Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 1 November 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 58 1 WILL COUNT DE WITTE SAVE THE SITUATION Htart«'« A|ency London, Oct. 31st. Ihe Czar has issued a manifesto appointing Count DeWitte Prime Minister, empowered with authority 1000-ordilMtC and unify the various branches of the administration, and to grant civic liberties to the peoples and an
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  • 41 1 REPORTED WEAKENING OF STRIKE. Rtut.r 1 Ag.ncy London, Oct. 31st. There are indications that the Strike i-> weakening for want of finds. Much bloodshed is occurring m Reval. Odessa is outwardly quiet, but the feeling of revolt is smouldering.
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  • 29 1 JOINT AUDIENCE REFUSED TO VMBASSADORS, Reuters Afenoy. Lom>(>\, Oct. 31 st The Porti ha> intimatetl totlic Euro pean AwbeU'iaJoTß that a joint audience is inadmissible and unprecedented.
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  • 48 1 MAKES A RAID INro ITALIAN TERRITORY. Peuttr'l Agency London, Oct. 31st. From Somali it is neporttd that the Mullah attacked a native tribe on the Italian coastal territory and looted it of cattle. Hence the dc>patch of the /'v and the Proserpine to We<t Africa.
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  • 50 1 RUSSIAN DIGNITARIES SAID TO BE MURDERED. R««Ur »9«nc, Lom><>\. let v ;i^t. It i> rumoured that the crews of four ships of th«- Black Sea Squadron have mutined, and that Birileff and Tchoknin have been murdered. Another rumour is to the effect that General Trepoft" ha* been imttinHod.
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  • 221 1 THE VIEWS OF SIR HENRY COTTON. Sir Henry Cotton, k.c.s.i., has contributed to the October number of the American RgvitW of Rtviewt an article entitled "The Future of British India" which views the situation from a standpoint different from that of the usual English writer. Sir
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  • 107 1 ODORIFEROUS BUT ENTICING. A contributor to the American Magazine, Outing, indulges m raptures over the evil-smelling duri.m, and gives m graphic detail an ac< ount of how Monkeys covet the fruit and circumvent other animals m tin ii eagerness to secure this delicacy. Many years ago a fascinated
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  • 101 1 Yesterday Khu Chin Thu.:!i was again before the Bench Cowl for t'urtlu r examination into the allegation brought agaii.st him of having made a material omission m the statement of hi^ affairs. Mr. Carver api»caicd for the firm and Mr. T. de M. Braddcll for
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  • 218 1 RUSH K()l< BIG BATTLESHIPS, The nations struggle to \>c first m applying to their navies the lessons of the RuMoJapftMM war. Their policy is to be dominated by cousidct ation for size. From Neu York eoMi tin statement that the United States will build no m«>n small
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  • 168 1 SELF MUTILATION IMPOSED The Dervishes have n shocking ordeal through which the faithful mu^t pis- to Ik- turd. They RMMI bclicxe that they ;uv iaqttrvfOM 10 pain. They come then M the OCC—iOB of the Do-all, to the place of 1 1 ial. laving fran the aflicti
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  • 160 1 CHINESE sll DENTS IN JAPAN. Of the gathering symptoms sj Itjcnaieaotnce of energy and of a national consciousness m China none perhaps is more significant than the increase <>( foreign Study. The number of Chinese student- m Japan, according to L'Europeen," has advanced m the past
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  • 241 1 (From out cunrs/xtm/fuf.) I) W<.K< 'k, >lt. ItRD Through the munificence •>• Hit Majesty OK King, Siatu is now |H)smssedofa National Library. Thi k' it \ajiiajan Library, with all Hi priceless manuscripts and sacred writings, has been presented to the nation m COM" niemoratinii <»i the centenary of
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  • 112 1 IftittMuny, a watchman employed at the Chinese temple on Neil Koad, yesterday prosecuted aChinaman named Tai Yew m the SacwMl Comt fat the alleged ICI of tutting and removing grass from the temple ground*. A pig n.n < i named Chua Y» w said that he
