Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 21 December 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
  • 25 1 Eastern Daily Mail AND STRAITS MORNING ADVERTISER. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1905. 1 PRICE 5 CENTS. kMAMtt Minn ■■■111 A I No. 92. VOL. I.
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    • 137 1 Reuters Agency By Submarine Telefraph. London, Dec. 20, 12.50 p.m. Mr. Balfour, speaking at Leeds, said that the fiscal differences with the Unionists had been greatly exaggerated. Whether protection was right or wrong his retaliation policy was not prejudiced It is a view of protection
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    • 54 1 WOULD-BE ASSASSINS OF SULTAN SENTENCED TO DEATH. Reuters Agency. By Submarine Telegraph (Delivered at n a.m. yesterday). London, Dec. 19, 6.50 p.m. After a public trial, the Belgian, Joris, and three Armenians have been condemned to death for complicity m the attempt on the Sultan's life by bomb
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    • 58 1 LOOTING IS FEARED AT Reuter Agency. By submarine Telegraph London, Dec. 20, 12.50 P.M. Armed guards >t\\\ patrol the streets at Shanghai owing to tears ot looting. H. M. S. Diadem lands five hundred men to-day. The American cruiser Baltimore also disembarks a force. It is reported
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    • 28 1 TWO STEAMERS LEAVE HAMBURG. Reuters Agency By submarine Telegraph. London, Dec. 20, 11.20 a.m. The steamers atnbronian and /'anamver have sailed from Hamburg conveying repatriated Japanese.
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    • 48 1 ••TIMES" REGARDS SURRENDER OF PRISONERS AS IMPOLITIC. Reuters Agency. By submarine Telegraph London, Dec. 20, 1 1.20 a.m. The Times regards the decision of the Ministers at Peking m surrendering the prisoners as scarcely politic, saying that it could hardly have failed to encourage Chinese aggressiveness.
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    • 69 1 I BANNERMAN REPLIES TO BERLIN FRIENDLY ADVANCES. Reuters Agency. By submarine Telegraph London, Dec. 20, 12.50 a.m. t Sir Henry Campbell-Banncrman has replied to a telegram from those uho called together »he meeting of Berlin merchants, financiers and politicians for the promotion of an Anglo-German understanding, stating that
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  • 218 1 p The following properties were sold by auction at Powell ft Co's saleroom on Tuesday afternoon: l Nos. 24, 25 and 26 DuxtOfl Road, occupied as stables, 3,521 square feet, freehold. Queh Swee Cheng $3,500. Nos. 5, 6. 8, 9 and loChoa Lam Street, and Nos. 11
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  • 338 1 LECTURE BY FAMOUS LONDON PHYSICIAN. Dr. Charles F. I larford. Principal of Livingstone College, London, physi cian to C. M. S., and instructor m health and outfit to the Royal Geographical Society, gave a lecture on the 22nd ult. m the Anatomical Theatre at Cambridge on
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  • 282 1 "RESPECTABLE MEN DO NOI USE FOIL LANGUAGE." The following interesting judgment was delivered by His Lordship the Chut Justice of Ceylon m a Galfc ;< < •< I <!'-ilt with thi* ca^c before Counsel for t lie appellant appeared. 11 was the first case on the
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  • 151 1 The following extract* from President Roosevelt's recenl Message to Confix** ifcowthat ho takes I broader and fairer view of the immigration questkm than do the majority of tlio members ©f Congress, <^ s proven by our special wire announcing rejection of the amended exclusion law. President Kooscvelt
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  • 57 1 Tin enonnoiM riae m the pria per lancet lor water ;ii PnMUlg W9» brouj^lit about fortiic puipoae ofinducing me coiMumcn t«> put fo neten -;i>- rife Straits Ei ho. Wi arc m receipt of a COUpk o! unll calciMlar^ anil an c\f«-ll<nt «-<>mt)iuyl blotting-pad and tliar.v tr.-in the enttrprisin^ cngiueeriuK
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 463 1 j |»«INCjOBAC^ \i,l JtTS FOR SIM.APOHI JOHN LITTLE A CO Eeffrey's Edinburgh Stout. $14.00 Per Case of 7 doz. pints. Of all Dealers. country hoteu presents aw/l &**<*** Stiercantile Co., TO SUIT ALL 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. St. VALENTINES ~~~^l *^MS9lmfmm* DIRECJ FACTORY RE- jf^ I i;;: ihvay 'station) <M<
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    • 66 1 L I dwell m the palace and mansions, W" My name's on the lips of the Royal, X J am crowned with a million laurels, W By the hard won sons of toil t I am hailed with a spirit of gladness m In the homes of the rich and
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    • 92 1 t V BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds TOP PLACE m the HICHEST CLASS Of Scotch Whiskies (12-years old) Supplied to H. M. THE KING, and to H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES UCAITU Iki TUCTDfIDIP.3 I dreamt that I loosed on a fevor'd bed, (With the curtaiM |pUwNd Ad drawn'
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  • 349 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY. 21sT DECEMBER MR. TANDY 'S ECONOMY. do not care a jot whether Mr. Tandy i- an American or not and fail to understand why certain Chinese should have an antipathy to the trameither because of the nationality of the manager «>r the
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  • 228 2 L The coining visit of Prince Arthur of Con naught will soon be a subject of absorbing interest. In this connection it is interesting to note that the important geographical position of Singapore has brought to our port many an other Royal traveller, the following list of whom
