Daily Advertiser, 31 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 13 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. VOL. Ill] THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1894. [NO. 1037
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 381 1 1 1 E DA 1 1 V A DVERTISEH, SINGAPORE. I.'ATE OF SUUSi'Kin lOX. i One l>ollar. iel .f» cents each. Rate of adtbbtissjuui ib, Foreverj inch or part of an mch t Two n |x»r month, and for long ji«»rii>ds redaction is allowed. hf. Ay y n SULAR AND
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    • 631 1 COMIWONie DES ÜB33AOBRIEB I MAHITIMCS DX FRANCE. -:o: Telegraphic Add rev Li come," Singapore. TnE following are the dates on which the naail ■sensnati of the Messngstiej Maritimes may bo expected to arrive here Homkwards Outwards Nntal Juno 5 I Sydney Juns »i ■WilLournf" |f I rii!.-«lJniou *>0 OeeMMfoa July
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    • 594 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. T7i, OmmpmmmU \,>m. Str,,mrrt r H. P. CmfUtm Kobe Muru.... 2,'MK) »8T E. Wilson Haswrll. Saikio Mara.. 2,'M2 387 Ge<»rne W. Conner. Yokohama Mttru2.SQs 203 R. Swain, J^EAVE Shanghai alternately 'every week on Friday or Saturday as the tide may suit for NAGASAKI, SHimoxoseki. Kobe, and Yokohama.
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    • 548 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDER?, CONTRACTORS, Dire notice that they are the accredited Agents m the Stiaits, and the only firm who have m stock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading statement has been node that the above is Solid Woven Cotten Baiting" which is In error, it btijig ;i sewn bilt of
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    • 447 1 Powell* Co. SINGAPORE. :o: Please read thkse few links BEAU THEM IN" MIND. :o: QUIt FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the lftrires and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, «fee, therefore Contracts and lanje orders can be put
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    • 409 1 MILXKRS' RAFRfI MILNERS f -eucibv H. M. the Queen, MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More thin 300,000 MILtfEUS 1 Safes protect the valuables of the principa Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private Companies MILNERS' Safes are used by the British and (Colonial Governments.
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  • 77 2 London 4 month* tiyht Bank bill» 2/l£ „3 Private Paper 2/1$ 00 days' si jit Documents 21| n Bt| dtmtnd Bunk bilk 2 1 M 1 Francr, <femtnd 2 60 .aw l.\\) feiunio 0,0 p'*»i avis 1W Uan'/oon Jlaa.ax „> 192^ Votontbij liongkonj o[o dis. j M mi.
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  • 94 2 Psotiujb. Gambler, 7.50 do Cube No. I, 115) do do No.'l 9.)J Copra Bali sun dried 590 do l J unttum/c, -MJS I Pspper Black, 9 7o- I r.aga Flour, No. 1 2ZO i J earl Sago, 3.i5 Coffee. B*ii, Picked 40/0 Cjtfee isioertan, picks I 41.0)
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  • 91 2 BANKS. Hongkong an I Stanch*! prem 91 o/o i IJank ot </tiina, Japan an 1 Sor Aits Disc $2£ National 15 ink ul Ciiin.i Disc 6) o/o INiURAXOB. Straits IttMraaae Coy. $12.">0 Strait-? Fire 10.5'J Bin^.kp>re luiarmceUo. ia liq. .tiJ DJCKS. l'anjong Pagar DocWl Buyers $19ti.0(J New
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  • 688 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Thursday, May 31, 1894 The British Dollar. 1 THE proposal for a British Dollar, which was so warmly urged some few months ago, seems to have gone to rest of late. We were told lately that a deputation of bankers had an interview with 11. E.
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  • 1046 2 Thb rumours ftl>cut t\us |<»hey rcgaruin^ Pahmg are said to fe I alarming. Taken m connection Wvm very recent ♦vi'iits, it would soc^ U9 if there was a certai'.i KOMNWI fuundiiliun for them. The huriii'd departira nH A I Resuiert IrOM here last Week, ItiW I n > less
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 661 2 TflE STRAITS INfIURANCE COM- I*ANY, LIMITED. Rrtablished 1883 Head Office, Sinoapork. r'npital Fully Subscribed. ..s3,ooo,ooo. rupiUl Paid-up Coo,ooo. R«>«erve Fund Reserve Liability of Shareholders $2,4(H),()(X>. I'alauee of Working Account at 31st Dee 1891 $404,722. THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. EsTABLIhUKD 1886. Capital Folly Subscribed 12,000,000. rnpital Paid-up 400,0(M). Kw>erve
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    • 357 2 JOHN LITTLE Co. RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Have just received the fol- j lowing: MILLINERY, DRAPERY. WAL PA i COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Large stock of Heavy," HARDWARE, HABER- i" Mediu <' nd Li S ht MACHINERY OILS. DASHERY. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,600 to 6,000 gallons per hour.