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 421 1 ••■iOKJNGIOBAOft IGENTS lOK SINt.APORK. JOHN LITTLE CO. siderosthenHpaint. 1 J IMp O«TERS, BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. I Jgg|l| THE^ROBIHSON PIANO CO, LTD. I Full and brilliant tone, perfect touch, handsome exterior I $380-$ 560. Time-Payments arranged I So/c agents /or :-Bechstein, Collard and Collard J M inkelniann, Haake, Krauss, Hopkinson etc
      421 words
    • 177 1 1 m SleereationSFotel, SERANGOOM ROAD. We have much pleasure m inform- From the 15th October we will "ig the public that we are building open so far owe m M dl T thcTCr buildi the minus ol the Electric I ramwavs 1 a Recreation Hotel, with gro nd first class
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    • 34 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, Refreshing, Invigorating I S<»dium Chloride.'. 18.76 Potassium 0.56 Sodium Sulphate .3.22 Analy-^ (alicum Carbonate 0,31 sis. Iron Carbonate .8.41 Silicic Acid ..2.J1 Mineral Solids arbouic Acid(lic« Medically Recommended Ref usealllmitat ions
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  • 653 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 1st NOVEMBER BRITISH COMMERCE. The Tables of British and Foreign Shipping recently issued by the Board of Trade furnish a great deal of interesting and suggestive information. Forty years a^o there were four great businesses, or, as we might say, four gre-it
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  • 422 2 The Rev. D. Holland Stubb- leaves for England by the P. O. CWvffHMdW about Nov. 9. Thk Annual "Convent Fancy Bazaar" is to be held m the Victoria Memorial Hall on Tuesday Nov. 14, and Wednesday Nov. 15 at 8 p.m. The Imperial German Mail steamer Prinz Heinnch passed Port
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  • 1054 2 THE POLICY OF GREAT BRITAIN. Special E. D. M.> Sir Henry Cotton, k.c.s.i., has contributed to the October number ot the Amrican Rtmm of ArmriM an article entitled M The Future of British India which views the situation from a standpoint different from that of the usual
    Ed; E.D.M.  -  1,054 words
  • 127 2 Con.ulcr.MK 1,,, prognostication, „f lh( Chinese labour m been falsified, i, ,s astonishing thai "J resentment should be rU part of the commun I thiirr from the importation, stand m pro.te. breaks ulml, place than the mine ownei-N tli Sir. Chaplin. l>rc^ --t cSSt ot Mines
    Englishman  -  127 words
  • 65 2 JAPAMESe nmimn-m. Airnrdiui to ;,,,m, furnished at the endol total Jap.ni. andabnt'if] amounted ;it| »<*e Including y. 551^ the pre^Mt; V '.5'5.0.p,000 In received \>y the above b not pan, > burden for the Jap M*vj even if it wet m million yen hcreal not regard their
    Kokumin  -  65 words
  • 233 2 For Mm Lloyd and Hamb irq have been industrialthe vicu ol from the trad ipore. I only <mic vessal beinK now on ll Siam i the Singapore I H extent, dthoug still ply bet.'... as a matter <•; t mart common i:. British den the Union Jack
    Hongkong  -  233 words
  • 141 2 There i- »urcl> newspapei m the I the $oU ciuu* which we cull the °^J of patriotism: over. Britons and allegiance to tli Lome tribute to tin of Lord NeUw. I celebrate the cci ie Trafalgar. traced) will, m- down the a after volume h,-' „f
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 271 2 HUM BE B CYCLES. "Imperial," "Standard," "First Grade" "Beeston." Borneo Company, Limited, I OVERHEARD I HUSBAND: "they say the| Australian Stores is the cheapest and best House for Provisions, &c." WIFE M I know it is." 1 thompsoTthohas co. I THE AL'STRALIAX STlRES^^^^^ pT _HHXIL_L— I Agents: ROBINSON and Co.,
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    • 413 2 X'MAS SEASON. Customers requiring Photos to reach home m time for X'MAS AND NEW YEAR, should make appointments for sittings without delay. G. R. LAMBERT Co. The Straits Cycle and JWotor Coy, j AGENCIES:— I SINGER CYCLES, PREMIER CYCLES, I JAMES CYCLES. I MAKERS of the LAJU* The Cheapest House
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    • 119 2 Mortgagee's Sale 2,409 square feet of leasehold land together with the four houses erected thereon and known as Nos. 4, 5, 6 Verappa Chitty Lane, Singapore, To be sold by Auction at The Auction Room," No. 5, Raffles Place. On Wednesday, Sth Xovember, 1905, at 2.30 p.m. Plans and Circulars
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 115 2 COMING EVENTS. To-day, Ist November. High Water. 0-53 a.m. 0-27 p.m. S. R. E. Squad Drill, for recruits 5-i5-All Saints Day. Legislative Council. 2-30. Musical Tiftin. Guest Night. Hite del' Europe. Thursday. 2ijd November. High Water. 1 -4 1 a. m. 1-B p.m. All Souls Day. Phil. Orchesfra. Town Hall.
