Daily Advertiser, 17 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 315 1 DAILY ADVERTISER, SUBBCBIPTIOB\ >Q6 1 ><!lar. ■"> cents each. M'\ Kirn-r.MKN rs. >i paii of an mch 4 Two >ni i' riods i is allow cd. p \U AND ORIENTAL i S'AVIOA riON CO. I l >"' us, Sevt Harbonr. i m ted Biug tpore dates UOMKWAHUu i May J
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    • 622 1 COMPAQNIE DES lIESBAOBEIEB MARITUfBa DE FRANC*. -:o: Telegraphic Address M lii.'orne," Singapore. Thi following are the dales on which the mail tteamers of he Measugeries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here Homewards Outwards Oxiu Aj>ril :nh— Melbourne April Mth All steamers of ths principal lino from Marseilles will call
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    • 614 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. I Strnr!,,,/ T0H If. P. <•";"""" A"»/V Moni.... 2.900 Htt7 E. Wilson Harwell. S-iikio .Vein/.. S,tll 357 Geov^e W. Cunner. Yokohama Miru 2,308 26i R. Swain, V EAVE Shanghai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday us the tide may suit for Nagasaki, SHimoxosekt. Kobe, and Yokohama.
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    • 504 1 S_=lL f cSL V§v§_7s_. MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IROK FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Give notice that they are the accredited Agenlt m the Straits, and the »uly tii-m who have m gtovk, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading stutenient has been na le that fehe above is v Solid Woven 'otten l'eltiug" which is m error,
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    • 442 1 Powefl Co, I SINGAPORE. :o: Please read thi:sr few lixks BEAR THEM IN MIND. :O!~~ 1 (\VR FURNITURE FACTORY is m i Orclmrd Koad, and Is the larges and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our I Woodworking Ma< bines, Baws, Lathes, &c., therefore Contracts and
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    • 380 1 MILNERS' SAFES MILNERS' used by H. M. tho Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More thin 300,000 MILKERS' Safes protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, Instance, and other Public and Private Companies MILNERS* Safes tish and Colonial Govern mon ts. ADC DCTCT' HitiNSßS'Safoi
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  • 79 2 London 4 month's sight Bank b&U... 2/H i. 3 Private Paper 2/ it OU day* sight Documents 2/l{ 30 2 U demand Bank bills 201 T.T. 20j Fran ce t demand 259 m I^7 f'manj j 0/9 prem »-w 194 Rangoon Alaata, V 193$ Colombo Hongkong o j
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  • 86 2 PUODUOK. Uavibi'r, 7.45 </o Cube No. 1, 12/ sO j cfo </o uVo. 2 i).O*) Copra Bali, sun dried 5.72 do I'outnuiak, 550 l J epper2ilack t 9.87 ago Flour, No. 1 2.i r v L-earl &iqo 3.50 Col/cc Bali, ricked 41.50 Voyee Lioerian, picked Vj.OJ lapiuco
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  • 97 2 BANKS. Hongkong an 1 Shanghai (.rein 91 o/o Bank of China, Japan and Straits Disc |2fc National B.ink of Chin* Disc 6 o/o INftURAXCIS. Straits Insurance Coy. $12.50 Straits Fire 10.50 Singapore Insurance do. in liq. .80 i'anjong i'agar I) k:n3 Baver% $190.00 New Hari.our Docks 185.0(1
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  • 320 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Thursday, May 17, 1894. In supplomont to our article m last Friday's paper on the Opium Farm vs. Govern, mont liovenuo Departmeat, the proposed change is oue which will receive the support of more than the AntiOpium party. Whiie that party is Louud to support such
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  • 41 2 THE Band of tho j O( n,,, Lincolnshire lU^^.l, Jg*J| foUowmg Programme on tl.e VJ,U :?y: rr evcnin ~4 KKOORAMME. I Vain* T,,rrea.lor Selection. I.e s Clocl,, u ,i;ci;:. 13™, Bon .W C I>l 'l< A II HuRSr.-Kan 2nd Lincolnshire Ifcjwit
