Daily Advertiser, 21 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 26 1 ff^-- g' Jl A rJ?J!^ \JJ «i W _0 m^^' -*r— THE DAILY AD VERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. C% VOL. lII.] MONDAY, MAY 21, 1894. [NO. 1029
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 291 1 IJiF DAILY ADVERTISER, SINGAPORB. Rate or sußscßirTiox. mensem One Dollar. cents each. Rate of AovßßTisamarrs, i v inch or part of an mch t Two uontb, and for long periods UoB is allowed. DEXIXSrLAR AND ORIRNTAL 1 vM N IVIGATION CO. I ollyer Quay. Whar IG lowna, New Harbonr. en
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    • 626 1 COM PA nNIB D E 9 MKSSA G E K I B B MARITIME* DE FRANCS. -:o,_ Telegraphic Address Jjcorne," Singapore. Tuk following are the dates on which the mail steamers of the Messageries Maritimea may be expected to arrive here Homewards Outwards Oxiis April 21th— Melbourne April 25th All
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    • 593 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. 7 \-;::r/: yt 22. <"*•■•■•■■ K"b, Mnn,.... 2.000 SH7 E Wilnon HaswHl. Nmiki*Mmru,.tjnt 3*7 Qeerai W.Conner. YfkoiniiNti JMtmSylil 20."> 11. Swain, J^EAVE Shanghai alternately, every week on Friday or Saturday as the tide may suit for NAGASAKI, SHimonoseki, Kobe, and Yokohama. The time of pftssa^e from Shanghai
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    • 526 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Give rmtico that tliey are the aoorcdited Agents m the Stiaits, and the ouly firm who have m stock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading statement has been rtade that the ahove is M Solid Woven Cotten Kelt Ing which, is m error, it being a sewn
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    • 446 1 SINGAPORE. :o: Plkask read tiiksk raw links BBAB THKM IX MINI). :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, nnd is th* largea un<\ most complete. It is su])plieii with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines. Saws, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and large orders can be put through WITH
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    • 402 1 MIIAERS' SAFES MILNERS' "•^iif H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILNERS 1 Safes protect the valuables of the princijM Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private Companies MILNERS' Safes are used by the British and Colonial Govern mentfl.
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  • 79 2 London 4 month' t tight Bank bill* 2/1 J „3 Private Paper '2,2 00 days' tight Docume ts is*2| m :i0 112 dmun J Bunk bills 211 T.T. tU trance, demand 2 (>2 !••!> L J ennnn o;o fr* i >u-ic 139 Rangoon „> 108^ Colombo Hongkong o
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  • 93 2 Pbommb. i Gambier, 7.45 do Cube Mo. 1, IJ.S) </o do JVo. 2 !>.OJ Copra Bali, sun dried 5 72 t/o PoHti'inak,' 5.50 Pepper llhick, '.M>."> ?ci<jo Flour, No. 1 2.4' iLtiirl iSaqo, i 5. t 'j.» O»/m i^u//, JVk,i 1.50 L'oyre l^iutrinn, picked 4">. ).l ia
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  • 101 2 BANKS. Hongkong an-1 Shanghai [ireiii ji > Hank ot China, Ja|>an an I Suraita Di-c .<2k National Bank of China L).-o 6) oo IXSUItAXCC. StraiU Insurance Coy. $12.50 .^trait^ Fire 10.50 Siogapjfia luaariaceOo. io liq. DOCKS. fanjong Pajpir D ic.s Ba/ara 1 1 90.03 Mew Harbour Djjks
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  • 354 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Monday, M ay 21, 1894. The Chinese Protectorate. The report of this department for 181);) which has just been issued is of a peculiarly optimistic tone, and to Judge from the statements contained m it, it would seem as li: every thing connected with its work