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  • 33 3 N n CABINET FOR NEW PARLIAMENT. Special Daily Mail) London, Oct. 31st. *rdinff 10 the latest intelligence Count De Witte fri "Vii^ w torm Cabinet for tbc new S^sian Parliament
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  • 27 3 nw UK SQUADRON TO BE QUADRUPLED. Special Daily Wail. London, Oct. 31st. y |S Congress has decided to lrup lc the Pacific Naval Squadron.
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  • 61 3 ciXTY THOUSAND TROOPS UNDER ARMS. Special E. D. IH. London, 31st Oct. c, Petersburg is m a state of siege J thousand troops are under arms arc ready to move at a moment's D< Governor rrepoffkas ordered all the hoP to be ne-opened and has instructed
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  • 60 3 MONSTER BATTLESHIPS LAID DOWN. Special E. D. Iff. I 1 lost. KONG, Oct. 31st. Die Japanese Government have decided to construct two iS.ooo ton battleships at Yokohama and Kure, also two armoured cruisers of 14,000 jch, which will be launched m m ber and February next.
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  • 17 3 Special E D W Hongkong, Oct. 31st. The Russian Cruiser. Bngatyr has at Vladivostock.
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  • 33 3 L ARRIVED IN JAPAN. Special E D M Hongkong, Oct. 31st. The four Chinese Commissioners who have bee:-, deputed by the Chinese Qovcn study foreign system I have arrived at Naga-
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  • 52 3 TION FROM BLOOD FREEDOM. Reuters Mency.! London, Oct. 31st. There have beer, repeated encoune Cossacks and the populace at Riga, as the result of which many were wounded. Yesterday's fighting resulted m serious carnage, which was followed by ed mea-ures of repression on the part of
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  • 12 3 Ranter A|«ik*. London, Oct. 31st Warsaw is -till disturbed.
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  • 47 3 MEASURES OF ALLEVIATION. Reuter Agency 1 London, Oct. 31st. Reiner's correspondent at Tokio reat it is generally believed the Government will remit the duty on rice, owing to the se ortageofthe crop. The Govern- taking into consideration measures for the alleviation of the
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  • 33 3 MORE JINGOISM. London, Oct. 31st. the unveiling of Moltke's statue, the Kaiser said that the German Army must be ever prepared and willing to make heavy sacrifices for Fatherland.
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  • 180 3 >n the night of the 27th October, the Sim Boon Kwang, an intelligent English-speaking Chinese who has discarded the useless touchang, living at 73 Scotts Roa<l, was entered by some person or persons unknown, and clothing and other personal effects to the value of I1 50 were
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  • 111 3 An employee at the Power Station, named Suppiah was yesterday sentenced a months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Marriott for an assault upon a carpenter employed at the same place, Whose name was Ah Pong. The affray "'k place on the 25th October. In a controversy over alleged
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  • 156 3 Admiral Dewey has recently expressed his views to a correspondent of the New York Herald on the lessons of the Russo-Japanese war. He thinks that the American navy needs, more than anything else, ships of 1 8,000 tons carrying nothing but 12 m. guns with some
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  • 189 3 LADIES' AGITATION IN GERMANY. Women's rights will result m men's wrongs if the feminine reformers of Germany are allowed their own whj\ The congress of progressive women now sitting m Berlin is characterised by a wild rush to extremes. From a demand for feminize juries—
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  • 108 3 An English-speaking Arab merchant named Hecrgi Distanji Kaka living at 1> Serangooo Road, yesterday prosecuted his Chinese cook and houseboy for the alleged theft of S7 from the pocket of a coat hanging m his bedroom. The merchant testified that when he missed the money, on the
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  • 35 3 Enough of Wars. Great Britain would welcome Russian jnendship, because it would mean a Axr r insurance of peace m the world. We have had enough of wars for the I present- Express
    Express  -  35 words
  • 69 3 It is on the whole, perhaps, (the greatest and the mos>c wonderful work performed by governing man. It is the glory of our race that we can do it, and perhaps a little to our shame that here at home we so often forget, or seem
    Times  -  69 words
  • 51 3 We need not look with alarm on a Russo-German entente. Russia cannot make war for a good many years yet, and if she could, she would not obtain any effective assistance against us from Germany, while Germany's first interest must be the maintenance of peace. Daily
    Daily Graphic  -  51 words
  • 67 3 rheextinction of tuberculosis— which will be achieved, at the latest, within a century or two— will imply such a lightening of the load of human sorrow as has no parallel. The disease kills, it is estimated, about one m six of all who die upon the earth.
