Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 13 December 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 113 1 RUSSIAN MANCHURIAN ARMY MUTINIES. WARSAW GARRISON JOINS REVOLUTIONISTS. Reutor a Agency London, Dec. 1 2. The Tokyo cones pondent of tlie Telegraph wires that a portion of the Russian army in Manchuria has mutinied, sacked Harbin ami joined the Chunchuses. They have burned the railway station and wheat
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  • 112 1 NEW MINISTERS ALL INSTALLED. Reuter s Agency London, Dec. i Lord Elgin's appointment as Secretary of State for tlie Colonies has been favourably received. The combination of Lord Aberdeen and Mr. Bryce, as Viceroy and Chief Scut tary for Ireland, is regarded as an indication of an
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  • 82 1 LADY WIINS rwLMJE. I'Kl^h. Rculers Agency London, Dec. 12. The Nobel prize for the most important medic.il discovery during the year has been awarded t<> ProfcllOf Kochj for physics to Profc-sor I.enard Of Kiel for chemistry, to Hcmt liacycr, of Munich, lor his indigo rc-parches for literature,
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  • 39 1 RUSSIAN OPENLY ADMITS THE OFFENCE. Reuters Agency. London, Dec. i 11. Kron^taleff, the chief organiser Ol the general strike, has been arrested. He openly admits despatching emfe>aries m every direction to stir up an armed revolution.
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  • 71 1 ADMIRALTY COURT RENDERS DECISION. Reuters Agency London, Dec 12. The judgment of the Admiralty Court is that the Clan CfMMMMfWM solely responsible for the collision with the Chatham in the Suez Canal. WITTE WON OVER. SAID TO HAVE JOINED THE REACTIONARIES. Reuter s Agency London, Dec.
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  • 32 1 CABINET WILL FIX HAIL FOR ELECTIONS. Reuter Agency. London, Dec. 12. The Ministers will hold their first Council in a few days to fix the date for the elections.
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  • 128 1 PAINS KEEP HIM AWAKE Router s Agency. London, I>cc. i_\ Mi Hal four is indisposed. His sleep is disturbed by internal pains. I dwell in the palac<- and mansion?, My name's on the lips of the Royal, I am crowned with a million laurels, By the hard won
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  • 884 1 VISIT TO SULTAN OF JOHORE. The following account of a motor tour in Malaya was written by Mr C. J. Gliddcn, an American, who was here last May "The season's trip terminated with 303 miles on the island of Smgapon, the home of the Malays, m fact,
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  • 119 1 A o»nv*|">iKlent furnishes the Htm ijooit (lazfttf with a valuable addition to the present discussion on the cause and cuir <>l l>eri-lxri. The following is M extract from his communication: A medical man, whom I met at fcfedan (Sumatra) the other day, assujvd me that a coHtflgUt
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 184 1 \< .i ms i or' Singapore. JOHN LITTLE A CO flggfc The Empire Typewriter, -IpBHH|^RjL is the Favourite Machine wherever it lias been introduced. SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH, "^Sfi|HAM<;in TOUCH AM) VISIBLE WRITING are some of its points. "^P^Ppiy ORDINARY MODEL, $140.00; BRIEF MODEL, $165.00 f *^fs INSURANCE POLICY MODEL, $*****. Importers,
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    • 264 1 m BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. I John Little &To., Ltd. I These Lines are most Appropriate Ghristmas Gifts. I (No. 4802 Gents. Single Albert Chain > 4.50 Nc. 6, ice. Gents Double Albert S 6.50 Also in Long Neck Chain 54 $26.00 A large selection of Gents. Alberts $3-75 to 9.00
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    • 15 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, Invigorating. A NATURAL MINKKAL WATER Of TIN: HIGHEST (I. ASS. Sold Everywhere
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  • 333 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 13TH DECEMBER. MANCHURIA ABLAZE. The London Telegraph 's special wire from Tokyo, announcing the mutiny of the Mnnchurian army, which we print I among other Reuter wires this morning, is merely the formal announcement of what has long been felt was morally
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  • 261 2 FORWARDS v. BACKS. feams representing the Forwards and Backs met on the S. C. C. ground yesterday afternoon. The forwards commenced with 14 men, and after some fast play Haigh scored the first try which Linton converted. Soon after, from a penalty, the backs scored by a fine
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  • 114 2 Under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency Sir John Anderson, and by permission of Captain H Grant Dalton, Senior Naval Officer, a Troupe from H. M. S. Flora will a variety entertainment in the Town Hall on Thursday, Dec at o p. m.. in aid of the Children*!
