Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 4 December 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 129 1 TEN MAXIMS RECOVERED. Reuters Aiency London, Dec. 2. It is stated officially, and confirmed, that loyalist troops have occupied the barracks of the mutineers at Sevastopol and that two thousand of the latter surrendered with their quickfiring guns. The cruiser Otrhakoff is gutted but still floating. The town
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    • 78 1 COLONIES DISAGREE OVER LYTTELTONS SUGGEST!* >N. Postponement to 1907 Rtutors A|cncy. Lonix)N, Dec. 2. Official correspondence referring to the Colonial Conference shows that Hon A. Lyttelton proposed to style the Conference the Imperial Council, and to form a permanent Commission. The Cape, Natal, and Australia entirely agreed, Canada
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    • 72 1 Reutor s Agency London, Dec. 2. Reuter's correspondent at St. Petersburg wires that the policy adopted by the Government is regarded there as suicidal, playing into the hands of the revolutionaries. Financial and business circles are aghast at the farther heavy drop m prices yesterday at both
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    • 43 1 Reuters Aiency. LoMDOJI, Dec. 2. The Mission of Prince Arthur of Coimaujjlit will reach Yokohama on a man-of-war early m March. The high distinction of the Older ol Merit will be conferred upon Admiral Togo and Marshal Oyama.
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    • 45 1 Later. When the garrison at the St. Peter and Paul Fortress, St. Petersburg, assembled for roll-call, the artillerymen demanded the immediate release of the men from the Military School of Electricity. The demand was conveyed to the Commander of the fortress, who complied.
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    • 44 1 Later. A number of guardsmen have been arrested at Tsarkoyc Sclo for presenting demands and objecting to act as police. ITsarkove Sclo is a town 18 mik-s from St Petersburg and a favourite resort of the Royal Family. Ed." E. D. M.'l
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    • 24 1 Reuter s Agency Laser. At the Cabinet meeting held yesterday, it is believed that the Government decided upon resigning without dissolving Parliament.
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    • 14 1 lon don, Nov. 30. Martial law m Poland has been abolished.
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  • 193 1 GALLANT OFFICER'S WELL DESERVED PROMOTION, Major 11. B. dc Hamel, who has lor several years \kc\\ connected with the Straits Settlements Police Force, especially m Tenant, left Pe^ang yesterday to take up his new appointment as Assistant Commissioner of Police m Kinta. Major dc Hamel,
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  • 136 1 Tin: Kota mine, which was flooded three weeks ago, has resumed operations. Dk. \V. R. Wilson, a nephew of Dr. Dunlop, has arrived at Kuala Lumpur from Boston, Mass. H. E. Tin: Governor, Sir John Anderson, will be present at the Town Hall on Wednesday at the Concert to be
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 557 1 illtlßj iswm TOhAc i !2£s« ""^wrr. :t.,v.: I *.M L I AGENTS FOR SINGAPORE, JOHN LITTLE CO I 9 11 b" ON THE TIMBER WORK U.U.JLT. afew Dollars Spent on "Jodelite" Often IR oM.v rT ,cKo FDR v R oT SAVES THZOTTSJ^IsriDS. FROM ATTACK OF DRY ROT, b^mJ IMPORTERS: BORfIEO
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    • 610 1 Buchanan's Red Seal Guaranteed 7 Years Old. "A Sound Scotch Whisky. or Exceptionally Good Value. BEAUTIFUL ENCLISH PEERESS PRAISES Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Though sharing the traditional reluctance of the old English nobility to emerge from iriatOCraUc privacy and come before the public as the subject of a newspaper article,
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  • 694 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 4 th DECEMBER. LICENSING OF FOOD HAWKERS. 1 he question of the licensing of hawk- crs has been agitating both our Govern- mcnt officials and our Municipal Commissioners for some time, and now bids fair to be on the road to solution
