Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 15 November 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 20 1 Utitir Af«aey. London, Nov. 14. Despite all fears of the contrary, yesterday was quiet at St. Petersburg.
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    • 16 1 London, Nov. 14. The American Legation at Tokyo has been raised to an Embassy.
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    • 28 1 ENJOYED A WEEK'S MARTIAL FUNCTIONS. Reot.rl A| taOy London, Nov. 14. King Alfonso has left Potsdam for Vienna after a week's military functions, banquets, etc.
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    • 20 1 'Heaters A|«noy London, Nov. 14. A plebiscite on the Storthing's decision was proceeding yesterday and is continuing to-day.
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    • 33 1 I'NPROYOKEI) ATTACK BY PATROL. Reuter A|«ncy London, Nov. 14. Yesterday evening I patrol volleyed at a group of Jews in Warsaw, severely wounding eight. The attack was without provocation.
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    • 26 1 Itaater* Af*a*y.] London, Nov. 14. The Governor of Kronstadt has resigned. Mr. Durnovo, the Assistant Minister of the Interior, has been appointed Minister.
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    • 38 1 TOGO WILL SAIL IN MARCH. MuUr'ft A»«ncy London, Nov. i The Tokyo correspondent of the Telegraph wires that it has been definitely decided that Admiral Togo and his squadron will visit England,probably m March.
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    • 80 1 CANNOT TOLERATE MOVEMENT FOR INDEPENDENCE OF POLAND. Reuter s Afenoy London, Nov. 14. An official communique declares that the Russian Government can no longer tolerate what it stigmatizes as the impudent movement aiming at the inde pendence of Poland. Therefore, so long as the troubles continue and the
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  • 246 1 (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.) Sandakan, Nov. 4. The uprising m Murudu Hay has, thanks to the exertions of Resident Dunlop and Lieut. Bond, rome to an end without any blood being shed. At a meeting called by the Resident, at which Dato L'ndok and his principal supporters were
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  • 636 1  - KILLING NO MURDER St.Jamrss Budget THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. Miss Helen Hall, of Cincinnati, ha* convictions and courage. She t rnily believes that to hasicn by UMCSttictics the death of persons hopelessly injured or lying m the last agonising throes from disease" is a merciful iisfjeas*tion to which we
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  • 286 1 The statement that China will shoitlv be thrown open to Western influence! sounds too good to be true. It it should tome to pass, the BFMeaJ generation, exercised by tlio rival schemes of General Booth, Mr. ColMngs md Mr. Fcls, will have something to learn ot tj»e
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 153 1 The Straits Cycle and JWotor Coy. AGENCIES I SINGER CYCLES, I I PREMIER CYCLES, I I JAMES CYCLES. I 1 MAKERS of the LAJTJ" I I The Cheapest House for all Motor Accessories I I and Electrical Fittings, Lamps, Ac. I J BATTERY TtOJ^JD. I ENGINEEBJ3STG? MDSJING BUILDING 0 REqUISITES,
      153 words
    • 72 1 &r^/ Jlsian StiercantUe Qo., 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. FOR Our Machines are Efficient 3 Economical and Durable. DAHLS^ MILK. "1 I NORWEGIAN PURE COWS 9 MILK. I THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH I THE FULL FLAVOUR OF FRESH f S COWS' MILK IS RETAINED. J The most flattering testimonials
      72 words
    • 19 1 Buchanan's Red Seal Guaranteed 7 Years Old. 14 A S,,i m> SOOVI 11 Whisky. or Exchhio.nallv Cioon V.\n 1."
