Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 10 November 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 212 1 NOTES AND NEWS FROM LONDON. LAMSDOWNE BANQUETTED. ENGLAND PROUD OF HFR ALLY. (NuttCs A t nnyO y London, Nov. 8. A banquet was given last night m honour ot Lord Lansdownc and m recognition of the conclusion of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty. Baron Hayashi was present, and
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  • 123 1 DISPLEASED AT CEYLON BUDDHISM ORDINANCE. R»ut«r't A|«My. Ln.MHJN, Nov. 8. A deputation from the MiMiomry Societies working m Oeyfton waited upon the Hon. Alfred Lyttelton, Secretary of State for the Colonies, to protest against the Buddhism Ordinance. Mr. Lyttelton <aid that no reason had been advanced for disallowing
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  • 47 1 ANOTHER MANIFESTO FROM THE CZAR. Rtulir'i Igancy LoXIXM^ Nov. S. A (rah manifesto issued at St Petersburg mum the people that the proposed reform* will be inflexibly carried out despite the enemies of reform, but the Government must have the co-operation of the pacific majority.
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  • 46 1 ROTHSCHILDS WILL AID. RMttrt A|«*oy LuMx>N, Nov. S. The Chief Kabbi of London has received a telegram from a prominent Russian Jew Mating that many Jewish communities have teen entirely destroyed and asking for help. The Rothschilds and others are planning relief measures.
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  • 38 1 OVER FOUR HUNDRED BURIED IX TRENCHES. Reuters Agency London, Nov. Five hundred ami twelve Jewish victims were buried at Odessa yesterday m the presence of vast crowds. Hie bodies were un-coffined and interred m trenches.
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  • 45 1 IMPORTANT RI'SSIAN OFFICIAL ADMISSION. Reuter Agency. London, Nov. a, A St. Petersburg official communique admits that it is undeniable that m some places local authorities hostile to reforms encouraged the recent excesses. A judicial investigation has been ordered wherever this is suspected.
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  • 34 1 Reuter'» Agency I London, Nov. 8. The New Zealand football team has beaten Oxfoid I'nivcrsity by 47 points to nil. Their total score prior to thi> last game was 540 against 15.
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  • 19 1 "cuter Afency. London, Nov. King Alfonso has arrived m Berlin on a visit to the Kaiser.
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  • 220 1 JANUARY SEPTEMBER OUTPUT. (From our CunYsponHmt.) I Hiring the pericxi, lanuary to September, 1905, the out-put ofModtUa from the Federated Malay States amounted to pikul. a32.808.5v (lJi K<B tons), the senior State of the Federation contributing pikuls 105,978.80 '>3<>B tons towards this, or a little less
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  • 262 1 .lanuaix S< pu mber Output. The output of tin tioni Pahang during tlit* mouth of September amounted t,, pikuls 447 >h a t c RaulnliMrii t. and of tin-ore, pikuls 2,705; <>: or a total of pikuls LISJ*! (iSt tons). I his was valued approximate!) at S^5S, 1 5
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  • 304 1 (Fmm our WflNpaMlraJ I>\n«.k<>k, (Vt. 30th. 1 lie p.cw regulation for the cail\ dosing oi public ban m liangkok Ts expected to I*. tnfofOd about tin middle of November. fhe majoritj of ban here are aU»ut the mo-t vii inviting place* one could well inuMgjnc, and OMMttAj m
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  • 38 1 PKMAMi like- Singapore, is to h.»vc a new Motor !irr-«iij;iiic. A well-known money-lender ol Pimm it accused of fraudulently cMming paynu nt on BongMi bon«l, lor tin settlement ot" which claim he had received th«'Vilan«-c due m 1903.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 449 1 |ififJ€ TOMfe y ,i,I MS IOR SlNt.ArOR^ JOHN LITTLE CO. Gawett's Portable Engines and Boiler, foden^s Steam Wagons? OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUPPLIED BY THE BORNEO Company. Limited. SERANGOOM ROAD. iXrrr^ 11 o om t lslh October we will on the Serangoon Road, at the Ter- T2W" T 1 the ld
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    • 160 1 The Straits Cycle and JHotor Coy. AGENCIES SINGER CYCLES, PREMIER CYCLES, JAMES CYCLES. MAKERS of the <• LAJV The Cheapest House for all Motor Accessories and Electrical Fittings, Lamps, Ac. BATTERY ZROJLID. 1 DAHL's" MILK. "1 1 NORWEGIAN PURE COWS' MILK, THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH 1 THE FULL
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    • 16 1 Buchanan's Bed Seal Guaranteed 7 Years Old. A Sot-ND Scotch Whisk n oi KxCKPTIONALLYjGoOD VaLUE." I
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  • 81 2 Established, Sept. 4TH, 1903. Published at 58-2, Hill Street. Singapore. Subscription. Daily Local tj.so per quarter Outstations 54.50 Telephone No. 972. All contributions must be addressed to "Tiie Editor," written on one side of the paper only, accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily
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  • 686 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY, 1OTH NOVEMBER EASTERN SHIPPING. British residents m the Far East will be pleased to learn that the P. and O. Company are at length taking energetic steps to retain their hold upon the Far Eastern passenger traffic. In another column it will
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  • 198 2 ACCUSATION AGAINST A MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE On Wednesday, Mr. Seth's Court promised to be interesting, as there wnm tease 00 the file m which Sergeant Nolan, supported by the Baron de Horn, was to have prosecuted, and Mr. G. E. Raine and Mr. I, Polglase, Municipal Secretary, defended.
