Daily Advertiser, 19 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 341 1 1 AILY ADVERTISER, I SUBSCRIPTIO!!. eh One l>-'ll:^r. B centi each. I mm N BRTISKMENTB. H i pai I of an inch, Two B f periods B I B i.vi: AND ORIEXTAL B I SAVIG riON CO. B Qnaj. B God ;;s. Sew Harl B ers may be expected H
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    • 604 1 COMPAGNIR DES MKSSAGERIEB MARITIIIEiJ DE FRANCE, Telegrapblo Address H Lieorne," Singapore, Tut- following are the dates on which the mail steamers of the Mesa Maritime! may be expected to arrive here HoxbwabdB Outwards S11 April Jl;'.i -M^.lininio April SUb All steam >n of tlie principal li;\from Uarevilles will call a!
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    • 598 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA," J%e f'o)ni>n ">i'.i .V.'w. Stem r» ]"< P. <"1" A,-.'- Afaru.... 1,900 887 E. Wilson Hasweil. SaikioJfar*.. l'.'.U'J oS7 (leov/o W. Conner. Y»i»Jkmmm Mum 2,Bo6 20"> li. Swuiu. I'^EAVE Shanghai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday di the till- mat suit for Nagasaki siiiMONOSBKI, COBB, and
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    • 521 1 zaszdsdfsdf MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, (Jivo notice thai tl.ey are the aeontUtecl Agents m the Btraita, and the only fu m who bare m stock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading atatement has been na 1" tint ihe above i* v Solid Woven Cotten Belting which v ia error, it being
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    • 430 1 Powell Co, SINGAPORE. :o: PHAgB READ THMI FRW LOfflf BBAB THF.M IH MINI). QVR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the large! and most complete. It is mppHed with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws. Lathes, &c. therefor*' Contract! and hirtre ofdetl can be put through
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    • 362 1 MILNERB' s\ri.;,j I MILNER3' *«««Hlby 11. H. the Queen. MII.XKRS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More thin v>'».<>"<> MILNERS 1 Sa(«i protect the valuables <>[ the princip 1 Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private C'o:np;iniea ■^re used by most <>!' the Bnropean Got- emments.
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  • 72 2 London 4 month* tight Batik bills 2.1"' 3 Private Paper 2/l| 00 days sight Documents 2<2 m W til demtnd Bunk bills 21J T T 8 1 France, demand 2 00 ava 1.-8 L'euanj Ofu prem *n..i~. 198 Rangoon Maata* ,/> 107\ Colombo Hongkong oo dis. Manila .b(,/u///w«
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  • 89 2 PitOUU-JE. Qambier, S 7.45 do Cube Xo. 1, 12/;0 </o do No. 2 9.0J Copra Bali, sun dried 5 72 do Fontiunak, 5 ftO 1 2'epper Black, i» 95 *«yo Flour, No. 1 2 V, cearl Sago, 'd.bo Co[) et Bali, I'icked. 41.50 L'o'jte juioeriatiy picked -i'j.O
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  • 99 2 BANKS. Hongkong awl Shanghai j.rem Ul o/o IJauk ot Cimia, Japan an<l Straits Di-sc $2£ National Bank ot China Dim: '6) o/o IttiURAXCK. Straits Insurance Coy. £12.50 Straits Fire 1U..", JSingapjre ltisurince Co. in liq. DOCKS. l'anjonir p a^ir I) »c^s Uuvera $190.00 Ne.v M^rliour Djjka 1^">.()
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  • 473 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Saturday, May 19, 1894. Chinese Secret Societies. IN the latest numbor of the 44 China Review," a bi-month-ly journal published m Hongkong, Mr. William Stanton contributes the first part of a carefully written treatise on the origin, progress, and political significance of the Triad Society or
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  • 135 2 BAYi :i J »!i ,r Cjrr.es > >:\ :it wit n r> r >'^=>ti ruav On tli.' oec ision f the ma or.c ot li is Highn the duu^ht-rs lo OUC of his N steamers are decorat d tn I are quite g.iy with tl Bsroßß leaving Pennn^ M- Maxveil
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  • 147 2 The contemporary pre*? of S pore seems lo be m a ilr-aii.'ui M»tr of poverty m the matter tftewi H<>iigkon£ Plague lia*, a< of godsend, beou seized upon, nd i the course of two Jayi wi'jr, almost vrritteu to death, aud it must disappointing to tlieui to find
