Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 24 November 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
  • 17 1 Eastern Daily Mail AND STRAITS MORNING ADVERTISER. No^69. vol. i. Singapore; Friday, November 24/1905. PRICE 5 CENTS.
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  • 318 1 HOW THE SURVIVORS ESCAPED. A gentleman who is connected with the Church of England Missionary Society favours the South China Post with a few facts— told him by Dr. Todd, who has just escorted Dr. Machle and Miss Paterson to Canton— as to how the doctor and the
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  • 194 1 CZAR TO GIVE MIKADO A HUNDRED MILLION POUNDS. A great sensation has been sprung by Lc Matin, a newspaper published in Paris, which declares that the Portsmouth peace treaty was made only after the Czar made a private and personal agreement with the Mikado to pay him
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  • 97 1 E. E. A. C. TELEGRAPH CO., LTD. The Eastern Extension, Austraktsia, and China Telegraph Company did well during the June half-year. The report to be submitted to the proprietors on Wednesday next shows an expansion of ,£48,800 in the gross revenue, while working expenses are lower, thanks to a reduction
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  • 103 1 One of the most distinguished visitors who arrived by the Zit A// was Sir Michael Hicks Beach, after a visit to Singapore where he has ipeni a short time acting as an arbitrator in the acquisition by Government of the Tanjong Pagar Docks. The latter are
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  • 78 1 In April last, Ahmat Bin Sultan, a member of the load police force, absented himself and forgot to return two pairs of uniform trousers before departure. A couple of days ago he surrendered to the Chief Police Oflicer. Yesterday Inspector Sullivan charged him before Messrs. Bryant
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  • 59 1 A NAVAL officer in Sydney, was asked the other day by a representative of the Sydney Telegraph what he thought of Singapore. He replied "It is no by means a healthy place. It's beastly hot. You get up the morning wishing it was nigh', so that you could lie down
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  • 269 1 SELANGOR. (From our Convtfomkmi.) Kuala I.imitr, Nov. h. A tiger carried off a Chinese woodcutter within a mile of SungH llesi on Saturday last, while the man was at work with a companiou. More than thirty horses, nearly all in charge of Mr. George Kcdfern, are
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  • 196 1 FUR rHER OUTRAGES Further OUtrafjSj hsjWJ ociuited in the Transvaal by Chinm. On the 22nd September a mairied man I< -ft hi* hoSjSS in charge of his witc and servant. Aboul midnight the latter irant surprised In Chineat. The lady armed herself with a revolver,
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  • 227 1 CTRKH'S EXPERIMENT BY AN AMERICAN IWI'l K. Much amusement has been t n i« < 1 in New York over ;i curious e\|*iiincnt u icti by tlic proprietor! <>i the Evctiiiuj ll'orM, who despatched an inconspicuous stenographer girl b;*« Inwards and IbfWalds in a tram atlUßa
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  • 154 1 The first annual general meeting ol the Jclai, Limited, was held .it the Offices of Messrs. Osbomc C lia|»--pel, to receive the Ditectors' Report, accounts, cVt The Report of tin Diracton w.»> n> follow s The Dfoedon have the plenum «■> present to the Shareholders the account* of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 313 1 M OTTS rOR SINC.APORE. JOHN LITTLE A CO I A Coat of dodelite HI B^^M I I 55 Mil IIMHI.H WORK W^^K/^ I ■HB MH w 01 A HI.LIMM; WILL w -TX ON THK T.MBER WOKK ■«ni^j«- w n a tew Dollars Spent on "Jodelke" «Often oF AB S— s
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    • 172 1 Sast Jlsian SfCercantile Co., 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. J. A. FAY ECAN CO. f^nS^* mTil I DAHL'S MILK. I I NORWEGIAN PURE COWS' MILK. I THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH 1 THE FULL FLAVOUR OF FRESH 5 COWS' MILK IS RETAINED. J J The most flattering testimonials from medical
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    • 17 1 Buchanan's u Red Seal Guaranteed 7 Years Old. "A Sound ICOKH Whisky. OK m Exckptionali.y Gik>d Value.