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  • 358 2 The Portugese transport Africa arrived yesterday from Lisbon with 175 troop> aboard for Macao. The P. O. CoroHiandr/ arrived from Hongkong yesterday morning and left last night for Pcnang. L.\bT Wednesday was a public holiday inSelangor, it being the secon.l anniversary of the Sultan's coronation. Mr. BsJEWSTEB was re-elected President
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  • 669 2 AN INTERESTING CEREMONY. At an c.irly hour yesterday morning detachments of troops, sailors and volunteers might have been seen wending their way towards the Racecourse where the great parade of the year was to be held m honour of the King's Birthday. The day was a glorious
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  • 364 2 ALLEGED ATTEMPT To SWALLOW INCRIMINATING LETTER Luke Christophles irai before Mr. Sctli on Wednesday for preliminary enquiry into allegations of (i) criminal breach of tru>t m respect of a letter addressed to a Mr. Bnckhill containing BO Indian Money Order for Rs. i 25; and (2)
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  • 50 2 SK.NIFKAXI C| R M-, CENERAL RISING IMPENDING.' strike at st. r,,V,,V. I nion has issued a »imSJ^ R »«hn* to the Railway men S n must store up arm.. uHuV J' decisive noment *m**iE?*Z*ii like erne man and nr,, arms urnM complete T »"-'r their efforts vutor .v
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  • 37 2 FIFTY THOUSANn n WITH CuTunSS Crisis Averted by c*«*. It appear* that fiftt with cunjfrom th. k. were landed at 1id.;,,,:,,. inst At the p.v lh «jr.i however, the Im^ria and relieved the^ ns
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  • 31 2 SEVENTEEN HOCm DESPERATE K.M,'|. N*«t«r t Aftacy. One hundred under the n^t: ni«i«tlicv.ll^. inland from Batoum surr.M,mJi,l \y hundred and live «,f tikilled during a ■cventeen hour's duration
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  • 14 2 1 Subscriptions for Uw Ninia, <. {>eiied ycst« to-day, the amount subscribed
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  • 12 2 PRINCE CONNAUGHT 'S MISSION. The Prince tA onna •aill by the U
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  • 35 2 CITIES QUIET BUT VII.: IN rURMOII Reuter't Agency Nuubei re-opening resumed m Si Pcu Helsinffors and ■re -rill ten-iblc so n bouring tfljagi all the Jewish houses troyed, many hum thousands wround<
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  • 12 2 Reuter'» Agene) I. Lady F''Mr c\j>!orcr and Women's I. pion ii
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  • 18 2 GREAT STRIKE I STRIA! RAILWAYMI Rcuter A|enc>. lew thousand ployed m Austi demands incllldi Miffirage
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  • 44 2 COMBINED FLEET OF X IX) M Reuter's Aiency It it expecto the Po\w >hiu^, will appeal COO CM thf vi It it Man d t Vk daaMnstration doei not opposition of tin Porb donian reform m In of the Dardanelles will
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  • 16 2 R*«Mr I A|Mcy rhe Dacheu ■>• Fif< be ityted Pi nctu R daughters Princesi
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  • 49 2 HUNDREDS OF L'XA PEOPLE SHOT P«»^ N RMttf t M*" c rComplete dc-t..i!- mined during the Russian pro inces 1 out. They surpa-^ all In t»nc instance at several detachmenti o( Ru«e»n' l>ourcd In a crosfl fin up^*"* crowd, over 400 peoph wounded within .1 fc>» r
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  • 64 2 11l H) W II X UlllurMM <l Penang will 11. .t he- boned Range as heretofore, W !1 where they arc ihot, b) 0 i Blonf withtteshootenfo Thi P.AcCV <>utw..nl Sim/a \c(t Colombo al I day and ii txptOtd 10 this afternoon Advices from Shanis"* 1 meeting of the I'^'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 377 2 ENGLISH MILKS. SWEETENED WITH CANE SUGAK. "JOHN BULL' 18 Cts; per tin Containing 1 lb. Met. DIPLOMA Full Cream 23 ditto ditto 1 lb. Met. From Australian Stores and all Dealers. i~™" j Md de TCurope, j Musical Evening To-night Every Night J I MUSIC under the direction of 1
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    • 503 2 GOGHLAN CO. Licensep Auctioneers HOUSE ESTATE AGENTS. Preliminary Notice. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Household Furniture, The Property of E. G. Broaderick, Esq., at Goodwood Hill, Saturday, /St/i Xovonber, f<?oj. H. L. COGHLAN Co., Licensed Auctioneers. The Paddle Steamer "Thaiping" WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON I uesday, 21st Xuvembei at
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    • 223 2 Magic. Magic. Magic. COMMENCING Friday, [November /(V/j, and following Nights. In the spacious tent at Beach Road, formerly occupied by Ttte British Cinematograph Co. Modern Illusions and Conjuring up-to-date. Black art I Black art 1 1 For the First time m Singapore. The Mysterious Cave of Wonders Startling Wonderful Feats.
