Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 22 November 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 84 1 NOTES AND NEWS FROM LONDON. LOSS OF THE 'HILDA. PASSENGERS WERE ASLEEP. Muter Aganey. London, Nov. 21. The cross-channel steamer Hilda, lost on the French coast with all save five of her passengers and crew, steamed into a fog and struck the rocks when only three
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  • 37 1 INGLIS APPOINTED GENERAL MANAGER. Heutcr s Agonoy London, Nov. tl. Mr. Inglis, General Manager of the Great Western Railway, has been appointed General Manager of the docks and harbour to be constructed at Singapore.
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  • 66 1 BANNERS HAD lOLKNT INSCRIPTIONS. Reuters Agency LoM)o\ t Nov. it. Ten thousand unemployed paraded the West End yesterday an<l ■fter\vard> held a Meeting in Hyde I'ark to demand relief works. Many of the banners contained violent inscriptions, but the proceedings were of the most orderly character. There
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  • 47 1 RUSSIAN REPRESSIVE POLICY CONDEMNED. Reuters Agency London, Nov. 21. A Zemstvo Congress representing 39 Zemstvos and 39 municipalities nut at Moscow yesterday, the Liberal leaders attending. The speakers cmpha-i/cd the anomalv of freedom granted by the Imperial Manifesto! and the repressive policy ot' the Government.
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  • 530 1 REVIEW OF LIFE OF SIR ANDREW CLARKE. In the Daily ChrnnuU we tind the following passage of local interest in review by J. M." of the Life of General Sir Andrew Clarke, <.. i. m. -11 If," Sir Andrew Clarke once said to the present writer, I
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  • 291 1 An Indian British Mibject, lunatic who had been giving al«»toft oublc in Bangkok, was mhi down to Singa pore in charge <>t two constables on the 1 2th inst. Thl Bangkok jntlue Ml Betting new ambulances. 1 hey are elegant little vehicles with green shades and Im yrlc
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  • 485 1 EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS BEING MADE According to the Mulmnntuuian, the Mahai-aiah of Jeypore, thi Maharajah of Bobbli, the Rajah of Wnkatagii i and the K ij.ih ot Kapilr-waiapuram (Godavcry District) haw undertaken to put up triumphal ailhtl at various points Oil the POUte, OH th< occasion
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  • 144 1 SITES FOR DEFENSIVE WORKS HO6CJI According to a -|H«i.il r.ihU-^ram to the- Manila luh-nr.it/, < Lit o« 1 San Francisco, Novemba r 1 1 Secretaiy Tali, who hi* milking an inv< -ti gation of condition* <'ii the tana 1 zone, accompanied l»\ < nloiltl KdwanK, ln>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 391 1 Illi ",,:u;:....— r^f* t iGfIfTS FOR SIMCAFOWt JOHN LITTLE CO. Jeffrey's Edinburgh Stout $14.00 Per Case of 7 doz. pints. Of all Dealers. stTvalentine^s bath hotel ItAMCH OF HOTEL 4>i; L 1 El ROPK Ihtkit Timak Ruad. AX IDEAL SPOT FOR A PICNIC OR WEEK END. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ROOMS
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    • 59 1 JOHN LITTLE Co. qp^^teoßi BAZAAR. WITH AN UNRIVALLED DISPLAY OF 40|| Toys, Dolls and Games CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR CARDS, TOY j i AND CIFT BOOKS, 1 ALSO A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF NOVELTIES, Sfi SUITABLE FOR I! S^S^ Christmas Sresents, 1 5 Don* t postpone buying titl the last day Buy
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    • 108 1 Sast 3lsian SfCercantile Co., 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. J. A. FAY ECAN CO. Economical and Durable. s!"^- '"s^*^^^ _3I j DAHL^S MILK, I NORWEGIAN PURE COWS' MILK. J THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH I S THE FULL FLAVOUR OF FRESH 1 COWS' MILK IS RETAINED. J The most flattering
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    • 18 1 Buchanan's Red Seal nt Guaranteed 7 Years Old. "A Sunk Stoitii Whisky. i. i KXIIPTIONALIV (i«K)I) VALI t.
