Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 23 December 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 233 1 Reuters Agency By Submarine Cable. London, Dec. 22, 1 1.45 a.m. The situation m Russia is blacker than ever. Latest advices from Heutei report' the whole nation dwells m a state f of terrible uncertainty. The gravity of the situation is reflected m the continued dropping of the
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  • 160 1 MIXED COURT RESUMES WORK. OFFICIALS TO BE PUNISHED. DANCER TO EUROPEANS SAID TO BE OVER. Reuter s Agency. By submarine Oabie London, Dec. 22, 0.35 p.m. Order has now been restored m Shanghai generally. The Viceroy of Nankin arrived yestt-rday ami promptly settled the Mixed Court dispute. In
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  • 51 1 Router's Agency By submarine Cable London, Dec. 22, 0.35 p.m. Tneotokis has formed the Greek Cabinet. Henry Harland, the author, is dead. The Marquis Ito is appointed Resident-General of Korea. The Chi no-Japanese negotiations regarding Manchuria have been settled satisfactorily. The treaty is to be signed at
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  • 27 1 I The following are the essays winning the third prize and additional honourable mentions. The awards will be made to the successful competitors to-day.
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  • 370 1 Essay on A Malay Boy." ((Third Prize.) Once we had a Malay boy living m our compound. His name was Ahman, and he was so naughty, that his father had to give him to his uncle 9 who was working with us as a syce. (Although he was eleven years
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  • 344 1 Cruelty to Animals in Singapore. (Honourable mention.) The cruelty which animals receive m Singapore is very great indeed. There is now only one inspector here who sees that animals are well treated, but this is not sufficient and I hopebefore long there will he many more. The Chinese are especially
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  • 358 1 [Honourable Mention.) Singapore is an island t»» the MMlth of the Malay Peninsula. It was founded by Sir Stanford Raffles m iSi<>. Before that, there was DOflling 00 it except forests. Ths only inhabitants were pirates and fishermen. The reason why the island is railed Singapore, is because a
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  • 196 1 The Eastern Daily Mail is the paper which we children look <»vi for every a day, we call it the children's friend We arc always anxious '<» sec what new tiling the Editor want! us to do. First came the Hidden Names Competition, the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 653 1 i^ tf« v?t^ ■~vr~ik -»r-^... TCC > 1 NTS FOR Si! GAPOJtE. JOHN LITTLE A CO. Gawett's Portable Engines and Boilers, poden's Steam Wagons. IMHIsriEIbTGi- MACHHTERY, j OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUPPLIED B* THE BORNEO Company, Limited. I L country hotel. i presents ast 3tsian SfCerccintile Co., TO SUIT ALL 6,
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    • 16 1 Buchanan's Red Seal Guaranteed 7 Years Olc£ S A Sound Scoicm Whisky. OK Exceptionally Good Value.
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  • 632 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY, 23rd DECEMBER. A MERRY XMAS TO ALL OUR READERS. The office thermometer is standing steadily at ninety. Busy punkahs and unlimited iced water have no effect outside man and beast drag themselves with weary petulance along the sunstricken street. In a couple
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  • 234 2 An anonymous correspondent, who btt not the courage to send v- his name, take> exception to the es>av which won the first prize In our recent competition, considering it of the "figurative newspaper type." It' he Irishes to insinuate that it was produced by anyone, or with
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  • 53 2 1 The Eastern Daily Mail will not be published on Christmas or Boxing days, but Reuters and our special service telegrams will be issued m slip form to the principal depots and hotels. I Subscribers may obtain these slips on Monday or Tuesday at one o'clock on application
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  • 159 2 A vlry enjoyable social was held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Amcry on Mt. Sophia on Thursday night. For importing forty three unstampj ed letters into the Colony from Sarawak. 1 a Chinaman was yesterday fined Si oo. The P. O. Outward Mail steamer Oceana left
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  • 1262 2 LAST MEETING THIS YEAR. Financial Affairs. At the regular meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday afternoon, His Excellency and the lions. Brockman, Collyer, Anthonisz, Tan Siak Kirn, John Anderson and Fort being present, the Acting Colonial Secretary laid before that l>ody a Memorandum by the Treasurer regarding the
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  • 287 2 WAS IT FOOTBALL OR WATER POLO G. Coy. E Coy rbc military and civilians turned*, t m force yesterday, notwithstan the inclemency o\ the wreath) ness the playing the final bet ween the L and G. lfth Sherwood 1 q ground for the Warren Football shield. The
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  • 96 2 S ANDREWS CATHEDRAL Matins, and Litany Holy Communion m Choral Evensong I aroban I Serin The new Reredoi will be dedicated during the evening sei vice. S MATTHEW SEPOY LINES Foo Chow Service l.i i. ni. Evensong. Sermoiw I ni M E CHURCH Sunday School Preaching 9 a.m.