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  • 51 3 rcARLY A THOUSAND KILLED DURING DISTURBANCE. H««t»rt *«««ey. London, Nov. 8. rhc strikes m Finland have ended. •[he total killed at Odessa number Tlic decrease m the reports of cxLUinthe provinces appears to m J: IC that the Governments tardy oSers to suppress disorders are being carried
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  • 170 3 GOVERNMENT HAS NOT CONCEALED DIFFICULTIES Reuters Agency I London, Nov. 8. letter from Mr. Forstcr refutes the rat i o n that the Government is conV,Mnu its diticultics m supplying the fndnn drafts. He fully explains the nation, showing that it is due to rinses originating m
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  • 43 3 RUSSIAN SUFFRAGE WIDENED. Rtattr A|«acy I London, Nov. 8. Count de Witte has prepared a new electoral franchise scheme for the Douma, increasing its member to 600, including *S workmen, and greatly reducing the property qualification, widening the suffrage generally.
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  • 63 3 WITTE, PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL OF MINISTERS. Ag«M> London, Nov. S. Count cie Witt* has been gazetted a> President of the re-organised Council of Ministers j t j 4 v that Mr. Shipoff. the leader fl c Zemstvoist Party at Moscow, has accepted the Comptrollers hip tpire, with the
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  • 27 3 Reuter s Agency- LONPON. Nov. 8. The death of Sir George Williams, ler of the young Men's Christian ition, is announced.
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  • 27 3 Reutar's Agency S Henry Arthur Wake, Governor of Ceylon, "has accepted an invitation to the" Ceylon Association dinner on the 1 ith November.
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  • 63 3 NEW MINISTERS ARK PROMINENT LIBERALS. Reuters Agenoy. London, Nov. 9. The Times states that Count de Wine has completed the Russian Cabint Prince Urussoff is Minister of the Interior Prince Eugene Trubetzoi, of Education; M.Shipoff. of Agriculture M. Nimjachaieff, of Railway-. All these are prominent Liberals. Mr.
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  • 54 3 AMERICANS SUBSCRIBE HEAVILY. Rtuttr'ft Ajenr, London, Nov. 9. A mass meeting of the Jews of New k formed a relief committee for the Russian sufferers irrespective of reliOver $56,800 G£u,36o) was scribed. I* egrams were received from Jews n London, Paris, and Berlin, offering t" participate
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  • 50 3 PRINCE BATTENBERG OVATED RMlir 1 A|«ncy London, Nov. 9. After weeks of the cordialist amenities between the naval and official circles at Annapolis and Washington, Prince Battenberg went to Baltimore where he was enthusiastically ovated t>y thirty thousand American Citizens. .The Prince has left Baltimore for New V.
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  • 19 3 Rttfttr Agency London, Nov. 9. ir George W ill iams will be buried St. Paul's.
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  • 33 3 Rtuter Agency. London, Nov. «s. Jhe imports for the ten month's end- n with the end of October have "icrcastd by eleven millions and the e *portv bj thirty millions.
