Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 20 December 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 90 1 Reuter s Agency By Submarine Telef raph. {Deliveredyesterday morning.) London, Dec. 18, 6 p.m. The Czar has sanctioned a stringent penal ordinance for the prevention of 1 railway, postal and telegraph strikes. Simultaneously, the pay of the telegraphists and a section of the railway employees has
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    • 89 1 GENERAL NICHOLSON FOR QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL. Reuter Agency. By submarine Teleiraph London, Dec. 19, 10.30 a m. General Nicholson *ias been appointed Quartermaster-General. The Standard states that Lieut-Gen. Lyttleton will probably be appointed to command at Gibraltar. Mr. George Lambert has been appointed Civil Lord of the Admiralty Mr. H.
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    • 98 1 WANTS A CLEAR FIELD. Reuters Agency. By Submarine Telefraph (Delivered yesterday morning). London, Dec. tB, 6 p.m. It is reported that Lord Curzon will only contest on condition that his can didacy be uncontested. Other candidates are: the Hon. Alban G. H. Gibbs, seeking re-election Sir Edward George
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    • 49 1 CHAMBER PASSED VOTE OF CONFIDENCE. Reuters Agency By submarine Telegraph. {Delivered yesterday fuormng). London, Dec. 18, 6 p.m. The Italian Ministry has resigned, though the Chamber passed a vote of confidence but »ejected the commercial modus vivndi with Spain. Signor Fortis will probably reconstruct the Cabinet.
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    • 45 1 RUSSIA'S TROUBLES LESSEN SAVE IN THE BALTIC PROVINCES. Reuters Agency. By submarine Telegraph London, Dec. 19, 10.30 a.m. The strike is collapsing, except m the Baltic provinces, where chaos continues. The Rostoff Regiment has submitted. The leaders of the mutiny have beeu arrested.
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    • 38 1 CHINA REFUSES CONCESSIONS TO JAPAN IN MANCHURIA. Reuters Agency. By submarine Telegraph. London, Dec. 19, 12.30 p. m. The negotiations at Tokyo between China and Japan anent Manchuria have reached a deadlock, China refusing all concessions.
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    • 40 1 I FORMER PREMIER WILL FORM CABINET. Reuter s Agency- By submarine Telegraph Delivered yesterday morning.) London, Dec. iS, 6 p.m. The Greek Ministry lias resigned. Former. Prime Minister Theotoky has been summoned to form a new Cabinet.
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    • 37 1 BIG MEETING OF GERMAN MERCHANTS AND DEPUTIES. Mater A M ncy. By submarin* Teltgraph London, Dec. 19, 10.30 a.m. Two thousand Berlin merchants, financiers, and deputies attended a meeting to promote an Anglo-German understanding.
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  • 164 1 PANANG. (From our per la I Gorre»pond«nt Pekam, Dec. 15. November was a very rainy month for Pekan. Most parts of the town were under water for some days, m consequence many a good t>ag of snipe were secured by some of our local sportsmen. On
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  • 632 1 SOUTH AFRICAN TROUBLES DUE TO BAD TREATMENT. Mr. Archibald Little is one of a very select band of Europeans who thoroughly know, understand, and appreciate the Chinese people. A great traveller and interesting writer, successful author, and keen man of business, Mr. Little is
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  • 92 1 Mr. A. W. C. Wilson, fourth oficßff of the B. I. s. s. (loorkfut, was drowned at Madras while taking on sonic horses on the sth inst. Suck at Pulo Dram. Our reprcicamivg who attended the Pulo Brani Smoker on Monday night foiled to i;< t back till after the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 445 1 a. I •-->. j w a l^.ss N ts lor Singapore. JOHN LITTLE A CO Gawett's Portable Engines and Boilers, poden's Steam Wagons. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUPPLIED BY THE BORNEO Company, Limited. country hoteu I j maans Qo*t Jision Mercantile Co., TO SUIT ALL v a^Bfe 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE.
