Daily Advertiser, 30 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 493 1 THE PAILY ADVEHTISER. SINGAPORB. rati of subscription. Pei C'« e l>ollar. »|»iee cents each. l <>k ADYBBTMKHUTS. .'V, rj inch ot j»nit of an iaek Two j per month, and for long^ periods litters] re lactlon is allowed. R '<<*■ i*\ DEXISSULAR AND ORIENTAL 1 STEAM SAVIOATION CO. Ofl o.
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    • 645 1 COMPAGNIK DKSJ MKSSAGERIES MARITIMKs DX FRANCS. :o: Telegraphic Address v Jiicorue," Singapore. Thk following are the dates on which the mail steamers of the Messa^eries Maritime* iu»y bu expected to arrive here Hombwards Outwards Natal Juno 5 I S v <iiiey JOM fi M.!iK>urne 19 Ci»letlonien 20 <)cc«-anien Julj 3
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    • 586 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. The .nniKixi/s r Xom. Str,tmrr* r H p. Cm/Uhu Kohe Man.... 2,000 387 E. Wilson Haswell. Saikio Mfiru.. 2,'M2 357 (teorue W. Conner. Yokohama Ma r*2,Bot 26."» R. Swain, J EAVE Shan>rhai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday us the tide may suit for NAGASAKI, Shimoxoseki.
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    • 543 1 MILLWRIGHTS ENGINEERS, IKON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Give notice that they are the accredited Agents m the Straits, and the only firm who have m stock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading statement has been nade that the ahove 18 Solid Woven Cotten Belting which is m error, it being a sewn b>;lt of
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    • 448 1 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. \J 1 Please reap thesk few links BKAK iill.M IK MIND. 1 :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the larges and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive onr Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, 4c., therefore Contracts ami lar.L'e orders can
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    • 402 1 RHLNERB* SAFBi MILNERS' -I by H. M. the Queen. MILNERS 1 SAFES have the Largest Sal* m the World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILKERS' Safes protect the valuables of the principa Bauking, Railway, Insuranco. and other Public and Private Uompaniefl MILNERS' Safes are used by the Bri tish and Colonial
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  • 80 2 London 4 month's tight Bank bills 2/\{ „3 Private Paper 2/1 1 l'O i/flyn' **9^t Docume its il 1} HO 21| dinwnd Bank bills 2 1 frrancr t demand 2 l»0 acct 1.0 t'ennnj o/o /,~p>n .n. 193 liangoon .\Ja t naa > 1021, Colombo m Hongkong o
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  • 402 2 TlfEChmose question \m come acute at H.ituv ;i latterly is a strong leeliog then k-, Chinaman, an.l the ■ction of prabanks, which refow to dw drawn to Chinamen, u p D that the latter c.in not be trusted co our to the
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  • 85 2 (Jambier 7.47 do OubtNo.l, 11.5) do do jS'o. 1 I*. i Copra Bali, sun dried 5 i>o do Pontianak, 5 G") sepper Black, 9 H5 tiijo Flour, No. 1 *J, 0 renrl £>ago, li.is Uo//ee Buli, Pitkmi 4 U. > L'oijce L,toerau s ricAid 41.1)0 luyioco xi'iull
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  • 92 2 BANKS. Hongkong an lSeuuurluu [>rem 91 o/o Bank ot Ctmia, Japau an 1 Straits Disc $2^ National Bank of Chiivt IJ.se 6) o/o Straits Insaraooe Coj. Straits Fuv 1O.."> Sin^.ipjrc lnsur vice Co. m liq. .8) OJCKS. fanjong Pa^ar l)»c.s Buyers 1 190 .00 N'e.v rlarboor DoAa
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  • 287 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Wednesday, May 30, 1894 Arnot's Mantle. It is quite apparent that tho gentle Arnot has not dropped his mantle on the shoulders of any one In the "Strata Times*' Office. Those sharply cut and nicely polished articles which used to delight the cultured public of Singapore
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  • 350 2 So many men m ludia run I that the following letter t-» 'iu 1 i 1 Telegraph, iv which 'Mi. K." deoeribes 'his experieiuv of the nuittoa cure, k!i< ul.i \iv 1. wl in f erest to a burya wctioa wif 1 •rs. 4< G. E."