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  • 83 2 Established, Skpt. 4TH, 1905. Published at 58-2. Hill Street Singapore Subscription. Daily Local $3 50 per quarter Outstations $4.50 Telephone No. 972. AH contributions must be addressed to "The Editor," written on one side of the paper only, accompanied by the writer's name and address, not
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  • 486 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 22nd NOVEMBER. GOVERNMENT CLERKS. The departure of Lord Curzon from I India is being signalized by numerous displays of friendly feeling from different portions of the country over which he has long been in authority. Among the addresses presented to him was
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  • 322 2 In another column will be found a communication from an Indian correspondent on a subject which we have already intimated cannot l>c profitably discussed in these columns. But in that letter he refers to the proposed organisation of a society, to be something on the order of
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  • 162 2 The Pinang Gazelle takes exception to our criticisms on the paper hunt as carried out here and the moral which we drew from the sad death of Mr. Woods, which, the Gazette says, u was not due in any way to the excitements or difficulties of the
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  • 15 2 A case of bubonic plague was discovered at Osaka, Japan, on the sth inst. J
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  • 181 2 One may make a tolerably good though by no means an accurate guess at the state of crime in a place by a careful study of the work placed before the magistrates. This fluctuates very materially, and one is put to it to account for that fact.
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  • 92 2 SHIPMENT OF ORANG-l TANGS. Ten orang-utnngs arrived lure yesterday by the s. t>. Ban What! Soon from Borneo. Four of them arc magnificent animals each being between five and six feet in height. Two arc males and two females, eacli of the latter having a young
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  • 135 2 AT MARSEILLES MONDAY We deeply regret to announce the unexpected death of Mr. F. D. Mac taggart of lever at Marseille-, yesterday, while he was 00 hi- way home from Singapore. The deceased gentleman fiiM eajßC out to the Straits in 1886. a- ■ssilfinl
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  • 207 2 AT MESSRS. BAKICH v v CO'S PREMISES Yesterday at about 1.45 p.m a workman bottling spirits of u me at Mc^r^, Barugh Co'l work- in Bra-- Bfttttl Rd., desired to indulge In a cigarette. He had no sooner lit it, when the spirit bottling machine wa- ablaze.
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  • 169 2 FOIR SENTENCED FOR MLR HER. The chief topic of argument in Sontli Africa at the present time i> what action the Liberalism will take ibould they come into [Kmcr at the next General Flections. Several leading Liberalise have expressed their decision to reship all the
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  • 91 2 rhc hearing of the case of Uiiniivnh Chitty v. Ramasamy, set down far hearing at the Police Courts yesterday was postponed on the application of Mr. Gaunt, who is retained for the defence. The man Armogum, who is alleged to have assisted Ramasamy in his operations on the
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  • 50 2 Mr. E. W. Brabrook, the representative of the well-known firm, the Chi cago Link Belt Company, who are interested in the lifting of heavy materials in tjie loading of ships, leaves Singapore for good this morning by the French Mail, to open a branch office of his house in Japan.
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  • 85 2 hcanlyest< I <l. lv <**» ChauWauK S. »r hav.ng an illr K iblp T?* AnHini ing no co,» jwdcow, an/ also MeniMiiberonhU a %l fUiltyonboth rha >^ he had a lice.w, the twakou h, lan Aw. land, Uiua.Soon were a ing illegible numlH Ther pleaded brought n^a.ns, lll(
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  • 45 2 Chai^^tu 1 put «,f the y here by the instant 11,, Saxony l,v I I It is very artisii, nicel) gotu flags an all marked in names Resident flag Ih, |a* unmounted Mr lest. .m trouble in comp well worth th« p
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  • 44 2 AcafVßjpoodsjM -.mriimes stop l other bridges take them u,. tnc bridgei nu way, iv* the Mrdfhi of tl lie also saya thai 1 covered s/ayi ng, the lelt when it ra ua_\ ppo I similar r<.\( red urßafllesHot plat'c-, our corn ;>
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  • 13 2 1 <• 1 n eie«t 1.. /> wntten on on* «i,le
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  • 303 2 To t ject took U| and if topic for chit-*, ai elite circh people in all directions. I mcm subject in a- m,i> mutual s>mpai the Kt A applit.this: "W, established u opsaad up roi done a thousand Orientals that t and yet they be?