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  • 39 2 ST ANDREWS CATHEDRAL. Holy Communion (PI uti Holy Communion (Choral. Choral Matins and Sermon J- Anthem. "The nvrniiu,' -U-- I iStainen. Lflaooa Holy Communion (Hum. m Evensong r M. E CHURCH Special Cluistina- Si i i> c.
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  • 102 2 Warren's Circus i> <k* morning from Bangkok and probably remain here for the hdu Mr. Brooki Johnston, iiephe* Rajah Brooke of Sarawak came u^ lhes.B A\i/,rW San*«* n day, and is stopping a^the Adelpnt Orchard Road betww S al Grange Roads will be closed f« JJ pairs from Dec, ja
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 383 2 [TUCK'S HAIR and LEATHER BELTING. |3 For Tropical Climates. Particulars from THE BORNEO Co., Limited S d< I n^ I*Bastern Oriental ZfCotel) PENANG. OT^J^-O- HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. I Sarkies Brother's, I Protnieton. I FH. THOMPSON, Dental Surgeon, 16. Stamford Road, (First Floor) Whiteauxiy Laidlaw* BuQdmg*, Hours from 9 a.m. to
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    • 368 2 WE POIN SUPREM] NEW YEAR THOMPSON THO THE AUSTRALIA. COGHLAN CO. Licensed Auctioneers HOUSE ESTATE AGENTS. AUCTION SALE. FIRST CLASS EUROPEAN RESIDENCE. To be let that pleasantly situated house "Budleigh," Serar.goon Road, healthy locality. Tennis court. Good stabling. Electric trams pass the door every few minutes. Entry Ist September, 1905.
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    • 357 2 IT THE WAY r TO n E VALUES IN J r AND 1 t Gssas MAS ACO^^^ ,V STORES. "W XMAS AND NEW YEAR GOODS. *T*HE undersigned has just received a large and varied assortment of goods, suitable for the festive season, comprising musical toys, dolls, laces, collars, ties bows,
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  • 2515 3 DELIGHTFUL FUNCTION. PLEASANT ENDING TO A SUCCESSFUL YEAR. THE GOVERNOR'S SPEECH. •H. E. GIVES A WARNING TO LOCAL BACHELORS. In spite of the rain yesterday after■non, the chief class-room of Raffles Girls' school was crowded with relatives and friends of the pupils. The Annual prize-distribution
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  • 103 3 Mr. W. J. Bryan, the leader of the American 1 )emocratic party, has arrived m Hongkong from Shanghai. After visiting the chief points of interest m j and about Hongkong, Mr. Bryan goes to the Philippines, where he will spend considerable time investigating conditions there with a
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  • 221 3 A Chinaman was attacked, robbed of $30, and wounded with a knife, by five compatriots on Thursday night m Cross Street. The Police have arrested one man. The Selangor Turf Club is m a poor way through writing off bad debts, and from extra outlay on the course. Ten thousand
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  • 158 3 JAPANESE SAID TO BE INSTIGATORS. Their Mysterious Immunity. ■CD. M Special. Shanghai, Dec. 23. Late this morning, just as we were going to press, telegram arrived which throws a curious side-light upon the Shanghai anti-foreign disturbances. It is stated that the troubles have been of a political
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  • 50 3 MARTIAL LAW PROCLAIMED. Router's Agency. By Submarine cable London, Dec. 22, 11.45 a>m The situation m Moscow is most serious. Martial Law has been proclaimed. Darkness broods over the whole city. Fifty thousand men are amongst the rebels within. A similar situation is reported from St. Petersburg.
