Daily Advertiser, 23 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 22 1 i Mi »__ss*- \^^^"v j v < V\vVtis9 x^k THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. I VOL. lII.] WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1894. [NO. 1031
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 458 1 lili; DAILY APVEKTISER. SINGAPORE. RATB OF SUBBCEIFTIOV. permensem One Dollar. copies T> cents eacli. rath (> i' Akveutiskments. y reverj inch or part of an meh 4 Twci per DM»nth, and for long periods 1 eduction is allowed. DKNIXSULAR AND ORIKNTAL 1 -IK AM NAVIGATION CO. r Col Iyer Quay.
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    • 620 1 COMPAGNIE Dl 5 MESUUOBRIIS MAIMTIMBs DEFRAKC& -:o:_ Telegraphic Address Licorne," Singapore. The following are tho dates on which the mail steamers of the Ifeaaageries Maritimea may be expected to arrive here Homewards Outwards Oxiis April 21th— Mtlbourne AptU 2.'> th All steamers of the principal line from Marneilles will call
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    • 592 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. The (.viptmy't 7 .Vow. 8^ mrr/ 7 nt 11. P. (optant* Kobr Maru.... MM ;JB7 E. Wilson Haswell. .SVj/4/.i M.iru.. 2,<.»1> 357 George W. Conner. Vt'kiihtt nut Maru LiMS 203 R. Swain, J^EAVE Shanghai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday a« the tide may suit foi'NAGASAKr,
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    • 509 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Give notice that they are the accredited Agents m the Stiaits, and the only firm who have m 6tock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading statement has been n.ade that the above is Solid Woven Cotten Betting" which is m error, it being a sewn brslt of
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    • 454 1 Powell Co. I SINGAPORE. :o: PLEASK READ TIIKSK FEW LINES BEAU THEM IK MINI. -:o:QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the larges I and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, i Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and large orders can
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    • 404 1 MILXKHS' BAFAI MILNERS 1 -reuseibv H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILKERS' Stfof protect the valuables of the principa Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private -omjuuie* MILNERS' Safes are used by the British and Colonhtl Government**. AOt
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  • 71 2 London 4 month's tight Bank bUU M| 3 l'rivote Paper 2/1 J OU */«y«' **yA/ Documents 22 30 S}| demand Bunk bills 2l[ T.T. 2\\ France demand 2 62 ava 1.-9 Penang o/o pre»t 19D Rangoon Alcatai > 198^ Colombo llonykowj o\o dis. XtaniM Ho/optrtn Shanghai 72^ lokohunvt
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  • 92 2 PIiODU'JK. Oambter, 7.45 do Cube No. I IV'A do do No. 2 y.OJ Copra Bali, sun dried 5 72 do fonfirtnafc, b si> l 3 ep}>ei' Black y «J. 95 .tayo Fi'our, bio. 1 2.'i riearl Srfjo, 3.00 C'o//^ Bali, I'icxsd 4LM L'o'Jee Astotrtn.i, miolnd 4">.0 Tapiocu
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  • 103 2 BANKS. Hongkong an I S!ian fhai prem J 1 o/o 'Jauk of tjiuoa, J<ipau aul Straits Disc $2V National Btnlc of Chin i U.sc dj o/o Straits Insurance Coy. $12..'> > Straits Fire 10.,"> Sin^apjre lusur ince 00. m liq. DJUKS. fanjong Pa^jir D.cks Buvora $190.00 Xo.v
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  • 641 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Wednesday, May 23, 1894 The Gratitude of a Colony. Ix another col urnn we reproduce the substance of a telegram from Melbourne to London on the 25th ult., to the effect that the Colony of Victoria is deeply sensible of Sir Andrew Clarke's zeal and patriotism
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  • 147 2 In sentencing the prifOtier the < 'liu't Justice Mftde s^rn--' severe reiuirkson the general prevalent uf pc j iry m tho island and his determination to put it down His Lordfthip't words were conveyed to the native I>vsuiders hy the Interpreter.
