Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 25 November 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 297 1 PENANG PAPERS IN TROUBLE M The Echo is in the soup again, poor thing, and the Editor is contemplating the grisly prospect of a prolonged sojourn in Penang Gaol, where, at any rate, he will be free from Renter's and other telegrams and will not always have
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  • 236 1 ol'R WASTRELS SENT TO SOUTH AFRICA. The Durban Primr gives the following explanation of the troubles on the Rand: A probable causo of a good deal of the trouble and friction between the coolies and their masters, is the lowcharacter of many of the Chinese interpreters and small
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  • 190 1 NEW AGREEMENT MADE. We understand tliat a new agreement has been executed between HU Highness the Raja and the Duff Development Co. Ltd., to supersede the agreement made five yens ago. By the old document certain rights were claimed by the Company by inference or by
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  • 161 1 KING EDWARDS BIRTHDAY. The birthday of His Majesty, King Edward VII, was celebrated in Colombo with the pomp and stateliness characteristic of such occasions. The oflicial programme began at noon, Imt there was stir and stress in the Fort from quite an hour earlier. Everywhere in the
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  • 191 1 PRIVATI ATTEMPTS TO SHOOT 111S SKRC.KANT. A Private, Joseph Redfem, oi the jnd Worcester, stationed at Kand\, attempted to shoot Colour-Sergeant Bradish with his rifle on the sth inst. It appears that Private Rcdt'crn hroke out of barracks and returned late in tin* afternoon. He then went to
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  • 480 1 AUSTRALIA FAVOURS IPKA. Australia welcomes the news that Singapore to baoouM naval bast-. In an editorial on the subject the Svdnrv Tel? graph says: The decision <>f the Hntish (iovt i imient to establish a great naval bIM with dockyard accommodation at Smga|»orc is welcome
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  • 203 1 Forty-two thousand loon pulling up at a stone pier, like a hansom aboutside an hotel. This m the sight Dover was privileged to sic, says the Daily Mail, wlien the Hamburg-Ame-rican Fine'-, latest giant, the .-Inwttka, stopped at the Prince of Wales'* Pier to pick up passengers
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 218 1 •..-.r.M.r- fro- l£X£»<2 f w i nts von Singapore. JOHN LITTLE A CO Jeffrey's Edinburgh Stout. $14.00 Per Case of 7 doz. pints. Of all Dealers. ""It- VALENTINE'S BATH HOTEL~ XH OF HOTEL 1M: l' EL'ROPK to Buktt Timah Road. I \N IDEAL SPOT FOR A PICNIC OR WEEK END.
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    • 366 1 JOHN LITTLE Ort 1 ast sian Sftercantile Co., KJ\3m 6> BATTF.RY ROAD, SINGAPORE. /■mt^ j ■■^.^^^^^■■■iC^BßS^S^Sfi^^ I'^1 '-OLA 1* 1 1 t* jßy^^\ VI j/^^^^^^l Toys. Dolls and Games CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR CARDS, TOY *h| I DAHL 5 S MILK. j and cift BOOKS, |L NORWEGIAN PURE COWS' MILK, f
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    • 14 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crltp, Invigorating, A NATURAL MINKRAL WATKR OF THI lIIGIIKST (LASS. Sold Everywhere
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  • 104 2 T©-day, 2stb November. High Water, 8.45 a.m. <). 4 o p.m. Cricket, S.C.C. v. Foresters. P. O. outward mail due. S. V. I. Class firing, Balcsticr. .'.30 p.m. league Football, Towers v. Vampires, Anson Poad. Hotel de I'Europe, Guest Night, To- Night. Cornwall Minstrels Concert, Town Hall 9
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  • 83 2 Established, Sept. 4TH. 1903. Published at 58-2, Hill Street. Singapore. Subscription. Daily Ll-cal $3 50 per quarter Outstations $4.50 Telephone No. 972. All contributions must be addressed to "Tne Editor," written on one side of tnc paper only, accompanied by the writer's name and address, not
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  • 870 2 Che Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENT S. SATURDAY, 25th NOVEMBER REGISTRATION OF PARTNERS. At the meeting of the Legislative Council held ye-terday afternoon, the second reading of the Registration of Firms Bill was not moved as originally arranged. This was in all probability due to the absence of the
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  • 440 2 It 11 one of the peculiarities of our fluctuating currency that nobody appears to benefit by the rise in exchange. Government officials, and Others paid on a gold basis, state that they are being rapidly reduced to a stale bordering upon penury, if not absolute want, while men