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  • 87 2 K \hlish! n. Skit. 4TH. 1905. Published at 58-2, Hill Street Singapore. Subscription. Daily L- CAL •»3 50 per quarter Outstatkmi $4- 50 Telethons No. 972. All contributions must be addressed to "The Editor." written on one side of the paper only, accompanied by the writer's
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  • 20 2 MITCHELL— On the i4tli in«t. a! 3 a.m. at the Government Civil Hospital. Hongkong, James Mitchell, Engineer, ag<d 48.
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  • 696 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY, 2 4 th NOVEMBER THE ONE THING NEEDFUL. It is one of the disadvantages of lite that there is always just one thin" needful for complete happiness. Similarly, the traveller, though he wander from Pole to Equator, will find no elysium without
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  • 439 2 TiifKh i» a report in London that King Edward lias bought largely of Japanese bonds on private account. Foua dav- from Hongkong was the run of the P. &O. s. s. Artmdm, which arrived here on Wednesday. Several rickshas wn re -mashed up in Serangoon Koad on Wednesday bv a
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  • 59 2 What brings the colour to the cheek Of those that suffer and arc weak Whose ailments have but made them crave To be released and in their grave? What now, has given such desire I o live again? You may inquire Diseases cannot well endure T C e ur S
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  • 106 2 THE NEW ZEALANDEKS PLAY. iI E. 1). Mr Special.) The astonishing success of the New Zealanders in the old country, is, in the opinion of Mr. A. O. Jones, the great Notts athlete who has played agninst the New Zealanders, not so much due to their tactics
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  • 282 2 11l early days scrums lasted MMM minutes. Weight was then imperative. The result was nine forwards. Play was confined to these men, the backs' work being purely of an individual character; it was bad form for a man to pass the ball before he was tackled, and a
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  • 79 2 A Chinaman wm ve-terdav charged with the theft of four bundles of rattans. The man said that he >aw these bundle-* in the five-foot way. No <»ne was looking after them and" he thouKht they had no owner. He consequently took possession of the unconsidered tritle. A
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  • 82 2 Last Saturday, a Chinaman, while going on board the steamer //<,;/.; //'<;// in IVnang Harbour, had the mi-tortune to drop a box overboard containing 85,00a. Subsequently four Malav> and a professional diver were <ct to work to fish Up the lost treasure. ih\Q of the Malays went down
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  • 129 2 Sarawak, Nov. cotli. The Borneo Cosyanj Ltd. ha> im ported a twin-screw bcfXMMM oil engine launch for the up river run and it named Asiana. The Sarawak and Singapore Steamship Company Ltd. who have almost a monopoly of the shippingof Sarawak, being the only company that run •teamen
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  • 99 2 A lamil walked into the Kandang Kerbau Police Station night before last with a broken head, toying that a Malay had struck him with a stick. The accused was soon found and admitted the charge, alleging self-defence, savm K that the complainant was a much bicker man