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  • 53 2 LORD ELGIN AND SPECIAL TRAINS. A CANARD KILLID. Bimltt, M; y It*. -I am now n position tc fciv* a RK»I unq«a»* contradict on to Urn r.vrt aboul meeiiap >f lh€ Kxeouriv.- urbieh ao»N^d m ilu- Jfoni*^ I k»%e McertaineJ oa tkc bet nty that there is absolutely '»j m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 674 2 THE STRATTB INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1883 Head Office, Sinoaporr Capital Fully Bnbfwribed...s.V W,ooo. I'apital Paid-up MO.OOu. Keßerve Fund M 2">,00Q. I-'berv© Liability of {Shareholders $2,4l»0,000. I'jihince of Working Account at 3 1st Dec, 1891 $404,721 THE BTRAITB FIRI INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1886. apitai FbUj Subscribed 12,000,00a Capital Paid-np
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    • 391 2 Eobixson Co. Have just received a large shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. i All specially made for the Tropics and sewn eeftißfl throughout. Notice. J HAVE established myself as Estate Ageaiaad Valuer al Xu. 24, Malacca B*VMt. Also will Collect K*!irs an.l eit-.T Sales and Bfortgagea > r 1
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    • 123 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Have just received the following: WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Large stock of Heavy," h4 Medium," and "Light" MACHINKKY OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,(500 to 6,000 gallons per hour. SPONG S PATENT KNIFE CLKANERB, Save Time, Knives Money. 1 No house should bo
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    • 655 2 WANTED. A CHINESE or Eurasian Clerk as assistant m an office. Must be able to write English well, and with a knowledge of general office wo;k. SecuriDj* for $250, required. Apply to P., c/o this paper. May 30. 6.G INDO-CHINA S. N.CO. LTD., FOR PENANG CALCUTTA. rpHE Company's steamer IVINSANG,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 125 2 WKDXCSO43T 30m. High Wat r "> "»fJ a.m v.'2< p.m. P. ft 0. M.ul Homeward. THOKBOAT .Visr. Ili^h Water —7.6 a m 7.21 p m. L- .i>lative Council Meeting 2.^0 p. in Footbftl s C. C. v. H. E. Q 'r.iiiin M.til Oiuw »r-l. Friday. Ist Jcxe. High Water 8.14
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  • 212 3 |1m Report i'or 180:^ of this irttitnu,,ii baa jnsS bee pubivibcd. m his .moraudnm (?aptaiu Craofurd, Hon. iry and Troaaurer, reports fav .uiiil»!y <j" 'he mote extensive adranta^e taken o! tlieHonM by olfi>-.>rs ,nd men than raa the ease m loili. useful a; sndix statea tho various
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  • 194 3 AX: ncli Transport piste d through the Lirboar from VVest to Ka»l this Mi.. I:.: vi:n>.v. H B. U.i CoM«l r Hi>: ne Sarawak] an 1 La t it; f«»r Europe oi "ie leave i ing, V froui H.«n jk Nig ■>r«iin and nftor in— tical anthoriti
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  • 80 3 1 •a: au»< tin^ of the L.-^islative ice oa Thanday when neuibera Major Geueral Vau^liao, and Mr. Uatteaoach H-| taKe ibeir >rat<. A th j,Ul»att down for their i an the erimpiog O,d v- j nduieuU, a hill i> prorido caocelliog of cernfi ;ate« t'».. Steam VeMrla l«8i,
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  • 425 3 accident, oecuioaed ly a 'ton, .golf 1011, occurred onSal.rd«y, April iSikA Mr. tliaimu) ,..d Mr. 1 -iU;i:itfa»n,u.lly J -bouted lore and saw r, Ut jot U t"Uftee.i years h,,p. lil i ■«roM m iVcnt, ami l Uill iv th, oaek olhi- s If, cusin, lim
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  • 318 3 After soir.e co:«iiJorab!e delay juJgmonl Lan been m the apical to j Ibe Judicial Cutnmittoe of the Trivy Council from Her Ifajettj'i Snprensa Court at Bha>nghai ia the c.ise ol the er!ginal action c( the Aruericao Trading Com|,*nny agmiMt tht 11.v.k of China, Jnpan and
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  • 49 3 St. Petersburg, April SUth. The I lovisi'inal modus viv^ndi concluded wilh China on the Puuir question includes an t ngai»eme:it l>y Buatia not to let Itu^.ian troops puM en to the i-ortion of Paaiir territory claimed by China f^eading the conclusion of the final a^rcemeit.
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  • 265 3 COMMISsIuNKK- CAKI FILLY WRITHING tl KXTU X 1. Vi 1) KKC t.. In the House <-f C*)mt»'on^ on 2Cth ult. m reply to Mr. J >hn lOilis Mr. Flower saia tliat the R yal j Commission on Opium had concluded th.-ir inquiry so far us tht> t.tkin^
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  • 39 3 The circumstances of Mr. Harry Fnmiat'l withdrawal from the Punch staff will, it is stated, be explained iv the Law Courts. Mr. Fumiss has brought an action against the propriefOfl of Punch, claiming certain moneys for work done.