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  • 289 2 Wi learn from n v- rn> quarterly report > f M A. B. Acting Inspector of School* m r*ei that i drilling car f r ill lay sclnols will gbortly be |»übli> and arrangement- will La whicli icstmction m drilling v: at each school l»j
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 652 2 THE STRATTS INSURANC E COM- PANY, LIMITED. Ebtablisued 1883. Head Office, Singapore. Capital Fnlly Su been bed... $3,000,000. Cmpital Paid-np 600,0(h>. i R^crve Fund 2.^,000. Reaerre Liability of Shareholders $2,4(>0,0CX). I'aJance of "\Yorking Aeconnt at 31st Dec, I8i»l $4u4,TJ2. THK STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established ISBG. Capital Fully Bofaecribed
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    • 388 2 Robinson Co. Have just reeoived it large shipment of I WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. All special!}' made icr the Tropics and sewn seams throughout. Notice. J HAVE eatablUed myself as Estate Assent and Valuer at No. 24, Malacca Street. Also will Collect tt^nts and efT-t Sales ami Mortgages on Veieali
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    • 108 2 RtLEY, HARGREAVfeS CO. Have just recoired the following: WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Largo stock of v Heavy," "Medium," and "Light" MACHINERY OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,600 to 6,000 gallons per hour. SPONG'S PATENT KNIFE CLKANERS, Save Time, Knives Money. No house should ho without one.
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    • 584 2 $atst FOR SAMARANG AND SOUR ABA YA. The British Steamer CROJfARTT, 1,864 tons, Captain Duncan, Laving left Swatow on tun ltStli inst M may be expected to arrive here on or about the 23rd idem., and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight or passage apply to
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 82 2 ran vr£BK*d sxajioitsfßN ts. SaTI'UDAY K'l.i. Hufh Wnler:— VKX) urn, 1 1.7 n.ra. Full 110 .n. Cirotu, J. 3 > and 9 p.m. SUNDAY WTM. High Water :—U.U a.:n UVM p.a iriuity Suudav. Mu.VDAV 2iST. Hi-h Water:— ll.sl am., 11.3 p.m. Pnil. Choir 5 p.m. Passengers to Singapdre. Per 11.
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  • 178 3 I'estsrdai aflernaon tire broke ;i a kerosine at the g ftifcr sboat half past two x i';ie alarm was reported to 11 u- i <re Station at 5.15 by a watchman, who stilted the r of Messrs. Hutfenbach Co. containing over 5,0u0 iWd* on fire. Ihe alarm
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  • 114 3 Shareholder m the X.C. v. rely critieues tho Se- J s »!.e time Pcssi wit m m tli opi- > a v-rv ,d liqiiditrd at He com >^ying ?e m i |IUS,O »;> to frighten the port, end ihe exI d S< cretary 1 r.-:
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  • 52 3 Carl FreJeriok which I X I >-*:jie time ajfO, y biought into Labnan odsold there, Inu boon tow- by the Dock Coy V. tagboat nd is entering Iheliarbour real. She isdraving 22 a lull cargo of kerosine, and ing her here must have ol tome
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  • 105 3 A »1« of 12<» baas sea damaged 'ice realised at auction •to <.i SO n tT pag. 1 Tnelty to a bullock a Sikh, •ta fined |20. AnoKling was fined $5, for a similar Police constable who allowed r '"'d ieport* Teo Pen^ to n bit custody
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  • 80 3 lE P*r*k Gimrmmmi Qazett* of ;^ant has the Mfowin*:- British U si^c.t .l.^ires to a Pon He»d. of Department Offio^i tKfl necessity of frcaUr care m priein- their infrown Agenui Their »hooW basel on the ac--1 tl»« n.n.t lt cent supplier au.l failing that, on IC<^
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  • 63 3 An international bimetallic confer- ence was to have been held on May 2ud and 3rd iv London at tho Mm- sion House. Among those who had promised to attend were Mr. Balfour M p., Mr. Chaplin, M .p Mr. Courtney! M p., Sir David Barbour, Mr. S.