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  • 65 2 Lnli Ah Sec was placed «>„ trial before the Chief Justice yesterday™ forging m order on Chop Ong GuS charge bagS H dcn ed Kvidencc was heard, and the ca*e adjourned until to-day. His Lordship thanked the juror* who had been .n attendance at the Assize and mtimatcd that
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  • 208 2 THE EASTERN PR ESS. F, m. S. Lanrj Po|| c% lhc authorities „f K Vf have decided not to continue j g.fts, whereby po rs < (M and obta.n.ng la.gr ncren^'"" <<« once turn them over r l 'l«i at several hundreds (rnt I Profit O f which produced thi,
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  • 110 2 In all civili/ed COUnniei tl t companies or the i: ra case may be. appear to duty to carry on trail ruption of the line just witnessed on our mn trouble or expenat be B both passengen broken -cction. In thj ever, the rnilwa) folk upon the
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  • 79 2 W c think the t i r the Sen tsG < whether it ii advi-al'. raitC revenue from ti.( g which, after allow ng I tKMM, do u: moralising influei body of Chinai out British Mai i\ kind Sed in t C'olonie- of the Si and Hongkong,
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  • 52 2 Singapore, I ing very loudly at skinned with ii" p 1 finas. Hut it dii conh-lence in Up by tht peoj Everjbodj 11 t-> cart lysscaii of i mm Kq roni>ir» and an at* tend to make fbl vwi- blown up k ago, flourishes, and grati d<>e^ mm
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  • 95 2 Ihc Govei nmc It, -atisficd M to tl I tractors, but tin 1 they ihoald to the capability S tractor-. It na) '■< oomradon ha> na 1 known tnd special 1 class of work ha\ a great .1 Hvit if other firms arc cm enough to comu U
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  • 149 2 To now abandon its efforts I litate Corea, allowing thai country* sink deeper and da ;>< and corruption, would i'« of failure which would m Japan's claim* to rank a< vogrcM and enlightenim nt in 1 East Surli cou little lc-^ than i unfortunate i Koreans would
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  • 24 2 nominated candidate W Mlll ''Vj. Commissioner, ranjoi'j; V He was proposed l>\ ihe w v CowrciM and m« .iiult.fe fl ll fan Jiak Kim.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 280 2 H UMBER CYCLE, "Imperial," "Standard," "First Grade," "Bestone." Borneo Company, Limited ARE YOU FOND OF MUSIC,? POSSESS A PIANO,? Yet cannot play sufficiently wtii to entertain yourself "e 1 friends, You are getting a poor return on your piano, IF IT IS A MERE ARTICLE OF FURNITURE. C WITH lift:
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    • 419 2 7 I I X'mas Presents, All useful and of the best quality, they are not TOYS THOMPSON THOMAS ICO. I THE AUSTRALIAN STORES I *'MAS SEASON. Customers requiring Photos to reach home in time for X'MAS AND NEW YEAR, should make appointments for sittings without delay. G. R. LAMBERT Co.
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    • 163 2 COMING EVENTS. To-day. 24th November. High Water. S.X a.m. 8.4; p.m. Legislative Council, 2.3c p.m. S.R.E. Electric Light, p.m. Ho.el de l'Europe. Musical Tiffin Dinner. Lecture, C. C .V Hall, S p.m. Jiujitsu Demonstration. Drill Hall 9 p.m. To-morrow, 25th November. High Water. 5.45 a m ''-4° P- nl Cricket.
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 11 1 The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24m, 1906.
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    • 23 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. The Netherlands Trading Society yesterday quoted the 4, ms bank rate at 2.2 5/16. ThcMercantile Bank quyted it at 2.2 1/4.