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    • 56 1 Thttanan who whispers down a well About the goods he has to sell, Won't reap the gleaming golden dollars Like he who climbs a tree and hollers. The man who lets disease alone To wear hjm down to skin and bone, Won't be m health so sound and pure Ashe
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    • 61 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, Invigorating, A NATURAL MINERAL WATER OF THE HIGHEST CLASS. Sold Everywhere "Is life worth living many a«k "It is" the most reply. ThouK'i some say "No. it is a task,''> Without a reason w! y, The latter class, you understand, O Their ailments do endure, The former-
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  • 386 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 20TH DECEMBER REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS. Il is not lon Ser than years i Commerce approached Government with thc existing Bankrupey laws towards the forming of an Ordinance "!iicl:, wou'" midci,:" c fiaudulen At tllc same lime attention was drawn to the subject
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  • 377 2 Of late one has heard many wild and weird tales of the doings of Chinese m their intercourse with Europeans, so perhaps a slight analysis of the situation ma}- not be without interest. Let us examine the boycott movement first. The origin of the whole
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  • 62 2 A local sportsman has placed a sum of money with the uE. D. Af." to back Artie Tally against Jack McAuliffe for twenty rounds, two minutes a round, Queensbery rules. If this match could be arranged, and for a purse sufficient to make the men enthusiastic, it
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  • 137 2 IMPROVEMENTS AT PENANG. Mr. W. Matthews, Consulting Engineer of Messrs, Coode, Son and Matthews, arrived m Colombo on the 7th inst. from Penang. After attending the Tanjong Pagar Arbitration Court at Singapore, Mr. Matthews proceeded to Penang, where his whole attention while there was devoted to
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  • 972 2 GRANDBERT CHARGED WITH CHEATING. DISCHARGI O AND RF.-ARRESTED. Yesterday morning Georges Grandbert appeared before Mr. Seth on a charge of cheating Mr. T. M. Conolly, Proprietor of the Caledonian Hotel, of the sum of $79.31 It will be remembered that Grandbert stayed at the Caledonian from the
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  • 119 2 1 HE bar at the new Recreation Hotel at the tramway terminus on Serangoon Koad is now open. The new building is nearly completed. By the s. s. Kishia yesterday morn ing a nee-mill owner of Penang m the person of Mr. Luie Cheng Law arrived on a business trip.
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  • 168 2 ALLEGED THEFT OF sru machine: INc James Pereira Rde^lva^ftS appeared before Mr Sa*^ on I charge of a))r ve^ plaintant, Wilson Silva yr frf >mComplainant said k. Colombo only f, w Monday he went to the I steamer to see his J M r when they arrived thc
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    • 33 2 wiui regara to thc (Icvcl.-pmcnt... German trade m the Fa expense ot the Briti complaint of British trad< ran, as a rule, get neither countenanci nor assistance from B Straits Echo.
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    • 68 2 me englishwoman has can.- for quality. All -lit- thinks of look, and thc less a thing is like t one she Odght to get, and thi is unlike the the better sh e is pl< look. Christmas Box Abuses. Every year w< important houses is :<> the
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    • 37 2 London is not better. It is si people at 1 ga and temptations. 1 m n more delif find how man] qualities show il would he 1< ast expet Price Hughes, m Homers kh.