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  • 141 2 It has been the custom m Singapore for the Inspector-General of Police to make an annual grant at this season of the year for the purpose of holding a Christmas dinner. This is a function the Police much look forward to. We are surprised to learn
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  • 86 2 According to a -porting correspondent, there is no likelihood of a McAuliflfe-Tully fight being brought off m this Colony, for the former, as we reported la-t week, intends opening a gymna-ium here and wishes to take no active part m the ring m future. Our correspondent also states
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  • 133 2 Milk Sellers In spite of the heavy fines inflicted on milk sellers for adulterating milk, they don't seem to mind a bit. [fa Sanitary Inspector were to pay a visit at Macpherson Road where many of these people reside, he will find" that m I majority of
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  • 161 2 BAIL GRANTED. Mr. F. G. Chapman was formally charged yesterday with culpable homicide m Mr. Byrant's Court. Mr. P. J. Sproulc D. P.P. who appeared for the prosecution said that wholeaftairappcared to have been a sad accident. Mr. Chapman is a third Engineer who is ashore studying
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  • 267 2 A DANCE will be given at the Boustead Institute to-night by the Tanjong Pagar Dock Recreation Club. During the week ending Dec. 10th 2 io deaths were registered m Singapore giving a ratio of 43.28 per mile. Owing to pressure of space, the continuation of our serial, "In Peril m
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    • 494 2 The following is the result of our first Essay Competition 1. Mary C Stuart 2. May Drysdale 3 Horbcrt E. Esoho Honourable mention Maurice H. Leicester, Robert Morgan, Wilfred Buxton, C. Padday, Malcolm Cottei and Una Cotter. As previously announced, our essay competition closed yesterday. We were
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    • 289 2 What a medley of strange sights and peculiar sounds a street ie in the c amopolitan city of Singapore affords us] Let u>. take for our example the bu-.y district of Orchard Road in the earliest part of the day, and attempt to describe this picture-o^ie
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    • 304 2 had a great load of rattan t ,;,i was bed up in bundles i on his head several fee, 1 ot the light white stuff In, i loose and hung or were fall i£ him down to his feet This appearance of w i,; tr darkness. This
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    • 252 2 {Hommmbk MatHm*), This old game football which always so new audi- always im^? 8 mg wa. first played by xW R and I think if Sosc men were and see how well our school b taken it up, thev would I, ave proud and -lad to see
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    • 60 2 Chinese Queues. It look- suspiciously like a fa Chines* B <- up g .and can the supply China be explained. In i,t. the I man will part with am rather than his hr hair from the living ra heavily with -and." N, rth< hair comes to market, is trafti by
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    • 64 2 Men and worai nd most of their li i placed that the) si cun nor tre. air without ;g st, therefore, the wer; .1 solution rhere is thc-e tow* -s could not U high, which is about the h i tmj mile of the new Westminster. A i
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    • 60 2 The differeni for administration of th< Colony, those "ordinal! irope' and th we not dinarily recru Europe one that i- un familial startling standing l posing that, fo > nistoi v >; t the most barefaci impudent ner, to say 1 is serving und r kr
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    • 105 2 In -pite of war-, insurrect rebellion-, in spite of local dearth- ami droughts, locusts, and rinden cyclone-, and the warring elements ol coloured tribe- A\\d many tribulations I believe assuredly that the V\ will conquer, and South Africa will ise to be a dust-heap foi The Kaffir
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  • 100 2 ii i^ certainly anomalous mai am vaunted civilisation ol Christianity should remain armed t>> tlie fi to tear itself in suicidal struggle. As a Japanese statesman wittily commented on the situation, so long only sent beautiful objects of art Europe she was looked on barbarous nation, but
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  • 26 2 The Editor invitea corres| Ml 1.. /> m itten oa i k •hou i ble lor tlie upiniom <>! ln-^ coi i e- i
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  • 128 2 Sir, In your lea ki on tin morning you ask why the Cube compelled to purchase or their desires. The threat I to force China to akmd. PW w,b, of course, .t men 1 bluff. Rut situation m .1 British olonj pore is very different Wnik cannot
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 378 2 ENGLISH MILKS. SWEETENED WITH CANE SUGAR. I JOHN BULL ff 18 ctsi P or tin Containing 1 Ib. Met. DIPLOMA f Full Cream 23 ditto ditto 1 Ib. Net. prom Australian Stores and all Dealers. I Sa&tern Oriental jfCotel, I PENANG. CH/AG- HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. Sankies Brother's, Proprietors. ~H. THOMPSON,""
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    • 402 2 Here's What You're Looking for X;maS G22ES i& Presents, Provisions, Confectionery vK^ AND Crackers, etc. THOMPSON.THOMAS&CO., I THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. COGHLAN CO. Licensed Auctioneers HOUSE ESTATE AGENTS. P AUCTION SALE. FIRST CLASS EUROPEAN RESIDENCE. .0 be let that pleasantly situated house "Budleich." Serangoon Road, healthy locality. Tennis court. Good stabling.
