Daily Advertiser, 26 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 18 1 i ,'v THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. TOL. lII.] SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1894. [NO. 1033 iimpj* sa SiS!Zl^^^
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 438 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. RATBOF SIHSrRIPTION. mensem One Dollar. opiea 5 cents each. Rate of Ai>vektiskments. inch or part of an mch 4 Two j !!n lit 1), and for long periods liberal reduction is allowed. DEXISBULAR AND OKIENTAL KA.M NAVIGATION CO. Collyer Quay. Godowna, New Harbour. men may I**
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    • 604 1 COMPACNIE DES MESSAGERIES MARITIMKS DE FRANCE. :o: Telegraphic Address v Licorne," Singapore. The following are the dates on which the mail steamers of the Measa^eriea Maritimes may be expected to arrive here Homewards Outwards Oxus April 24th— Melbourne April 25th All steamers of the principal line from Marseilles will call
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    • 598 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. mZSn Ton ir p. <«/*«»•* Kobe Marti.... 2, HX) 887 E. Wilson Has we! I. S<t /kin Mti ry 2,912 387 George W.Conner. Yokohama Man 2,308 265 R. Swain. T EAVE Shanghai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday as the tide miiv suit forNAGASAKf, SHimonoseki, Kobe,
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    • 450 1 r 1 MILLWRIGHTS, EXOINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Give notice that they are the accredited Agents m the Straits, and the only firm who have m stock, CINDY'S BELTING. A misleading statement has been nade that the above is Solid Woven Cotten L'elting" which is m error, it being a sewn
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    • 438 1 PowelT&Co! SINCAPORE. :o: Please read these few lines beau them m mind. -:o:— QCR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the larges and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and large orders can be put through
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    • 409 1 MILNERS' SAFtiS MILNE RS f afe use<l b y H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILNE US' Safes protect the valuables of the principa Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private Companies MILNERS' Safes are used by the
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  • 74 2 London 4 month's tight Bank bills 1, 1 1 3 Private Paper 2/1J t)U days' sty hi Documents 'Z -2 HO 2\\ Jemtnd Bank bills 2l} T.T 31} France, demand 2 02 ava ..1. 9 Ptinang o/o prem .m-is 105 Rangoon Uaatas > 194^ Colombo m Hongkong o'o
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  • 88 2 PIiOMJJK. Oambier, 7.45 do Cube No. i, VI. 0 Jo Jo Ao. 2 9.0J Copra Bali, sun driei 5 72 do totitiannk, b 5 > Pepper Black i). 9."> ~ago Flour, No. 1 2io ireurl ISitffo,... ii 'to Co/he Bali, Picxed 41.5'J Co'Jee L.tOf,ria,t, pick-i I 4">.0
    88 words
  • 117 2 IMNK.S. Hongfcftftg a-i 1 Shan rhi'i |»rim V L <>;.j •jink ot Oama, Japan an i Straits Due $2^ National Buiic of C^iini D.sc ftj o;o INSuitAXC.:. Straits Insurance Coy. 12.50 Straits Fire lU.."> i 1 diujptpttt itisuri'icc Co. m liq. DJCKS. f L'anjoiig Pa^ir I)>c,s Ujvors
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  • 902 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore Saturday, May 26, 1894 The Chinese Protectorate and its Critics. IN the report of tho Chineso Protectorate Department as published m tho Government Gazette and reproduced m our columns a few days ago, there are certain signi'Ucant statements which go to show that the able heads
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 653 2 THK STRATTS INSURANCE COM- I PANT, LIMITED. Rhtablished 1883. Head Office, Singapore. C»piUl Fully Subscribed. ..s3,ooo,ooo. Capital Paid-up 600,00u. honerve Fund 25,000. Ho6erve Liability of Shareholders $2,4(KJ,000. I« lance of Working Account at 31st Dec, I*9l $104,722. THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. I Established 1886. Capital Fully Subscribed $2,000,000.
