Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 13 November 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 49 1 NOTES ANT) NEWS FROM LONDON. TREPOFF S NEW COMMAND. VLADIMIR'S SUCCESSOR APPOINTED. Reuters Agenoy. London, Nov. iI. General Tre})off has been 'appointed Commandant of the Palace troops. Grand Duke Nicholas Nichol.ijevitch has replaced the Grand Duke Vladimir as commander of the St. Petersburg military district.
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  • 19 1 London, Nov. i i Mr. W. Parrott, Liberal member for the Xormanton division, is dead.
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  • 65 1 MUTINY SUPPRESSED BY LOYALISTS. Reuters Agency. I.< >M>< i\, iv. The mutinous soldiers and mJlots at Kronstadt number five thousand During the disturbances the troops killed ten officers who were unpopular with the men. Two squadrons of Hussars and two battalions of the crack IVcobrajcn-ky Regiment have arrived
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  • 73 1 BUREAUCRATIC CABINET Flic following appointments la the new Russian Cabinet are officially announced. Finance. Ivan ShipofT; Agriculture, Culter Commerce. Timiria/etV; Communications, NeosesheofT (Manager of the Southwestern railways); Comptroller of the Empire. Filofoaoft With the exception of NesseaheocT all are departmental heads of the various Ministries, giving Comtc
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  • 58 1 BALFOURS SPEECH AT GUILDHALL IUll1«r'l Aj*nc, London, Nov. i i. Mr. Balfour m a speech at the Guildhall referred to Japan, our new ally, as a great Power which had arisen m the Far Kast, stating that it was a happy time to survey foreign politics when our
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  • 175 1 t.\ CELESTIAL PROBLEM. Ihe West i» not unlike the Ka-t m it> conception of heaven it takes upon itself to determine the sex of the angels already m poiseision of bli— The Mahommedan, with greater gallantry, has women for his angels the Westerner will have
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  • 135 1 Amongthe many annoyances lowhidl men prominent m the nations service arc subjected is the constant effort <-f irrepressible strangers to affect ill appearance of the greatest intimacy with them. In Washington Admiral Dewey is, perhaps, the greatest sufferer m this respect. Courteous and genial as he is,
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  • 34 1 An.Tm.il.ii Chitty allege! that Ml Wtvant Chinava Chitty, has COOUnitted criminal breach of tTUSt to the extent i of Vcj6jo The cmc has been i*>!»tponcd till the iMh inst., hail $5,000.
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  • 241 1 RESULTING m si Kirn s MOTS iVnan^ is t.» h< (..r.^i.it.il.acd tint it* heatity .oiii|k tm..ii p.. >• without serious dfcturbances ••< Moodshed. Advii cs (tcmi Stroth, Indiana, 1 5, A., ibon thai a timiiar lM mere culminated m not m which the fortunate winner- „f the competition
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  • 682 1 DETAILS <>! OUTRAGE IN LJENCIIOW Our reader* will reoMOsbei that w<published telegram mmm ten d.i\s ago or More, annoum ing the ftlaughtei ol rue mcmben "i i missionary party m China. The loll. .wing particular* of the affair are non at hand a^ reported 111 tllC >'!/</// (1111
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 326 1 ■'MING TOBAC^i vts for Singapore JOHN LITTLE CO. ms^bThe "Empire" Typewriter, l S .u-r'r!wT. I MiK llilu w^«revcr it has been introduced. SIMPLICITY. STRENGTH, \..H9aH£>-"'"l "'OUCH AND VISIBLE WRITING arc some of itn points. "*«mi ORDINARY MODEL, ¥*****; BRIEF MODEL, $165.00 INSURANCE POLICY MODEL, 51 90.00- Importers, BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED.
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    • 257 1 The Straits Cycle and JVlotor Coy. AGENCIES SINGER CYCLES, PREMIER CYCLES, JAMES CYCLES. MAKERS of the LAJV The Cheapest House for all Motor Accessories and Electrical Fittings, Lamps, Ac. BATTERY IROAID > THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Tlie Best Hotel that has ever existed m the Island, tricallv Fitted throughout. Has splendid
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    • 68 1 I €ast Asian mercantile Road. ■T a *'^sßTP?i'^i Soli Agents for B^ o a w^'bßb^''' w r# Labour and Timbfr. S^^^^^ 1 NORWEGIAN PURE COWS' MILK, i THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH J THE FILL FLAVOUR OF FRESH S COWS' MILK IS RETAINED. J The must flattering testimonials from
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    • 19 1 Buchanan's "Red Seal" Guaranteed 7 Years Old. A Boom S« mi ii Whisky. Km i iMio.wi i.V (ioMii VaLVB."