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  • 268 2 In a city like this, filled with tradesmen of all with tens of thousands of people making small purchases and with a very small staff of officials to keep some sort of check on the tendency of the traders to tamper with thek weights and measure*, it does
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  • 245 2 A home sporting paper teUa a -toi of one of the fast disappearing rate of Fleet Streeter>." Hard u«.rktrwhen necestary, hard drinkers at times cheerful always, and entertaining in conversation, they were a body of good-natured beings, who have Mefl shelved away to make room for the newer
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  • 205 2 <>n the night ot the 3rd inet while Rasama, a married tamil irojaan, living in No. :>, Anaon Road, while a>l leep, was arooed b\ feeling someone touching her bodv and attempting to loosen the silver belt -he wore. She then heard a noise and found that
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  • 140 2 Mr. James Mitchell died on the 14th inst. at the Government Civil Hospital at Hongkong from pneumonia, at the age of 48 years. Mr. Mitchell had been a chief engineer for the pact 15 years, hit last appointment being on the coasting steamer Humtfg, The deceased wa>
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  • 69 2 EXPENSIVE DKKK. The unsatisfactory possession of two tame deer by a Klmg butcher and a Chinaman took up much of Mr Seths time yesterday. Mr. Emeison defended the accused, who was charged with fraudulent possession. Mr. Emerson contended that because the animals were sold clieap it did
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  • 24 2 Mr. H. L Cck,hian Ihm I>ccii nominated for re-election as Municipal Commissioner, Mr. M. Meyer being the proposer and Mr. lloYeng Peng, the seconder.
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  • 244 2 AC(rsKI) I! m, I-"i> Ah s,< m 1,, towkayV'chop" for runny bags II- L0rdv1,,,,,, Jury, said tl,, forward by |M tobcrelui, decide whethei the i Bdeoneoi whethei That was the question had to come to .1 <|„ quarrel the accused i,'., prosecutor, n* I that the prosecutoi •oner
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  • 75 2 A most enjoyable 5 iraa held in tin I t iatk>n <»f 1 g day night Tin It dance of me: iand frier A elect ttrumental music s<»mc r\ e a:i<l edit, piano* token of muOftfer, and tl were fying I -i OnI elect I :■-.;]-< d the
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  • 66 2 ll.\i: V Muntok R of the ri -i in-tan:. I Of I'liif young Bu( people. p found that ilu« Ibrced open. Aw tin persons nmnil caught one oft I l.\-an, w.i- Inspeddr K« yt fore the M M< and Colnian on breaking. Sergeant M dence ai t«> the
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  • 169 2 CHILDREN I>F *ll I STUDY Wl m l'\' I RS Asm iu ilv m stinci nore in I i and universities than in way. It i- well known, Daily Mmitl Nt N tliat in gn .it uni\« i sities Princeton, ind I Vanderbih foi an studying
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  • 42 2 "Is lite worth living m.i "It is" the most rcpl\ Though some »ay >Rv it bi Without a reason why, The latter class, you understand. Their ailments do endurr. The former wise aiul hapi^ U*c WotxU 1 Grea I 'cppci 1 lJ'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 209 2 The New Drink TANSAN ginger-ale, coiitmmng all the Invigorating Properties of TANSAX, and is a Deliriously Flavoured GINGER-ALE. It is meeting with HUGE SUCCESS EVERYWHERE. Sole Agents GAUDBECK MCGREGOR Go., SINGAPORE and PENANG. I X'mas presents. All useful and of the best quality, they are not Se&£ Ayfly Bfc 'j^^
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    • 510 2 I THE I INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, J The Best Hotel that has ever existed in the Island. I Is Electrically Fitted throughout. Has splendid accommodation for 1 Travellers. I EXCELLENT TABLE J 1 Cuisine under European Supervision 1 I WHEN VISITING PENANG, DO NOT FORGET TO VISIT I I THIS HOTEL,
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    • 41 2 NOTICE. R. SINNASAMV NAIDOOhM been ■ppoioCed our Bill Collector and i> authorised to collect and receipt all bill- on account of" the "Fa-tern I>ail\ Mail." Advertisers and Btlbscrfben will plea-*e note that onlv those bill> signed by the Manager are valid.
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 11 1 The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER *****, 1905.
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    • 23 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. The Netherlands Trading Society yesterday quoted the 4ms bank rate at 5/16. The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2.2 1 4.
