Daily Advertiser, 29 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 11 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. ■"Torrnrj Tuesday, xr, ts**r [no. 1^35
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 399 1 THE DAILY AOVEI BINOAPOR! r\ inch 01 < join,' j.< riou. iCtion \i allowed. pi -NKsrLUI AND ORIENTAL 1 STEAM SAVIOATIOM UO. Collyer Quay. \ns. New Harbonr. rs may be expe ?te 1 1 till lt-ave Btu^apore t >Uowing dates UOXEWAftM l>.'i Ju:ie II )na* .7 ..la 11 ire uly
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    • 609 1 COMPAGNIK DK3 MESSAOBRIBB IfARITIMBH DE FRANCE. Telegraphic Address I. i come," Singapore. TtU fallow: re the dates on whiclj the mail st.» «:-s of the Messagories Ifaritimeo m >c expected to arrive here HOHBWAF o»t\vakds Ox.is as i» -Wiffjamai April2sth All steamers of the principal line from Marseilles will oallal
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    • 590 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. The Company' I X:>m. Sfr.nLr/ ToH Cm/imfM Kobs Mam... 2,9<>0 387 E. Wilson Haswell. S,ukio Maru. 2,012 357 Cieoi^e W. Conner. i't'kithtimu Maru2.3os 2Gj U. Svvaiu. J" CAVE Shanghai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday u.s lhe tide muv suit for NAttASAKr, SHimonoseki. Kobe, and Yokohama.
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    • 530 1 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IKON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, j dive notice that they arc the accredited Agents m the Straits, and the only firm who have m stock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading statement has been nade that the ahove is Solid Woven Cotten Lelting" which is m error, it being a sewn
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    • 448 1 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. :o: Please rbad thksr raw links BRAH THEM IN MIND. :o:— QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the lar^es and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive onr Woodworking Machines, Sawg, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and large orders can be put
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    • 405 1 MILKERS' SAFKB MILNERS' areueHv H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES i have the Largest Sale i m the World. SAFES More trrin 300,000 MILVEUS 1 Safes protect the valuables of the priircipa Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private Co .npanies MILNERS' Safes are used by the Hritish and
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  • 78 2 London 4 month's tight Bank bills 2/1 jj „3 trirafe Paper 1/lJ 00 ifayt sight Docume J 2 30 i|| Jtmmd Bank hills 21J T.T. Ml trance, demand 2 ti'2 oca ..1.-'J fencing o/o pt+m ir. 19IJ Rangoon Ummm „> I^2^ Colombo f/engisßf 2 oo dis. Man^a .1%
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  • 92 2 VllOltV'JK. Uavibier, 7.47 th Cube So. I, 11.")) i!o Jo So. 2 tf.ijj Co[>ra Bali, sun dried 5 72 co Pontianak, 6."M Pepper Black, y.S."» Zaf Flour, No. 1 2:0 L J earl biaqo, Vi.\l, Co/fre Bali, I'icked 40. 0 lo'/fg isieriee, picked il.m l ai.ioco sin
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  • 92 2 13A.NK.-i. Hongkong an 1 Shanghai prem 91 o'o Bank of Uhiaa, Jnpau an i •Straits Disc *S2j National Bank of Chin* L).-»c 6) o,j INJURAXCK. Straits Insurance Coy. .Slrait-. Fire Lo.~> > •Singapjre lusur.mcc Uo. 10 li^. .c DUCKS. fanjong Pagar Djc^s Bajan |490.00 Xe.v Harbour Docks
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  • 1172 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Tuesday, May 29, 1894. THE AUTOMATIC JUDGE. MOST of our Racing read rs are probar ly awarn tli «t the 4 A Horn »tic Judife," otherwise the camera capable of taking M instantaneous pho o^ruph, has been tried with sati?f ictory results both en Au-'.raian and
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  • 403 2 "UOLUB B.vRDs AM* THKII MtWKI BY M.U.. IIHiBKUT ITILMOT. A >ATII.K. In future is<uo we li«j|m* t<> v > aide to civ th it we l;:»vc COOM t> conclusion us to .Mr. Wl ldiot's stein^o succeed Ltil Byron-. After much failure, the poet l>vrm, on th? cation
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 661 2 THE STRAITS INBT7RAXCE COMPANY, limitp:d. Established 1883 Head Offico, SrNOAPORi. Capital Fnlly Subscribed... A.V'o'»/m->O. «'ny»ital Paid-up 600,000. Hwverve Fund 2"»,CKX). Rr^rv© Liability of Shareholders |8,40ty000. ramnei of Wnrkfanj Aoeonnt at 31st Dec, ls'Jl $404,7-i2. THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COM TAN V, LIMITED. E.starl^hed I*B6. I aaital Fnlly Sn>*cri»)ed |2/>OO,OOO. r^pilal
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    • 399 2 Robinson Co. Have just received a large shipment of WATERPROOF COATS j AND CAPES. I BF^wt L m r. L ait^H^.' t x^*f jSm TifS3Baa All specially iraile lur the Tropics and sewn seaics throughout. Notice I HAVE eetablmned myself as Relate Agent and Valuer at No. 24, Milac Also
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    • 103 2 RILEY, HARGREAVESS CO. Have just received the following: WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPEIt DISCS. Larpo stock of Heavy," "Medium," and M light" MACHINERY OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,600 to 6,000 gallons per hour. SPONGS PATENT KNIFE CLEANERS, Save Time, Knives Money. No house should bo without one.
