Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 11 December 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 94 1 BANNERMAN REMAINS. YIELDING TO WISHES OF RADICALS WILL NOT GO TO HOUSE OF LORDS. LORD GREY DECLINES TO JOIN CABINET. Hauler's Agency London, Dec. <;• Sir Henry Campbell-Banncrman, yielding to the wishes of the Radicals, has decided to lead the House of Commons. Sir Edward Grey declines to join the
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  • 29 1 GENERALLY ARK NOT OPPOSED. Reuter's Agency. London, Dec. y. The military mutinies are spreading throughout Russia. Occasionally loyal troops intervene, but the mutineers arc generally unopposed.
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  • 48 1 RUSSIAN FINANCIERS HELPLESS WITHOUT TELE GRAPHIC LINES. Reuters Agency London, Dec. 9. The Directors of the private Bankfl at St. Petersburg have informed the Russian Minister of Finance that they will be obliged to cease business unless the Postal Telegraph strike is speedily ended.
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  • 600 1 li> Burma completely cured after six years cf constant suffering from Scrofula and Swollen Glands By Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I hardlv like to think now of the pain 1 MlHcred for all ihOM yearThe remarkable change from the misery oi those days to the
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  • 400 1 PAHANC. From our Special Correspondent Ki ai.a Luis, Dcr. j. The details in connection with the Ulu Tcmbeling gun accident, rcjxn tid on the =Sth ultimo, are as follow* On the sth ultimo, a Forest Kanger named Mung Poh Sr\n, at Ulu TrrmV ling, kept his
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  • 238 1 From our Special Correspondent > Kt \i Li mii k. I><-c. <•. Mr. A. M. Hurn-Murdo« h, CotMCrvator of Forests, Ft M- S ami S S and Mr. I". Si. (i«-..i-i < .iuDhl.i. i. *>. <v, Dinxtoi ot Public Woriu, I". M. S., arc both c.\|>cctcd t<> return n«>m
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  • 256 1 Jrix.iM. from description*, in the Penaii^ papers, tin new trains then arc very similar to those <>t Singapore. AniKMAin »>i < w\i Hi <h km.* Tin-re i>- like)} to be extensive Mtigation over the settlement i«t l.iims toi damages amounting to DVCI 500,000, presented by a hundn <i \< sscls,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 272 1 pfiS- JOHN U II LE co I yaßJ^rawD SPECIAL DISPLAY OF 1 II^^Ht L IV1() I)AI NoyK|;riHs I SUITABLE FOR [CHRISTMAS m PRESENTS. I TOYS I DOLLS GAMES- I SPECLN INKS IN 111 I Educational Toys MAGIC LANTERNS. 1 Complete with Slides 6iC. All B I ol the Best Make.
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    • 106 1 Sast Jlsian Sfiercantile Co., 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. J. A. FAY EGAN CO. uS^h Economical and Durable. U DAHL S MILK. J I NORWEGIAN PURE COWS' MILK, t THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH 1 THE FULL FLAVOUR OF FRESH i COWS' MILK IS RETAINED. 1 The most flattering testimonials
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    • 21 1 Buchanan's Re& Seal w Guaranteed 7 Years Old "A Boras Scutm vviiiskv. Ol ExiU'lloN \1 I V COOO V<U I t
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  • 574 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 11th DECEMBER. THE TRIUMPHS OF TRACTION. At this time when talk of railway extensions, and electric traction is in the air, it is interesting to note what locomotion has done for the world generalby. The tremendous importance of locomotion as a civilizing
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  • 273 2 Americans in the course of their daily Kmstffag find out sonic queer things, e^eciallv in the East. They found the Philippines and the difficulties -üb»cqucntly encountered have taught them to believe that the climate of the tropics is hotter than supposed. Major Woodruff, H 0., of the
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  • 117 2 Mr. Yah Tet Shin lias come to Singapore from I poll on medical advice. Mr. C. E. II Desborough lias been appointed an Examiner in Malay for Negri Sembilan. Till New Residency at Screinban is to be built by Mr. A. Aeria, the well known Kuala Lumpur contractor. The family
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  • 1449 2 ELEGANT SHOP DISPLAVS OF AT'JRACTIVE GIFTS FOK YOUNG AND OLD. I Few Decorations as Yet. (lost of li.c large European houses offering special attractions this nth in the line ot gifts for the festive ristmas season, some of the more terprising firms carrying a hue e of
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  • 93 2 I'h. imu-nt M Mm I iii>t dtM tin. in. ial Ciovomor k*M Mm reputai brilliant man, but nhAul in the Sing^Kirc Harbou reputation .1- a linanc w Ml be cnh.iucicl. I: ■eoeMary that the itron^ lions should be mad mem In order to previ m 1 policj