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  • 404 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 15th NOVEMBER. THE PAPER HUNT. The sad accident which resulted m the death of a popular local jockey, as narrated m our columns yesterday, calls attention to a sport for which the climate and other conditions at Singapore are ill suited, a
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  • 464 2 HILL STREET STABBING CASE. At the Assizes yesterday afternoon the case of Lee Ah Sam, charged with being one of three who killed Ng Pay m Hill Street near the Coleman bridge on the evening of September 1 5th, was called. The other two accused, Ang Chai Wan
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  • 572 2 YESTERDAY a Chinaman charged with maining a bullock belonging to a Kling was >entenced to two months* hard. Lai Huat was yesterday fined dollar--100, m default, six months, for posession of dollars 10 worth of illicit Colleyen Quay on the 1 3th met. Tn captain of the British steamer Sarie
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  • 1017 2 AN INTERVIEW. Sultan Hadji Mohammad Jamalul Kiram claims descent from that valiant Dvak Borneo chief Paguian Tindig, who, early m the sixteenth century, conquered the Sulu Archipelago, founded the Sultanate, and opened the way for the introduction therein of the religion of the Great Prophet. The Sultanate,
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    • 206 2 Th« Retention of k A desire has been exTr should uphold our mSt^l** *< crn waters, and per^^/^ C of a point which ar£ ls at J Courr «ent, on to Kiaochow, but ,i H :;;y^ new alliance with h,,™ Cncc of,£ evident that it i, m n Britain should
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 188 2 Russlan Atrooitfo, A single murder m Chin* ■> the whoi c world, but 1! massacre m „iv attention U-cause it U monmil than usual Russ.n m! time immemorial, oq v, T volution, but th, (gnorance or impotencp n( the paool off the evil day. ll unable to govern U-,.c]f. F^JJ
      Hongkong Telegraph  -  188 words
    • 101 2 Needs off Kedah. Recent events m Ked.h have the attention of the public to ti mm with which the afta Bni.sh Consulate there are coodacud lhe Resident Councillor mm < omul m Kedan and, not lad the time to do thi connected with the Consulate a the appointment of a
      Pinang Gazette  -  101 words
    • 166 2 Estate* of the Deceased In the Bill before tht lative CouiKfl there are certaii ant changes m the existing lai wlu are likely to m«it with opp I certain quarters. Tl ie mo .t essential nlteration prop, .^cd is thai the power- of the official adm are made general and
      Perak Pioneer  -  166 words
    • 171 2 Penang and the Council Pie proceedings of the I egitfUtht Council, io far v they have g ha« HOt been provocative ot atij triumph for I'enau::. tJMXgM as nearly the whole of M devoted to PMMng'f intercut* ll ■MJ to imagine that all S members ilwibdXil m thcii rthe lions.
      Stritis Echo  -  171 words
    • 86 2 "Is life worth living nu a*>>. "It is" the most repl\. Though some say "N<>. it i> Without a reason wh). The latter class, you understand. Their ailments do endure. The former wise ami happj band Use Woods' Great I'eppermint Cure. Inventors arc eccentric nun. And make some wonderful things
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 261 2 "TIMES" MINING CAMPLES. The Hardest, Most Brilliant and Cheapest Borneo Company Limited. ARE YOU FOND OF MUSIC,? POSSESS A PIANO,? >it cannot play sufficiently well to entertain yourself friends, You are getting a poor return on your piano, IF IT IS A MERE ARTICLE OF FURNITURE. WITH THI Apollo Piano
      261 words
    • 535 2 1 V WIK pTpS The R<al Th[nt L tl M rune tiiufi '«> aa H Is NOT a Makeshift V IIL JB H lfc«t a. Ppes «^»tlv«. Keeps ffood^ VS -4wußmjmlmwwL^u JR nIT <M <i>^Ciri^i t 7kw' Small Tins Per doz. 2.60, per tin 22 cents. Large Tins Per doz.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 146 2 St. Mary's, TANK ROAD. X'MAS FANCY FAIR, FHIDAT and SATURDAY, December Bth and gth, S.jo p.m. WeashrOajly mail Established, Sept. 4TH, 1905. Published at s*B-2, Hill Strlet Singapore. Subscription. Daily Local 3^ o per quarter Outstations 54.50 Telephonk No. 972. ..-r^ 11 01 151 0115 must be addressed to Ihe
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  • 37 3 KNIGHTHOOD FOR PROMINENT PARSEE. \SpecUtr"E. D. M.") Bombay, Nov. 14. Mr Currimbhoy Ebrahim, head of «»f Messrs. Currimbhoy Lbrahim KToi and Calcutta, and E. n»,nev ft <-'o. of Singapore, Hong;\nd Shanghai, has been created
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  • 49 3 tnREIGN RESIDENTS ASK FOR WARSHIPS. E Sped*l«E.D.M. w Hongkong, Nov. 14. X ,-evolution is reported to have Jken out at Vladivostok There has .trcct fighting attended with much TOeSrw*" residents have asked ,i lfir Governments to send warships. Those anchored at Woosung have postponed their departure.
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  • 28 3 "E. D. A/.") Hongkong, Nov. 14th. Fridtjol" Nansen, the famous Arctic explorer, has been appointed the first >;onvcgian Minister to the Court of St. James.
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  • 30 3 mNCERNED IN SEPTEMBER RIOTS. Sjxctal"E. D.Mr) Hongkong, Nov. 14th. Several prominent members of the lapanesc Diet have been arrested m connection with the disturbances m September last.
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  • 54 3 brOWN IN FLAMES. [Special" E. D.Mr Hongkong* Nov. 14. Vladivostok is m a state of revolution cau>eci by the troops and sailors, who have mutinied. s practically an ocean ot fame*. The foreign residents have taken refuge aboard the merchant steamers, which have now left the piers
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  • 69 3 POLAND IN A STATE OF PANIC. Reuters Agency London, Nov. 14. The proclamation of martial law has greatly exasperated the Poles. WarMw is m :x *-tate of panic, the houses are being barricaded and the Jews are arming themselves against attack. Tbe strike is causing acute distress.