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    • 651 2 $xlti\ NOTICE. NETHERLANDS COXSULATE-GENERAL, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. *pHE letting of the following 1 Govern, meut Farms of the Assistantpeaidenej Hilliton, will t»ke place at Tandjong Pandan on Saturdaj, 25th An^upt next, at 10 a. m. The Opium Farm fur the year 1805 and for the years 1805 1800 and 1807. The
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 112 2 THE WEEKS ENGAGEMENTS. Tuesday 29th. High Water -.—4.21 a -m.. :3-» p.m. P *t 0- M iil Ontw Wkdnksoav 30th. High Water •"> 54! a. in t.i" p.m. i. a 0. Mail Hosmeward. Thursday SUr. High W.iter 7.6 a m 7.21 p m. LegiahUive Council Ifeeiing 2. >o p.m Fo<..tbal!,
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  • 265 3 Tn it u-rt of IM ahove ('oinpnnv fitMtitu u\ tin' Aoaaal Maeting bed 1:1 ile Camion Street Hotel on the ftrd M.i>, t. ins the foMosvmg T.« eton regret lo announce j that tiie w».-k!ii^ f tiie oospaey for &fl balf-jreaff lias not b.*en satis- ;u; ry
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  • 113 3 HER MAJESTY'S SUBJECTS AND FOREIGN DECORATIONS. The Queen has granto l BrigadierUeneral Sir Horatio Herbert X teller. er Sirdar ot the Egyptian Army, autho; ity to accept and wear the insignia of the Order ot the Oamanieh of the Second Clas N which the Khedive has conferred upon him as
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  • 129 3 Mr. A C. Morion a*Ked the BatTO tary lor the HuOM Department whether ins attcnuon had btaa called to Ibf cas- of Sir Watkin Williams Wvnn who, at the Altri-hton i e'ty M April 25, was fined £j ami cos.s lor •fcoahittg <"rueity to a horse
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  • 243 3 THE RT. HON. ME BALFOUR'S SPEECH ON BIMETALLISM. Nik. B tlfoar, addressing the International l>imetallic Conference at tDe M .Usion lL>u?e on 2 :d inst exim->sed ti.e opinioa that bimetallmai waaa p< a«ibie Rfilem, that we wore morally justified us a n.ition m adoptia** it, and that rtfory reason of
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  • 204 3 Tetf. p. C. C. Kbo" from Swa- luoring with (US UoiaV 1 UK outward Genr.an Packet Bayern t Colombo ftt 0 p. m on ibe 25th UiHaut, ui..J may bo expected here oa I div iis*. of lioiiours is a mUt tsfcbe Straits Betil«Nueoti -J 1. I'he
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  • 124 3 The balance sheet «>f the Mote Carlo gambling tables has been publisher!, uiid is of a uatuie to disappoint tlie shareholders. The year's receipts >how a falling <ff of no 1 -ss s sum than 2,000,000 francs. Tiie exceedingly hot wrather ot last summer, the great scarcity ot
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  • 80 3 oJ the Judicial Com- "<-' Privy Council on the 1 Uinfi ap|ieal on the action American Trading Company is !ll^ to the Bank, and will v *> 'ts shares to sink further woro poss:bie. BowM) Qi»unueisiaouing between the 1 lo v. h.iL
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  • 637 3 Tin: gr«at Melbourne Sj>or*ini* libel c*>e v H lyes r. the An trail inn has ended m a very unsatisfactory manner, the jury !ein_> uuat»le to agiee. They were locked up all nigbt, from lour iv the atternoon til! nine t lit- next morning bat
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  • Correspondence.
