Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 4 November 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 37 1 NOTES AND NEWS FROM LONDON. LORD MINTO'S FAREWELL. Reuttr s Ajency. London, Nov. 3. The Earl of Minto paid farewell visits to the various Government Departments yesterday, as well as to Mr. Balfour.
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  • 46 1 MINISTERS TO BE JOINTLY RESPONSIBLE WITH CABINET. K»ut«r'» Aicncy London, Nov. 3. The new Ukase transforms the Council, the Ministers being jointly responsible with the Cabinet, whose approval is required for all important matters concerning each department of the Ministry, including proposed Bills.
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  • 60 1 MANY KILLED AND WOUNDED AT WARSAW. Reuters Ajcncy. London, Nov. 3. Three hundred political prisoner^ have been released at Warsaw, m Russian Poland, at the demand of the crowd, but twelve werejretained. A mob thereupon attacked the Town Hall. Cavalry rharged upon the mob, killing and wounding
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  • 91 1 GOVERNOR-GENERAL FORCED TO RESIGN. Reuter s Agency 1 London, Nov. 3. Civic Guards have been organised m every town m Finland. Many of the Municipal authorities, including those at Hclsingfors, have yielded t<> the demand of the populace 10 disarm, caving the maintenance of order to the
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  • 29 1 OL'R YESTERDAY'S SPECIAL CONFIRMED. RtuUr't A|«nc, London, Nov. 3. One male and three female American missionaries and a child have been murdered at Lienchau, inland from Canton.
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  • 243 1 It is always interesting to ordinary motals to know how })crsonages of exalted rank arrange the details of their intercourse with their fellowcreatures. Thus endless paragraphs have been written concerning the manner fan which Royalties conduct their shopping. The Shah, during his recent visit to Paris, supplied
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  • 146 1 Daniel O'Conncll once unravelled a queer plot m a will OmC Witness after WItMM swore that they MM tlie document duly executed. At la^t a constantly reiterated txpfCMJOB CftUght the lawyer's attention, \'\\c life wain him, over and over related, the virtue of your oath, was he
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  • 227 1 KEEN SHIPPING COMPETITION ANTICIPATED. There is every JffMMI t that the shipping rate war tor the trade with the Far East will soon he m progress, similar to that whidi followed the conclusion of hostilities m South Africa. It will be recalled that m the case of
    Daily Express  -  227 words
  • 350 1 CORKY 'S BITTER STRUGGLE. A RUSSIAN REFORMER'S EARLY EXPERIENC KS. When Gorky was hut ten years old he was sent to a shoemaker as apprentice, but because of the cruelty of his master he soon ran away. MM wandered throughout Nijni Novgorod, trying different occupatkma, till at last he got
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  • 128 1 We seem to have Iml sight of the ancient custom ot ptriodiGM fasting, both as a religious duty and as a means, of health. Mi". 1'- Owen, ofFcrnbank Oswcstrv. point! out that the old father*, many of whom lived to a great age, white regarding tasting
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  • 124 1 AcOOrdhMj to home paper MM of the oddities «.t ooal mine m Belgium that the earth brought to the surface with the coal MMMM many sced> of plants unknown to modern botanists. As tin- ihaA 1 mis to a (j c pth of 12b ft., it
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  • 50 1 In! M. M. steamer Ikeamen will < ivt Saigon at 5 a. m. on the 4th N.)\ ember, and may cxiiectcd here on Monday at 7 a. in next piece. ViMißit.vv morning a Japanese residing In Vldoria Street strangled himself. It is reported that he nad been behci'ing quevrly tor
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 327 1 SleereationSfCotel, SERANGOON ROAD. We have much pleasure m inform- From the 1 sth October, we will ing the public that we are building open, so far as we can, m the old on the Serangoon Road, at the Ter- building already existing on the minus oi the Electric Tramways, d
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    • 86 1 The Straits Cycle and JWotor Coy. AGENCIES SINGER CYCLES, PREMIER CYCLES, JAMES CYCLES. MAKERS of (he LAJI" The Cheapest House for all Motor Accessories and Electrical Fittings, Lamps, Ac. BATTERY ROAD. j DAri L'S lifl ILK I NORWEGIAN PURE COWS 9 MILK, f J THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH
