Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 3 November 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 14 1 Rtyt»r» A|o«cy. London, Nov. 2. A Japanese loan was issued to-day
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  • 43 1 R outer's Agency Ix>NDON, Nov. 2. The Norwegian Government has obtained the authority of the Storthing for entering into negotiations with Prince Charles of Denmark with a view of his accepting thc crown, provided a plebiscite shall approve his choice.
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  • 80 1 ANNUAL DINNER IN LONDON 'ftMtor't AfMMy 1 London, Nov. 2. The China Association held its annual dinner m London last night, at which were present Sir Archibald Little, Sir Cecil Smith, Sir Henry Blake and other prominent Far Easterners and Colonials. The Chairman congratulated the Jaoanese and
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  • 89 1 DOMINANCE OF THE REVOLUTIONISTS Reuttr Agency London, Nov. 2. The rendition m Russia la at preMOt chaotic. The revoluti(jnary element appears to sway events, and is triumphantly demanding concessions ot every kind and indulging m demonstrations which provoke collisions between them and the troops, who arc
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  • 174 1 THE TRIUMPH OF THE PEOPLE Reuters *|enc> London, Nov. 2. Great jubilation was caused iti Russia by the first announcement that the Tsar had granted a constitution to the people. This w;i«- ■UCCeedcd yesterday by huge procession m honour of the proletariat victory. The procession displayed red tings,
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  • 121 1 From the pleasant town of Higiland, Texas, conies the following story of the cautious Bridegroom. "Do you," said the clergyman, take this woman to be your wedded wife, to love and to cherish m sickness and health, for better, for worse, for rich or fee poor, until
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  • 162 1 A story which Dr. BaruanJo ttted to tell always seemed to conjure up a picture of Fagin's thieve-' academy. He had rescued a small lad who seemed anxious to get away hum his evil surroundings, and had taken him into his office, where the boy told him
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  • 165 1 Till: RIUIKSTMKN ON KAR I'M Someone asked a year or so .if<<> what would happen were a French IM German Crosus to give the Stau sum sutVicicnt to build an overwhelming fleet. The suggestion was less •tartling than that of a i*;iris journal which has cabled to
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  • 187 1  -  St. James's Budget WILL SUPERSEDE THE AMERICAN GIRL. For sonic years tin- Amci iran (m 1 lias d«>ne WOMtefl m the mani.'ge market. It it suggested, hwnWi 1 1 »-*t the d.»y of her glory ha> gone, and that alter the war" the [apnnesegirl may become the ideal
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  • 179 1 If the exiHiini.ut- which the Chicago and Alton Railway it now making with a system of wireless telegraph sipnak prove successful, says the Chicago Daily AY.vs. It would" Meal that they must lead ultimately to a revolutionary change as regards safety m the operation of American
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  • 289 1 To ask man whether he would rather talk with a man or a woman i^ to invite a fii\ol<»iis retort. But a writer m the Comlu/l i*. daring to say that he prefen masculine conversation. There >n he says, "a kind of simple openMM» M equal
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  • 49 1 A very quaint Aimv Order luis recently been unearthed. It dtftk with the machine guns provider! for certain volunteer r<»rps. and advises that, where |x>ssible, mules should be employed to draw them." W'hrn a mule is not available, however, it jr.H-s on, "any inteUijpM non-com-missioned officer will do instead."
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 310 1 okjngTob^ AGENTS KiR SI.NCiAPORK. JOHN LITTLE CO. Ga Lett's PoPtable Engines and BoilePs, foden's Steam Wagons. mikiuq OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUPPLIED BY THE BORNEO Company, Limited. ST VALENTINE'S BATH HOTEL. BRANCH OF HOTEL De i/eLROPK 2s, lhikit Titnali Road. AN IDEAL SPOT FOR PICNIC OR WEEK END. SINGLE AND DOUBLE
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    • 434 1 ZftecreationSCotel, SERANGOOM ROAD. We have much pleasure m inform- From the Ufa October, we will "nM "sera! 0 ""VY" o en S0 far as old on me £>eiangoon Road, at the Ter- k v- t minus of ,he Electric Tramwayl bUlWmg thc a Recreation Hotel, with' Bround V™, splendid accommodation.
