Daily Advertiser, 28 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 447 1 TIIF DAILY ADVBRTIBER, SINGAPORE |TB OP SUBSCBIPTIOH. j p c men* n One !>.>llar. ."i cent eaoh. I I:\TH OP ADVBBTIBBIIBUTB. inch or part of mi inch, Two I i" month, and for long periods (faction il allowed. PENINSULAR AND ORIKNTAL 1 STEAM NAVIGATION CO. ('..liver Quay. d Godotrns, NVw
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    • 632 1 COMPAGNIIS DBS BffES9AOBRIIB MAUITIMKs DX FRANCE. Telegraphic Address Licorne," Sincjapore. Thk Pollowing :ire tho datee on which the mail stenmere of the M^ss;ii;eried Mariiimee may be expected to arrive here QOMBWAmOi OOTWAAM Oxtis April tim M»l>uaiai April 25th All steamers of the principal line from Marseilles will eallai Alexandria, l'ort
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    • 596 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. Stc.Lr* r nt If. P. C«P*<"»» Kobe Mnru.... t?,0o0 387 E. Wilson Haswoll. SnihiK Mn ra 2,'H2 HS7 George W.Conner. Yokohama Mar ul.sQ& 26.*> R. Swain, J^EAVE Shanghai alternately 'every week on Friday or Saturday as the tide may suit for Nagasaki, Shimoxoseki. Kobe, and Yokohama. The
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    • 528 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Give notice thnt tl.ey are the accredited Agents m the Stiaits, and the only firm who have m stock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading suitement has Wen nade that the above is Solid Woven Cotten Lelting wiiich is 111 error, it being a yewn b<slt of
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    • 448 1 [Powell Co. SINGAPORE. :o: Plkasr read thkse few links beau them m silnd. :o:— I QtTR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Roud, and is the larqes and taost complete. It i* supplied \\i\h steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Sawn, Lathes, «fee, therefore Contnicte and large orders can be
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    • 400 1 MILKEHS' Bkftß j MILNERS f B H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES Xfore than 300,000 M!L\KUS' Safe* protect the valuables of the principa Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private Companies MILNERS' Safes aro used by the Hi Itish and Colonial
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  • 69 2 rndoti 4 month's tight Bank bills 2/1J 3 I'rivote Paper 2/1$ u> ,(atfH sight Documents t>% n 30 B|| iltmmJ Bunk bills 2lf r.r ti] trtincr t (lemnnil \\'l acn i. i> I'enang o/o ?re>n .n U J9."> liangoon ;haa,aj „>... 104.\ (olowbi tioiigkony oo 4i§. Atani.a n
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  • 86 2 Pkowujk. Qambier, 7.4."> do omk*2t:l t l •_>.•■ j do do jXo. 1 y.0.) Copra Bali, sun dried 572 do fonfiunak, h~> tepper JJiack, 9.98 *uyo I/our, Sin. 1 j> i' tcarl iSaqo, 'A.hi. Co'lee JjtH, I'icxea ......1.../.*.!" il.o) \Jo'jte j^f.ert'i/t, tnaited 4 j.O lupioco jtmull Ittnm
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  • 102 2 BANKS. Hongkong an I SUan^hai i»r,-m 91 o/o Uauk of China, J.-tpau an 1 Straits Disc $2$ National Bank of CttUtt Disc 6 o/o INSUII.VNX'H. Straits Insurance Coy. $12..">1) Straits Fire 10. "> 1 Singapore lnsur nice Co. m liq. raojong Pa^ir I)>c^9 Bjvera $190.00 Ne.v H^rltuur
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  • 373 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Monday, May 28, 1894 The Bahr El Ghazal. It is to bo fear© I that the Home Government has made something of a M faux pas," if Ueuter's telegram of Friday lis to be believed. That tho British Government should make a treaty with the King
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  • 974 2 Gaily ia April ccuimunk s.eadof pul.SishiniMl,.,,, v Jtl to i r ,i ;il „n s r*rc Lrch and the her MOI uhll lr maua^emcut..fti 1 ,p ili; ml to the «pl»itioi factory. Rk qu.-su.n r.,.,.. whether aud^.Lrs and.nend, lu:i hrm.or,* »lau«rd, n:il} r !r Room,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 659 2 f|?E STRAITS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1883. Head Office, Singapore. C"n pital Fnlly Subscribed... s3,oo^,ooo. I apital Paid-up C(H),OO<>. |t«*tfva Fund m 2.",000. Reserve Liability of Shartholdera $2,K»0,(X>0. l alr«nce of Woridßg Account at 31st Dec, \S',n .< 40 1,722. THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. EmBLISBU) 188 G. Capital