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    • 40 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, Refreshing, Invigorating 1 So<lium Chloride. 15.72 Potassium o 56 So<lium Sulphate 2(, Analy- Calirum Carbonate o,^l sis. Iron Carbonate K.-ti Silicic Arid I 1 1 Mineral Solids J5.6J Carbonic Add (free( -v^i Medically Recommended Re^se all Imitations
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  • 173 2 Our readers have probably noticed that our special telegraphic service which was cut off at the time when we sundered our relations with the Straits Press Agency, has been resumed. This service is, we believe, second to no special service received by any paper m all Malaya,
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  • 407 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY, 4TH NOVEMBER. FUNCTION OF THE PRESS. In our correspondence column yesterday morning, there appeared a communication signed v A Member complaining of a Requiem High Mass for the dead provided for at a committee meeting of the Singapore Funeral Association, on the
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  • 504 2 A Chinaman was fined $5 yesterday for trespass at Tanjong Pagar Dock. For working unfit cattle several bullock drivers had to pay each yesterday. Major-Gkm kal Inigo Jones will leave London on Nov. 4 th for Singapore. ll M rcr»orted that the liabilities of the insolvent firm of Shragcr Bros
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  • 61 2 I dwell m the palace and mansions, My Name's on the lips of the Royal I am crowned with a million Laurels. By the hard won sons of toil t a h u lled with a irii of K'adneas In the homes of the rich and poor Afw!!!^" 0^ 11
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  • 232 2 S. V. A. v. ROVERS. The League fixture between the S. V. A. and the Rovers was played off yesterday on the S. R. C. end "of the Esplanade. The Rovers won the toss and defended the end nearest the sea.. No result happened for the first ten
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  • 127 2 THE E. D. M." HIDDEN NAMES COMPETITION. We would once more remind our readers that the above competition closes on Monday the 6th inst., consequently competitors who have not already sent m their coupons and solutions should lose no time m doing so. On Tuesday next we shall publish the
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  • 132 2 TOWKAYS SENT TO ASSIZES. The first pha>c of a lengthy and costly case of litigation came to a conclusion yesterday, when two Towkay>. named Hong Jong Kirn and Seng Hcng Guan, were committed by Mr. Colcman to the next mim for trial. The proceedings are the outcome
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  • 95 2 e-terdav, a rikitha puller was charged with criminal breach of trust of Sj.-^S, the property of his master, Lin Su Hok. He was entrusted with the money on the r;>rd ult. The temptation was too gr-at. It is alleged that promissory notes and a bag were
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  • 86 2 A Chinaman, named Lah Choo, was hauled up before the Police Court on the rod inst. charged with having tortvtive Straits Trade dollars m his possession. The man stated that lie had brought them to Singapore m ignorance of the law, but as ignorance is no excu-e
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  • 100 2 On piursday afternoon, the Roman Catholic religious function of blowing the graves on All Souls Day took place at the Catholic cemetery Bukit Tnnah Road. There was a large gathering of the relative- and friendot those who were taking their lonj; sleep. The graves were covered with
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  • 74 2 A couple of young Celesti als aged 12 and 18 years respectively were brought up before the Court yesterday charged with attempted house beakine In I eluk Aycr Street. The elder boy was discovered attempting to pick the lock with a piece of wire, and as a
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  • 70 2 On the 27th ult. Wee Ah Yang was charged with robbery m Beach Road on the night of the 17th ult. The evidence showed that Wee Ah Fang and three others robbed 0 Chairman named Ja J? h of a lin S worth Si B.oo, a belt and *o.
