Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 23 November 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 152 1 NOTES AND NEWS EROM LONDON. KING HAKON SEVENTH. IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY ATTENDING ACCEPTANCE OF THRONE. touter s Agency. London, Nov. 22. The reception by King Christian, of Denmark, of the deputation sent from the Storthing to notify Prince Charles of his election as king of Norway and
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  • 39 1 PORTE MADE FRUITLESS APPEAL TO KAISER Reuters Agency. London, Nov. is. There arc indications that the Sultan is disposed to yield to the Powers on the Macedonian question, after his fruit less appeal to the Kaiser.
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  • 26 1 ST. PETERSBURG RESUMING NORMAL CONDITIONS. Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 22. Russia appears to be quieting down generally. St. Petersburg is resuming its normal life.
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  • 56 1 ENORMOUS WEIGHT OF TAXATION. Renters Agency. LoMX'N, Nov. 22. The Nmnd Dcutsdic Zeitung point> out that the debt of the German Empire has increased from 3] to 175 millions sterling -ince 1877. The increasing military and naval demands, apart from other pressing financial necessities, involve fresh taxation
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  • 56 1 TO BE DELIVERED AT LONDON UNIVERSITY. Reuter s Aicncy London, Nov. zz. As a result of the liberality <>f Martin White, London University has arranged with the Japanese Government that Director-General Sawanayngi, of the Japanese Department of Education, will deliver two series of lectures in 1906 at
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  • 52 1 ONE OF THE TRANSPORTS HAS SAILED. Renters Agency. London, Nov. 22. The troubles OB the Russian transports at Nagasaki have been settled. The Japanese police have been withdrawn, but two of the vessels aiv still being guarded by torpedo boats. One of the transports has mailed with
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  • 31 1 AT CASTLE RISING WITH LORD FARQUHAR. RtaUr't A|Mcy. London, Nov. 22. King Edward has gone to (astir Rising to stay with Lord Farquhar. The shooting commences there today.
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  • 181 1 PRESENT HOSPITALS ARE UNPOPULAR. The refusal or neglect of Malays to enter Government hospitals was discussed at last meeting of the Perak State Council, says the Tuurs of Mala- ya. The British Resident enquired whether the es.ablishment of a Malay hospital, where all the staff with the
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  • 918 1 JOTTINGS FROM THE SPI< V ISLE. Boa-Oon«tHctor Qapt«r«4. A huge boa-constrictor, weighing eighty-six pounds and mcasui ing sixteen feet in length and nine inches m rir cumfercncc, was bagged on the yth inst at Hirana, by a shooting party. It is believed to be the largest »pifttirw ever
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 210 1 I^' v N js for Singapore. JOHN LITTLE A CO. Gametes Portable Engines and Boilers, foden's Steam Wagons. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUPPLIED BY THE BORNEO Company, Limited. ST VALENTINE'S BATH HOTEL. BtANCH OF HOI KL Dk l' EUROPE 2$ fiitkif Timah Road. AN IDEAL SPOT FOR A PICNIC OR WEEK
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    • 220 1 JOHN LITTLE &Co. WITH AN UNRIVALLED DISPLAY OF Toys. Dolls and Games^ CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR CARDS, TOY AND CIFT BOOKS, 1 L also A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF k NOVELTIES, ffl SUITABLE FOR ft^^^ 1 Christmas Presents, I J A?*'/ postpone buying till the last day. Buy 1 uoic and obtain
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    • 105 1 Sast Jlsian SfCercantile Co., I 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. J. A. FAY ECAN CO. W^^M^-^s^S^ I DAHL'S MILK, i I NORWEGIAN PURE COWS' MILK. THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH 1 THE FULL FLAVOUR OF FRESH S COWS' MILK IS RETAINED. J J The most flattering testimonials -from medical men.
