Daily Advertiser, 25 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 30 1 T^ s^T JE^i^ff^^^^ f X"**' W !V'^ yEwaww L THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. VOL. lII.] FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1804. [NO. 1032 T *>&gx~v~-+J J •.rw,«£»»-Z: I* -»»h»- .i. < mmmmmm
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 311 1 HIE DATLY AItVERTISBR, SINGAPORE. SUBB< :;irTiox. One I> liar. leD 5 ccut< each. TTSRMEIftS. n inch Two long periods s o f p .VXD ORIENTAL 1 M NA\ IGA riON CO. Q t y. b, New Harbonr. n iy be expect 'aye SiiiiTajag dates II a n>S IH'M I i
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    • 636 1 CO M I A Q N I R DE S M E BSAG R R I B B MA'MTIMKs Di: FRAN€K. Telegraphic Address v Lieoi-iie," Bingaporo. Tm following are the d:»t-*< on whicb the mail Meamen of the Moamjoriot Maritimes may be expected to arrive here:Hombwarm OrrwAßos Oxu.= April Hta
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    • 584 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. ,s^, itmrrt If- 1 Kvhi- Muni.... 2, ••■><) 3js7 B. Wilson Raivell. Smikim'Mmrm.. tJbW SS7 (t00; Xf. Connor. 3 kmwtm MmruiJtOfi MS It. Swain, T SAVE Bhanrikai alternately every week on rriday or Batnrdny ai the tide mai suit for N.\(;as.\ki, shiMONOSKKI. IvOHK, and YOKOHAMA. The time
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    • 403 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. Hive notfoe thai tloy urc the ncei\diu>l Agents m the Httaits, and the only iii m who luivl- m stock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misWlinj; statement lias \wn na le that the above ia "Solid Woven Cotten Betting" wliicfai is m error, it b.'iii^ ;i scorn
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    • 450 1 Powell&Co I SINGAPORE. PLEASE READ TIIKSK riW LINKS ■BAB THEM IN MIXP. :o: rU'R FURNITURE FACTORY m In Orchard Road, and is the lar^es and most complete. It is supplied steam power to .drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws. Lathes, &c therefore Contracta and larire orders can be put through WITH
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    • 422 1 MILNKUS' SAFES MILNERS' --edhy H. M. the Queen. MILKERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More thin 300,000 MILNERS 1 Safes protect the valuables of the principa Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private Obnvpanic* MILXERS\s fl fes are used by the British and Colonial Government!;
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  • 69 2 London 4 month's tight Bank bills 2, If 3 Private Paper 2/1$ feu days* sight Documents 22 n SO 21| immi Bunk bills 21l TT it France demand 2 &2 ava 1.-. 9 Pena?ij oio p~r* 199 linn ',"}■> <i Maataj „> 198^ Colombo liongkonj \oo dis. Mmt*
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  • 82 2 PiIOUUJK. Gambier, 7.f>o do Cuhe y O 1, 12.si) do do No. 2 9.03 Copra Bali wniiriel 5.72 </o Poii/iunak, 6.50 Pepper Black, 9.95 .-a^o o! *r, A'o. 2.;'/ i '«"W Sti'/o, 3.55 Coffee Bui, Picked 4 1.5'J Co'jee laijtriau, picked >.O Vupioco sm-ill Flake, 4.25 do
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  • 100 2 BANKS. Hongkong an I Shanghai prem 91 0/0 'saut of China, Japan ani Scraits Disc £2^ National B.inlc of Chin 1 D.^o 6) o,'o INSIJIt.VXCh:. Straits Insiiraaoe (jjy. $12.53 Straits Fire I^.;, > Sin^;ip>re Insurance (Jo. iv liq. DJUKS. i'anjong P*#u DiCal Buyers ,$19,).01 j Ne.v Hirbjur
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  • 21 2 Domestic Occurrence. DEATH. At Holloway Line at noon jesterday, aloysius (Alkncio) Peukira, a^ed 72 years. Fuueral at sp. m tj-day. F
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  • 958 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Friday, May 25, 1894 Mr. Huttenbach's NomiNation. So Mr. Huttenbach is now a member of the Legislative Council, a representative of Pouang. We hardly know I whether to congratulate Mr. Huttenbacii or Penang the most, but on considering all the points of the case, wo rather
