Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 30 November 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 129 1 WwßfeSJir V Agj enC y London, Nov. 29. The Sevastopol mutiny began with the crews of the Panteleitnon and the Otchokoff hoisting the red flag on the 24th instant. They then landed and held a meeting at which a deputation from a Brest regiment swore
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    • 74 1 NEXT MOVE AGAINST TURKEY TO-MORROW. "eutsr's AfMMy. London, Nee. 29. The international fleet will take BO further action pending the conclusion of the Bainim festival, which ends on Thursday evening. The tlect will then occupy Tencdoa. The Porte meanwhile continues to suggest modification of the demands ol
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    • 64 1 MISTRUSTED BY LORD GREY. Reuters Agency. LoNDON, NOV. 29. Lord Grey, speaking at Newcastle-under-Lyme said that there \\a^ no substantial difference between (amp bell flsnnf mien's and Lord Roseberye practical Irish policy for the next Liberal Government but it was not an honest u>e of the votes
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    • 48 1 ■ALLOWED INC ENDIARY SPEECHES. Reuter's Agency LoKBOM, Nov. :>>. The president and nuaseroufl numbers of a peasants' CoOgTCM held at Moscow have been arrested 00 account of incendiary speeches made at the Congress. The Governor-General oi Moscow has been dismissed for allowing the speeches to be made.
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    • 67 1 HOME RILE IS NOT THE PARAMOUNT ISSUE. Reuter s Agency London, Nov. Is. The Unionist Press is jubilant at the differences between L<>id Rose be ry and Mr. Campbcll-l>anncrman. The Liberal papers maintain, however, that Home Rule is not the paramount issue. The Liberals will deal with
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    • 26 1 POWERS ASSUME THE OFFENSIVE AT MITYLENE. Reuters Agency. Lo.MKXV NOV. ?<). The international fleet has landed detachments and seized the Custom House at Mitylenc.
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    • 48 1 ADDRESS BY THE RT. HON. J, AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN. Renter's Agency London, Nov. ?<>. The Rt. Hon. J. Austen Chamber" lain, speaking at Redditch, -aid that so far as his experience went there had been no Government crisis and there j was no crisis in the party.
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    • 26 1 NEW KING AND QUEEN CREATE GOOD IMPRESSIONS. Reuters Agency London, Nov. 2<>. King llakon and Queen Maud an creating the happiest impression in Norway.
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    • 25 1 RMtar Agancy LosmoK, Nov. 2'). The Japanese loan lists werr o|>cned at io a. m. to-day and closed at 1. p. m.
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  • 62 1 The Amkrican Prfsidkncy Mr. Taft, the American Secretary of War, J has announced that he is not a candidatc for the presidency, as was genc- rally supposed. This announcement is believed to have been brought about through President Roosevelt's preferi ence for Secretary of State Root as i the next
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  • 805 1 THE KEY OF sol I HERN ASIA <"E. D. M." Special.) When Penang was a nourishing colony, HOed hi its isolated prosperity, Singapore was ;i heap of rubble, a fishing village distinguished liom others of it- knxl onl) by a few Inscribed mint thi last ol the
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  • 93 1 The success of the campaign against rats that wa- entered upon the Rangoon Health authorities during the recent outbreak of piagus there ajao shows how intimately the presence ol the one la connected with the spread ol the other. From enquiries iwceatfy asadc in Rangoon we want