    Chronicle  -  67 words
  • 71 3 We see nothing but misery for Europe to arise from the shattering of the Austrian Empire, if indeed m an evil hour we are approaching to that catastrophe, which ever since 1870 has haunted imagination and defleted the policy of the greatest statesmen and diplomatists. Even
    Spectator  -  71 words
  • 83 3 Is there any reason why ihe importatijn should be stopped, or why the men who have been brought over should be sent home We admit that some laxity ma}' have been practised by certain mine-owners m keeping their coolies within the compounds. Some of them lately
    Standard  -  83 words
  • 92 3 To the stiffness of the Anglo-Saxon the American has added the reluctance of the Republican to indulge in graces of manner. He may be just as thankful in his heart as the Frenchman or the Italian, or even the Japanese, but he certainly is not so
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  • 102 3 Leopold 11, publicly announced that his only programme was the work of moral and material regeneration." We have given him twenty years for carrying out this praise-worthy programme, and what do we find as the result of the performance On the one side we find
    Chronicle  -  102 words
  • 103 3 Some time ago three Chinese were charged before a Bench Court with robbery, the charge being later withdrawn and a charge of using criminal force substituted therefor. The latter ca>e came up before Mr. Marriot yesterday, Mr. Aitken appearing for the prosecution and Mr. Parsons for the
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  • 83 3 On the night of the 25 ult. the poor box of the Singapore Synagogue was rifled of a sum of S2OO. Two coolies were suspected of the theft, a Javanese and a Kling, who were employed about the place and had the key of the door. Yesterday
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  • 99 3 Ahmat, :i Malay, who was arrested for the theft of a box containing dollars 713 m notes and cash, an<l a watch and chain, the property of Haji Noor and Haji Hatip on board the s. s. Sappho on the 28th ult. when at sea, was
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  • 82 3 THE LATE MR. F. M cKEON. The body of the late Mr. F. McKeon, who m his sleep stepped into the river from a steam launch, oft Kota Stia. was on October 27 th taken out of the water by some Malays a short distance below the scene of the
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  • 148 3 Tan Tw Kah, a fruit hawker, living m a hut m Tanglin, accused five Chinese of having assaulted him m Circular-rd. on September 29. Vhe accused were presented m the Tlv *1 Court yesterday to answer the charge, One of them, who could not be identified, was discharged immediately after
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  • 94 3 Britain 's Fairness. We have given Russia a gage, by our attitude m Persia throughout the war, that we do not desire to take any unfair an<l ungenerous advantage of her. We might easily have adopted a forward policy n that decaying Monarchy while Russia had Japan upon her hands,
    Times  -  94 words
  • 101 3 Nothing touched the public heart more on the visit of the French officers and sailors to London than the unpremeditated incident of the salute offered to the Nelson statue as the officers drove through Trafalgar Square. Would it not be possible to return that salute on
    Spectator  -  101 words
  • 149 3 We have now been busy for some years shaking off our splendid isolation. We thought we could be a kind of Robinson Crusoe m foreign polities, and finish our journey alone." But it is all so changed within a very short span Lately we have been
    Saturday  -  149 words
  • 126 3 Dock companies all over the East have got very modest ideas of the value of their stock, but even the expansive heart of Mr. Twenty-man, the late Managing Director or Messrs. S. C. Farnham, Boyd Co, must pulsate with additional fewour when he reads of the claim made by the
    China Gazette  -  126 words
  • 143 3 Yestek day's Rates. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/15/16 Demand 2/1 1/16 Private 6 m/s.. 2/2 .J do. 3 m/s. 2/2 1/ 16 On Germany Bank d/d 2.19 Private 3 m/s 2.21 do. 6 m/s 2/23^ On France- Bank d/d 269 Private 3 m/s 274 do. 6 m/s 277
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  • 128 3 Tin $8 1 oo Gambier 8.20 do Cube No. 1 1 2.00 do do No. 2 ti Ji.oo Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore),, 25.25 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 35.00 Nutmegs (no to the lb.) 35. do (80 to thelb.). 80 Mace (B?nda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) 33 Liberian
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 266 3 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR. Wharves at which Different Ships are berthed. East Wharf, Nil. Victoria Graving Dock, Hydra. Albert Graving Dock, Rochussen. Section No. i Bharata, Giang Seng, Deli. Section No. 2 L'la. Section No. 3 Yenetia Section No. 4 Ayuthia Section No. 5 Minilya. Section No. b Diomed, Siak.