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 634 2 THE STRAITS INSURANCE COM- PANY, LIMITED. Established 1883. Head Office, Singapore. t'*\nt*\ Fnlly Snbßeribed... o3,oo^,ooo. Capital Paid-up 600,000. H<^ervoFund 2."»,000. Ueberre Liability of Sbarebolders 1 Mlance of Working Account at 3lst Dec 18«1 *404,722. THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. E*tabliBHbd ISB6. Capital Fully Subscribed #2,000.000. i:Hpital l'ftid-up 4(H».(X>*». ItHMH
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    • 384 2 Robinson Co. Have just received large shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. All specially made for the Tropics and sewn seams throughout. Notice. J HAVE established myself as Estate Agent and Valuer at Xo. 24, Malacca S'reet. Also will Collect HmUs and effj-t Sales and Mortgages on Vessels aui landed
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    • 100 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Have just received the following: WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Large stock of v Heavy," "Medium," and "Light" MACHINERY OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,600 to 6,000 gallons per hour. SPONGS PATENT KNIFE CLKANERS*, Save Time, Knives Money. No house should bo without one.
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    • 604 2 i MUNICIPAL NOTICE. J^OTICE is hereby given that the time for receiving Applications for the post of Chief Engineer at the Municipal Pumping Station is extended to noon of Friday, Ist June next. By order, J. POLGLASE, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. Municipal Office, Robinson Road. Singapore 23rd May, 181)4.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 96 2 THK WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Friday 25T0. Hisjh Water ').4O a.m., 2.) p.n. Foo:b.ill (Amoo.) S. (J. C. v. Reg. 2nd TcuL liand, Esplanade 5 p.m. Circus 9 p.m. SatcrdaY 2bTH. Hit;h Water 1.24 am., 2 r >o p.m. Cricker, Pvblk Schools p. The Bert. Gulf Competitiuu for J. Little Co.'s Cup.
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  • 875 3 \jtgl nijrht at Government House a u 1,1, c bull took place m honour of the i lurtli'la.v if Her Most GraciouaMajes- Qotefl Victoria. The scene pre- ..iited a gaiety and splendour quite p/ortby ot the occasion. Government i Boom looked its best. The
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  • 241 3 Lady Mitchxll wore a very handsome pale blue silk dress, trimmed with lace, and carried some beautifnl flowers. Mrs. Maxwell, a resedas green brocade dress and train, the front of the dress composed of velvet of a durker shade of green. Mrs. Cox, n yellow
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  • 294 3 MERCANTILE BURiNI OFFICERS AND ENGINEERS' ASSOCIATIONS. A meeting ot the above societies was hell last r.i-ht m ihe businesg roon>B of the Marine Club, aud n >twitbstandiu^ the counter attractions, there was a fair attendance. Mr. Gutther was m the chair, and Mr. Make- peace acted as
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  • 293 3 Ihe usu:il lortaightljT meeting of the ('cm mission was held on Wednesday afternoon m Ihe O.Tice, Robinsou Rend, Mr. Cientle, President, m the Chair, Mr. Tin Jiak Kirn beia^ absent through illness. Afttr the minute* of tho previous meeting hud been read :md confirmed, 'he financial state of
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  • 47 3 The Chinese decorations m Mai kit St. were a great success*, and were vitittxJ l»y large and admiring crowds of natives. In the* evening they were i>r.lliantiy lit ud with vari "gated lamps, and the effect was very fine, reflecting 1 credit ou the oiaun^'Miieut.
