Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 27 November 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 297 1 ADMIRAL NOEL AND Mis SUCCESSOR The retirement of Admiral Sir Gerard Noel from the command of the China Squadron, after holding it only for eighteen months, need cause no surprise, says the S/. James's Budget. Since the withdrawal M the battleships the force has been an insignificant
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  • 253 1 PERFORMING ANIMALS COMING Hcrr Karl Hagenbeck, well known in the Straits as a collector of wild beasts, is in Colombo rn n>u/r tO India and them* to the Strata Settlements with sucn a collection of wild beasts as has probably never been brought together in the"
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  • 178 1 INFANTS IN ARMS. Not being a German newspaper, sayi the Si, Jajiirs's Budget, we mav be allowed to sa\' witli all respect lor and no animosity towards the (ierman nation that the Kaiser is sometimes a very ridiculous and childish person. The mock heroics, for instance, of
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  • 88 1 A seductive proposal reaches the Daily Afapf from a native ot Ibarakiken, in Japan, who desires to become its special correspondent in that quarter of the world. After going into his general qualifications at unusual length, the writer says: "As tor my knowledge of English and capacity
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  • 58 1 Thl Chittics arc now made to appear in the Rangoon Small Caiiac Court decently clad with a jacket. Hitherto they nave been often seen in the Courts with little other clothing than the waist cloth. It is no parti cular hardship on suitors to insist that they be decently clothed
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  • 607 1 F. M. S. NOTES. (/nun our Cnnrs/H)iufcn/.) KIAIA Ll Ml I K, NOV. IJPA A routing in of Ihe Malay States Guides, under (apt. Lung, is making a route march From Tatping through Ncgri Sembilan. The expedition startcd out OH the loth mst. .mil will return
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  • 285 1 FATALITY ON BANDALAY RIFLE UANC.i;. Licutcnnnt (i. II K. Twrrnl. th« oi^t Punjabis, w.i- aecidentallj killed at Mandalay on the iotli in-t. The deceased office? v\.is watching the competition foi the Lieutenant* General Commanding'* priaeaud «.i standing with several men, liritish pnd native, ticaf the Killc Aftsociation
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  • 29 1 Tm Captain of the s ltn<ittnv\nHt> that «i fireman belonging (<• that vessel jumped overboard, while the vessel mtm on its way down from Hongtmig and u .1^ dn>\\ ncil.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 390 1 AGENTS FOR SIN (.A PORE. JOHN LITTLE CO a The Empire Typewriter, U«HT TOUOH^X^H^SnM^^ ORDINARY MODEL, §*****; BRIEF MODEL, 5165.00 INSURANCE POLICY MODEL, $1 9000. Importers, I BORNEO COMPANY. I iMrrirn ST VALENTINE'S BATH HOTEL. *—*m»mt "^l'Z'Srir" JOHN LITTLE &CO. Smt 3lsian Mercantile Co., W 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. ipf
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    • 21 1 Buchanan's Red Seal Guaranteed 7 Years Old. A Bomm S( OTi ii \VlllsK^. o> Kxi 1 IMIoN.M I.V (;<,<)!> V All I
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  • 53 2 T©-day, 27th November. High Water, 10-13 a. m. 11-17 p.m. German home w~rd mail closes, 10.a.m Children's Concert, Town Hall, 5-30. SAM. Recruits Drill. 5-30. T©-merr©w, 2stb November. High Water, 0-50 a.m. S.V.A. and S.V.I. Bearer Section, 5~ l 5S.Y.E. Coy. Drill cSc Manual Drill, 5- 5Inharmonic Choir
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  • 84 2 Established, Sept. 4TH, 1905. Published at 58-2, Hill Street Singapore subscription. Daily .-Local 3 c o per quarter Outstations $4.50 Tf.lephonk No. 972. All contributions must be addressed to "The Editor," written on one jide of the paper only, accompanied by the writer's name and address,
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  • 639 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. Monday, 27th November THE RUSSIAN REVOLT. Judging from the continuous tale of bloodshed, anarchy and oppression flashed over the wires day by day by Reuter, it would appear that the condition of Russia is rapidly going from bad to worse, and the startling
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  • 502 2 Mr. Gladstone's famous catch-phrase the flowing tide is with us M is to-day being shouted from the house-tope by the rank and file of the party under the leadership of Sir Henry CampbellBannerman. The political conglomeration of Whigs, Liberals, Imperial-Libe-rals Radicals. Independent Labourites, Socialists, Prohibitionists, Home Rulers,
