Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 8 November 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 48 1 NOTKS AND NEWS FROM LONDON. DUKE OF CONNAUGHT COMING. STARTS FOR JAPAN IN JANUARY. Reuter s Agency I London, Nov. 7. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cpnnaught starts for Japan the second week m January. His suite includes Lord Kedcsdalc and Admiral Seymour.
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  • 16 1 Re liter's Agency I l.o\!>. >\, Nov. 7. The death of Sir Trevor Plowdcn is announced.
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  • 14 1 ReuUr's Mency. London, Nov. 7. M. Paul Deroulcde has arrived at Paris.
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  • 30 1 «t«t«r t A|oncy. London, Nov. 7. A hundred persons have been killed and wounded at Kostoftbndon and the same number at Krementchug, towns of Southern Russia.
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  • 65 1 MOBS CARRY PORTRAIT OF CZAR. Rcuter Agency Lo.MxiN, Nov. 7. Resorts of serious Anti-Semitic and Anti-Liberal rioting continue to be received from all directions from Archangel to Tiflis and from Poland to Tomsk, generally following so-called patriotic but otherwise conservative demonstrations under the auspice^ oi the Police.
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  • 72 1 RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT Will REPRESS DISTURBANCES RIGOROUSLY. Re ut«r 'i Ag nc > London, Nov. The (ireat Socialist demonstration organised at St. Petersburg yesterday was abandoned owing to the -teiii threat of General Trepoffto repress all disturbance^ rigorously. An official communication declares that it is indispensable that all
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  • 63 1 SENSATIONAL IMPERIAL DEMAND ON AUSTRALIA. Rtuter's A|«ncy LoMK)N, Nov. 7. It is repotted at Perth that the Colonial Office has informed the Premier that the clauses of the new Factories Act of Western Australia relating to Asiatics are offensive to the feelings «>| nations with whom Great
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  • 37 1 HILL INTRODUCED IN AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT. RwUrs Agency LoMM)N, Nov. 7. General Kelly- Kenny has introduced m the Australian Parliament a bill varying th»> phraseology of the language test m a manner to conciliate Japan.
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  • 105 1 Replying to a correspondent <>n the subject of Chinese coohe outrages, Mr. Lyttelton writes: With a \i< v to prevent such occurrences, the force ol police m the Witwatcrsrand district lias been largely increased, and a large number of Chinese deserters have already been arrested by
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  • 91 1 Throe young men m Sal/burg, Austria, who were unable to obtain work, pooled what money they had anil bought a revolver. With the rest of the money they paid for dinner at a restaurant, and ostentatiously drank to each other's future. They then, says
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  • 869 1 ANNUAL MEETING OF MALAY STATES COFFEE (<>. III). The annual General mutiny ol the Malay States C otVee (.<»., Ltd.. was h< Id at Colombo on the tcjh nh. The Chairman, mi submitlinn the Auditor's RcpOTi and the Repoit oftfW Directors tor the year ending the ,*ist
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  • 78 1 Tin curious character of the Australian Immigration Laws is illustrated by the case of a groom who took out some horaai from Kugland far an Australian resident Ai M wem to Australia under an agreement as to wages, it was neomary for him to obtain a ipecial certificate >t exemption
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 367 1 r s m W&M •>■ < \,,ints kor Singapore. JOHN LITTLE A CO. Jeffrey's Edinburgh Stout. $14.00 Per Case of 7 doz. pints. Of all Dealers. ST VALENTINES BATH HOTEL. RANCH OF HOTEL De l" EUROPE .y, Bukit Timah Road. AN IDEAL SPOT FOR A PICNIC OR WEEK END. SINGLE