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    • 342 3 ROBINSON t> and Co. i A SHIPMENT OF STEEL TRUNKS. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS The "Empress" I I 1 Extras Quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple Safety Lever Locks m the following sizes I > 24 m. 27 m. 30 m. 32 m. and 34
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 111 3 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. Surabaya &c "Minilia" 10 a m Bangkok Ayulhia" 1 1 a m Hongkong &c Charterhouse" noon l'aneh &c Asahan" I p m Muar Malacca "Sultan" 2 pm Malacca <S:c Selan^or" 3pm l'enang Deli "Calypso" 3 pm Bangkok Profit 3pm Sovirabaya Bali 'Wilhelm" 3pm Malacca PDickson Hong Lvn
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 692 4 BANKS. Hongkong A Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAJD-UP CAPITAL t10.0u0.000 RESERVE FUND Mrrhng Rr«*rvo fiaOCuD.OOO i (imMM SflvrrßewrM 8..W0.00U I i^^ J (AW R'-serv-e Lialißty of Proprietors $10.'»J.0o0 Court of Directors. H. A. \V. Sia le. Ksq— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq I>«'puty-Chairman. Hon. C. W. I)ick>«'v. r. Salincer, Esq. K. Gorts,
      692 words
    • 487 4 SHIPPING, NOTICES. THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co., and Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating tfu LARGEST and FASTEST Smumtr* on the PACIFIC.) from HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. The NmUommi highzvay to Europe
      487 words
    • 847 4 I LEVY HERMANO& B t MALAY RECORDS. t GRAMOPHONE CONCERT RECCPiDS, 10-INCH. $2.50^ f ***** Lagu Jalak Lanting ***** Lawak ***** Che long Bana f ***** Nandong Sayang ,2909 Timbang Burong ***** Sri Perak ***** §"sVff? 12 9 10 Lingang Kangkong ***** Kronchong 4 l2 f? lakDabu isfii DuaSerani Anak
      847 words
    • 359 4 M X B i! str I 219 tons. Capt. Dunmall ffif Fr^ m Banj<x w^n^. nth Dec Andrews. 3-st Oct. From^ndon.^th g^ Nov \V y For Yokohama, Ist r I ioi F J ort >w e"enham, 29th »ct. G. c 124 d.p. Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd. For Port Swettenham 2nd
      359 words
    • 235 4 SHRfIGER BROS. U SPECIALITIES. I METALS Q} OF ALL DESCRIPTION^ g associated Portland Cement manufacturers q LONDON 1900. *5 Burham Brand 5 TheFavourite Cement used on the Principal Con-true-Jjt tion Works m the United Kingdom, Harbour and Railway Works, all over the World, and by the C Government of the
      235 words
    • 533 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED^ PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses. Codomnt ate.. Wanted d To Lit. Situation Wanted d Vacant. £nchange d Hart. i Day i Weik. Fortnight. Month 25 words >-r under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 50 75 cts 2
      533 words
    • 199 4 TO LE H T OUSES ET^TI ra^L TO BE let. S^ondt Street, c square tcet. > society hall. P r or pnidure m •> all round .v Goodaea. derate. **£Q HE !.K. entry. Ar,p i i JOBE LEI. j federate L-t app]> L H T fts ROBINS N BOOM TO
      199 words