Daily Advertiser, 13 June 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 17 1 S" K^. q #s THE DAILY ADVERITSER. ESTABLISHED 1890. VOL. Ill] WEDNESDAY, JUKE 13, 1894. [NO. 1048
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 427 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISE* SINGAPORB. Rate or sthscription. '•nsiin One Dollar. pice 5 cents each. Rate of ai>vkhtts>;mentr. inch or part «>f an ineli, Tw uth, tnd for long period iction ii allowed. -ij< wA -j pEXIXSULAB AND ORIENTAL 1 STEAM KAVIOA riON CO. Collver Quay. Godowns, New Harbonr. Thk me
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    • 623 1 t, COMPAONie DES MESSAORRIES MARITIME* DE FRANCE. :o; Telegraphic Address Licorne," Singapore. Thk fallowing arc tho dates on which the mail itearaen of the Heseageriee MantJines may bo expected to arrive here 1 Homewards Outwards Melbourne Juno 19 J Caledonieu June 20 <Wa,,,en July 3 I o XU9 j. 4
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    • 570 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. Str.niv r* J n If. P. Cmgtmm 2.900 387 E. Wilson Hasweli, SmiiimMmrm.. t,flt«7 Geo, w W. Conner, l okoha ma Ma ru 2.308 2t>:> R. Swain. J^EAVE Shanghai alternately .every week on Friday or Saturday as the tide may suit for Nagasaki, ShiM<)xosEKr. Kobe, and Yokohama.
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    • 533 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Give notice that they are the accredited Agent** m the Straits, and the only him who have m stock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading atatement has been n.ade that the above is Solid Woven Gotten belting" which is m error, it being a sewn belt of
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    • 440 1 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. :o: Pleasb read thkse few lines beau them m mind. :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the larsreß and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive onr Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and large order's can be put
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    • 393 1 MILKERS' SAFES MILNERS' re use I by H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILKERS 1 Safes protect the valuables of the principa Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public anJ Private Companies MILNERS' Safes are used by the British and
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  • 69 2 London 4 month's sight Batik bills 141 I 3 Frivote Paper _/l| (todays tight Documents .2 30 2li M demand Bunk bills 21 T.T. fl France^ demand 2 61 aoa i.kB tenang v o/u p~*-n 193 Rangoon Mamas „> 192^ Colombo Hongkong k o\o dis. Aiantut M IS
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  • 86 2 Tkoduok. Gambler, $7^2^ do Cnbe JVo. i 12 UU do do No. 2 95j Copra Bali, sun dried 6 10 do Funtianak, 570 Pepper Black, 9.5 1 r.ago Flour, No. 1 226 toarl Hugo, 3.15 Coffee Bali, Picked 4040 Coffee lstoertan, picked 41 .00 Tapioco small Flake,
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  • 99 2 BANKS. Hongkong and Shanghai prem 91 o/o Bauk ot Cliiud, Japan and Straits Diisc $z± National Bank of China Disc 6 u/o INSURANCE. Straits Insurance Coy. $14.00 trait? Fire 10.50 •Siugapore lnsurunce (Jo. in liq. .60 DOCKS. lanjong Pae;ar D>cks Buyers $196.00 New Harhour Docks 135.00 Prye
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  • 482 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Wednesday, June 13, 1894 To Photoqraphers. An article m the Ceylon Observer" draws attention to tho difficulty of procuring photographic souvenirs of Colombo for despatch to i friends m England. The same difficulty may be said to bo experienced here, for although it is a fact
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  • 709 2 Mr. George Griffith, >vhu left Char-irn;-cro>B at II o'clock on Marcii utii, with the object ot ffhkavottriaf to travel round the world iv bs4an arr ved at Waterloo at 10 a, ■.<* 1 6th ult thus completing ;i dwtauce of $3,950 statute miles by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 642 2 THE STRAITS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1883. Head Office, SinoaPOri. Papit*l Fully Subscribed... s3,ooo,ooo. Capital Paid-up 600,00u. R«Nierve Fund 2.">,000. Reoerv© Liability of Shareholders $2,400,000. l^ance of Workiug Account at 31st Dec, 1891 $404,722. THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1886. apital Fully Subscribed $2,000,000. Capital Paid-up 400,000 Reserve