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    • 79 1 The Straits Cycle and |\dotop Coy. AGENCIES SINGER CYCLES, PREMIER CYCLES, JAMES CYCLES. MAKE US 0/ the LAJU" The Cheapest House for all Motor Accessories and Electrical Fittings, Lamps, Ac. BATTERY IROAID. DAHL 5 S MILK, NORWEGIAN PURE COWS 1 MILK. THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH THE FULL FLAVOUR
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    • 30 1 BUCHANAN'S BLACK A WHITE" IIoUN TOP PLACE i>< the HICHEST CLASS of s^tch Whiskies (12-ye.iis old) Supplied to 11. M. The King to h. R. N. THE PRINCE OF WALES
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  • 446 2 The Eastern Dail y mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY, 3rd NOVEMBER A CLUB WANTED. The organisation of a Club for junior assistants, and other Europeans who cannot aspire to the honour of being members of the Singapore Club, has often been discussed, but up to the present no serious attempt
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  • 392 2 Mr. and Mrs. A. Benzie are due to arrive by the Prinz Regent Luitpold. Mr. Stonev is to be transferred from Taiping to Batu Gajah as Assistant Commissioner of Police Kinta. I hi: German mail steamer Prinz Re>j*nl Luitpold having left Penang on the Ist inst. at 10 p.m., may
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  • 188 2 NOT A FINANCIAL SUCCESS. The Italian railways pay badly, though the fares are very high. One simple remedy is advocated. It is based on a state of things analogous to that obtaining on Russian railways if we are to believe the story as to bribing the guard and
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  • 215 2 The Result off the mailed Fist. The Berlin correspondent of the Times is said to be responsible for the statement that the General m command of the troops operating against the Hereros m German South-Africa recent ly issued proclamation to the rebellious natives reading as follows: -"I
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  • 508 2 AMERICAS FEAR OF AN EASTERN MONROE DOCTRINE. Discussing the feeling of sympathy with Russia that has been observed m America recently, the New York Times remarks that this change of sentiment is not due to any alteration m the conviction that Japan was m the right as
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  • 277 2 READY WIT OF rHE LATE COL. FRANK RHODES. Lord Harris tells an interesting story of how Colonel Frank Rhodes outwitted the Boers. It coocerns the relief of Mafeking. As Colonel llahoa approached Maleking from the south. Colonel (nowMajor General) Plumer was ipptYMching it from the north, and Colonel
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  • 193 2 DEVICES FOR RAISING REVENUE. It will send a thrill of j<»y to the heart of the philatelist that a new issue of Levant stamps contains an error. If the issue be withdrawn there will be price upon the survivors. If they be not withdrawn, they will
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  • 152 2 jcct of the admission 'of t'nitcd States Ik- a,,;.,,. |v on over to tin- a h,, llr President can sec i, o > tl.c Chines, U.vn,,,:; m retaliatory measure ■tripewtproriiomofth, exclusion law of Amen. curious doctrine, which win i X i sup|x>rt, that one nation i s
    Hongkong  -  152 words
  • 230 2 The Drin k off Seven Dials. me luiuor ol the A',,, i- very w e on the drink of the habitue si An atari few even ol modern I recognise the -him branduni Holborne through Queen-St Long Acre, near h c a n< SevcnllutN which D day Ihe Editor 9
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  • 10 2 1 :-h<>u.<i cxorrxl 4 b c
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  • 286 2 Sir: -Would you ktndl) your rilmblt paper *ord» rc^ardirni the Singapor I IHQCJSt seven y t .ir- .1 ;o I I decent Oirisiian b members w >> could r r happy t>i state lhat m downs "t t v- AjMOciation all v* I them haw been pro*
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  • 55 2 Uoacm leave Johnston* I r the Swimming 1 lub bung day at ,0,. at 1 6. j0, 1 1.30. ■--;<'. On hundred Mid ninety were registered the wttk coding on tl < l ratio per ihoiind W9O 1 Tin MM am*mf*"* \J^ tm\v\\ ColoMkoH I"" l>n Lgg November and may
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 233 2 BUCHANAN'S. "RED SEAL," 7-YEAR'S OLD. "BLACK WHITE," 12-YEARS 1 OLD. OF ALL DEALERS. GRAPES. Siesh Srapes, 35 CTS. PER LB. THE AUSTEALIAN STORES. I THOMPSON THOMAS CO. THE ACS TRA LL \N S TORES I |'ci)emitisi) I Cinematograph. TO-Night Every Night Sundays Excepied. I I* their spacious tent at the
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    • 486 2 Sastern Oriental 3Cotel, PENANG. 033/.A.C3- HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. Sattkies Brothers, Proprietors. Preliminary Notice. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Household Furniture, The Property of E.G. Broaderick, Esq., at Goodwood Hill, Saturday, iSth November, ipoj. 11. L COGHLAN Co., Licensed Auctioneers. The Paddle steamer Thalping WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON I uesday,
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    • 325 2 THE STRAITS ENQUIRY AND REGISTRATION AGENCY. The Auction Rooms. Mo. 5, Raffles Place. On and after Monday 23rd instant we are prepared to carry on Auction Sales at No. 5, Raffles Place, below Messrs. Rodyk Davidson's, Office. The finest and Liargest Auction Room m Singapore. Our terms will be Strictly
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  • 28 3 MOT YET TO BE ISSUED. Router m Agenoy. London, Nov. 2. Count Takahashi states that Japan |ia> ot vet decided to issue a new loan.