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  • 191 2 Excited Singaporeans are thirsty for our blood. They have been pi stered with the enquiry Have you got the "E. I). M." ten dollar note In some Cases they had not heard of our latest competition, and waxed not only wroth but aggressive. Up to the
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  • 160 2 A Chinaman was run over by a tram and killed on the 24th ult. at Bangkok. Capt. de Pladge, of the Sherwood roresters, was at Taiping last week. Pkrak's literary lady, Mrs. G.A. Reid, has returned to Taiping from Hongkong much improved m health. Mrs. W. Sayers and her children
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  • 207 2 PRISONERS HEAVILY SENTENCED. This case was concluded on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Braddell. for thcdefcncc, addressed the jury at some length and reviewed every portion of the evidence which could be of weight m favour of his clients. Mr. Raine admitted that the case was a long and
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  • 154 2 TRAFFIC SUSPENDED AND SUNDAY TRAINS DELAYED. Considerable delay was caused m the running of the trains yesterday morning. It appears the third train up, had run as tar as the 7j mile stone, when the engine gave a sudden jerk to the right Driver Fincham with
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  • 112 2 CHARGE OF EMBEZZLEMENT. On Saturday morning a CI. named Ong Sam Bee wa- charged before the first Magistrate, Mr. Byrant, with alleged embezzlement offfn 000 monies of his cmp!o V er-. Mes Ogl:a-tro Bio-, of Saigon. I n -p<, lyrell apphed for extradition, but stated that he wa-
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  • 68 2 FATAL FIRE NEAR KUALA LIPIS. i/ torn oar X: ALA Ll| I), A 'atal tire i- reported from a Kampong onthePahang Trunk road. A Malay woman left her child asleep m a cradle while she went to the river to fetch water. She returned to find her
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  • 87 2 CONTINUED (>N SATURDAY The Church of England Zenana Mission Society's -ale of work wacontinued from 10 a.m. to 1 p m 00 Saturday. As on the pr vioui day there was Urge attendance throughout the three hours the Fancy bazaar was open. At
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  • 316 2 I HI Ri was an inccndiarv tire at Bangkok ...i thr- 25t1n.1t., the loss amounting to Ics. ::,000. It was the tilth attempt to burn a lumber yard which was eventually burned out together with the adjoining residence of a towkay. A very pleasant entertainment was given m the rooms
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    • 35 2 A great mau\ people money necessary r, W i a- we know ,j schools when fa Coverume.it, parents to send tin should provide fro OtlicrwiM :thcnH cal and oppressive < Cltt. U TSllinJ.
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    • 44 2 It is quite enn,.; ■for over sod. pe, Exchangeable, rightly or wrong on as a sort of parity h that Kus-,an Jemjm' Eaatara demand. iU home o aaumption bring about a shortag< immediate deliver) no sign that any" need be ant
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    • 39 2 i m. Uk m c- -;>eak Tlic married m,„ January, 190J, and receiving fcwe d month since, until I more than Ijoo a month ed by an expn with the to nave gone do* SSSSLTW
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    • 34 2 Ithcu h, i trutJ, of the "Sir* not to;,, tensions ol the harbour f. the act ndia, Rang mi Tunes fbi an opportui called forpubh I i Indian maun*
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    • 44 2 Inn sard to Dr. 11 -ben is due I borated by M R who v nitic- of jj J; R hardson, m ly an account that ah I I be. ly reduced wl the ca* nest to bi cial j toh
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    • 8 2 I interest ;r >£ li.c
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    • 67 2 GYMKHANA SUBSCRIBER' S COMPLAINT. Sir, to S k liana, whi I <. \;>: among I r:^ it ot way t Polo an I S ■rraagsmeati general public wert m n twoor t an, l kes to gh however we mar* r. tee. My wile look as thoug About twen hundred
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    • 81 2 Sik, I asd lal i\ n it ram-. through the ram with empt I night, but a man on X me m the atu i Sikh polieem.i n |ucste<l him he wis between t!a i ifa I ed that as long as they wa ■bafts they