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    • 15 1 I TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, Invigorating. A NATURAL MINKRAL WATER OF THE lIIGHKST CLASS. Sold Everywhere
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  • 363 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 23rd NOVEMBER? THE HARBOUR SCHEME. Reiner's despatches yesterday informed us that Mr. Inglis, Government Arbitrator in the Tanjong Pagar Expropriation and General Manager of the Great Western Railway, had been appointed Manager of the proposed dock and harbour works at Singapore, though
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  • 343 2 We are in receipt of letters from the prize-winners in our hidden names' competition, acknowledging the receipt of our checques of Si 4 each and saying many kind words for the Eastern Daily Mail, which commendations we shall do our best to deserve in the future, as
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  • 364 2 Thk Hon. A. Murray, Colonial Engineer, is on a visit to Penang. A Chinaman was knocked down and killed by a tram in Hongkong on the ioth inst. We would call the attention of our readers to the announcement in this issue of the appointment of R. Sinnasamy Naidoo, as
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  • 745 2 (By a Peripatetic Scribbler.) A Chinese gambler who got cleaned out on the i instant hanged himself on the same night. Vide E. D. M. •'Siam Notes" November za. To one who had been vegetating in a sun-baked patch like Bangkok, the Venice of the
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  • 250 2 METHODIST GIRLS 1 SCHOOL. Yesterday evening, the distribution of prizes to the pupils of the Methodist Curls' School, Short Street, took place in the large and commodious upper room of the school building. The place was tastefully decorated with flags and evergreems. There were a large number
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  • 57 2 The man who whispers down a well About the goods he has to sell, Won't reap the gleaming golden dollars, Like he who climbs a tree and hollers. The man who lets disease alone To wear him down to skin and bone. Won't be in health so sound and sure
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  • 722 2 Railway, not Wanted n Surely the enterpria Bori England who have H dec ILf*"^ "> must have very little ,mi, a lu n mental capacity of lc T lo of lh J The railway that al'^f PublJ territory of the QurteWrf r we arc told, begins iSi^Ej.
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  • 19 2 WHAT OUR READE RS THINK. The Kditoi m\ite« <orre«|x>ii>l< interc-t 1.. /> V writtrn on ->ne ble lor the opinion*
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  • 110 2 To the Editor ol tlu 'gIUWI W Dear Sir. Witii ref u-iu l:t tiomnj: of the proposed gresbivc Association in jroui column of to-dav, 1 hen to ing explanation. As you have km discussions arc to he avoided to obtain I i sired end "Union" I ma> .i.M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 209 2 TUCK'S HAIR and LEATHER BELTING. Por Tropical Climates. Particulars from THE BORNEO Co., Limited X'mas presents* All useful and of the best quality, they are not THOMPSON THOMAS CO. IHE AL r S TA\ I L LI N S TORES fc I|| lIIIWIIIiiIIT^riIT^TTOTMWWEaMUUBUMi j ftotei de reuropc- j I Musical
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    • 542 2 ARE YOU FOND OF MUSIC, POSSESS A PIANO, Yet can in >/ play sufficiently zcell to entertain yourself friends, You are getting a poor return on your piano, j IF IT IS A MERE ARTICLE OF FURNITURE. WITH THE Apollo Piano Player You can play ANY MUSIC ever written for
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 11 1 The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23bd, 1906.
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    • 28 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. The Netherlands Trading Society yesterday quoted the 4/ms bank rate at 2 2 3 8. The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2 t 2 5, 16.
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    • 148 1 Yesterday's Rates; On Lomdon Bank 4 m/s a/a j i<> Demand »/a 1 16 F*rivate6 m/s. 2/2 11 ir, do. 3 m/s.. 22 7 id Urn Germany Bank d d a.aa Private 3 m/a 2.26 do. 6 m/s 2.2S Oh France Bank d/d 2.73 Private 3 n-. s 2.