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  • 166 3 Thk Chromcel Roots correspondent telegraphs that the coming encyclical of Uro XLII, may be taken as m some measure his political testament. Its interest will extend fir beyond the hounds of the Catholic Church. In it the Pope will review the chief eveuts of his pontificate, beginning
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  • 158 3 A London Corrcii|iond<*nl writing 1 1) 'O'li nlttoo raj Bit Cieor^e Cirey, tlio (iran-l Old Man of Greater Britain, ha*, I bear, received many onoratul .tijns on hein^ inado v IMvy (JonueiUor. The one which will protabl/ gratify him most is a cablegram fr. ni the
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  • 232 3 Till; growth of the University §y«. tern m India is most remarkable, a* •tea m tbr case ol M i .r.,s alum-, one <»f tiic live L nirersitiea there, mid iiui the largest. When Rddre*»ing tlugraduate* ay recent 8 m v nation, lur the second time,
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  • 369 3 A TRIAL OF SPfcfcD. The Hai/ue, A r.l 28 An interesting trial of sj ecd with whiou dispuichess can be carried by military cyclists took 1 1 lace last ui^fht, having been organised by the Dutch Cyclist-* Union m con. junction wu!i the Miautfj of War.
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  • 1084 3 Tbb advocates of bimetallism m Parli Mnent are busy, and hope soon to have an opportunity of testing opi- i uion m the H >csd on the subject. It will be renumbered Mr. S. Smith's j motion secured first place for May 1, Lnt, owing to the
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  • 123 3 Thr following p a e8 0 p ro duce were maile on Tuesday, 28th May. Pis. at 9 cts. Medium Pearl Tapioca 103 4.25 It!* 1.274 Seed lapioca 1(58 4.30 m 140 430 Singapore pepper buyer 9.80 Singapore Uatnbier 7.45 S;.iaw ik ijoo 7.G0 Pakir Pa«ir Rattaa 400,,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 m. V SIMON, L. D. S. Edin., Svßoaov Dkntist, May he conanhed »t the Hotel de I'Eorofe, No*. 73 and 74. 4 to >> p.m., or by appointment. Singapore, 30th May 1894.
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    • 440 3 BRIGHT CELESTIALS, j being the Uhinaman at H me Mid Abroad, BY joh:t coming chinaman, (London, T. Pi .bib Uswin 1894.1 M-«y le had from Xftftra. Kelly Walsh, OR Messrs. John Little Co. Crown 6vo. 3.2.5. SO M X PR II S 8 OI'IXION'S Lonhm Daiif Telegraph;—^Tnil hook is one
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    • 659 3 Romanized Malay Version. Parai. gtbraa Sir yanf kila kira oranj; Sinjj^apura boleh dapat waktu hari-j-idi Queen, skarnn^ indaJl daD.it tau dalain Strait? Settle aentl tada orang dapat. Satu kapal Pranchis yang muat soldadu datang den sa'bla Eropa, lalu luir labuan pcgi ka sa'bla China pagi mi. Kalmarex Captain Craufurd, Master
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    • 634 3 THE TOKYO MARINE INSURANCE CO. LTD. THE MEIJI FIXE INSUUANCB CO. LTD. HpIIE undoTsi^ned, having bVM aj» pointed agenti for the .Hove <,'oiqpaniee, are jn*epared to accept, Miriu» hikl Fir.; Risks at earftettft rat«^. THEMirSUI IiITSS.V^ KVISI.IA, J?. Batlery Roid, ssinZApera ApriVs Jlst Publish ki>. Nfav and RgVEMU Kdition. ENGLISH
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 313 4 MC A LISTER Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving G^ar Diving Pumps Heinko Vs three threw Diving Pumps always m Stock ALSO Diving Hose, Cup LttatßClV, Drosses, Boot*, Koi ailing Cloth, Solution. Underolothingj cS:c. cS:c. ||0 8c CO Earthenware Dbaih (Hongkong Brick and Cnatnt Coy. f Ltd.) 4," 6,"
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    • 225 4 John Little Co. SOLE AGENTS. Complete j.rice list? forwarded on application, from which we allow a Discount ot 20 00. for Cash A\ c I:;i7e t 1-ir^e assortjr.ent of Bedroom, Dining Room, and Drawing Room Furniture. Cbmj !tt« estimates for House Furnishing forwarded 0:1 application. "ta ff" > Extra strong*
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    • 258 4 Look Van Kit, IJENTIST. No. 25, South Bhidge Road. J^EGS to inform the Lames and Gentlemen of Singapore, that he ha 1 arrival from China for the |im pose of giving tin? Public of Mie Colony tfhe Itfnofit of hinexporiencc m dentistry m which he has been ao successful every
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    • 499 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronage of Siu Cecil Clkmexti Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for
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    • 729 4 J MOTION &CO Watohmakers, Jewellers, -tc We have now on has 1 the 1, st/>0 of Watches of every description 1.1 ijV. Strait,, guaranteed for 1 y,. ar JJJ conhdontly rseoiDßiend (»ur Nickel K-yless mr n Koskopf $la JKWEL L I H V 18 carat and 1"> carat GOLD CHAINS
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