Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 18 November 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 137 1 DISTINGUISH THEMSELVES IN AUSTRALIA. A time is perhaps not far distant, says a home journal, when England may be visited by lady Australian cricketing teams. Th* game appears to be increasing m popularity with the fair sex m Sydney and Melbourne, and matches between feminine clubs and rival
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  • 105 1 The L. and A.v/>/vss stales that the Salvation Army regards it-^ work m Japan as so promising that Ixlore General Booth goes to visit that country next spring he has determined to give it special assistance. To this end he has issued an appeal for
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  • 163 1 The Bishop of Bendigo eulogized tlic Chinese character, m an addrt -s at the Town-hall last night, -ays the Sv(/ur\ Evening AVa.s of 30th ult., while ■peaking on the subject of foreign missions. lie said that he would Father have a decent, respectable Chinese, although
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  • 93 1 Ihe Koknnun Ptpoitl that the Russian arms and ammunition captured during the Jate war include 70 guns, 130,000 rirtes and 50,000,00 c rounds of ritle aiMmunition. tlie ,?-in. quick-firing guns being ot the latest pattern. The Japan Mm/ suggests that the old Roman fora of
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  • 121 1 The .V.-'". Daily AfaM Mam that the unbroken scries of Japanese -victories over Russia m Manchuria, m which Japan's artillery played the awal conspicuous part, have natuallv influenced Chinese officials m charge of the Government araanali and powder works m that country. The manager of
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  • 112 1 An officer of a Yorkshire Yeomanry regiment m an address to his men BMMfc a stirring allusion to the medals worn by some army veterans m the rank-. One of the volunteers went home afterward m a very thoughtful frame of mind, and the next
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  • 112 1 Moses E^ekiel, the Roman sculptor, said at a recent luncheon Whenever I sec a toothpick I think of a dinner that wit given m Komc m honour of two Turkish noblemen. 1 sat beside the younger of the noblemen. He flittered with gold embroidery and great
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  • 871 1 ON I.MAN AND IMF ANci.n-jAIWNKsi: TREATY, Impressions of the Country. Sir Mil hat I II icks-Beach ha* Ix-en interviewed bj a upu-s« nt.it i\« <-t the 1nit's of Cn/im. When asked for thi privtten of an interview, Sir Michaen readiness m ■■■cnting was only chock* (1 by
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  • 69 1 Dr. Prastoa King, of Bath, snganats m the l.ttmrt that coiidrmucd nninhriv should have the option <•« "submitting themselves to -onic simple patholsjgicni experiment'" a^ an alternative to bring hanged. "While ■OCiefJ» M writes Dr. King, "still decrees that for its own safety man's life may btOOßsl forfeit t(» the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 557 1 F I 'KING "'TOBAC' »"•< ITT I S x ,,i m^ for Singapore, JOHN LITTLE A CO. I OS III! TIMBER W«»KK »h BUIUNII6 WILL I l I KHAI.LV PRESERVE IT ROM Al lACK or I>KV ROT WHITI AWTB rEREDOS. "^ST VALENTINE'S BATH HOTEIT" branch of hotel db l 1
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    • 272 1 111 I" A Coot of Uodilite. k I I Eh A OW Till TIMNEK WORK m lew Dollars Spent on J ode lite Often mmmm wu S-A."VICS THOTJSAIT3DS. «m«u4u.»«M«».n T H W 4ry FROM ATTACK OF DRY ROT, IjvIPOHTERS: BORNEO Company, Limited. 1~ v The Straits Cycle and Motor Coy.
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    • 16 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, Invigorating. A N.\l URAL MINERAL WATER OF THE HIGHEST I ASS. Sold Everywhere
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  • 460 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY. 18th NOVEMBER. TROUBLE AHEAD. The American party of official! which lately toured the Philippines has returned to the States and its members have been interviewed by representatives of the American Press. Mo>t of them do not appear to be over optimistfc regarding
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  • 1074 2 FULL STORY OF THE TRAGEDY. AS RELATED BY_THE SURVIVORS. A correspondent writing from Samshui states that the. party sent up the river to bring Dr. Machle and Miss Patterson down, reached Samshui on the Bth inst. From them lie was able to gather the full story of the
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  • 20 2 Onk hundred dollars, being two months allowance for two assistant health officers were voted at the Municipal Commissioner's meeting yesterday.