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    • 192 1 Tin s .f,:' Gambicr 7.05 do Cube N". 1 u.tvJ do No. 2 1 1. co Pepper. Black (ordinary S'pore) H do White, Fair LW. p.0. 33. ;o Nutmegs (1 id t«> the Ib.) „33 do (8c lo the lb.). 59, Mace (Banda) 4^. Clove- (Amboina) i3 L berian
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 441 1 BANKS, Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. RK^^K C F >^; xr •*«*»> Sterling Reserve *1u.000,0u0 ouyer Reserve 8 8.500,000 l o,ovu,{vo Ri-serve liability of Propriehirs $10,000,000 Courtof Directors. H. A. \Y. Slade, Ksq -Chairman. A. HaupC Ksq Deputy-Chairman. Hon. C, \V. iJickson. F. Salinger Esq r H SchuUrt ksq. G. 11.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 394 1 ■^apore^ Kranji Railway. lst^August, 1905, and Until Further flotiee. -M^ forJVeekjlayß and Sundy! i^... 1 S Down Trains _T ■fl x.M. A.M. ,-m M PM )M Down Trains qE S 1242 *5? I:i1 Hi i-2 s-s o w :;4 1 >lj 12.56 -> 10 St^ 4 n 0 10 -43
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      • 108 1 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. Fof Per t Singkep I^. van Ling^-t 9am Macassar &C Dc Klerk 9am Pontianak Ban HinGuan noon Malacca Lingg Khens Seng 1 pm Bato\ia Su Bdendale i pm Malacca &< Kian Ann 2 pm Bagan Giang Ann 2 pm Europe- via < olomlx) Arcadia 3pm Penang Madras
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 492 2 BANKS, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charier. Capital Reserve Liability I /soo.ooo of Proprietors J Reserve Fund ,£875,000. (Bank of England. BANKERS National Bank of Scotland 1 ThkLondon City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CTRRENT Accounts arc opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent
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      • 237 2 Compagnie des Messageries Ufa H times de France. Telegraphic Address Messagcrie Singapore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates Outward. Homewakp. E. Simons 4 Dec. Tourane 4 L)crPolynesien 18 Dec. Tonkin iS Dec. Calesonien 1 Jan. \A. Hehie 1 Jan. Oceanicn 15 Jan. ;E. Simons
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      • 44 2 Central Engine Works. €naineers t Boiler Makers, Iron and Brass Founders, and General Contractors. oil, Rice, and Saw Mills Machinery, Lancashire, Cornish and Marine Boilers, Steam Winches and Windlasses, Steam and Motor aiinrhti. ii'arinc Stores alw«ips in Stock Lablf Address: CENTRAL." Telephone No. 136.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 309 2 NEXT MAILS DUE. From Englashx Per P. Jk O. Gfaajra on Saturday afternoon, Nov. -5. From China.- Per N. D. 1.. Sachttti, Nov. 27th. Mails Ai.RtADY dkspa: i Left Sinfi Due in London Arrived < t I ND L Oci SI Od O. t Kl Oct 80 Ort H Oct
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      • 549 2 /«'r, American Ship; 1,1 8»> tons, I apt Stetson 17 Nov from Snanj; ui ill! Odoba Guthric and Co for SttMghai probably Nov -24th /s/iimut, Brit flll 505 tons, (apt Wright. 31st Oct From Christinas Js. Vth Ocl I'hosphatc and 25 ilp Houstead m Co For Christinas Is. U— -Kds.
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    • 66 3 TVRRIHI-E EXCESSES BY rL pIU NKEN TROOPS. STEAMERS AT VLADIVOSTOK loaded with refugees. P.M." Social.) Hongkong, Nov. 22. r| lC -iu^ ti()ll al Vladivostok remains *3Cmuti**!« troops, under the influence oUlrink. arc committing terrible aity-fieven steamers in theharbour rowded with refugees, but the jj* s are commencing to
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    • 40 3 THIRTY CASES SINCE OCTOBER. D. M. n Special.) HoM.KOM., N()V. 22. There have been thirty oases of bubonic plague at Osaka, Japan, since Eeend of October. 1; is feared that the disease will pit*) throughout the country.
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    • 19 3 Reuters Agency Lo.\n< Nov. 22. )fr. Arthur James Herbert, first lister to Norway, has been knighted.
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    • 25 3 ReuUrs Aiency. London, Nov. 22. Mr. Inglis denies that he has been appointed Manager of the proposed and harbour works at Singapore
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    • 27 3 k GERMANY ALONE NOT REPRESENTED. Reuter's Aiency London, Nov. 22. lhe international fleet is assembling cadi Tower sending two except Germany, which has Mediterranean.
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    • 25 3 WILL ATTEND KING HAKON. Reuter s »Bcnc». London, Nov. 22. The British battleship Caesar attends tfje entry of King HaJcoo the Seventh
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    • 32 3 AYS AT WASHINGTON. *u!»r s AfCRCy Loscdon, Nov. 22. inability to complete thc oecessan arrangements by to-morrow, the exchange of ratifications of the c-c Peace Treaty at Wash- been deferred.