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    • 672 2 WANTED. A Chinese Managing Clerk for a Solicitor's Office. Miwt have a thorough knowledge of the Chinese Community. Apply to W. c/o this office. Singapore, 31st May, 1894. t.6 De. M. F. SIMON, l. d. s. edin., SURGKON DBNTIST, May be consulted at the Hotel de I'Europe, Nos. 73 and
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 139 2 TSB WBBKTS ESUiiMi^rs. Thursday- 3 1st. High Water 7.0 am 7._ M p m. Lje^'i^Utivo Uooncil Sleeting *2..iU j).m Poeibali, s C. C. v. U. E German Mnil Oat ward. F?.ir< \y. l<r Jink. High Water 8. 14 am.. .s.K p.m. Regiitrmtion of L> >t, r begins, tV.itnll. S. C;C
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  • 103 3 *k report! just to hand from u «i*ed States are ixcee-lin-lv T tly> hl:(i their ten<<ur lu!| y »>' the course of the raillr'"»-:« which are once more join* r w >d an,! prorr.iiinU J' l ;7^""- ll l.asb:-en thought that Lni^v 1899 uas a singularly at m
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  • 230 3 The Dulch Oovt. a'eatuer Polikaan" arrived from Uliio yesterday and leave* 10-day lor B^nykalis. THE German Mail steamer 'Bayern" arrived yosterday evening from Europe. IHK s. 8. Catherine Apcar arrived from Hongkong yesterday, and bein,< nine da -8 out. and no sickness on board, was allowed to
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  • 48 3 In the House of Common, May Ist Mr. Oampbell-Banneruiiiu infannec j Mi. Paul that Volunteers who km served iv India and Ifcl lTnlonitt wu«ll i be eiUilicti to suostaiuiaily the sam« docomiion on the same terms as thosi j who had berv.-J at lioine.
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  • 84 3 Thk London papars cout\in uu appeal to ikm rimrchmen of Baglafi 1 mid Wales," Usue.l by the Church D-Jence It:s»itutnn, on th<» su 1 jt»ct of the Webh Disestablishment B 11. Ir i> j»ro{io-f j to uri;:»nise lHilotpr— l distribution oi litt-rature, auJ to hold public
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  • 88 3 Ii will be pltAMQjf to th shurohuklers and depmitttw m Amtnlian banks to learn that one of the reCdOttraCUßl banks— the N.itionul B.ink ol A.istia'uHa h.t> <leclar.vl its fir>: dividend since its ivcon-truetioi 1 Ar v neatiaji of the direeton on Than lay last, they not
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  • 122 3 Copenhagen, April 27. One of the Danish naval officers who were m the service of the {Siamese Government during the engagement between the French and Siamese war vessel at Puknam, below Bangkok, last sutnnier. hua been tried by C'jurt-oaartial and deprived ul Lid commission
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  • 143 3 At Quankau (Can^'or) timers are aajd to be multiplying as fast as flies this year. Stii|>es is said to be erjovj ing a hearty dinner of human flesh nearly every Jay. They have be«'ii seen m such numbers that the j:eo, le aiQuankau are afraid to go
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  • 125 3 Colonel Olcott writes to the London Lucifer of April hist. You wi;l oblivro me by informing tlie readers of your MfltiM that then* is no foundation whatever for the current newspaper story that Mrs. H-sant lathed daily or even onee m the Gsmmm at the Lite Kumbha Mela
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  • 226 3 Thi fall \thicb is every day taking place m the exchange is seriously m- creasing the embarrassments of iho Indian Exchequer. The rate is now down to Is. lfd., m coMnu>t with Is. 2d. us estimated m the Bulger, and even if it were to f;o no lower
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  • 240 3 Itf the House of Commons on May Ist: (Jolonel Howard V ncent a*ked the Secretary for the Almiraify vv!ulh -r au order tor boats tor tha Royal N k vy li.id not l>een placed iti Gjrininv?. i Sir U. Kay-Slrmleworth said a j specimen ol a bout
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  • 328 3 SAD DEATH OF A PROVINCE WELLESLEY PLANTER. Wi deepy ngnt to hue tj rword tl.c death of Mr. Chattel F. de Muruay ;>t vlal.ikoff Kstate yesterday raonnus; -Till. :tt '2 a. M. Mr. CM MonMJ had rvtUHM 1 the previous evening from ii'. fc r uLitti:jj for 1 md m
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  • 746 3 From the Ceylon Observer, via German Mail. London, May 22. Tenders ar9 invited foran Indian loan of ill millions ■terllßg bearing interest at the rate of 3 per tent. The minimum rate is fixed at ninety-eight. Th tenc'ers tor tbe six millions Indian sterling loan will be received
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  • 639 3 BRITISH TRADE WITH SOUTH-WEST CHINA. The recent Convention between China and ours -Ives on tlie RobjOCfcof trade with South- Western China and the settlement of the frontier of Burma, referred to m the Qviecn's Speech, is i m one respect an improvement on tha* signed by Mr. O Connor ei^ht
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  • 161 3 Thb following sales of Produce were ma lo uu V¥cdm*d iy, 30ih May. Ms. at ft et.s. I Seed Tapioca 1j() f 4tlO Bed 170 450 Small Flake Tuj-ioca ISOO 425 Small Flake 140 4.2^ Medium Pearl 100 4.20 See.l Tapioca 200 4.50 i Med. Pearl 140 4.2?
