Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 6 November 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 90 1 NOTES AND NEWS FROM LONDON. r RUSSIAN RAILWAY STRIKE. COMMUNICATION ESTABLISHED BETWEEN MEMEL AND PETERHOF. Reuters Agenoy London, Nov. 4. Wireless communication has been established between the Pussian port of Memel and Petcrhof by German cruisers and torpedo boats. [It will be remembered that Keuter reported
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  • 19 1 PROMOTED TO AMBASSADOR. Reuters A««ney. London, Nvo. 4. Sir Claude Macdonald has been promoted to Ambassador.
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  • 121 1 PRINCE AND PRINCESS ARRIVE AT ADEN. Rtuler's Agaaey. I.«»NI>ON, N<>V. J. The Prince and Princess of Wain have arrived at Aden. I he /'".vand Pros< -I pi)ir have ictuined trotn Somaliland ami will proocd t<> Bombay m company with the enriaon Rtttoivn and Ternhh'. [In consequcnti uf
    E.D.  -  121 words
  • 26 1 NEW APPOINTMENT. Rtuter 1 A|».c> LoMDI >H, N«>\ 4. The appointment of Deputy Augagncur to the Governor Generalsliip of Madagascar has been signed.
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  • 57 1 DATE OF MEETING UNDEFINED. R«ut»r'» Agency London, Nov. 4. The President of the Southern United States Cotton Association announces that the date has not yet been fixed for the proposed conference o\' Manchester, European and American representative cotton spinners, which is to be convened In order to promote
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  • 388 1 THE E. D. M. TEN COMMANDMENTS. I. If thou art neither crank nor stick-in-the-mud, subscribe at once to the "E. D. M." Nor let thy heart fail thee if now and again thy paper uses strong language, for it is better that the Colony should be pluekily defended than that
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  • 447 1 SELANCOR. (From out- onrsfxmdt nt Kuala Lumpur, Nov. i»l Towkay Lokr Yew ba» left foi Singapore. Re is on his way to QhtlML Mr. K. Burnsidc, Collector of Land Revenue, is going on leave shortly. Mr. A. \V. Just will art for hnn. Mr. H. M.
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  • 267 1 (from our Conrs/Hjutient.) After MMX ■OBlhl <»f stagnation m racing matter- m Kinta, thiofl arc beginning lo liven up a bit, the arrival o( the Ipoh Java Griffina, toajethci with the appearance <>n the aceae «>i the Kmta Griffins, haa revived aHerm m matters connected with the
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  • 173 1  -  ST. James's Budget PROPHECIES BY EUROPEAN PROPHETS The propbeti irt bu-\ just now wiih the future of China, flm boyof ton thousand years or so what will he beccMM J The lateal vaticinatoi is the m w Chinese Mini-ttr to I i nine, w hose picture,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 412 1 fl[ J j| I I I I A Coat of Jodilite. ON THE TIMBER WORK A few Dollars Spent on 4 Jodelite M Often OK A BUILDINC VILL SAVES THOTJSAITIDS. in LLY H^" FROM ATTACK OF DRY ROT, IMPORTERS BORNEO Company, Limited. T^- Howarth Erskine, Ltd. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS
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    • 29 1 BUCHANAN'S BLACK A WHITE" Holds TOP PLACE >" tfci HIGHEST CLASS Sr^ch Whiskies (12-ycars old) Supplied to H. M. The King »«i to h. R. H. THt PRINCE OF WALES
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  • 21 2 Wfsterholt. -On the sth inst. at his residence m Race-course Road, Josiah Edwin Wcstcrhout, late Sheriff of Malacca, aged 70.
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  • 509 2 The Eastern Dail y mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 6TH NOVEMBER THE MOTE AND THE BEAM. We notice that our ancient contemporary, the Singapore Free Press" was pleased to give us another free notice on Saturday last. In referring to a fourth daily paper about to be started m Singapore
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  • 375 2 It will be seen by our report of the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners In Saturday-, issue, that the que?tion ot licensing hawkers has been temporarily shelved. There is no question but that the proper supervision and control of the thousands of street hawkers m Singapore would
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  • 212 2 The report of the Manila Chief of Police for the fiscal year ending 30th June la>t, contains the following statement White Americans arrested by the Police of Manila during the year, 2,600 coloured Americans 4 Chinamen 3,800." As there arc m Manila something like a score of
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  • 23 2 Mrs. IW.lasf, wife of the genial Municipal Secretary, is expected to arrive from Lngland with her children m four or five weeks' time.