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  • 38 3 WINNING GOLDEN OPINIONS. Reuter Agency. London, Nov. 14. The Prince and Princess of Wales are daily participating m functions of every description, winning golden opinions of all clashes, races and religions at Bombay.
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  • 19 3 •••l»r I AfM«y. London, Nov. 14. King George of Greece has arrived a*. Windsor.
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  • 30 3 PEOPLE FAVOUR CHARLES OF DENMARK. London, Nov. nIlie Norwegian plebiscite returns >how certainty of an overwhelming ijority m favour of offering the Crown Prince Charles of Denmark.
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  • 70 3 LNEW LOAN FOR FIFTY MILLION STERLING. Reuter A|«ncy London, Nov. 14Reuters correspondent at Tokio that Japan has decided to issue a 're<h loan tor fiftj million sterling at 4 per cent. Flu- loan will be U>m:d immediately, probably .-ometinie \\w< month. Hah of the loan will be applied
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  • 28 3 OLLAPSE OF MINE SHAFT. Reuter* Agency. London, Nov. 14M shaft of the Driefontein Deep June m the Transvaal has collapsed, filing one European and 67 Kaffirs.
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  • 18 3 •cuter Aiency T London, Nov. 14. he death is announced of Mr. E. R. ""uk* of Hongkong.
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  • 60 3 1AV O THOUSAND MEN TO BE REPATRIATED. ft«ut«r's Menoy London, Nov. 14. lias chartered two Dominion u > repatriate the Japanese P^oners of war m Russia. oJ h f L nen wiU P roba bly embark at ot the German ports m a month iZ S'
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  • 28 3 TO BE CONVENED NEXT MONTH. Af*My tv n, London, Nov. 14. tI J mn D L et wiH be convened on the 25th December next.
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  • 35 3 AGAINST RUSSIA'S TREATMENT OF THE JEWS. Router 1 A«enoy London, Nov. 14. Meetings protesting against the atrocities inflicted upon the Jews m Russia are being held m Britain, Australia. America and South Africa.
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  • 169 3 AN EXTENSIVE PROGRAMME. The programme of the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales is as follows Nov. 9-14 Bombay Jan. 7-9 Darjiling Nov. 15-17 jndore Jan. 10-12 Calcutta Nov. 18-20 Udaipur Jan. 13-15 Rangoon Nov. 21-23 Jaipur Jan. 16-20 Mandalay Nov. 24-27 Bikaner Jan. 21.
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  • 166 3 S.R.C. v H.M.S. FLORA." Yesterday on the S.R.C. end of the Esplanade a football match was played between the S.R.C. and H.M.S. Flora. Kick-off started with the sailors defending the Cathedral end. During the first half, the S.R.C, though the}had several tries, only put m one goal through
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  • 257 3 QUEUES FROM CHINA. Remarkable v -idence was recently given at a coroner's inquest at Bradford respecting the death of a man m the employ of John Cure and Co., Woolcombers, Bradford. The foreman at the works said the deceased had been employed opening camel-hair, low hair,
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  • 192 3 Ang Kirn Chong, the Selegie Road towkay who has been for a day and a half on trial at the Assizes on a charge of perjury, was found guilty by an unanimous verdict of the jury at noon yester day and sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment by
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  • 70 3 Dr. Foster, a resident at Raffles Hotel, on return from Pcnang a couple of days ago, discovered that the boy left m charge of his room had cleared off with a revolver, two silver mugs, a coat and uvo pairs of trousers. The matter was reported and
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  • 165 3 FOW MALAY SEAMEN SUFFOCATED. Yesterday morning, four Malay seamen on board a Chinese tongkane m the harbour were suffocated m the hold of the vessel under somewhat peculiar circumstances. It appears that there were seven men on board one of whom was sent below to clean out the
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  • 157 3 War-ridden Southern Manchuria is not such a desolate waste after all, as the enormity of the battles fought on its bosom tended to lead the world to believe. Under Japanese control the land has recovered from its wastage m a remarkable manner as is described m
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  • 193 3 AMERICAN AND CANDIAN GIRLS IN CHINA. According to Reuter's Chicago correspondent, 49 American and Canadian young women have been sold into what is practically a state of slavery m China. The local federal and police authorities have discovered the facts of the case. The police are