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    • 386 2 Robinson Co. Have just received a large shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. All specially icado icr the Tropics and sewa seams throughout. Notice. J HAVE established myself .is Estate Assent and Valuer ;it No. 24, M.iUcca Street. Al«jo will Co!le-,-t Hvits an I erf;;t Sules und Mortgages on V.^sels
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    • 109 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES" CO. Have just received the following: WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Large stock of Heavy," "Medium," and "Light" MACHINERY OILS. 1 N i EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,600 to 6,000 gallons per hour. SPONG S PATENT KNIFE CLKANERS, Save Time, Knives Money. No house should
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    • 609 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. J^OTICE is hereby given that the time for receiving Applications for the post of Chief Engineer at the Municipal Pumping Station is extended to noon ot Friday, Ist June next. By order, J. POLGLASE, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. Municipal Office, Robinson Road. Singapore, 23rd May, 1894. CLERK
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 114 2 the week's exq ujemexts. Saturday 2(Jt.i. Hiiih Water 1.24 a.m.. 2 90 p.m. nricke% Public SchonU o. The R«t. ti' if competition Cor J. Littlis <lt Oo.*i Cop. Kitie M.it.h M l.e.iuder 9. >. V. ASUNDAY Z7TB. Hijrh Water "2.12 a.m., ii.42 p.m. lnt after Trinity. Monday 28th. HiuMi Water
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  • 143 3 pHI outward P. ft C). Packet Bolitfls" left Colombo at p m. on the itstaot 1,,,- i.t. •♦laer' 1 from Olara with ,l th.- P. 4.0. Coy. arrived yes- The s. s. Str«thnee» f arrived frcm yw| W'itll 5.322 tons of iation Football match y, utenl lyfveuing
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  • 205 3 g i rtaageratu weapon Abdul SaflMt was fined $10 C All Men- was charged with lllteiffcit coins. jj|i.ir..'se .m i bt';n_ m -t.-s-:oi» ol feuclt i.. ii R >ad, and the ca.<e i'j 1-t June. v j r btinir m potiCiilUM of handn, wmm iiric-d £21) or i::
    L. & C. Express  -  205 words
  • 242 3 AN inquest recently UAd serves to me, at least, or the poor •<■■-. the subject of ~1 veilhood by eating Mb©t- a! i üblio hour's tor I o( the customers. He 1 I anything th.t came iq his *»)'i and ;h,.-:i wait round with the be took
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  • 1321 3 IN. the House of Commons Mr, Asquith explained the provisions of the Welsh Disestablishment Bill. Monmouthshire will for the purposes of the Bill he treated sis part of Wales, and m determining the area of the Bill the geographical, not the diocesan loun<lary, will be adopted. The
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  • 291 3 Allahabad, May 11.— The Morning Poti publishes tho following from v Simla Correspondent "There was an extraordinary and unprecedented ;»et\ne at a recent meeting of the Viceroy's Executive Cjuiicl call -d to aoaaider way?* and m-at;s. His Excellency the Viceroy pointed to the lua\y k»m againea apeeul
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  • 1302 3 Minutes ol Procee lin^s of the Minieiral Commissioners at an Ordinary Meetlig on Wednesday, Dih May 1^94. 1 RESENT. The President, Alex. Gentle, E<\. The Aotg*lnip. Geavof Police, E. H. Btll, Em G. 0. Wray Esq. The Hou'b'e Se.ih L^anij Seah, MA. c. The Hon*ble T. Shelford,CM.G.
    1,302 words
  • 221 3 IHE following sales of Produce were made on FrUay, jj.r.h Miy. "The Straits Dialogs* is the title given t) a new book, eoiuisting of cmy sentences m English ;m«l Malar. The sentences comprise conversations between teacher and pupil, traveller and gharry syce, mister and "boy," rnstivss aud cook,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 301 3 Feed toub Horsu k othbi Stock on L. J. CHATER Co's Ci'uslied Food. 'JMIIS preparation is composed of the tinest grains only, nixed iv proper proportions by expeiiencetl men, am' criuhed at our Factory, -o can alwav. bo cbiained fresh. It h.s been f.unl by experience that animals thrive better
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    • 723 3 Romanized Malay Version. cherita daht7uj kala BINQOAPUSA. (SAMBOXGAN 19 HAIU BULAN May). (Satu Miyr.ou k.uar skali.) Tbm lei I. Tu.TUH-blas hari hvlaa April, i Resident tulis satu report kapada Tuan Rafflea pasal Sing- ffapura, pasal bikin jalan jalan, dan naikkan rumah rumah Kompani. Dia bilang, bharu bkara tempat mi Banana
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    • 314 3 BRIGHT CELESTIALS, being tho (Jliinatnan at liuno and Al)road, it JOHN COMING CHINAMANy (London, T. Fi hku Unwin Mill,) May be had from Messrs. Kelly Walsh, OR Moaars. John Little Co. Crown Svo. 3.2 V :o SO M I-: PRMSB OPINIONS Ltmdom Da'df T, fogrctph Ttui book i< ono that
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 256 3 NEXT Mail Outward. I*. A> <>. itemmcr KohilU UomU) Nkxt Mail llomkuakd. P. 0. sttMiiK-r KosetU WedBMMAIL NOTICE. Mails will close on-Mondu. Malftoca and Linp^i, (Veil Smilli. 2 j m PaMUkg, UftDJMede, 1 j» M ISatavia, i. ht-riUon A tfMMWaa§»Ctl*ttiftl| 3 p m I'eli, llcbe, o j» m Malacca, I'oit
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 332 4 A LISTER CO. Ha?e m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pumps Heinke Oo's three throw Divi»g Pumps always iv Stock ALSO Diving Hose, C.*p Leathers, Dres*- 1 '■■n\6, Repaying Cloth, Solution, |^#flßicl#tUiu^, ike. See, J£c /^LISTER CO Earthen vt are D&aih Pipes. (Hongkong Bfick and Cement Coy. Ltd.) 4,"
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    • 212 4 1 John Little €o. I RUDGES CELEBRATED CYCLES. <>o»rtpiete price listi forwarded on application, from which we allow a Discount of -20 00. %t Cxd* A. /Jl r -^—J lH Mm L «~y«3Sr"« »\.v»v 111*=___~ |H I f I ill -^e^fc. JUB i t f ill We have h-'ge assortment
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    • 760 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronage of Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A rare* and choice collection of drawing, diniu<;, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for
      760 words
    • 654 4 J- MOTION co Watohmakers^JeTVellers, We have now m\ km t\to h of Watches of erery Eer^i Straits, guaranteed* for Iy r "'< confidently recofniiiend „u r Xickol Knyle.ss q.. KoHkopf H JBWBLLEK 18 carat and 15 cant GOLD CH \j v DIAMOND JK\VE U Klj Teletoo^ and taU^s*,, reput?, Hepaii-s
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