Daily Advertiser, 18 July 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 357 1 HATLY ADVKI^TISER, SINGAPOBB. BUBSCBIr^TIOV* t! „..(^ne Dollar. 10 cents each. i ADVERTISaKEim. m inch. Two n h, and for long periods ii allowi L n ATI AND ORIENTAL 1 NAVIGATION CO. er Qnay. New Barbonr. i iroers may be expected r Ii md leave Singapore owing dates HOMKWAiIDS 1894 I
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    • 582 1 NiPPON YUSEN KAISHA, T 7 (.><»">■>>,•.* .\,>m. J If /t Cmjtmms 2,900 M7 E WilMaHMwdL SiiikioMun.. 2,912 887 Otorßg IT. Conner. OMOA i«m if* ru MOl 2t»:> K. Swain. f^EAVE Shanghai alternately evory \vook on FricUj <>r Saturday M the tide mat rail for NAGASAKI, smmoxoseki. Kobe, mu\ Yokohama. Th€
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    • 611 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USBHB OF BELTING Elsewhere m this Pa|^or The Grandy Belt Coy. nnnounco thoy have appointed new Agents an<l have also corrected the misleading statement formerly advertised m this paper tint theirs was a Solid Wove Belt, and moreover state with great candour that
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    • 77 1 LOCAL INDUSTRIES. Imp<irl».>il /from England m bulk\ l*<ii^G /GowansTAiexaßder S Co\ PfiCB $1.75 p3r dozen Singapore. T^liift! JL 1 1 1 I »5 FACSIMILE OF LABEL. •n«— An Ideal tropical drink C ™£r\ Price $1.75 per dozen /from England m bulk\ and bottle 1 by /Gowans, Alexander Co.\ Singapore. PllllS.
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    • 449 1 Powell &Co. SINGAPORE. I :o: Please read TtUMu r»w us Eg BKAIi THKM IN HIMD. -:o:— fVUR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Otebald Road, and is the larpes and mostsjpmplfjto. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, «fee., therefore Contracts aud kargs orden can be
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    • 403 1 MILNERS* SAPE9 MILNERS' m J e .r' by H. M. the Queen MILNERS' SAFES More thin 300,000 MILNEBtS 1 Safes protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, InmJrance, and other Public and Pi-ivatt* Oontpaaicf MILNKKS'Safes are nfed by the British and Colonial Govtr!!in»Mits. ADC QCOT MILNI-'lS's.vfo. MKt at^ ;»re
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  • 96 2 BANKS. Hongkong and Shanghai prem 91 o/o Bank of China, Japan and Straits Disc $2£ National Bank of China Disc '6') o/o INSURANCE. Straits Insurance Coy. $19.00 Straits Fire 13.00 Singapore Insurance Co. m liq. .60 DOCKS. Tanjong Pagar Docks Buyers $l!J7.00 New Harbour Docks 185.00 Frye
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  • 79 2 onflov 4 Hicttt'i'* ttyf-t Bank bills 'J/1 J f. 3 1 nvo'e Papur i/l| Mi tiaifti' txqht Docnm9nts 22 m »U 215 dtnt'ind Battk Hits 2 I n T.T. 2 J t-?atnr t i(emami 2 GO aia LXH t'enany 0,0 f~*n 198 Rangoon Mtmmm* v 198 Colombo ttongkwj
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  • 94 2 Qambter, $7.r>') do Cube Xo. 1 12 i'. r do do Ao. 2 '.Vso Copra kali, sun u'ried 5..*2 do font tii He v, r ).7;j L epper Black, J.3<> ago I lour, Ao. 1 )> 40 a. earl &at/o, 3 A> lotfet buli, I'vcked 40.10 Coffee
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  • 570 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore Wednesday, July 18, 1894 The influence of the v Scot Abroad" has long been a theme for discussion and congratulation, but the influence Of the v Scot at home" threatens to prove a serious stumbling block to the harmony of the Liberal party. The number ot
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  • 1459 2 MILITARY SERVICE IN THE TRANSVAAL. London, Juno Si.-The High Oou, of the 'ranMaal Republic ba» decided bit* British Sttbjcet. after tw., 'J, residence m Transvaal liable v, military service. The Bocf iUtboritie bare ar.csted a iu»ber ol BMiahmeo tor refusing to comply irith th,. j nv Tho Brttoh Govern m,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 662 2 TUF STRAIT? INSI KANCF COM FAST, LIMITED. r Established ISB3. Head Office, Sint.aPOßk. rapltal Fully Subscribed.. $3,0Q A /> llO i'iipital Piiid-up Coo,ool>. l>**erve Fund 2-"»,O(X). Roservfc liability of Sliarelioldora Tftiance of Working Account at 3lat Dee., IM'l 1404,723. THE BTRAITB FIRE INSURANCE OOMPAST, LIMITED. BstaßUshßD 1886. Capital Fully Subscribed