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  • 208 3 "NOT IMMEDIATELY, HUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 1 The prospect of a visit of Admira Togo and the Japanese fleet to England has caused the liveliest satisfaction m British naval circles. The subject has been informally discussed between representatives of the two nations and it is known
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  • 259 3 REMARKABLE DISCLOSURES. Most remarkable admissions have been made before the Insurance Investigation Committee at New York. Mr. Gillette, the vice-president of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, stated m evidence that the Mutual contributed to the Republican national campaign funds j£iooo m 1900, and m 1904. He
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  • 24 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. The NetherlandH Trading Society yesterday quoted the 4/ms bank rate at 2/2 1 The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2/2 1/8. M
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  • 138 3 {Mercantile Bank.) Yesterday's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 1/8 Demand 2/1 g Private 6 m/s 2/2 do. 3 m/s. 2/2] O« Gertnany Bank d/d 2.20^ Private 3 m/s 2.24 do. 6 m/s 2.26 On France Bank d/d 2.71 Private 3 m/s 2.76 do. 6 m/s 2.79 On
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  • 136 3 Till 81.25 Gambler M 7.95 do Cube No. 1 11.374 do do No. 2 1 1 .00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 23.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 33.50 Nutmegs (i 10 to the lb.) do (80 to thelb.). 59. Mace (Banda) ..,,145. Cloves (Amboina) 33 Liberian Coffee
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 279 3 AUCTION SALES. M L Coghlan and Co Nov. 15— At Puttfarcken Co.'s premises stock-in-trade. 10-30 s. m. 18— At Goodwood Hill, household furniture, &c. 21 At Sale-room, s. s. Tkaiping. MAILS CLOSE. To-day. For I'er At Kelantan, &c Ban Whatt Hin 7am P. Swett Penang Kistna Ip m Paneh &c
      279 words
      314 words
    • 511 3 ROBINSON and Co, A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CAMS' TRUNKS The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks m the following sizes 24 m. .27 m. jo m. 32 m. and 34 m. Star of India/ 9 Very Superior
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 698 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-t'l' CAI'ITAL*^ $10,000,000 KESKKVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 j Sllvet Reserve f fi.500,000 •*W«*000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 810,000,000 Courtof Directors. |1 1 A. VV. Slade^ Ksq— Chairman. A. Haupt, Ks.j— Deputy-Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson, r Salinger, Esq. K. Gmtz, Esij. H. Schubart, Esq.
      698 words
    • 497 4 SHIPPING, NOTICES. THE SAN FRANCISCO OVfRUMD Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co., and Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA PE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating tfu LARGEST <iml FASTEST Steamers on the PACIFIC.) I from HONG-KONG SAN FRANCISCO. The National highway to Europe via
      497 words
    • 569 4 1 The Lux Light* HAS BEEN AWARDED ,m^t Gold medal m iiHil Diploma of Bonour \J=3\ »t the Lighting Exhibition at Vienna 1901 and at iS> THE WORLDS EXHIBITION AT LIEGE 1905. "39^J The Government of Perak has after six months' trial now accepted and ordered Jj^P tnc Lux Street
      569 words
    • 219 4 SHHfIGER BROS j» SPEC lALITIES, I METALS QX OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. S Associated Portland Ctimnt manufacturers QX LONDON 1900. Burham Brand 5 rhcFavourite Cement used T$ on the Principal Construetion Works m the United Kingdom, Harbour and Railway Works, all over the T3 World, and by the C Government of
      219 words
    • 499 4 t Q_lo^ 'E. P.M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED, ETC PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i \Velk. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts.
      499 words
    • 387 4 TO BE LET. ••rpo BE IKI- "A, llf If io6, Orchard K,,, j i" entry. Apply to Immedwti M. SALOMON ft BQN .Sept. ,6. *>*+**++ '!•< T»O BE LET, the ple^vnl r residences from IIK federate Estate, all comtorta Known as -mSSSS^T^ HKKMKM T^BEIET. Gmvcmc nl<l!ti sample rooms, etc on
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 413 4 SHIPPING NEWS. MAN-OF-WAR. Flora, H M twin-screw second-class cruiser, 4,360 tons, 322 crew, 10 guns, 7,000 h. p. Capt Dalton, Ist Nov. From Penang, 30th Oct. Senior Naval Officer U.- Rds. Cycloop, Dut Govt str 365 tons, 37 crew 1400 h.p., Capt. Keenen. I2th Nov. From Muntok, nth Nov. For
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    • 503 4 Ger str J26 tons, Capt Lenae, 13th OV^u hr m Ban B kQk Jto Nov. Gc, and 65 dp. Behn Meyer Co. For Bangkok, 17th— W. Folv, Norwegian str Capt Knger. Nov 12 From Bangkok, Nov 8. For Bombay, Un. Giang Seng, Dutch 722, Craig, Oct. 26 Samarang, Heap Eng
      503 words