Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 16 November 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 107 1 NOTES AND NEWS FROM LONDON. THE JEWISH MASSACRES. A PROTESTS FROM Till. LONDON JKWS. IU«l4«r» A»ency. LOMOOH. Nov. 15. A great mass meeting -of Jews has been hel.l at the Manorial Hall m London to protest against the Russian atrocities. During the meeting a telegram from
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  • 51 1 COAXING THE UNSPEAKABLE TURK. Outer's Agtnt) Li »Mm i\, N< >V. l^. It is understood that betoiv th< Powers make a naval demonstration they will notify the Sultan of I urkcv of the preparations made, m th< hope that he will listen m reason at tin la-t
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  • 28 1 GENERAL STRIKE OF FRENCH EMPLOYEES. Renters Agency London, Nov. i The dock-yard employees at Toulon, L'Orient. Brest, Rochefort and Cherbourg go out on strike to-day.
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  • 35 1 FOR NOT PREVENTING MASSACRES. Renter's Agency London, Nov. ic. The Governors of Odessa, Eathonia, fomsk and Kazan have been dismissed from oflicc for not preventing the recent massacres m their respective districts.
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  • 35 1 LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL INVITED TO PARIS. IRtUtart Ayenry London. Nov. i;. I'he London County Council haf received the oordinlist in\ itation from the Paris Municipal Council t<> \i^jt Paiis m January next.
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  • 58 1 CRUISER DESPATCHED 1<» PKCVIKCr AMERICANS. Will Land Marines if Necessary. Router s A|*ncy. LoMM 'N, Nov. i It i^. reported m America that tin cruiser MtMHeapolis now stationed at Lisbon, has been urgently ordered to Kronstadt to protect the American citizens there. The coaratander of the cruiaei
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  • 43 1 MUTUAL CONVERSION OF LEGATIONS INTO EMBASSIES. RMttr t Agenry > London, Nov. i TheCotognc GaMtfr states thai it mv on thesuj^i stion of Japan tint i( rtnan} and Japan sometime ;i^«> <l« cided mutually to convert tlicir respective legations into mbaMics.
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  • 88 1 The distinguished visitor had been shown all the point- of interest m the big lunatic asylum. As he was leaving, the head doctor, as an afterthought, asked, "Would you like to visit the Motor Ward?" Giving a d« lighted assent, he was led into a spacious .ipartment
    Morning IIIus traded  -  88 words
  • 110 1 A breezy letter from Lord Charles lieresford, testifying to the benefits of temperance, OTM read at a temperance meeting m Malta. "I do not believe," wrote the Admiral, that alcohol m any form ever has or ever will do any OM any g< >( >d. I
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  • 978 1 STORIES AND RECOLLW 1 U >N8 <>X THE COMEDIAN han Leno," a biography vvntl. n bf Mr. J. Hickory VV<mhl, and publ -hed by Messrs. Methuen slums that tin ,v .it humorist did nol reserve all his fun Ibf tho staL.< His rial name was (ialvin. Lino be
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  • 35 1 Tin Xi w ill l>« inOthei le< line l»v Mr. Buckley under the MMfioti of the Y. M.I A. at /etl.uul I ItuiM 1 Annnii.in Strcrt, on Saturday »e.\t at »S. 45pm. Subject: Circat Mistake
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 244 1 i TOBAa r VGF.NTS FOR SINOAPORt JOHN LITTLE CO. Jeffrey's Edinburgh Stout. $14.00 Per Case of 7 doz. pints. Of all Dealers. """^TVALEKTINE'S BATH HOTEL. j( H OF HOTEL Db L 1 EI'ROPE lUtkit Timah Romd. AN IDEAL SPOT FOR A PICNIC OR WEEK END. SING! E AND DOUBLE ROOMS
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    • 217 1 The Straits Cycle and JVIotoF Coy. j AGENCIES j SINGER CYCLES, t PREMIER CYCLES, I JAMES CYCLES. MAKE lIS of the LAJU" The Cheapest House for all Motor Accessories and Electrical Fittings, Lamps, &c. BATTERY IEiO-A-D. Sastern Oriental 3CoteL PENANG. CRAGHOTEL, PENANG HILLS. Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors. RILEYHARGREVES&Co., LIMITED. SING-AFOBE j^HSTXD