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  • 1032 2 GERMAN TOMMY IN THE FIELD. NOTES BY AN ENGLISH OFFICER. Of late the British army, notably its work m South Africa, has given a theme for a good deal of expert criticism by German military writers. It is interesting to see what an English officer now has
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  • 105 2 The Regeneration riuK,,^ in ni f of the war if w were a "cruel md t, X Theyl,ave X )1)( wi.'J";"--Russian estimation n Pays for the 1>1,..,^ onthelmjKnallaUH,,: with the labours of the C Ru»ia That is "V .uch U^r. win, m"rc,,r,,1,,a»,1v.M,,,i. thep.o.jKnt^ k... orinendeawui Japan at
    Bangkok Times  -  105 words
  • 136 2 /vmong the telej. ing m another <•«,! that a Japane* V, M< ••a..c2 I he transferei from the control of a ncsc is one „f 1 Japanese protectorate which has now been not only by the n new Anglojapai the terms o< the pear* that when
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  • 100 2 n < ii probably without world's n that it \\<>uM i| comic opera thai not for the bet that gh of agn from the statc^. The situat t".>r we ha c v- the a-t naa redres? from a small i ms or a« m the post,
    Malay Mail  -  100 words
  • 94 2 Oriental Turn s of Thought. The terrn^ of tl reocripta m n arc of Interest It it a notice the differei i al and the Wcstei I In the We* the i m occ !^:'>n would think o verdict of »l accomplished. I think of the Of course the Britisl
    Suam Observer  -  94 words
  • 21 2 WHAT OUR READERS THINK I TIIP KUI r-i y mte>, I ion .»n« I B ><ouldex.r«d4- > I ble forth*. >pini.»n> I
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  • 45 2 S.r. I do nt liondent. A Mci by airing hit V this morning witli rcgai the Funeral I .Ml have done is to Keneral meeting oi I EbgrkTMce to th. proper aut public lus got nothing dtUcfttC niatti-r. j Singjj>or<.\ Nov. 3 ril
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  • 71 2 Sir- There hi W.it/ during n> far surname I the its many admirer*. 111 v*u top** lished with the latest and style o! type the print i. general appear.* c M jn a London dail to notice the rapid NtM'l^ l nt has fltf* ment that the I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 535 2 The NeW Drifik i TANSAN GINGER.ALE. Containing all the Invigorating Properties of TANSAN, and is a Deliriously Flavoured GINGER-ALE. It is meeting with HUCJH SUCCSS EVERYWHERE. Sole Agents GfIhDBECK MACGREGOR Go., SINGAPORE and PENfINO. 1 FiKTCFII The Peal Thing at Last S RICH *mm*mm m^%, UVi'TaWako^hrC "lJ|i Ml 118 nor
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    • 438 2 Sastern Oriental Sfotel, PENfING. CXE^_A_C3- HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. Safkies Brothers, Proprietors* WILSON HO Permanent and Artisti Ii WPVriM WW- EMi-ARGEMEMTS artists, photographers, Portraits and Groups and photo dealers of the highest excellence THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPHIC STL'DIO IN SINGAPOR The Lead'-ug ami Largest Establishment -Up-to- Date Progressive. GOGHLAN CO. Licensed
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    • 47 2 OPERA INORA JAVA TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! NOVEMBER 6TH, 1905. T H I Johar Manlkam Theatrical Coy. OF SINGAPORE, AT THK PARSEE THEATRICAL HALL, 455, North Bridge Road. Will stage the well-known and Popu" lar play entitled "DR. FAUST" I Prices as usual. M. OMAR, Director mid So/c Proprietor.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 182 2 COMING EVENTS. Monday, 6tb November. High Water. 6-10 a.m. yss p.m. S. Y. I. Ceremonial Parade. S. Y. A. Battery Drill. Musical Tiffin Dinner. Hotel de 1 Ewrope. Tuesday, 7tb November. High Water. 714 a.m j-6 p.m. S. R. E. Company Drill. 5-15. S. Y. A. Lectvre. 5-30. Musical Tiffin
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  • 12 3 London, Nov. 5. The Renown has left Aden.
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  • 54 3 TERRIBLE SLAUGHTER OF JEWS. Over Five Thousand Wounded. (Rtater't A|MMy.) London, Nov. 5. The horrors at Odessa continue. Hooligans aided by the Police have slaughtered whole families of Jews i irith inconceivable brutality. It is impossible to estimate the total number persons killed, but 5,500 wounded arc presort
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  • 53 3 CORDIAL RECEPTION AT WHITE HOUSE. Reuters A«enoy.] 1 London, Nov. 5. Prince Battenberg and other British officers are making a three days' visit 10 Washington. President Roosevelt received them at the White House with great ceremony mud cordiality. Prince Battenberg presented a personal message to President Roosevelt
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  • 44 3 CONCESSIONS FROM CZAR EXPECTED. Heutafs Aienoy.) London, Nov. 5. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Times cables that Finland has been granted civil freedom by the Czar. A manifesto embodying all the popular demand* has been submitted for the Imperial signature.