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  • 329 2 IHE cable steamer Magnet left for the Cocos Islands yesterday Fhk Sea Belle has gone into dock to be overhauled. Owing to pressure on our space the second instalment of "In Peril in Praam," s held over until to-morrow. Th« new north-east entrance to the harbour at Colombo is now
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  • 44 2 Inventors are eccentric men, And make some wonderful things— From babies, food and patent boots, To sailing balloons with wings. But health comes first in this humdrum life And this you can best ensure, By fending off insidious ills, With Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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  • 1124 2 IHy Rev. H. Obn Cady Miasionary at Chentn, China} Existing for centuries in a crowded condition, the Chinese have highly developed the art of living together. A dislike for military rule, an al.seiice of feudal lords, a spirit of independence, the true democratic feeling that the people
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  • 726 2 THE WORLD'S PR ESS. NOTES AND NOTIONS m Cambridge Pe»%i mjs I ambridgc must, f rom nature of the case o l lc "■> rcg.me. innta. i^b^ I^* Colonial Deoo,^ Not.n in a South Brisb „c I, i"No lady -lK.llweara,:,,- )< t than from point to p,,,nto. th c s|"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 308 2 TUGK'S HAIR and LEATHER BELTING. For Tropical Climates. Particulars from THE BORNEO Co., liimited GRAPES I Fresh Grapes, I 35 cents per lb. C f The Australian Stores. 1 [THOMPSON THOMAS <Jo.| THE US TRA LI AM S TORES. Serravallo's Tonic, Iff HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY V Jj JVledical Authorities jfißMft
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    • 765 2 Sastern Oriental SCotel, PENANG. O~R,-A»G- HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. Sapkies Bfotheps, Proprietoi's. H. THOMPSON, Dental Surgeon, 16, Stamford Road, (First Floor) Whiteaway Laidlaivs Buildhigs, Hours from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sl 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Messrs. KIM Soy. Messrs. KIM Coy., beg to announce j that th«-y have just
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    • 60 3 CAUSED ANGLO FRENCH ENTENTE. E D. M" Special. London, Dec. 12. The Socialists In the Reichstag bitterly criticize the Kaiser's visit to Tangier, insisting that it resulted in inflicting ignominy on the country, is did his famous message to Kruger. They declare that
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    • 53 3 SUCCESSOR APPOINTED. 'I. D. M.' Speotal. London, Dec. 12. Special telegrams published to-day in Paris state that Russia's best friend, Count de Witte has resigned. The news his created a profound sensation. The C ear has apparently accepted the Ation, and Ignatieff is named as the
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    • 50 3 ARRANGEMENTS FOR WEL- COME IN JAPAN. E. D. M." Special. Hongkong, Dec. 12. flic itinerary o\' the Royal Tour in the Farther East has been published in Japan, and arrangements are being giade for a truly royal welcome. Prince Arthur will remain in Japan for a month.
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    • 55 3 LAUNCHED AT KIRE. "E DM" Special. Hongkong, Dec. 12. launching of Japan's new cruiser, -■ilcnha, at Kurc, the naval dockyard, was made the occasion of a brilliant public ceremony. His High ness the Crown Prince was present, and he was accompanied by Admiral Togo; Sir Claude Macdonald"
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  • 429 3 ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME FOR KUALA LUMPUR. The E. D. M. has made special arrangements for the reporting of the race* at Penang and Kuala Lumpur. The following are the entries in the principal races for the la-^t named meeting. First Day. The Presidknt's Cup. Mr. Howden's Marie, The
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  • 57 3 On Saturday night there will be a meeting at the Straits Chinese Recrpation Club, the occasion being the distribution of prizes to the successful competitors in the recent five-aside football competition and the tennis tournaTient. Ihe function has been unavoidably postponed, and it is to be hoped the weather will