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  • 155 2 "YkV- said the eluor, as ptK his guuibru-h into the ittk-ooK'« tried to pa,te on a dipping vv.il, pea, yes, ihe great fault,,* t| ie lew I paper contr.butors i> cuelew*-" 1 Indeed, bft continued, as hclroilped the copy bf had been irridng iatu the wa,te paper b.^k.t,
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  • 122 2 The Tetalisator was iir.ro I ,u<>! f,,r the lirst ii:nu at the S'ungbai l{ v-< held on the KKk u!t., a:i«i l«i ill 2;nl May, with eioelUmt r.'suil th Migli it did not (juiN' displaej |Im old ]>ari mmimeL A wry dtffcrrot (tl;iu mmm to be followed tin-re
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  • 242 2 RECENT SCOTCH UNIVERSITY HONOURS TO ORIENTAL SCHOLARS. At the rec<nt spring >v llm University of EJinbunrii c«*nfern degree of I)i><-tor of Divinity \\> D.j on the following Be*. Wm. Ha<tie, M. A B. D., formerly principal of th^ (Jeurr.il Assembly Institution. Calcutta, n under him DCOiOM the lar^'^i air- n
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  • 148 2 AN EASY SOLUTION OF THE SILVER DIFFICULTY. A letter h.i> been reeeival itoa well-pLce«l correspondent m (liU tnala, the tetumr o: which le^fCJ 111 or no room to doubt, that the- for* creditord of thtl ouutrv have n.»t to look for but ■•4ugai«*J ro\>^iutiou of their claim's. Th* money »<
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  • 42 2 Thk total out put from tin- Kootf coal inint-s m loixjui:: tot lh<"_ three hi Mtha ot the y.ar w** > < tons, «rd Id Mtc actual iliipm^rU i luri'i^n ports were 3*J,7-1 duci.i^ the >U>ok or hn»tl bjf ovel tlioamui lout.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 630 2 THK BTRATTB INPItJRANCE COMPANY, LIMITED KSTABLIRHBD 1883. Head Office, Sinoapork.' < a4)iUtl Fully Subscribed.. .o3,ooo,ooo. Capital Paid-up 600,000. K«»er?e Fund 25,000. Reserve Liability of Shareholders $2,4(»l>,001). l'»l>ince of Working Account at 3lst Dec 1891 #404,722. THK STRAITS FIUK INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED EsTARLISUEI) ISB6. apital Fully SuUorilxd $2,000,000. Capital Paid-nj 4(K>,(X>O.
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    • 398 2 Robinson Co. Have just received a large shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. All specially mnde for the Tropics and sewu seau:s throughout. NoTICK. J HAVE established myaelf as Estat« Airtnt and Valuer at No. 24, Malacca S»reet. Also will Collect ft'uts *n>l effo;t Sale^ Mfcl IfoHgafti on Vessels an
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    • 114 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Have just rcceirod tho following: WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Largo stock of Heavy," 44 Medium, 1 and "Light" MACHINERY OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, I to throw from 1,600 to 6,000 gallons per hour. SPONG S PATENT KNIFE CLKANERS, Save Timo, Knives Money. Xo house should
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    • 495 2 NOTICE. Mr. E D. Woodford is no longer j m the employment of this office, and is not entitled to collect any account* 1 due to it. J. GrtAHAM. Manager, Daily Advertiser." Singapore, 16th May, 1894. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. J^OTICE is hereby given that the Registration and Licensing of dotfu within
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 93 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Thursday 17th. High Water 9 am ,'J p.m. l^idy Ajiteheli -At Hook.* 1 Fkiday 18th. High Water 9.9 a.m., 9.35 p.m. Ass«>eciation Football b. C C. v. Ortieery Garrison, l^and, Esplanade ."> p in. SATYUDaY 19TH. Hk'h Water 10.;5.^ a m 10.7 p.m. Fall Moon. Circus, i.30
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  • 588 3 MR. GLADSTONE'S PLANS FOR THE FUTURE. IH g Uet kfy Sun has just published rig following irom "One who Knows": y\ r Gladstone's plans for the future the subject of so much specula|e as well as outside the walla H ium et Commons that the mo- >•: 6 inappropriate toindi-