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  • 44 1 e Pki si mi n wmii lb si oi Ni is, I'res. Roosevelt has received fiom the British and Foreign Sailora' Society a bust of Admiral Nelson w hu h was nuide iiom copper tha* once shcattted the bottom of his famous flagship I'ulory.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 514 1 'OKIMG fOBAC|J i •M^."*ri';:.V':;; 1 .V..^;7j k w KG] N fS FOR SIMGAPORE. JOHN LITTLE A CO Garrett's Portable Engines and Boilers, foden's Steam Wagons. OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUPPLIED BY THE BORNEO Company, Limited. 1::"i:^r:;^ l ljohn little&co I Sast 3tsian m*-**** &-> n Baku Tnnah Road. 6, BATTERY ROAD,
      514 words
    • 18 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, Invigorating. A NATURAL MINERAL WATER OT HIE II K.I I EST t LASS. Sold Everywhere
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  • 203 2 General Yin Chong. retiring Chine-e Minister at Berlin, has been interviewed by a representative of the Bethner Tageblatl, to whom he declared thai the Powers made many mistake- in dealing with his country, and were, in mainrespects, -imply driving the Chine-'e into the arms of Japan. The
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  • 199 2 We trust that thi-, the anniversarv iA the good patron saint of bonnie Scotland will be one of unqualified rejoicing for our readers who hail from the land O' Burns. Though St. Andrew, like St. George, has not left behind him any satisfactory autobiography, this fact does
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  • 121 2 Tm Misses Hicks-Beach are at urescut on a visit to Kandy. Ma. Aunt: Tlllv will arrive here tomorrow and open a book on the Gymkhana Races. J Tm: Outward N. D. L. Mail Steamer ruiz Litel I riednclt is expected here at 7 a.m. to-day. Mails from London of the
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  • 598 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 30TH NOVEMBER. OUR CHRISTMAS SERMON. Christmas is coming." It is a hackneyed and a senseless old saying, but the three crisp words recall a great many fond memories even to the hardest of "hard cases" exiled for profit or convenience in this
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  • 1092 2 Tanglin, Nov. 29. My Dear Pam,"— I know Pamela, MM che're, that you don't like being addressed as Pam any more than old Lady Priscilla Porpoise fancied mc dubbing her Porp," though, as the aide-de-camp said, the name fitted her like a bung in a barrel.
    1,092 words
    • 28 2 ">< "cig.ans sh.„,l,i J^ 10 powerful rieifhbours i' fear their thcr country being threat^ would come to the 'r*n<j the jilver boat 2LW?& Tribuna Roomana
      Tribuna Roomana  -  28 words
    • 41 2 •>oi bo very onu the Wa. O&ce J^atoWieratthat,wl be at the beck and call oi M >'-u-cc-pt;h|, to the i.,,1,,, woman that his ap|HM.,tnisaa7 thetmiHutlc^V Tberj an Lady 11, amridesennoe f.<.,,, u in The World and His Wife
      The World and His Wife  -  41 words
    • 50 2 Ihc n ..mix, „..n i. London at ihc pn ami time is CNrcs-oMhcdrm,,!, ment of these dubs, with i of the fee which are un Oi mere man, demand 1 tunatc (victims submission to petty discomforts which Wo cent 10 dose th« cl..b within sia weeks New Album
      New Album  -  50 words
    • 44 2 :*> much tu- ia > pratg nurat thai may be more t| ian devote time a,, a'• .etching, M < amp" nurse is ation, but a frivol duel attention direc, of her collar and. almost as obiectio. ol v»ewo< the The general Practitioner
      The general Practitioner  -  44 words
    • 29 2 A practical undet Britain and K that the latter Pom remain Europ. desirabk and feai Bnum would bt devote themselves t Bit, -<idof -v mg Cotemporary review
      Cotemporary review  -  29 words
    • 42 2 In an ordinary dm I l*»th g B gc has drivei g British Army. luck at ha i point* i won month at h |gi with a fr end London and took afterw irds "Indian Church News," Calcutta
      Indian Church News  -  42 words
    • 22 2 Ihe labour at the preset i i continu i i Lai < another ti\e y* come. Times of ceylon.