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    • 142 1 Yistkrday's Rath* Oh London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 1/4 Demand 2/2 Private 6 m/s. 2/2 5/8 do. 3 m/s. 2/2 38 On (JerniaiiY Bank d/d 2.21" Private 3 m/s 2.25 do. 6 m,* 2.^7^. On 4- ranee Bank d, d 2.72] Private 3 in/t 2.77] do. 6 m/s 2.80
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    • 196 1 Tin 8-.;: Gambicr 7. '15 do Cube Nd. 1 h I -37 i do do No. i 1 1 .00 Pepper. Black (ordinary S'pore)., 23.5c do White, Fair L. \V. 5 p.c. 33.50 Nutmegs (no to the lb.) 33. do (80 to the lb.). 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 442 1 BANKS. Hongkong A Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL tio.ouu.uuu RESERVE FUND: Sterling Re~rvc J10.000.0U) I f 18>5u0iOOo hilver Reserve 8.500.0U0 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Courtof Directors. 11. A. W. Sladr, Km| Chairman. A. Hrapt, Esq- I)«-i»vity-("hairman. Hon. C. W. Cftckson, h. Salinger. Esfj. K. Goctl. Ks<j. H. Schubart, tsq.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 966 1 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Notice. Trains Service for Week Days and Sundays Kxtra Ilal J Sundavs onlv. Oown Train. Oown Tp ns AM. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. pm PM PM PM fcjtf pm pw SINGAPORE d 6.00 6.36 7.40 10.00 12.33 2.02 3.16
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      • 102 1 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. For Per At Pontianak Will o" the Wisp 1 a m Sabak I'jambie Hong Ho Ipm Hongkong Amoy t 'alamcotta ipm Malaccn Hye Leong I p m Malacca Aing Leong >pm Hawean &c G G I>aendcls > pm Billiton Batavia Dc Eerens I p m Pantianak Valentyn
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 495 2 BANKS, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Capital ,£BOOOOO, Rkskrvl Liability of Proprietors 8oo oo Rkslrve Fund (Bank of England. BANKERS National Bank <>k Scotland 1 TheLondon City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. C I R"RENT Accounts arc opened and interest allowed at i per
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      • 247 2 Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes de France. Telegraphic Address Mcssa^eric Singapore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates Outward. I lomkw akd. E. Simons 4 Dec. Tourane 4 1 tec Po/ynesien 18 Dec. Tonkin 18 Dec. Calcsonien 1 Jan. A. Behie 1 Jan. Oceanirn 15 Jan.
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      • 117 2 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR. Wharves at which different Ships were berthed yesterday. East Wharf, Nil. Victoria Graving Dock, Nil. Albert Graving DockJ Sultan. Section No. i I>at ten hall. Zaida, [slander I>c Klerk. 2 Ula. I Nil 4 Cooeyanna. 5 Hcbc > Fuh Wo, Pathan. i P>. W.) Glenlocy, Chicngmai.
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      • 60 2 1 dreamt that I tossed on ;i fever'd bed, it h the curtains g ithered and drawn) With a hacking cough and a burning head, Vainly waiting the lardy dawn, Whea close to mv bed side an Angd came, With a phial of liquid pure. And I read on tin-
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 279 2 NEXT MAILS DUE. From En< land. Per P. ft <>. Chusan on Saturday afternoon, Nov. From China. Per N. D. LSm on Sunday. Mails already despatched for Europe. Left S Due in London Arrived O I B B 1 Oct 80 CVi 18 Oft 9 M M Nov 8 Nov
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      • 454 2 Record,)-, P.ritish str 077 tons, Capt Xeagle, 6th Nov From Ilo Ilo, }Ist Oct Cable, K Ex Telegraph Coy Ltd I' fc H. Solfnnrf, Nor str 1,164 tons, apt Hodnc, I3t'n Nov. From Shanghai, $th Nov. Casts. SeanR Tiak Bee. For Rangoon, 23rd Rds. Suitnn, Brit '2<Jf..', Townley. Nov. 20
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      • 637 2 CLEARANCES. Ni >VI Mill K 2^. Broflkwer for Deli. Dt Klerk MlCMMBTi I'aklat Bangkok. (i. Ii. Meyer Muntok ami I'mbang. S'tanvau Lingga Singkep. Ban Uin Ciuan Pontianak. Sri Wongaee Muarft Malacca. Johanne Hoihow&Hongkong. Chakrabhongs Bangkok. Emilic Khio. Full Wo l.angkat. Giang Ann Bagan. Socotra Antwerp. Sultan van Langkat Calcutta. Arcadia
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    • 60 3 OUTRAGE NEAR FUSAN. •rVOI UTION IN COREA Rh ANTICIPATED. D. Mr Specvd.) HoN(iKON(i, Nov. 23. r cat satisfaction exists at Seoul. 1 devolution is feared. The Japanese mi-v arc adopting precautionary *An outrage has been committed on 1 ifirais Ito ncar FuMn. A large stone \ZL hurled into
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    • 46 3 niSSVriSFACTION AMONG REFORMERS ("K. I). M. n Social.) London, Nov. 23. Count deWitte advises the Czar to limit thc freedom of the Press and the rfeht of suffrage, and to decline to release political prisoners. His advice is not welcomed by thc reformers.