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  • 233 2 HOW rRH nor mtATRRH ii.'-.'riu-dALLT kWWWCn A QOVBItSOI^ Writing on flu- *2'» th ultimo London corrc»po»d©ol deals wM rabjeet which m»J !lt con«Wcred lmve reference roi to India to (he Fur Rnsl M well An'<;\o-Ini>i.\n 1 r.nuis m discussing bh€ d< llrability out GoveiiK'is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 663 2 THF STRAITS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1883. Head Offico, Singapore. fapital Fnlly Subscribed.'.. s3,ooo,ooo. Capital Paid-up COO.OOo. Krserve Fund 2",000. Re&enre Liability of Shareholders $3,400,000. Falanco of Working Account at 3tst Dec, l<Jtl $404,7-2-2. THE STRAITS FIHE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. EsTABLIaBBD 1886. Capital Fully Sulscril.ed $2,(X>0,000. Capital PaW-np 4(M»,000. ReMrreFtwd
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    • 391 2 Robinson Co. Have just received a large shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. a 1 II d '.HI All specially made for the Tropics and sewn seams throughout. Notice. i J HAVE established myself as Estate Agent and Valuer at No. 21, M.ilaeca S'reet. Also will Collect Rmiu and. elT.'-t
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    • 106 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Have just recoived the following; WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Largo stock of Heavy," "Medium," and v Light MACHINERY OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,600 to 6,000 gallons pur hour. SPONG'S PATENT KNIFE j CLKANEBS, Save Time, Knives Money. No house should bo without
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    • 591 2 INDO-CHINAS. N. CO- LTD FOR HOXGKONG. THE Company's str. OHELYDRA, 1,574 tons, Captain CA3S, having left Calcutta on the 19th hist mt, may bu expected to arrive here on or about the 28th instant, and will have prompt despatch lor the above port. For freight or passage apply to BOtidTEAD
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 128 2 THE WEEK'^J ENGV.EMENTs. W«OX|}OAT ia ID. Ili.'h Wai noon. Mun. Com nv~. Meatia^ .;j >p «a B. V. A. Drill, 5 15 p.m. French Mul il MASward, 7 i.m. Thjrsj.vy 21 1. 1. High Water:— ail a.m., 1.31 p.m. Qoeen'i Btnhdaj. X »riew of tro >,->. Bapl to vl- 7
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  • 179 3 VVi undorsir.nd that the Cliiiu so aro tX}H'ii«tH'iM.^ Mine difficulty m btiini' 1^ pcrmiwrion from the Police Ltboriti" dispbj their loyalty to- r „\v according *o their own ideas t ficaffoldinjf awa bantinij m certain s ,1 t;.«' City, 'I lie Municipal ilalionft.
    L. & C. Express  -  179 words
  • 490 3 I match will tafcd w on [lie V.>\ lai:jui«-, of ill '.C und the S, V A. are under onlen to I >ril i I' il *>i (t to-naor-rc nun; «)K 10 laUe part ill lh- Biithij v Kt-vi -w. The I'olomto Preai i< lull of Bat;ii.vj-
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  • 117 3 SIR ANDREW CLARKE AND THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. THE Honouralihi J. B Patterson, speaking at Melbourne on 25th ult.' rsferred to the retirement ol Sir Andrew Clarke from tho position of Agent-Oeneml for Victoria m London, and expressed the hijjh sense which the Government entertained of the manMr m which
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  • 786 3 THE NEW PREMIER'S RECENT LONDON SPEECH. BELOW wo reprint from a lending Home Xtwspajer the peroration of Lord Rosebety'i speech delivery on the evening of the 24th ult., at a dintier which ceietxated the twentieth snuivcrsary of the foundation of the <ity of Lcndon Liberal Club. It may be ol
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  • 1303 3 Linilo)i China E&pr§M9 9 t7th April Th Couki U is officially anooaneed ihat the Qu> t-n, vfco rvtnaini at ('jburur, has 'appointed tho Qeman Emperor Colonel-in-Chief ofth? First Dragoon Gu.irds. llcr Mujes'y is expected to reach Wii.(U>r CasLle about lialf-j.ast eight o'cloclc to-mor-row cv -ning. Tiie