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    • 35 3 D. M.' Special.) HONGKI '\<.. Nov. fhe Commission to enquire into the nassac >f missionaries in Lienchow there on Sunday. Twenty two •ere made before the arrival of >n. All is now verv
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    • 324 3 CHARGED WITH CHEATING. morning, Mr. Seth resumed Ihe preliminary enquiry into the •ns of criminal breach of trust rgery brought against L. P. Relic* by the Post Office authonspector Kirke conducted the en- G. Herbert Burns, Assistant lian Stores, gave evidence ect that he had recently receiv- bearing
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    • 74 3 Hnli a^'c, superintendent of the pan'- Submai inc Torpedo DoatComrom V ias return cd to America ri "l c Ori ent says tliat the ?übmaGovr S P urchas «d by tlifjapanese nn r mem from his compaivy played as th art n lhc batt 'eof the Sea
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    • 1174 3 THIEVES TERRORIZE OLD PEOPLE WITH THREATS. Lim Ah Be, Chan Cho and Lo Heng Chief f eS r day arrai S n <* before thl Chief Justice on a charge of gang robbery, to which they entered a plea tf not guilty." The alleged offence wa commuted on
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    • 1685 3 ACQUITTAL OF ACCUSED. JUSTIFICATION CONTENDED. The hearing of the case of Louis oaldacci, a member of the crew of the M. M. s. s. Laos, was resumed this morning. Inspector Hart stated that he was instructed to bring the prisoner to the prosecutor when the latter's condition
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    • 107 3 A Chinese passenger brought some 25 letters from Bangkok yesterdav. There were 10 or 12 unstamped letters among them. It is alleged that on seeing the letters the chiming asked thc man for 520.00 and this amount was handed to him. The letters were then returned to the
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    • 49 3 Mr. A. Lea of the B. and F. Bible Society, will deliver an address before the Chinese Christian Association at their new Hall in Prinsep Street, on Friday at 8 p.m. Subject:—The Advent and Influence of the West on the Malay Archipelago. All are welcome.
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    • 112 3 The following properties were sold by auction at Powell Co's Saleroom on Tuesday afternoon:— Four shophouses Nos. 1, 2 3 Church Street and No. 25 Philip street, Singapore, 1654 square feet, lease 999 years. Monthly rent $230. K. A. Somasundram Chitty, $25,000. Two shophouses, No. 243 Telok
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    • 92 3 ENTERTAINS FRENCH VISITORS. Tuesday night the Hotel de L'Europe was filled, every available seat being occupied. The passengers from the French Mail appeared to have mustered in full force, and the hotel was graced by the presence of a large number of ladies, a fact which
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
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      • 520 3 NOTICE. In thk goods of RICHARD OWEN NORRIS, Deceased. PURSUANT to Section 4 r> of the Conveyancing and Law ot Propertv Ordinance 1886, notice is hereby given that all creditors or other persons having any claims and demands upon or against the estate of Richard Owen Norris, late of Payah
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      • 449 3 ROBINSON and Co. A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks in the following sizes 24 in. 27 in. 30 in. 32 in. and yi in. Star of India/' Very Superior Steel
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 647 4 Coghlan Co. Licensed Auctioneers House Estate Agents. Land Valuers, Commission Agents, Appraisers, Insurance Agents (Fire, Life Marine), Fire loss Adjusters, Brokers ior Steamers, and Sailing Vessels, Stock Auditors, and Com- pany Promoters 16. year's constant local experience, 1889 to 1905. NOTICE. Catalogues will be issued and the Goods will be
        647 words
      • 340 4 I THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE I INSURANCE CO. I What is the use of saying the best Company," the strongest I Company," the largest Company." I Any one can say this. I WE I Say simply The China mutual I Liife Insurance Co., Litd. I A British Liocal Co., that
        340 words
      • 340 4 The Way to Set a Fortune j Is to buy an Electric Cinematograph. j A few (lays' receipts repay all your costs. The Cinematograph has had an enormous success all over the world. for a Complete Installation apply to Jjevt/SCermanos 3, BATTERY ROAD, who keeps also a large stock of
        340 words
      • 350 4 Japan Coals THE Mitsui Bussan Kaisha RNTSUI A C#.) Head Office: No. i, SURUGA-CHO, Tokio London Branch 34, LIME STREET, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GREEN, Other Branches New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka,
        350 words
      • 527 4 \s *v_^B| l___ir^^^l_. _H j_y s;;i^^^^Kj^ D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED,!^ PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted A To Let. Situations Wanted A Vacant. Exchange A Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Month j 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00
        527 words
      • 384 4 TO BE LET. i«rpo BE LET -A,,,,, iJTrj 106. Orchard Road L NI) entry. Apply to lm nicdiat e M. SALOMON i son _Sep Li 6 N 7- Batter, BE LET tlic plcasamij rcs.denccs fronting sc.slkJ?* federate Estate, all comfortablv fun Known as: Bt«iollM Ch apply to L lIKKMKM S.y.
        384 words