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    • 334 1 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. ITbe1 Tbe stvsits °y cle and Motor coy. EF-KCTRIC'AL DEPABTMENT I AGENCIES:- l-ABl£S FOR ALL PURPOSES I Arc Lamps, Open Enclosed Types. 1 JAWES cycles. British made Incandescent Lamps, I MANX Its of the LAJL I .NoillSt Lamps and PaitS. Artistic Electrical I The Ch«« Mst House
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    • 25 1 t Buchanan's I "Red SealT Guaranteed 7 Years Old. 14 A Sooaoj Bcofm Wnoorcfh I O| I Kxt KIMKiNAI I N COOfJ V.M I I,"
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  • 435 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 8th NOVEMBER OUR HARBOUR IMPROVEMENTS. Government, as our readers are doubtless well aware, is planning extensive harbour improvement-*, socalled, for Singapore, from the work upon which it was, of course, expected that Singapore contractors and, through them, the 'community at large would
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  • 677 2 A recent copy of the Times of Malaya contains an able and lengthy discussion of the question whether the Tanjong Pagar scheme is a naval or purely commercial one, the writer adopting as true the denials of the Imperial Government of any connection between the Admiralty
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  • 285 2 H. E. thk Govkrnor, and party, returned from Kuantan by the Sco Aft'w yesterday. Colonkl I. R. Josks, C. 8., C. V. who succeed.-. Sir A. R. F. Dorward as Officer Commanding the Troop* m Singapore, is expected about the middle of December. Special police arrangements are being made m
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  • 172 2 (»Mot«i o m r > Colombo, Oct. 22nd. Mr. D. J. Jeyesundera, a Storekeeper m the employ of the Ceylon Wharfage Co. Ld., accidentally fell down a well on Monday last near his residence at Kotahena and was drowned. News has reached Colombo that a jeweller of Galle,
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  • 218 2 On the 29th ult. a Marine Lancecorporal VM on his rounds between 9 and 10 p.m. m Kailang River. A sampan without lights was moving towards the River. There were two men, Lim Too 'and Lim Cha Boh, m it. They were hailed and told to stop.
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  • 228 2 On the 4th ult. a Javanese girl, named Jenab bin Ahmad, married but now divorced and living with her mother, went with her younger lister to neighbouring shop near Scott^ Road> She met a woman named Sairah, who asked her to go with her m a rikiha
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  • 175 2 Between 1 and o'clock on the morning of the 21st ult., Yanjoor Mustan, a money changer living at No. 17 Market Street, who iraa, with I companion, sleeping outside his -hop. was aroused by hearing the l.vk- <>n the door rattling. He ami a liand and
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  • 112 2 On the 22nd ult. Lim Siew went out along Serangon Road. He had $2 7 with him m rolls of coppers and m two baskets. He went into a garden man followed him and whistled. Two others then appeared. One struck him Another threw powder m his face
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  • 106 2 lai Xi is an ice- water seller. On the night of the ist inst. he was K oinir along Havelock Road when Cho Hop and two others approached him, knocked him down and, while two held him one unfastened his belt and took it away There was more
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  • 40 2 Bai OUPOl "'»C«M IMrT Few men have ever I-*,.. Count do Witte w.tlnu 1! o, months first the nc^tn andthenthorcr^;^; 1 administration. latter task a. w,ll t'M-mer, he u ,ll d,..,,,,,, <flfl »> tl* the Saviour of Observer.