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  • 494 3 P. 0. SERVICE. NEW VESSELS FOR THE FAR EAST. The latest additions to the P. O. Fleet arc of special interest to European residents m the Far East. The last of these vessels, the Mooltan, will soon arrive m Bombay. She is a replica of the Moldavia class, already well-known
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  • 166 3 A couple of days ago, Koona Payna Reena Chinniah Chitty went to the shop of one Gurusamy Pillay, No. 18S-S Serangoon Road, to collect money. Gunisamy wa< out. Ramsamy, his manager, was also out, but Armoogum an assistant, invited the Chitty to wait. He did so. Ramasamy
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  • 124 3 FOUR EX-EMPLOYEES FINED It will be remembered that about the 1 cth ult. a strike took place among the Tramway employees with the result that Mr. Tandy, the Manager, and his European staff, together with the public, were put to temporary inconvenience. As a consequence, Talip, Majeid,
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  • 171 3 The Perak Turf Club has decided to post the names of defaulters m all S. R. A. Clubs. Elaborate preparations are being made for the Convent Bazaar to be held m Victoria Memorial Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings next week. There will be a Cafe Dm/sanl, the band playing
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  • 1501 3 LIST OF GUESTS. The following is the list of guests invited to the King's Birthday Ball, which was held at the New Memorial Hall yesterday evening Mr and Mrs and Misses Abrams J O Anthonisz; Miss MAP Austin- R J Addie; T W Allan; James Arthur; J Armstrong
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  • 17 3 h is reported from Shanghai that during a recent typhoon, nineteen Japanese vesse's were wrecked ott Nilgata.
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  • 27 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. The Netherlands Trading Society yesterday quoted the 4/ms bank rate at 2 1 2 3/ 1 6. The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2/2 1/8.
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  • 141 3 {Mercantile Bank.) Yesterday's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 1/8 Demand 2/ 1 Private 6 m/s. 2/2 7/16 do. 3 m/s. 2/2 j On Germany Bank d/d 2.20.4 Private 3 m/s 2.22J do. 6 m/s 2.25 On France— Bank d/d 2.71 Private 3 m/s 2.76 do. 6 m/s
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  • 130 3 Tin 81.50 Gambier 7.95 do Cube No. 1 n-37i do do No. 2 1 1. 00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 23.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 33. 50 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 33. do (80 to the lb.). m% m 59Mace (Banda) ..,,145. Cloves (Amboina)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 Don't ever play with dynamite. In case it should explode, Beware of robbers late at night, And take the safest roadDon't Laugh at any little ill, Hut health at once secure, For Dysentery and Feverish Chill. Take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 58 3 I dwell m the palace and mansions, My Name's on the lips of the Royal, I am crowned with a million Laurels, By the hard won sons of toil I am hailed with a spirit of gladness In the homes of the rich and poor, For I'm known to the
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    • 356 3 ROBINSON] »> and Co. A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL steel CABIN TRUNKS The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks m the following sizes -?4 ill. 27 m. v so m. |i m. and m. Star of India." Very Superior
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 242 3 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Nov. 14— At Sale-room, freehold and leasehold Town and other properties. p. m 14 At Sal-room, freehold land with steam sawmill and pineapple factory. 2-30 p.m. 14 At Sale-room, house No. 22 Church Street. 2-30 p.m. H L Coghlan and Co Nov. 13— At Puttfarcken
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 690 4 BANKS. I Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL fIOOOOOOO RESERVE FUND:- Sterling Reserve 810.000.000 m, aMniWn Silver Reserve 8,500,000 S 1 500,000 j Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Courtof Directors. H. A. \Y. Sludr, Ksq -Chairman. t. JS' Ha "P t E«q— iVnuty-Chairman. Hon. C. \V. Dickson, F. Malinger. Ksq
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    • 511 4 SHIPPING, NOTICES, i THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND j ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co., and Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating the LARGEST v.id FASTEST Steamers on the PACIFIC.) from HONG-KONG SAN FRANCISCO. The National highway to
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    • 124 4 XL i f om Christmas Is. 2,-th Oct r rit str c^Pt Kendall Xov 8 From Rangoon, Nov 3. For Yokohama, to-day Jansstns, Dm. str. 803 tons, Capt Xevts. 6th N A Sourabay^ 2nd Nov G and 4 Kd?: DaenddS For R 'taVia;io"h From Bangkok, Nov 4. For Bangkok, Nov
      124 words
    • 249 4 SHHfIQEH gnos. SPECIALITIES. 8 METALS q£ OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. g associated portiana Ccmcwi Iftatmfaccurers O LONDON 1900. fc'Burham Brand' 5 TheFavourite Cement used on the Principal Construo tion Works m the United Kingdom, Harbour and Railway Works, all over the jg World, and by the S» Government of the Straits
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    • 593 4 XD.M." APLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED^ PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for ali your Wand: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. i Day. i Week. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5o 75 cts. 2. 00 3.
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    • 238 4 HOUSES ETC. WT T «> BE LET. all round an,) r f iik :cn r PO HK i1 1 entry. Apply to <Md Im^ sept, ii i^ fc*nteEstat,,,n, spaas? h apply to L. HKKMkxi ft: Sg-S tf ■«>.«.Ns., NmN( Cat 4 office or show room pensary 43b. R a ,i!
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