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  • 143 3 Several crockery dealers were charged with obatrueting tho thoroughfare «t Clyde Terr cc, and were defended by Mr. Khory; they were fintd ij each and costs. For keeping Slthy premises and not removing night soil a Bengalee named Bawajee was tint-d $to and costs. A Chittv,
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  • 734 3 [From tne Ceylon Ob**rver.) London, Mat B.— Tenders for two millions of I nd a Bills retcJted as fol- lows: 'lenders tor twelve iv.or.ths at £'J7 1#" 10 I received ;><> p. r cent, uul for *ix months there were no tenders. L<>!.d..n, May g. The KheHiv»« will
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 608 3 Board of Trade ha 9 resigned m order to prevent an appearance of conflict, between pnulic and private interests. London, May 15 Despatches received m UrusseU state that tho Belgian expedition under Beart while marching on Lado was attacked and defeated by S.mJanese Dervishes and had to retreat. The expedition
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    • 720 3 1 ~7 Romanized Malay Version. Bkbai besok Hari-jadi Queen, surat khabar mi tada nanti kluar hari itu. Umor Queen besok menjadi tujuh-puloh lima taun. Badan Queen telalu ada baik, jarang jugak kita ada mendengar dia saket. Kita mintak Queen boleh panjang amor. Major MeCalltttn, r.e., yang meinrentakan Soldadu Orang Pu-
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    • 315 3 THE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY ■VOLtaßi MALAY AND CUJSKsK. Price: p«ij>er covers, :?."> c. boards, 40 01* May bt o -tame.l .f Messrs. Kelly WiUh. f,nrWe.l John Little «fc Ci>., or the Amerieaa Mission Press, Btßgapore. brighY celestials, being the Uhihaman at Eiomo and Abroad^ r.v JOHIST COMING CHINAMAN,. (London, T. Fi
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 382 3 HAIL NOTICE. IIAIU) V/il.l. CLOSE TO-MORRO*; Labda*ii Kalat fta.vlakaa, ail H •!>■;. iti> Noon Mi! i. th ;m 1 Kli"._'. ili>A 1" 4\-;i, J[) ru Malaoea mid Linggi, Conil Kiuith, J p lVn:inp and i ;i!cu!ti. Kata r pin Deli, < ;il\ |>«). ]> m i PetuinfCi Itaatooo Mid al
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 325 4 McAlister Co. Have m Stock. PaUEUMG Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pcmps Heinke TVs three throw Diving Pumps always m Stock ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Lualhers, Drees-t-s, Bootp, Repairißg Cloth, Solution. Underclothing, &c. &c. Ific /\LiSTER CO Sarthenware Dram Pipi>. (Hongkong Brick and Cemeut Coy Ltd.) 4," <V I," 12." 13"
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    • 187 4 John Little Co. Homplete price lis-t- forwarded on application, from which we allow a Discount v( 2c v it Cash v ?^*^fajjwcg^^?omsy^3y X t- O_ f^^»* Wv h*vs i Urge assortment of Bedroom, Dining Room, and Drawing Room Furniture. L nplcte estimates for House Farnisbiosj forwarded 00 application. M"" ii
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    • 759 4 Look Van Kit, DENTIST. No. 25, South 15ridgk Road. |}EGS to inform the Ladies and Okntt.kmivj of Singapore, tluit he has arrived from Cliina for the jiuipjse of nivin^ thti Pdblio of M>e Colony th«; bmefit of his experience m dentistry m winch he has b*<m so successful every where
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    • 593 4 J MOTION &CO Watchmakers, Jewellers 4. WKhavn now on han I i|,,. 1, of Watches of erery dde Straits, goarantesd For 1! conlidently reooainiend Xickol Iv-yl.'^ i^«>i>! JHWBL L X v Ih carat: and 15 carat GOLD Cll\i^ DIAMOND JEWKhUm Telceopes and I\, a repol Repairs of crory desorinti m.
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