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  • 38 3 1 POLICY ADOPTED BY yNEW ZEALAND. RMiUiVAioacy. London, Nov. 5. Premier Seddon, of New Zealand, m a -peech declared that the Japanese would not be allowed to go to New Zealand, which refuses to be dictated
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  • 19 3 Reuters Agency 1 London, Nov. 5. Russian warships have left Reval, Russia, for Helsingfors, Finland.
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  • 64 3 yING REPORTS FROM JTHERN RUSSIA. ■MM *t«ey. London, Nov. 5. As the result of continuous alarming ts, the British Embassy at St. Petersburg has made representations to the Russian Government regarding the safety of Britishers, especially m the South, and has been informed that stringent orders have been
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  • 42 3 WILL ACCEPT TERMS OF THE POWERS. ff.fr. Afcy. London, Nov. 5. The Cretan in-urgents have agreed to accept the terms of the Powers, provided that the surrender of their aims be arranged m a manner to spare their susceptibilities.
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  • 30 3 SPEECH BY MR. CHAMBERLAIN. Peuter's Agency Mr. Chamberlain re-opened the fiscal campaign last night by a speech at Birmingham m which he urged an early General Election.
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  • 83 3 DISTURBANCES AND MASSACRE CONTINUE. Neuter's Agency I London, Nov. 4. The general situation m Russia is unchanged. Anti-Jewish disturbances aid massacre continue. Hie troops and police by adopting Mem repressive measures are reassum>ng control of affairs at Odessa and are clearing off the mobs. The town is still
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  • 48 3 NEW STAFF APPOINTMENTS. Reuter's Agency-) London, Nov. 4. The Standard names Major-Generals Scott and Beauchamp Duff as -'ore the home authorities for the > of Supply Member and Chief of 1 for India, respectively. is understood that no objections likely to be raised to either nomination.
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  • 35 3 ARTHUR JAMES HERBERT r APPOINTED. < Hauler's Afenoy > London, Nov. 4. Mr. Artlmr James Herbert, since f>o 3- Charge d'Affaires at Darmstadt jnuUrlruhe. has been appointed the "rst British Minister to Norway.
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  • 316 3 A MERRY CHILDREN'S PARTY. St. Mary's was en fete on Saturday evening when some sixty guests and the girls of the home spent a most enjoyable time. The house and grounds were prettily decorated with greenery and Chinese lanterns, the interior looking very gay and bright. An
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  • 136 3 LADY'S ARM BROKEN. On Friday night last, while Mrs. Gilmour, the proprietress of the Oriental Hotel, was returning to her residence m Wilkie Road, her riksha coolie, m trying to avoid another vehicle, swerved the riksha wheel into the tramway line at the corner of North Bridge Road
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  • 94 3 CHARGED WITH DESERTION. Three Russian firemen, belonging to the s. s. Engineer Aiadikoff, failed to appear as the vessel was preparing to depart on Saturday, with the result that the}- were charged by one of the ship's officers with desertion, and some of the Marine
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  • 72 3 On the ;th ult. Inspector Pestana arrested a syce for working an unfit horse. It transpired that a Chitty had caused the hor>e to be worked. He was sought for, but m the meantime Veterinary Surgeon Falshaw had obtained an order from Mr. Marriott to destroy the
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  • 365 3 The Telok Aycr Methodist Church has been removed from 58, Telok Ayer Street to Japan Street. Captain Chancellor, formerly Assistant Superintendent of Police, is now at the head of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Police. Ta Wat stands charged with the theft of pearls valued at 5320 edible birds' nests worth
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  • 138 3 "H" Co. V. VAMPIRES. At Tanglin on Saturday afternoon, the 4| H Co. met the Vampires m a League Fixture. Play started punctually at 5 o'clock. The Vampires winning the toss kicked off. A foul being given against one of the soldiers a penalty was conceded to the
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  • 246 3 S. C. C. 2ND. XI. Vs. S. K. C. 2ND. XI. On Saturday afternoon the S. R. C. 2nd eleven met\the S. C. C. 2nd eleven m a cricket match on the S. R. C end of the Esplanade. The Home Club won the toss and went m no
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  • 343 3 BURYING A LIVE MAN. Some interesting evidence has come to light m connection with the brutal attempt to murder which was perpetrated by three Javanese on the night of the 24th of September last. According to the story told m Court Haji Ahmat Ali, after spending the
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  • 185 3 I EARLY EXPLORATION OF THE PENINSULA. Yesterday evening Mr. Alfred Lea, Bible Society Agent, preached at the M. E. Church. He took for his subject ••The Bible." His discourse was particularly interesting to those who are enthusiastic on the propagation of the gospel. He estimated that
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  • 526 3 MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN RUN THE GAUNTLET. The Home newspapers publish details of the recent disturbances m Moscow. During the riots the main streets and squares were occupied by police, two regiments of Grenadiers, a squadron of Dragoons, and eight hundred j Cossacks. In the course of disturbances,
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  • 115 3 Mr. Alfred Lea, locum ft inns at the local Depot of the British and Foreign Bible Societv pending the arrival <>f Mr. Graham, the new Agent, who is at present closing up his affairs m the Philippines, has tendered his resignation to the Societv and proposes to
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  • 83 3 MR. J. E. WESTERHOUT. We regret to announce the death of Mr. Josiah Edwin YVesterhout, late Sheriff of Malacca, who died yesterday afternoon at his residence m Racecourse Road. Mr. Westerhout was the last surviving descendant of the early Dutch settlers of Malacca. The funeral cortege will leave No.
