Daily Advertiser, 22 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 21 1 ASDFDASF THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. 1 J^— r£u— ■^^fcr~^7^-»». \nj- >. *r~*~*^ VOL. Ill] TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1894. [NO. 1030 1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 384 1 DAILY ADVERTISER, SINGAPCmB. r»F Sllssi'KlPTlON'. 1 »< m < >ne l»ollar. 0 oenti each. IiATK OF AI>\ 'KirnSKMEXTS. 1 i: or part of an inch, Two month, and for long periods d ia all >wed. nEXIN'SULAR AND ORIENTAL j STEAM NAVlii l'lON CO. I 'ollyer Quay. ma, New Harbour. •■hi
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    • 624 1 COMPAQNIR DE3 IfKSSAGBRIES MA'UTIMIN DE PRANCB. :o: Telegraphic Address lieorne,** Biugapert. Thk following are the dates on which the mail steamers of the Meesageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here HOMBWABDi OOTWAftOi Oxua April -Jlth— M, :K»., n .0 April tSUi All ■teamen of the prinotpal line from Marseilles
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    • 597 1 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA, The 't>m ntr v v' n Xciv. m 5t,,,L,-* r H a. v. Cmptmitu Ki'hr .yum.... 2.<»<>o :;s: c. Wilson Hsswall. Stihio M.iru 2.'.»12 :*»S7 QeOTISI W. CoMMT. Yokohama Mtiru 2.'M)£ StS It. Sw^iu, T BAYS Shanghai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday as tiie
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    • 525 1 MILIAYUIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUXDERS, COXTRACTORS, Oive 7iotioe that they are the accredited Afjenii m the Straits, and the Only linn who have m stuck, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading atatemeni has been aa-le that the ebore is tk Solid Woven Cotten i'eltin^ which is ill erroc, it bL'in^ a sown b
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    • 440 1 Powell Co, SiNGAPORE. :o: Please read thksk riw links BKAi; THI'.M IN MINI). :o: QUB FUHXITURE FACTORY ia m Orchard Hoad, and is the lar^es and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, I Lathes &c., therefore Contracts and large orders can be
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    • 389 1 MILXKIiS' BAFfifl MILNERS' H. M. the Queen.. MILNERS 1 SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILNEUS 1 >i: -s protect the raluabtes tA the princip 1 Banking, Railway, liimirartce, ;vn<J other Public anil Private Ooinpunttfi MlL\EKS\Saf.'s are used by the British and Colonial GovernMenta.
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  • 72 2 TO- DAY'S EXCHANGE. ontton 4 month* sight Bank bills 2/1$ „3 loricate Paper 2/2 ou tlay* svjht Documents %^/2^ »O k 2 </fW»«./ BatJc bills 21} r.r. fij btancr t iieinnnd 2 C)'Z aca 1. y tenang J o/v f.rr.n.iu IP9 Ltanqoon Maanu > VJty L'olombo liotigkony o'o c/i>. .Unmui
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  • 91 2 Gatubier, 7.4. r > do Cube No. 12.'0 do do Jh.2 9.0.) Copra Hal i, sun dried 5.72 do PontHtiuiky 5.50 Pepper Black, y.9. r > riago Flour, No. 1 2.i r tearl Sago, 3.56 Coffee Bali, Piekexl 41.50 Co[iee AsiOertati, picked 4*>.0.» Lap lucu s null
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  • 112 2 BANKS. rloogkong an I Shanghai prem 91 0/0 •s. mk ot Übiaa, J ipau and Straits Disc $2£ National JJank of China Disc o > 0/0 INSUKANCi-;. Straits liisnrauce Coy. Straits Fire lU..j!) SiugapoN ltisurmce Co. ia liq. .SJ IKKJKi. fanjong Pa^ir l)»c%s Bajon I Mew H*rbour
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  • 399 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Tuesday, May 22, 1894 The Latest Bye-election. MB. Moultox tho Liberal candidate lias boon elected for South Hackney iv room of Sir Charles RoftaeU. The Conservative candidate made a good tight, reducing the majority oL' Sir Charles ttus?eU as obtained m \&)2 from 1000 to that
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  • 401 2 STRAITS SETTLEMENT: MARINE DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR 1983. Captain Cntwionfi report on t!M Marine U»|«rtmeni lor the ;.vt v .-ir s.ate> inal the rcveuoa J.tr |1m three S u!f!iU>atti UMNMltvd tU Si2'>2'l botn* an iueroajm of $4,537 wr i* amount collected vi ttvo previoM ye.;r, princi|M»Ujf owing Ui a Urg i