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    • 158 2 eCMING EVENTS. To-day, 21st December. High Water, $:2* a.m. 5.52 p m. P. O. homeward mail due. 6a. m. Straits Trading Co. Meeting. Noon Children's Concert. 5.30. Raffles Boys' School Prize-Giving 4. S. V. A Maxim Drill. 9. P. &O. homeward mail cl«>ses. 3. Flora Variety Lntertainment. Town Hall. To-morrow,
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  • 10 3 I nV v\i activity m kastern PORTS.
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  • 78 3 E DM" Special Hongkong, Dec. 20. According to all the latest reports, at Shanghai lias not yet been Gunboats trom various ports are hastening to ihe scene of the disturbances to protect the foreign real ts there. Our Hongkong correspondent learns that the authorities fear that the
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  • 24 3 Later. The British cruiser Andromeda !M received a sAesoage from Shanghai ng her presence there immediately. s ir ten hurriedly la>t night.
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  • 28 3 LEFT HONGKONG YESTERDAY. E O M Special. Hongkong, Dec tt. Rossim, Gmmotoi, and Bqamfit m cbramand of Admiral Jessen left gkong, bound for Singapore,
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  • 84 3 SAmongst (he many messages re- cc ved m Singapore last night from the north the only .>ne that was iring nature was from our Hongkong representative who states that the German Admiral has been the good news from Shanghai. He 1- satisfied that the hour
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  • 315 3 PREVARICATING POLICEMAN. Hearing Again Adjourned. Five Chinese appeared before Mr. Seth yesterday charged with stealing candle-t;cks and other aha paraphernalia Belonging to a Chinese |oss -m Telok Ayer Street. The value of the property was e-timated at v Or £50. The Candle-ticks were cumbersome affairs
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  • 141 3 Ihe special correspondenl of the Hosigkottg Teltgrmpk fives tin- following account of the execution of condemned for the Lien-duHi acres Stripped t<> the w.um ;iul securely lashed on wicker trays three wretched criminals were, on the 6th inst, carried from the city prison down to a sand
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  • 183 3 Petty crimes arc reported to be m•- easing throughout town, as js the usual rule at tlii-— i ion. Bui thai the I approach of Chinese N< w Year is not solely responsible is evidenced by the fact that an tmusiial noraber of Malays have been accused of thievery. A
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    • 2626 3 SAYS THAT DECEASED INSULTED HER. WITNESS SOBS IN COURT. fal%"&! Gcor^~HiH aopcared before Mr. Bryant In the First Court remand on the chargeof the alleged murder of Private Short of the She, .vood hs 1 l d ie nn i ght of u] y '7th »«t Mi. 1.