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    • 68 1 bast 3tsian SfCereantile Co., 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. J. A. FAY EGAN CO. »^EKSs^ -—^^MSk Economical and Durable. -^s^-^ w j DAHL^S MILK, J I NORWEGIAN PURE COWS' MILK. THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH THE FULL FLAVOUR OF FRESH S COWS' MILK IS RETAINED. Ihe most flattering testimonials from
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    • 15 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, Invigorating. A NAIIRAL MINERAL W.VILK OK HIL lIK.IIKSI I \\s. Sold Everywhere
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  • 253 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 16th NOVEMBER. VLADIVOSTOCK IN FLAMES. With the outbreak ot nuitiny and riot m Vladivostok, repoitcd by our special telegraphic service yesterday, the present reign of riot, anarchy and bloodshed m Russia is brought dose to our own doors. The situation throughout the
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  • 186 2 At the time of the Japanese riots, some six weeks ago, there was considerable wonder among Europeans m this part of the world as to what was the real motive which lay behind the extraordinary and unexpected outbursts m Yokohama and Tokyo. A special despatch to the
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  • 123 2 We understand that the Municipal process server accused of obtaining money under false pretences, from a couple of Chinese m Upper Hokicn Street, by representing that he was acting on behalf of the inspector of that district, has been dismissed from the service of the Municipality. Cases of
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  • 224 2 SOME INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT HIS ENGAGEMENT. Prince Eitel Friedrich, whose engagement to Duchess Sophia Charlotte of Oldenburg was recently announced, became acquainted with hit fiance on the occasion of the Crown Prince's wedding last June. The royal couple met later at the Kiel Week and on several
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  • 399 2 The German Mail Priuz Hdnrich arrived at Penang yesterday morning. For keeping an unlicensed lodging house a chinaman yesterday was fined Captain Seepers of the >.>. Rochuswm was yesterday fined Sic for bringing a vagrant into the Colnnv. Mr. Fernandez, a teacher of twentvfive years standing ..t tlte Raffles school
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  • 43 2 ;;ls life worth living?" ma ny askIt is' the most reply. Though some say "No. it is a task Without a reason why, The latter class, you understand 1 heir ailments do endure, wSyvrF'* *r d happy band Use Woods' Grea Peppermint Cure.
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  • 689 2 ("E. D. Mr Spaa/.) JUMLVM, Nov. 10th. The small town of Jessclton is situate*! on the West Coast of Borneo and has become I town of im[>ortance. Two years or so ago it was only a village, but now it boosts of a nilway service which connects it
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  • 162 2 The molar boimMj iimcilisf uf Uu. W.C.T.r. mm Mtdrnaed yesterday afternoon at the residence <>t "Mr-. Ang Lim Hive, m Oxlev Road, hv MrV Ellen Foster, a proniincnt Aim temperance worker. Mr>. Potter was introduced l»\ Miss Blacknu>r» with fVw wcl! chosen words,
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  • 184 2 H. M.S. "FLORA" v. "A" COY. Yesterday, a very fast same «m witnessed between the H.M.S. Ron team and A" Coy. Sherwood Fog aim The game was played on the Ramos bchool ground and attracted a bm audience, both on the grounds and along the canal on Stamford
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  • 5 2 1
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  • 25 2 Sir, In raw m I being created a Kn g thai S:r < uri m man of I }'i 1 1 vv I urr
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  • 40 2 nounc <■ "m*|i lent'l instant, entitled i You »j>c- ik -:it. You put your truth and m W i Einp:r. of the whole civilise I world My thanks and a ior you, n i ler. Siii^a[iorc. lit >
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  • 93 2 Sir, 1 thoro enumerate! m youi corn p Towchai .iii-l \lbino*." M v I m« i'.-t K«lpt«n assure t.it readen I i dtlp mi Tarn r MM >ymnutr i m >>t nourlx t Hical era. t i ><k i! types oi iooed m t \v q t<>