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  • 547 2 A iTHKIVa person ility i?--" I tho worul ol litertusra m b-»" fete* whan death Uitm Ruter. Hii wtaUle Rcnii* rent m il*©* every A****}' the Krt, »nd whether as editor, dramatist or critic he li W*"F Ahighplaoe. 'iVM"^ >111 !<r will kn«w bin Im«I Mth« j ami
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 644 2 THE STRAITS INRnRANCE COM- I PANY, LIMITED. EBTABLIBHED 1883. Head Ofl&ce, SiNOArORB. Capital Fully SubBcribwl...J!3,Coo,ooo. Tapital Paid-up C(K),OOu. Itewrve Fnnd 25,000. Retervfe Liability of Shareholders $2,400,000. Falance of Working Account at 31st Dec, \hM £404,722. j THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1886. Capital Fully Subscribed $2,000,000. Capital Pud-ap
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    • 379 2 Robinson Co, Have just received a latge shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. All specially mado fcr the Oopics and sewn scales hroughout. Notice. HAVE established mysHf as Estate Agent aud Valuer at No 24, Muluca S'reet. Also will Collect RviN and eflfjit iales an t Mortgi^es on Vomill an
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    • 109 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Have just received the following: WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Large stock of Heavy," M Medium/ and Light MACIIiNKKY OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,600 to 6,000 gallons per hour. SPONG'S PATENT KNIFE CLKANERS, Save Time, Knives Money. No house should bo without one.
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    • 597 2 YOU SAMARANQ AND SOt/RABAYA. Thb British Steamer CIIOMAIITY, 1,<564 to&8, Captain Duneau, Laving e f Swatow on thn 16tU itist,, may be ex pected to arrive here on or about the 23rd idem., and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight or passage apply to BOUSTEAD A
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    • 64 2 $<\itnl gidrer L liscmcirts. INDOCHINA S. N. CO. LTD FOR HONGKONG. THE Comp*iy's str. OHELYDHA, 1,574 tons, Captain CASS, having left Calcutta on the l.th inst.tnb, may be expected to arrive here on or about the 28th instant, and will have prompt de«. patch tor the above port. For freight
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 120 2 TSE WEEK'S EN3A(;E\IEVr.S. Tuesday 22nd. Ili\'h Water 0.25 a.m., 11.89 a.m. French Mail Outward. Wedxesday 23rd. High Water o.3> noon. Muu. (Jommrs. Meeting gjgto p.m. S. V. A. Drill, 5 15 p.m. French Mail Homeward, 7 a.m. Thursday 24th. High Water O.l l a.m., L3l p.m. Queen's JJirthday. Heview of
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  • 299 3 Singapore Volunteer Artillery Corps Orders. Singapore, 22nd M.»y. L 894. 1.- Birthd .y parade. 1 .v 1 ext, i> M.r the clay v r ti e celebration <>f the i <I tjentv'i BirthS. V. A. will parade at tlie 6 m. X »ki, Helmuts, waintbelta and brow 'eatber c iatued
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  • 111 3 MKBTINQ of (iovernmvnt officials i i> m tin* United Kin^- J°« »ai Ucld this afternoon at the l n. m ut officea, to discuss tho •h alternativa uflP rs mada re the >«prociation uf tho dollar. A IMAW FIN I. ■la. M.iAithur, Government Voto'•»rj Surgeon, prosecuted to-day 1
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  • 292 3 6,&D4; OhiMat r Migrants entered the port of Kl.mg during April. Tan as. Aratoon Apcar arrived from Calcutta thie morning. Thk Gorman steamer Oceana," and the British steamer Kutttnng both from Hongkong, were quaianti::ed thai morning. THR s. s. "Nanshan" from Swatow arrived this morning with WO4
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  • 301 3 CONSII>K!U» A' ov^r 1,000 troops will parade on Tnevday morning ut ins Bit m Day i'ur.tde. One ple.is uit teaMire will l>e uppcanux- c of a number 0 blue jaeKet> iium the men of war m the harouor, sad a hue ssoming the display wi.l b..- well attended.