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  • 326 3 ACCUSED DISCHARGED. Ng Chwee Guon was before the magistrate Tuesday charged with circulating 7 counterfeit dollars. He denied the charge. Low Sang, sworn, said that at 10.30 a.m. h\> master gave him a SlO note to change. He went next door to a sundry goods shop and
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  • 178 3 DARING HOUSEBREAKER IN SINGAPORE. An impudent robber is reported to be at large m Singapore. He is opt ratin the neighbourhood of Mount Elizabeth and has made several hauls tV< >m European bungalows. Yesterday the residence of Mr. A. P. Ager was broken into by a Malay, who
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  • 70 3 s. c c. r r. c;. a. I The S. C. C. met the R. C. A. on the Esplanade yesterday. The S. C. C. all through had much the best of the game. In the first half neither side managed to score. On resumption of play the S.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 J<- iOr ~>r>< >n YAMATO CO. Dealers m High Class Japanese Curios and i General Goods. SOLE AGENTS TO TOKIO SEIKOSHA" i CLOCKS AND WATCH i FACTORY. j Contractors to the 0 Japanese Navy and r Nippon Yusen Kaisha^s Fleet. ft 2 7 High Street, SINGAPORE. b lit 1 >n<
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    • 424 3 POWELL CO, I SINGAPORE. (Established 42 Years) REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. MORTGAGES ARRANGED VALUATIONS MADE. RENTS COLLECTED. ARTHUR ALLISONS PIANOS ROSENKRANZ PIANO POWELL GO'S Auction and House-Pro-perty Circular is issued weekly and sent free to any address. j For Sale Privately. As a going Concern. The well established business
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    • 224 3 ROBINSON" and Co. ARE NOW MAKING THEIR Sirst Sreat Spec/a/ Show OF Toys, Toys, FIRST GLASS WORKING MODELS OF Clock Work Battleships Clock Work Trains with Rails Cruisers Motor Cars Gun Boats Round-abouts Torpedo Boats Clowns TOYS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS X'MAS Number Illustrated LONDON-NEWS PEARS ANNUAL ROBinson co, fiotel
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 774 4 THE STRAITS ENQUIRY AND REGISTRATION ACENCY. TENDERS. Tenders arc invited for the following works (1). Erection of six Shop-houses m Bras Basa Road. (2). Erection of a compound house m Orchard Road. (3). Construction of cubicles, walls, etc. m 26 houses at Sago Street. (4). Construction of a moveablc teak
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    • 473 4 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. What is the use of saying the best Company," the strongest Company, the largest Company." Any one can say this. WE Say simply The China mutual Ltife Ins ranee Co., Ltd. A British Local Co, that tells the whole story. Messrs. Hankin Knockkr, Managers.
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    • 366 4 j The Way to Get a Fortune Is to buy an Electric Cinematograph. A few days' receipts repay all your costs. The Cinematograph has had an en- ormous success all over the world. 1 5 for a Complete Installation apply to I 1 I JL evy 3, BATTERY ROAD, who
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    • 485 4 Japan Coals THE 1 Mitsui Bussan Kalsha MITSUI Co.) Head Office: No. I, SURUGA-CHO, TOKIO Ijtndon Branch 34, LIME STREET, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GREEN, Other Branches: New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka,
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    • 556 4 ABATED WATERS. I V X'MAS orders should be I posted without delay to I BARUGH Co., Ltd I 15. ENGGOR STREET. I 'E. ft, M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WASTED, ETC I PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses. Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant Exchange
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    • 484 4 TO BE LET. J J for Married couple, or two f friends, Vacant February is t Apply 1 X. I. J SMALL House to let 1 I 1 m Owm Road Vacant ist h nu I ary 1906. Apply at No 10,1 j (lop End of Race irse) I «<T°
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 11 1 The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21si. 11)05.
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    • 24 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Jhe Netherlands Trading Society Saturday quoted the 4/ms bank rate at 2.2 11/16. The Mercantile Bank quoted at 2.2 1 1 X).
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    • 141 1 Ykstkrday's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2,2 11/16 Demand 2/2 716 Private 6 m/s. 2/3 1/16 do. 3 ni/s. 2/2 13 16 On (ttrwany Bank d/d 2.24 Private 3 m/s 2.28 do. 6 m/s 2.30 On France Bank d/d 2.7^ Private 3 m/s 2.80^ do. 6 m/s 2.821
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    • 121 1 do do No. 2 1 1.00 Pepper. Black (ordinary Spore),, 22.1 c dv> White, Fair L. \V. 5 p.c. 31.50 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) do (80 to the lb.) 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) 33' Liberian Coffee picul 22.00 Tapioca, >mall (Fair quality) 5.8 c do
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    • 38 1 I December .>o. Glenfalloch for Sourabaya. Ophir Palcmbang. Ban Uin Guan T. Anson. Hcdanti Bangkok. Singora Residcin Schiff Rhio. G. G. Dacndels Deli. Singabore Bankok. Willielm M Macassar. Sciangor T. Anson. I December 21. Isabella Rhio, SingkopcVLingga.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 867 1 Singapore St Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Notice. Trains Service for Week Days and Sundays Kxt a I. Jm m J Sunuuv- only. Down Trains Down Trains AM. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. p.m. M P-M P-M p M AM pM pM SINGAPORE d 6.00 6.30 7.4010.00
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      • 44 1 Inventors are eccentric Men, And make some wonderful things From babies, food and patent boots, To sailing balloons with win^s. But health comes first m this humdrum life And this you can best ensure, By fending off insidious ills, With Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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      • 431 1 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITA] $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:I Sterling Reserve *10,u00,000 llBwlrinni Silver Reserve I 8,500,000 I 5OU .°W Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. 11. A. W. Stede, Ksq Chairman. A. Haupt, Es<j Deputy-Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson, A. J. Raymond, fc^sq. E. (ioetz. Esq.