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  • 407 2 Another king has been added to the lengthy list of the sovereigns of Europe, in the person of King Hakon the Seventh, formerly known as Prince Karl (to the English, Prince Charles), second son of Prince Frederik, heir apparent to the Throne of Denmark. Prince Karl was
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  • 54 2 We learn from the Pitta ng Gazette that it has received information from a reliable source that Mr. Sila- Penny will shortly resume Editorial charge of the Eastern Daily Mul." This is news indeed! We beg to inform the Pinann GazttU from a still more reliable source that
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  • 103 2 SVMK CO. DEFRAUDED. Dishonest Employee Lim Yang Tck was before the Magit* trate on Saturday, 00 the charge that he did on or about the 20th November 1905, fraudulently and dishonestly use a certain document purpoi to be a valuable security, t<» wit, a forged receipt in favour
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  • 79 2 As the outcome of the charge preferred by Symc Co. against Lim Yang Tek, another Chinaman named Lim Sung Quee stands charged with dishonestly retaining stolen pTOperty, to wit, six bales of linen, valued at S2BB, the property o\' the prosecutors. Sergeant Taylor was sue cessful in
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  • 76 2 Some people are in trouble thiough not having sufficient dollars but Mohammed Ali who lives in Duxton Road is in a serious predicament because he possessed eighty dollars, which it is admitted, arc his own property. But. unfortunately, the dollars found in possession of Ali, are the
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  • 139 2 MR. LHEAH HOOD SENG. It is with regret that we have to record the death in the General Ilosipal Penang, of Mr. Chcah Hood Seng, the head partner in the Kinemetograph Co Deceased was well-known herc,.his father formerly owning a line of steamers running between the Straits and China.
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  • 55 2 Mr. Wm. Baker, who was employed at the Docks was suddenly taken ill on Saturday at about 2.30 p.m. He went home and lay down on his bed and shortly afterwards it was found that he had expired. The medical evidence is to the effect
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  • 527 2 SUCCESSFUL ENTERTAIMU. WNSTKKLs;- U Last Saturday cvcm,, K fa Mmstrrls celebrate! the* rn *»H sary at the Town Mall n' xn **r> room, in whirl, the «onr Ca u f** was tastefully <|„ l held. streamers and (1, m eis, and ,IZ JL** its utmost capacity with
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  • 92 2 From a correspondent a somewhat exciting within the pracincu Curt theotherday. li 1 that the Registrai .iimng"^ the matter of I present the siil'j< 1 f Counsel engtfed, waxed <'■"'' the matter in dispute until" finallv l«»-t hit tempci and colleague on the ihouWci fist The latter,
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  • 39 2 "U life worth living?" ni.i > "It is" the most reply. Though sonu- %uy "No Withort a reason why. The lattei 1 !as». >ou u Their ailments tio endure. The former wise and happ) Use Wood*' Grca I •«HH-i*»'W tlUi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 261 2 BUCHANAN'S. "RED SEAL," 7-YEARS OLD. BLACK WHITE," 12-YEABS 1 OLD. OF ALL "DEALERS. THE I INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, j I he Best Hotel that has ever existed in the Island. Is Electrically Fitted throughout. Has splendid accommodation for f Travellers. EXCELLENT TABLE Cuisine under European Supervision WHEN VISITING PENANG, DO NOT
      261 words
    • 536 2 X f mas Presents. All useful and of the best quality, they are not TOYS i THOMPSON THOMAS k CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES COGHLAN A CO. Licensed Auctioneers HOUSE A ESTATE AGENTS. AUCTION SALE. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. On Saturday 2nd December 1905, at 10. a. in On Tuesday sth December 1905
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    • 243 2 SARAWAK GOVERNMENT. Notification. "FENDERS will be received up to 9 a.m. on Monday, 2nd April, 1906, for renting the following Farms for three years from Ist January, 1907, viz The Opium Farm for the territory of Sarawak from Tanjong Datu to and inclusive of the Lawas river, a distance of
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 11 1 The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1905.