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    • 652 2 KUPPERS BEER CHOP PAYONG the only beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. CHUBB'S IRON SAFES AND LOCKS The beet m the world. APOLLINARIS WATER. The queeu of table waters, a most heal thy and refrshing drink m tropical countries. $15.00 per case of 100 glass bottles. 7.5U
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    • 639 2 i latest MUNrCIPAL NOTICE. All persons claiming refund of assessment m respect of dwelling houses vacant for any portion of the half year ending 30th Jane, are hereby reminded that such claims most be pent m to the Commissioners on or before the 15th day of July next. The Commissioners
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 125 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Wbdxksday 13th. High Water 6.C a.m ,C 23 p.m. P. 40. Miil Homeward. Thursday Urn. Hi^h Water 7 27. a.in., 7.22 p.m H i i Kara Had^i. Flower tUaow, 8. V. A. Drill Ball FIIIDAY I'TH. Hij;h Water s— S.3S am., 8.10 p.m. Flower Show. Kafttes Club
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  • 1731 3 In this awe yesterday the plaintiff 1 \m Lob, dini;'<l m toto the ■tllftHMUl t l,c article complained of. Hud never been i" brothel mentioned, but had I,^o to othVS With friends In cross- 1 i;inl inatioO he said ho bad I quarrel T, k Soon
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  • 233 3 Thi; proposals shadowed forth m the Legislative Council t>n Monday a> to the alterations m the law nafinlintl the storage of cxci s eab!e !;quors arc irn: ortant. They are iiirnifteantf a- a sort of admiation that the re^ulut'.o.:> of tie fariM are becoming intolerable to a European
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  • 114 3 Goner il D »dds arrived on 11th inst. at M.ir-eilles Iroia D ili«>:n.*>', on board t!ie Tttibet," aco »in|»a»ui«?d *>y Captain Binder, the well-ktvnvn explorer an.l Governor of the Iv >ry Coast. Tli.-rn was no ofticinl rfeeptioii, but the cliiof. f>ersona^es nC the tow:i and tt li-^e enHT«I ot
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  • 482 3 Tri<: Ilon'hle A. M. and Mr«. Skinner, and the Hcn'hle J. M. B. Vermont; leave for Penau<j by this atternoon'a j mail. I Under the auspices of the ChiMat Christian Association Mr. G, K. Reid will ijive a lecture on OfMf tion i at the Prinsen Street
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  • 274 3 Proceedings have been taken ag.inat Mr. A. W. Frautch for allegml defamation of L'arnji L-tkh MicliarnJ, manager to the Government opium contractor for the city and island of Bombay. Mr. Prautch wrote an article m the Bombay Guurdiau of January 2oih, exposing ihu officially tolerated
    British Official Wireless  -  274 words
  • 534 3 Srb.ib iial IJor*' alasaket, menp*di Malacca kiiabap lama lada kluar. The X trenehnViit Com uittee has quite inu»dd *n»i us; several r»kelrtoiM are seen at p.estiit m the v^riocs departments. The I*. W. and the ilij^h School, it is ttiiti, are simply to be shelved out;
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  • 28 3 We. understand ih-tt the old**! revuent ut th»s piece, Mr*. Wright, celebrates her oik Inin-irel an 1 first a» -nivers.irv to-day. I'inanj Qazttte Uih inst.
    I'inanj Qazttte Uih inst.  -  28 words
  • 161 3 if A bri.lit, cheerful phenomenon. lie attftwervd m a lew seconds the inostd;tn"« ult arithmetical quealtooa," Time* of India. A walking :trith;netic .1 perlonnanct; that caur.ot be believed without sr-L-in^.' Bmnhiy GnZt it> 11? quit.* b. fll >ii the iiKisUr ur the blaetcbotird I#V IIM rapidity <<f
    Times of India; Bremen Zeitung; Pioneer; Mominrj Vot; Rangoon Times; Statesman; Indian Daily News  -  161 words
  • 190 3 THK report of tho Salvation Army m India exhibits that active OTganiaation as pushing? its way m the native States, as well as m tho remote dtetricti of Brltiah Kudia. Their fleldataff compriees, It is ataied, 431 officer! of all ranks, of whom 27 are
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  • 86 3 A telegram from Aspen ((Colorado), states that a nugget has be^n hoisted out of th« J JSrnu^^ier Mine at this point that for sizu surpasses anythiu^ on recor-l, and for richness is aim let h* remarkable, The chunk wteiifbed 3,HO(^ !b., and containeti silver to tbe value