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    • 45 3 TOTAL OF 129 PERSONS LOST WITH S. S. 'HILDA." Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 23. It iranspires that the victims of thc g Hilda wreck were 129 in number Including several English families who were g'»int; to winter at Dinan and Saint Scrvan.
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    • 41 3 kHOUSANDS OF JEWS EMIGRATING. Renter's Agency. London, Nov. 23. The exodus from Odessa and other points in Southern Russia continues. The colonization societies at Odessa S it besieged by ruined Jews seeking assistance to enable them to emigrate.
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    • 17 3 Reuters Agency London, Nov. 23. The Queen's fund for the unemployed now amounts to ,£64,000.
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    • 25 3 Reutars Agency. London, Nov. The international fund for the suffering Ru?>ian Jews lias now reached the enormous total of jQ\ 70,000.
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    • 114 3 REORGANISATION OF STAFF OFFICERS. Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 23. Tneßt. Hon. Arnold-For.ster, Secretary o r State for War, has addressed ::c to General Lyttleton laying down the principles to be followed in initiating the formation of a general staff. This should not form a >eparate corps. Fhe
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    • 33 3 WELCOMED BY LOI'BET AND MINISTERS. Reuiers Agency. London, Nov. 23. The King ot Portug.il has arrived at Parii, where he was welcomed bv I^rc-ident Loubet and his ministers.
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    • 28 3 AGAIN REJECTS PROPOSALS OF THE POWERS. London, Nov. 23. Hie Porte ha> again rejected the po-al- of the Powers re the financial control oi Macedonia.
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    • 33 3 COLONEL KNOLLYS APPOINTED KING EDWARD'S REPRESENTATIVE. Reuters Agency London, Nov. 23. -'>l<>ncl Henry Knollys will represent King Edward at the State any of King Hakon VII into Chiristiania.
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    • 59 3 PEASANTS PILLAGING AND BURNING. Reuter's Agency I London, Nov. 23. Hie newspapers published in the o| ga provinces are tilled with descripls Agrarian risings, which they ascribe as a resistless torrent >-an<l(n\ ncrs, stewards, and police *>ng thrown into improvised pri;by the peasants who are travers'(j
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    • 72 3 *EECH BY Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. Neuter s Agency. London, Nov. 23. deli mberlain s l )eakin g at Bristol x Ic d > strong speech in which lie h Ulat the Unionist Party was ostantially agreed upon retaliation preference, but expressed the P nion that preference was impossible re
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    • 114 3 MASTERS v. BOYS. The above football teams met on the Raffles ground yesterday evening. rhe game in the first-half was most XT TT g > the A bo s e enera »y being *Li M half time tli score In the second half both sides seemed to fasL^T.?"
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    • 373 3 DEFINITIONS. A forward is strength without breath. A r'ro. is that which is all side A Charge is the inclination of two figures to one another, which meet together, but are not kicking the ball in the same direction. A Crowd is that which has only one
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    • 131 3 A correspondent states that he was on car No. 29 at 3 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, returning from Payah Lebar, when at piller No. 125, on Serangong Road, his car encountered a repair car on the track. Asking the motor-man how long he would be detained
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    • 160 3 A Turk named Ismail was before Mr. Seth on Tuesday charged with assaulting Charles Ridgway, proprietor of the Sailors' Rest, in High Street. Mr. Ridgway said that he heard heavy footsteps pass his couch and then heard his wife cry out that she was being assaulted.
