give on Monday at 10 a.m. on the same ground. On Noodai at •> p. m. a
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    • 284 3 SELANGOR v. SINGAPORE. NOTFS ON THE GAME. ml^ f\\ h U L M re the com^nccmentofthe above match rain fell so W f hcnC arklcd his on 'the j field it was d.stinctly wet and greasy Selangor won the toss and Singapore k.cked-off from the Pavilion end The
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    • 338 3 PAHANC. From our Special Correspondent Kuala Li pis, Dec. 21. The Financial Commissioner F.M.S., Mr. J. B. Elcum, has been on a tour of inspection m Pahang. He arrived at Kuala Lipis by the mail car on the 1 8th instant and held an inspection of
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    • 139 3 FOOLISH THIEF SEVERELY PUNISHED. A Chinese was yesterday charged with stealing a rickisha from a compatriot, who assessed its value at Bt6o. Te Seng Kok, the owner, presented a dirty appearance when placed m the box, and was told to show more respect for the Court by
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    • 1132 3 iy*n-\^kY OF A STRANGE fv iBneymoon. W.^T XI. §M\i.i v r?r, laded a> v\* enc fascinated and took TrJ«a* c?uard. Our vigilance slacke^m, f^ I** ten suddenly I do not •realiscmw|t how -we found the building mmmndcd by tljc foe and before \^m could ina^j our
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    • 717 3 SCORES OF CHILDREN FETED LAST NIGHT. Another Gala In the Town Nail. The Town Hall was filled to its utmost capacity last night by the members, their children, and the guests of the Singapore Catholic Club, at what was undoubtedly the most Christmassy entertainment of the
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    • 26 3 An anti-chit crusade has l>een introduced by the International Restaurant management, and from the New Year the deposit book system will prevail at that popular rendezvous.
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    • 488 3 THE WOUNDED TAMER bTILL UNDAUNTED. Another Visit to his Enemy. George Warren, the one and only, has an especially attractive bill of fare to tickle the palates of Singaporeans this visit His artistes introduce several turns of quite a novd character, and doubtless the Circus
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    • 119 3 We believe that at the present time there is a record number of lions m Singapore. In addition to the three now bein<; shown m Warren's Circus, a lady lion-tamer who is delayed here for a few days on her way to join a large French
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    • 62 3 MONTHLY SHOOT. The monthly shooting match of the S. R. A. was held last Saturday at 2-30 p. m. on the Balestier Range, over 40 competitors entering. In the E. Oast the scores were E. Long 94, Croirbie 92, and Tcow Teong Hee 90. In the B
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    • 45 3 Mr. G. W. Fern pier, of Sogama, Ceylon, goes to Sungei Rengam, Klang, the property of the Selangor Rubber Company, under Mr. P. W. Parkinson, manager (with two assistants). The acreage is 3,904, with 1,140 acres ir Para Rubber.
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    • 74 3 At a recent meeting of the Karangar Tin Mining Co., Ltd., at Penang, ii was voted to issue debentures foi $15,000, of which Sio.ooo should b< issued at once at 10 per cent., repay able within two years. The Singapore branch of tin Commercial Union Assurance Compair Ltd, sc.ds us
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    • 273 3 DARING ROBBERY IN HIGH ST. 12,000 Dollars Worth of Property Stolen A daring robbery took place m High Street between 1 1 p.m. on Thursday and 5 a.m. yesterday, when the front door of the shop owned by Wassiamull j Asomull Co., was forced open by a
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    • 181 3 POST-CARDS COMING IN BRISKLY. Next month's Contests. The Post-card competition closes to-morrow. The name of the winner will be announced on Tuesday. There hss been a large number of entries this month, ceu.- inly five or six times as many as during that preceding. Owing
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    • 35 3 Mr. Phillips, of Nassim Road, has reported to the police the loss of a gold .vatch and chain, some rings, and a necklace, all of which were abstracted from a table m his sleeping apartment.
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 83 3 POWELL CO, SINGAPORE. (Established 42 Years) REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS A N D VALUERS. MORTGAGES ARRANGED VALUATIONS HADE. RENTS COLLECTED. ARTHUR ALLISONS PIANOS ROSENKRANZ PIANOS POWELL GO'S Auction and House-Pro-perty Circular is issued weekly and sent free to any address. i i j For Sale Privately. As a going Concern. I
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      • 310 3 f^^* mwsma^ma^asmsmsjai t*s»a«aaS»as*»aa»Saaaa»aaS»miSli^maa»i ROBINSON and Oo. I ARE NOW MAKING THEIR SZrst Sreat Special Sfio. HlG v ojt I Toys, Toys, FIRST CLASS WORKING MODELS OF 1 Clock Work Battleships Clock Work Trains with Rails Cruisers Motor Cars Gun Boats Round-abouts Torpedo Boats Clowns TOYS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 1
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 729 4 ■ITS ENQUIRY AND ■feATION ACENGY. Tenders are invited for the following works: W^r (i). Erection ol six Shop-houses K^ ift Bras Basa Road. (2). Erection of a compound house m Orchard Road. I^Bi^^^^^^^ (3). Construction of cubicles, V walls, etc. m 26 houses at W Sago Street. V I Construction
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      • 539 4 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. s What is the use of saying M the best Company," the strongest Company/' M the largest Company." Any one can say this. WE Saylimply The China mutual Liife Insurance Co., Litd. fl British lioeal Co, that tells the whole story. Messrs. Hankin Knockkr,
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      • 765 4 Japan Coals THE Mitsui Bussan Kalsha MITSUI Co.) Head Office: No, I, Suruga-Cho, Tokio. London Branch 34, LIME STREET, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, Finlayson Green. Other Branches: New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka, Kobe,
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      • 880 4 AERATED WATERS, *_/ff -^^^__^s^^^^^3_____* \s^f^^ __l X'MAS orders should be posted without cfelay to BARUGH $OiKTfetd A "_Vt _w __l 15, ENGGOR STREET. "EJf. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED, ETC, TO BE LET. m I A diotumm A/ 'l S i mU, i for Married COUpk or tv" \< friend-.
        880 words