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    • 117 2 Dear I your oorn SJKMdi nt "I ;i paper. I understa d i were either at Raul and sat for tin I Shorthand m Typwi m. I >:>< »nbl have risi i remark* |< school that sent m wvcn they all failed m then two
      117 words
    • 38 2 suppers 01 ships goiui fnml Singapore arc complaini^TT^lo cdw.th nagarcfto quaranti*? •?<**. arrive after j i, ny t j Jo lay off St John's M. U1 .V^Wltj the following day u com, off and grant Jbiani Obsen
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 333 2 ENGLISH MILKS. SWEETENED WITH CANE SUGAB. "JOHN BULL" 18 Ct«. per tin Ceotafera. 1 Net. "DIPLOMA" Full Cream) 23 ditto ditto 1 lb. Net ppom Australian Stores and all Dealers. m? mmmummm ■—■-—■■■■■■■■■aMMPi— -BM*^ ASSORTED IN AIR TIGHT JARS. 75 cents each I THOMPSON THOMAS k CO. fi THE f
      333 words
    • 458 2 J Sastern Oriental SCotel, j PENANG. j OIR,.AGr HOTEL, j PENANG HILLS. Sarkies Brothers, i Proprietors. H. THOMPSON, Dental Surgeon, 16, Stamford Road. First Floor) Whiteaway Lciidlaivs BniUVnuis. j Hours from 0 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. COGHLAN CO. Licensed Auctioneers HOUSE A ESTATE AGENTS. AUCTION
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    • 276 2 SARAWAK GOVERNMENT. Notification. RENDERS will be received up to 9 a.m. on Monday, 2nd April, 1906 for renting the following Farms for three years from Ist January, 1907, viz: The Opium Farm for the territory of Sarawak from Tanjong Datu to and inclusive of the Lawas river, a distance of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 61 2 m eOMIIVG EVENTS. T S' d v a AY December 4th. High Water: -4.6 a.m. 3.10. M.M. Mail Outward due. M.M. Mail Homeward due; dep. 4 p.m Moon I irst Quarter. 1.33 a.m To-morrow, Dec. jtb High Water 5 IO a.m., 457 p.m. Municipal Elections. Picture Exbtn., Robinson Piano Co.
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 11 1 The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1905.
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    • 25 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Jhe Netherlande Trading Socict}' yesterday quoted the 4/0)8 bank rate at ».a 1 2 3/8 The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2.2 5/16.
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    • 150 1 Saturday's. Rates. On Loudon Bank 4 ni/s 2/2 5/16 Demand 2/2 1/16 Private 6 m/s. 2/2 11/16 do. 3 nr s. 2, 2 7/ 16 On Ccrmany- Wank d/d 2.22 Private 3 m/s 2.26 J do. 6 m,s 2.2S O/v France Bank d,d 2.73 Private 3 m/s 2. 78
      150 words
    • 253 1 aid r Last «-ompany Bayers SeJleni TransacJion GOLD. Bersawa G. M. Co., Ltd Defern Kadana G. If. Ltd. norn 'Pref.. nu i G. Fields, Ltd. u'.p.j i .1 Raub Aost G. 11. Co.. Ltd i i contrib. Redjang I I v^ TIN. Tin M. Co.. Ltd. aulic
      253 words
    • 131 1 Tin 54.50 Gambicr 7.95 do Cube No. 1 11.37J do do No. 2 1 1.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 23.5 c do Wiiite, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 33.50 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) do (So to the lb.). 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) 33 Liberian Coffee
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 12 1 Try an Advt. m the E. D. M. IT WILL PAY YOU.
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      • 442 1 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND: Sterling Reserve §10,000,000 "I *is >wYwvvt Silver Reserve 8,600,000 j 18 500 000 Reserve Liability ol Proprietors $10,000.00 Courtof Directors. H. A. VV. Slade, Esq Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq -Deputy-Chairman. Hon. C. VV. Dirkson, i A. J. Kaymond, Esq. E.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 179 1 Singapore Kranji Railway. from Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Notice. Trains Service for Week Days and Sundays. rrsuuon Down Trains n Down Trains gKg f2gJS|aiS« sssss i &S3SS SiStS^tS::: 85 s|« J"*" 5 M° MS"*< 1.41 3-; 4J3 5.49 6.34 1. .34 1.255.04 U| Up Trains. ,AUnBE I P
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      • 66 1 CLEARANCES. December 2. Maiia Vajirunhis for Penang. Kintuck [£ndon and Antwerp. Bagan. Venetia Calcutta. Sandakan Bangkok. Spithead Nagasaki. Marudu Tawao. Natuna Penang 6c Deli. Pin Seng Port Swettcnham and Penang. Malacca Port Swettcnham via ports. Hebe Penang A Deli, Idomencous Hongkong. Shangai <S: Japan. Yesterday. Giang Ann for Samarangvia ports.