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  • 55 3 v V rk, April 13.— Iotb«Domi». Common! a division has length taken upon Sir R Cartunendmont to th-^ (jrovern- t Bill, which Jeelared that i d be levied tor revenue "ii'y. The rota was taken '■'-"i'A, tlie l-'r.;e Traders being '-1 '■> a btr^e raijority. The baa
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  • 91 3 PRESENTATION A ROYAL HUMANE SOCIETY'S MEDAL. j April i;h m presence of a full troopt at Hamilton Barlottel Lynch, commandinij jc.il regitnentil di>tricts, presen- W. S..,rgH D.ekeus, 2d Hl^hUnd L-l.t Infantry, v inliope ffold meld, which irded tol.im by the Royal Society for the greatest act itry bn u^ht to
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  • 67 3 J of appeal before the full ln fl >!iKkoa»c it bu been dteU--1 kpium Farmi-r h bound iw as other ue tiers and n, and ti cm: against ••'I- Opium luring pro«J* 1»- -us, winch u-.ts &mw*& Ma^ittrnte, has teen seal retried. The Termer mainicceieWljr throt^k his
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  • 258 3 The s. s. v Nt«rva*a," arrived Irom Newcastle HA \V. this morning, witn I 4,425 tons of coal, a number of horses I ami ponias. She has als> vine Euro- pean passengers for Calcutta. The Col. Steamer Sea Balle arriv- ed irom Malicca this tn >nnn«j, bringing
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  • 101 3 The rreneh Jud^"-i and prosecuting Counsel :ire expected m Bangkok by the Ptmmier ca or f\bo it the 17 inst. The Siamese have eueetfeded m obtaiuinj the servic** of a French barrister M. LKival "to defend] the aeeused Phra Vot. THh Porter l>el!ew Company have been drawing crowded
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  • 187 3 At the Assizje yesterday Benjamin Altr.i !is, lately haul postman iv the General \'o=i ().n-e, pled guilty to t rt/i,j_f and altering ti jures an 1 thereby cheating and obtaining money on false pretesce?, while m the employ of the Post Office. Sentence wis deferred u.uil to-day and
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  • 100 3 Thk Ottabroaght against Mdlle. Bjb for c;u"hv to lions Ins been dismissed ai the WeStOUnslef i'olice Court, tho ma^Utrato holding that lions di i Dot come within the m -ailing of the Act for the Prevention ot Craeltj to AuimaU The Society bait apoealed against tho dotation,
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  • 406 3 In reply to a qu^.ion m lM Hjuse of Commons, Sir B. Grey aaid This report has beon received b:it I state 1 last MMk it cannot bd rog irded us disposing tinally of the question, either of fact or principle, witu regard to the only point arising out
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  • 221 3 Thi Ameor has promptly availed himself of the permission given by Sir Mortimer LWant on bebdf jf t!»e Government ot" India to import arms thronub their territory. Mr. Martin, the Ameer's Cileutta a>/eut, h:is I hear, arrived In town this week for 1 the
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  • 333 3 Sinin Free Fr- g* May or I Tha Soeialta I'"- C of May l*t h.is pivve-J a fiasco throughout Europe. Serious riot'.u,; OCCCtred at Gratz m Austahu, ttunme iv B.'lijiuiu, and Cleveland iv the United States, The saw mill m Bw .Toulon Arsenal has been destroyed by tire,
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  • 1212 3 A Chinese Statesman on the Emigration Law. The following is a rather free tran sialion of a memorial addrrs«e I to tlu Emperor of China by Sieh Ta jen, recommending tne repeal of the la i a^.'iust Chinese emigrating; to torei^i parts: I) irin^ the reigns Slum Cvi L 644
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  • 259 3 Singapore, 15th May, 1894. I. Orderly officer for this and ensuing week. Lieut. D.ivies. Orderly Sergeant for this and ensuing week. Sergt. Ormiston. 11. In view of the purade m honour cf Her Majesty's Birthday, the iollowing parades will take place. Friday 18th ft Port