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  • 1277 2 Present His Excellency the Governor bir John Anderson, k c.m.g. The HonT.lc the Acting Colonial Secretary K. L. BrocksjUUL The Hon'ble tlie Attoi ney-Cicncral \V, K. CoUyCT, ivo. The Hon blc the Acting Colonial Treasurer J. C). An'honi z. The Hon'blc G. S. Murray. The Hon'bleTan Jiak Kirn.
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  • 102 2 Ihe S.VA m t A. < Foresters <»n the ■n M Ai Home started p tuba ten men. t- ed by a largi half, A Co. 8< kirk off. I ig nil gh thi waft, h timt saw A. Co riic s v..\ die eomi L-ut slacked off
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  • 102 2 11,I 1 v. .v i\ < cording :.> tlic tUM v ptembei Well-know i ami •poke about i loan a wealthy C hina Towkay. effected, tiN t«. Cho A couotrnaiH ed bj Wee K.i\ I lolc I V>\ and by I was di* i nenhadclM ated
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  • 61 2 Chu A Vow wan m S l\- 1 ut <mW.. J v drew hi- attention I the shoulder, whik to jx.-se^- himscll of lnChain, but was ca the other i*an d V't leant Nolan charn who gave tioiil)!< io I ing
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  • 34 2 from Canton *i troubl arising oul oi nrarch rs at Licti-cliau pron devdopmeotiii It i> reported from tl" ilu- resUcssncM sprcadiiii to th« m and the hitherto pi tin- Mage* m <
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  • 30 2 A lull iiun.i Oi thi I Diumi anil Hfc I" ordered t«> pan for the purpo [fweathei conditions good i».cuir« should result n d.nil.tlr^bc tr,..-..00 after life.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 TUCK'S HAIR and LEATHER BELTING For Tropical Climates. Particulars from THE BORNEO Co., Limited. Feal Thing at L. t B^jk v. keeps crooJ^^- %M flMHB|^Hk hta^___ --^tySafct Small Tins Per doz. 2.60, per tin cents. Large Tins Per doz. }.60, per tin cents THOMPSON THOMAS CO, THE *I L S
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    • 534 2 ARE YOU FOND OF MUSIC,? POSSESS A PIANO,? Yet cannot play sufficiently well to entertain yourself "c> j'rinds, You are getting a poor return on your piano, IF IT IS A xMERE ARTICLE OF FURNITURE. WITH THE Apollo Piano Player You can play ANY MIMIC ever written for piano, and
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    • 56 2 OPERA INDRA JAVA Grand Gala Night To-Night, Sat irday Nov. 18th 1905 1 M I JOHAR MAN! CUM THEATRICAL COMPANY OF SINGAPORE. At the Novelty Theatre Hall, 485, North Bridge Road, Will put on the Stage under experienced management. The well-known Play Romeo Juliet by Shakespere I>.>iu miss thta ■plendkj
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  • 60 3 .cKS FACTORY HANDS TO RETURN TO WORK. Router Agency London, Nov. 17. fount de Vv ttr has issncd an *PpcsJ v lory hands saying: return to work. Pity your an d children. Do not heed evil lj ors jsten to a man who loves do
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  • 34 3 SUBSCRIBED. Rtuter* Agency \a >n doM| Nov. 17. Q uce a'si and Lord Mayor's funds tr the unemployed have been cointo prevent overlapping. The ,-,uhi> a rcci ved is over ,{.14,000.
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  • 43 3 rR OD !N RABBI T HOLE. Reut6:'» Aj«.-jcy 1 im>< >\. Nov. 1 7. jv rd while shooting at |iV m a rabbit hole and the right leg above the j c 1 back to the Castle walk to his room.