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 254 2 BUCHANAN'S. "RED SEAL," 7-YEARS OLD. BUCK WHITE," 12-YEARS' OLD. OF ALL "DEALERS. JARE YOU FOND OF MUSIC,? POSSESS A PIANO,? Yei cannot play sufficiently well to entertain yourself friends, Yc;s sre getting a pcor return on your p^r.no. IF IT IS A MERE ARTICLE OF FURNITURE. with mi Apollo Piano
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    • 539 2 FIICCPI I r «^u^nß^tl I Th« Real Thing At LatttM B V' PUR£ R| CH I 49~~ Is NOT a Makeshift A |f|| JA H PURE Mount-^^*^^"^*^"^^^* LSm^^^M Wt^^% in P-istur" CREAM. Put up in Sterilized Tins. I Guaranteed quite Pure. Contains no Bh^ Keeps Kood^^ VH C^ anywhere. Small
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 122 2 COWING EVENTS. To-day, 22t>d November. High Water. 6.22 a.m. 6.17 p.m. Hockey. S.C.C. v. R. E. P. cS; O. homeward mail due. Hotel de 1' Europe. Musical Tiffin Dinner. Thursday, 2frd November. High Water. 7.18 a.m. 7.36 p.m. P. O. Homeward Mail due. Popular Orchestral Concert, 9 p.m. Hotel de
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  • The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 11 1 The Eastern Daily Mail. COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22rd, 1905.
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    • 23 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. The Netherlands Trading Society yesterday quoted the 4 ins bank rate at 22 3/8. TheMercantric Bank quoted it at 2/2 5/16.
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    • 148 1 Yistkrday's Rates. On London- Bank 4 nrs l/j 516 Demand t/j 1 16 Private 6 m/s 2/2 1 1/1 6 do. 3m,s. 2, 2 7 16 On Germany Bank d,d 2.2? Private 3 m/s 2.26 do. 6 m s 2.28 On Frame Bank d,d 1.73 Private jn/s.. 2.78 do.
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    • 193 1 Tin $S--57: Cambier 7*95 do Cube No 1 i-37i do do No. 2 1 1. co Pepper, Black (ordivirv s'pore) H 27,^0 do White, Fair LW. B px. ss->z Nutmegs (1 ic t<> the lb.) $3. do {60 to the lb.). 59. Mace (Banda) '45C'l«»ve< (Amboina) 35 ÜberUm Coffee
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 438 1 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. I'Ain-Ul' CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND: Stfrliny Reserre $10,000,0001 •iwk/miivw* Silvrr K.-srrv.- SB.OUU.UUOj li >- 500 UOO Reserve Uabifity <>t Proyrietoft $10,000,000 Courtof Directors. H. A. W, Slath-. Ksq -Chairman. A. Haupt, Ksq -D«'puty-Chairman. Hon. C. W. hit ksoii. Ssiiiwer, Ksq. K. C»i>et/. Ksq. H. Schubart,
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 940 1 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further* Hotiee. Trains Service for Week Days and Sundays Kxuu Ira.n- m __f_ Sandaya only. Down Trains Down Trains A.M. A.M. A.M. A. M. P.M. P.M. PM. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. SINGAPORE it b.oo 6.36 *****.00 12.35 2.02 3.1b
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      • 114 1 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. For Per At Batavia La >cync Sam Hongkong Lightning "am Anamba Natuna Isl Batavier 9 a m P Swet'ham Penanß Kistna 1 p m Hatavia &c. Edendale 2 p nj Muar Malacca Sultan 2 p m Muntok <N: Palembang Ci G Meyer 2 p m Penang Calcutta
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 486 2 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Capital ,£BOOOOO, Reservi Uamuty /-goo.ooo OF PROPRIETORS A Reserve Fund (Bank of England. BANKERS National Bank of Scotland TheLondon City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CURRENT Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent per annum
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      • 226 2 Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes de France. Telegraphic Address Mcssagcric Singapore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates Outward. Homf.w\ki>. A. He hie 20 Nov. Sa/mic 20 Nov. E. Simon* 4 Dec. Tourane 4 Dec. Polynesien 18 Dec. Tonkin 18 Dec. The Batavia annex s.s. La