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  • 357 2 Pr honse on Satnrdiy »i<H,, to i,i- luxurious** chair mi yvery.-a wa« [k v best pcriormanaw „t the „n tfmeh3:Kmreaaadrill c ,i n „V (>h l vanous teed,, with gol.l broo*de, war, ,nn,,| fl ■ctwirh »ome ta nMinjj f«, 'hen w -.alu.- of hi- ciowr.s fairly com rhi*islheKinaoff,,,lin^th
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  • 53 2 Fk m i t.-!c-r.i«ri i«-c I on day w i re frel to I-m:i ih or the Uev. U M. tteii i proving. The H-v been oompellml to 1 »w Shan»«h-ii i proceed to N igaMKi, .'ran, t!.- turc ;it Lite t Mm •>■ pi
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  • 24 2 Tiik monthly mwla Ulub w.s played fcf '»n r -ill .-,1 m a li Ij i and N iOJOQ wild a t* ir^
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  • 66 2 A one mm itf* on j.l.iv.m! 011 Saturday i>" i I -nui. i.l 1» -r.vr.-.i an elm (r.-.u.i's (Captain) .ml > < < Forinerß miwW* Ur*n Ji\», o! which RwtUirncontr' »h |«j I Ik- 15 .mill -m »v. II tltu* losing ilm iv:. e!i b] i Tn M M.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 644 2 TIJK MHATTS INSURANCE COMPAMT, LIMITED. Established 1883 Head Office, SiNOAroRK. (VnilaJ Fully Subseribed.. .^,ooo,ooo. I'nj.ital Paid-up O00,<)0(>. lUwrve Fnnd N 2.">,000. Ret»ervo Inability of Slmreholders tMfAooo. J'nlance of Working Aeconnt at 31st Dec., \<n .< io 1,7-22. THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. EsTABUHUH* 1886. tnnilal Fully Bnlacribed $2,000,000. Capital
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    • 394 2 Robinson Co. Have just received a large shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. i fl;*.-. j^"" 1 t' is y£ i J '"v---- f/' P All specially ncado icr the Tropics and BOWQ seams throughout. -JN 0 1 1 C K J lIAVK eatabliehed nyaalf us Batete Agent and Vainer
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    • 106 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Have jui?t received the following: WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Large stock of Heavy," Medium," and Light MAGHINEBT OILS. EVANS'S ROTABY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,000 to 6,000 gallons per hour. SPONG'S PATBNT KNIFE CLEANERS, Save Time, Knives ft Money. Xo house should bo NSORETTI AND
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    • 593 2 3*at<st gidrcr L ti^mcnts. FOR SAMARANG AND SOURABAYA. THE British Steamer Clt Oil ARTY, 1,8(»4 Urns, Osjptein Duncan, having left Swatow on the JGtli inst,, may be expected to arrive here ou or about the 23rcl idem., and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight or passage
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 120 2 THh' ITBS.Cd B2rj\)23lS!fri MOXOAY 2.M. High Water: ll.il ;i iv., 11.^ p.m. Piiii. ii'iir ji m. B. V. A. l>rili* .">. aud 9. n m TUEBOAT 2250. rti^h Water 0.25 :».:n., 11.39 a.m French Mail Elotn iwar I. French Mali Oatward. WedxhsdvV -iI.RD. High Water :—<»..» noon. Man. Commr*. Meeting
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  • 135 3 Government Gazette Extraordinary order By His Excellency the Governor in Council, Under flu ji'nttici/dl Ordinance \SS7. }> It is bercby declared that the disease Iji »\n as bubonic ph^ue" i» inelsdod vv inn tl.<- exprcatioa M dingetwii jufectioiu di«ea«: whereevcr the mom u sfd m The ItuaioipaJ Oidinar.ce A. P.
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  • 146 3 U nil I- -l> r« IiCO t.i our leading ;;>(/ ;.rvd m jlio issue ot i id 1 M Brtbeiy w. ilt.-uj t.) uaresenr«dijr relr. I sUieioents and npreMioM ttrliclc iu.j uiin^ t-r i|f« i>a iha |.trt of m ul ill mjprucl ie 3 •■'l l>. ani
    Penang Gazette  -  146 words
  • 247 3 1 lan, 4,665 tin 4 I Chow" arrived I r- 1 aseengen lor ml Mad a b> the M M.i 1 bl4 < md A nfl .i m m Calcutta ted t Ilia ivttfa n r-Mr«! An- J filial n. E. Behn t G. < I. B.