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  • 367 3 Dalam ampat bulan mi, ada anamblas api di Hongkong, hirija ying api iui sudah bakarkan a^ak ada $2^2,000, harta iai ada insure 821)2,000. Rajaei Sarawak sudah kluar khabar, yang Governor Sir Charles Mitchell sudah menjadi Consul-Geaeral Queen di neijri Sarawak. Municipal Office sudah kluar khabar, yan<; license
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  • 90 3 Kit.v bharu sudah Mrbot, yan^ Chon^tiik (Viceroy) di Fox-how mau tahaokan oraii^ membikin teli paJ«o. Skaran^ la>tai sudah kluar su r at, bri ingat kapada sumui radagar teh, mintak dia-oran<4 ptgffl buat krrja mi, St. bib tea palsu boleli loaak ;an badan oran*; yang minum. D.iiam
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  • 81 3 Case Mr. Nasan, Sejretary (Jonsul General China, pas i p^ucharik misuk ruinahuya di Kunpon^ I k nlu dan suuah tatak dia ba^itu teroK, imp. r dia mati, mi pagi sudah biehara. Fung Via Wcn^ k -ni 20 taun jail, lain ampat urau^ latNM, Lima lima oran^ mi orang
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  • 186 3 ('H MOTOK Nankin <; he ran satu oran?, inaoham tnacham khabir ala pajaj ilia. Satu kh.ibar biLfng", kabesarunnya bharu sudah kena luchut. I.a m satu khabar pulak bi'.'in^. Li Haug' Chang sudah bikin case atasnya dan luJah antar ca?enya pogi sama R,ij ih. Skaraii^ la^i s;»tu k labar
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 165 3 A 4" Theodolite by ELLIOT BROS., London, m £ood order, as good as new, Trice Moderate. Also a ne-.v Stxtant, by I3ARKBR Sons, London, m Sqnan box. Apply to Surveyor" c/o this Ortijo Singapore, lvth May, 1994 v.c. Just Published. Nfav and Revved Edition. ENGLISH MALAY VOCABULARY BY F. A.
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    • 20 3 BfAU Bu. C ATT Ku la Australia kecbil. bolch tawak lootok k.ij.;uh MagntruU gombor tata di Police. May i. U.:*
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    • 379 3 BRIGHT CELESTIALS, \ming tho Chinamnn at Homo and Abroad, BY JOHN COMING CHINAMAN, (London, T. Fi her Uswis ISM.) May le had from Messrs. Kelly Walsh, OR Messrs. John Little <& Co. Crown Hvo. H. 2.">. :o BOMK P R KS S OI'IXION'S. London Daily Ttlcgraph: "TnU book is one
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 330 3 MAIL NOTICE. IIAILJ WILL CLOSE TO-MORRO. KOK Sourabavfi I«nm, 11 a n Labuan. (i iva. Kulat, and S^aiaakMa, Bill jt'riiiASsin, N<MM M:ilaccn. I'ort l>iekson and Klan^, Sri P.'^ata-r 3 p in MaUrc.i, Fort Dickson, Teluk Aasou. Will O* the Wisp. 'A j> vi SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MEX-OF-WAU IS THE HVRBMJR British
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 336 4 MoAlister Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pumps Hoinke Co's three throw Diving Pumps always m Stock. ALSO Diving Hose, Una Leathers, Dresses, Boots, Repairing Cloth, Solution. Underclothing, &c. &c. Me /\L:STER CO Earthenware Dbaih (Hongkong Brick and Cement Coy. A," I," I^." 1 diameter. Also Bends
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    • 228 4 John Little Co. SOLE AGENTS. Onspltte {.-ioe Kntl funvarded on application, from which we allow a Discount of 20 00. for fitfe j B nji f Vr->^ \s^~^ \St» huve 1 hrge assortment of Bedroom, Dining Room, and Drawin- Room furniture. Complete estimates for House Furnishing forwarded on applies: 1
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    • 741 4 tnnv Vav A. FRANKEL, Look lan Kit, 375 Vlotopla str et Dentist. No. io, South Br.dok Road. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronage of BEGS lo inform the Ladim and Gentf-kmes SIR CECIL CLEMEXTI SMITH, of Singapore, lhat he lias arrival from G.C.M.G., China for the pu'po^ of
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    • 590 4 J. MOTION CO Watohmakers, Jewellers, We have noxr on han 1 Urn !> «:f Watches of eferj deacripti D strait?, guaranteed for 1 v,. Hr tn .i confidently recommend our R °9kopf JEWELLEKY. IS carat and 15 carat CJOLI) »'ilA!\ DIAMOND Jl\vl; 1 f Teletcopes and Ffeld-fflas 1 reput?, Kej»i«
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