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      • 44 2 Central Engine Works. €n9ineers t Boiler Makers, Iron and Brass founders, and General contractors. Oil, Rice, and Saw Mills Machinery, Lancashire, Cornish and Marine Boilers, Steam Winches and Windlasses, Steam aud Motor Launches. ii-arinc Stores alwaps in Stock Cable hhhrss Ckntral." Telephone No. 136.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 334 2 NEXT MAILS DUE. Frum Kv.i.ano. Per P, O. CfctfMN on Saturday attcrnoo l, Nov. r;. FROM China. Per W ft .l>r<iiii>t, t<>-day, Nov. 22. Mails, already dksiatcheu for BUBOTB. Lett Sing Due in London Arrived Oct 2 N D L Oct 27 Oct 96 O< t B B 1 Oct
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      • 550 2 Ivy, American Ship; 1.180 tons, (apt Stetson 17 Nov from Shanghai '2 1st October Guthric and Co for Shanghai probably Nov 24th Islander, Brit str 505 tons, apt Wright, 31st Oct From Christmas Is. 27th Oct Phosphate and 25 dp Boustead Co For Christmas Is. U— Kds. Kaka, Sar 222,
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      • 685 2 CLEARANCES. KttSKlhg, for Sarawak. Ruby, 1'alcmbang. Lightning, Hongkong. E^iilie, Rliio. Han Whatt SoOO Penang. Sri Muar, Malacca. Mcna. Batu PaliaL Carlylc, Tort Suettcnliam via ports. Sri Tringganu, Bagan via ports. I lydra, Bombay. Kaka, Sarawak. Ophir. Palcmbang. Hong Wan 1, Hongkong, Amoy ami Swatow. Hong Mob, Penang. Novi MM i<
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    • 80 3 PLENIPOTENTIARIES WILL niSCTSS CONFLICTING QUESTIONS. D. Mr Social.) HONCKONC, NOV. 21. The Chinese and Japanese plenipoicntiaries will discuss Japan's claim to die lease of the Liaottmp; Peninsula; die ownership of the Chinese Eastern Railway; the question of Railway Guards, Military Telegraphs and Posts in Manchuria; the re-building
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    • 68 3 ON BOARD TRANSPORT WITH MUTINOUS SOLDIERS. ("E.D.M." Spam/.) Hongkong, Nov. 21. Seven thousand Russians on tlnve transports lying in the harbour of Nagasaki are in a mutinous condition, ffhc Commanders of the vessels have appealed to the Japanese for assistance and three torpedo boats have been stationed
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    • 47 3 kU>DRESS BY CAIIPBE] IBANNERMAN. V'E. D. Mr Social.) London, Nov. si. Speaking in London, tin Kt. Hon. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannennan endorsed Lord Lansdowne'a foreign policy and also the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, but expressed dissatisfaction with the clause regarding the defence of India, which England alone must
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    • 24 3 WAS ATTACKING GERMAN CONVOY. Reuttrs Aieney. London, Nov. j i. I'b.L noted Hottentot leader, Witboi. killed while attacking a German convoy.
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    • 28 3 RETURNS TO BUCKINGHAM PALACE. London, Nov. si. Their Majesties King Edward and the K g Greece have arrived at Buckingham Palace. King Edward limped slightly.
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    • 47 3 GLASGOW VICTIMS SUFFOCATED. Reuters Agency. Loni oin, Nov. -i I lie Glasgow tenement which was I tted yesterday mras occupied by (68 the p. on M class, thirty-nine of i »n perished through suffocation, being jammed closely together. There were w reral heroic rcsrm ■>.
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    • 53 3 BASED ON JAPANESE PROMISES. Renter's Agency L< »M'(j\, Nov. 21. Korea and Jap&n Have signed a con- »n transferrin^Korean diplomatic fn "7i Seoul to Tokyo and pr< >viding that a Japanese < i<>venvr-(ieneral -hall be in charge at SeouL n promises that, when Korea is -uhicitntly developed, diplomatic
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    • 30 3 Reuters Agency. Lomm Nov. 21. Prince Leopold Duke of Albany, and Prince I uis of Hatter.berg, who pro- wintering in Kgypt, have sailed on the Ormuz.
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    • 24 3 Renter'* Agency. LONDON, NOV. >1. Hie ratifications of '.he RussoJapanese Peace Treaty will be exchanged .t Washington on the 22nd m-t.