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  • 527 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 13th NOVEMBER. THE HARBCUR SCHEME. la Saturday's i--ue of the "E. D. M." were found some interesting questions propounde-1 to the Government at Friday's meeting of the Legislative Council by the Hon. John Ander-on. I" ihese Government had a reply ready, but
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  • 494 2 SINGAPORE IS WICKED BUT FAPPY. A correspondent to the Hongkong Telegraph deplores the deadly dullness of a Sunday m Hongkong and recom- mends the imitation of less saintly but more practical Singapore. He says m part "In Singapore almost every house has a lawn tennis green attached to
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  • 324 2 MR. A. A. McINTVRE ARRIVES TO TAKE CHARGE. Among the pas-cnger- who left for Singapore on the 4th inst by s. Kistna, was Mr. A. A. Mclntyre, the Inspector of Sanitary Improvements to the Penang Municipality, says the Pmmxg Gatette, Mr. Mclntyre, after serving a while m
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  • 131 2 A I longkong paper reports that the annual recurrence of plague there is being gradually stamped out. From the Ist July to the 31st December, 1903, the total number of cases reported was 136; for the same period m 1904 the number was 132; and from
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  • 83 2 bong Coh, a verdant young man was taking snap shots m Cross street' He was rudely reminded of the fact that thin pastime is against the law end was brought before Mr. Bryant for taking photos within the prohibited 3,000 yards limit of a fortification. Inspector K.rke expressed
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  • 240 2 VAMPIRES v. G. Co. On Saturday afternoon the Vampires paid a visit to Tanglin Barracks to play off a League fixture with G. Co. of the Sherwood Foresters. The game started punctually at 5 o'clock. The G's forwards almo>t immediately secured the ball, and, running down, put up
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    • 37 2 Tl »c Moral Here only one Moral from the acrimonkw out of the Pan. eonteanorariefl -„,,1 diplomatist! ihould '„,i v !i another. When the f^ one country unl, paper corresp (f--matter, of immediaK non-, recriminaUons follow. Telegraph
      Telegraph  -  37 words
    • 36 2 lOnUU •"<"•««*.. Ethiopian up i sin > wuhoritv m Germany a,,! |v menace ,> md faced .t courteitcletr. n,, left to deal with ti, Igrthc light aftht •ritn the nan HoMhfrown UcMedby k kmffnin, to >; brutality t.» uh Standard
      Standard  -  36 words
    • 25 2 Sweeping A»*«rtton I Ik- man wrho can Of all the "MHfhncnrv national lit*. arc m dangi superior efl i political, industrial, 01 a. 1 Truth
      Truth  -  25 words
    • 31 2 Th« Me*.p epC r Trrr^.. Dun, hM ru ded has popularly i dozen interview French nc. Europe int< equalled for ma j R imo nation^ a te malkc ami other Chronicle
      Chronicle  -  31 words
    • 29 2 Lord Ro»eb«r y M nd J« pan llc admires immc f Japan. Yet he who Mo td Jition ncy. A power he that 00 the tasti tboui J»j Standard
      Standard  -  29 words
    • 26 2 Cure of Contumption to trust to the < to tak< the eco| the va..\ N can make n lv:_ tic which reaching t J<l< the btatc. Express
      Express  -  26 words
    • 14 2 Bullring and Pettlni c U I nets end with petting ill CM .no. Spedator
      Specdator  -  14 words
    • 20 2 Bl»m«rch Method* What I al met I irai wh He m havi«>u: when h'.us h ha<i final i and Standard
      Standard  -  20 words
    • 29 2 British Feeling toward* German* Trade rival IK >'. the v. Far E M be the unreason ca lUtted cither 00 D »l bit i« hi-. It I whole chester Guardian
      Chester Guardian  -  29 words
    • 22 2 Efficiency. The t ballet i ■ore th devastation. They matchd tie> of England, M easily is J n the champ town. Express
      Express  -  22 words
  • 211 2 S. R. C. Ist XI v. P. \V. I). The S. R. C i-t XI met th< p. w. i) m a cricket match on the S. R. C end of the esplanade. Play started at --30 P- m. The club proved the better of the two teams by
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  • 288 2 SERVANT CONVICTED. Mr. Brooke Johnston, who cribed himself is a broker, i ited a .Malay namci Haroon MSt bt fore Mr. s- th on the charge of then. r J"i".-* I that the accused had been his servant for nearly three ye Mr. John -ton came
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  • 125 2 M. Pragel, a bachelor irho livts m a flat m the Rue St. Jacques, writes a Pans correspondent, has had his eye knocked out with a pair of tony- wielded b_v an irate concierge on whom he played a practical joke The concierge refused to allow
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  • 146 2 Mr. N. Lazarus, the well-known eve specialist, has arrived from Pcnang. Wj learn from a mail paper to hand, that the Karl of Crawford is fitting out his hue auxiliary yacht Va Ui.illa at Southampton for a long crime to the Cape and the Far Ea^t. 1 1 has been
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  • 47 2 riu alleged thai Chitty, bad \\i self"' |j firm. l'lieu CUM •tory that he I the point <•! prom iion m ami t>» w rite out i I 3. On Chitty alleged ■ervant. had f>< from lients ii hi-> pocket. All these caw i tcri.il investigation.