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    • 114 3 About mid-day on the 1 7th inst., Lew Ah Tang was at Tanjong Pagar Dock. Ang Ki Seng, chinting No. 57, searched him and found a tin containing a white powder, probably, plaster of Paris. He had in his belt three moulds, each containing two genuine 20-cent
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    • 44 3 Inventors are eccentric men, And make some wonderful things From babies, food and patent boots, To sailing Baloons with wings. But health comes first in this humdrum life And this you can best ensure, By fending off insidious ills, ith Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 1413 3 THREE ACCUSED GET SEVEN YEARS EACH. This morning, Si Yo Neo, daughter of the prosecutor, was again examined on behalf of the prosecution, in the gang robbery case reported in these columns yesterday. She said she slept in the game room with her mother and brothers. She
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    • 378 3 The Singapore Philharmonic Society gave another of their popular concerts in the old Town Hall last night, but owing to the wet weather the attendances was rather poor, one third of the chairs being unoccupied. From beginning to end, the concert was a success. The Orchestra was
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    • 112 3 A Penang subscriber sends us the following interesting facts concerning a family muddle and a closely related married couple in that place A man has a family of sixteen children. He is engaged to be married to one of his step-grandchildren, aged 18 years. He is now
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    • 133 3 The appended orders have been issued by Lieut.-Colonel C. N. Watts, commanding Troops, S. S The following are the details of the officers and families due to arrive by the H. T. Duncra Lieut, and Quartermaster M. W. E. Barr, r. e., on duty with thc draft
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    • 38 3 The Imperial German mail steamer Sachsen left Hongkong on Wednesday at noon and is expected to arrive here on Sunday evening the 26th instant, and will probably be despatched for Europe on Monday the 27th instant, at noon.
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    • 235 3 Before Mr. Michel I, the Commissioner, of the Court of Request, yesterday, the case of Tan Chin Quee v. Coghlan and Co., auctioneers, came on for hearing. This is a suit in which the plaintiff bought .some things at an auction last month and did not
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
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      • 458 3 ROBINSON ■f» and Co. A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNK* The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks in the following sizes 24 in. 27 in. 30 in. 32 in. nncl 34 in. Star of India." Very Superior
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 556 4 Coghlan Co. Licensed Auctioneers House Estate Agents. Land Valuers, Commission Agents, Appraisers, Insurance Agents (Fire, Life Marine), Fire loss Adjusters, Brokers lor Steamers," and Sailing Vessels, Stock Auditors, and Company Promoters 16. year's constant local experience, 1889 to 1905. NOTICE. Catalogues will be issued and the Goods will be on
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      • 329 4 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. What is the use of saying the best Company," the strongest Company, the largest Company." Any one can say this. WE Say simply The China mutual liife Insurance Co., latd. A British Lioeal Co, that tells the whole story. Messrs. Hankin Knockkr, Managers. China
        329 words
      • 326 4 The Way to Get a Fortune] Is to buy an Electric Cinematograph. A few days' receipts repay all your costs. The Cinematograph has had an enormous success all over the world. 1 Fop a Complete Installation apply to I 1 JJevy SCermanos 3, BATTERY ROAD, who keeps also a large
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      • 362 4 Japan Coals THE Mitsui Bussan Kalsha MITSUI A C:) Head Office No. I, SURUG A-CHO. TOK IO London Branch f 34, LLME STREET, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GREEN, Other Branches New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tient- sin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo,
        362 words
      • 508 4 >*^_SS^£_>v Syf Vv*_<__2^^^b T* we s_*<>^ l^rje %D, M, M ADLETS. FOR PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for a/I your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange A Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3.
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      • 340 4 SALE, WANTED, ETC TO BE LET. 106, Orchard Road iZ entry. Apply to lrri mcd, 4tc M. SALOMON vV iqh Sept. ,6. X < T OBK LKT, tl«pk. rcswlcnce. fnmtin, federate K>tatc, all comfortabl Known as: ••••«,oIIm M^ ''.t Ltdl Belmont Hou*e." I apply to L HKKMKM ROBINSON I'l.w. 1
        340 words