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    • 34 2 Never 1 en so bhkb nal int< monarchs of Europt Withii twelvf months lh< K. rulers of all il tries. King l.dw frith whom the Kai» <'.■':■- hand- this year. A v
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    • 37 2 Germ my, i as they <■. very well live with each other but the the futun which no reali :K \>\i I I extent that the <re< nearer ami nean warlike collision. A Vienna,
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    • 51 2 1 1 c builder of tin. w 1 no less than the I and th< maker, individuality or distinct d todo his bc-t to reduci all 1! dead and le| ressing level. I is to day, 1 suppose, one inartistic nation- m the w< Burne-Jones, m Black and
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    • 58 2 1 here arc- lucky ami uniucKj nw* m London, ami "her this tn be a poa tiv< fact, fl 1 houses m which people al lose money, «>r come to doiw or fall ill; and tin it an 1 seem to bring health, happiw mod fortune
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    • 53 2 weii-Known aow a^< —7" her way out from the Opera w;U»« total disregard of other peopk ings (and toes) that mark aristocracy, when a denizen suburbs, "annoyed at the observed out bud: "Thi hasn't gone yet, ma'am, hurry!* If looks could kill, a coroners inquest would have
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  • 25 2 Tlie Editoi invites rom ill— l la V written 011 on« »iJ« should ex. t ble far Urn opmioni of I
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  • 134 2 Dear Sir, Thank, Ut Nkmv" and yourself for i formation that, possibly, I i P. a sular" held the recoad Pwang. the Utee being-Wl/J our June?. 1888. lean onl) exclaim, mighty fallen!" seeing thai I take at lest 12 ho on the average trip than years ago.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 826 2 HUMBER CYCLE, "Imperial," "Standard," "First Grade," "Bestone." Borneo Company, Limited 1 Here's What You're Looking for X'^-S G2£ES I /V=W %m j Presents, Provisions, Confectionery I I. f I I CraCkerS, etC- J THOMPSON. THOMAS CO.J I ///A./rsT-^i/./.v .sro^6. Serravallo's Tonic, m highly RECOMMENDED B^ \M TJioriirn\ Dnfhnnitip^ B J^
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    • 256 2 wotTce^^ Messrs praser and NEAVE'S Aerated Water Establishment wiU be closed on the 25th inst. CHRISTWAS DAY and January Ist NEW YEAR'S nAY rp, .X "6 Or(ler Department, for the execution Of Ord*ii -v i j» a erS, Will De ClOSed at nOOn ftT| fhi* QntiiT*Ha<rro -t%->*a yS pTGCeding the
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  • 89 3 Renter's Aienoy. By Submarine Tti* a rap* London, Pec. 10, 12.30 p.m. There has been rioting at Shanghai j tl connection witl the Mixed Court incident. The German Consul has been stoned in<l the American Vice-Consul also injured Several other foreigners have Ix-'tn
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  • 85 3 SPECIAL REDEMPTION FIND CREATED. Reuters A|»noy By tubmatye TaUgraih London, Pec. 19, 1 1.30 a.m. Mr. rakthashi, leaving London for Pokyo, being interviewed by a Renter's correspondent! thanked the public for their confidence m the Japanese securities, which he said would never be a cause foe regret He
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  • 75 3 MANIFESTO ORDERING I'FOPI E It) REFUSE TO PAY TAXKs Reuters Agency By Submarine Telegraph I."\> I let hi. 1 1.30 a.m. The workmen's delegates wore arrested on account of a manifesto ordering the to refuse to pay taxes and other dues, declaring that no debts contracted by the
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  • 167 3 SAD C,l N ACCIDENT LAST NIGHT. Detained m Custody. Mr. Chapman gave himself up to the police m Kandang Kerbau Station last night alleging that he had caused the death of a Malay woman by shooting her with a revolver yestcrdfj about > p.m. The exact
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  • 105 3 Tramway Extensions It is Honoured that the Government refused to grant the Tramway Company permission to extend its line from its present terminu> at Serangong Road to the ;th mile ttooeowing to the narrowness of that road and the number >>t bullockcart- .^oinj; along it. It isaid
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  • 77 3 A Nrw Year's dance will be held at the Tanglin lub on the 30th Dec. Them will be a Hunt Club meet <>n Saturday at 4 4c p. m. at the entranceto the Impounding Reservoir. Dr. 1). M Rosa and Asst Surgeon A. H. WheatU-y have btcn appointed Deputy Registrant
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  • 1077 3 Chapter V.I Fop Lin ako Wife. A few hundred fed below, the red and green dragon poked its DOOStroiM visage above the jtlDgle and then MM lost among the trees again. The din of hundred- of chanting men men, nay, I can <>nlv call them fiends
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  • 92 3 BRITISH, AMERICAN AND JAPANESE MEN-OF-WAR CABLED FOR. Hongkong, Dec. i 9. Ihe Shanghai Laoza police station ru- partl y bu ™ed. Several Chinese have been shot. One Sikh policeman has been killed orJ Vo ume f rs nave been called out a rkrJ°°h Italia bluejackets have been
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  • 70 3 AME ?iSo^ AND GERMAN WARSHIPS HAVE ARRIVED. E D M. Special HoNGßomt D ec. 19. Shanghai is quieting down, though me position is still serious. Bluejackets arc patrolling the streets. American and German warships have arrived. I roops from Tsingtao are expected to-morrow. Foreigners are coming into the
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  • 38 3 EXISTENCE OF GOVERNMENT DENIED BY REVOLUTIONARIES E. n. M Speoial. LOMDOH, Dec. ig. The rcvo'.utionrries at St. Petersburg have issued a Manifesto denying the existence of a government and proclaiming the bankruptcy of the Russian Empire.