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  • 295 3 The s. s. Billiton brought from Pt. Bt andan yesterday 3,83 1 cases and •0,338 tins ot kerosine. It is said that the durian and other fruit crops will be extremely rich this season. A philatelic Society has been established m Penan# with the Hon'ble Dr. Brown,
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  • 116 3 liOiulon, April 22. The off;r of New Zealand to undertake the ;i.Jnrnistrution of 8 iraoa is wmniv c«Mnrnendod by tho Full Mull Uu; It*, which -tates that the prufMHal luily meets the views of Gr*ut Brit uu iv the matter. The Fossiclie Zeitung,
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  • 174 3 A mntrh wn« rlavpd vf»«jfrtr^av on ih* Kpplana<lo hntwonn o'eveno of the BL H. P, and thr S. V. A winch was urtPn sh°rl, and resulted 'n n <lr>w pltgftttv m a favonr of th» r"luh. For the Onh Mr. Ormnn con^rih'irp^ the hanflsome sonre of qB. wliile th**
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  • 1272 3 The following 6ales of Produce were made on Wednesday, 23rd May. RAUB. The following is the mining manager's report for the five weeks ending the 17th May, 1894. MtNING. ftaub Hole Section No. 1 Level. In the south end the stop<*s stuff. There is no change m the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 504 3 Feed your Horses other Stock on L. J. CHATER Co's Crushed Food. 'J'HIS preparation is composed of tht hnest grains only, mixed m proper proportions by expeiieuced men, anc 1 crushed at our Factory, to Can a j w be obtained fresh. It h..s been found by experience that animals
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    • 836 3 Romanized Malay Version. Tuan A. Huttenbach, sudagar J di Pulo Pinang, Governor sudah angkatdiajadi member of Council, mengambek tempat Tuan G. S. Murray. Jadi Pulo Pinang skarang ada tiga sudagar menjadi member of Council, Singgapura rugi satu. luan Huttenbach itu hari ala banyak beradu sama Doctor Brown di Pulo Pinang
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    • 115 3 BRIGHT CELESTIALS, being the Chinaman at Homo and Abroud, by JOHN COMING CHINAMAN, (London, T. Fi^um Uswts 18J4.) May be had from M«33T3. Kelly Walsh, or M«33r3. John Little <& Co. CroMrn Bvo. 3.25. BOUU FRH3SS OPINIONS London Dnilj Telegraph: Triit book U one that doaervos tli tho i fill
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 585 3 WAIL NOTICE. Mails v^ill chose To-morrow. torn Batavia .V via Torre* Sfraita to TKnr^day l«Wi (>o6ktown', PoWnsvili-. Uow«n Mackay, Kockhampton. and lirixhann, (Ki«laveiy, 8 a m Batu Pah\t, Am»» Ann. 9 a ra BalaVih, SkuiarAii^ arnl *otirafcaya', Cronirtr 9am Djambie, Kian Ann, Noon" Rhngkolc; Gordon, 1 p m Saigon, Flintshire,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 315 4 MC A LISTER CO. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Qkab Diving Plmps Hoinke Oo's three throw Divitiij Pumps always m Stock ALSO [Jivir.g Htise, Cup LeHthers, DrSSS es, Boots, Repairing Cloth, Solution. Underclotbingj &c. ftsv f t /]c /\LiSTER &CO Earthenware Duain Pipes. (Hongkong Bfick and Cossowt Coy. Ltd.)
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    • 208 4 John Little Co. I* O R I Comnlete price liitu k>r\\arded on application, from which wo allow a Discount of 20 0 v v for C^sH L I A. l __j^: .U^- v i hrgn Mtortnentol Bedroom, Dining Ro m, and Drawing Room fnru ure. Comphrte ettimatet for llou>o Famishing
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    • 778 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distin^nislnd patronageof Sir Cecil clkmfati Smith, (i.c.M.(;., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing 1 A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for
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    • 557 4 J MOTION &co Watohmakers, Jewol'er. Wa have now h v, I the i Watcheeol ereM d Btraits, gts«nteed J f«rT *<•• ooafidentlj reoommeud <,„• Nickel K-yless Rosiconf 1 JKWBL L X B V IBoaratand 15 era Q >:. DIAMOND JEWI re^*P-«d Fields Repaid ofcTorydes-riptiaoii, J Motion Watchmakers i Singapore, April
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