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  • 58 2 Si \iim id ro I»t mil fan i the Chinese, iOCUaed miming girl named Leon Koo LeM IV;u in October, was sentenced ro dcaw tllC AsJsi/l-s 111 IVIUMi; -'I. !l. The man txptCttd 10 narr) I but the testimony ihowed that priil^ mothci had promised Im Other man. II; was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 346 2 I N D. COOPE Company's. BURTON LGER. $12.50 per case of 6 doz. pts. or 4 doz. quarts of all dealers. THE I Serravallo's Tonic, M HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY JSf jl Medical Authorities JJ ff^j*^ ALL OVER TH£ WORLD. eSS"^ gSJErrT-^ Re ™tes the blood, Restores the vitalforcet gpS'H^" g^~g^-*
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    • 366 2 Sastern Oriental SCotel, PENANG. OT?,-A_C3- HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. j Sapkies Brothers, Proprietor*. H. THOMPSON, Denial Surgeon, 1 6, Stamford Road, (First Floor) Wkiteaway Laidjaws Buildings, Hours from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. COGHLAN CO. Licensed Auctioneers HOUSE ESTATE AGENTS. AUCTION SALE. FIRST CUSS EUROPEAN
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    • 471 2 Messrs. KIM Coy, Messrs. KIM Coy., beg to announce, that they have just received a large stock of Christmas and New Year cards, loy goods post card albums from 75 cts. to $4 each, and also a large collection of Post Cards of local views, viz:-Johore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Canton, Japaa
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    • 147 3 Yesterday's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 5, 16 Demand 2/2 1/16 Private 0 m/s. 2/2 11/16 do. 3 m/s. 2/2 7 16 On f.'rnnany Bank d/d 2.22 Private 3 m/s 2.26 do. 6 m/s 2^28 On Frame Bank d, d 2.73 Private 3 m/s 2.7S do. 6
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    • 132 3 Tin 86t<>o Gambicr 7.5 7^ do Cube No. 1 11.37] do od No. 2 1 1.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary S*pore) M 23.50 do White, Fair L. \V. ~> p.c. 33.50 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) 33. do (So ro the lb.). 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Ami 33 Liberian
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  • 341 3 aid Cast >to Company Buyers Sellers Transaction l GOLD. |10 Ber>„ GM. Co.. Ltd 12.00 Deferred) 8.00 i 10 Kadana d. M. 0.. Ltd nom *10 (Pref.' nom! i 1 Kechau '>. Fields, Ltd. d'.p.i 3.00 contri .1 2 u_i i I Raub Aust G. M. C6,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 439 3 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND: Sterling Reserve 510.000.000 1K Silver Reserve 8.500,000 J 1 au Reserve Liability ol Proprietors $10,000,000 Courtof Directors. H. A. VV. Slade, Ksq -Chairman. A. HaupC, Ksq Deputy-Chairman. Hon. C. \V. Dickson, A. J. Raymond, Esq. K. Cioetz. Esq. F. Salineer,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 131 3 Singapore Kranji Railway. from 1st August, 19O5, and Until Further* Notice. Trains Service for Week Days and Sundays Kxtra 1 '™'ns Sundays <>nlv. Down Trains Down Trains "Bfpfe .-.40 S.45 11.04 1.41 3.0; 4 .23 549 b.34 ,,.34,255.04 Up Train,. Up >DRL> «/{6jI« 1^1 3.32 4*7 4.5O &SI 7.21 7.45
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    • 81 3 CLEARANCES. Die Minn Kan /.a for Shimono>eki. Spcclmati Sourabaya via Bawean. Sultan van Lingga,, Singkep. Me dc Panay Manila. Tanging Bangkok. Korat Bangkok. Dagmar Bangkok. Natnna 1 >oli. Trigonia Palembang. Malacca Port Swcttcnham via ports. l*ni Seng. Port Swcttenhara and I'cnang. Koningin Rcgentcs, for Amsterdam via port>. Ceram Batavia. Solva.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 432 4 BANKS, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated by Roval Charter. Capital ,£BOOOOO, Reservk Liability 1 800,00° of Propriftors Reserve Fund (Bank of England. BANKERS National Bank of Scotland JTh on don City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CURRENT Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent
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    • 379 4 Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes de France. Telegraphic Address Messagcrie Singapore, The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates Outward. I lomeward. Polynesian 18 Dec Tonkut is Dec. (aledonieu 1 Jan. A. Behie 1 Jan. Oceanicn 15 Jan. E. Simons 15 Jan. Salazie 99 Jan. Polynesia; ?o
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 527 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. I'/oni, Brit Cruiser 41)60 Dalton, Nov 27th Bangkok uncertain. TRADING VbSStLS. /lour. Am 5987 Kay, Dec 5 Manila. Stand. Oil < 0., deb. I ncertain. //•f->, 1 i, nt str r >» Hunter, Dec Bth J'ontianak, Wee Bin, Pontianak, 18. Ckfm*£ CktW. Brit. str.