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  • 112 2 ANOTHER ORCHESTRA Tlic patrons u t) Klad to „am '^1 w, H Have got nman.lrn.cM.OS Vienna, which will IVi -^'^fr^ mancetj.-nigiw.uiK.nhc 'h 1 gab will be f.nthn c n,,^" Mra.n. of Weel by lif •tring Orchestra Consist ne» artist, under the d.n, s Anton Tobia., formerly 2,^
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  • 156 2 MR- F. A. STEPHENS Pcnang ■nnouneinq the drath \ft/ surgical operation m Km FA. Stephen, H»y>wt?i throughout the Straits Settleml, Federate! Malay State. CoftStl of Sumatra Mr. Frank Stephen, a,,! y, L GeOftGUM here from X ew where they had been engaged bfi!? in* about the middle father having
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  • 86 2 Sir Michael Hicks-Bead m the [anjong uas a through p ward German mail which arrived a Fenang shortly afti Tuesday afternoon. met by Commander M I to.,k him over t: I ponied by Mr. Swan and M Sir Michael impeded ■aid it looked son--Meanwhile, the la«iies
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  • 80 2 A search was mad night hv Inapt ctor Shei N Blanco Court. A named )ng WYh I ln^ box were found a roll ,>t and .1 M I rimmed ißßClatll Utt I ani -ted and ->pc-ctor Shaaoj asb I Mi M allow tlu- poat c
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  • 17 2 The Kditor invite* rorrctpaailW* oor >«bf«ti mtere>t to E wmtei bit toi the
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  • 138 2 Sir. I quite agree with A M letter regarding the unfairness. Members being entitled to a Imi from the Kurnr.il Asso<'i..ti"ii I should be deleted without <l i\ a meeting as soon .m i>. !>: I should say ttiut M OIM e*cep< ing member should be c-rititlcnl
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  • 87 2 Haji Basteh, a Malay, w a month's free board and I'xk the Government'^ tUfT— v for annexing <ix Mrongl wliu'lulni H belong to him. At present the RuKUfl N admirals, 11 liv mllllillli a admirals. As the Nnw lv^ 1 111 admiralstniv to be reduced m nil Henceforth there will
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 384 2 TUCK'S HAIR and LEATHER BELTING For Tropical Climates. Particulars from THE BOBNEO Co., liimited. Sastern Oriental SCotel, PENANG. CRAG- HOTEXj, PENANG HILLS. Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors. [Cbc British Cincmaioqi art/. TO'Nighi Every Night I a Sundays Excepted. J their spacious tent at the Beach Road Crown Land. I I RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR,
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    • 165 2 Japan Coals THE Mitsui Bussan Kaisha MITSUI Co.) Head Office: Ho, I, SURUGA-CHO, TOKIO ftmdm Branch 34, Lime Street. E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON GREEN. other Branches: New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay. Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka, Kobe,
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    • 470 2 1 M The Real Thing at La t! fl WM PURE nlGfi IB 4h n o JOT a Iffakesh i n^Ul| J^ BB H k^^ga^M ■^P^a |n Pasturj CREAM. Put up m Sterilized Tins. Guaranteed quite Pure. Contains no Keeps ffood^ Vi anywhere. jjr jLm Small Tins Per Dor 2.60,
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    • 175 2 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Nov. 4— At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges 10 a. m. 4— At Police Bahru North Bridge Road, household furniture, &c. 2-30 p.m. 7— At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges. 10 a. m. 7— At Sale-room, freehold land and house No. 52 off McPherson Road. 2-30 p.m. 7 -At
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 180 2 COMING EVENTS. To-day, +tb November. High Water. 3-34 a.m. 4-48 p.m. B. I. outward mail due. Moon First Quarter. 8-34 a.m. Guest night to-night, Hotel del' Europe. Raffles Hotel. Special Menu. Sunday, stb November. High Water. 4-4S a.m. 5-) p.m. 21st after Trinity. S. Club Launch. 10, ii, 12. 2-I^,
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  • 87 3 LAWLESS MOBS UNRESTRAINED. Hundreds Killed and Wounded. London, Nov. 3. recrudescence of anti-Jewish dis- has occurred at Restoflfondon j person where the mobs are piling. in# and murdering unrestrained. Similar outrages haw occurred during I c last three days at Kieff and Odessa, irhich arc again" a
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  • 47 3 LORD MINTO'S DAUGHTERS LEAVE FOR INDIA. Reuter Agency London, Nov., 3. 1 Mid Minto's daughters, accompanied by Suite, departed from Victoria Station, ,on(lon. t>> .lav. A large number of stingui>licd5 tingui>licd persons were present at the station to bid farcwall to the Viceroyal party.
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  • 24 3 COMPROMISE EFFECTED. fUrtari A|*itoy.' A compromise has been effected with 'he employees at Fall River cotton mills m the United States.
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  • 63 3 t STATE OF ANARCHY, neuter's Aieney.l London, Nov. 3. In some of the Russian towns the revolutionary excesses have provoked justifiable "reprosion, m others, notably at Poltava and Kazar, the troops and police have gained universal execration by* their wanton savagery. In other towns, especially at Odessa
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  • 63 3 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Reuter* AiencyLoxdok, Nov. 3. Yesterday, St. Petersburg was placarded with Government notification t was impossible to change life of the Empire at a single I that an enormous amount md administrative work c the new order of stablished meanwhile .-t remain m force, and if"
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  • 32 3 RUSSIA SEETHING WITH EXCITEMENT Reuters Agency London, Nov. 3. The strike committee at St. Petersburg has decided that the general strike nd to-morrow. Meanwhile Rustues to seeth with excitement.