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  • 51 3 DISARMING OF MANCHURIAN TROOPS ORDERED. E O M" Special. Homgkoug, Dec. 19, Half of General LJnieritch'i army is m open revolt. The disturbances arc spreading and it is feared that the whole of Asiatic Russia will soon be ablaze. The authorities have ordered the disarming ot the
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  • 31 3 "BoNBAir LOST NEAR VLADIYOSTOCK. "E O. M. Special. Hongkong, Dec. 19 The British steamer £0*604/ has been wrecked near Yladivostock. The crew were rescued and taken to Nagasaki.
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  • 25 3 E D. M Special LoNDEM, Dec. 19. It i< «.t;ttc«; that the ifarqu— a of Ripon will lead the House of Lords.
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  • 103 3 ACCUSED AGAIN REMANDED. There wa> a lengthy hearing given to this case yesterday and the several Ici;.il gentlemen engaged m the case had, at certain times, some heated argument^. A Chetty was put m the witness stand and stated that he kept his box at
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  • 127 3 Tm Shipping and Imports and Exports offices will be open for only an hour, from 10 to 1 1 a.m. on the 26th in-4 and will be closed all day on the Two Jewesses were thrown out of a t ickisha by a collision with a gharry m High Street
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  • 436 3 BILL FOR REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS. Bill rejected by 13 votes. There was a large attendance of members of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon, to consider the following resolution That m the opinion of this Chamber the Registration of Partnerships Bill now before Council is not
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  • 188 3 COLOURS r. WHITES The Colours met tlie Whites on the S. C. ground yesterday and a good game resulted. The Whites were far heavier, and this was conspicuously shown m the scrum, but the Colours were faster. In the first half the game wa>- very even, and as
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  • 163 3 FIRE IN HARBOUR LAST NIGHT About 5.30 last night an alarm of fifC was given and the men m the fire station turned out promptly. When the}- left the station it was said that they were required m the square, but on arriving there no trace of any
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  • 40 3 Three Chinamen were charged with fighting on Boat Quay yesterday m the early hours of the morning. Mr. Seth fined them each Si and bound them down m two securities or $10 each to keep the peace for .six months.
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  • 710 3 LARGE COMPANY ENJOYS HOSPITALITY OF THE i SMELTERS. One hundred and twenty members and visitors gathered m the sprcious hall of the Pulo Bran Club on Monday nicht to attend an exceptionally interesting concert and smoker arranged by that organisation Hie room was beautifully decorated with flags,
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  • 104 3 Coming Attractions The Flora entertainment at 9 p.m. on Thursday promises to be the feature of the present holiday season for "grownups," the children looking eagerly to their annual treat by Mr. Buckley, which takes place nt 5.30 on the same evening. To-morrow. Sir John Anderson will be present at
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  • 181 3 Sealed tenders will be received al the Office of the Officer Commanding. Army Service Corps, Pearl's Hill, until 12 o clock noon on Monday.sthe Bth January 1906, for the supply of the following to the troops quartered at Singapore 1. Bread, meat, groceries, vegetables, atta, rice, mineral waters,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 342 3 POWELL CO, SINGAPORE. (Established 42 Years) REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. MORTGAGKS ARRANGED VALUATIONS MADE. RENTS COLLECTED, j ARTHUR ALLISONS PIANOS ROSENKRANZ PIANO POWELL COS Auction and House-Pro-perty Circular is issued weekly and sent free to any address. j j For Sale Privately. As a going Concern. The well established
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    • 187 3 ROBINSON and Co. ARE NOW MAKING THEIR Sirst Sreat Spec/a/ Show OF Toys, Toys, FIRST CLASS WORKING MODELS OF Clock Work Battleships Clock Work Trains with Rails Cruisers Motor Cars Gun Boats Round-abouts Torpedo Boats Clowns TOYS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS X'MAS Number Illustrated LONDON-NEWS PEABS ANNUAL 1 ROBinSOIUCOI fiotel
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 369 4 THE STRAITS ENQUIRY AND REGISTRATION AGENCY. TENDERS. Renders are invited for the following 'forks (1). Erection of six Shop-houses m Bras Basa Road. (2). Erection of a compound house m Orchard Road. (3). Construction of cubicles, walls, etc. m 26 houses at Sago Street. (4). Construction of a movtablc teak
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    • 484 4 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE j INSURANCE CO. 1 j What is the use of saying M the best Company," the strongest Company, the largest Company." Any one can say this. WE I Say simply The China mutual liife Insurance Co., Lttd. A British Ltoeal Co, that tells the whole story.