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    • 23 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. The Netherlands Trading Society Saturday quoted the 4/ms bank rate at 2.2 3/8. The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2.2 14,
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    • 142 1 Saturday's Ratb. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 1 4 Demand 2/2 Private 6 m/s. 2/2 5/8 do. 3 m/s.. 2/2 3,8 On Germany— Bank d/d 2.21 k Private 3 m/s 2.25/ do. 6 m/s 2.2 7 h On France- Bank d/d 2.72J Private 3 m/s 2.774 do. 6
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    • 129 1 Tin S 82.87J Gambicr 7.95 do Cube No. 1 11.37J do do No. 2 11.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore),, 23.50 do White, Fair L. \V. 5 p.c. 33.50 Nutmegs (noto the lb.) do (So to the lb.). 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) 33 Liberian Coffee pecul 23.00 Tapioca,
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 89 1 FOR SALE. 3841- kcrosinc motor Launch. HL'LL Seamless Sinnen's-Martin\stecl. ENGINES 10 HP Gardner" Type. I'KOPKLLER Gaines Reversible. CABIN Teak with W. C. Attached. SIMPLE, RELIABLE, DURABLE, EFFICIENT and a GOOD SEA-BOAT. LUfite for Catalogue and further particulars to Central Engine Works, Engineers Shipbuilders. Cable Address CENTRAL, SINGAPORE. Telephone No. 111.
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      • 426 1 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL SlO.ouu.UUO RESEKVK FUND:— Sterling Reserve 810.U00.0U0 ftlK Silver Reserve 8,600,000 f <» Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Courtof Directors. H. A. W. Slade, Eaq -Chairman. A. Hauot, Esq— Deputy-Chairman. Hon. C. YV. Dickson, A. J. Raymond. Esq. E. Goetz. Escj. F. Saling.r, Esq.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 726 1 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further* Notiee. Trains Service for Week Days and Sundays. Kxlla Trains on '^Sundays only. Down Train, Daw-Train, a f HbU ri? n?? J 44 I0 324 4 49 5i7 6 5 8 10 -38 12.28 J0b auNYROAD.. 4^;33;0 ;3 x-s jg
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 479 2 BANKSCHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Capital ,£BOOOOO, Reserve Liability /;800,000 of Proprietors f Reserve Fund .£875,000. IBank of England. National Bank of Scotland Th ondonCity& Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CURRENT Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent per annum on
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      • 244 2 Compagnie des Messageries Rtarltimes de France. Telegraphic Address Messagerie Singapore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates OITWARI). HOMKWARD. E. Simons 4 Dec. Touranc 4 Dec. Polymsicn 18 Dec Tonkin 18 Dec. Cakdonicn 1 Jan. A. Bchic 1 Jan. Oceanit'H 15 lan. E. Simons 15
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 357 2 NEXT MAILS DUE. Malls ai.rkadn DBSPATCHBD POK BUBOTC Left Sing Due in London Arrived Oct 5 B I Oct Ml Oct 18 Oct I MM Nov I 1 Oct II Pfc < > N v I V v 1 Oct 16 NI>L Nov 10 Nov 10 Oct 19 HI Nov
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      • 681 2 Magnet, Brit, str 215 tons, Capt. Simmons 18th Nov. From Cables repairing, l6th Nov. E. Ex. Telegraph Coy. Ltd. U. K.H. /'nk/at, Ger str 1,018 tons, (apt Denies '2oth Nov. From iloihow. 14th Nov. Cc« and24'Jdp. Behn Meyer Co. For Bangkok, U Rds. /'<r/ro/, Brit str 1,329 tons, Capt Dunmall,
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      • 451 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. .Y-//AV, />orf, S I I M I Ambria, Hamburg. Dcr. i. Behn M Annam, Manila, Dec. i*; M Mai times, Ariatoun Apcar Hongkong, No\ simmi* Austria. Tricst. Jan. Tinfcuj' Armand Uelm.SaigonJan. I. \1 AyttWa, Calcutta, Dec. 19 I Bnsgavia, Hamburg, Ik Brouwer. Siak, Dec. 6 haei Bantu, Yokohama,
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    • 54 3 NOTES AND NEWS FROM LONDON. THE POLITICAL SITUATION. CHAMBERLAIN WILL PROBABLY LEAD UNIONISTS AT NEXT ELECTIONS. Reuters Aiency. London, Nov. 25. flic London papers continue to take Mr Bal four's resignation for granted. The Morning Post says Chamberlain not Hal four, will lead the Unionists the
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    • 163 3 GOVERNMENT RESIGNATION POSTPONED. RMttr't A B ency. London, Nov. 25. Xhe Cabinet Council lasted for two hours. It is understood that it was decided n<>t to resign. It is staled that the Government's decision was largely influenced by a knowledge that the Liberals would not accept office
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    • 30 3 DEBENTURES ISSUED IN LONDON. Reuters Aiency. London, Nov. 15, •1 4J per cent debentures in the Nansai Railway of Japan were issued in London yesterday at 6;4.