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  • 107 2 mk. J w > Imm laaki a a Innttiiu to jroui :>; paper my hi v t ii I Amm mkl Mill wocthf <-. .1 t'n. t. < »i > 1t t kracter <>t 1 It uc-il to louk at a tihkm from i« ot i
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  • 116 2 SIX. I sliall Iv (la I i \.m will fal lino ..t \.)tn valuahU 1 against the faitt corics|»iukiit m in> Icftei ml 1 Cfcmg and All) Yes sir, let 11 m. 1 1 1 belief* uud firsi o\ mission of >H u I 1
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    • 99 2 *,PP°intmeni ,,t i w Special Ambassador .7 K ""or, general interest V «*i*it affairs as bet w, n a S auwrepderiicci ,r ,din^v MteaMedip work and this ,ni K ,u "cnl eaplanatiou o( sppo'ntment. It i, also no^ h £'T .la,, k I view die general i mpr(J liana between
      Stam Observer  -  99 words
    • 70 2 We propose m ithi r to tocoodooctnc Turk; u, |f ntcnt t the politico,. his mental attitude N ij^eshimathia "An w ofdieimrversal periority of£ appointed l.v Divine i Soaahuuc tnc wo severance of all the Euro. rrom Turkish Ru *era„?£ My prove the o, ernment a valu l fCu was
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    • 64 2 What Next Indeed Docl coaapanies il nave cot vert modest ibuteven heart of M7 Iv, Bfftng Directo M. ham Boyd and < additional fervour wl claim made \>\ the I ipany upon th< value of their property eminent wishes Sir John FWiei defence I he,,, Dock Company put «»t»ake. ex-en
      China Gazette  -  64 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 260 2 ENGLISH MILKS. SWEETENED WITH CANE SUGAR. "JOHN BULL' 1 8Cto. per tin Containing. 1 Ib Met "DIPLOMA' Full Cream) 23 ditto ditto "1 Jel ppom Australian Stores and all Dealers. FUSSELL'S nor a Substituted^— Vm l_^l bur PURE Mount- ■WVflrB.H Pasture CRBAM. Put up m Sterilized Tins. H Guaranteed quite
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    • 561 2 ARE YOU FOND OF .MUSIC,? POSSESS A PIANO,? Yet cannot play sufficiently zvell to entertain yourself a- friends, Toy P~* «tar. on p Q II- IT IS A MERE ARTICLE OF FURNITURE. WITH THE Apollo Piano Player You can play ANY MUSIC ever written for piano, and accompaniment to songs,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 139 2 j St. Mary f s f I TANK ROAD. X'attS FANCY FAIR, FRIDAY ami SATURDAY. December Bth and otli, S.jo p.m. THE EAm«MMU.Y MAIL Established, Skpt. 4 th, 1905. Published at 58^ Hill Street. Singapore. Subscription. Daily Local ~7 3 5 o per quarter Outstations $4.5" Telephone No. 972 Ah
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  • 46 3 I KM VNY CONCENTRATING i-ROOPS ON FRONTIERS. s/xr/,// D.M.") London, Nov. 15. Owing t() lne ulHr>t which is being ■anifested m Poland, and the fear of general revoh m that country .t Russian rule, Germany is concentrating troops on the frontiers of Poland-
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  • 29 3 GERMAN WARSHIPS DECLINED. "E. U.Af.") London, Nov. 15. flu Czar has refused the Kaiser's ofler of warships for the suppression of the mutiny at Cronstadt.
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  • 27 3 PROCEEDING kro VLADIVOSTOCK. [Sfiecml"E. 1). M.") Hongkong) Nov. ij, Admiral Rojestvensky has embarked from K"bc by the transport Wronej, which leaves to-morrow for Vladivostok-
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  • 53 3 MIKAPO VISITS THE ISE SHRINE. mi d. mr\ HONGEONG, Nov. 15. ["he Mikado proceeded m state toe d <;. r> '<!'- to the I>e shrines. The pageant was b brilliant spectacle. The Mikado's -uite includes Royal Princes and State Ministers. It is announced thai the Mikado will
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  • 29 3 TINY NEARLY SUPPRESSED. 3 ;a/"E. D. M.") Hongkong, Nov. 15. at Viadivostock are taining the upper hand of Idiers and sailors, and g tliere is now nearly
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  • 32 3 STRIKE ONLY PARTIAL. Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 15. the French dockyards ha> > cd, but up to the has been manifested. I ulotl arsenal, the strike jrees is only partial.