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    • 349 4 The Way to Get a Fortune Is to buy an Electric Cinematograph. A few days' receipts repay all your costs. The Cinematograph has had an en- ormous success all over the world. For a Complete Installation apply to I JPevy SfCermanos 3, BATTERY ROAD, who keeps also a large stock
      349 words
    • 508 4 Japan Coals THE Mitsui Bussan Kalsha (MITSUI A Co.) 1 Head Office: No, I, SURUGA-CHO, TOKIO London Branch 34, LIME STREET, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GREEN, Other Branches: New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya
      508 words
    • 1111 4 fIERATED WfITERsT I KM AS orders should be I posted without delay to I BARUGH Co., Ltd. I 15. F.NGGOR STREET. I %D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED, ETC, I PREPAID. TO BE LET. I Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses. m Godowns etc., Wanted dTo Let. Situations D
      1,111 words

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 432 1 BANKS, CNARTEREO BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. lncorpate by Royal Chart, r. CAPITALS Kkskkvk Liability I r of Proprietors I• 8oo oo RKstRVr Find ,£875,000. (Bank Of irfffiailPt BANKERS National Bank ok^mo 11 and Th on don City Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Cl RRENT Accounts are opened and interest
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    • 503 1 Compagnle des Messageries Marititnes de France. Telegraphic Address Ucssaj>cric Singmpm. I lie mail steamers viii leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates OriwAkD. Homeward, Pohmemum uSl)ec. Tonkin is Dec nudonini .Jan. A. Behk i lan On**** 15 Jan E. Simons 5 Tail. >alazir »9jan. /'"/vnrsirn zi, 'Jan. The Batavia
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 11 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20th, 1905.
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    • 17 1 VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. I' lot a, Brit Crui'ci 4060 Dalton, Nov ?7ih Bangkok uncertain.
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    • 403 1 Ai >m\ Am 2987 Kay, Dec 5 Manila. Stand. Oil 0., des. I 'nccrtam. Atmkmm t Gm nil iP«teis, Uec 13, AaahM, Behn Meyer, fur Asahan. A'"// duiui, lirit -^45 Hunter, Dec 17 Pontianak, Wee Bin. lor Pontianak 10. _/»'</// M'//.?// 1 1 m, Brit 1 1 J5
      403 words
    • 105 1 Nor 719, S«tlvesen. Dec 18 Penang. Borneo Co' tor i Bangkok 19 r 54 liroe, Dec 18 Marseilles. M M tor Yokohama 18 Kan haw, l»rit l2it., Dcwar. Dec I ■< Glasgow, Mansl 4 Stat .Dec iSSwatOVi Wee Bin, for Java Dut 1836, Roaacn, Dec ifl M«wchwang, Hooglar.tit.