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  • 71 2 Shipping m the 1.,, I Anglo-Japanese shipping v A company with i could put up a .t,tV trade .v th, Ete ti nni damage to tlw existing ping companies thr run at a Ins.. Th< ulti the combine is by and recent experience mi n the t
    Bangkok Times  -  71 words
  • 87 2 ,vc. .relink to cabled wHr« autocracy MtK,,,.,, Even DcWitt c Goveriim.-iit unless graiitrd. I lv- < zar. alarmed at the s tuati,,,,, decided but is makin» „i.,... for his personal »afcty should \Z Wont mnif. piepkna ofthi 10 liavc been wrll 1 Soon, even titutinn will Vrt sativfy
    Manila American  -  87 words
  • 150 2 Mr. riuttenbach it a»a successful business man m W c -I >uld like to know attained t<» hi- present Hoa m omimrivial < lines -imilar to tiM-. |>OUM<J- f<>r v- that is to maclo it a practice t<» buy m i possible market ami sell
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  • 130 2 The British 1 I a coloiial bu^iiic-- concern predominant partner scs to ml a spice on tin many nillioni ofsubjt wean apt to overlook tlic imp contribute"! \>\ the N ll I with vGovenimettt and m tl our dominion m tlic I'.a-t at nU ale md i
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  • 21 2 I li«» h ditoi mvilrhMM« to f A H vi men <>ii t«> 1 n tho •(> .1
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  • 149 2 A CORREC riON Dear Sir. In the hncr I Riven last evening at the rcpoitci w% i.nth did n I sPine purport of MM ot m\ M I should be rcr) J-> m ot the population ot i or knew something ol < hristUi trutt,* I fear
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  • 40 2 Am.imkk |a!Unl rescue from Stnwburf wlu.vtlu- a youiiK l.uh (font drowi «rhis ownl.lr rfeii n.m t- big post while "ii sc'iitn «f 11 v mimlsusoftheancienl *<*) dier who Iraa blown up "> M,: and who u.i-> a«Kn! made off with Governintnl P
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 364 2 "TIMES" MIMING CAMPLES. The Hardest, Most Brilliant and Cheapest IH^Jb^O^/THHTTP.p} Borneo Company T .totted. GRAPES. 1 Fresh Grapes, I 85 Cts. PER ]b. I THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. I THOMPSON THOMAS €0.1 THE AUSTRALIAN STORES I {Ox British 1 Cinematograph. S TONight Every Night I Sundays Excepted. In their spacious tent
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    • 70 2 >o> >o YAMATfI^&CO. Dealers m High Class I Japanese Curios and General Goods. SOLE AGENT TO TOKIO SEIKOSHA J CLOCKS AND WATCH L 3 FACTORY. H Contractors to the r Japanese Navy and I Nippon Yusenifaisha's Fleet. f 27, Hi K h Street, f J SINGA PORE. O •><">« >f
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    • 451 2 Sastern Oriental SCotei, PENfING. CjJr6_A_C3- HOTEL, PENAMG HILLS. I Satrkies Brothers, I Proprietors* I WILSOIU HO Permanent and Artistic wir ikuvn VsVJm EIiUIRGEIHEIiTS artists, photographers, Portraits and Groups and photo dealers. of the hifihe»t excellence THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO IN SINGAPORE the Leading and Largest Establishment -Up-to-Date c~ Progressive.
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    • 246 2 THE EASTERN DAILY MAIL Established, Sept. 4TH, 1905. Published at 58-a, Hill Street. Singapore. Subscription. Daily Local $3 50 per quarter Outstations $4-5o Telephonk No. 972. All contributions must be addressed to "The Editor," written on one side of the paper °"J> > accompanied by the writer's name and address,
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  • 101 3 REVOLUTIONARIES IN CONTROL pf wwi t: unable to form GOVERNMENT. R«utir'i Agtacy London, Nov. 7. The revolutionaries have proven their control of the mask's by countermand|ir Sunday's demonstration, announ£jg that tney would choose their own j a y] not one of Trepoffs choosing, for the last fight
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  • 83 3 Reuters Agency. London, Nov. 7. ]he Prince has established a Parliamentary Government m Montenegro. DEMONSTRATION OF UNEMPLOYED. MARCH TO DOWNING STREET. Rtutar** Agency. London, Nov. 7. Mr. Hal tour, replying to a deputation from tour thousand East End unemployed men and women who marched to Downing Street,
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  • 38 3 UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE DEMANDED. v utrr s Atenoy.] London, Nov. 7. Then has been a great demonstration m favour of universal suffrage m the jireat cities of Austria. There was serious rioting M Prague on Sunday.
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  • 41 3 [lAS IMPORTANT EXCLL'SIYK PRIVILEGES. UNtin Aftncy London, Nov. 7. The prospectus of the Bank of Abyssinia has beep issued. Its capital is a halt":- >ys exclusive privileg- 5 years, HieGoveri >rofthe National Bank (A Egypt is President
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  • 27 3 GUI OF SLN STALLIONS. **iltr'i AfWMy. 1 London, Nov. 7. The Kaiser has presented the Mikado with six black stallions for the Imperial stud.