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 464 2 BANKSCHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Chart* r. Carnal. ,£BOOOOO, Reservk Liahility /^Soo.ooo of Proprietors J■ Reserve Fund (Bank of BNGLAMD. BANKERS National Bank of Scotland ")Th on don CITY A Midland I Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CURRENT Accounts arc opened and interest allowed at 1
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      • 267 2 Compagnie des Messayeries Maritimes de France. Telegraphic Address Messagerie Stngtthere. The mail steamers will leave Singapore 00 or about the undermentioned dates Outward. llomiwakd. E. Simons 4 Dec. Tourane Dec. Pohnesten i.S Dec. Tonkin iS Dec. Caledonien 1 Jan. si. Behic 1 Jan. Oceantr.i 15 Jan. 11. Simons 15 Jan.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 71 2 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT MEN-OF-WAR. CserevUsch, Russ. battleship, 13,500 tons, 1,711 crew, 96 guns, 16,000 h.p. Capt Alexeieff, Nov. From Saigon, 84th Nov. L\ R See Me:c. GovL >tr. 5 o tons displacement, 33 crew. 700 n. p. Conmiander Maddoeks, Mad Nov. From Port Swettenham, 21st Nov. Colonial GovemmenL
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      • 626 2 TRADING VESSELS. VESSELS EXPECTED Cheung CHrsr, BriL str. 1.213 tone, Gapt Bdwarda, 2nd Nov. From Hongkong. 2tni\, Oct. ('i.e.. Behn Meyer Co. U. Rds. r//„,/-A:,w.Dull)2(), V der Harst. NOV 2SI Samarang, Kirn Hock Ho, Bagaa ****>**' D Cmswr, Nor TI4 Martin No\ «l TinUu. M kaußro^forLangkat Al Ckartm, Brit tG«O
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      • 199 3 TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS INTERRUPTED. Hundreds of Officers Arrested. Reuters Agency. London, Dec. 3. number of Palace guards and fleers have boon arrested at Tsarskoeselo, m anticipation of a Coup D'Etat, the movement m favour of which is increasing. h s rumoured m St. Petersburg that Grand Duke
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      • 30 3 Two hundred and thirty officers have bcc:i arrested m the St. Peters- i burg Military College, on being implicated m the movement m favour of a I upD'Etat.
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    • 33 3 FOUR TO MEET Reuter's Agency. ally understood that Mr. Premier, is to visit the this week. cal Papers now all intimate .bell-Bannermann is prept office if the King desires
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    • 26 3 ENGLAND FAILED TO SCORE. Reuter's Agency. London, Dec. 3. New Zealand Rugby team met d yesterday, and won by 1=; nil."
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    • 38 3 [*HE BEIRAM FESTIVAL. "E. D. M." Special. London, Dec. 3. to the celebration of the Festival throughout Turkey, the demonstration of the combined is been temporarily suspended. c Fleet intends to seize the Island fened
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    • 31 3 ARRIVES AT YOKOHAMA. o. cv- a**** OKOHAMA, Dec. 3. Tlic Russian crui-ei Varyag which ik m Chemulpo, and afterwards by the Japanese, arrived here on r riday from Chemulpo.
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    • 60 3 WILL WITNESS EXECUTION. E DM" Special. I [ongkomg, Dec 3. the Lienchow Commission has not returned a- previously arranged. This is owing to the American Consul 1 ring both Commissioners to witness ecution of the culprits before their ture from the district. The Cornthen wired to the
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    • 32 3 'ROCEEDS TO WASHINGTON. London, Dec. 4. Korean Minister m Paris proto Washington, to interview ►ident Roosevelt to protest against ,c Japanese forcible assumption of a 1 k*< ctoratc over Korea.