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    • 145 1 Yi stekday's Ratib. On London Bank 4 n/i z 2 14 Demand 2 2 Private 6 m >. t/j 5/8 do. 3 m/s. 2/2 3,8 Om Gtrmmny Bank d/d 2.21] Private 3 ms 2.25 do. 6 m, s 2.2~ On Fiance Bank d/d 2.-; 2 I Private 3 m,s
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    • 133 1 Tin 53.00 Gam bier 7.05 do Cube N<> 1 1 i..>7<J do do Nil. 1 r .00 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore) n 15.50 do White, Fair 1.. W. 5 p. c. 33.50 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) 3;. do (So to the lb.). 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina)
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 430 1 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL m0.000.000 RESERVE FUND St.rlinji Reaenre 3io.ouo.ouu 1 1K( k rt Reaenre Liai»ilitv <>i rtiipiiaiiin ?iu,oirj.uou Courtof Directors. 11. A. W. Sla.h-. Ksq C liairman. A. Haupt Ksq Prpirtj fliniißMiii. Ho«. C. \V. Dickson. A. J. Kaymoml. tsq. K. GoetS, K><\. K. Salinger, Ks<j.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 921 1 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Notiee. Trains Service for Week Days and Sundays Kxlia am ll 3 Sundays only. Down Train. Down Traln A.M. A.M. A.M. A. M. P.M. P.M. pm. p.m. p M t x M P M p M SINGAPORE <i b.oo b.30
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      • 78 1 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR. Wharves at which different Ships were berthed yesterday. Ea^t Wharf, Nil. Victoria Graving Dock, Nil. Albert Graving Dock, Sultan. Section No. i Bat ten hall. Zaida, I'alamrotta, Bentong, Islander. No. 2 Paknam, I* la. Coocyanna. 4 Indrapura. 5 Nil. (> Ajax, Pathan. B. W.) Sirocco, Anghin.
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 392 2 BANKS, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Capital ,£BOOOOO, Rkskrve Liability 1 /q of Propriktors J• 8oo oo Rkservk Fund ,£875,000. (Bank of England. BANKERS National Bank of Scotland IThond on City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CURRENT Accounts arc opened and interest allowed at
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      • 245 2 Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes de France. Telegraphic Address: Messa»cric Siugapot c. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates Outward. Homkward. E. Siihons 4 Dec. 1 Tourane 4 Dec. Polvnesien 18 Dec; Tonkin 18 Dec. Catnomien 1 Jan. j Behk 1 Jan. Oceanian 15 Jan. jE.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 83 2 PASSENGERS ARRIVED. Xor. 24. Hy Arcalia From Shanghai Mr. C. W. Ure, Mrs. VV. R. Parken. From Hongkong— Mr. and Mrs. Sternfield, Miss Watts Mr. Lewis, General Macarthur, Mr. and Mrs. Macarthur. What brings the colour to the cheek Of those that suffer and are weak. Whose ailments have but
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      • 344 2 NEXT MAILS DUE. From England. Per P. (>. Chnsan on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 2~ FROM China. Per N. P. L. >aiheen, on Sunday. Mail* already despatched for Europe. Left Sing Due in London Arrived Oct n I Oct M Oct J> Oct 0 M Ifl Nov 8 Nov I Oct
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      • 940 2 I'lern, lirit str 129 Hendry, Nov 2j I'ahang, Soon Bee for Kuantan.i 23. <i/en/o(/iv,Qer. str. 2,907 tons, (apt. Stallard 22nd Nqv. From Kachinotsv, 12th Nov. Coal. Boustead Co. For London, U. W. (i. G. Daendels, Dut. str. 773 tons, Capt Klasens, 2lst Nov. From Batavia, 18th Nov. G.c, and 167
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      • 717 2 CLEARANCES. November 24. Will o' the Wisplor I'ontianak. Glcnt'alloeli Hongkong, Amo\ and Swatow. L a Rangoon and Calcutta Sirocca Shanghai. Hcvo Kcniaman via ports. Mena Batu Pahat Sri Muar Muar and Malacca, live Leong IVIuk Anson via |xnt>. November 35. Palaiiuotta I longkong mul Amoy. BcnvenilC Antwerp via |x>rt>. Snltond
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    • 58 3 NOTES AND NEWS FROM LONDON. JAPANESE LOAN. WILL BE ISSUED NEXT WEEK' Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 24. It officially stated that a Japanese ]oall of twenty-five or fifty million pounds sterling will be issued on the •gth instant at ninety per cent. Paris takes twelve millions,
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    • 28 3 TRANSFERRED FROM TRANSVAAL. Rwttr AflMMy. London, Nov. 24. Capt The Hon. Sir Arthur Lawle y Licutcnant-Governor of the Transvaal, has been appointed Governor of Madras.
