Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 17 November 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 153 1 France can never return to her old notion of British perfidy. Th e thunder has been stolen by Germany. Dr. Henry Obenvinder, whoever ho may I*, has written a book charging us "with purposely creating for our own purpose >s the French Revolution of i jS( all
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  • 109 1 In the old days the Irish borough of Cashel was notoriously corrupt, the electors, fourteen m number, obtaining as much as apiece for their votes A writer m the current Nineteenth Century relates that a Candidate, anxious to win the seat honestly, and not to spend
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  • 123 1 AUTOCRAT STILL BUOYANT AND HOPEFUL. I was most agreeably surprised to find that the Emperor had not aged m the least since my last visit six years ago. He has certainly passed through sea of troubles since the Hague Conference Rut there is not a grey
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  • 147 1 ON THE INCREASE IN CHINA. The anti-foreiKn spirit was never stronger m Pekin than it is at prawnt says a correspondent of the /V#rtA C4«m rfrratff, and it reteives encouragement m high places. This feeling, it seems is partly, if not greatly, duo to the growth of
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  • 199 1 WC neec P t tllc teaching of I)r Plchn, a speaker at the German Colonial Conference, we shall attribute the brutal excesses of German and Belgian officials when set to govern black men to M tropencholer," or tropical frenzy, An official with tropical frenzy, says Dr. Plehn, is
    Budget  -  199 words
  • 156 1 THE Hamburg -Amnica liner Am ertka, 23.000 tons, the lafga* Vffetd afloat, arrived ai Dow m Iwr first voyage from Cuxhaven to N« w York on 10th ult. In many »ayi thfl .l,n,nkn is ..,1 fX penneni m ocean linns, and h« mm. •age I- being watched
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  • 210 1 Hut for the promptitude of Induet toi Simpson, Penanj would have heen treated to a fire of 'formidable dmu i)si,> M s |Mt evening. At about seven «.VU k smoke was Men to be issuing from N. oodford's store m Beach Street and the alarm was raised.
    Stritis Echo  -  210 words
  • 205 1 According to an American exchange, an anti-gambling law was to have come into effect at the St. Louis race tracks on June \h. his law makes it a felom to register a bet, bul DM no penalty for the man who "niak< s" the bet. The law
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  • 98 1 Owing to (cars of assassination, ii is reported that tlirMvMij.rrss IW.fcci has decided t«» celebrate Iter birthday m E Lun Palace .it N.uihai. ['his is "a secluded place and w 1 [»iot«<t»d h,,, the prying eyaa <»f ttranger*, It is cw<lent that the- reoenl bomb o.itragr hi
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  • 89 1 In the course of an addi< al J'okio on the 7th in-t. Count Okuma «trongly animadverted on the Tltatj and said that Japan-, expectations regarding Manchuria would n<»( l>c realized (.wing to Japan failing to obtain a predominant influent c there. The BBS*ion of the
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  • 145 1 An elderly gentleman and Ins noii wen- travelling from Augsburg to Munich. It was noticed thai the Hen Papa was \<i\ agitated. Hegtanctd frequently at m- watch. Suddenly he jumped up e.\« itc«ll\ n\u\ pulled the communication cord. The train stopped, and the guard came up
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  • 123 1 Themajoiityof Indian.i lovers according to an American con tern porn iv, prefer to be married m the States. This is because there are more than twenty questions m the licence applications which they must answer. "Wli.it is your colour asks the clerk, and, not content with this,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 486 1 TOEaA ...i rr<-« <; zazaz I A Ms |OR SlN(,.\rOßt. JOHN LITTLE CO. v i< *'^riE m nDTMiff*TiTT «*»v "oiiio or its points. sla ?*****; BRIEF MODEL, $165.00 INSURANCE POLICY MODEL. SI 90.00. /^,-/,,c ST VALENTINE S BATH HOTEL. j WMLWI I '•'T:r;L:Z.*°" Tbe Straits c^ cle aDd W o4^
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    • 22 1 Buchanan's Red Seal Guaranteed 7 Years Old A SOVKD Si^.m ii Wll|sK\. 01 K.X< I JMI(»NAI I V GtjOß V.\l I I.