    • 360 3 —I hope you m;t_v find spaco for a short acooaat <>f w^al I sh ill call Boniaeaa prejadiee.* 1 The letter* aifued ly "Disgusted"' and '-Mine Diagatteft 1 au i pab.iahed m tlie v Free I'rtss," are iaterrttiag nzamplMof that intolerance of natives or (Jrteatits In veaeral, affected by a
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  • 979 3 {London and China Fa; press, May 4th.) THB COURT. The Q ieen has returned to Windsor from CoborjF,. PiinC<ss Alix of IK'^se, the fiance of lh« Csuewitch, will arrive at Windsor Castle to day on a visit to the Queen. N< .thing very exciting has happeued during the
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  • 237 3 Thk following salt's oi Product were ma«lo uu MoiiJiiy, iotli M iy. I'ls. at 3 cts. Rhio white ptppor 1»»S 1.">.2."> Medium lVat! Ta-.»ioca 100 425 Bally coffee 15 > 200,, .-iill J Mixed white 40 8400 53 m BQ.Oq 52 77 00 I Srapon^ soordi <;ulta 50
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 604 3 BRIGHT CELESTIALS, being the Chinaman at Homo and Abroad, BY JOHN COMING CHINAMAN, (London, T. I<Vfikh Umwu 181)4.) May be had from Mes3rs. Kelly Walsh, OR Messrs. John Little 3c Co. Crown Bvo. 3.25. SO MB PRKSS OPINIONS London Daily Tdejraph This book 14 one that deserves tho thou.'ht fill
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    • 781 3 Romanized Malay Version. i Satu kapal-prang Spanvol nama "Don «I nan do Austria" I sampei di Shanghai dan tembak I meriam bri tabelt kapada tom;- pat itu, totapi tabeknya tada dapat bftlaa. Kapal itu Riidah pegi di Woosung borlabor disitu, sebab capfainnya man jugak mintak tabeknya di balaskan deri kubu
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    • 383 3 Just Published. Nkw and Rsvisbs Edition. KNGI/ISH MALAY VOOAHULAKY BY F. A. SWI i KNHAM. I'kic!; *;-'>. 'lO B1 HAD OK JOliN' UTTLE&G) Singapore, 14' h April. 18iM. THK JKLERU DIKING AND TRADING COMPANY, UMITLD. DIVIDFA T D of 10 no for th^ half. year eloejns 6th Fobruary, l^i>4 having
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 350 3 MAILx WILL CLOSI To-MOUKO.v. I'erMlug Ceylon In«^X AriMUaNan CflioaiM, A U i M.iuituus. il^y^u, x viu lin idi* t jr tforopt, •Vc, Rosctlu, 7 ii m Kiiiii_\ uinl I'etuU Aasoii, HjllS VV.ii. 1 tv .Miml*a»* ami I'onliu.ialv, bait Vila i tint. hi aJumauiya. Bawail H iimnlj u-inu.iiu. Sit Uai I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 312 4 McAUSTBB <fe Co. Have m Stock. Pbarung Requisites Diving Gi>ar T>:ving pUHCB Heinke (Vl three throw Diving Putins always m S;ock ALSO Diving Hose. Cup Leather*, l>reat- t, Fv. is, Re| airing Cloth, Solution, Underclothing N:^-- Bke. yo /\LJSTER &CO Earthenware Drain (Honjrkofig Brick and Cement I j Ltd 4,"
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    • 213 4 John Little €0. SOLE AGENTS. Oosanlete j rk*e list> forwarded on application, from which >vo allow a Discount of 2) o'o. f->r Cash We liaTe. Ur^e assortment of Bedroom, Dining Ro^m, and Drawing Room furniture. Complete estimates for llou^e Furnishing forwarded on application. tS?I A A ft >^ 4'ris? T
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    • 280 4 Look Van Kit, DENTIST. No. 25, South Bmiooi Hoad. J^EGS to inform the Lambs and («F-;Tr.nxir:N of Singapore, that ho has arrived from China fur the i*ui pose of t-'iviux the Tublic of rlie Colony the brnefil i>f his experience, m d«a< tistiy m wliich he has been so sncce^ful
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    • 500 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most, distinguished patronage of Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those furnisbiqg. A rare and choice oollectioa of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture lit the lowest prices for
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    • 647 4 J MOTION &CO Watohinakeps, Jowjllers, lo Wl have now on lian I Urn cf Wateheiof tv,-ry deacrtptiun 1 Straits, guaranteed for] eonfldently rsoomutend our Xickol K.yla« v, HoHkopf f] J H W ri L L X \l V 18 carat and L"> ear.it GOLD <;i U j DIAMOND JKWKLU; TOeu>opssandField<gUH*tt
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