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  • 24 3 Riunr'i Afaney.J London, Nov. 2nd. Mr. Arthur Balfour will receive a deputation of the unemployed on the 6th inst.
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  • 40 3 B»utir A|MOy.) London, Nov. 2. It j> announced at Berlin that Japan has replied the Germany, agreeing that she is agreeable to the withdrawal of her troops from Pechili and to the retention of the Legation Guards.
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  • 28 3 A DEPLORABLE MUTINY. Rtuter's Aftney "f XT London, Nov. 2nd. The Black Sea Fleet continues its mutinous conduct. The assassination the Admiral remains unconfirmed.
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  • 28 3 A GREAT RECEPTION. Mutar's A|«noyi London, Nov. 2nd. Prince Battenburg's Squadron arrived it A»nopoli s and received a great naval Elaborate fetes were orgalised
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  • 43 3 Li hi: city powerless. Neuter's Agency) London, Nov. 2nd. Odessa i> m the possession of a mob mghs, who are shooting at the populace, but the civil and militia officials art powerless. The authorities of Odessa are not interfering.
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  • 38 3 MORE TROUBLES. *«ut»r'« Agency. London. Nov. 2nd. During the insurrection m German the Germans lost eighteen killed, including three officers. Thirtysix were wounded and reported missing after a day's righting with 400 Hottentots m Damaraland.
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  • 35 3 THE STUDENTS' AGITATION. ■Mr* A§«»c>.' Lonlmjn, Nov. 2nd. Ps have closed the Univerhitherto has been the point for the revolutionists. conflicts have taken place the people and the military, >ut serious consequences
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  • 41 3 (Reuters Agency 1 London, Nov. 2. I betting on the Cambridgeshire > to 1 against Velocity, 13 to 1 Glenamoy, 9 to 1 against er, 103 to S against Donnetta, 7 against Thunderbolt, 100 to 7 again-: Nirvana.
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  • 41 3 REQUISITION F( >R REINFORCEMENTS. Neuter s Aienoy. London, Nov. 2. German East Africa has asked for litary reinforcements to the extent I 4.J00 men to suppress the rising there, the majority of the men to be raided locally.
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  • 87 3 RRENDER OF DICTATORSHIP. B R euter s Agency London, Nov. 2nd. sir lias empowered the abrogatlie dictatorship of the decrees of Finland to summon the Diet. >biedonastcf£ the Procurator of the has resigned. a great movement afoot m d demanding a free constitution. Irepoff has placarded St.
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  • 114 3 UNSPEAKABLE TREPOFF. lUntart Afwwy.i London, Nov. 2nd. c provocative tactics of the polioc s >a have precipitated severa inters there, which have culmio»n desperate fighting. It is estitl'at two hundred casualities ocJ and that tight nan were killed. Rencounters between the troops the demonstrators at St. Peters--8 0.1
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  • 40 3 MISSIONARIES MURDERED. ANTI-FOREIGN RIOTS AT LINGCHOW. (Special E. D. m.") Hongkong, Nov. 2nd. Anti-foreign riots are reported to have occurred at Lingchow, from whence authentic news has arrived to the effect that five missionaries have been murdered by the Chinese
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  • 97 3 TROOPS RETURNING TO JAPAN Large Fleet of Transports at Oalny. Special "E D M Hongkong. Nov. 2. A large fleet of transports at Dalny are at present embarking troops preparatory to their return to Japan. The Japanese army corps m Manchuria will be transported back to Japan
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  • 233 3 THE INTERNATIONAL TROUPE OF STRONG MEN. In the course of an interview, shortly after his return from the East, Mr. Sandow, referring to his troupe of international strong men, whom he has collected and developed from all quarters of the globe, said A few of them are old
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  • 453 3 Ocean travel resembles matrimony. You may harmonise together like an aviary of love-birds, or you may wrangle like cat and dog from start to finish. Concession and forbearance, give and take, make the road to peace, and the whole secret of a pleasant voyage for the
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  • 50 3 Mr. W. G. Bell, Second Assistant Protector of Chinese, Penang, has been appointed Assistant Postmaster-General and Accountant m the Singapore Postal Department. At the regular meeting of the Chinese Christian Association, at 8 o'clock tonight, the following subject will be discussed. "Ought Japan to have accepted Russia's terms for peace?"