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  • 661 3 FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS WORTH OF JEWELLERY Arrest In Singapore. In a recent issue of the E D M a paragraph appeared entitled "A runaway Runners The latter, it was alleged, absconded with 5,000 rurceJ worth of jewellery, precious stones ?B*&Xsr* It eventually transpired that the present accused, who
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  • 311 3 YOUNG HOLLANDER FOUND BEAD IN GARDENS. Shot Four Times in the Head, The many friends in Singapore and Deli of the young Dutchman, Mr. Junius, will hear with regret that his body was picked up in the Botanical Gardens early yesterday afternoon. He was shot' through the head
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  • 82 3 Plague on French Steamer The French s.s. Ville de la Ciotat" which arrived at Colombo on the 25th ult, from the Australian Colonies, had four cases of plague on the voyage out, and consequently she was placed in strict quarantine on arrival at Colombo harbour. The victims were two Arabs
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  • 737 3 ALLEGED IMPERSONATION OF SAIGON TOWKAY'S SON. T«n Thousand Dollars Involved Mr. Seth was engaged nearly the whole of yesterday afternoon in'hearUDff the case against Chu Ang Chu, Wee Kay Hock, and Kow Soon Keat Messrs. Braddell, Raine and Greenfield appeared for the prosecution, Messrs Van Cuylenburg and
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  • 152 3 The arrest of Miss Zinadi Smolianinoff, a Russian, who has resided in Berlin for some years past, has caused a painful surprise in those circles in high German society in which she moved. Miss Smolianinoflf was arrested on a charge of espionage, committed by obtaining military
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  • 94 3 Monday night witnessed the conclusion of the three day's festivities in connection with the marriage of Mr. Chia Teck Chye, the son of Mr. Chi a Guan Heng, with the third daughter of Mr. Tan Jiak Chuan. The Chinese cs.emonial pertaining to wedding functions was observed in
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  • 62 3 Art Club Revived The Art Club has been re-organiscd. The Hon. W. R. Collyer serves again as President and Mr. Nutt has been chosen as Secretary. It was decided to have an annual membership fee of $2. An exhibition, to which canvasses will be sent from Penang and the F.
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  • 480 3 CHARGED WITH EXTORTION AND USING CRIMINAL FORCE. Sidelights on Method* of Native Oeteotlves. Ng. Tiam, who who was formerly employed by the police in the capacity of detective, was placed in the dock of the police court yesterday before Messrs. Michell and Marriot, Magisthreats, on a charge
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  • 588 3 AN IMPORTANT PENANG INDUSTRY. People living in Malaya are wont to smile when reading a book which describe-* a sarong a-; a "sort of skirt." Everyone who come> out to the East, generally, has at fir>t an antipathy to wearing saromjs, yet when these articles of attire
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  • 33 3 1 The Fire Brigade were called out by a practice call at about midnight (Monday), and gathered in :-hort order at the Post Office, where the fire j was supposed to have been.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 326 3 u ROBINSON > and 00. i ARE NOW MAKING THEIR S7rst Sreat Special Show OF Toys, Toys, FIRST CLASS WORKING MODELS OF Clock Work Battleships Clock Work Trains with Rails Cruisers Motor Cars Gun Boats Round-abouts Torpedo Boats Clowns TOYS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS X'MAS Number Illustrated LONDON-NEWS PEARS ANNUAL
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 613 4 THE STRAITS ENQUIRY AND RECISJRATION AGENCY. FOJjMRALE. A VALUABLE PIECE OF LAND IN THE DISTRICT OF TAMPENIS Consisting of about 128 acres YOUNC COCOANUT ESTATE 099 Years lease. The first reason a!>lc offer will be accepted. Apply The Straits Enquiry and Registration Agency, 5. Raffles Place. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable
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    • 498 4 I THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE I INSURANCE CO. I What is the use of saying the I best Company," the strongest I Company, M the largest Company. n I Any one can say this. I WE Say simply The China mutual Life Insurance Co., Lttd. I A British lioeal Co.,
      498 words