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  • 65 3 RUSSIAN REVOLUTION NOW A FACT. Reuters Agency London, Nov. 17. m Russ 1 -how a elusive 5j lne 'iuto--1 has begun. There -•.-.ike. outbreak at St. Peters- moment The i so g t that the British g g 1 send off all nesses, etc. n must do
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  • 33 3 CITS' LECTURE Reuters Agency No\ 1 7. g before the N Western 51 rious tig< ith es were I ne< t her fron- iry training IKOrtCIION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
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  • 70 3 O'£. D.Mr Special.) w London, Nov. 17. At a Lniomst meeting held on the Isjn inst., a resolution m favour of protection was unanimously passed y Mr. Baltour said he was neither a trader nor protectionist, his aim bang to secure the party's free action. mis
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  • 21 3 £D. Mr Special.) London, Nov. 17. Ihe prospects of the Japanese loan being subscribed are of the brightest.
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  • 31 3 AMERICAN CRUISER LEAVES LISBON. D. Mr SpecmL) LONDON, Nov. 17. Ihe American cruiser Minneapolis has been ordered to leave Lisbon immediately m order to protect Americans at Cronstadt.
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  • 56 3 BANQUET TO BARON HAYASHL RtuUr't A|«ac>. London, Nov. 17. Baron Hayashi. being entertained at a banquet given by the London Chamber of Commerce* said that since the termination of the war the Japanese were resolved to do every tiling to secure peace. He intended to remain
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  • 24 3 Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 1 7. The results of the Derby Cup are as follows (1 Catscradle. (2) Airship. (3) [mart
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  • 20 3 Router s Agency. London. Nov. 1 7. The insurgents m Crete have agreed to surrender their arms.
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  • 27 3 Reuter's Agency I.OMx >.\, NOV. 1 7The strike has extended to the St. Petersburg and Moscow Railway line, thus g off communication between those citi<
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  • 17 3 Reuter < Agaery. London, Nov. 17. The strike m the French dockyards has practically coliapsed.
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  • 21 3 RIES F< >R Reuters Agency. P' 1 has been •vide luxurk s wh<> w ill m Ru —m.
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  • 69 3 ASES Bryant m the municipal g en and a Malay g< Road, v.ere fined 1 ping their hou 565 on. who keep an opium Street id to pay five >unl rtn premi&anitary condition. ricksha on the five foot s uiulcted m the Cheng Wei and -.men were
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  • 60 3 Trading Company on yesterday before the rntun through Mr. Carver, an order appointing Interim Re- tyna Abdul--5 Kling Sti rt. a clothshop that the said Abdul- m m the amount sold and deliiat he is unable to pay. ippean for the debtor as given for hop to
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  • 30 3 week Examinatioai have •rfive commercial scholarnth, Suable Guthric scholarships :i nioml, cah) are beinj; U 'HV <>U S lli< B<ven Bcholawhipß >"shed m our column- m UL course
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  • 52 3 I 1. ereting of the Munitioners yesterday afterii meeting was called when that a new gun be sup■"^tothe official dog shooter. ll(1 rVai sport C In, lan came •rtth t, lllis m °niing at about 8.30 A U '-I- 'D hard ;nd left after 'In' < 1-,<.iit* for Saigon 11
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  • 189 3 KHO I KIAP SI AND GOH CHOO FOUND GUILTY. The last of the murder cases before the November Assizes was concluded yesterday at about noon, the accused, Khoo Kiap Si and Goh Choo. being found guilty by a unanimous verdict of the special jury, after about fifteen
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  • 64 3 Y. sterday afternoon a Public meeting was held m the Singapore Exchange m connection with the annual N< w year's sports. Mr." W. E. Hooper was voted to the chair. The meeting which was fairly well attended, elected Mr. G. P. Owen, General Secretary, Mr.
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  • 136 3 Choral Matins, Church Parade S.V.C. < a.m. Holy "mmunion Choral), 7-4 o a m. Holy Communion (Plain), 9-I. *> a.m. Evensong and Sermon, 5-30 p. m. S. Mathcws, Sepoy Lines. Foo Chow Service, lUU a.m. Evensong and Sermon, S-15 p. m. The V WC A. V.M.C A.
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  • 32 3 I dreamt that I tossed on a Jever'd bed, With a phial of liquid pure, And I read on the label a magic name I iwas Woods' Great Pe P |>erm.nt Cure.