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  • 35 3 0 WSTITUTIONAUSTS SATISFIED. Rtuter's Agency London, Nov. 7. The Czar's manifesto restoring all ient liberties to Finland has been published at HeUtngfors. The Constitutionalists are satisfied, but the revolutionaries demand farther oooceash
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  • 257 3 KIN G'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. v. ill !>c observed as a holu'iiy m Singapore, the banks »nd nany r places of business being closed m honour of the natal day °t Hk Majesty King EdwanL At 7.3 c a.m. there will be a review of the troops on the race-course by
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  • 146 3 MONTHLY SHOOT. Usual monthly shoot was held on 4th s th instant There were 57 wwes and 50 competitors. The prizes wtd by the Committee were A class cups, B class two cups. me results are as follows: A. Class. t. Kcyworth 85 plus 5=90. runner Hildred
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  • 325 3 USE OF PETROLEUM COMMENDED. An American writes to a Bangkok paper as follows Bangkok It seems to me that it would be cheaper and certainly far more health fu l to spread crude petroleum on the sheets and roll t into the surface, as is ,u\ll n
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  • 119 3 The arrest of a rikisha puller recently with a military cap and other things m his possession led to the hope that the finding of the cap might give a clue to the mystery which has surrounded the death of Pte. F. Short, late of A. Coy.
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  • 114 3 The case against Yong Shook Tan, accused of "mischief by fire with intent to destroy a house,* was concluded yesterday, the accused being sentenced to six months' rigorous impr'sonment. The case against Lee Sip, Cheow Kiew and Lim Ngee Sip Ng, accused of gang robbery and theft after
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  • 174 3 A school boy has sent his Singapore aunt the following amusing description of a weddingithat took place recently: "It was rather excitable. The groom who was rather a nervous man, took down some spirits to keep up his own. He came to church half an
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  • 92 3 HOMELESS, HOUSELESS FOODLESS. Yesterday morning, Dcwi, a Tamil who spoke English freely, appeared before Mr. Seth for committing a minor ofience at the Central Station. Ile said he had come from Borneo, but could get no work, though he was willing to do anything. He was homeless and houseless. Inspector
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  • 67 3 On Sunday, the Marine police overhauled a sampan off Tanjong Rhu and found therein about thirteen catties of brass sheathing and tone implements which might be used for house-break-ing. Teo Wan The, occupant of the boat, could not satisfactorily account for tlic possession of these things. Mr.
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  • 109 3 King Alfonso can relish a joke, even when he himself is its object. This is illustrated by his attitude towards the none too pleasant speculations m which newspapers of a certain class are continually indulging as to his marriage. His Majesty has a pleasure yacht named the
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  • 947 3 SILLIWATORE FIFTY YEARS AGO. The late Mr. J. A. VanGeyzel thus describes Silliwatore, the great pearl hshmgtown of Ceylon, and its neighbourhood, fifty-three years ago A few days after the fishery the flies begin to make their appearance m myriads, settling themselves everywhere and most disgustingly
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  • 99 3 We are m receipt of No. i, vol. i, of 1 a new Singapore daily paper called The The Two-Cent Paper and described by its publisher as a "Morning Tamil Newspaper." It is edited by Mr. V. N. Ayer, who is described as a v veteran journalist
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  • 56 3 Mr. Campbell, Resident of Negri Sembilan, arrive*! from Port Dickson I by the Esmem/da yesterday. Inspector Ambrose leaves this week I for Province Wellesley, having l>een transferred from Pofice Bahru to Nibong Tebol. Inspector Crummie is expected to arrive soon from Penang to take charge of the European contingent i
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  • 164 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. The Netherlands Trading Society j yesterday quoted the 4/ms bank rate at 2/2 3/16. The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2/2 1/16. Exchange. (Mercantile Bank.) Yesterday's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 1/16 Demand 2/1 13/16 Private 6 m/s. 2/2$ do. 3 m/s 2/2 J On Germany
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  • 123 3 Till 81.25 Gambier 7.90 do Cube No. 1 11.32J do do No. 2 11.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 23.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 33.00 Nutmegs (no to the lb.) do (80 to thelb.). 59. Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) 33 Liberian Coffee 25.00 Tapioca, small (Fair
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  • 24 3 From England.—Per P. O. Simla on Friday, the 10th instant. From China. Per P. &O. Corotvandel on Thursday, the 9th instant.