      Times of Ceylon  -  22 words
    • 17 2 It s neighbours Staf prea I not ao benighti this Menam Siam Free Press
      Siam Free Press  -  17 words
  • 6 2 live /> blc
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  • 152 2 absence ol anj tadc by a Sunday BftCTI H Street. Briefly, i 5 p.m. on Sir.. ed togethei vioknt altcrcati i ensued, I with trowels and moved rap d three hundred n col ed i solitary policeman but little by him* t«» assume alarming tor i
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  • 163 2 im vi< sik. atigM I l ot > >iii paper, draa I Sssapsporc Tramwa) t manner in wlm ;i t unusual thing l fciHewlag Bach <•! ei at v« within the OSYM there la a search) ol bbs to tweati nn un- aad i i •Vain I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 294 2 IND. COOPE Company's. BURTON LAGER. $12.50 per case of 6 doz. pts. or 4 doz. quarts of all dealers. Sastern Oriental 3(btel, PENANG. 0:r,.a.c3- hotel, penang hills. Sankies Bnotheps, Proprietors. Rotcf de reurope. St. Jtndrews 2) ay, TO-MORROW the 30th instant. ISpecial Scottish Dinner, lAT 7.30 P.M. STRING BAND IN
      294 words
    • 440 2 X'mas Presents. All useful and of the best quality, they are not TOYS raompsoa THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES COGHLAN CO. Licensed Auctioneers HOUSE aft ESTATE AGENTS. AUCTION SALE. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. On Saturday 2nd December 1905, at 10. a.m On Tuesday sth December 1905 at 10 a.m. On Thursday ;th
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    • 378 2 SARAWAK GOVERNMENT. Notification. TENDERS will be received up to 9 a.m. on Mondav, 2nd April, i 9 06 for renting the following Farms for three years from ist January, 1907, viz The Opium Farm for the territorv of Sarawak from Tanjong Datu to and inclusive of the Lawas river, a
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  • 146 5 GERMANY PEACE. FRIENDLY WITH MOST POWERS. SIGNIFICANT UTTERANCE BY THE KAISER Rsuttr Agtitcy London, Nov. 29. Theft was a significant passage in the Kaisers' speech at the opening of the Reichstag. He stated that Ger main's relations with all the Powers Here correct and that the country was on go
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  • 41 5 GOVERNMENT IN DANGER. "E D. m," Special.) London, Nov. 29. The troops at St. Petersburg have revolted, leaving the Imperial household and Government officials at the mercy o\ the revolutionists. The situation is regarded as exceedingly critical.
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  • 45 5 AMERICA RECOGNIZES PRO TECTORATE OVER KOREA. ED. M- Special. Hongkong, Nov. 29. In recognition o\' the validity of Japan's alleged forcible removal to Tokyo of the conduct ot Korea's foreign affairs, the American Government has ordered the withdrawal of its Legation from Seoul.
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  • 53 5 LORD ROSEBERY OPPOSES PROTECTION. E. D M Special Hongkong, Nov. 29. In Lord Rosebery's address at Penzance on the Dight of the 23rd inst., opening a week's campaign in Cornwall' he said that Mr. Chamberlain's plan of protect lon would seriously injure the finances of both England
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  • 36 5 "E. O. Bl '•.Special. Hongkong, Nov. 29. T e French Government has raised its Legation in Japan to an Embassy. in ham :.y with similar action on the part or" :her Powers.
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  • 161 5 GARRISON v. S. C. C. The Garrison met the S. C. C. at y on the Club ground yesterday evening. The Ground was somewhat slippery and the play though fast was hard and difficult. Considerable amusement was caused in the second-half. A ricksha coolie a i interested
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  • 117 5 A Penang Chinese kept some morphia fortheconvenicncc a of a friend. For being so obliging, he was sentenced to three months' imprisonment. Tm possibility of Messrs. Koe Guan ■j Co. transferring their ships to the German flag has been discussed in the northern press, but there appears to be no
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  • 1091 5  - LEAVES FROM A MALAYAN NOTE-BOOK. Silas C. Penny I By NO. 2. A HONEYMOON HILL. 1° the mere bird of passage, the JUbc ol Penang merely recalls a drive "a somewhat dim corner of the island 's named the Botanical Gardens «>pthcr perhaps, with the memory of reary little sanatorium
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  • 1072 5 MUCH NEEDED COMMERCIAL REFORM. Will the Bill be Burked? The Registration of Partnerships, which has been for years a necessity not only m the Straits, but in China and Hongkong, is now up for discus- sion before our Legislative Council. Hongkong has decided to await action
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  • 284 5 ENTRIES FOR POSTCARD CONTEST CLOSE TO-DAY. The last paragraphs intended for our post-card competition must reach us by six o'clock this evening. The follow ing under the heading of "A NewCustomer" was from a Chinese subscriber. Yesterday morning, a very amusing accident happened in one of the
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  • 107 5 A well-attended meeting of influential Chinese was held at Penang on Friday last to make preliminary arrangements for establishing at" that place a College for the teaching of Chinese in the Mandarin dialect. Thio Thio Siat, Vice-President of the Board of Trade of Peking, presided over the
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  • 149 5 Addresses bv Chinese Ladies: This evening Miss Hoh Hap Wan and Miss Lok Chok Sin will deliver addresses at the Chinese Temple, Tanjong Pagar Road. The subject will be Education Miss Hoh Hap Wan will speak in Cantonese and the other lady in Hokicn. Engineer Honolrfp: Mr. A. E. Ke\mer,
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  • 374 5 YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Before Mr. Justice Thornton. Heng Yong Kim and Seng Hong Guan were placed in the dock yesterday on a charge of having removed certain i of their property after a Receiving Order had been issued against their firm. Four Jurymen were challenged. Mr. G. E.