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  • 1770 3 lhe usual meeting was held yesterday afternoon, when there were present j Mr. Broadrick (President) Mr. I. Polglase (Secretary) Dr. Murray Robertson, l)r. Lim Boon Keng, and Messrs. Macbean, Chope, Bay lev Coghlan, McArthur, and Cheng Keng The financial statement was laid on the table showing the cash
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  • 145 3 (Mercantile Bank.) Yesterday's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 516 Demand 2/2 116 Private 6 m/s. 2/2 1116 do. 3 m/s. 2/2 716 On Germany Bank d, d 2.22 Private 3 m/s 2.26 do. 6 m/s 2.2S On France Bank d d 2.73 Private 3 m/s 2.78 do.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 549 3 ROBINSON a.nd 00. A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety I Lever Locks m the following sizes j 24 m. 27 m. JO m. $2 m. ami vi m. 44 Star of India.
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  • 508 4 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Notice, u 1 raiai "n Sun'la\ only. Trains Service tor Week Days and Sundays. Applications for advertisement space at the stations on this railway should be made to the Manager. W. TEARLE, M.magn Down Trains Down Tra Irs A.M. A.M.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 703 4 BANKS. Hon kong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL 810,000,000 RESERVE FUND Starling K^. .m- sio.iuo.ooo sl M llo o Silvt-r Reserve s.rxjo.ouo SI&.JWM** 1 Ki'Serve Liability <>l Proprietors 510.000.000 Courtof Directors. |H. A. W, Slade, Ks(| Chairman. A. Haupt. kxj 1 >i'j>uty-Chairman. Hon. C. \V. Didiaon, 1 Salinger, Esq. K.
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    • 491 4 SHIPPING, NOTICES. THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Stkamship Co., Occidental Orikntal S. S. Co., AND Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating the LARGEST ,md FASTEST Steamers on the PACIFIC.) from HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. The National highway to Europe
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    • 131 4 The Way to Get a Fortune. Is to buy an Electric Cinematograph. A few days* receipts repay all your costs. The 'inematograph lias had an enormous success all over the world. For a Complete Installation apply to Jjevy Sfermanos 3, BATTEBY ROAD, j who keeps also a large stock of
      131 words
    • 350 4 Japan Coals THE f Mitsui Bussan Kaisha IMTSUI Co.) J lead Office: No. I, SURUGA-CHO. TOKIO I mid on Branch 34, LIME Strket. E.C. j Singapore Branch :2, Finlayson GRiiEN, Other Branches: New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay. Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo,
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    • 548 4 'E. D. H." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WAHTeSTeTc" PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants. Houses. Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 VVekk. Kokinu;iii. MONTH 2$ words or under 50 :ts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts. 2
      548 words
    • 267 4 TO BE LET. *rpO BE LET ioc\ Orchard l< ,„< 1 N entry. Appi, M. SALOMON sq M Sept. A L residence^, rederau I. Known 8.n,.i, w M lt U HERIIENT, T" I!l;| -I. umple above rtobinson I I ace. A|,|)l\ 1,, ROBINSON PIANO < H<>l^v N y:- v Suitable
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 463 4 SHIPPING NEWS. MEN-OF-WAR. (\-'"o/', Dal Ciovt str jt>? tons, jf crew 1400 h.p., Capt. Heenen. 1 2th Nov. From Muntck, iithNov. For Muntok, U. Rds. F/orcs, Dut. despatch boat, 550 tons, crews, 4 guns, 651 hp. Capt Blryswijk, l'«th Nov. From Saik. 15th Nov. U- Rds. /Ceeditif, I)ut light-hou-e tender,
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    • 521 4 Kmckimg t SM str 902 tons. Capt Waddcll. lbth Nov. From Sarawak, 14th Nov. Gc, and 71 dp. Ong Ewe Hai. For Sarawak •21st Rds. Ma>/ r ,ioH, Brit str 4.777 tons. Capt Long, I6th Nov. From Hongkong, nth Nov Gc and 181 dp. W Mansfield Co. For London. I"
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