    • 817 4 Japan Coals THE Mitsui Bussan Kalsha (MITSUI A Co.) Head Office: No. I, SURUGA-CHO, Tokio London Branch 34, Lime Street, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GREEN, Other Branches: New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay. Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Araoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya t
      817 words
    • 490 4 'E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE. WANTiiT^T^ PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i Wekk. Fortnight. Month 2$ words <>r under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° 75 rts 2. 00
      490 words
    • 397 4 TO BE LET. SMALL llnu-c i., i,, r in ()«•<■„ K., n V,, »ry,,o<, Apply „x Z KTO BE I.KT i, 1 .ot o,ci, 1r ,i i<, entry. Apply t, lcl 'mmdutc ■.Salomon m, x u f •PO BE LET, the pleasanii Known m: 'Biniolli,, Houm Ltdl Bsfmont Howm i
      397 words

    11 words
    • 132 5 TEST! RDAT*! R.\Ji t. On twmdm Bin! 4 m/s »/j Demand »/a Private 6 m s (i«>. 3!iiv. |/t] On (.nnuun Bunk d, i\ j.j: Private 3 2 Wo. 6 m t.f| On I'niiur Hank d/d 2.7^ Private 3 nty §.7! do. 6 m s 2. Si O*v /wdKl
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    • 126 5 Tin i $7.23 dmbier 7.95 do Cube No. 1 11.37] do od No. 2 1 1.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore),, 23.50 do White, Fair L. \V. r> px. $3*s° Nutmegs 11 cto tiie lb.) do (Jc to the lb.). 59. Mace (Banda) 14; Cloves (Amboina) >. 33 Liberuui Coffee
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  • 484 5 Num f bcr Issue Paid T u Z Last of Value up to Company Buyers Sellers TransacShares tion GOLD. H.500 I lu ItO Bersawah GM, Co.. Ltd :_■> 3,500 unissued 4.UUO 3 lo 3 lu Deferred 2UUOO 3 lu .-< 10 Kadana G. M. Co.. Ltd. nom
    484 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 375 5 banks; Hongkong Shangl^rß^ I Corporation I I'Alhl I ixai I RESERVh KUNI) I Strrl p s ilv< r i'-"' m I Rescro I I Coiu-tof Diroctom I II W I A. H. Ks [1 H E, 1 K c R. Laaaauaa, 11. M II irsl II V Chief Managor Hoaat
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 481 5 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Notice. Trains Service tor Week Days and Sundays. ftSaStßr" Down Trains Down Trains AM. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. pM. P.M. p.M. p.\j A.M. PM. P.M SINGAPORE d 6.00 6.36 *****.00 12.35 2.02 3.16 441 ;.^9 6.50 10.30 12.203.58 MFWTOV
      481 words
    • 103 5 CLEARANCES. DlODUM i:. Batavier for Anamhas and Natunai I». Will o'the Wisp I'ontianak. C. A pear I lonkong. Bets* Bagan. Rajah of Sarawak Sarawak. Lightning Ptenang ft Calcutta. Chiengmai Bangkok. Resident Schiff Rl.io. Hsin Chang Shanghai. St. Reguhia Calcutta. Sri lluar Muar A Malacca. Mcna Batu Pahat. IientDiij; 1*. Swct
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 458 6 BANKS. M'^aRURED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. ,vkiA (I hy Royal Charter. I m rgfihl .£BOOOOO, fM Liability 1 V Proprietors i m i^yi Fukd X875.000. m (Bank of England. m rtlS National Bank of Scotland I -a Nv Th on don City& Midland m 1 B\nk, Ltd. I
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    • 299 6 Compagnie des Messageries Maritlmes de France. Telegraphic Address: Messagerie Singapore the ma.l steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates Outward. Homeward. Polynesien .BDec.j Tonkin iS Dec Laledomen 1 Jan. iA. Be/tie 1 Jan Occamen 15 Jan. E. Simons 15 Jan Sa/aste 2 9 J an Polynesien 29
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 107 6 NEXT MAILS DUE. FROM England.— Per N. D. L. (Jmiscndu, on Thursday. FROM CHINA. -PerM. M. Tonkin on Dec 18. Mails already despatched for London Lett Sing. Due in London. Arrived. Nov 9 P O I»ec 4 Nov 13 X D L Dec 8 Nov ib B I Dec 11
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    • 664 6 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. a, Brit Cruiser 4060 Dalton, Nov 27th Bangkok uncertain. TBADINC YESSELST f}cnu, Am 2987 Kay, Dec 5 Manila. Stand. Oil v 0., des. Uncertain. Rilliton, Brit 139 Russell, Dec 11 Natuna Is I eo Hoo Lye, for Anambas Is. Rand, Ned 1689 Oord, Dec
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    • 783 6 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, fiort, probable date of atrivai, and name 0/ Agents. STEAMERS. Annam, Manila, Dec. 19; M. Maritimes. ArratoonApcar, Hongkong, Nov 27; P. Simons Austria, Trieste, Jan. 11, Rautenberg. Arcomia, Odessa, Dec. 18- E. As. Co. Am. de Kersaint, Saigon, Dec. Uj M. Comte Armand Behic. Saigonjan. I; M.
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