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  • 60 2 On the |th Lane, .1 row to of Chinamen who been gambling, i cents iv let on to one and or rather, when the prostrate fig he Was dead Ming Sung, Bun Bod wi Bryant loi allegation "t iv amounting t •> m death of 11- A i
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  • 12 2 tepNMu'Mh I m Japnt.. irv has decided thai ▼allied M 1 ll!
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 "RED SEAL," 7-YEARS OLD. BLACK WHITE," 12-YEARS 1 OLD. OF ALL "DEALERS. j Mcl <U_T€urop^ Musical Evening To-night Every Night 3 MUSIC under the direction of 9 j Monsieur Le Clair, S i I late of tht k celebrated Lamoreux 1 5 plays at Tiffin, m the afternoon. I H
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    • 342 2 GRAPES. Fresh Grapes, 35 Ots. PEE lb. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORKS I GOGHLAN CO. Licensed Auctioneers HOUSE A ESTATE AGENTS. Preliminary Notice. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Household Furniture, The Property of E.G. Broaderick, Esq., at Goodwood Hill, > ifurdav, iSih November, i^oj. L. COGHLAN ft
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    • 59 2 Magic. Magic. Magic. COMMENCING Fruhy, November rQtk, and following Ntfkts. In the spacious tent at Beach Road, formerly occupied by The British Cinematograph Co, Modern Illusions and Conjuring up-to-date Black art I Black ant Fop the First time m Singapore. The Mysterious Cove of Wonders Startling Wonderful Feats. Card Illusions
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  • 301 3 HIF INTERNATIONAL SITUATION. LONG PEACE PROPHESIED. R.ut.r *ot«ey London, Nov. i i M r Baltour m the course of his 1 at Guildhall referred to the nation m Russia, stating that the pi cat movement m the direction of Iforovernment tncre was absorbing nubhc interest. All Britain wished
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  • 56 3 IMPERIAL SIGNIFICANCE London, Nov. i i. All the newspapers emphasize the gi incance of the Prince ess of Wales' visit to India. emarks that their Royal es represent the permanent the Briti-h Empire, and d the people that great renowned generals may It that the Government
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  • 16 3 Reuters Agency London, Nov. i i. The Czar has proclaimed a financial :m.
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  • 26 3 INTERVIEWS THE POPE. Rtvttrt Altar y.] London, Nov. i i Archbishop of Colombo has been received m audience by the Pope of tic.