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    • 59 3 ABSORBING TOPIC IN LONDON YESTERDAY. Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 24. A Cabinet meeting was held to-day. Rumour anticipates that the result will be a first step towards resignation. which is to day the absorbing topic. The Liberal newspapers declare that Mr. BannennM will refuse to form a Cabinet
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      • 33 3 p E. D. Mr Special) Hongkong, November 24. Owing to want of funds, the Panama Canal Board has asked the Government tor an immediate advance of sixteen million dollars.
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      • 47 3 TO STRENGTHEN UNITY OF OUR EMPIRE. MUST PROVIDE BRITISHERS WITH MORE WORK. ("E.D.Mr Special.) Hongkong, Nov. 24. Speaking at Bristol, the Hon. Joseph Chamberlain stated that the aim of the Unionists was to provide more work for Britishers and to strengthen the existing tics between our Colonies.
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      • 53 3 ALARMED AT INCREASE OF GERMAN NAVY. D. M." Special) London, Nov. 24. The Paris journal LEclait announce* that the new German naval scheme must be regarded as a declaration of war against France. The German navy in 1908 will be superior to that of the French in warships,
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      • 29 3 GERMAN METHODS ADOPTED. D. Mr Special.) Hongkong, Nov. 24. The War Office announce* the establishment of a General Staff similar to that of Germany, for Japan.
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      • 68 3 MINISTERS COMMIT SUICIDE. Seal to Convention Forcibly Affixed. E. D. M." Special.) Hongkong, Nov. 24. A telegram from a Russian source received in Shanghai alleges that thc Emperor of Korea, despite all threats refused to affix his seal to the Protectorate Convention, and that the Japanese thereupon
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    • 30 3 TO CO-ORDINATE. Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 24. The Standard states that the authorities arc considering the reorganisation of commands in the Colonies with a view to co-ordination.
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    • 64 3 STRONG HINT FROM THE TIMES AND TELEGRAPH. Reuters Agency London, Nov. 24. Considerableintereafl has been aroused in political circlesat a strong hint given by both the Times and the Telegraph that Mr. Balfour should, in view of Mr. Chamberlain's attitude, take an early opportunity of resigning, whereupon
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    • 77 3 PROBABILITY THAT SOUTH AFRICA WILL BE MADE MILITARY CENTRE. Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 24. mderstood that the Duke of Connaught, on his return from his tour inspection at the Cape, will make a report on the military possibilities of South Africa. It is probable that the Army
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    • 91 3 FINAL FAREWELL TO COPENHAGEN. Reuters Aiency. Lo.NDON, NOV. 24. -openha^en was gaily decorated flags and thronged with people yesterday, the occasion being the departure of Their Majesties King Hakon and Queen Maud, for Christiania. Both were deeply moved in bidding farewell ing Christian and other members the
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    • 137 3 SUNDAY, November 26th. St. Andrew's Cathedral. Matins and Litany 7 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral 1 7.45 a.m. Kvensons aud Sermon 5.30 p.m St. Matthew's Sepoy LinesKoo Chow Service 11.15 a.m. Evensong and Sermo.i 8.1 5 p.m. Y. M. C. A. Zetland House. Mr. G.Shallcrass 3.45 p.m. Bousteod fwrifir.