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 323 3 Aii English and Malay School Primer, illustrated, price 5 cents, has lately been pub'ished by the American Missiou I Press, Singapore. 'Elementary Ge>- graphy for use in the Fifth Standard is the name applied to a book pubi liahe.l to meet the requirements of the (Jovernment C\>de. The price of
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    • 669 3 Romanized Malay Version. Haki Lima, 1 hari bulan June, Band eoldadu Tangleng nanti main di Padang, mulai pukol 5 petang. j Ratal Russian v Krostroma," dalang dori Odessa, pagi mi, ada membawak 4'J5 orang kandak pegi Vladiyoatook beook. KAPAL-api M Cathorin Apcar kalmareu datang deri Hongkong, scbab sarnhilan hari di
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    • 255 3 THE TOKYO MARI.VR IKSIJXs ANGE CO. LTD. THR MKIJI FIXE IN'BUUiiNCJB CO. LTD T*HK underai^no'h hi<*in^ been ap pointed ageutJ for rhu a Sore (!ompianies, aro prepared to tcept Nf mn« md Fire Risks ut current ntte.s. THEMITSLfI HUS^AV KMBBJL, i?. I^Utory K)i<l, Siu'ipore April I Just Publishkd. NtW an&
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 463 3 Xkit Mail HoiCß<t4kO. Gerai.in steiiuar PreiiBd;.i duurda)'. MAIL NOTICE. MAII.B WILL CLOSI TO-MORROw. POM P>;itu Pahat. Aing Anu. 9am I'ofl I 'urwiti. inking M»iN for all llUMal.itU. t-xct'pt W«*lsra .ustralin l>arwin «v Po:iti;in«k, Lui.'-ck, noon Duttiy. I'^arlinn (iioinul-*. UoMM% -.s^ ,t:on. Gasco\ m«. Siiaik-^ Buy. Ger.ddco mud 1 1«--■MUlUe, Su!t:tn.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 324 4 MoAlister Co. Have m Sto*fc. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pumps Heinfce (Vs three throw Diving Pumps always m Stock ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Leathers, Dresses, Boots, Repairing Cloth, Solution, Underclothing, &c. &c. U[c /^LISTER CO Earthenware Drain Pipes. (Hongkong Brick and Cement Coy. Ltd.) 4," 6," 9," 12," 18"
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    • 206 4 John Little Co. SOLE AGENTS. RUDGES CELEBRATED CYCLES. (V>in|>Jc«te price lists forwarded on application, from which wo allow a Discount of 20 o'o. k>r Ca»h W€ have a l^go assortment of Bedroom, Dining Room, and Drawing Hoom furniture. C< tr.:'»e!« Mtimates for House rurnishiug forwardod on application. Fig 197 *T^
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    • 763 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronage of Sir Cecil Clbmbnti Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing A rare aud choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for
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    • 670 4 J* MOTION CO Watchmakers7jeweller 8 t We have now on han I tnt a. of Watcheeof ererv descrl^U?^ ooniidently rseeisnntend our Nickel K»yloss mr n cK -^pf Z%mi+ JKWE L L I] I{ y 18 carat and IB carat GOLD CHAIMs DIAMOND JKWKM.KUY Telctcopes and FitUflasw* nfi repnt?. Repairs of
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