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  • 552 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY. 17th NOVEMBER. THE QUESTION OF RACE. We presented our reader- m our correspondence columns yesterday with a broad diversity of opinion on the comparative physical and other qualities of different race-. "Hot a British Philistine," who is a sculptor, claimthat the physical
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  • 232 2 A COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL We have decided to open novel postcard competition, to begin immediately. There will be a prize of £10 each month until further notice, awarded to the subscriber who during that month sends m to us on a post card the best local
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  • 142 2 POSSIBLE TROUBLE IN CHINA. It is understood that the meeting ot" the British, American and French fleets In Hongkong has for one of its pur-po-es, jicrhaps it- principal object, a conference of the three admirals, proba"bly un the question of united precautions against possible trouble m China,
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  • 107 2 A few day- ago, the manager of one of the large Cantone-c firm- m Market Street sent to a Chinese apothecary for some cooling herbs with which to make drinks for hi> numerou- employee-. The apothecary's clerk gave by mistake the wrong herbs, as a rc-ult nearly a
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  • 94 2 A female Chiming appeared m the witness box yesterday, to give evidence against a Chinese girl whom she accused of smuggling opium into the Colony. The witness stated that the nl accompanied by an elderly woman, had just arrived here and that on examination, the former was found
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  • 215 2 A REMINISCENCE OF THE CRIMEAN WAR. Intense interest has been aroused at Scpastopol by the arrival of several salvage experts armed with Government authority to undertake the task of raising from the bottom of Balaclava Bay a large Briti.sh man-of-war sunk by Russian gunfire from the land
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  • 489 2 BRICK-FIELD MURDER CASE. Lim Hob Siu, Ong Ka Chui and Nah Ming coolies employed at a brickkiln near Kt.mji, were yesterday morn ing acquitted of tlie charge of murdering one Ng Ini.in on the 15th of October at tbe coolie quarters connected with the brickyard. The AttorneyGeneral prosecuted
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  • 340 2 AN AMUSING EXPERIEN < I Sandow m describing his Ea-tern experiences, m the Dmh MmU gives an amusing account of how he instructed a number of Parsee ladies duryig hi> urn at Bombay. Speakingof the Indian women he remark- "The lower class of Indian women I have
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  • 84 2 Mr. Marriott, held a preliminary enquiry yesterday into charges of kidnapping, theft and using force, alleged against a Malay woman named Sairah by a Javanese girl named jenab binte Ahmat. It was said that the forma had carried off the latter and kept her locked up
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  • 113 2 A MAD man held the wheel ot the schooner C harks Levy Woodburv during several hours of the night of August! on her trip to Vancouver from I avsan island. He »v a Japanese member oi the crew and died clutching the wheel. He was found still holding the wheel
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    • 154 2 Ihi^ result i^ 0 f ar WW9 **J but the unsuccessful t ffon '1^ pro* the Colony at the ex£ ad l F MS. b likely to™ "oftl* apprehension thai it wou u u »*a<v of such attempts sAsttSjS with less happy results i of M,. I
      Perk Pioneer  -  154 words
    • 54 2 'TIM, perly settled true tin v wen but the\ were not cxt Boxer leaders, the tern under new nai ies but same old sp rit of anta|j is and all that t< u\ country, -till roan I distrust and out*pok< demising tend. bomb outragi reactionary i maaaai
      Hongkong Telegraph  -  54 words
    • 45 2 The currency qu« evok< d a good illustr; have to Df lem ii- thai i gap n I b) the Kela miniousl} -ibl< to make tlie coin the gi that the difficult} c. L'nd, done in Kelantan iment for th< Bankong Times
      Bangkok Times  -  45 words
    • 38 2 Probably in no \> rt n then plying t< > -and I Aa a conscqut the noisy to< l g The neighbour hex I much i whistling is ms, howi i front, I South China Time
      South China Time  -  38 words