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    • 386 2 i Robinson <fe Co. Have just received a large shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. All specially rrade icr the Tropics and sewn seams throughout. Notice. J HAVE established myself as Esta'e Agent und Valuer at No '2i, Malacca S<reet. Also will Collect Rmih an' 4 efj;t Sales au.i Mortgafe«
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    • 107 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Have just received the following: WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Lar#o stock of Heavy," "Medium," and u tight* 1 MACUINKRY OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,(300 to 0,000 gallons per hour. i T SPONGS PATfcNT KNIFE CLEANERS, Save Time, Knives Money. No house should
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    • 619 2 J&qH j Fbom the Ist May 181)1, the interest and responsibility of Kkoh Hak and Ohuas Hak m the hiifin-ss carried on under the Chop Tkk Hoa Sing, Sim Kirn Choo Co. No. 9, North Canal Road cea«e, and that from the same date, tho said I usiness of ('hop
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 99 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Monday 28th. High Water 14 am 4.37 p.m. V. A O. Outward U til. Moua's last qia ler. TCI3DAT 20TH. High Water 4.21 u-m., ft.fii p.m. Wednesday U>>rH. lli_ r !i Water 0 ">o a.m., £.2i p ra. P. iv o. Mail Hwaeward. Passengers to Singapore. Per
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  • 118 3 A MArCB etwnen »*!t yen of the '*Pub- t >olsv#. The R« nrat pl-iyed 0:1 I D-.jlu.ade ou Saturday, when the St_liouU »vtro easily disp»>st.-d of .0 Uest 'for tlit loss ot 4 wickets o ,,iy, L), tails. PUBLIC OCHOCMA 4 J llcClMkyet Warren 11 j \V.tr on X
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  • 69 3 Ml. Garrard hni b.'eti elected Penan i Crickoi Ciub, vice lit, leaving tot Kurope. Tuk cmtward 1* A O. Packet H lef t Petianvr at 4 p. m. y«"!*erdav, i wi'i not probably arrive here till y in«.»rii Thi homeward 1' ft 0. P<< krt **Eo- Tt
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  • 505 3 A LOT oi the horses left m at latest >, ii d the colours of their owners s printed m A-i.in ot the l«th estaei. Tmk Inspector (i-neral of Police m II report expresses a very poor opit tiie tilasjo*v Ciiisiabl**'*^ an 1 amend* ihtt no more be
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  • 1615 3 ■ft. MAXWELL'S RKFOKT Otf TUB POLICS FOR TIE YKAK 1493. Tnt following extracts from the above re. ort arc of interest 1 am glad u> bo ab'.e to state that the Colony has been true from serious disturbances, and that th re km* buen a deciease
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  • 599 3 Referring to the pr<>n>sal to coin Mexican dollars m the Uaittd States, Senator Wolcott says To state the p< sition shortly, the Mexican dollar circulates freely m China, ami by exporting our silver m the form of dollars, rather than br-rs, we expect lo make a brisk market
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  • 519 3 BXCr.KMENT IN BANGKOK. Tbb arrival of Messrs. S'v»\r ani \\ei*s from thj WattftM Miues, on Fridiy Ust, has caused s »mo little excitement in B.n^kok, irtTiMg to the in ignifi :ent success of their \v >rk, MM the splendid s.wnples of gold ore which they have brought
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  • 95 3 Thb fallowing sales of Produce were matle ou Sutuiuiiy, 2&h May. I'ls. at 9 els. Medium Pi arl Tapioca aO 420 it ,<, ltis 4.25 U)S 4.22* Small Flake 75 420 Med,u:n Pearl Tapioca ;-iOO 4. 25 I^o t 4.27^ Seed Tapioca 100 4.4J i Singapore Gambier 1200
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  • 649 3 Is the case of <\ L. Peria Tamby v. J. B. Fancier the plaintiff s-ied the defendant for recovery of a stfm of a sum of Ri,4'6 22 with U%a\ interest ant costs. H* alleged thit the defendint purchased from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 177 3 X UPPER'S BEER CHOP -PAYONG" the only beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. i C II U B B S IRON SAFES AND LOCKS The best m the world. APOLLINARIS WATER. The qneen of table waters, a most heal thy and refrshing driuk m tropiea j countries.