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  • 20 3 rßtut.r Aftncy London, Nov. i i. order of the running at the pool Autumn Cup meeting was
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  • 61 3 INEERS shot DOWN BY QUICKFIRERS. Reuters A|eney.] London, Nov. ii. uation at Kronstadt was at one serious, the mutinous seapen, artilleri>t^ and infantry joining m wild pillage and incendiarism. ually the fortress artillerymen quickfircrs upon the rioters, d wounding one hundred of The tight is described as being
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  • 74 3 STORMY SCENES. Reuter's Agency London, Nov. i i. tude of the French Govera•ards the trade unions of civil led to a crisis m the n^er. Berteause has resigned tlie Government received the of the Nationalists on that question. Alter stormy scenes a vote of confine, moved by
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  • 79 3 EAT NAVAL PROGRAMME ARRANGED. Reuters Agency London, Nov. i i. he Standard states that theoretically t hi jaf aMe> > c N«vy will form part of ie for world wide naval edT UV r cs m 9° 6 h be assum»ie situation is threatening and warn An
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  • 34 3 DEMANDS FULL CONTROL OF THE MANCHURIAN RAILWAY. {Special "E. D. Mr) London, Nov. 12. Under the plea of military exigencies the Russian War Office demands the lull control of the Manchurian Railway
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  • 57 3 SUCCESSFULLY FLOATED. PARIS SUBSCRIBES LARGELY. {Special »E. D. Mr) London, Nov. 12. The new Japanese loan has been successfully floated. The money offered by kuropean investors was largely m excess ol the requirements of the loan, which has been issued and closed bei fore the new Ri-sian loan.
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  • 41 3 RETURNING TO JAPAN OWING TO ILL HEALTH. {Special **E, D. M.") Hongkong, Nov. i 2. The Mikado, solicitous of the health of General Oyama, who has been ill for sometime past, has ordered his immediate return to Japan.
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  • 42 3 FIRST WARSHIP TO ARRIVE SINCE THE OUTBREAK OF WAR. {Special "E. D. M.") Hongkong, Nov. 12. The Japanese cruiser Xiitaka has arrived at Hongkong. This is the first Japanese warship stationed here since the beginning of the war.
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  • 55 3 THE CZAR APPLIES TO ROOSEVELT FOR ASSISTANCE. r {Special "E. D. M.") London, Nov. 12. 1 he Czar has asked President Roosevelt to induce the Powers to allay the anger which has been aroused throughout Jewishdom owing to the massacre of Jews m Russia. President Roosevelt has
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  • 37 3 WITH FLAGS FLYING AND BAND PLAYING. HomcoKG, Nov. 1 2. The interned Russian Cruiser Askold left Shanghai yesterday for Yladivostock. The cruiser made quite a brave departure with her flags flying and band playing.
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  • 27 3 {Speaal D. M.") London. Nov. 12. Secretary Root has notified Japan that the American Legation at Tokio will be raised to an embassy.
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  • 47 3 EiD NEW RAILWAY. •uttr's Aftncy London, Nov. i i. It has been decided to construct a railway across British North Borneo from West to East, the construction of the line to commence at Tenom. A company will be formed to carry out the plan.
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  • 56 3 OPENED BY LORD MAYOR. Rauter's Agency London, Nov. 1:. The Lord Mayor has opened a fund for the unemployed. The Queen has given to the fund £2,000. Appeals are made to all charitable persons throughout the Empire, to come to the relief of those who will otherwise
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  • 161 3 TWO RACES CLAIM AUSTRALIA'S RESPECT. Piul»r i *g»ncy. London, Nov. 12. Mr. Deakin lias introduced m the I louse of Representatives amended immigration Hills, the first of which provides that the Commonwealth may arrange with the Government of any other country so that merchants and tourists may
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  • 49 3 President Roosevelt strongly advises the authorities of Yale, Harvard, and Princeton Universities to so modify inter-University football as to eliminate its brutalities. On Saturday the third Officer of the American steamer Ohio, which arrived on Friday from England, was taken to the General Hospital, suffering from heart-failure and paralysis.
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  • 873 3 A SUCCESSFUL MEETING. The Batu Gajah Gymkhana held on the 4 th mst. was favoured with excenlonally fine weather, and the going on the course was all that could be desired A large gathering of Europeans was present including many ladies who rendered invaluable assistance m helping to
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  • 76 3 Lai Tek has been out of prison less than a week. Within that time he managed to get himself arrested for stealing a dollars worth of bones. On being hauled up before the Bench Court he admitted the theft and asked to be sent to prison. lle
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  • 96 3 The other morning Foo Ah Pin was arrested at Collyer Quay with eight packets of unstamped letters, m all 179, brought from Swatow. The packets were linked together much as a boy makes the tail of a kite. One end of this was fastened to his belt
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  • 25 3 INANCE COMMERCE. The Netherlands Trading Society on Saturday quoted the 4/ ms bank rate t2 /2 3/16. The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2/2 1/8.