      105 words
    • 141 1 Foi J'er At I >cli G G Dacndels 1 1 AM Bangkok Singabore 11 AM P Swet*ham v v PmMg Kistna i pm Pontianak Ann. erst 1 m tfaai ft Malacca Sultan I PM Batll Pahat Aing Ann 2 PM Malacca Selangor 3 pm I'enang Schuylkill 3 PM
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    • 69 1 NEXT MAILS. DUE. Fko\i ENGLAND. Per O, Ocean* on Friday. FEOM CHINA. Her <■ O. Sttmitt on Thursday. MAIU AI Ki.ADS DKM'ATCIIKI) FOR LONDON Li it Sin^c. Dot n London. Arrived. Nnv g F& O Dec 2 \ov 13 X D L Dec 6 Nov Ib B I Nov 2(»
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    • 627 1 .Xnmc, f>ort, probable date of arrival, an name of Agents. bTEAMEItb. Annam, Manila, Dec. 19; M. Maritimes. Arratoon Apcar, Hongkong, Nov^j; I. Simons Austria, Trieste, Jan. i*s Kauteaberg. Arcomia. Odessa, Dec. 18- E. As. Co. Armand liemc, Saigonjan. 1; m. Maritimes. Ayutnia, Calcutta, Dec. ly, norneo Coy. Airlie,
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    • 80 1 Wharves at which different Ships were berthed Yesterday. East Wharf, Nil. Victoria Graving Dock, B'que Acme. Albert Graving Dock, Nil. Section No. 1 Islander, Zaida, Thongwa Nam sang. No. i Nil. „3 Yacht Victoria. 4 H. M. S. Flora. 5 Nil. 6 Kanchow. 7 (B. W
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    • 498 2 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Notice. Applications for advertisement space at the ataftiOM on thk railway ihoold be ny the Manager. W. TEARLE, Af«H Trains Service for Week Days and Sundays. silndavVVuilv!" Down Trains Down Trains A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. PM. P.M. P.M.
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    • 436 2 Number uc p a ;d Tust of Value ud to Company Buyers Sellers TransacShares w tion GOLD. li.joo 10 110 Bcrbawai. G M. Co.. Ltd ;.<>oo uin->ued t.OUO 10 Interred Ju.oui 10 lo KadanaG. M. Co.. Ltd. nom 10,000 10 lo Pref., nom' 0.207 l£1£ 1 KechauC
      436 words
    • 22 2 FINANCE COMMERCE. I lie Netherlands Trading Society Saturday quoted the 4, ms bank rate at 2.2$ The Mercantile Hank quoted at s.a
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    • 132 2 Yl STERDAYS Ral I 5. Uu Landau Bank 4 m/s 1 1 Demand 2/2 Private (n/i 23 do. I m/S (J// (,?nnain Bank d d >. Private 3 m/s L 271 do. m j.j On Frana Bank dd 1.74] Private 3 n/a l&ol do. 0 m/s t.Sa (>/. ///^/.7/
      132 words
    • 128 2 Tin I M Gambx 7.85 do Cube No. 1 1 1 .25 do do No. a „11. 00 P< pper, \>' a k (ordinary Spore) n 22A 00 White, Fair L. \V. p.c. 31.5 c Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) do (00 to the lb.) Mace (Banda) 145Cloves
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    • 112 2 1h I lMlil X 1 8. Kuh Wo for Bengkalis. December 19. Kucli inii S urawak. Hild Bangkok. Japan I Llcong, Shanghai and Japan. Emilie Rhio. Kum Sang Penang and Calcutta. Besitang P. Soesoe. Nam Sang 1 Longkoog. Hebe Penang and I Mi. Bentong Port Swettcnham. Sri Tringanu Bagan.
      112 words
    • 135 2 NEOERLANDSCHE HA NDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ Tk.M'IN I I BTABUSHI D iS^4- I CAPITAL. 45,00j,c0c i ibt j Reserve Fund. j f. 5,000,000 (abt £4 lh 1 Head Office m Amsterdam, f Head Agency m Butavi:. I Branches: Penang, Shan^hi I goon, Medan (Deli), I Sourabaya, Pada g, Ch< -I Pecalongali, Pasoeroetn,
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 231 2 BANKS. Hongkong ShangTiai Banking Corporation. PAID-Ul' CAPITAL «lo.woou) RESEKVK il'Mi Sterling Reserve «10.0u0,00u #IL Silver Rese < .«i<)0,000 $1V t Praprfaton 9%otioo,uOi r Court of Directors. II A. W. Slade, Esq Chairman. v. Haupt, Ea Deputy-Chain Hon. C. W. hi. kaon, A. 1. Kayai E. 1 r.,rtz. Esq. F.Salinger, t
        231 words