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  • 48 3 MR. BALFOUR AT LEEDS. "I O m Speoial. Hongkong, Dec. 23. Mr. Balfour, speaking at a Unionist meeting at Leeds yesterday (Friday) said that the Liberal scheme of" Home Rule would re-unite Unionists no matter what their differences might be on the question of Tariff Reform.
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  • 18 3 E D M Special Hongkong, Dec. 23. Saionji has accepted the invitation to form a Japanese Ministry.
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  • 451 3 SERIOL'S ALLEGATIONS. Haji Osman prosecuted Petaperumal Chetty for attempting to defraud him by altering a promissory note which he had signed. Mr. Perkins appeared for the prosecution and Messrs. Raine and Braddell for the defence. A Malay was put m the witness box and stated that
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  • 107 3 A Wind-Fall. One of the beneficial results of the Tanjong Pagar M expropriation was apparent m the Supreme Court yesterday morning. Mr. Asimont, the wellknown land-broker and valuer, who had been made bankrupt several years I ago, applied for his discharge from 1 bankruptcy yesterday before Sir Lionel
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  • 45 3 "Is life worth living many as!*; "It is" the most reply. Though some say "No, it is a task," i Without a reason why, The latter class, you understand, Their ailments do endure, 1 The former- wise and happy band Use Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 491 3 POWELL CO, SINGAPORE. (Established 42 Years) REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS 1 AND VALUERS. MORTGAGES ARRANGED VALUATIONS MADE. RENTS COLLECTED. |i ARTHUR ALLISONS PIANOS 1 ROSENKRANZ PIANCft POWELL COS j Auction and House- Pro- i I perty Circular is issued weekly and sent free to any address. For Sale Privately. As a
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    • 273 3 ROBINSON^ v and Co. X ARE NOW MAKING THEIR I Sirst Sreat Special S/nnb Toys, Toys, i FIRST CLASS WORKING MODELS OF I I Clock Work Battleships Clock Work Trains with Rails I Cruisers Motor Cars j Gun Boats Roundabouts I Torpedo Boats Clowns TOYS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 815 4 THE STRAITS ENQUIRY AND RECiS^ATION AGENCY. TENDERS. I Tenders arc invited tor the following M works (1). Erection of six Shop-houses m Bras Basa Road. (2). Erection of a compound house m Orchard Ro.id. (3). Construction of cubicles, 9 walls, etc. m 26 houses at Sago Street. (4). Construction of
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    • 481 4 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. What is the use of saying the best Company," the strongest Company, the largest Company." Any one can say this. WE Say simply The China mutual Liife Ins ranee Co., Litd. A British Lioeal Co, that tells the whole story. Messrs. Hankin A Knockkr,
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    • 808 4 Japan Coals THE Mitsui Bussan Kalsha MITSUI A Co.) Head Office: No, 1, Suruga-Cho, Tokio. London Branch 34, LIME STREET, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FiNLAYSON GREEN. Other Branches New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay. Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka,
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    • 519 4 AERATED WATERS. X'M AS orders should be posted without delay to j BARUGH Co., Ltd. 15, ENGGOR STREET. > "eTd. m; 1 adlets. for sale, wanted, etc, PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Qodowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i
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    • 374 4 TO BE LET. "for Married, friends. Vacant Fel .ar; Apply I X.L •K. I>. M I A SMALI House to let 1 m Owenß ary 1906. Apply at No. 1 J "p hud of Race Course >«'[<> BE i.l I -v,,,, li 106, Orchard Road. entry. Apply t<> M. SALOMON
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 15 1 The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23m>, 1 005. r-x a ills
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    • 19 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. The Netherlands* Trading Society yesterday quoted the bank rate at 2.z\. The Mercantile Bank quoted at 2.2