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    • 15 2 VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. Brit Cruiser 4060 Dalton, Nov 27th Bangkok uncertain. I
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    • 322 2 Acme, Am SQB7 Kay, Dec 5 Manila. Stand. Oil < 0., des. Uacerta n. Aaakam,Gm UH Peten, Dec Ifl. Asahnn. Benn Meyer, f<>r Asahan. /I'j/ikc, Brit l'27,Rusht<>n, Dec l'» Kemaman, Teo Hoo Lye, tor Kuantan 2] Bam U'htitt Him, Brit 195JKawlinfson, Dec 17 Kelantan, Strata S S (V
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    • 88 2 Avit-mi, Brit >tr M. Curtis. Dec 2uth, alcutta, Borneo Co. for Banckok. Betuurty, \W\\ »tr 2slGt Sarchet, Dc< SOth, London. Pat. Sim ns. icr Hongkong SI. Hokg U',l/1. Bnt str ii". I niz, Dec 9oth, Malaa Bin for Muar 21. H\, i n^. Hrit >tr 295, Angus, Dei
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    • 118 2 To-dai For IV: At Kelantan, «n:i Ban Wliatt llin 7 a m Hongkong |apan Monmontl'shire 9 a m Rhio Singkep Isabella 10 a m l'anc'i flte ian I p ,n PcnaiiK S< liuylkill 2 p ni Sur'haya ft i an"niasin Sarie Borneo 4pm Malacca Me Muar Hontf Wan
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    • 63 2 Dec. 20. Per live Leong: Mrs. An drew, Right Rev. fc. 13. Barillon, Rev. L Burghoffer and 106 decks. Per Siberian Messrs. Jelstrup, A. Vesterdal, and A. Svawer. I'er Hong Wan: Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Cook, and Mr. 11. E. BurgeSK Per Monmouthshire: Mrs. Grousdervuter and child,
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    • 66 2 From England. -Per 6* O, Oettum on Friday. From China. Per <>. SimU* on Thursday. Mails already despatched for London Lett Sin^. Ducn London. Arrived. Nov q P O 1 >et 2 Nov 13 N D L Dec 6 Nov 10 B I Nov 20 M Al
      66 words
    • 604 2 N«mt x port, prolnihle date of arrival, ati name of Agents. bTtAMEKi. Annam, Manila, Dec. 19; M. Maritimes. ArratoonApcar, Hongkong, Nov 27; P. Simons Austria, Trieste, Jan. IT, Rautenberg. Arcomia. Odessa, Dec. 18- E. As. Co. Armani Behic, Saigonjan. I; M. Maritimes. Ayutliia, Calcutta, Dec. 19. Bonvo Coy.
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    • 69 2 Wharves at which different Ships were berthed Yesterday. East Wharf) Nil. Victoria Graving Dock, B'quc Acme. Albert Graving Dock, Shantung. S lion No. i Islander, Zaida, Thongwa. N\». 2 M^imouthshrre, Carlyle. 9 „3 Benarty. „4 Fcronia. 5 Nil. 6 Nil. (B. W Siberian. 8 (B. W.)
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 443 2 BANKS, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorpaie k by Royal Charter. Capitals Reserve Liah.litv ZBoo>ooo of Profriltors Reserve Fund ,£875,000. (Bank of England. BANKERS J National Bank of Scotland JTh on don City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH CI'RRENT Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per
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      • 333 2 Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes de France. 'Iflcxraphic Address .\fessa^erie Singapore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates Oitward. Homeward. Calcdonkn i Jan. A. Bekk ,i Jan. Oceanten 15 Jan. E. Simons 15 Jan. Salazic 21) Jan. Polyncsien 29 |an. Tmmme \2 Feb. Cmie«kmen 12th Feb.
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