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  • 245 3 The English, Seottirh, *nd Anstraian Bank is promoting m Parliament his session a bill empowering the directors to pay interest to the creditors for the period during which the bank was no wpeneVd that, is to say, from the I2 t h April
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  • 199 3 Tai Ujatral N w rniyi:—T.\ m^b the majority <..f th i LioeraSi approve ot thj esiaij'ish n ".it, af a BritUh pr tectoiate over U^uidi, very Unre ■ection ate adverse t > paying th i c >mpensaitou i quarter of a million iv>
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  • 352 3 [From the Stlangor Journal ISth -<!iy.) 1 Roideni l< r. Knala Lumpur 0:1 the m- rr.ii.^ i»£ m 1 7th, on a visit »f in«j ecti tutu tha Iv i.i D-r i I. re|orl on t'. i= Dwiri i i that on X tr will »l<-te tii k
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  • 939 3 H. K. J paMinj; through Klanjg, does uoi M«ai to :uv thought mull of it, wiih the rxception of lh« n-jatly k«'j>t railway •tatio.*, vrhicli crideat'jr pleated hrn. II j tajr* ihmt the si^lit of the thmy uiu I b.nks of tiia river ii sufficient to
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  • 1411 3 ANNUAL REPORT ON THE CHINESE PROTECTORATE FOR THE YEAR 1803. THI ye:ir bat Ik* on a rein irkably quiet one, n > disturbances having occurred i:i the three Settlement* irliich could be i.s -rilied to th> inn* lenuj ot Chinese Uocieiie*. S.>.i!-.ulic tttte&pti :n-e still made, aii'l will uiw.iys be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 576 3 INDO-CHINAS. N.CO^LTD FOR HOXGKOXG. THE Compaii};'B str. CHELYDRA, 1 I,;>< 4 ton«, Captain Cass, having left LaJouUa on tiie l;»th iust mt, may be expected to arrive here on or a bout the 38th instant, and will have prompt des. patch lor the above porL For freight or passage apply
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    • 810 3 Romanized Malay Version. OIIAXO di Bhenti u<i;i banvnk tnkot kalaparan beear nanti datung la^i, lajri beaar deri kalaparan laju-blaa taun dahulu. Lama PudaL tada ujan. Lepai taun bliaru CJhina, bharuUli orang di sana tengok sawa savva diav-onuig ada tliulj (snow} pagi pagi. Uarapan dia-orang pun Btidah put us. Orang diaaua
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    • 264 3 BRIGHT CELESTIALS, being tho ('hinainan at ILmiio am) Abroad, BY john coming oHtirAjitAjr f (London, T. Fi MB (JvWIM 1894.) May le had fr mi Messrs. Kelly WalflnY, OR Measrs. John Little c^c Co. Crown Svo. SO iIR PBKSS OI'IN [ON Lon hn D:t.llf Trlrynip'i Tail book iiono tli it
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 481 3 Next m i-n O'vnraßo; V. It rteamQr u da^!ialiea 2 h>J List W edcesday, XBJtt XTAIL IfoMKwiRD. M M. Bteiuicr -Yam" 23,J iw t. 1 ueadav. MAIL NOTICt, Mails will cLosb To mokrow X Pahanj, Qlah >ri .1 m Molaeods, 1;. it. LouJ >1. N- I'd! 1 !>.v;\ .:i an
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 322 4 IMcAlister Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Qiab Diving Pljmps lieinke Co's three throw Diving Pumps always m Istock. ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Leathers, Dresses, Bouts, Repairing Cloth, Solution. Underoleibingj &c. y\c /\LiSTER CO Earthenware Drain Pipes. (Hongkong Brick and Ceiaent Cor. Ltd.) 5. G," 12," IST diameter. Also
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    • 204 4 John Little k Co. Complete price li>t= forwarded on application, from which wo allow a Discount of 20 o for CusH t j y h< t, 1 9%% > We bare l>r^e assortment of Bedroom, Dining Room, and Drawing Soon Furniture. Compkie estimates tor IL.use Furnishing forwarded on application. ij
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    • 275 4 t Look Van Kit, DENTIST. No. 25, South Buidok Road. J^F.fiS to inform the Lapiks and QsttTLtofftfl of BingApmVi llmt he has nrriv«<l from i China for th" pmpot-e of giving lh« Poblto of Mm lolony bh<; hfiielit of his experience m dentistry m wliicli he has boon so successful
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    • 487 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patfODiajtof Sin Cecil Clbmbut] Smith, (i.C.M.0., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To thoso Foraiahing. A ram and choice collection of drawing, dining^ und bed room furniture ;it the loweat prices for cash.
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    • 566 4 J MOTIOJM &CO Watchmakers, Jewel:, m Wl have now 00 lianl theh nfWalohetol every <l-,; Straus, e^iaranteed for 1 confidently recommend our Nickel K> yleaa <"l-f JEWBL L X R X 18 carat and l.'i oaral GOLD DIAMOND JEWEI W^pe.«-111eld. g la^ < ReiMura of every deacrin Btngapore, April t.
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