    • 70 2 The Prince will find i an India more enlig u tious, with saner t I le will find nobler id id to !<• world-wide Empire. VVi quest ior.ed the la peop!« ie m tin a l nrVy years. 1 often has been greaaive Eui -elve-» *!"m warfare, placed
      Rangoon Gazette  -  70 words
    • 131 2 The *UC1 < which effort- < t tail l'o\\k.i\ I > illusti ati s yet manner in which I its mom v in rub area floated i derived from i- n^ doubt It was MiHii icnilv larg different light I owe their finances i prise
      Malay Mail  -  131 words
    • 61 2 Apparently the u aatianed with having the purchase ol 1 financial -u. i probk matical fot even I tratiou award favour- tin the deal i- bound I uneasy in the future l-"« raise teveral million- pore Harbour Worka rh» "gives furiouslj to think. US wonder srhcthl pns.soscs
      Pinang Gazette  -  61 words
  • 34 2 A m w regulai v enta ng < 'I"": his domicile m South k European langu ....f'brinf in K a wile ami famih !H m k South Afrira I'- r lO 1 a ilomu lc
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 333 2 BUCHANAN'S. "RED SEAL," 7-YEAR'S OLD. BUCK WHITE," 12-YEARS' OLD. OF ALL "DEALERS. I ARE YOU FOND OF MUSIC? POSSESS A PIANO,? Yet cannot play sufficiently well to entertain yourself friends, You are getting a poor return on your piano, 11 IT IS A MERE ARTICLE OF FURNITURE. WITH THI Apollo
      333 words
    • 520 2 "^y»fcfc\# The Real Thing >t Last! H Hi PURe RICH j^^w^wtm mm mk.MM Ib IsNOTaMnkesh nf| T UKT JK JmL- nor a Substitut VL«1ll dAIVI I bllt PURE M^int- K^ iV-^^ V«^^ n Pastur- CRriAM. Pit up m Sterilized Tins. ,^^^g Guarantoed quite Pure. Contains no MM Bhfe^ v Keeps
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    • 50 2 OPERA INDRA JAVA Grand Gala Night I To-NiQht, Friday Nov. 17th 1905 III! JOHARMANICUM THEATRICAL COMPANY OF SINGAPORE. At the Novelty Theatre Hall, 485, North Bridge Road, ill put on the Stage under experienced management. The well-known Play Chendra Hassan Don't mis- this splendid opportunity Brilliant Orchestra cf Talented Musicians.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 27 2 COMING EVENTS. Friday, lytb November. High Water, i -24 a.m. c44p m. Legislative Council. 2-50 p.m. Municipal Commission, 2-30 p.m. New Year Sports Meeting. Exchange. 4-45 P-m.
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  • 62 3 ciVRCE FIGHTING BETWEEN RIOIF-KS AND LOYALISTS. Reuter Agenoy. London, Nov. iO. neuter's correspondent at St. PetersTrcoorts that the mutiny at Vladik resulted m fierce lighting betA \hc rioter- and loyalists. Soldiers "Sailors took part on either side. *The greater part of the town is on k|lt the mutiny
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  • 54 3 niRIT HUNDRED SOLDIKRS AND SAILORS KILLED AND WOUNDED. Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 16. r|, c mutiny at Vladivostock is vc- i rttl to be due to discontent on the to fthe soldiers m not being sent U Three hundred rioters, mostly soldiers sailors, wen killed and wounded during
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  • 70 3 i;U l,a R'S APPEAL TO THE UNIONISTS B«uttr s A B enc» London, Nov. 16. ur, speaking at Newcastle. appealed to the Unionists to support Jhc common fiscal policy which he himself favoured. He advocated but thought that Government must have a free hand m order to help
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  • 26 3 PROPOSED FOR ST. PETERSBURG. Renttr Agency. L V' >N, Nov. \(>. Piftei g officials met Count de Wittt discuss the proclaraalaw at St. Petersburg.
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  • 30 3 WITTE 'S PROCLAMATION CONDEMNED. Ptuter'i A|«nc>. London, Nov. 10. Polish proclamation sally condemned m ut that a timely conmd appeased that country similar means >h«»uld be c pacification of Poland
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  • 91 3 t\i PLANTING IN CEYLON. Rratar Aftary London, Nov. 16. A Banquet ha^ been given by the Association m honour of Sir Blake, GX.M.C, the Governor of at which the Rt Hon. Sir We-t Ridgeway and Sir g 1 Ommaney, k.c.r, permanent Secretary for the Colonies, and
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  • 60 3 L PRESS OPINION. Reuters Agency I M'< »N. NOV. I '1. i and the Morning Post gret that Mr. Balfour has not 1 dear issue regarding preerentia tariffs, pointing out the danger I estranging both wing^ -L-i vative Party. The rimes and the Daily Telegraph
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  • 34 3 A CORRECTION. Rtutar Agenc, London, Nov. 16. Phe statement that a hundred thousI pounds has been paid into the Mansion Hou>e fund for the benefit of tt»e untmoloved is now contradicted.