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  • 71 3 V NEGOTIATIONS. Reuters Agency. Lu.NDON, NOV. I Rt-' (respondent at St. Peters::l)oritatively informed that been the friendliest discussions bci reen Britain and Rus-ia with eliminating obstacles m negotiations for a politil, when the time i- ripe but it is deemed that steps are inopportune sturbed condition of
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  • 37 3 SION HOUSE FUND I OPENED. Reuters Agency. London, Nov. i 5. of Mr. I jal four's appeal iploycd at tlie Guildhall, are pouring into the House fund. < »m- hundred nd- have already been
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  • 38 3 MPTING TO RESTORK I >RDER Rtutcr s Agency L' >KDON, Nov. i 5. sending an aide-de-jrith dictatorial powers, to 1 the Governments of Sara* flf and Tamboff, orders continue m the urban "w agrarian districts.
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  • 34 3 M IKAOO VISITS ANCESTRAL TOMBS. R»uter'« Aj«nc>. London, Nov. i 5. Court, Trcmier. and have proceeded m state to Ise, to tl.ank their anr the suca BKful conclusion of Mid the restoration of peace.
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  • 30 3 LABOUR PARTY'S NOUNCED ATTITUDE. London, Now 15. JJjT American Federation of Labour **fat Pitteburg is making a pro- c stand for the exclusion of 'V'lwmx, including Japanese.
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  • 24 3 "•utir's Ajtncy T London, Nov. 15. tart 1*0? France is prr--'jnembav.y. but being desirous **ait.» Russia's feelings, must 1 opportune moment.
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  • 22 3 K»«t«rt Afancy.' London, Nov. 15. b*m W??. Utt inven tor of the well- v !-tthead torpedo, is dead.
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  • 1068 3 At the Assizes yesterday mornine the prosecution continued its case ■gainst Lee Ah Sam and the defence WM opened and concluded, die iurv guiit 8 at 1 "p! u mous °< 52 The detective who arrested the accused two days after the murder said that Lee Ah Sam
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  • 57 3 I dreamt that I tossed on a fever'd bed, (With the curtains gathered and drawn) With a hacking cough and a burning head, Vainly waiting the tardy dawn, When close to my bed side an Arg«l came, With a phial of liquid pure, And I read on the label a
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  • 107 3 It is proposed to hold a Gymkhana ia Singapore on December 2nd, the following committee having been appointed to make arrangements. Chairman, Mr. Payne Gallwey Hon. Sec, Lieut.' Sankey Hon. Treas., Mr. Diepenheim Messrs. Crane, Gaunt, Owen, MacDougal and Thomas. The Gymkhana is to be held on
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  • 57 3 The well-known firm of Shrager Brothers has applied to the High Court of Calcutta for leave to file their petition of insolvenc}*. Justice Woodroffe made the customary order and gave time to file the schedule of assets and liabilities which the extensive business they have been
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  • 134 3 Launches will leave Johnston's Pier for the Club Bungalow on Sunday at 10, ii, 12, 215, and 3.30, p.m.; returning at 10.30, 11.30, 12.30,3 and 5 P m Dollah, an employee at the Chandu Factory, charged with stealing 60 cents worth of opium was yesterday mulcted m the sum of
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  • 682 3  -  PAUL PRY BY Ihe Penang express train is known among the natives as the Kreta sombong —the proud train-so the Malay Mail says. Certain Malays went to the railway stations to travel by it only to see it whizz through. Touchy fellows But disappointment engenders anger and
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  • 24 3 FMANCE COMMERCL. The Netherlands Trading Society yesterday quoted the 4 /ms bank rate a */U The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2/2 3/16. M
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  • 139 3 {Mercantile Bank.) Yesterday's Rates. Oh London— Bank 4 m/s 2/23/16 Demand 2/1 15/16 Private 6 m/s. 2/2 9/16 do. *****%.. 2/2 5/16 Oh Germany— Bank d/d 2.21 Private 3 m/s 2.25 do. 6 m/s 2.27 O«i France— Bank d/d 2.71] Private 3 m/s 2.76^ do. 6 m/s 2.794 O«
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  • 139 3 Ti 581.121 Gambicr 7 95 do Cube No. 1 M 11.37^ do do No. 2 n.oo Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 23.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 33.50 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 3^. do (80 to thelb.). sy Mace (Banda) „145. Cloves (Amboina) 33 Liberian Coffee
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 123 3 AUCTION SALES. N L CoflfclM and Co Nov. 18— At Goodwood Hill, household furniture, &c. 2 p. m. 21— At Sale-room, s. s. Tiwiping. 2.30 p.m. Lowell and Co. Nov. 18— At No. 88 Amoy Street household furniture. 2 p.m. 21 At Sale-room, 10 houses, 53 to 62 Outram Road.