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    • 767 2 ROBINSON Co. Have just received a shipment of BASSINETTE PERAMBULATORS. All fitted with rubber tyred wheels, with brass caps, leather t lined body, reversible hood, with brass rod, &c., as 1 illustration, i ROP> I N 80 N A Co MAX STERN Co. Wholesale Importer', and Me-chiirts, AMSTERDAM AND BKRLIN
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    • 625 2 NOTICE. j J HEREBY trivo notice that my wife Chin Tiam Kee, the daughter of Chin Ah Pat, of Nj. 11, Cross Street, Singapore, halving refused to live and is not living with me at No. 31, Hoekien Street, Singapore, ac- cording 1 to my wish and desire, I will
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    • 661 2 3fatc^t gidrqrfi^ments. P. W. D. SELANGOR. I a Draftsman and Surveyor for the Public Works Departmeut, Head Office, Kuala Luinpor. Applicants roust be competent to iTinko surveys for engineering worKs, take out quantities, and prepare ostimatcs and apeetflcaliona, A knowledge. i of building 1 as far as the preparation of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 64 2 TIIK \VEKK.\S BNGAGKMENTa Wldxksday ISth. High Water l l-21 a.m., 10.84 i-.m. Municipal Co— mumioDTs ICeetiug. Full Aloon. Thursday 19th, High Water 11.48 a.m., 11.7 p.m. Straiti Fire Insuranoa Co. Meeting' Beception Government Elouse. Legislative Couucil 2.: i) p.m. FaiDAT ISru. High Water Ol3 a.m., 1 1.^9 p. m Pooiball
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  • 2764 3 Tue P. W. 1). ofBeUn*or advortise lot a at $IM)(> „er annam and quarters. i Tiik p. s. *LatrtO»" arrived from Liverpool this Boraia*. via Jeddah vvith '2. r tS baagie on board. The outward P. O. Packet Surat," left Colombo at Bp.m. on the 16th inst.,
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  • 725 3 Romanized Malay Version. Ada main band sold idn di Ksplanad^ pada hari lima depan muhi main pukol 5 petang Muntri Rajah Italy hampir ha ppir kena terabak mati bulan dahulu oleh siorang jahat. aa> Nanti ada pertunjok-an (Exhibition) gamhur photograph di Drill Hail pads 7 dau 26 hari bu'anBuduk budak
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 57 3 INDOCHINA S. N.CO LTD FOR HONGKONG. TUP] Company's itr. CHF.L\DRA 1,574 tons, Captain Cass, having left Calcutta on the 11th instant, nmy be expected to arrive here on or about the 20th insta t, and will have prompt dea_ patch tor the above port. For freight or passage apply to
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    • 721 3 For Sale. A 4" Theodolite by ■fcUOT BriOH. London, m 2:ood ordW, as gofl I ai new, PRICI ICODBBATS. Aleo i now Btatant, h y Baukkr Boss, London, m Square box. Apply 10 'Surveyor" c/o Miis Olli M Singapore, Lsth M -iy, IS.» t u e BRIGHT CELESTIALS, being the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 335 4 McAlister Co. Have m Stock. Peauung Requisites. Diving QIAB lieinke Co's three throw Diving Tumps always m »>tock ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Leathers, Dress" J cc. Boots, Repairing Ootb, Solution, Underclothing, ike. ike. [^jc Earthenware Draik Pipes. (Hongkong Brick bi Cera»mt Coy. Ltd.) 4," t*>," l"-\" 1"' (^arreter. Also Hends,
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    • 332 4 John Little Co., ro ist i r or Fanoj Spottod Cropons. Black and Navy all Wool Dros* detgt*. Plaiu and Chttked Zaphvc Clothe Fiiinuols and Flannelette** Ladies Silk Blouses. (iirls Silk and Casbniero Frocks. Laidies Trimmed Hats. rntrimmer Hats In the latest styles. Ladies Sailor H its. Children's Straw Sailor
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    • 765 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patrotmgeof SIR CECIL ('LEMBNTI SMITH, U.C.M.G.4 late Governor of the Strait* Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for canh.
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    • 690 4 J MOTION &CO Watohmakers, Jewellers, c Wa have now on harrl t»^ k ofWatclu-Hof .•^vii"^!^^." Straits, jrnaranteed f t ,r 1 rear confidently recommend our Xiekol Knyless (t b-^ :::t %r h JKWIL L X B V 18 carat and 15 carat GOLD CH.MJU DIAMOND JBWKtLUI Repairs of every dc
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