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  • 75 3 RECEIVED WITH GREAT CEREMONY. Rwttr't A|«My London, Nov. 10. A banquet wns given at the Guildn honour of King George, whose 0 the city has been marked by a hearty popular welcome. I he- Queen's brother has been received the same state as was observed President
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  • 110 3 eprofitsof smuggled chandu are f constantly illustrated by the fre>t ittempts made to illicitly import drug into the Colony duty free. trday. several cases came up for '"g before the courts, including (jn m which the Opium Farm had 1 profitable haul of smuggled Four
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  • 38 3 {"E. D. Mr Special) London, Nov. 16. Urcat Britain concedes the Bagdad Railway to Russia, the latter obtaining an outlet on the Persian Gulf. England is aiming to destroy German aspirations m Asia Minor.
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  • 30 3 CONFLICTS BETWEEN CHINESE AND RUSSIAN SOLDIERS. D. Mr Special.) London, Nov. 16. Serious rioting took place to-day at Vladivostock, there being numerous conflicts between Russian soldiers and Chinese.
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  • 35 3 FIFTY MILLIONS STERLING. D.Mr Special.) London, Nov. 16. A Japanese loan of fifty millions sterling has been issued at ninety. No security is offered. Redemption is to take place m twenty years.
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  • 28 3 OFFICERS SHOT FOR COWARDICE. E. D.Mr Special.) London, Nov. 16. Several Russian officers have been shot for cowardice m connection with the revolt at Kronstadt.
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  • 48 3 IMMENSE BRIDGE OVER YELLOW RIVER. D. M.' Special.) Hongkong, Nov. 16. The Lv Han Railway was officially opened with impressive ceremonies on the 13th inst., many Chinese and foreigners participating. The trains from Ptkin to Hankow crossed the immense new bridge over the Yellow River.
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  • 83 3 KING EDWARD TOASTS KING GEORGE. PeuUr'i A|«ncy. London, Nov. 16. During the banquet at Windsor King Edward m toasting the King of Greece said that he was glad to receive King George who had ruled so successfully. The King remarked that Greece was now a most nourishing country,
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  • 30 3 GERMAN INTERVENTION DENIED. Reuters Agency London, Nov. 16. The Nont Dmdttkt Ztttmttg strenuously denies the current belief that Germany is prepared to intervene on behalf 0? Poland.
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  • 49 3 THREE ARMENIANS ARRESTED. Outer's A|t«cy London, Nov. 16. At Pera, a suburb ot Constantinople, a bomb was thrown at the carriage containing Ferni Pacha, chief of the Palace police. Ferni Pacha was unhurt, and little slight damage was caused. Three Armenians have been arrested oi\>u*picion.
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  • 17 3 Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 16. The Police arc arresting prominent Polish leaders at Warsaw.
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  • 122 3 CRITICAL SITUATION AT ST. PETERSBURG. Reuters Agency London, Nov. 16. A Council of workmen's delegates at St. Petersburg lias decided upon another general strike to begin to-day, owing to the employers refusing to grant an eight hours' day, but it is intimated that the object of the
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  • 42 3 GERMANS WILL SEND BARON MUMM. Reuters Aiency. London, Nov. 16. It is reported at Berlin that Director Stricbel, of the German Colonial Department, is to replace Baron Mumm von Schwartzenste.n at Pekin, the latter going to Tokyo as Ambassador.
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  • 958 3 DEATH ENDS THE SECT. STRANGE STORY OF THE HIGH PRIEST. News from New Britain announces the death of Herr August Englehardt, i the founder and high priest of a sect of sun-worshippers, who had settled m the German colony of New Britain m 1901. The sect was composed of
    Sydney Daily Telegraph  -  958 words
  • 128 3 Tang Hong Hin, a Commission Agent, who was arrested a fortnight ago, was brought up on remand yesterday before Mr. Seth charged with breach of trust m respect of $2 1 5, the property of the Vaccum Oil Company. Mr. Sproule the Deputy Public Prosecutor, elicited
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  • 35 3 Ykstf.rday, a sailor off the Flora I was brought ashore on a stretcher. It i appears that the man met with an I accident on board ship necessitating 1 his removal to the General Hospital.
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  • 23 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. The Netherlands Trading Society yesterday quoted the 4/ms bank rate at 2/* 5/«6 The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2/2 L
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  • 140 3 {Mercantile Bank.) Yesterday's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 Demand 2/2 Private 6 m/s.. 2/2$ do. 3 m/s.. 2/2 j{ On Germany Bank d/d 2.21 4 Private 3 m/s 2.25^ do. 6 m/s 2.2 7 j On France- Bank d/d 2.72^ Private 3 m/s 2.7 7 i do.