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  • 437 3 HUSBAND TRIES TO DETAIN HIS WIFE. Yesterday, Govindasamy and his wife Sellam were before Mr. Seth on the allegation of having abducted Minachi, the sister of Sellam. Mr. Sproule appeared for the Crown. Minachi said she had been married five years ago, but had lived with her mother
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  • 268 3 MUDER RAMPANT A traveller from Baku m relating his experiences there'states that a newcomer, on taking a cab at the railway station, finds a couple of mounted Cossacks on either side, their Huge, s on the triggers of their carbines, ready to shoot on the slightest
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  • 288 3 (From our Correspondent.) Sandakan, Oct. 19. An expedition of about 125 strong Sikhs and Dyaks under the command of Lieut. H. S. Bond has left headquarters at Jesselton for Maradu Bay, where the natives have revolted. The insurrection originated by Dato Undok, the chief of a village
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  • 25 3 FINANCE COMMERCE. 2nd November igoj. The Netherlands Trading Society yesterday quoted the 4/ms bank rate at 2/2 1/16.. The Mercantile Bank quoted it at 2/2.
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  • 139 3 (Mercantile Bank.) Yesterday's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/2 Demand 2/1^ Private 6 m/s. 2/2 5/16 do. 3 m/s.. 2/2* On Germany Bank d/d 2.19^ Private 3 m/s 2.2 1£ do. 6 m/s 2/24 On France Bank d/d 270 Private 3 m/s 275 do. 6 m/s 278 On
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  • 131 3 Tin $81 75 Gambier 8.20 do Cube No. 1 1 2.00 do do No. 2 ..,,11 .00 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 25.25 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 35.00 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 35. do (80 to thelb.). 80 Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) 33 Liberian
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 364 3 ROBINSON ■f»- and Co, A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS The "Empress" Extra Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks m the following sizes m. 2- m. JO m. 1,2 m. and |4 m. Star of India. Very Superior Steel
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 281 3 AUCTICK SALES. Powell and Co. Nov. 4 -At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges. 10 a. m. 7— At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges. 10 a. m. N L Coghlan and Co Nov. 3 —At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges. 10 a. m. m 6— At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges. 10 a.m. 13— At Puttfarcken Co.'s premises stock-in-trade.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 695 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. I'AID-UH CAPITAL $10,000,000 KESEKVK FUND:— Stirling Kcs*-n-t> 9 10, 000. 000 RKUY \n Silver Res.rye 8.600,000 f lh sOO Kesen-e IMb&by of Proprietors 910,000.0 Caurtof Directors. H. A. VV. Slado, Ksq— Chairman. A. Haupt. Eaq Deputy-ChainDaa. Hon. C. W. Dickson, i r. Salinger, Esq. K.
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    • 533 4 SHIPPING, NOTICES. THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co., and Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating the LARGEST ami FASTEST Steamers on the PACIFIC.) from HONO-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. The National highway to Europe
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    • 1151 4 I LEVY HERMANOS. MALAY RECORDS. t J GRAMOPHONE CONCERT RECORDS, 10-INCH* $2.50 1 j ***** Lagujalak Lanting ***** Lawak ***** Che'long Bana ;j ***** Nandong Sayang ***** Timbang Burong ***** Sri Perak H 12 0°5 H A y l! 1291 Lingang Kangkong 12Q24 Kronchong K~ Jzd ***** Mak Dabu *****
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    • 443 4 MaAu I aj.runhts, DuL str. 1.182 t'-ns, Capt Steenborg, 2nd Nov. From Padang. 22nd Oct. G.c. and 10 d.p. Daendel* Co. For Padang. 4th- Rds. Malacca Brit str. 405 tons, Capt Mugfonl. nd Nov. From Port Swettenham, Ist Nov. ?;5" t 32 l p Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd. For Port
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    • 227 4 SHRfIGER BROS. g SPECIALITIES. I METALS 2 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. g Associated Portland Cgtmtit Manufacturers g) LONDON 19OO.) Burham Brand f C TheFavourite Cement used on the Principal Construetion Works m the United W Kingdom, Harbour and Railway Works, all over the 7S World, and by the C Government of
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    • 913 4 "K-D.M," ADLETS, FOR SALE, WANTED, ETC MOUSES ETC. WANTED 70 LET. A .nun Bu,,^ L rate Estate Road. F "»y fumi %hed Applylo '-Or,, l MR TO BE LET. SECOND floor of l,, I|seV) Street, coverin X nM 4l S| ak square feet. SpeiS 2 iS socetyhalLpri,^,;,, *a a or
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