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    • 639 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. A ////<•, A-;/. j,r»h.ihlc ,1 r/r „f ur!.,i', ,uui Jiantc />/ \^,nts. STI.A.MI.Ks. Annam, Manila. Dae laj M. Mariteta Arratoon Apcar, Honykoni;, Nov'27; V. Simons Austria, JVieste, Jan. \r, RautenberK Dec 18 E. As. Co. Am. cL Kenaint, Saigon, Dec. 1 1 M. Comtc Axmaiid ian. I; M.
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    • 344 5 HOME RULE REVIVED. SPEECH BY MR. CHAMBERLAIN. Router's Agency London, Dec. 10. The whole of Great Britain is now seething with excitement over the important political changes which are being made. The Radicals insist that the leader of the People's Party, with a programme of social
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    • 147 5 ARMY REVOLTS AND SEIZES ARSENAL. POLICE HELD FOR RANSOM. AUTHORITIES POWERLESS. Reuters Agenoy London, Dec. 10. The position in Russia becomes < orsc da}- by day. The Throne seems to be protected by Army and Police no cr. In St. Petersburg, a battalion has mutinied. It seized the
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    • 71 5 FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS NEARLY SETTLED. Reuters Agency. London, Dec. 10. With reference to the negotiations now proceeding between Turkey and the Powers, Reuter learns that the" Ambassadors have agreed on all counts, but have referred the Turkish amendments their respective Governments. These I of an Ottoman Delegate
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    • 36 5 - AMERICAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VOTES ELEVEN MILLIONS. Reuters Agency London, Dec. 9 1 lie American House of Represcnthas voted an emergency aj>propriation of Si 1,000,000 (,£2,200,000) loi" the work on the Panama Canal.
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  • 34 5 RESULT OF THE NEW ZEALAND ELECTIONS. Reuter s Agency. London, Dec. 10. Ihe election of the Premiership of Zealand has resulted in the ic-clection of Mr. Richard Seddon, by an overwhelming majority.
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  • 134 5 S. A. Korszki, a general merchant and agent for the North German Lloyd steamers at Zamboanga, an important port in the Southern Philippines, is stopping at the Adelphi fcoAD Obstructed. The nun last evening w;is considerably heavier back of wk town than near the harbour. A 11 irec ci.mc down
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  • 349 5 PRINCE ARTHUR'S PROPOSED TOLR. Reuters Agency u London, Dec. 10. It is officially announced that Prince mm? Connau g h t win sail from Marseilles on January 12 th. He has booked passages for himself and suite by the Mongolia, but he will tranship at Colombo
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  • 109 5 CHANGES GAZETTED AMONG MILITARY ft CIVIL OFFICERS. Reuters Agency London, Dec. 10. Mr. Henry Hcsketh Bell, cm. g., Administrator of Dominica, West Indies has been appointed Commissioner for I'ganda, British Ea>t Africa. Lieut.-Gcn. Sir Archibald Hunter, k. c. h., has been gazetted General and Mtijor-Generals Sir Charles
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  • 93 5 1 ACCTSED DISCHARGED. I On Saturday morning a Chinaman named One Sam Bei. appeared on remand before the first magistrate, Mr. Bryant, on the charge of alleged embezzlement of Si 1,000, the monies of his employers, Messrs. Ogliastro Bros, of Saigon. Mr. Sproule the D. P. P.