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  • 308 3 BNABDWQ the announcement made to both Ileuses of Parliament on the > 12th ult., to the effect that Her Ma- |«tiy*l Goverument liave decided to i annex Ug&adl to the British Empire, the following opinions of two London papers may he interesting The "Morning" (Conservative) say-
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  • 272 3 Sayi :t London C«»rrei*j o:id<?rjt Thi Ceylon and India Tea Plantar* 1 Assueiati m have, 1 am told, prac Ically decided to ten I an agent to the United fetat'-a. The apj ointment will bt a permanent one. The sal.wy suggested is £1,500, uuii a:i :i
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  • 117 3 Un BxoeUanoy Hajnr O rawil H. T. Joiies-V.tUghan assumed Command of the Troops m the Straits Settlements ou the 14th instant. l>r. M. F. Simon, Prio4:pal Civil Medical Officer, Straits Settlements, reported his return from leave of absence, and resuaitd his duties on the 15th instant.
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  • 176 3 Svlvania, Ohio, A:ii:i;>, N:ghf._ 1 Ins >ett!nnent his been the scene or turmoil Hud exciteir.':;t the whole day. E'lly this morning about i'j(h) armed citi/ons marched to the jail and de- mauded that Stymour Newlanu, v no>;ro, should be handed over to them. This man was
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  • 660 3 The departure of the 8. s. "Man- I i larin for SoanUftijm and Ban joe wan- J yrie is indefiniieJy deferred. d THK PLAGUE AT CANTON. At tho meeting of the Hongkong Sanitary Board on K'th May, a strinpent application of the usual rules wth regard lo the cleansing of
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  • 178 3 Singapore, l'Jih May, 1894. 1. THE following members cl the S. V. A. are appointed a special cvciist subji?iaiou and will be allacued for duty as lollows Gunner Law on n Ljon ASubdivii-ion. Allen Gunner Nawton MacKcnze Gunner Wallace Rid jV Sergt. Makepeace Guuner Uirkett
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  • 237 3 Thk following official statement was i-sued lately by the Manchester Ship Canal Company Fro:? the statement submitted to the board on Saturday, 14th inst., by the chairman of the Finance CoiumiUee, Sir Fdward Jenkinson, it appears that the cash balances and other available assests, including the £500,000 remaining out of
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  • 1089 3 THE NEW GRAVING DOCK AT PRYE RIVER. II b had i/reat pleasure m ennounci»g m our last iesue that Mr. James IrnHji'g latest undertaking is so iar i advanced towards completion that he has thrown it open to the public, under the name of the Commercial Dock." rhi s. 8.