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    • 139 3 During the very early hours of the •7"i inst., Goh II ing Sun contrived to into Xo. 5 Xarcis Street, occupied by Goh Thin, who was roused by the noise caused by the tall of a picture. He went down, opened the door and Goh HingSun
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    • 88 3 'l>c public arc cordially invited to tend a temperance meeting to be 1 gv«i under the auspices of the u C T. U. at the M. E. Church on L( 'lcmnn Street, to-morrow, Thursday The following programme nasbeen prepared: Hymn by the Choir. Devotional Exercisea
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    • 1727 3 TWO ACCUSED SENTENCED TO FOUR AND THREE YEARS IMPRISONMENT. Goh Boon Tok and Soon 800 came up far trial before Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, yesterday, the former on a charge of theft as a servant and the latter for retaining stolen property viz dollars 2084.86, belonging to
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    • 189 3 It is very gratifying to learn that Mr. Shallcrass, the energetic manager of the Australian Stores, lias become =0 interested in the rifle shooting of the local volunteers that he has given a prize in the fbnn of a shield, which is now on view at
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    • 64 3 Li 111 Koh Siong and Amatjin were •^arrested on Sunday for possession of $15.67 and 06.14 worth of Sarawak copper coins, respectively. Yesterday, Inspector Reynolds charged th«-m with an infringement of the orders of the Governor in Council prohibiting the importation of these coins. The defendants pleaded
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    • 1263 3 FRENCH SAILOR CHARGED WITH STABBING. Cmmm Being Continued. 1-ouis Baldacci was placed on his trial yesterday afternoon on a charge of for stabbing a Chinese coohe overseer at Borneo wharf on the 25th September last. On being arraigned, prisoner pleaded "not guilty." The Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr.
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    • 132 3 N L Coghtan and Co Nov. 22 At I 'uttfarcken &Co.'s premises stock in trade. 10. 30 a.m. 2-2-AtFuttfarcken Co.'s Premiss, X'mas and New Year I resents II a.m. 23— At Sale-room, X'mas goods. Ii a.m. n 24— At Sale-room, X'mas goods. Il a.m] 27— At Sale-room, European
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
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      • 255 3 THEBTRAITB ENQUIRY AND REGISTRATION ACENCY. (H. A. CRANE Co.) Forthcoming Auction Sales. Nov. 23rd at 33 and 34 Smith Streti Household Fumituiv 11 a. m. at 24 North Boat Quay. Iron safes :uu\ shop farni turc 12.30 p. tn. t at Sales Room. 14 pieces of freehold land situate at
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      • 469 3 ROBINSON 1 w^ and Co, I A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. I OUR SPECIAL STEEL CAlil.X I RI.XKS if The "Empress** I Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks in the followinq sizes 24 in. 27 in. 30 in. 32 in. and 34
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 571 4 Coghlan Co. Licensed Auctioneers House Estate Agents. Land Valuers, Commission Agents, Appraisers, Insurance Agents (Fire, Life Marine), Fire los^ Adjusters, Brokers tor Steamers, and Sailing Vessels, Stock Auditors, and Company Promoters 16. year's constant local experience, 1889 to 1905. NOTICE. Catalogues will be issued and the Goods will be on
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      • 348 4 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. What is the use of saying the best Company," the strongest Company, the largest Company." Any one can say this. WE Say simply The China mutual liife Insurance Co., Litd, A British Liocal Co, that tells the whole stoi;y. Messrs. HaNKINA Knockkr, Managers. China
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      • 324 4 The Way to Set a Fortune Is to buy an Electric Cinematograph. I A few days' receipts repay all your costs. The Cinematograph has had an en- ormous success all over the world. For a Complete Installation apply to I J^evy SCermanos 3, BATTERY ROAD. who keeps also a large
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      • 358 4 Japan Coals THE Mitsui Bussan Kalsha MITSUI A Co.) Head Office: No. I, SURUGA-CHO, Tokio London Branch 34, LlMs STREET. E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GREEN, Other Branches New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Che/00, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka,
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      • 506 4 >^^^_i_K__'X E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED, ETC, PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted To Let. Situation* Wanted A Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Wkek. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. i. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 tts
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      • 380 4 TO BE LET. iC-pO BE LET "Ann, H USC^T 1 .06 Orchard Road. ?S, J entry. Apply to M. SALOMON v so\ Sept. ,6. JO BB.LET.thc pleasantly itu t^ resi.lcuccs fronting schs| federate Estate, allcomfortablv furni Known a.: Btniollnt M^« Udl""BtlmontMou»a.- Fo pmfcJJ apply to L HERMENT, i. Chmtgt A!..
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