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    • 151 3 inese Representation A Chinese j '■•c> to the Malay Mail suggest--3 that there ought to be three Chinese members m theSdangor State Council, jJP[ e^nting respectively the Khehs, nokkiens and Cantonese. At present first of these are represented. m reply, the Editor calls the attention of the correspondent to the
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    • 2461 3 SUCCESSFUL MEETING ON SATURDAY. LARGE ATTENDANCE. The Gymkhana of the Singapore Sporting and Polo Clubs was held on the Race Course on Saturday afternoon. Notwithstanding the threatening appearance of the clouds at one o'clock the weather kept fine, the first hour being very hot, but thereafter light clouds
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    • 424 3 A Russian sailor strayed into Bain Street on Friday night. Tan Sa Ti met him and relieved him of aSio Bank note. On Saturday, Mr. Marriott sent this prowling thief to prison for a month. P. K. N. Petaperumal Chitty was before Mr. Seth on Saturday morning on
      424 words
    • 191 3 Mr. Fradgley, the Penang electrica 1 engineer, died at the General Hospital there on the 30th ult. from complica* tions following malarial fever. In consequence of the recent rains on Saturday and Sunday the Singapore Kranji Railway was under water m some of the outskirts to the depth of several
      191 words
    • 157 3 For a number of years it has been the custom of the Women's Christian Temperance Union to distribute Christmas gifts m the form of fruit, flowers, food and clothing among the inmates of the various hospitals, asylums, and other benevolent institutions of the city as well
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    • 72 3 For criminal breach of trust as a servant, m respect of S3 7, Wa Hong Hea has been fined $50, m default, six months. On Saturday morning, Inspector Reynolds mentioned to Mr. Bryant that a witness, who was not about for the time being, was wanted for the case of
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 58 3 The man who whispers down a well About the goods he has to sell, Won't reap the gleaming golden dollars Like he who climbs a tree and hollers. The man who lets disease alone To wear him down to skin and bone, Won't be m health so sound and pure
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      • 57 3 I dreamt that I tossed on a fever'd bed, (With the curtains gathered and drawn) With a hacking cough and a burning head Vainly waiting the tardy dawn, When close to my bedside an Angel came, With a phial of liquid pure, And I read on the label a magic
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      • 317 3 ROBINSON ■1^ and Co. A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks m the following sizes i 24 m. 27 m. 30 m. 32 m. and 34 m. 1 Star of India.
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 573 4 Coghlan Co. Licensed Auctioneers House Estate Agents. Land Valuers, Commission Agents, Appraisers, Insurance Agents (Fire, Life Marine), Fire loss Adjusters, Brokers tor Steamers, and Sailing Vessels, Stock Auditors, and Company Promoters 16. year's constant local experience, 1889 to 1905. NOTICE. Catalogues will be issued and the Goods will be on
        573 words
      • 333 4 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. I What is the use of saying v the I best Company," the strongest I Company,' the largest Company." I Any one can say this. I WE Sa}' simply The China mutual 3 Ltife Insurance Co., litd. A British liocal Co, that I tells
        333 words
      • 629 4 Japan Coals THE Mitsul Bussan Kaisha MITSUI A Co.) Head Office: No. I, Suruga-Cho, Tokio London Branch 34, LIME STREET, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GREEN, Other Branches New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka,
        629 words
      • 556 4 D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WaSTSt^ 1 PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i Wki k. FOUTKMKT. Montii 25 words or under 50 < ts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° 75
        556 words
      • 290 4 TO BE LET. fT° 5a -A-,,,! •<*, Orchard tW T entry. Apply to l«*aaC sept. A A '«*rv/«* g~£% Led! Belmont Houte la apply to r, r j«rtictJJ HCRMCm; sample rooms, ■fcove tfobinson han 0 v,r 1 'ace. Apply to Ca, R,^ j_ ROBINSON PUNO < UOUSES N-, M n
        290 words