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  • 110 5 The Cathdic Club gave a very suc-ce>-ful concert and garden part}- on Saturday night, which attracted large numbers of the Faithful. St. Mary's fair also attracted a host of pleasure seekers to Tank Road on Saturday where a most enjoyable evening was spent, the S. F. Band
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  • 301 5 A VERY SUCCESSFUL CONCERT. Although greatly handicapped owing to lack of space in their Club buildings, the entertainment given on Saturday night by the Catholic Club was a great success. Ever3'one was made to feel quite at home and the ladies and gentlemen who so kindly lent
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  • 860 5 ARRIVAL OF P. O. S.S. DELTA. C D. M." Speoial. At last the Peninsula ami Oriental Steamship Coy., have awaken to the tact that they should put on a better class of vessel on their Far East run inere yet remains one more course to be
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  • 178 5 Tin: F. M. S. Government is contributing the sum of $2,500 towards the expense of a Consul in the State of Kedah next year. Pakiri, the Asam Kumbang murderer, was hanged last Wednesday morning within the precincts of the Central Prison at Taiping. Mr. Marshall, Engineer of the Meran, is
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  • 1017 5 EUROPEAN ACCUSED AND ARRESTED. Serious charge against Dock Employee. A Woman In the oase. It will be remembered that some time ago the corpse of a soldier was found in a bathing tank at the Tanglin barracks. The body was recognized as that of Private
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  • 203 5 CONTINUED SUCCESS. The fancy Fair at St. Mary's in Tank Road, on Saturday night, was another very enjoyable function, and on this occasion the God of the Watering can was more careful in his behaviour, and a beautiful night was the result. The Band was
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 69 5 THE CHARTERED COMPANY The remitting of the surplus revenues of a Colony or dependency to swell the coffers of the Home Government is bad enough, but to put on the screw of j taxation to the uttermost limit while cutting down necessary expenditure with a ruthless hand to secure laige
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    • 411 5 ROBINSON <^l and 00. ARE NOW MAKING THEIR &irst Sreat Spec/a/ Show OF Toys, Toys, FIRST CLASS WORKING MODELS OF Clock Work Battleships Clock Work Trains with Rails Cruisers Motor Cart Gun Boats Round about* Torpedo Boats Clowns TOYS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS X'MAS Number Illustrated LONDON-NEWS I PEARS ANNUAL
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    • 134 5 Estate of Hoh Ann Kee Deceased. AUCTION SALE (>l !;<><>k DEBTS. l< IW Mill' I Powell A Co. s Sale Room >\ U'r,<t,r,,l,n, 20//1 /)<-,., at j.jo A.m. I».»>k I lebta uaounting to alx»nt 3 due to the 1.,t lt( of Hoh Ann y ho,, si.. I tup Kiai and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 590 6 THE STRAITS ENQUIRY AND REGISTRATION AGENCY. FOR SALE. A VALUABLE PIECE OF LAND IN THE DISTRICT OF TAMPENIS Consisting of about 128 acres YOUNC COCOANUT ESTATE 999 Years lease. The first reasonable offer will be accepted. Apply The Straits Enquiry and Registration Agency, u.c. 5, Rattles Place. 1 ON SALE
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    • 466 6 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. What is the use of saving the best Company," the strongest Company, the largest Company." Any one can say this. WE Say simply The China mutual liife Insurance Co., latd. A British Lioeal Co., that tells the whole :>tory. Messrs. llankin& Knockkr, Managers, China
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    • 375 6 The Way to Get a Fortune fl j U Is to buy an Electric Cinematograph. j A few days' receipts repay all your costs. The Cinematograph has had an eni ormous success all over the world. Fop a Complete Installation apply to I J^euy Sfermanos 3. BATTERY ROAD, who keeps
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    • 303 6 Japan Coals THE Mitsui Bussan Kaisha (WITSUI A Co.) Head Office: No. I, SURUGA-CHO, Tokio l.ottrfon Branch 34, Lime Street, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GREEN, Other Branches New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka,
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    • 913 6 D. M." ADLETS, FOR SALE, WAnlbTetT^ PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts. 2 00
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