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  • 139 3 (Mercantile Bank.) Yesterday's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 1/8 Demand 2/1 Private 6 m/s. 2/2 7/16 do. 3 m/s. 2/2 On Germany— Bank d/d 2.20^ Private 3 m/s 2.22J do. 6 m/s 2.25 O« France— Bank d/d 2.71 Private 3 m/s 2.76 do. 6 m/s 2.79 0«
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  • 135 3 Tin 81.57 Gambier M 7 95 do Cube No. 1 v.374 do do No. 2 1 1.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 23.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 33.50 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) do (80 to thelb.). 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) ,t 3S Liberian Coffee
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Nov. 14- At Sale-room, freehold and leasehold Town and other properties. 2-30 p. m 14 At Sale-room, freehold land with steam sawmill and pineapple factory. 2-30 p.m. 14— At Sale-room, house No 22 Church Street. 2-30 p.m. H L Coghlan and Co Nov. 13— At
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    • 509 3 ROBINSON and Co, A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety I Lever Locks m the following sizes 1 24 m. 27 m. jo m. ?r m. and v» m. I v Star of
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 209 3 L VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR. Wharves at which Different Ships are berthed. East Wharf, Nil. Victoria Graving Dock, Ban Whatt Ilin, Giang, Seng. Albert Graving Dock, Zaida. Section No. 1 G. Zibenghla. Section No. 2 Nil. Section No. 3 Nil. Section No. 4 Cainbyses. Section No. 5, Paroo. Section No.
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  • 61 4 Singapore Kranji Railway. From Ist August, 1905, and Until Further Notice. Singapore .V: j C WOODLAND, [IS" 2 SSlSa^ SfIS Bakar PWr) 7^ Mi iLO# I^l yo 7 3^9 x,. •^Tr^ Up Tpa|M ggpaSSi fill cum«Z iSSBSSSSSgI 3 2? SINGAPORE ;-ti I* 11U li£ IT: S£3 fcSfljg g |oS7: i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 644 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Stirling Res<-r.v tIQOOOIOOO 1K W<¥ln erKeserre 4500,000 1 *15.50a«» Reserve L:al; ,ty ■>! Pi pr.etors f10.000.00 0 Courtof Directors. H A. \v. E«q- Cba 2 A. Ha Dei ity-O H B.C W. Dicka X Salinger, Esq. E. Go El rlsq
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    • 482 4 SHIPPING, NOTICES. THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co., AND Central Pacific, L'mon Pacific, Chicago A: North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Opera/:** the LARGEST and FASTEST ±Uxm*r< oh tht PACIFIC.) from HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. The National highxv+x to
      482 words
    • 355 4 f The Lux Light) Jt HAS HEEN AWARDED ;^^k, 60ld mCdal and w P Jora 3 honour \y^ At the Lighting Exhibition at Vienna 1901 and at C 3 THE WORLDS EXHIBITION AT LIEGE 1905, The Government of Perak has after six months' trial now accepted and ordered I^9 the
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    • 530 4 DFDFDFDFD %E. ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTeH 7 PREPAID. Cheap Put licit/ for alt jtsr Wants. H^ttttt, Godomnt etc.. Wanted d T: Let. S.tuatiom Wanted d Vacent. Exchange d ¥art. i I>ay i Week Fortmght. V 25 \\->>rds or under 50 ct« 1 50 2 00 3 1 > 50 73
      530 words
    • 107 4 TO BE LET. ent It. S I federate E T above Pace. ROM 10 LSI M. t H s Eu T'HRI E r^^.T? h ar-r I 1 V 5 FOR SALE. Strongly recommended S H r :<■€.-. re P I COR S C R r YAMATO CO, J Dealers m
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 342 4 SHIPPING NEWS. MAN-OF-WAR. i. H M twin-screw second-class cmi*r 4-yx> tons. 322 crew. 10 guns. 7.000 h. p. Capt DtJto* Ist Nov From Penan*. JoS Ckt. Na-.al Officer U.-RdT TRADING VESSELS. .Uihan. German str Capt Peters. Nov 12. From Paner. Nov io. For Asahan. Nov 15. P^'^^^V »r Capt Gorang.
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    • 332 4 KffHtun Br-t str '.apt Coandi, Nov U h rcm ach Bg; ov 6 For L:verpool U: A' r German str Capt Huebr.er. Nov !2 1-rom I -aagkok. Nov 6 For Bangkok, Un. A.W<jßnt str Capt Brooks Nov 12 From Calcutta, Nov 3. For Austral:*. N:v U Brit str 505 tons,
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