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  • 22 3 AtTHORITIES UNRESISTING. London. Nov. 3. Trie revolution m Finland is proceeding tranquilly, unresisted by the Civil or Military authorities.
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  • 23 3 RETURNS TO SEVASTOPOL. London, Oct. 3. The Black Sea Squadron under the command of Admiral Birileff has returned to Sevastopol.
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  • 180 3 AN AMUSING INCIDENT AT THE SUPREME COURT. lay, m tlie Supreme Court, a -ing proposal was made by c plaintiff" m a Small Cause case, n Keng Seng versus Tan Lit Co. ase was one m which Keng Seng lie had signed a promissory *?44 odd as a
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  • 82 3 On the 2IS| v i t j mo lhe Times of 1 published a special Trafalgar m colours, containing an excel''keness of Admiral Nelson and j;mpreliensive history of his life JJ URs I>AY afternoon, a watchman X f Uty at .Urdines wharf saw Tan JUnnggo intQ a godown When <-
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  • 2101 3 lORTNIGHTLY MEETING. 1 he regular meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held m the usual place yesterday afternoon, all being present with one exception. After the approval of the minutes of the two preceding meetings, the President announced that the balance on hand m the Municipal Treasury was
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  • 25 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. 2nd November /yoj. The Netherlands Trading Society yesterday quoted the 4,' ms bank rate at 2/2& The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2/2.
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  • 144 3 {Mercantile Bank.) Yesterday's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 Demand 2/1 1 Private 6 m/s 2/25/16 do. 3 m/s. 2/2 On Germany— Bank d/d 2.19^ Private 3 m/s 2.2 1£ do. 6 m/s 2/24 On France Bank d/d 2.70 Private 3 m/s 2.75 do. 6 m/s 2.78 On
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  • 131 3 Tin SBf 25 Gambier M 8.20 do Cube No. 1 1 2.00 do do No. 2 1 1. 00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 25.25 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 35.00 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 35. do (So to thelb.). 80 Mace (Banda) ..,,145. Cloves (Amboina)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 309 3 JROBINSON sind 00. A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks m the following sizes 24 m. 27 m. ;o m. \z m and m. Star of India. Very Superior Steel Despatch
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 276 3 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. Penang Colombo Den of Mains "9am Tsingtau ft Japan "Helene R'mers 9am Bangkok "Deli" gam Labuan &c Marudu loam Indragiri Aing Thye noon Anamba&Natuna Isl. Billiton noon I'enang &c M. Vajirunhis" rpm P. Swett Penang Pin Seng 3pm Penang ft Calcutta Silesia 2pm Muar 6c Malacca "Sultan"
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 703 4 BANKS, _j 1 Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAI $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:Stn ling Xt-servo $10. 000.0001 $***** 000 i Silver Reserve 8 8.500.000 f 18 OUU w Rfscne Liability of Proprietors 810.000,000 Courtof Directors. H. A. W. Stede, Ksq-Chairmati. A. Haupt. Ksq lK|)ut\-Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson, I F. SaJincer,
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    • 545 4 SHIPPING, NOTICES. THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co., and Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating the LARGEST and FASTEST I Steamers on the PACIFIC.) from HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. The National highway to
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    • 1472 4 THE EASTERN DAILY MAIL, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1905. 1 The Lux Light HAS BEEN AWARDED <%JBh^#> the gold medal and diploma honour at the world's EXHIBITIOM AT LIEGI. V^ Sole Agents GADEUUS Co. ground floor of COMMERCIAL UHIOHI HSURANCE CO.. LTD., TW 2-5 Telegraph Street. 1 THE PHARMACY'S I |"OBAT
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    • 221 4 SHRfiGER BHOS. g SPECIALITIES. 1 METALS J* OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS g associated Portland < Cement Manufacturers o LONDON 1900.) 'Burham Brand' g^ TheFavourite Cement used on the Principal Construetion Works m the United U* Kingdom, Harbour and Railway Works, all over the ■C World, and by the C Government of
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    • 602 4 "E. P. M." ADLKTS. FOR SALE, WANTED, ETC PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted A To Let. Situation Wanted Vacant Exchr.ng* <f Uart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts. a.
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    • 391 4 HOUSES ETC. WANTED »T»O LET. A small Bua^w 1 rate Estate Road. Fully fur n „h H TO BE LET. SECOND floor o, w Street, cnvrriMK an nrr/ f Sl »k square feet. Spa „ik (f 4.100 •ode^hal!, printing o, J, or produce More with rU '**< all round uid
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