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  • 210 3 The India Ofllce is m active communication will Simla regarding affairs m the 17tli Bengal InLntry at A^r;i which are n.uch commented on m the London press, taotcu lly m view of the Jute at tide m the SpK-tator. Simla, Muy Hi I have ascertained tne facts
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  • 255 3 May lOtli. In connection with the epidemic disease, th»t is prevailing m Canton, the Prefect and the Magistrates have j i jointly issued a proclamation p-ohibi- I liog the slaughter of pigi »nd notify- ing that the Government Ims appointed the first d;iy of the approaching fourth moon
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  • 125 3 THE NEW ZE ALAND LOAN CO. Mr. Justice Vaughan Willii ns, m reviewing the results of the public exlimitation before him of the Director! of the New Z -aland L tau and Mercantile Agency (Nunpany, Limited, endorsed felly the Oflloial Keoeiver*! severe strictures parsed on t!ie B urd of Direction.
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  • 692 3 n.OTidX'RAiK rot nih ylak ISJ3. {Concluded from yt^ttrdty AURiCI I.TLUAL LABOfKKK-» OttDIXAKOC Mr. Barnes lias sent m *u!l ropo ts on the condition of u^riciUurul labourers m Malacca i. ud Province Weheslev, and it m.iy be found advisable to •lightly Modify the existing Oi -.finance,
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  • 1366 3 I' OR the second time daring her rei-u II rMy^ty ha* commanded tho dispersal ot the Rjyai Stud at Buahey lark. The home spmia^ pres-s are busy with speculations as to the reason lor this step, to-, up to the time tho mail left, do olh'jial reason
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 283 3 KUPPER'S BEER CHOP -PAYONG 'the only beer whieli received unv award (it the Chicago Exhibition. CHITBB 1 S IRON SAFES AND LOCKS The best m the world. APOLLINARIS WATER. The queen of table waters, a most healthy and leftahing drink m tropical coani lies. $15 00 per case of KM
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    • 693 3 Romanized Malay Veusion. Khabar Malay v Pamalam be lorn dj nefcolkaii lagi sudah di c'umkan menjadi ada banyak s da. Ini hari pasal' "Ferkorjian office "Tyejin" taun 1*1)3" I kita sudah bjtolkan dan chap la^i skali. Kerna s.ila samalam, kita inisti mintak niahap kapada sumui prang yang membacha khabar Malaya
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    • 284 3 THE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY ENOLISH, MALAY AVI) OBIHMa. Price: paper eovet's, £7> r,. |^o_nU, 10 c. May be obtained of Mlßßtl. Kelly ,\i \V.»l^h, Umit«t John Little tt Co., or \K$ Amertc;in lilarioa Press, Singapore. 1 BRIGHT CELESTIALS, being the Chinaman at It ;m«* and Abroad, BY i JOHN COMING CHINAMAN,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 391 3 NIXT Mail Ourw i ::>. M. M. wteawxr "flagkalira 2 1 ioti Mails whll closk Tomorrow FOH Ceylon. India, Au-MaH:tn Colonici, I,- i. M lint, Buypt, nil via Mar- -i.;.^-. r j, >Vo.. Vim.i. 7 a m Kirn.?, and I'n i* aatiKii H't,t.' v» i tl ,i s mcabaja aa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 317 4 MO A LISTER Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Geah Diving Pumps Heinke Co's t)ire<» throw Diving Pumps always m Stock ALSO Diving Hose» Cup Lathers, Dresses, Boots, Repairing Cloth, Solution. Underclothing, ike. &c. y\c /^LISTER CO Earthenware Drain (Hongkong Brick and Cement Coy I/ 1 G," f,* 12,"
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    • 194 4 John Little SOLE AGENTS. FOR Complete price lists forwarded on application, from which we allow a Discount of 20 op. f>r CasVi I W I "j >oN. V y TT ."'1 —^a_ We 1- iv Urge Meottment of Bedroom, Dinmg Room, and Drawing Hooin furiiiture." C mpkte fst mates for
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    • 762 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most, disti nguished patronage ol Sir Cecifj Clkmenti Smith, (J.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices
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    • 617 4 J MOTION co "Watchmakers, j (well Wi: have now on ha,, 1 cf Watchci d ev.rv d. Straits 1 couHdently raeommend 1 i Xickcl K«>7luui Koskopf JKWRL L X H V i I 18 carat and V) e.ir.it OOLD -.j.,.. DIAMOND JEW] Telohco.,^ and KelU- leput w^'» of crcry deeoHp
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