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  • 126 3 Tin 82.25 Gambier 7.95 do Cube No". 1 N 11.37] do do No. 2 »t n-oo Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),. 23.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 33.50 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) 33. do (So to thelb.). 59. Mace (Banda) ..,,145. Cloves (Amboina) 33 Liberian Coffee pecul
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 AUCTION SALES. H L Coghlan and Go Nov. 18— At Goodwood Hill, household furniture, &c. 2 p.m. 2i At Sale-room. s.s. Thaiping. 2.30 p.m. 21— At Puttfarcken Co.'s premisse stock m trade. 10.30 a.m. 27— At Sale-room, European Residence 2.30 p.m. Powell and Co. Nov. 18— At No. 88 Amoy
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    • 471 3 ROBINSON f» and Co. A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks m the following sizes 2\ m. 2~ m. m. }j m. and 34 m. Star of India. Very Superior Steel
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 234 3 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. Bangkok Soha 9am Batavia &c. Camphuys 1 1 a m Bangkok Deli 1 1 a m Bangkok Singapore 2pm Muar Malacca Sri Muar 2pm Batu Pahat Aing Ann 2pm Malacca Aing Leong 3pm Handjermassin &c Ban Liong 3pm Malacca &c Hye Leong 3 p m Rhio Singkep
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  • 251 4 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Notice. Trains Service tor Week Days and Sundays >^-- Sun lav- Applications for advertisement space at the stations on th' I i the Manager. railway should be made to *ARLE, Manager, —vwn rams UlT\i't«'r« Down Trains SINGAPORE 4 o.cxi Vj^iS
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 716 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL *i0,000,0u0 RISERVE FUND: Sterling Reserve Sio.tOO.ooo i 410 Silver It— trw. 8,500.000 f ?18 |IW) Reserve Liability (if Proprietors $10,000,000 Courcof Directors. H. A. VV. Sladc, Ks-j- Chairman. A. Haupt, Kscj D.puty-Cliairmaii. I on. C. W. I'icksoii, t. Salinger, Ksq. X, Co-tz. Esq.
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    • 502 4 SHIPPING, NOTICES. I THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacikk Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co., Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating tht LARGEST <iv f FASTEST Steamers on the PACIFIC.) KROM HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. The National highicay to
      502 words
    • 168 4 I The Lux Light _gpfc HAS BEEN AWARDED j|l^f gold medal m #nWB^ Diploma of honour I at the Lighting Exhibition at Vienna 1901 and at <S5 THE WORLDS EXHIBITION AT LIEGE 1905, "Jj^K flc Government of Perak has after six months' trial now accepted and ordered W^W thc Lux
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    • 236 4 SHRfIGER BROS. SPECIALITIES, 8 METALS O OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS o /IssociaNd Portland Cement H?anufac(urcrs Q> LONDON 1900.) *g Burham Brand 5 TheFavourite Ctment used on the Principal ConstrueJ^ tion Works m the United Kingdom, Harbour and Railway Works, all over the IB World, and by the C Government of the
      236 words
    • 517 4 D^M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTEdTe^ PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses. Godowns etc.. Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Enchange d Mart. i I>.\y. i Week. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° 75 cts. 2. 00 3.
      517 words
    • 261 4 BE LET. «mo BE LET entry. Apph M lrr M- SALOMON ft soj, Sept. V Li;,.. reside federate Esi n< applj to L HERMI T< HI 111 1 'amp above R..,,,,. 1 Applj to ROBINSON PIANO office or show jx-nsary 43!, k .ui(l No. v 1 Suitable fi Emaianfamil,, A.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 401 4 SHIPPING NEWS. MEN-OF-WAR. Flora H M twin-screw second-class cruiser, 4.^0 tons. 322 crew.. ,0 guns, 7,000 h. p. Capt Dalton, Ist Nov. From Penang, 30th Oct. Senior Naval Officer I*. Rds. Cyclovp, Dut Govt str 36; tons, 37 crew 1400 hp., Capt. Kecnen. 12th Xov- 3 From Muntok, 1 ith
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    • 127 4 teg BJ&£*sgs-?p co, ud. dP W BoUStead Co/tor Fremantie 18th MrtNof^FrS'nPß 8t r 548 tOnS CaPt K Ckx Gc and 6r If^^Jermassin. lOth N«,v. Sma n il 7 I 8?h--R h d 1 s OSOOn T h F r Band is^Nov NO Fro r m 6 f/ SS^F** O«"™umotA an!
      127 words