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  • 226 5 COMMANDANT COMPLAINS OF POOR MATERIAL. The annual General Meeting of the Penang Volunteer Corps was held in the Drill Hall at Fort Cornwallis on Friday, Captain A. R. Adams, Commandant of the Corps, presided. During the course of a long speech he said: As to the musketry
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  • 124 5 A special cablegram to the Manila American states that a pretender to the Russian throne has made his appearance at Penza and already has 50,000 followers. Mr. T. B. Kitchen Adams, Chief Supt. Oriental Telephone Co., died in the General Hospital on Tuesdav at 5.15 a. m. from acute peritonitis.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 59 5 The man who whispers down a well About the floods he has to sell, Won't reap the gleaming golden dollars Like he who climbs a tree and hollers. The man who lets disease alone To wear him down to skin and bone. Won't be in health so sound and pure
      59 words
    • 288 5 POWELL CO, SINGAPORE. (Established 42 Years) REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. MORTGAGES ARRANGED VALUATIONS MADE. RENTS COLLECTED. AGENTS FOR Perak Land and ■Wines Agency. The Lancashire Insurance Co. (Fire and Life.) DEWAR A SON'S PERTH WHISKEY. ARTHUR ALLISONS PIANOS ROSENKRANZ PIANO POWELL CO'S Auction and House-Pro-perty Circular is issued weekly
      288 words
    • 504 5 ROBINSON $*> and Co. A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS The "Empress*' i i Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks in the followinq sizes 24 in. 27 in. jo in. 32 in. and 34 in. Star of India/'
      504 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 570 6 Coghlan Co. Licensed Auctioneers House Estate Agents. Land Valuers, Commission Agents, Appraisers, Insurance Agents (Fire, Life Marine), Fire loss Adjusters, Brokers for Steamers, and Sailing Vessels, Stock Auditors, and Company Promoters 16 year's constant local experience, 1889 to 1905. NOTICE. Catalogues Brill be issued and the Goods will be on
      570 words
    • 326 6 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. What is the use of saying M the best Company," the strongest Company, the largest Company." Anyone can sa}' this. j WE Say simply The China mutual Liife Insurance Co., litd. A British lioeal Co, that tells the whole story. Messrs. Hankin Knocker, Managers.
      326 words
    • 393 6 j The Way to Get a Fortune Is to buy an Electric Cinematograph. J A few days' receipts repay all your f s costs. The Cinematograph has had an enormous success all over the world. For a Complete Installation apply to I I Jfevy amWermanos r 3, BATTERY ROAD, who
      393 words
    • 277 6 Japan Coals THE Mitsul Bussan Kaisha (HUTSUI A Co.) Head Office: No, I, SURUGA-CHO, Tokio l^ndon Branch 34, LIME STREET, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GRKKN. Other Branches: New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay. Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka,
      277 words
    • 548 6 'E. D. M." ADLETS, FOR SALE, WANTEITeTC PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Hart. i Day. i Wkek. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts 00
      548 words
    • 306 6 TO BE LET. "T° J£L!^ i <06, Orchard Road \-l entry. Apply to lm "*Auat M. SALOMON ft a X Sept. i^i. u.c TO BE LET, the pleas 1 residences fronting federate Estate, all com Known as: Bsniolinß Ho Ledl Belmont House. 1 g applv 10 L HERMENT, T OBEIEI
      306 words

  • The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 11 1 The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1906.
      11 words
    • 26 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. The Netherlandi Trading Society yesterday quoted the ma bank rate at 2. 2 3 s. The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2.2 5 16.