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  • 46 3 On Saturday, Sergeant Taylor prosecuted two Chinamen for possession of morphia m excess and for administering it. Mr. Seth discharged one of them the other man he sentenced to three months on one count on the other he was fined $50, or three months' additional imprisonment.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 368 3 ROBINSON and Co. A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS, j OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS I The "Empress* Extra Quality spirally moulded round top I fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety I Lever Locks m the following sizes 1 2\ m. 2~ t in. ;o m. m. and m. 1 44
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 120 3 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. H'kong Shanghai Glenfarg 1 1 a m Muntok P'bang "G. G Meyer 1 1 a m Benakalis &c Hong Lee 2pm Muar Malacca Sri Wongsee "2pm Muar Malacca Hong Wan 2pm Malacca &c "Sappho" 3 pm Malacca &c "PohAnn" 3P"» TO-MORROW. Batavia La Seyne 9am Palembang "Ruby"
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 679 4 BANKS. Hongkong A Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 10, 000, 000 „o^/^ Reser\-e Liability <>! Proprietors $10,(XX),000 Courtof Directors. H. A. \V. Slade, Kj:q- Chairman. A. Manpt, Esq !)<'j>uty-Chairmati. Hon. C. W. Dickson, P. Salinger, Esq. E. G<K'tz. Esq. H. Srhuhart. Esq. G. H. Medhnrst,
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    • 557 4 BHI PPI NG, NOTICE THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co., AND Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA PE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating the LARGEST and FASTEST Steamers on the PACIFIC.) from HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. The National highway
      557 words
    • 1134 4 I LEVY HERMANOS. MALAY RECORDS. -1 GRAMOPHONE CONCERT RECORDS, 10-INCH. $2.50 1 "7 ***** Lagu Jalak Laming ***** Lawak ***** Che'long Bana T"| ***** Nandong Sayang ***** Timbang Burong ***** Sri Perak +4 ***** Sri Rayu ***** Lingang Kangkong Kronchong *T Jg ***** Mak Dabu 1291 1 Dua Serani Anak
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    • 431 4 filtkmm, Gorman str. Capt Brehmer sth Nov. Prom Hongkong, Ist Oct. For Hongkong, 6th Nov. Migtttt, British 215, Simmonds, Oct. 23 Cable Ground, E. E. Tel Co., Uncertain. Maha Vajirunhis, Dut. str. 1, 182 t.«ns, Capt Steenborp, 2nd Nov. From I'adang. 2:2 nd Oct. G.c, and 10 d.p. Daendels Co.
      431 words
    • 232 4 SHHfIGER BROS. g SPECIALITI ES, 1 METALS 2 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. g Associated Portland Ccnicnc ißatmfacmrers O I LONDON 1900.) ]5 Buritam Brand ThcFavourite Cement used on the Principal ConstrueJt£ tion Works m the United V Kingdom, Harbour and Railway Works, all over the XX World, and by the C
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    • 1000 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED, EX HOJSES ETC. WANTED X rate Estate Road. ln Fully furnnhed App| y t0 Orchard R o^ TO BE LET. S CONl) floor of 1,.,:, N Street, r»vcrin X ail arr 4. Ibi square feet. Specially sm, y 4 "djjThall, printing orarchi^?; J^
      1,000 words