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  • 23 3 Parcels (not letters) intended for delivery m the United Kingdom before Christmas Day should l>e posted today not later than 4 p.m. i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 115 3 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Go. Nov. B— At Sale-room, new musical instruments. II a. m. 14 -At Sale-room, freehold and leasehold Town and other properties. 2-30 p. m. 14 -At Sale-room, freehold land with steam sawmill and pineapple factory. 2-30 p.m. 14 -At Sale-room, house No. 22 Church Street. 2-30
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    • 376 3 [ROBINSONn f»- and Co, I I A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. I OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS I The "Empress** 1 Extra Quality spirally moulded round top I fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety I Lever Locks m the following sizes C 2\ m. 27 m. ;o m. $2 m.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 157 3 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR. Wharves at which Different Ships are berthed. East Wharf, Nil. Victoria Graving Dock, Nil. Albeit Graving Dock, Nil. Section No. i G. Apcar, Zaida, Giang Seng. Section No. 2 Teesta, Redang. Section No. 3 A. Apcar. Section No. 4 Aparima. Section No. 5, Nil. Section No.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 689 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID4JF CAPITA] $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling K<s<-rve 1 «i« «wth"MY> Silver Kescivr 8 8,500,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* $10,000,000 Courtof Directors. 11. \V. Slade, Eaq Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq -Deputy-Chairman. Hoo. CW. Dtclcson, r. Salinger, Esq. E. Goetc, Eaq. H. Schubart, Esq. G. H. Mr.ihurst.
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    • 573 4 SHIPPING, NOTICES. THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co., and Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating the LARGEST 7 mi FASTEST Steamers on the PACIFIC.) FROM HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. The National highway (o
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    • 1234 4 THE EASTERN DAILY MAIL. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1005. I L£VY HERMANOS. MALAY RECORDS. GRAMOPHONE CONCERT RECORDS, 10-INCH. $2.50 Jk tf ***** Lagu Jalak Lanting ***** Lawak ***** Che'long Bana j^ W P ***** Nandong Sayang ***** Timbang Burong ***** Sri Perak ***** Sri Rayu ***** Lingang Kangkong I 2 24
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    • 573 4 Jimuns, Dut. str. 803 tons, Capt Neyts. 6th Nov. From Sourabaya. 2nd Nov. G.c, and 46 d.p. Daendels Co. For Batavia. lOtii Kds. A/sl/M, Brit str 524 tons. Capt Learmont. 6th Nov. From Penang. 4th Nov Gc, and 234 dp Boustead Ac Co. For Penang Bth -Rds L'Wisz, Ger str
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    • 266 4 SHRftGER BROS. _i_ g SPECIALI TIES, I METALS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. g associated Portland Ccimtii manufacturers q* LONDON 1900. >5 Burham Brand' TheFavourite Cement u-cd on the Principal CoMtruejj± tion Works m the United Kingdom, Harbour and Railway Works, all over the "O World, and by the C Government of
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    • 647 4 'E. P.M." ADLETS. KOK SALE, WANTED, ETC, PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Hart. 1 Day. 1 Wekk. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts. 2.
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    • 380 4 H3USES ETC. WANTEO X rate- E»Utc Roarl. '"<**. F "Hy furni*!^ Apply 01 )t jlß(^ TO BE LET. SECOND II Street, covn.n, a,' square feet. Specially u LSf J oo society hall, pnntu,,,,.,^! .'l';'- Jj or produce store with K las S all round and nxrfcrt with v Good sea-view
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