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    • 32 3 NEW COMMISSIONER FOR BRITISH PROTECTORATE. Reuter s Agency. London, Nov. 2;. Lieut-Col. J. Hayes Sadler, late Commis-inier of Uganda, has been appointed Commissioner of the British East African Protectorate.
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    • 49 3 1 RE DEFIANT THAN EVER. Reuter s A|ency London, Nov. 25. The PortA reply to the Powers is isually defiant, and closes with a threat tbat a Mussulman outbreak is likely to occur it" pressure on the part of the Powers in favour of ins continues.
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    • 33 3 L LATEST BETTING. Reuter Agency. London, Nov. The betting on the Manchester N her Handicap is as follows: 1 Outbreak. 1^ Pradella. 1 2 Bibiani. 1 Long Tom. i Minnow.
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    • 47 3 HARDINGE REPLACES SANDERSON. Reuter s Agency. London, Nov. 25. officially announced that Sir Henry Sanderson, G. C B. manent L'nder Secretary of for Foreign Affairs, is retiring and that he will be replace*! by the Hon. -hark- lardinge, C.8., British Ambassador to St Petersburg.
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    • 79 3 LORD LANSDOWNE'S VIEWS. Reuters Agency London, Nov. 25. I Lansdowne speaking at Liverpool, -rated that "the most favoured clause had become obsolete it Britain must rely more upon and bargains^ wherein the of the countrv were specially provided. Lordship instanced the new treaty with Persia, which replaces the
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    • 37 3 DISSOLUTION PREDICTED. DATE UNCERTAIN. ReuUr Agency. T London, Nov. 26. c general concensus of opinion is lllal Parliament will dissolve early in Jatuia,v, Lut it is uncertain whether Government will resign in the m eantime.
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    • 34 3 PEASANTRY RISE IN MANY DISTRICTS. London, Nov. 26. Kqiorts from the Russian Provinces continue to be of a serious nature and S1 >'gs among the peasants are reportw from many districts.
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    • 60 3 BALFOUR ADVISED TO RESIGN. rE.D.AfFspecia/.) London, Nov. 26. Mr. Chamberlain's speech at Bristol has caused a crisis in the Unionist Party. The Times and the Daily Telegraph urge upon Mr. Balfour to resign the reins of Government, stating that whilst I Mr. Chamberlain adheres to his policy of
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    • 32 3 NEW ZEALAND FOOTBALLERS STILL VICTORIOUS. Raster's Af«My London, Nov. 26. At the match played at Dublin, the New Zealand team beat the Irish by fifteen points to nil.
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    • 36 3 REAR-ADMIRAL SHOT. Mater's Mency London, Nov. 26. The sailors quartered at Sebastopol, together with the regiment of troops garrisoning the town have mutinied. Rear-Admiral Pesarevski, whilst haranguing the mutineers, was shot.
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    • 30 3 SERIOUS RIOTING. RMter*» Agvacy. London, Nov. 26. The men employed in the dockyards at Sebastopol have joined the mutineers and serious rioting has taken place.
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    • 27 3 COMBINED FLEETS RECEi E SEALED ORDERS. R euter s Agency. London, Nov. 26. The International fleet stationed at Piraeus have sailed under sealed orders.
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    • 20 3 RUSSO-JAPANESE TREATY RATIFIED. Reuters A|Mcy London, Nov. 26. The Russo-Japanese Peace Treat}* has been ratified at Washington.
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    • 23 3 AMERICA ASSENTS TO PROTECTORATE. D. Mr Special.) London, Nov. 26. The United States Congress assents to Japan's protectorate over Korea.