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    • 738 3 Romanized Malay Version. Samper Di Hongkong. Sebab Hamper di Hongkong tada menjadi kurang, Kompani Manila man tahankan sumua kapal yan^ datang deri Hongkong 15 hari. Satu orang jaja barang, 18 h:iri hulan kena dawa pasal tada bri tan aatu orang yang kona Baniper, dia bilang, dia takboleb kluar deri rumahiiya,-
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    • 184 3 THK TOKYO MARI.VK INSUR ANCE CO. LTD. THE MHUI FIRE INSURANCE CO. LTD. rrfHE urr«Wffii»rto»il, hiving b«^n a pointed afrits t >r Hie a >o\i» (Jom pftinierf. are prepared to ac ept Vfirin arid tire Risks* at current rate*. THEMirSITI HU-iSVV KVISHV, April ft Just Published, Nkw and Revised Edition.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 497 3 Next Mail Outward. P. A O. ste.irn r 4 RohiiU IfaaJUf 20tk P. «l- <> Kt<»amvr Bm«U i W* hj?# dniy iVith. MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close To-mork<>,v. FOX It;itu Pahat. .\in; Anii. a M Kuuhi I'.ihuti;:. Kuautuu >v X iablit| <r..juv;«. 1 1 am Stii^on, I IbM, 1 p
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 320 4 MoAubtui Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Qkab I Diving Pimps Heinke Cos thre»» throw Divii^g Pumps always m Stock ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Leathers, Dreae e^, Boott, Repairing Cloth, Solution, Underclothing, &c. &c. |^c CO Earthenware Dbaih (Hongkong l»rick and Ceuieat Coy. 4," 9/' t%» I 8' r
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    • 191 4 John Little Co. FOR LeOtplete price lists forwarded on application, from which we allow a Discount of 20 0.-. for Ctish i J^^T- rm »i .^flC*" T 'v H i. \Vu >;iv- j. U r2e iisottiaeat of Bedrooes, Dining Root, aed Drawing Boom feraitwre. L I Itte estimates for House
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    • 312 4 Look Van Kit, DENT 1 1ST. No. 25, South Biudok Uuad. I^EOR to inform the Laptbs and Ofnti.kmkn of Sinßapore, ttmt he has arrived from China for the pm pose of ih« Pttblio of thn I'olony the bfiiefit of lid tTpiiritiOM m dentistry m wliich he his bMH so surr-^ssful
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    • 496 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most, distinguished patronage of Sin Cecil Clbmexti Smith, G.C.M.0., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Ftimishiny A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prides for
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    • 628 4 J MOTION &CO Watchmakers, Jewel >rs, We have now on han I rf Watches of v,ry deacript lofl „(l Stra.ts, guußMitoea for j y',,,, tI h conhdontly ifjoonlnMnd oar Miekol K-yless ■»-*<* JN W 1 1. hK B v 18 carat and L r oatii <U)\A) CH.VfIM DIAMOND JEWILLBHY Teleicopes
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