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    • 57 3 SENDS INSTRUCTIONS TO FORT COMMANDERS. Reuters Agency London, Nov. 24. Jlic Sultan of Turkey has sent iral Husni to the Daidanelles. It stated that he bears instructions to »e commander of the forts with a view the contingency of an international blockade. tractions have also been issued to
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    • 141 3 Before Capt. Boldero, the Master Attendant, the following cases were heard yesterday: Peng Kuang, a sampan man, was charged for making fast his sampan to the s.s. Malacca before she was properly anchored in the Singapore Roads, on the 23rd November. The accused plead guilty and was fined
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    • 60 3 t LORD ROSEBERY ASKS FOR FEASIBLE FISCAL SCHEME. London, Nov. 24. Lord Kosebery began a week's political campaign in Cornwall by an ad- Gr^> at Penzance last night. J lc challenged Mr. Chamberlain to Produce a workable scheme for a fiscal °nofthe Empire without gravely "nterfe i ng
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    • 58 3 j> yesterday's issue, we mentioned Wit too chintings, Abdul Kadir and <-»eng Hai, had been charged with -xtortmg S2O from a letter smuggler G o h Tok. These men were i fined -one 5 o and the other In default they were sentenced to ire e and one
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    • 64 3 dwell in the palace and mansions, i y name s on the lips of the Royal, j/ro crowned with a milli*. laurels. 1 l^x rd won sons of toil InS u 1 led with a s P irit of gladness For p I s of the rich and P°° r
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    • 119 3 There will be no paper*unt to-day owing to the recent heavy rains. For being in possession of three Lottery tickets, a Chinaman was yesterday fined $25. Lee Ting was yesterday prosecuted by Mr. F. K. Jennings and fined $200, or six months imprisonment, for offering for sale $30 worth of
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    • 1527 3 Present i iS A E j< cellen cy the Governor Sir John Anderson, k. c. m. g. The Hon'ble the Acting Colonial £u etar E L Bro <*man. w d r- n ble thc Att °mey-General w. K. Collyer, i. s. o. The Hon'ble the Acting Colonial Treasurer
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    • 607 3 \esterday morning, Wee Kay Hok, Kow Soon Keat and Tan Hoon Han were again brought before Mr. Seth on the allegation of having abetted the cheating of P. R. N. Pataperumal Chitty to the extent of $10,000. Mr. Greenfield (Braddell Bros.) appeared for the prosecution
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    • 80 3 Ipoh i rejoicing in a new ice factory, which was opened for business on the aoth instant. It was erected for Mr. bhaik Adam, Messrs. Riley HargrtfUves Co. supplying the plant, save the boiler, which was made by Messrs. Allen Irving of Penang. The absorption system is
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    • 113 3 The marriage of Mr. John Baptiste Otten to Miss Nelly Robbins was solemnised at the Assumption Church at Bangkok on the 17th inst., Rev. Father Colombet officiating. Mr. Montgomery Schuyler, American Consul-General, g?ve the bride away and Mr. M. D. O'Leary, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, acted as
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    • 69 3 Major General MacArthur of Philippine fame, with Mrs. MacArthur his A. D. C.,and Lieut MacArthur (his son) are staying at the Raffles Hotel. Major Generrl MacArt.iur was formerly Military Governor of the Philippines and was the U. S. Attache to General Kuroki's staff during the Russo-Japan-ese
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 783 3 ROBINSON &> and 00. j A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. I OUK SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNK!, The "Empress" I Extra Quality spirally moulded round top I I fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety I Lever Locks in the following sizes I 24 in. 27 in. 30 in. 32 in. and
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 555 4 Coghlan Co. Licensed Auctioneers House Estate Agents. Land Valuers, Commission Agents, Appraisers, Insurance Agents (Fire, Life Marine), Fire loss Adjusters, Brokers for Steamers, and Sailing Vessels, Stock Auditors, and Company Promoters 16 year's constant local experience, 1889 to 1905. NOTICE. Catalogues will be issued and the Goods will be on
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      • 328 4 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1 What is the use of saying the best Company," the strongest Company, the largest Company." Anyone can say this. WE Say simply The China mutual Liife Insurance Co., Litd, A British lioeal Co., that tells the whole stoi*3*. Messrs. Hankin Knocker, Matiagers. China
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      • 339 4 The Way to Get a Fortune Is to buy an Electric Cinematograph. A few days' receipts repay all your costs. The Cinematograph has had an enormous success all over the world. I for a Complete Installation apply to I Juevy 3£ermanoB 3, BATTERY ROAD, who keeps also a large stock
        339 words
      • 360 4 Japan Coals THE Mitsui Bussan Kaisha MITSUI A Co.) Head Office: No. I, SURUGA-CHO, TOKIO London Branch 34, LIME STREET, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GREEN, Other Branches New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka,
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      • 545 4 _<^c tV>__r^_^_s _r_C^__vfr># Vs/ J x ,^^^j___P___s_' a. 'E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED,TtcT~~ PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc.. Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Wekk. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50
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      • 368 4 TO BE LET. «T BE LET "Atjkm H oUse X .06, Orchard Road Imm^ entry. Auply to lm ™ed.at c M. SALOMON v sox Sept.^ T OBE LET .Uic pleasantly Nilut resMcnces front.na scaslfore cS L HKKMKM cV.F. fTUy I rJIOBE LET. (onven,, „:„,:,< sample r(K)nis, etc, „n lirv above
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