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    • 141 1 Vi an boat's Rates. On London— Hank 4 m/a .j 4 Uemand s/a| Private 6 m/s. 2/3^ do. t m/s. s/a| On tirrnuiiiy— Bank d/d 2.24^ Private 3 m/s 2.28] do. 6 m/S 2.30J O;/ Frmmu Bank d,d 2.7. I'rivate 3 m/s 2.52 do. 6 m/s 2.84 Om India—
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    • 128 1 Till S 86.50 Gambia 7.U5 do Cube No. 1 U. 374 do do No. 2 1 1.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 23.50 do White, Fair L. \V. 5 p.c. 33.50 Nutmegs (no to the lb.) do (So to the lb.) 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) a Liberian Coffee
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    • 75 1 Wharves at which different Ships were berthed Yesterday. East Wharf, Nil. Victoria Graving Dock, B'que Acme Albert Graving Dock, Shantung. Section No. i Islander, Zaida, Salahadji. [No. 2 Zibenghla Itaura. 3 Hong Wan I. 4 Quinta, Feronia. 5 Minilya. 6 I'aknam. 7 (H. W Indramayo. 8
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 695 1 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further J4otiee. Trains Senricc for Week Days and Sundays. j~ on Down Trains Down Train* I. I.M. I.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.m. HM pm pm SINGAPORE 4 f^DIOjOQ 1245 2.02 3.16 44] $.39 f.50 10.3012.203,58 NEWTON I > 12 -42 2.0g
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      • 427 1 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL 310,000.000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 •io»uviiw» Silver Reserve 8,500,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. H. A. \V. Slade, Ksq— Chairman. A. Hanpt, Ksq Deputy-Chairman. Hon. C. \V. Nekton, A. J. Raymond, Ksq. K. Goetz. Ksq. V. Salinger, Ksq. C.
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      • 41 2 I-'lor,i, Br,t Cruiser 4060 Dalton, Dc 17 Dindings. Brunei 96. &M />V//<-, Col Yet 500 Ahmat. Dec 12 Malacca. Uncertain. Mew. Col 500, Maddocks. Dec 13, Malacca, uncertain. Victoria, Brit Yet, 137, Haw-. Dec 19 Sydney, Plymouth I >l> 2fl
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      • 262 2 An. MB? Kay, Dec 5 Manila. Stand. Oil i 0., da Altiug, Dut 7(M Donck, Dec 20 Batavia. Daendejs, for Billiton 22. rr, Ital 2718. Bebito, Dec 90 H'kong. Behn Meyer, for Bombay l\. Cheung Chew, Brit str. 1.*****0*, Capt Edwards. 2nd Nov. Prom Hongkong, 26th, Oct. G.c.
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      • 166 2 Mularal. Dec M M M, for Penan Ban Odink, i Sinkawang, Lim A am, for San. Anambas. Teo Uuo Lye, for Anamba^- Brit 330/ Lowry, Dec SI Deli. Mansfi Dnnbar t Brii 2410 Campbell, Dec 2] Sampa Pat. Sin MamaM ama 21. G G Merer, Dut 443 Voa,
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      • 431 2 Toi>.\> For Ivr At S ngkep s. van Lingga LO n Bangkok Nuentung Ham Bangkok Hcim 11 am Indragiri Aing Tine noon I. Swett, Penang Pin S<.n_ 9p n Muar Malacca Sultan i p m Bengkalis Bagan Bct-\ _> P m Band jermassm &< Alting Ipn Penang Calcutta
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    • 24 2 I H Pakling Batavicr Ai Banka X Kouang I R, s id, R Quinta 1 Zi'uenghla Itaura Sri Muai c v IVroma n
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    • 37 2 Dec P and Mr. Zen t. Per Cahj* Pe. M \y l Per f M Mr. Macloen < Demos, aildfr Ke< I I i Messrs L^f Tien !<•> < C^pt. Wi k CastilhQ ll i Mrs. Da"P"" j
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 441 2 BANKS, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. I ncorpated by Royal Charter. CAPITALOr Rf.sf.rve Liability i /;800,000 of Propriktors Reserve Fund (Bank of England. BANKERS National Bank of So rrLAND "j Th on don City& Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CURRENT Account- ai opened and interest allowed at 1
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      • 369 2 to Maritimes de France. <''v <■ Iddrt 1 1 Mt t•' 5 Simg if'o> r The mail steamer- will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates Of 1 WARD. I [OMEWARD. Cmkdomkn Jan. A. Behic t Jan. OcNUtkm 15 Jan. E.Simons Jan. Saiatu 99 Jan. Pol nesien 29 Jan.
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