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    • 499 3 ROBINSON f»» and CoA SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL (AH IX TRUNKS The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks m the tollowinq sizes 24 i". 27 .\o m. 3J m. and m. v Star of India." Very Superior Steel
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 274 3 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. For Per At Saigon Cholon 7 a m Bangkok Manila 9am Rhio Singkep Isabella 10 a m Anamba Island Banka I pm Sabak Djambie Hong Ho Ip m Malacca &c Kian Ann 2 pm Ik-ngkalis &c Sri Tringganu 2pm Malacca Linggi Kheng Seng 2pm Hat a via
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  • 474 4 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Notice. Trains Service tor Week Day«- and Sundays. Applications for advertisement space at the stations on this railway should be made to the Manager. W. TEARLE, .l/rn-igrr. Down Train* Down Trains. AM. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. pM. P.M. P.M.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 698 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL *io,ouu,oou RESERVE FUND: Sterlimt Reaerve W<V»O,aX>l slSi6ooi ,)oo Sihrr Reaanre t k.;xH),uoo Rescrv* Liability <•! Proprietors sio.uuO.OoO Courtof Directors. H. A. W. Slade, Esq Chairman. A. Haupt, Ksc] iVjuitv-Cliauman. Hon. C. W. Dtckaon, 1 Salinger, Ksq. K. Goeta, Esq. H. Schubart, Ksq. H.
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    • 491 4 SHIPPING, NOTICES. THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Orilntal S. S. Co., and CENTRAL PACIFIC, Union Pacific, Chicago 6c North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating the LARGEST mul FASTEST Steamers on the P. 1(7/ IC.) from HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. Ihe Xational
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    • 192 4 LEVY HERMANOa MALAY RECORDS. GRAMOPHONE CONCERT RECORDS, 10-INCH. $2.50 ***** Lagu Jalak Lanting Lawak ***** Che'long Bana ***** Nandong Sayniig ***** Timbang Burong ***** Sri Perak ***** Sri Rayu ***** Lingang Kangkong ,2924 Kronchong f" ***** Male Dabu ***** Dna Serani x Anak Ayam „897 Bangau ,2912 AmboiTiK.n Gambos Tumra
      192 words
    • 238 4 SHgAGER BROS jg SPECIALITIES, S METALS Q) OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 8 Associated Poniand Ccukwc IRanufacfurcrs 4) LONDON 1900. Burham Brand CO TheFavourite Cement used on the Principal Construe/f\ tion Works m the United V* Kingdom, Harbour and Kailway \V»>rkx, all over the ?B World, and by th< C Government of
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    • 537 4 I E. D. H." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED, ETC^ PREPAID. C/»eap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses. Godowns etc.. Wanted To Let. Situations Wanted Vacant. Exchange Mart. i Day. i Wi-kk. Fok r\M.iir. MoMTM 25 words «>r under 50 cts. 1. 50 i. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts. 2.
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    • 242 4 TO BE LET. .«'jH> BE LET "A,,,,, entry. Apph at sAioM. sq^ •Sept. li. T OBK I.XT. ,1,. residences federate Esui known a- Benxoline Houit n L«di BBlm3nt House. I apply to L HERMENT, sampK fts A^r::: ROBINSON PIANO I i, doom roun i I ZZ I and No. w
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 390 4 SHIPPING NEWS. MEN-OF-WAR. I'l'ira, H M twin-screw second-class cruiser, 4.360 tons, 322 crew. 10 guns, 7,000 h. p. Capt Dalton, ist Nov. From Penang, 30th Oct. Senior Naval Officer U. Rds. Cveloop, Dut Govt str 365 tons, 37 crew j 1400 h.p., Capt. Keenen. I2th Nov. From Muntok, nth Nov.
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    • 456 4 Hock Time, Dut str 397 tons. Capt Hubert. 2nd Nov From Samarang. 30th Oct G C ami •^4 d P Heap Eng Moh For Java. U Rd*. Hye /a i>h-. Brit 295 Anjjus, Nov 15 Teluk Anson, Straits S. 5.10., for Tetak Anson 17. Hong II an, Brit no Phillip-,
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