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  • 247 3 The Currency Association m Calcutta have addressed the Government ot India on the question of the tail m eicuaiura uue t o nioimtn sale of Council diatts. They inquire if auy measured are likely to be taken to cheek this procedure An auswer tms
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 229 3 On the UUh instanl the Yokohama branch of the First National B.ink received a t.'le^rain, m code, from its < fice m Osaka, to hand over to Van 1 Ml, h Chinese exchange shop at No. 72, Main Miet-t, the sum 01 $2>.(>(H). Subsequently a man
    Japan Mail  -  229 words
  • 182 3 The following »abm l*r< d;:ce wtre n;aJc uu TucmLiy. l~th Jane. Pla at 5 ct-. Small Flake Tapioca si't> -i.12. 1 >ftd 100 4 45~ *<> 4 .*5. r >, N 200 400 4;;2i 200 4 10 Small Fsake Tapioca 1176" 4- Meiiuin Peatl liO 425 Spo re
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  • 408 3 Romanized Malay Version. Macao, satu tempat dekat Hongkong dan Canton, aebab Kompani disana, nda jags baik, satu orang pun lad a keua pukol samper liuiigkong. Orang China di Malaka ada mau antar satu petition kapada (Jovernor, dalaili potition ita miotak kapada Governor angkatkan taukefa Tan Huom Quao m«ujadi kepala dia-oraog
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  • 363 3 "Daily Advertiser" kena dawa maiu. Liai LoB, ting^al ili 67 Upper Hokkien Stieot ada dawa Kiitor tlan taukeh bUf.it kliat ar mi, pasal i i k t kopala bulan April yang andah lain, orab|| dawa ada mmtak kapada mi rut khabar mi, munak mahap aami dia, dan lagi|»un tni.sti bayar
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 104 3 An English and Malay School Primer, illustrated, priced tents, has ktely been pub'ished by the American Mission Press, Singapore. 'Elementary <Je->--graphy for use 111 the Fifth Standard" is the name applied to a booic publishe<i t > i:urt th* reqairemeuti of tha (iovei't'ineur. d The price of this book is
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    • 175 3 Feed yottr Horsks othkr Stock c«H L. J. OHATER Co' 3 Crushed Food. pi I IS pre'iaration is composed of tlit finest grains only, mixed m prop* proportions by f»xpet iencel mon, anc' tnislied at our Factory, -o can al.vav* bo obtained fresh. It ii .a been f >u:i 1
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    • 283 3 NOTICE. From the [ft M iy ls:»l, tfi? int»»r«j^t n i J»poiiHifrdity of KatM HaK and Cihjan Hak m ihu liu«iiHMt nrried on und'-r Uic ('n«>v GNtl lloa Skno, Sim Kirn Cboo < ■»>. N<». Xo-th Canal Koad ceanrd, nnd ihal from the ■am<l «late, the s»ii«l lusiness 90 Ohop
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 419 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails WILL CLOSI To-\:orkow. l< Kaifon, Plintshir S :i m Mil «oca ik Lin,vi. Cecil •< Smith, 2 p n boaralMja A i..ii., I'oti liin Oaut, 1 m m I'eiiai)^. uoaiinein. KaagOOß rtiid GWoettft, I'mi. Imkot i. |> m buui il.'-iVi. X iD MC, i p iiv i>p.-i._v,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 316 4 McAlister Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pumps Ueinke <Vs three throw Diving Pumps always m Stock ALSO Diving Hose, C'uj> Loath-rs, Dreast*. Bouts, Repairing Cloth, Sulutlou, Underclothing, &c. &c. |y|c /\LiSTER CO Earthenware DRAIM Pipes. (Hongkong Brick and Cement Coy. Ltd.) 4," fi,'' P. 1l\"18" diameter.
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    • 291 4 John Little Co. ARMS AND AMMUNITION j REVOLVERS j tial Fire Eull Dog Revolvers by Cashmore, n n v Greener. Colts' New Xavy Revolvers. i i COLTS' NEW NAVY REVOLVER. C. F. Bull Dog Self-extracting Revolvers 450 bore. C. F. Bull Dog Revolvers by Bonoliill. Smith and Wesson's Safety II
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    • 753 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronasjeof Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for cash.
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    • 662 4 J* MOTION CO Watchmakers, Jewellers, We have now o U han 1 tlll rf Wulchenot ev.,y deacripUua JS Btraita, iniaranteed f or 1 yUr eontidently rtoommend our Nickol Keytar r f <-, v:i JBWBLL B li V 18 carat and L r carat OOLD ll\i\^ DIAMOND JBWKLLEBY TUeMDpai and ticld-gtasfca
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