    Penang Gazette  -  1,089 words
  • 356 3 Romanized Malay Version. i CHEIUTA DAHULU KALA &INGGAPORA. (SAMBONGAN 12 HABI BULAN May). (SATU MINGGU KLUAR SKALI.) Tanu lbil. Kompani l.bnja naikkan rumah rnraah $36,0U0 f tentu naikkan kubu tamft naikkan rumah soldadu ada dalam Uanja mi. Uumuh soldadu ada dl kakik buket, dekat rumth Tan Kirn Cheng. Kcmdian sobab
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  • 146 3 KtMPANI Sin^nnpora sudali dapat telegram den Hongkong, telegram mi bilang, di Hongkong d.!a a k'^u!o)i h iri mi, ada 1-JO oran^ sudali keaa penyaket mi, chuma orang miJda China saja ada kena. L j 1 lebat skaran^ uda turn-;, din peojaket mi sudah :\di banyak kuranir. Kompani
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  • 220 3 Ada delta! Buntot bu'an April, ada I s:\tu matliam ptnyakct sudah ja.li di Canton. PerUDM kali kluar di baatoc J ninggii 1 ulau March, clmma orug miskm dal.mi k» ta saja yang kona. IVnvaket i;d baginilafa —DfttMg MJB da pat scjok, dalam scrta iagak ilapat drm
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  • 86 3 Sebab Kawapani Siagyapara Mdah dapat khabar deri Hongkong, biiang, yaug penjaket di Hongkong ada kn. ran Doctor Kompaui tini tidak ja»an bikiu lebeh kr.is patal nenuhankan kap.U majuk. Kapal kalau nasok dia liuiiti turun prelbUk, kalau dalam kapal tada ptnjraket, k%pal itu boleh mas,>l; laboao atau arapat d\ Jvnubatan, kalau
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 541 3 An Engli 3 h and Malay School PriI mer, illustrated, price 5 cents, has lately been published by the Ame, ican Mission Press, Singapore. 'Elementary Geography for use in the Fifth Standard is the name applied to a book published to meet the requirements of the Government Code. The price
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    • 349 3 BRIGHT CELESTIALS, being the Chinaman at Rone and Abroad, BY JOHN COMING CHINAMAtf, (London, T. Fi-iiku Unwim 1994.) May be had from Mefgsrs. Kelly Walsh, or Messrs. John Little Co. i Crown Bvo. 3.2.">. 8 O \t PR BSS 0 V I N I 0 N- S London Daily Tdegmph
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 313 3 MAIL NOTICE. Maii> will clonk on Monday. kok Penan^. Mfftii, Kariaal, Porloaoro, L'ua liohtny, ami Madnu, (Una, 2 p m Mala^CH. i'oil JJicl_,ui!. iuiU Ttiuk Anson. N, r .'•J |> m Badoog, Vjntr, 3 p m Mii!iicc;i, I'ort Mmh >m\ Kliin^'. Anih.rs: A n UiiUvui, ijMMMMf, »iud Suurai.avii, btonlor SHIPPING
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 320 4 KcAusTBB Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pumps Ueinke Co's three throw Diving Puinj-s always m Stock. ALSO Diving Ho«e, Cuj> Leather*, Dreas> et, Boolf, Repairing Cloth, Solution, UndercloibiAg, &c. &c. H/|c /\LiSTER CO Earthenware Drain Pipes. (Hongkong Brick and Cement Coy I, 6, 1 0;' 12."
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    • 214 4 John Little Co. Complete price lists, forwarded on application, from which we allow a Discount of 20 oV» for Cash We Lave 1 hrge assortment of Bedroom, Dining Rourn, and Dimwing H cm furniture. Complete estimates for il^use Furnishing forwarded on application. "1 "TIT r Fig 107 r^T^^ 1 "OJ
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    • 766 4 Look Van Kit, DENTIST. No. 25, South Bridge Road. |"*EOS to inform the Ladiks and ObXVUDIM of Singapore, lhat he has arrived from China for the ptupose of giving the Puolio of the Colony the hmefit of his experience m dentistry m which he has been so successful every where
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    • 643 4 J MOTIOJSJ CO Watchmaker^Jewellcrs, &c We have now on haul the I. rfWjld^ef every descri straits, gnaranteed for 1 rear oonMently reeosanMnd o«r Nickel n>ylass a Bcatopi J H w 1; l l i<: b v IS carat and 1") carat GOLD OllAlji DIAMOND JEWELLER Repairs of cv,ry,|,s. r executed.
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