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    • 57 3 TAKES ON BOARD INTERNED PRISONERS. E. D. Mr Special.) Hongkong, Nov. 26. The Russian 2nd class cruiser Almaz arrived at Hongkong on Saturday last from Kiauchau. The Commander has received instructions to take on board the Russian sailors and soldiers who have been interned at Hongkong
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    • 41 3 MR. PAUL DOUMER PROBABLE CANDIDATE. ("ED. M." Specuil.) Advices from Paris report that M. Paul Doumcr, late Governor of Cochin-China, will probably be a candidate for the Presidency at the next Presidential election which takes place in February.
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    • 31 3 AMBASSADOR TO ST. PETERSBURG. E. D. Mr Special) London, Nov. 26. It is reported on reliable authority that Sir Claude MacDonald will be appointed Ambassador to St. Petersburg.
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    • 104 3 It is reported that the boycott by Chinese traders is still in active opera- tion in Singapore and that many of the local Cantonese stores are displaying notices to the effect that they decline to i deal in any goods bearing the legend "Made in America." Our
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    • 62 3 News has just arrived from America that the Rev. Harry C. Bower, of Emporium, Pennsylvania, sailed from New York City by the s. s. Majestic, on the nth October, to join the Methodist Mission at Penang. He was graduated from Williamsport Dickinson Seminary in 1905 and
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    • 75 3 Nov 24— At Sale-room, X'mas goods, il a.m. Nov! 24— At Sale-room, soap, pencils, etc. 11 a.m. I dreamt that I tossed on a fever'd bed, (With the curtains gathered and drawn) With a hacking cough and a burning head, Vainly waiting the tardy dawn, i When close to ray
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    • 2333 3 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. The Financial News publishes in extenso a list of the shareholders of the lanjong Pagar Dock Company, which had beeh specially obtained from Singapore. Doubtless a reproduction of this will be of interest to our reader: No. Sharks I Anderson John, Singapore 139 j
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    • 94 3 This afternoon at 5-30 the Children's entertainment, under the auspices of the Philharmonic Society, will be held at the Town Hall. The Philharmonic Orchestra will play several popular selections. Miss McGlenchy, Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Brown will give vocal solos. The Misses de Souza and Mr. Edward
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    • 364 3 Off Rheumatism by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. Willem van Buurcn of Griscc called at the shop of one of the leading chemists in Soerabaya in order to make this statement I think that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be known to all sufferers from Rheumatism,'"
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 587 3 ROBINSON ■It* and Co, A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks in the following sizes 24 ill. 27 in. 30 in. 32 in. and in. Star of India/' Very Superior Steel
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 586 4 Coghlan Co. Licensed Auctioneers House Estatt Agents. Land Valuers, Commissio Agents, Appraisers, Insuranc Agents (Fire, Life Marine Fire loss Adjusters, Broker for Steamers, and Sailing Vee sels, Stock Auditors, and Con pany Promoters 16. year's constant loca experience, 1889 to 1905. NOTICE. Catalogues will be issued and tl Goods will
        586 words
      • 326 4 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. a What is the use of saying the best Company," the strongest Company, tlie largest Company." Any one can say tin's. I WE Say simply The China mutual liiire Insurance Co., litd. c A British liocal Co., that tells the whole story. Messrs. I
        326 words
      • 371 4 The Way to Get a Fortune Is to buy an Electric Cinematograph. 1 A few days' receipts repay all your I costs. The Cinematograph has had an en- ormous success all over the world, for a Complete Installation apply to J?evy SCermanos 3, BATTERY ROAD, who keeps also a large
        371 words
      • 368 4 Japan Coals THE Mitsui Bitssan Kalsha (MfTSUI A Co.) Head Office: No, 1, Suruga-Cho, Tokio London Branch 34, Lime Street, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GREEN, Other Branches New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka.TCobe,
        368 words
      • 509 4 tD.M," ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTEdTetT"" PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Wkek. I'ortnu;iit. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts. 2. 00 3.
        509 words
      • 287 4 TO BE LET. i°'>, Orchard k,,,: cnlry. Apply to '""wdm, m. Salomon t son Sep.. V U.c U LET, ,1 1O r'-iiji, federate Ks.ate. all n >mt I- HERMENT, I'acc. Apply 1,, Ka^ ROBINSON PUNO( POOH TO LET U 11 fronting K r offlce or sliow r, «ot pensary 43b,
        287 words