      26 words
    • 155 1 Yi si i rday's Rah s. On London Hank 4 m/a 2,2 5 16 Demand 22 1 16 Private 0 m/s. 22 1 1/16 do. 3 m a. 2/2 7 1 6 Cl* Germany Bank d/d 2.22 Private 3 m s 2.26) do. 6 m/a 2. 28 On France
      155 words
    • 477 1 Number a jd Cast f Value up to Cosapaay Biryers Sellers Transao Shares tion GOLD. s 13,500 I 10 810 Bersawah GM. Co., Ltd »-d Kooo 3 lo I Interred .i I lo 910 Kadana G. M. Co* Ltd nom 10.000 1" 10 'Pre!'. nom 6,207 i
      477 words
    • 130 1 Tin 84.00 Gambler 7.95 do Cube No. 1 1 1.37J do dV No. j 1 1.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore),, 23.50 do White, Fair L. VV. 5 p.c. 33. 50 Nutmegs in: to the lb.) do (80 to the lb.). 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) >. 33 Liberian
      130 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 480 1 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Notice. Trains Service for Week Davs and Sundays. I v.,., i,., only Cown Trains Down Tra ins A.M. A.M. A.M. A.. M. P.M. P.M. PM P y M M jj^j y M SINGAPORE 0.00 6.36 7.40 io.oo 12.35 2j02 3.16
        480 words
      • 447 1 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL tlo.ooo.ouu RESERVE FUND Strrliim K. rv<- *I<).OOU.i)UU Silvvr K.s.-iv *5.500,U00[ *Ia.»AMM> Reserve Liability of Proprietors fIO.OUU.cjO Courtof Directors. 11. A. \Y. Slade, Eaq Chairman. A. Haupt. K<(\ D'puty-Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson, A.J. Kaymond. tsq. K. Goeta, Bbqj. F. Salinger. 'Esq. C. R.
        447 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 158 1 MAILS CLOSE. I O-DAY. For lei At Muar Malacca Hong Wan 1p m Europe via Bombay Zibenghla i p m Hongkong Shanghai Glenturret 8p ni Batavia &e Alting ipm Hongkong &c Hong Moh 1p m Malacca, &c Penang t p rn Malacca Aing Ring 8p m Penang Calcutta A. Apcar
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 447 2 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, r AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated bv Royal Charter. APITAL ,£BOOOOO, Reserve Liability of Proprietors f• b00 000 Reserve Fund „£875,000. 5,,,. f Bank of England. BANKERS National Bank of SCOTL \\d ,Th on don City Midland I Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CLRRENT Accounts arc opened
        447 words
      • 305 2 Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes de France. Tetegrmpmic Addrem Momagerie Smgmpme. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates Outward. Homeward E. Simons 4 Dec. Tourane 4 Dec. Polynesien 18 Dec. Ton Liu is \hc. Caledonicn 1 Jan. A. Behic 1 Jan. Oceanien 1 5 Jan. E.
        305 words
      • 53 2 R. B. LINDSAY Co. 16, COLLYER QUAY. Forwarding Act m\ I Agents loi Messrs. Carter Pater-, son 0., Limited, London. RECEIVE Parcels and Packages and t'orward to Colombo, i Rangoon India, the United King- 1 dom and the Continent. Packages shipped lo the AtistraI li in States every month at
        53 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 69 2 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. Ceareviteck, Russ. battleship, 13,500 ton-; 1,711 crew, 36 guns, 15,000 h.p. Capt Alexeieff ibth Nov. From Saigon, 34th Nov. I Rds.' Sea Men; Govt str. 500 tons displacement, 35 crew. 700 h.p. Commander Maddocks, llnd Nov. From Port Swettenham, 1 1st Nov' Colonial Government.
        69 words
      • 715 2 TRADING VESSELS. Anghin, Ger 100l Reimers. Nov 21 Banckok. Behn Meyer Bangkok Arrmmom Apcmr. Bnt 2881, Key. Nov -27th Hongkong, Pat. Simons, for Calcutta 20, Ailing, Dut 704, Baasbank, Nov '-'7th Banjermassin, Daendels, for Batavia .{<). Bmtteukall, 1. it str 1,378. tons, (apt Raisen. Kith Nov. From Hongkong, oth Nov.
        715 words
      • 719 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Home, part, pmiahk dam <>f mrimal, an name >>, mganm, STI AMI KS. Ambria, Hamburg. Dee. 1. Behn Mever Annam, Manila. Dee. i«>; M. Maritimes An atooi^Vpcar, Hongkong. Nov 27. P. Simons Austria. Trieste, Jan. I.'; Rautenberg Arcomia. )dessa. Dee. iN- E. As. Co. Am. de Kersaint. Saigon.
        719 words